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Most of the Nordic region was ice-covered during the last (Weichselian) glaciation. During the postglacial period, plant and animal species recolonized the region from several directions and the geographic structuring of genetic variation within Nordic species may still contain a historic component that reflects patterns of postglacial immigration. The present investigation of 69 populations of Silene dioica represents the first large-scale allozyme study of a widespread herbaceous plant in the Nordic region. Although the frequencies of individual alleles showed a range of different geographic patterns, mapping of the axis scores from an ordination of variation at eight polymorphic loci revealed a division into two main geographic groups of populations. The broadly south-western and north-eastern distributions of these two groups of populations suggest that immigration into the region may have involved both eastern and southern geographic sources. However, the geographic boundaries between the two groups of populations are diffuse, and the relatively low between-population component of genetic diversity (GST = 16.4%) suggests a history of extensive gene dispersal by pollen.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 23–34.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Among-population differentiation in phenotypic traits and allelic variation is expected as a consequence of isolation, drift, founder effects and local selection. Therefore, investigating molecular and quantitative genetic divergence is a pre-requisite for studies of local adaptation in response to selection under variable environmental conditions. METHODS: Among- and within-population variation were investigated in six geographically separated European populations of the white campion, Silene latifolia, both for molecular variation at six newly developed microsatellite loci and for quantitative variation in morphological and life-history traits. To avoid confounding effects of the maternal environment, phenotypic traits were measured on greenhouse-reared F(1) offspring. Tests were made for clinal variation, and the correlations among molecular, geographic and phenotypic distances were compared with Mantel tests. KEY RESULTS: The six populations of Silene latifolia investigated showed significant molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation. Geographic and phenotypic distances were significantly associated. Age at first flowering increased significantly with latitude and exhibited a Q(st) value of 0.17 in females and 0.10 in males, consistent with adaptation to local environmental conditions. By contrast, no evidence of isolation-by-distance and no significant association between molecular and phenotypic distances were found. CONCLUSIONS: Significant molecular genetic divergence among populations of Silene latifolia, from the European native range is consistent with known limited seed and pollen flow distances, while significant quantitative genetic divergence among populations and clinal variation for age at first flowering suggest local adaptation.  相似文献   

Buide ML 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):289-297
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The floral display influences the composition of pollinators interacting with a plant species. Geographic and temporal variation in pollinator composition complicates the understanding of the evolutionary consequences of floral display variation. This paper analyses the relationships between Silene acutifolia, a hermaphroditic perennial herb, and its pollinators, based on field studies in the north-west of Spain. METHODS: Studies were conducted over three years (1997-1999). Firstly, the main pollinators of this species were determined for two years in one population. Secondly, pollen limitation in fruit and seed production was analysed by supplementary hand pollinations, and counting the pollen grains and tubes growing in styles for two different-sized populations. Finally, the effect of flower size and number on the rate of visitation and total seed number was examined for 15 marked plants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The primary pollinators were long-tongued insects, including Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, but the composition and visitation frequencies differed between years. Pollen limitation occurred in one of the years of study. There was between-population variation in the number of pollen grains and pollen tubes found in styles, suggesting pollen limitation in one population. Overall, pollinators visited plants with more open flowers more frequently, and pollinated more flowers within these plants. Conversely, petal and calyx sizes had no effect on insect visitation. Plants with higher rates of visits produced higher number of seeds, suggesting that pollinator-mediated limitation of seed and fruit production may be important in some years.  相似文献   

Silene hifacensis is a narrowly endemicplant, restricted to a few small populations onlimestone cliffs in the Spanish province ofAlicante and on the Balearic island of Ibiza.The species was collected to extinction in itsoriginal mainland location by the early 20thcentury. Attempts have been made to reintroduceS. hifacensis to this area butconservation efforts are limited by a lack ofinformation on the geographic structure ofgenetic variation in the species. We usednuclear (allozyme) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)PCR/RFLP markers to investigate the structureof genetic variation in 2 mainland and 6 Ibizanpopulations. Levels of allozyme variation werelow, with a mean of 2 alleles per polymorphiclocus. Mean (over polymorphic loci) totalallozyme diversity (Htot) was 0.203 and meanwithin-population diversity (Hpop) was 0.085. Mostdiversity was explained by thebetween-population diversity component (Gpop.reg =57%). Both mainland populations showedallozyme fixation. Three composite cpDNAhaplotypes were identified. The first is uniqueto a mainland population that is alsoallozymically distinct from all the otherpopulations. The second haplotype is found inthe other mainland population and one Ibizanpopulation: these two populations areallozymically identical. The remaining Ibizanpopulations contain the third haplotype. Thegeographic distribution of allozymes and cpDNAhaplotypes is discussed in terms of populationhistory, dispersal and, speculatively, in termsof the possibility that there has beenundocumented translocation of material betweenpopulations.  相似文献   

Alatalo, J. M. & Molau, U. 1995. Effect of altitude on the sex ratio in populations of Silene acaulis. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 251–256. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Predicted increase of female frequencies in gynodioecious Silene acaulis was tested along an altitude gradient in northern Sweden. Average female frequencies for the four sites increased with altitude from 42% to 59% within a short geographical distance. This follows the outcrossing hypothesis, that female frequencies should be positively correlated with selfing rates of hermaphrodites in populations. More adverse environmental conditions should favour gynodioecy in areas where reproduction to a greater part relies on vegetative reproduction or selfing. Further, a significant difference in corolla width was found between females and the larger hermaphrodites, but not between sites. Cushion size and the number of flowers per cushion decreased with attitude.  相似文献   

Infraspecific variation among European populations of Silene alba and S. dioica was analysed by non-metric multidimensional scaling, which was applied to K-dissimilarity matrices based either on 16 seed characters or on 34 seed, flower and capsule characters. The material used for analysis consisted of 167 collections of wild seed, largely obtained from European botanic gardens, and 97 sets of mature greenhouse-grown progeny. S. alba was found to show topoclinal variation, primarily along an axis from the Iberian peninsula through central Europe to Romania. This pattern is not reflected in current taxonomic treatments. N. and N.W. European S. alba is morphologically heterogeneous and has probably been introduced from various southern sources. S. dioica shows less total variation between populations than S. alba , and consists of local ecogeographic races that intergrade at their margins. The two species are completely discriminated by seed, flower and capsule characters when used in combination, but S. alba populations from the eastern end of the cline closely approach S. dioica in seed morphology. This convergence is unlikely to be an effect of recent introgression.  相似文献   

Gender expression of individual cushions of Silene acaulis was shown to vary between years. Fifteen of thirtnine (= 38%) cushions monitored changed gender expression between 1993 and 1995. Cushions dominated by female flowers were shown to be more stable in gender expression than cushions dominated by male or hermaphrodite flowers.  相似文献   

The evolution of flower size has become a major focus of plant population biology. In order to gain insight into the causal basis for flower-size variation, we have explored the relationship between nuclear DNA content, flower size, and cell size within and among populations of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. We found significant variation among populations for both DNA content and flower size, with a consistent sexual dimorphism within all populations (males have a bigger genome, but smaller flowers). The overall correlation between DNA content and flower size was negative, especially within males. The cell dimensions of calyx and petal cells were not significantly different between the sexes, indicating that females have bigger flowers because they contain more cells. These findings are discussed in the context of nucleotype theory, which predicts a slower growth rate (division rate) for cells with greater DNA content. This leads to the suggestion that males have smaller flowers because of the relatively slow rate of cell division due to their larger genome. It would be of great interest to know whether associated effects on flower size of changes in genome size of the type investigated in the present study can be generalized to other species.  相似文献   

We tested for an association between nectar and various floral traits and investigated their roles as primary and secondary pollinator attractants in hummingbird-pollinated Silene virginica. Our goal was to gain insight into the mechanisms of pollinator-mediated selection that underlies floral trait divergence within the genus. In a field population of S. virginica, we measured five floral and eight vegetative traits and quantified nectar volume, nectar sugar concentration, and total sugar reward (nectar volume × nectar sugar concentration). All three components of nectar reward were positively correlated to flower size, and nectar volume varied significantly among individuals within the population. To ascertain whether the correlation of specific floral traits with nectar reward influences the behavior of the primary pollinator of S. virginica, the ruby-throated hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, we investigated whether A. colubris preferred the expression of floral traits associated with high nectar volume and total sugar reward. We accomplished this by constructing floral arrays consisting of artificial flowers that had equal nectar quantity and total sugar reward but that differed in petal area and corolla tube diameter, which were positively correlated with nectar quantity and total sugar reward in our field study. In observations of visitation frequencies to the various floral-trait combinations, hummingbirds preferentially visited artificial floral phenotypes with larger petal displays, with the greatest preference for floral phenotypes with both larger petals and wider corolla-tube diameters. This association between primary and secondary floral attractants and hummingbird discrimination of floral features supports the concept that the floral traits of S. virginica reflect pollinator-mediated selection by the principal pollinator.  相似文献   

Silene latifolia (white campion) is widespread in W Eurasia and shows clinal variation in seed morphology. Two extensive parapatric races, within which seed morphology changes gradually with geographic distance, are separated by a transition zone where the morphological gradient is steeper. A sample of seeds from across the species' native range was scored for morphological characters and analysed using detrended correspondence analysis ordination and multiple regression, in order to simplify mapping of the variation pattern and to investigate statistical relationships with climatic variables. The transition zone, as defined by ordination scores, follows the convolutions of the 0C isotherm for January mean temperature along its entire length from N Europe to the Middle East. January temperature proved to be a highly significant predictor of seed morphology even after the removal of simple spatial trends. Although the origins of comparable large-scale clines have often been interpreted in historical terms, the result reported here supports a role for climatic selection in maintaining the existing variation pattern.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious species, sex expression is generally determined through cytoplasmic male sterility genes interacting with nuclear restorers of the male function. With dominant restorers, there may be an excess of females in the progeny of self-fertilized compared with cross-fertilized hermaphrodites. Moreover, the effect of inbreeding on late stages of the life cycle remains poorly explored. Here, we used hermaphrodites of the gynodioecious Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Alps to investigate the effects of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on sex ratio and gender variation. We detected an increase in females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for female and male fertility. Male fertility correlated positively with sex ratio differences between outbred and inbred progeny, suggesting that dominant restorers are likely to influence male fertility qualitatively and quantitatively in S. vulgaris. We argue that the excess of females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for gamete production may contribute to the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of the genetic load is less likely to occur.  相似文献   

Floral scent of 13 night-flowering Silene species (Caryophyllaceae) was collected by headspace adsorption and analysed via gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Benzenoids together with isoprenoids dominated the scent in all species. Among the benzenoids, benzaldehyde (Silene subconica 35.5%, Silene succulenta 23.1%, Silene sericea 15.6%, Silene vulgaris 12.2%, and Silene nutans 9.9%), methylbenzoate (Silene saxifraga 96.1%, S. succulenta 15.2%), benzyl acetate (Silene dichotoma 37.8%, S. nutans 30.1%, Silene italica 9.0%, and Silene latifolia 5.5%), or benzyl alcohol (Silene viscosa 36.1%) occur in the largest amounts. p-Cresol is only found in the floral scent of S. dichotoma (28.5%). Among the isoprenoids, monoterpenes occur in the largest amounts (myrcene 23% in Silene chlorantha, trans-β-ocimene 27.2% in S. nutans and 34.9% in S. sericea, fenchyl acetate 12.7% in S. chlorantha, β-linalool 40.5% in S. chlorantha and 14.5% in S. italica). Relatively high amounts of lilac compounds occur in S. latifolia (49.1%), Silene otites (35.7%), S. subconica (15.2%), and S. vulgaris (59.6%). Higher amounts of sesquiterpenes (isoprenoids) were only found in Silene vallesia with β-bourbonene and γ-muurolene.The vast majority of chemicals identified are common components of a wide array of scented angiosperm flowers. Nevertheless, the results conform most strongly with the findings in other night-blooming and/or moth-pollinated flowers. All investigated Silene species follow the general trend of floral scent compounds typical for moth-pollinated flowers, i.e. flowers having acyclic terpene alcohols (e.g. linalool), aromatic alcohols (benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethanol) and esters derived from them, and small amounts of nitrogen-containing compounds.  相似文献   

Flowers that are open for >12 h may be visited by both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. I compared the effectiveness (measured as seed production and pollen movement distance) of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators of Silene alba, a species whose flowers open in evening but close by midmorning the following day. By bagging flowers either during evening hours or during daylight hours or both day and night, I compared seed production caused by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors (mostly sphingid and noctuid moths) produced significantly more seeds than flowers exposed only to diurnal visitors (bees, flies, and wasps). Fluorescent dye applied to anthers moved significantly further and to more stigmas at night than during the day. In both measures of pollination effectiveness, nocturnal-visiting moths are better pollinators of S. alba than are the diurnal-visiting bees, flies, and wasps. These data support the hypothesis that floral phenology is an adaptation to expose flowers to the most effective pollinators.  相似文献   

Eight populations of Silene paradoxa L. (Caryophyllaceae) growing in copper mine deposits, in serpentine outcrops or in uncontaminated soil in central Italy were studied. Genetic diversity was estimated using five polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite loci (cpSSR), identifying 27 different chloroplast haplotypes. The effective number of alleles, the haplotypic diversity and a stepwise mutational model-based parameter (DSH2) were computed. The effective number of alleles observed within populations from copper mine deposits was 20% that of the serpentine neighbouring populations, suggesting the occurrence of a founder effect. Moreover, 13 of the 27 different haplotypes scored were exclusive to only one population, indicating genetic isolation for all tolerant populations. Even the copper-tolerant populations appeared to have evolved independently. Finally, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of the cpSSR markers gave statistical significance to the grouping of populations according to their geographical location. This study demonstrates that cpSSR markers could be a useful complementary tool to isoenzymes or random amplified polymorphic DNA markers for elucidating the pattern of genetic differentiation in heavy metal-tolerant populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some gynodloecious species present not only hermaphrodite and female individuals but also gynomonoecious individuals that produce both female and perfect flowers. In a study of natural populations of Silene italica , we found that gynomonoecious individuals were common in all populations (from 13 to 39%) and that their frequency was independent of the frequency of females. No relationship was found between the number of flowers a plant produced and its sex. The majority of gynomonoecious individuals showed a low proportion of female flowers but all proportions were found. Female flowers of these individuals were well-developed flowers that set fruit as often as female flowers on pure females. The percentage fruit set was characteristic of the type of flowers (around 56% for perfect flowers and 76% for female flowers) whatever the sex of the individual plant. The determination of sex is not known but data indicate that environmental conditions could be responsible for a shift between the hermaphrodite and the gynomonoecious states rather than between the female and the gynomonoecious states.  相似文献   

Silene diclinis is a dioecious perennial herb, restricted to a small area of the SE Spanish province of Valencia. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and morphometric analysis were carried out on cultivated material derived from seed collected from the main population of S. diclinis at Játiva. Only two out of 26 inferred enzyme loci showed substantial variation. There was some indication of population subdivision in both. The esterase locus also showed homozygote excess within the population as a whole and within one subpopulation. Morphological characters showed significant differentiation between subpopulations.
Low allozyme variability characterizes populations of most endemic species that have been investigated. Isolation and historical events may have been as important as population size or edaphic specialization in causing this low variability. But S. diclinis resembles other outbreeding plants in showing population structure and homozygote excess, suggesting restricted within-population gene flow. Mechanisms that may restrict gene flow in S. diclinis include environmentally-induced differences in flowering time, poor seed dispersal and possibly short pollinator foraging distances. Morphological variability and the incidence of developmental abnormalities are speculatively linked with homozygosity. Storage of genetic diversity in space can occur in restricted as well as widespread species and sampling for gene banking should then be spatially representative. Silene diclinis is threatened by continued habitat loss and consequent genetic erosion; its long-term future may depend on the gene bank and the botanic garden.  相似文献   

We investigated allozyme variation in 34 populations of the perennial herb Silene nutans from Sweden and northern Finland, areas that were ice-covered during the last (Weichselian) glaciation. The present geographical structure of genetic variation in S. nutans in Sweden and northern Finland appears to have been mainly shaped by ancient historical processes. Patterns of variation in allele frequencies suggest two major postglacial immigration routes into Sweden, with populations entering the area from both the south and the east and forming a contact zone with admixed populations in central Sweden. While estimates of within-population genetic diversity and allelic richness are significantly correlated with present population size and geographical position (latitude), population size is not correlated with latitude. Low genetic diversity in the northern populations is more likely to have resulted from ancient stochastic events during the process of immigration than from recent population fragmentation. F IS values are high and increase with latitude. Evidence of recent bottlenecks was detected in several southern Swedish populations: these can be interpreted in terms of population fragmentation as a result of anthropogenic disturbance. Soil pH is uncorrelated with population size and position.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 357–371.  相似文献   

Floral scent composition and emission are often related to olfactory abilities, preferences and activity times of pollinating agents. However, most studies have focused on species with one pollinator type, and little is known about species with mixed pollination systems. We investigated the temporal variation in flower visitor activity and flower scent emission of Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae), a species regarded as being nocturnal and pollinated by moths and mosquitoes. We found, however, that S. otites is not only visited at night by moths and mosquitoes, but also by a wide range of day‐active insects. Furthermore, both the intensity and composition of floral scent change during the course of the day. Total scent emission reached its maximum in the early hours of the night when compounds known to be attractants for moths and/or mosquitoes, such as lilac aldehyde, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde and 2‐phenylethanol, dominated the scent. However, although less intensive, emission continued during the day. In the early morning, α‐pinene, hotrienol, 2‐phenylethanol and δ‐3‐carene were the dominant scent compounds. (E)‐β‐Ocimene, hotrienol and benzyl alcohol contributed proportions of at least 10% before midday when flies, such as syrphids, were abundant flower visitors, whereas linalool and hotrienol contributed to the scent with at least 10% each in the afternoon when bees also contributed to flower visits. We conclude that, in S. otites, the changing emission patterns are ‘in tune’ with the olfactory abilities, preferences and activity times of its day‐ and night‐active potentially pollinating flower visitors. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 447–460.  相似文献   

Significant differences in nectar content were observed between hermaphrodite and female plants of the gynomonoecious-gynodioecious taxon, Silene vulgaris, from populations in northern lower Michigan. These differences in nectar sugar content were observable with a carbohydrate digestion technique involving sulfuric acid, phenol, and measurement of the color change with a spectrophotometer. A hand-held refractometer did not provide sufficient resolution to discern differences between the genders. Both genders were similar in the pattern of sugar content of nectar during floral development. A splitplot factorial design revealed significant differences both among individual plants and stages of floral phenology within each gender. The spectrophotometric technique and statistical analysis provided the needed resolution to discern differences between the genders that we relate to pollinator activity, levels of inbreeding depression, and the maintenance of gynodioecy in this taxon.  相似文献   

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