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Extraction of troponin C (TnC) from skinned muscle fibers reduces maximum Ca2+ and rigor cross-bridge (RXB)-activated tensions and reduces cooperativity between neighboring regulatory units (one troponin-tropomyosin complex and the seven associated actins) of thin filaments. This suggests that TnC has a determining role in RXB, as well as in Ca(2+)-dependent activation processes. To investigate this possibility further, we replaced fast TnC (fTnC) of rabbit psoas fibers with either CaM[3,4TnC] or cardiac TnC (cTnC) and compared the effects of these substitutions on Ca2+ and RXB activation of tension. CaM[3,4TnC] substitution has the same effect on Ca(2+)- and RXB-activated tensions; they are reduced 50%, and cooperativity between regulatory units is reduced 40%. cTnC substitution also reduces the maximum Ca(2+)-activated tension and cooperativity. But with RXB activation the effects on tension and cooperativity are opposite; cTnC substitution potentiates tension but reduces cooperativity. We considered whether tension potentiation could be explained by increased activation by cycling cross-bridges (CXBs), but the concerted transition formalism predicts fibers will fail to relax in high substrate and high pCa when CXBs are activator ligands. It predicts resting tension, which is not observed in either control or cTnC-substituted fibers. Rather, it appears that cTnC facilitates RXB activation of fast fibers more effectively than fTnC. The order of RXB-activated tension facilitation is cTnC > fTnC > CaM[3,4TnC] > empty TnC-binding sites. Comparison of the structures of fTnC, CaM[3,4TnC], and cTnC indicates that the critical region for this property lies in the central helix or N-terminal domain, including EF hand motifs 1 and 2.  相似文献   

The regulation by calcium and rigor-bound myosin-S1 of the rate of acceleration of 2'-deoxy-3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)ADP (mdADP) release from myosin-mdADP-P(i) by skeletal muscle thin filaments (reconstituted from actin-tropomyosin-troponin) was measured using double mixing stopped-flow fluorescence with the nucleotide substrate 2'-deoxy-3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl). The predominant mechanism of regulation is the acceleration of product dissociation by a factor of approximately 200 by thin filaments in the fully activated conformation (bound calcium and rigor S1) relative to the inhibited conformation (no bound calcium or rigor S1). In contrast, only 2-3-fold regulation is due to a change in actin affinity such as would be expected by "steric blocking" of the myosin binding site of the thin filament by tropomyosin. The binding of one ligand (either calcium or rigor-S1) produces partial activation of the rate of product dissociation, but the binding of both is required to maximally accelerate product dissociation to a rate similar to that obtained with F-actin in the absence of regulatory proteins. The data support an allosteric regulation model in which the binding of either calcium or rigor S1 alone to the thin filament shifts the equilibrium in favor of the active conformation, but full activation requires binding of both ligands.  相似文献   

X-ray intensity data to 1.8 Å resolution were collected from native trigonal crystals of bovine trypsinogen. The orientation and position of the trypsinogen molecules within their crystal cells were determined by Patterson search techniques using the refined model of bovine trypsin (Bode &; Schwager, 1975), and by subsequent R factor refinement. The translation functions allowed discrimination between the enantiomorphic space groups P3221 and P3121. After one constrained crystallographic refinement cycle, which reduced the crystallographic reliability factor (R) from 35% to 31%, a preliminary difference Fourier map showed several interesting details. Several refinement cycles reduced the value of R to 23%. The overall chain folding is very similar to trypsin. The chain segments, including residues 184 to 1932 and 217 to 223, which form the specificity pocket in trypsin, are flexible in trypsinogen. The autolysis loop is partially mobile between residues 142 and 152. There is no continuing electron density for the N terminal residues preceding Tyr20. This indicates that the N terminus may be only weakly fixed to the rest of the molecule or may even float freely in solution.  相似文献   

Troponin is the regulatory protein of striated muscle. Without Ca2+, the contraction of striated muscle is inhibited. Binding of Ca2+ to troponin activates contraction. The location of troponin on the thin filaments and its relation to the regulatory mechanism has been unknown, though the Ca2+-induced dislocation of tropomyosin has been studied. By binding troponin(C+I) to actin in an almost stoichiometric ratio and reconstituting actin-tropomyosin-troponin(C+I) filaments, we reconstructed the three-dimensional structure of actin-tropomyosin-troponin(C+I) with or without Ca2+ from electron cryomicrographs to about 2.5 or 3 nm resolution, respectively. Without Ca2+, the three-dimensional map reveals the extra-density region due to troponin(C+I), which extends perpendicularly to the helix axis and covers the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of actin. In the presence of Ca2+, the C-terminal region of actin became more exposed, and troponin(C+I) became V-shaped with one arm extending towards the pointed end of the actin filament. This structure can be considered to show the location of troponin(C+I) in at least one of the states of skeletal muscle thin filaments. These Ca2+-induced changes of troponin(C+I) provide a clue to the regulatory mechanism of contraction.  相似文献   

X-ray patterns from frog skeletal muscles at rest show a series of relatively weak meridional reflections which may be indexed as the 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 orders of the repeat period of about 2 x 385 A. According to the model of the thin filaments structure, suggested by V. V. Lednev and G. M. Frank (1977), this period is specific for the activated or "switched on" state of the actin--containing filaments. At the same time, according to the generally accepted model (suggested in 1972), the axial repeat period of the thin filament structure is approximately equal to 385 A and does not depend on the functional state of the muscle. The existence of the repeat period of about 2 x 385 A in the thin filaments of a resting muscle suggests that even at rest the thin filaments of vertebrate skeletal muscle are not completely inhibited. It may be suggested that partial activation of the thin filaments in a resting muscle is the result of formation of long life rigorlike crossbridges, the existence of which was postulated by D. K. Hill in 1968 on the basis of his studies on resting tension in the frog skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A conformational change accompanying Ca2+ binding to troponin C (TnC) constitutes the initial event in contractile regulation of vertebrate striated muscle. We replaced endogenous TnC in single skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle with a modified form of cardiac TnC (cTnC) which, unlike native cTnC, probably contains an intramolecular disulfide bond. We found that such activating TnC (aTnC) enables force generation and shortening in the absence of calcium. With aTnC, both force and shortening velocity were the same at pCa 9.2 and pCa 4.0. aTnc could not be extracted under conditions which resulted in extraction of endogenous TnC. Thus, aTnC provides a stable model for structural studies of a calcium binding protein in the active conformation as well as a useful tool for physiological studies on the primary and secondary effects of Ca2+ on the molecular kinetics of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

It was shown previously that a significant fraction of the myosin crossbridges is attached to actin in the skinned rabbit psoas fibers under relaxed conditions at low ionic strength and low temperature (Brenner, B., M. Schoenberg, J. M. Chalovich, L. E. Greene, and E. Eisenberg. 1982. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 79:7288-7291; Brenner, B., L. C. Lu, and R. J. Podolsky. 1984. Biophys. J. 46:299-306). In the present work, the structure of the attached crossbridges in the relaxed state between ionic strengths of 20 and 100 mM, as compared with that in the rigor state, is further examined by equatorial x-ray diffraction. Mass distributions projected along the fiber axis are reconstructed based on the first five equatorial reflections such that the spatial resolution is 128 A. The fraction of crossbridges attached under relaxed conditions are estimated to be in the range of 30% (at 100 mM ionic strength) and 60% (at 20 mM). The reconstructed density maps suggest that in the relaxed state, upon attachment the part of the crossbridge that centers around the thin filament is small, and the attachment does not significantly alter the center of mass of the myosin head distribution around the thick filament backbone. In contrast, accretion of mass in the rigor state occurs in a wider region surrounding the thin filament. In this case, mass in the surface region of the thick filament backbone is shifted slightly outward, probably by approximately 10 A. A schematic model for interpreting the present data is presented.  相似文献   

Calcium controls the level of muscle activation via interactions with the troponin complex. Replacement of the native, skeletal calcium-binding subunit of troponin, troponin C, with mixtures of functional cardiac and mutant cardiac troponin C insensitive to calcium and permanently inactive provides a novel method to alter the number of myosin cross-bridges capable of binding to the actin filament. Extraction of skeletal troponin C and replacement with functional and mutant cardiac troponin C were used to evaluate the relationship between the extent of thin filament activation (fractional calcium binding), isometric force, and the rate of force generation in muscle fibers independent of the calcium concentration. The experiments showed a direct, linear relationship between force and the number of cross-bridges attaching to the thin filament. Further, above 35% maximal isometric activation, following partial replacement with mixtures of cardiac and mutant troponin C, the rate of force generation was independent of the number of actin sites available for cross-bridge interaction at saturating calcium concentrations. This contrasts with the marked decrease in the rate of force generation when force was reduced by decreasing the calcium concentration. The results are consistent with hypotheses proposing that calcium controls the transition between weakly and strongly bound cross-bridge states.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the troponin C from skeletal muscle of the frog Rana esculenta has been determined. The amino acid sequence was deduced from amino acid determinations of peptides obtained after cleavage with cyanogen bromide. Overlapping peptides were isolated from tryptic digests of performic-acid-oxidized troponin C and phthalylated performic-acid-oxidized troponin C. All overlaps have been determined except for the Arg-Ile sequence at position 103--104, which has been obtained by comparison with homologous troponins C. Frog troponin C consists of one polypeptide chain containing 152 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight is 18299. There is a single cysteine residue at position 101 and a single tyrosine residue at position 112. No histidine or tryptophan residues are present. The amino-terminal amino acid is N-acetylated. The homology of frog troponin C with other skeletal and cardiac troponin C is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The rate constant of tension redevelopment (ktr; 1986. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83:3542-3546) was determined at various levels of thin filament activation in skinned single fibers from mammalian fast twitch muscles. Activation was altered by (a) varying the concentration of free Ca2+ in the activating solution, or (b) extracting various amounts of troponin C (TnC) from whole troponin complexes while keeping the concentration of Ca2+ constant. TnC was extracted by bathing the fiber in a solution containing 5 mM EDTA, 10 mM HEPES, and 0.5 mM trifluoperazine dihydrochloride. Partial extraction of TnC resulted in a decrease in the Ca2+ sensitivity of isometric tension, presumably due to disruption of near-neighbor molecular cooperativity between functional groups (i.e., seven actin monomers plus associated troponin and tropomyosin) within the thin filament. Altering the level of thin filament activation by partial extraction of TnC while keeping Ca2+ concentration constant tested whether the Ca2+ sensitivity of ktr results from a direct effect of Ca2+ on cross-bridge state transitions or, alternatively, an indirect effect of Ca2+ on these transitions due to varying extents of thin filament activation. Results showed that the ktr-pCa relation was unaffected by partial extraction of TnC, while steady-state isometric tension exhibited the expected reduction in Ca2+ sensitivity. This finding provides evidence for a direct effect of Ca2+ on an apparent rate constant that limits the formation of force-bearing cross-bridge states in muscle fibers. Further, the kinetics of this transition are unaffected by disruption of near-neighbor thin filament cooperativity subsequent to extraction of TnC. Finally, the results support the idea that the steepness of the steady-state isometric tension-calcium relationship is at least in part due to mechanisms involving molecular cooperativity among thin filament regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Troponin (Tn) plays the key roles in the regulation of striated muscle contraction. Tn consists of three subunits (TnT, TnC, and TnI). In combination with the stopped-flow method, fluorescence resonance energy transfer between probes attached to Cys-60 or Cys-250 of TnT and Cys-374 of actin was measured to determine the rates of switching movement of the troponin tail domain (Cys-60) and of the TnT-TnI coiled-coil C terminus (Cys-250) between three states (relaxed, closed, and open) of the thin filament. When the free Ca(2+) concentration was rapidly changed, these domains moved with rates of approximately 450 and approximately 85 s(-1) at pH 7.0 on Ca(2+) up and down, respectively. When myosin subfragment 1 (S1) was dissociated from thin filaments by rapid mixing with ATP, these domains moved with a single rate constant of approximately 400 s(-1) in the presence and absence of Ca(2+). The light scattering measurements showed that ATP-induced S1 dissociation occurred with a rate constant >800 s(-1). When S1 was rapidly mixed with the thin filament, these domains moved with almost the same or slightly faster rates than those of S1 binding measured by light scattering. In most but not all aspects, the rates of movement of the troponin tail domain and of the TnT-TnI coiled-coil C terminus were very similar to those of certain TnI sites (N terminus, Cys-133, and C terminus) previously characterized (Shitaka, Y., Kimura, C., Iio, T., and Miki, M. (2004) Biochemistry 43, 10739-10747), suggesting that a series of conformational changes in the Tn complex during switching on or off process occurs synchronously.  相似文献   

Muscle needs an elastic framework to maintain its mechanical stability. Removal of thin filaments in rabbit skeletal muscle with plasma gelsolin has revealed the essential features of elastic filaments. The selective removal of thin filaments was confirmed by staining with phalloidin-rhodamine for fluorescence microscopy, examination of arrowhead formation with myosin subfragment 1 by electron microscopy, and analysis by SDS-PAGE. Thin section electron microscopy revealed the elastic fine filaments (approximately 4 nm in diameter) connecting thick filaments and the Z line. After removal of thin filaments, both rigor stiffness and active tension generation were lost, but the resting tension remained. These observations indicate that the thin filament-free fibers maintain a framework composed of the serial connections of thick filaments, the elastic filaments, and the Z line, which gives passive elasticity to the contractile system of skeletal muscle. The resting tension that remained in the thin filament-free fibers was decreased by mild trypsin treatment. The only protein component that was digested in parallel with the decrease in the resting tension and the disappearance of the elastic filaments was alpha-connectin (also called titin 1), which was transformed from the alpha to the beta form (from titin 1 to 2, respectively). Thus, we conclude that the main protein component of the elastic filaments is alpha-connectin (titin 1).  相似文献   

Fast and slow/cardiac troponin C (TnC) are the two different isoforms of TnC. Expression of these isoforms is developmentally regulated in vertebrate skeletal muscle. Therefore, in our studies, the pattern of their expression was analyzed by determining the steady-state levels of both TnC mRNAs. It was also examined if mRNAs for both isoforms of TnC were efficiently translated during chicken skeletal muscle development. We have used different methods to determine the steady-state levels of TnC mRNAs. First, probes specific for the fast and slow TnC mRNAs were developed using a 390 base pair (bp) and a 255 bp long fragment, of the full-length chicken fast and slow TnC cDNA clones, respectively. Our analyses using RNA-blot technique showed that fast TnC mRNA was the predominant isoform in embryonic chicken skeletal muscle. Following hatching, a significant amount of slow TnC mRNA began to accumulate in the skeletal (pectoralis) muscle. At 43 weeks posthatching, the slow TnC mRNA was nearly as abundant as the fast isoform. Furthermore, a majority of both slow and fast TnC mRNAs was found to be translationally active. A second method allowed a more reliable measure of the relative abundance of slow and fast TnC mRNAs in chicken skeletal muscle. We used a common highly conserved 18-nucleotide-long sequence towards the 5'-end of these mRNAs to perform primer extension analysis of both mRNAs in a single reaction. The result of these analyses confirmed the predominance of fast TnC mRNA in the embryonic skeletal muscle, while significant accumulation of slow TnC mRNA was observed in chicken breast (pectoralis) muscle following hatching. In addition to primer extension analysis, polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the fast and slow TnC mRNAs from cardiac and skeletal muscle. Analysis of the amplified products demonstrated the presence of significant amounts of slow TnC mRNA in the adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Contraction of skeletal and cardiac muscles is regulated by Ca(2+) binding to troponin in the actin-containing thin filaments, leading to an azimuthal movement of tropomyosin around the filament that uncovers the myosin binding sites on actin. Here, we use polarized fluorescence to determine the orientation of the C-terminal lobe of troponin C (TnC) in skeletal muscle cells as a step toward elucidating the molecular mechanism of troponin-mediated regulation. Assuming, as shown by X-ray crystallography, that this lobe of TnC is part of a well-defined troponin domain called the IT arm, we show that the coiled coil formed by troponin components I and T makes an angle of about 55° with the thin filament axis in relaxed muscle, in contrast with previous models based on electron microscopy in which this angle is close to 0°. The E helix of TnC makes an angle of about 45° with the thin filament axis. Both the IT coiled coil and the TnC E helix tilt by about 10° on muscle activation. By combining in situ measurements of the orientation of the IT arm and regulatory domain of troponin, which together form the troponin core complex, with published intermolecular distances between thin filament components, we derive models of thin filament structure in which the IT arm of troponin holds its regulatory domain close to the actin surface. Although the structure and function of troponin regions outside the core complex remain to be characterized, the present results provide useful constraints for molecular models of the mechanism of muscle regulation.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) with a molar excess of actin in vitro reveals the presence of an actin-S1-actin complex. It is absolutely essential that actin be present in molar excess over S1 so that the decoration of F-actin with S1 be incomplete. However, the excess of actin may not be available in the overlap zone of sarcomeres of skeletal muscle. We therefore found it necessary to test for the presence of the actin-S1-actin complex in vivo. Myofibrils from rabbit skeletal muscle were reacted with zero-length cross-linker, the products were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analyzed by Western blots using antibodies against actin and against heavy and light chains of myosin. The cross-linking produced the evidence of formation of actin-S1-actin complex.  相似文献   

Regulation of skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction is associated with structural changes of the thin filament-based proteins, troponin consisting of three subunits (TnC, TnI, and TnT), tropomyosin, and actin, triggered by Ca2+-binding to TnC. Knowledge of in situ structures of these proteins is indispensable for elucidating the molecular mechanism of this Ca2+-sensitive regulation. Here, the in situ structure of TnC within the thin filaments was investigated with neutron scattering, combined with selective deuteration and the contrast matching technique. Deuterated TnC (dTnC) was first prepared, this dTnC was then reconstituted into the native thin filaments, and finally neutron scattering patterns of these reconstituted thin filaments containing dTnC were measured under the condition where non-deuterated components were rendered "invisible" to neutrons. The obtained scattering curves arising only from dTnC showed distinct difference in the absence and presence of Ca2+. These curves were analyzed by model calculations using the Monte Carlo method, in which inter-dTnC interference was explicitly taken into consideration. The model calculation showed that in situ radius of gyration of TnC was 23 A (99% confidence limits between 22 A and 23 A) and 24 A (99% confidence limits between 23 A and 25 A) in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, indicating that TnC within the thin filaments assumes a conformation consistent with the extended dumbbell structure, which is different from the structures found in the crystals of various Tn complexes. Elongation of TnC by binding of Ca2+ was also suggested. Furthermore, the radial position of TnC within the thin filament was estimated to be 53 A (99% confidence limits between 49 A and 57 A) and 49 A (99% confidence limits between 44 A and 53 A) in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, suggesting that this radial movement of TnC by 4A is associated with large conformational changes of the entire Tn molecule by binding of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The mechanical compliance (reciprocal of stiffness) of thin filaments was estimated from the relative compliance of single, skinned muscle fibers in rigor at sarcomere lengths between 1.8 and 2.4 micron. The compliance of the fibers was calculated as the ratio of sarcomere length change to tension change during imposition of repetitive cycles of small stretches and releases. Fiber compliance decreased as the sarcomere length was decreased below 2.4 micron. The compliance of the thin filaments could be estimated from this decrement because in this range of lengths overlap between the thick and thin filaments is complete and all of the myosin heads bind to the thin filament in rigor. Thus, the compliance of the overlap region of the sarcomere is constant as length is changed and the decrease in fiber compliance is due to decrease of the nonoverlap length of the thin filaments (the I band). The compliance value obtained for the thin filaments implies that at 2.4-microns sarcomere length, the thin filaments contribute approximately 55% of the total sarcomere compliance. Considering that the sarcomeres are approximately 1.25-fold more compliant in active isometric contractions than in rigor, the thin filaments contribute approximately 44% to sarcomere compliance during isometric contraction.  相似文献   

We have used the method of three-dimensional image reconstruction of electron micrographs to analyse the structure of thin filaments and pure F-actin filaments decorated with myosin subfragment-1. To help improve on the earlier work of Moore et al. (1970), we have obtained all our data using minimal electron dose procedures to reduce radiation damage. Modifications in the specimen preparation have enabled us to process straight stretches of filament twice as long as any used in the earlier work, resulting in a corresponding improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio and the resolution. The results show significant changes in the density distribution in the region near the axis of the structure. Compared with the earlier model, the reconstructions show the presence of extra density close to the axis of the particle. We present a case for identifying actin with the density in this region, rather than with the density at higher radius previously designated as actin. This new assignment for the position of actin within the decorated filament structure leads to a radical change in the geometry of the model for myosin subfragment-lactin interaction. Furthermore, by comparing the features that we identify as actin with the reconstructed images of undecorated thin filaments published by Wakabayashi et al. (1975), we conclude that the polarity that has previously been assumed for the thin filament is incorrect. When the thin filament polarity is reversed, the position that tropomyosin is believed to occupy in the active state coincides with a weakly resolved feature in our reconstructions of decorated thin filaments. These findings, involving a reversal of thin filament polarity combined with the change in the geometry of myosin subfragment-1-actin interaction, allow a revised steric blocking model to be constructed.  相似文献   

Troponin C was isolated from the skeletal muscle of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), and its relative molecular mass was estimated to be 18,000 by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In its amino acid composition, bullfrog troponin C was similar to that of the frog (Rana esculenta) but different from that of rabbit. Its ultraviolet spectrum was consistent with its amino acid composition. The ultraviolet difference spectrum of the Ca(2+)-loaded form vs. the metal-free form indicated that the single Tyr residue and some Phe residues in the bullfrog troponin C molecule were affected by the conformational change associated with Ca2+ binding. On electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in 14 mM Tris and 90 mM glycine, the metal-free and Mg(2+)-loaded forms migrated slower than the Ca(2+)-loaded form. The property is shared by rabbit troponin C but not parvalbumins or calmodulin. The ATPase activity of CDTA-treated myofibrils reconstituted with bullfrog troponin C showed the same Ca(2+)- and Sr(2+)-sensitivity as that of those reconstituted with rabbit troponin C. Bullfrog troponin C is, thus, physiologically the same as rabbit troponin C, in spite of several marked differences in their physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Electron tomography, correspondence analysis, molecular model building, and real-space refinement provide detailed 3-D structures for in situ myosin crossbridges in the nucleotide-free state (rigor), thought to represent the end of the power stroke. Unaveraged tomograms from a 25-nm longitudinal section of insect flight muscle preserved native structural variation. Recurring crossbridge motifs that repeat every 38.7 nm along the actin filament were extracted from the tomogram and classified by correspondence analysis into 25 class averages, which improved the signal to noise ratio. Models based on the atomic structures of actin and of myosin subfragment 1 were rebuilt to fit 11 class averages. A real-space refinement procedure was applied to quantitatively fit the reconstructions and to minimize steric clashes between domains introduced during the fitting. These combined procedures show that no single myosin head structure can fit all the in situ crossbridges. The validity of the approach is supported by agreement of these atomic models with fluorescent probe data from vertebrate muscle as well as with data from regulatory light chain crosslinking between heads of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin when bound to actin.  相似文献   

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