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The species composition, biomass (measured as algal volumes) and chlorophyll concentration of epipelic algae was studies before (1977) and during (1978–1979) fertilization with phosphorus and nitrogen of Lake Gunillajaure, a small subarctic lake in northern Sweden.
The epipelic biomass, dominated by Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, was high (5.6–20.1 cm3 m−2) at all depths in the lake with the highest values in the hypolimnion (8–13.7 m). Calculated over mean depth it was 20 times higher than that of the phytoplankton. There was no significant increase in biomass during fertilization and neither did the species composition change. The chlorophyll concentration on the other hand were significantly higher in late 1978 and in 1979 which was probably an effect of the declining light climate caused by a large phytoplankton development in the lake. Constant seasonal biomass and species composition indicate a perennial epipelic community in this lake.  相似文献   

The production and chlorophyll concentration of epipelic and epilithic algae was measured during four years (1972–1975) in two shallow, Swedish subarctic lakes. One lake (Lake Hymenjaure) was fertilized with phosphorus or a combination of phosphorus and nitrogen while the other (Lake Stugsjön) served as a reference. The benthic algae in both lakes were dominated by Cyanophyceae of the same species during the whole investigation. The chlorophyll concentration of epipelic and epilithic algae was 100 and 20 mg·m–2 respectively and fairly constant during the season. In 1974–1975 there was a significant increase in chlorophyll concentration of the benthic algae in Lake Hymenjaure, probably as a response to the poorer light climate in the lake due to a large phytoplankton development. The annual benthic production was 3.4–7.2 gC·m–2 and it was not enhanced by the fertilization. Compared to the other primary producers (phytoplankton and macrophytes) the benthic algae constituted 70–83% of the total production in Lake Stugsjön. In Lake Hymenjaure, however, the importance of the benthic algae decreased from 50 to 22% of the total due to the great increase in phytoplankton production induced by the lake fertilization.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentration in the surface sediment was analysed before, during and after fertilization of a small, stratified, subarctic lake. During stratification most (70%) of the added nutrients were deposited in the epilimnion sediment.
2. After 2 years of fertilization there was a significant increase of both nutrients at all water depths, although values were 30–50% higher per square metre in the shallow areas.
3. Nutrient budget calculations based on the sediment analyses showed that 75% of the added phosphorus and 45% of the nitrogen were accumulated in the sediment after fertilization.  相似文献   

Adaptations of epipelic and epipsammic freshwater algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brian Moss 《Oecologia》1977,28(1):103-108
Summary Epipelic algae live freely on sediment surfaces, epipsammic algae live attached to grains in sandy sediments. Both groups may be buried by wave action and animal disturbance when they may find themselves in dark, deoxygenated layers. Epipelic algae, though tolerant of darkness for many days do not survive anaerobiosis for long and must rely on rapid movement to regain the sediment surface. Since they often are non-motile epipsammic algae cannot always move rapidly upwards. They tolerate both darkness and anaerobiosis, retaining considerable photosynthetic potential for several days in the complete absence of oxygen.  相似文献   

We used stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes to assess the importance of benthic algae for the zooplankton individual growth in winter in a shallow, clear subarctic lake. The δ13C values of calanoid ( Eudiaptomus graciloides ) and cyclopoid ( Cyclops scutifer ) zooplankton in autumn suggest a food resource of pelagic origin during the ice-free period. The zooplankton δ13C values were high in spring compared to autumn. E. graciloides did not grow over winter and the change in δ13C was attributed to a decrease in lipid content during the winter. In contrast, the increase in δ13C values of C. scutifer over the winter was explained by their growth on organic carbon generated by benthic algae. The δ15N of the C. scutifer food resource during winter was low compared to δ15N of the benthic community, suggesting that organic matter generated by benthic algae was mainly channelled to zooplankton via 15N-depleted heterotrophic bacteria. The results demonstrate that benthic algae can sustain zooplankton metabolic demands and growth during long winters, which, in turn, may promote zooplankton growth on pelagic resources during the summer. Such multi-chain omnivory challenges the view of zooplankton as mainly dependent on internal primary production and stresses the importance of benthic resources for the productivity of plankton food webs in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Biomass, species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in mire pools   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The biomass, species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in two small pools of contrasting physicochemical characteristics in Miyatoko Mire were studied in 1992 (pool 3 =site B4 and pool 50 =site D2). A total of 93 species and 67 species of epipelic algae occurred at sites B4 and D2, respectively. Considerable differences were observed between the two sites in the seasonal fluctuations of species number, biomass and dominant species. At site B4, little changed with species number during April–August and markedly increased in October, while biomass was largest in April and gradually decreased during June–October. Diatoms and desmids occupied 33–82% and 15–63% of total algal biomass, respectively. At site D2, species number and biomass were small in April just after the snow-thaw, and increased in June and decreased in August and October. Diatoms occupied 90–98% of total algal biomass. The species diversity was always higher at site D2 than B4. As a result of analyses of water chemistry in the two pools, pool B4 can be recognized as a habitat experiencing high disturbance frequency. It is predicted that pools experiencing frequent disturbance will have less epipelic algal biomass and diversity.  相似文献   

J. W. Moore 《Hydrobiologia》1977,54(3):201-208
The ash free dry weight of algae in the plankton, epilithon and gut of predominant herbivores was determined between June 1975 and July 1976 in 2 subarctic Canadian rivers (Baker Creek, Yellowknife River). Algae usually represented < 1% of suspended solids in both rivers and up to 8o% of material attached to rocks. While they were never found in the gut of rotifers and copepod nauplii in Baker Creek, they accounted for 0.5% of the contents of the planktonic conchostracon Lynceus brachyurus. Due to the inpalatable colonial structure of most attached algal species, the zoobenthos (mainly mayfly nymphs) contained only a few cells. Size selection against large fragments of detritus resulted in increased consumption of algae (5–13%) by Simulium venustum, S. decorum and S. arcticum. In the Yellowknife River, Diaptomus ashlandi (CIII–CVI stages) and Holopedium gibberum contained only a few (30–50) algal cells during summer. Because of size selection, large algae were not ingested by these species. The inpalatability of colonial algae greatly reduced consumption in the predominant zoobenthic species, Ephemerella coxalis and E. margarita. While all species digested diatoms, the Chlorophyta usually passed through the gut unharmed. It is concluded that algae are not an important energy source for invertebrates in either stream.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Pelagic and epipelic microalgal production were measured over a year in a pre-defined area (depth 0.5 m) in each of two lakes, one turbid and one with clear water. Further estimates of epiphytic production within reed stands were obtained by measuring production of periphyton developed on artificial substrata.
2. Total annual production of phytoplankton and epipelon was 34% greater in the turbid lake (190 g C m−2 year−1) than in the clearwater lake (141 g C m−2 year−1). However, the ratio of total production to mean water column TP concentration was two fold greater in the clearwater lake.
3. Phytoplankton accounted for the majority of the annual production (96%) in the turbid lake, while epipelic microalgal production dominated (77%) in the clear lake. The relative contribution of epipelic algae varied over the year, however, and in the turbid lake was higher in winter (11–25%), when the water was relatively clear, than during summer (0.7–1.7%), when the water was more turbid. In the clearwater lake, the relative contribution of epipelon was high both in winter, when the water was most clear, and in mid-summer, when phytoplankton production was constrained either by nutrients or grazing.
4. Compared with pelagic and epipelic primary production, epiphytic production within a reed stand was low and did not vary significantly between the lakes.
5. The study supports the theory of a competitive and compensatory trade-off between primary producers in lakes with contrasting nutrient concentrations, resulting in relatively small differences in overall production between clear and turbid lakes when integrating over the season and over different habitats.  相似文献   

This study examines the spectral distribution of light penetrating the snow and ice cover of a lake in subarctic Labrador. Using a large sample under a range of cover conditions, the role of distinct layers, (snow, white or snow ice, black or clear ice) commonly found in subartic and temperate lake winter covers, was investigated. Measurement and analysis were restricted to wavelengths between 450 nm and 720 nm. Snow and white ice light transmittance was greatest at 450 and 470 to 500 nm respectively. Absorption was greatest in the red portion of the measured spectrum; white ice showing greater red absorption than snow. Black ice light transmittance showed only a slight wavelength dependence. The differential spectral absorption of light by snow and white ice layers produced a marked spectral distribution of the light that reaches the lake water surface. The importance of a spectral, rather than polychromatic, approach to the study of light, in winter biological limnology studies, is stressed.  相似文献   

  • 1 The uptake of phosphate and inorganic nitrogen by sediment and phytoplankton was studied under natural conditions (1977) and during lake fertilization with phosphorus and nitrogen (1978–79) in Lake Gunillajaure, a small, stratified, subarctic lake in northern Sweden. The experiments were performed in situ in plexiglass cylinders, to which additions of nutrients were made, and the uptake followed by consecutive sampling and analysis of the water phase.
  • 2 Additions of HgCl2 to the experimental vessels reduced the phosphate uptake to the sediment to less than 10% and it could therefore be concluded that the sediment uptake was mainly of biological nature.
  • 3 Dark assimilation was 30–40% of that in light. Since light clearly stimulated the sediment uptake the epipelic algae were probably responsible.
  • 4 The phosphate uptake to the sediment could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics and the calculated constants (Vmax, ks) were very alike in 1977 and 1978 but appeared to have increased in 1979.
  • 5 The sediment uptake of ammonium and nitrate was very slow indrcating that the epipelic algae were not nitrogen starved.
  • 6 Even though the epipelic algae had a potential for efficient uptake of phosphorus, the phytoplankton took up 92–96% of the phosphate added to the lake on each fertilization occasion due to the relatively large water volume in the epilimnion in relation to the bottom area available for the epipelic algae.

1. Carbon isotope ratios (δ13CD) of a herbivorous zooplankter, Daphnia middendorfiana and several environmental variables were investigated during four annual production cycles (1988–92) in Smith Lake, Alaska to determine factors that affect the seasonal and interannual variability of δ13CD. 2. δ13CD varied from ?44.7 to ?31.5 ppt and was significantly correlated with Chl a (r = 0.66, P = 0.0001), weakly correlated with CO2(aq) (r = 0.31, P = 0.07) and uncorrelated with δ13CDIC (r = 0.10, P = 0.70). Carbon isotope fractionation was minimal when Chl a appeared to be optimal. The largest 13C fractionation was associated with the lowest Chl a during early and mid winter periods. 3. δ13CD was also significantly correlated with water temperature (r = 0.480, P = 0.0001) and photoperiod (r = 0.62, P = 0.0001), probably suggesting a critical role of physical forcing, particularly solar energy input, in affecting algal photosynthesis and δ13CD in this subarctic lake. 4. There was a large interannual variability of δ13CD among ice-cover periods which was partly explained by interwinter differences in the amount of snowfall that affected the flux of solar irradiance to the ice-covered lake. 5. Other explanations for δ13CD variability such as species succession, changes in algal cell size and differential use of CO2(aq) and HCO3 were also considered, but cannot account for the observations reported here.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates were collected from a subarctic lake during 1976 to assess the effectiveness of diversity indices and indicator species as measures of heavy metal pollution. Collections were made near an operating metal mine, where sediments were contaminated with high levels of arsenic (up to 2,500 mg/kg dry weight), mercury (500 µg/kg), lead (850 mg/kg), copper (750 mg/kg) and zinc (950 mg/kg). A total of 25 species and a diversity index of 2.4—2.9 were recorded in this heavily impacted area. Chironomids (Procladius denticulatus, Heterotrissocladius changi, Chironomus decorus) were most common in the sediments, followed in importance by molluscs (Pisidium casertanum) and oligochaetes (Lumbriculus variegatus). There were 23 and 25 species in the areas of moderate and negligible contamination, respectively. The diversity indices ranged from 2.4–2.6 and 2.4–2.8 and the main species were generally similar to those found in the heavily impacted area. While diversity indices and indicator species were therefore ineffective in monitoring metal contamination, the strong negative correlation between the concentration of metals and the abundance of benthic organisms provided a much more realistic assessment of the level of contamination.  相似文献   

Grimås, U. and Wiederholm, T. 1979. Biometry and biology of Constempellina brevicosta (Chironomidae) in a subarctic lake. – Holarct. Ecol. 2: 119-124. Constempellina brevicosta Edw. made up about 50% of the chironomids emerging from the littoral of Lake Blåsjön. The lake is impounded for hydroelectrical purposes. Constempellina was less abundant at an earlier, smaller amplitude of water level fluctuations in the same lake and much less abundant in a nearby natural lake. The species is able to survive in a frozen substratum on ice-covered bottoms. Records of early life stages and emergence data indicated a one-year life cycle with peak emergence from the littoral zone occurring in mid July. Statistical comparisons were made of size characteristics with respect to time and site of emergence and swarming. Swarming individuals were found to be significantly larger than emerging ones as measured in length of body, wing, tibia, and tarsi. Individuals swarming from mid July to August were successively smaller in all characters except basal antennal segments. Individuals swarming in June were smaller than those occurring somewhat later. The changes in size seem to reflect differences in larval habitat, with early summer material emanating from areas exposed to winter freezing. Males swarming at different sites at the same date were similar in all respects except for body size. Individuals emerging from different depths within the littoral zone at a single date were different in most respects, those from more shallow areas being smaller. Linear regression of swarm material from different dates showed a positive correlation for most characters. The correlations were particularly strong, and applied to all characters, when the early summer material was excluded. Mean AR values were successively lower throughout the season and positively correlated with size. Mean LR values were slightly higher in early summer than later. The LR values varied independantly of size. AR and LR values in swarm material varied between extremes for single individuals which were usually within 20% of the arithmetic mean, or 0.92–1.36 for AR and 0.78–1.06 for LR. Confidence limits for population estimates were within 0.04 units of the means.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: How does changing resource availability induced by fertilization and defoliation affect seedling establishment and mycorrhizal symbiosis in a subarctic meadow? Location: 610 m a.s.l., Kilpisjärvi (69°03’N, 20°50’E), Finland. Methods: A short‐term full‐factorial experiment was established, with fertilization and defoliation of natural established vegetation as treatments. Seeds of two perennial herbs Solidago virgaurea and Gnaphalium norvegicum were sown in natural vegetation and their germination and growth followed. At the final harvest we measured the response in terms of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonization, biomass and nitrogen concentration of the seedlings and the established vegetation. Results: Germination rate was negatively affected by defoliation in the unfertilized plots. The shoot biomass of S. virgaurea seedlings was reduced by the defoliation and fertilization treatments, but not affected by their interaction. In G. norvegicum, the germination rate and the seedling shoot biomass were negatively correlated with moss biomass in the plots. In the established plants the arbuscular colonization rate was low and defoliation and fertilization treatments either increased or did not affect the colonization by AM fungi. In the seedlings, the colonization rate by AM fungi was high, but it was not affected by treatments. Both seedlings and established plants were colonized by dark septate fungi. Conclusions: Reduction of plant biomass by herbivores can have different effects on seedling growth in areas of high and low soil nutrient availability. The weak response of AM colonization to defoliation and fertilization suggests that AM symbiosis is not affected by altering plant resource availability under the conditions employed in this study.  相似文献   

According to logistic regressions derived for pike Esox lucius and burbot Lota lota , the probability of ingesting fishes in Lake Muddusjärvi, northern Finland, was 50% at 19·3 and 22·1 cm L T, whereas Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta shifted to piscivory at the lengths of 25·7 and 26·4 cm L T. The specialist piscivores, pike and burbot, consumed more prey species and took a wider range of prey sizes than Arctic charr and brown trout. The prey length for all predators increased in relationship to predator length. Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus was the dominant prey species in the lake and in the diet of all the piscivorous species. The whitefish population was divided into three forms, of which the slow-growing, and the most numerous densely rakered whitefish form (DR), was selected by all predator species. This form also had the smallest average size and widest habitat range, utilizing both pelagic and epibenthic habitats. Two sparsely rakered whitefish forms (LSR and SSR) occupied only epibenthic habitats and had lower relative densities than DR. These forms, LSR and SSR, had a minor importance in the diet of predator species.  相似文献   

1. Invasions of top predators may have strong cascading effects in ecosystems affecting both prey species abundance and lower trophic levels. A recently discussed factor that may enhance species invasion is climate change and in this context, we studied the effects of an invasion of northern pike into a subarctic lake ecosystem formerly inhabited by the native top predator Arctic char and its prey fish, ninespined stickleback. 2. Our study demonstrated a strong change in fish community composition from a system with Arctic char as top predator and high densities of sticklebacks to a system with northern pike as top predator and very low densities of sticklebacks. A combination of both predation and competition from pike is the likely cause of the extinction of char. 3. The change in top predator species also cascaded down to primary consumers as both zooplankton and predator‐sensitive macroinvertebrates increased in abundance. 4. Although the pike invasion coincided with increasing summer temperatures in the study area we have no conclusive evidence that the temperature increase is the causal mechanism behind the pike invasion. But still, our study provides possible effects of future pike invasions in mountain lakes related to climate change. We suggest that future pike invasions will have strong effects in lake ecosystems, both by replacing native top consumers and through cascading effects on lower trophic levels.  相似文献   

We investigated the size-dependent temperature response of naturalphytoplankton communities from a lake and a river in the Canadiansubarctic. Photosynthesis by total, <2 m and >2 µmsize fractions was determined at 11 irradiances (1–109%of ambient solar radiation) and five temperatures (5–25C)in outdoor solar incubators. Temperature had no effect on photosynthesisat low irradiance, but strongly regulated the photosyntheticresponse at saturating and inhibiting irradiances. For the riverphytoplankton, low temperatures lowered EK values (onset oflight saturation) and shifted photosynthesis in the water columnfrom light dependence to temperature depend ence. A photosynthesis-temperature-irradiance(P-T-E) model was developed to describe the varied temperatureresponse of photosynthesis across the full range of limiting,saturating and inhibiting irra diances. The P-T-E model explained74–95% of the variation in photosynthesis for all sizefractions (total community, >2 µ fraction and <2µm fraction). Picoplankton (<2 µm) had greaterphotosyn thetic rates (Pmax) at all temperatures than did thetotaland >2 µm communities. The picoplankton fraction wasalso more responsive to increasing temperature than larger cells,implying a greater sensitivity to diurnal or longer term changesin lake water temperature.  相似文献   

The relationship between planktonic algae and bacteria in a small lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The seasonal changes and vertical distribution of the aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in a small edaphically eutrophic lake which exhibited thermal and chemical stratification are described. There was some correspondence between the phytoplankton and particularly the aerobic bacteria but this was not consistent. Increases in the numbers of anaerobic bacteria coincided with the low dissolved oxygen concentrations in the hypolimnion when algal populations were first senescent and then increasing actively in size.  相似文献   

巢湖藻类群落多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张良璞 《生物学杂志》2007,24(6):53-54,72
通过对2001~2005年的巢湖藻类实测数据进行统计分析,检出藻类的种类数为131种,基本构群种类有26种,其中铜绿微囊为绝对的优势种群,藻类多样性指数中值为2.51±0.90,5年间其多样性指数呈明显的上升趋势,方差分析表明2001年与其他年份存在着显著性差异,近三年无显著性差异.  相似文献   

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