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Colicin Ia can be cleaved by isolated outer membranes prepared from sensitive and resistant (lacking the colicin Ia receptor) strains of Escherichia coli. Both active and heat-denatured colicin Ia are extensively fragmented. Such proteolysis does not occur when colicin Ia is added to whole sensitive or resistant cells. These results demonstrate that cleavage of colicin Ia is not mediated by its outer membrane receptor.  相似文献   

Zhu GJ  Wang F  Chen C  Xu L  Zhang WC  Fan C  Peng YJ  Chen J  He WQ  Guo SY  Zuo J  Gao X  Zhu MS 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34894
The structural homeostasis of the cochlear hair cell membrane is critical for all aspects of sensory transduction, but the regulation of its maintenance is not well understood. In this report, we analyzed the cochlear hair cells of mice with specific deletion of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) in inner hair cells. MLCK-deficient mice showed impaired hearing, with a 5- to 14-dB rise in the auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds to clicks and tones of different frequencies and a significant decrease in the amplitude of the ABR waves. The mutant inner hair cells produced several ball-like structures around the hair bundles in vivo, indicating impaired membrane stability. Inner hair cells isolated from the knockout mice consistently displayed less resistance to hypoosmotic solution and less membrane F-actin. Myosin light-chain phosphorylation was also reduced in the mutated inner hair cells. Our results suggest that MLCK is necessary for maintaining the membrane stability of inner hair cells.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of spheroplasts (prepared in two ways) of a colicin-sensitive strain, of colicinresistant and of colicin-tolerant mutants and of strains immune to colicins E1 and E2 was estimated and compared. Generally, the removal of the peptidoglycan layer brought about a slight nonspecific support for colicin translocation across the cell wall in sensitive,tolB tolerant and immune bacteria.tolB spheroplasts were colicin E1-sensitive, but E2-insensitive. Spheroplasts were always fragile and lysed spontaneously, especially those produced by lysozyme. Bacteria carryingtolA, tolQ andtolR mutations kept their colicin insensitivity as spheroplasts, just as the resistant ones. Bacteria rendered colicinogenic and hence colicin-immune turned to high colicin sensitivity in spheroplast form. The results indicate a change in plasma membrane associated with the spheroplast formation.  相似文献   

The inner membrane protease (IMP) cleaves intra-organelle sorting peptides from precursor proteins in mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An unusual feature of the IMP is the presence of two catalytic subunits, Imp1p and Imp2p, which recognize distinct substrate sets even though both enzymes belong to the same protease family. This nonoverlapping substrate specificity was hypothesized to result from the recognition of distinct residues at the P′1 position (also termed +1 position) in the protease substrates. Here, we constructed an extensive series of mutations to obtain a profile of the critical cleavage site residues in IMP substrates and conclude that Imp1p, and not Imp2p, recognizes specific P′1 residues. In addition to its specificity for P′1 residues, Imp1p also shows substrate specificity for the P3 (−3) position. In contrast, Imp2p recognizes the P1 (−1) position and the P3 position. Based on this new understanding of IMP substrate specificity, we conducted a survey for candidate IMP substrates in mammalian mitochondria and found consensus Imp2p cleavage sites in mammalian precursors to cytochrome c1 and glycerol-3-phosphate (G-3-P) dehydrogenase. Presence of a putative Imp2p cleavage site in G-3-P dehydrogenase was surprising, as its yeast ortholog contains an Imp1p cleavage site. To address this issue experimentally, we performed the first co-expression of mammalian IMP with proposed mammalian IMP precursors in yeast and show that murine precursors to cytochrome c1 and G-3-P dehydrogenase are cleaved by murine Imp2p. These results suggest, surprisingly, G-3-P dehydrogenase has switched from Imp1p in yeast to Imp2p in mammals.  相似文献   

Factors necessary for the export process of colicin E1 across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli were investigated. beta-Galactosidase activities from gene fusions between the colicin E1 and lacZ genes were recovered in the inner membrane fraction of E. coli when the region containing the internal signal-like sequence of colicin E1 [M. Yamada et al. (1982) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 79, 2827-2831] was present, but were found in the soluble fraction when the region was eliminated. The colicin E1 export was reduced upon insertion mutation in a gene that is located downstream from the colicin E1 gene in the same operon and responsible for mitomycin-C-induced killing of the host cell. A frame shift mutation of the colicin E1 plasmid was constructed to direct the protein which had lost the COOH-terminal 13 residues of original colicin E1 and was altered in 6 residues of the new COOH-terminal portion. The aberrant colicin E1 that was inducibly synthesized remained inside the cells. These results indicate that colicin E1 is exported with the aid of a product of the downstream gene and that the COOH-terminal portion is necessary for the export. The binding of colicin E1 to the cytoplasmic membrane through the internal signal-like sequence may be a step in the protein export process.  相似文献   

The regulated turnover of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–resident membrane proteins requires their extraction from the membrane lipid bilayer and subsequent proteasome-mediated degradation. Cleavage within the transmembrane domain provides an attractive mechanism to facilitate protein dislocation but has never been shown for endogenous substrates. To determine whether intramembrane proteolysis, specifically cleavage by the intramembrane-cleaving aspartyl protease signal peptide peptidase (SPP), is involved in this pathway, we generated an SPP-specific somatic cell knockout. In a stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture–based proteomics screen, we identified HO-1 (heme oxygenase-1), the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme to biliverdin, as a novel SPP substrate. Intramembrane cleavage by catalytically active SPP provided the primary proteolytic step required for the extraction and subsequent proteasome-dependent degradation of HO-1, an ER-resident tail-anchored protein. SPP-mediated proteolysis was not limited to HO-1 but was required for the dislocation and degradation of additional tail-anchored ER-resident proteins. Our study identifies tail-anchored proteins as novel SPP substrates and a specific requirement for SPP-mediated intramembrane cleavage in protein turnover.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fusion remains a largely unknown process despite its observation by live microscopy and the identification of few implicated proteins. Using green and red fluorescent proteins targeted to the mitochondrial matrix, we show that mitochondrial fusion in human cells is efficient and achieves complete mixing of matrix contents within 12 h. This process is maintained in the absence of a functional respiratory chain, despite disruption of microtubules or after significant reduction of cellular ATP levels. In contrast, mitochondrial fusion is completely inhibited by protonophores that dissipate the inner membrane potential. This inhibition, which results in rapid fragmentation of mitochondrial filaments, is reversible: small and punctate mitochondria fuse to reform elongated and interconnected ones upon withdrawal of protonophores. Expression of wild-type or dominant-negative dynamin-related protein 1 showed that fragmentation is due to dynamin-related protein 1-mediated mitochondrial division. On the other hand, expression of mitofusin 1 (Mfn1), one of the human Fzo homologues, increased mitochondrial length and interconnectivity. This process, but not Mfn1 targeting, was dependent on the inner membrane potential, indicating that overexpressed Mfn1 stimulates fusion. These results show that human mitochondria represent a single cellular compartment whose exchanges and interconnectivity are dynamically regulated by the balance between continuous fusion and fission reactions.  相似文献   

Colicin V (ColV) is a peptide antibiotic that kills sensitive cells by disrupting their membrane potential once it gains access to the inner membrane from the periplasmic face. Recently, we constructed a translocation suicide probe, RR-ColV, that is translocated into the periplasm via the TAT pathway and thus kills the host cells. In this study, we obtained an RR-ColV-resistant mutant by using random Tn10 transposition mutagenesis. Sequencing analysis revealed that the mutant carried a Tn10 insertion in the sdaC (also called dcrA) gene, which is involved in serine uptake and is required for C1 phage adsorption. ColV activity was detected both in the cytoplasm and in the periplasm of this mutant, indicating that RR-ColV was translocated into the periplasm but failed to interact with the inner membrane. The sdaC::Tn10 mutant was resistant only to ColV and remained sensitive to colicins Ia, E3, and A. Most importantly, the sdaC::Tn10 mutant was killed when ColV was anchored to the periplasmic face of the inner membrane by fusion to EtpM, a type II integral membrane protein. Taken together, these results suggest that the SdaC/DcrA protein serves as a specific inner membrane receptor for ColV.  相似文献   

K Goldman  J L Suit  C Kayalar 《FEBS letters》1985,190(2):319-323
A set of plasmids containing portions of the Col El plasmid were transformed into recA cells. These cells, after UV irradiation, only incorporate labelled amino acids into plasmid-encoded proteins. UV-irradiated cells label a 14.5 kDa band if they are phenotypically immune to colicin E1, and do not contain this band if they are sensitive to colicin E1. We conclude that the 14.5 kDa protein is the colicin E1 immunity protein. When the inner and outer membranes of these cells are fractionated, the labelled band appears in the inner membrane. The immunity protein must be an intrinsic inner membrane protein, confirming the predictions made by hydrophobicity calculations from primary sequence data.

Maxicell Col El plasmid Immunity protein Hydrophobicity calculation  相似文献   

Many precursors of mitochondrial proteins are processed in two successive steps by independent matrix peptidases (MPP and MIP), whereas others are cleaved in a single step by MPP alone. To explain this dichotomy, we have constructed deletions of all or part of the octapeptide characteristic of a twice cleaved precursor (human ornithine transcarbamylase [pOTC]), have exchanged leader peptide sequences between once-cleaved (human methylmalonyl-CoA mutase [pMUT]; yeast F1ATPase beta-subunit [pF1 beta]) and twice-cleaved (pOTC; rat malate dehydrogenase (pMDH); Neurospora ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [pFe/S]) precursors, and have incubated these proteins with purified MPP and MIP. When the octapeptide of pOTC was deleted, or when the entire leader peptide of a once-cleaved precursor (pMUT or pF1 beta) was joined to the mature amino terminus of a twice-cleaved precursor (pOTC or pFe/S), no cleavage was produced by either protease. Cleavage of these constructs by MPP was restored by re-inserting as few as two amino-terminal residues of the octapeptide or of the mature amino terminus of a once-cleaved precursor. We conclude that the mature amino terminus of a twice-cleaved precursor is structurally incompatible with cleavage by MPP; such proteins have evolved octapeptides cleaved by MIP to overcome this incompatibility.  相似文献   

ErbB2 targeted therapies represent an attractive strategy in breast cancer. Herceptin, an anti-ErbB2 monoclonal antibody, is an approved treatment for patients with ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancers. ErbB2 signaling can also be blocked using small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors, like Lapatinib, that compete with ATP for binding at the ErbB2 catalytic kinase domain. The principal adverse event attributable to Herceptin is cardiac toxicity. Data from clinical trials show that, unlike Herceptin, Lapatinib may have reduced cardiac toxicity. This study was conducted to elucidate pathways which may contribute to cardiac toxicity or survival using Lapatinib and Herceptin. Our results show that treatments directed to ErbB1/2 receptors using GW-2974 (a generic ErbB1/2 inhibitor) activated AMPK, a key regulator in mitochondrial energy production pathways in human cardiac cells and cancer cells. Although Herceptin down-regulates tumor survival pathways, AMPK fails to be activated in tumor and cardiac cells. When treated in combination with TNF-α, a known cytokine associated with cardiac toxicity, GW-2974 protected cardiac cells from cell death whereas Herceptin contributed to TNF-α-induced cellular killing. Since activity of AMPK in cardiac cells is associated with stress induced survival in response to cytokines or energy depletion, cardiac toxicity by Herceptin may be a consequence of failure to induce stress-related survival mechanisms. Thus, the ability to activate AMPK after treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors may be a crucial factor for increased efficacy against the tumor and decreased risk of cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   



Molybdopterin cofactor (MoCo) biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated with a multiplicity of genes encoding several enzymes in the pathway, including the molybdopterin (MPT) synthase, a hetero tetramer comprising two MoaD and two MoaE subunits. In addition to moaD1, moaD2, moaE1, moaE2, the M. tuberculosis genome also contains a moaX gene which encodes an MPT-synthase in which the MoaD and MoaE domains are located on a single polypeptide. In this study, we assessed the requirement for post-translational cleavage of MoaX for functionality of this novel, fused MPT synthase and attempted to establish a functional hierarchy for the various MPT-synthase encoding genes in M. tuberculosis.


Using a heterologous Mycobacterium smegmatis host and the activity of the MoCo-dependent nitrate reductase, we confirmed that moaD2 and moaE2 from M. tuberculosis together encode a functional MPT synthase. In contrast, moaD1 displayed no functionality in this system, even in the presence of the MoeBR sulphurtransferase, which contains the rhodansese-like domain, predicted to activate MoaD subunits. We demonstrated that cleavage of MoaX into its constituent MoaD and MoaE subunits was required for MPT synthase activity and confirmed that cleavage occurs between the Gly82 and Ser83 residues in MoaX. Further analysis of the Gly81-Gly82 motif confirmed that both of these residues are necessary for catalysis and that the Gly81 was required for recognition/cleavage of MoaX by an as yet unidentified protease. In addition, the MoaE component of MoaX was able to function in conjunction with M. smegmatis MoaD2 suggesting that cleavage of MoaX renders functionally interchangeable subunits. Expression of MoaX in E. coli revealed that incorrect post-translational processing is responsible for the lack of activity of MoaX in this heterologous host.


There is a degree of functional interchangeability between the MPT synthase subunits of M. tuberculosis. In the case of MoaX, post-translational cleavage at the Gly82 residue is required for function.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0355-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Cao M  Zhan T  Ji M  Zhan X 《The Biochemical journal》2012,446(3):469-475
MIM [missing in metastasis; also called MTSS1 (metastasis suppressor 1)] is an intracellular protein that binds to actin and cortactin and has an intrinsic capacity to sense and facilitate the formation of protruded membranous curvatures implicated in cell-ular polarization, mobilization and endocytosis. The N-terminal 250 amino acids of MIM undergo homodimerization and form a structural module with the characteristic of an I-BAR [inverse BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs)] domain. To discern the role of the dimeric configuration in the function of MIM, we designed several peptides able to interfere with MIM dimerization in a manner dependent upon their lengths. Overexpression of one of the peptides effectively abolished MIM-mediated membrane protrusions and transferrin uptake. However, a peptide with a high potency inhibiting MIM dimerization failed to affect its binding to actin and cortactin. Thus the results of the present study indicate that the dimeric configuration is essential for MIM-mediated membrane remodelling and serves as a proper target to develop antagonists specifically against an I-BAR-domain-containing protein.  相似文献   

The transfer RNase colicin D and ionophoric colicin B appropriate the outer membrane iron siderophore receptor FepA and share a common translocation requirement for the TonB pathway to cross the outer membrane. Despite the almost identical sequences of the N-terminal domains required for the translocation of colicins D and B, two spontaneous tonB mutations (Arg158Ser and Pro161Leu) completely abolished colicin D toxicity but did not affect either the sensitivity to other colicins or the FepA-dependent siderophore uptake capacity. The sensitivity to colicin D of both tonB mutants was fully restored by specific suppressor mutations in the TonB box of colicin D, at Ser18(Thr) and Met19(Ile), respectively. This demonstrates that the interaction of colicin D with TonB is critically dependent on certain residues close to position 160 in TonB and on the side chains of certain residues in the TonB box of colicin D. The effect of introducing the TonB boxes from other TonB-dependent receptors and colicins into colicins D and B was studied. The results of these and other changes in the two TonB boxes show that the role of residues at positions 18 and 19 in colicin D is strongly modulated by other nearby and/or distant residues and that the overall function of colicin D is much more dependent on the interaction with TonB involving the TonB box than is the function of colicin B.  相似文献   

A set of plasmids containing portions of the Col El plasmid were transformed into recA cells. These cells, after UV irradiation, only incorporate labelled amino acids into plasmid-encoded proteins. UV-irradiated cells label a 14.5 kDa band if they are phenotypically immune to colicin E1, and do not contain this band if they are sensitive to colicin E1. We conclude that the 14.5 kDa protein is the colicin E1 immunity protein. When the inner and outer membranes of these cells are fractionated, the labelled band appears in the inner membrane. The immunity protein must be an intrinsic inner membrane protein, confirming the predictions made by hydrophobicity calculations from primary sequence data.MaxicellCol El plasmidImmunity proteinHydrophobicity calculation  相似文献   

Leader peptidase of Escherichia coli, a protein of 323 residues, has three hydrophobic domains. The first, residues 1-22, is the most apolar and is followed by a polar region (23-61) which faces the cytoplasm. The second hydrophobic domain (residues 62-76) spans the membrane. The third hydrophobic domain, which has a minimal apolar character, and the polar, carboxyl-terminal two-thirds of the protein are exposed to the periplasm. Deletion of either the amino terminus (residues 4-50) or the third hydrophobic region (residues 83-98) has almost no effect on the rate of leader peptidase membrane assembly, while the second hydrophobic domain is essential for insertion (Dalbey, R., and Wickner, W. (1987) Science 235, 783-787). To further define the roles of these domains, we have replaced the normal, cleaved leader sequence of pro-OmpA and M13 procoat with regions containing either the first or second apolar domain of leader peptidase. The second apolar domain supports the translocation of OmpA or coat protein across the plasma membrane, establishing its identity as an internal, uncleaved signal sequence. In addition to this sequence, we now find that leader peptidase needs either the amino-terminal domain or the third hydrophobic domain to permit its rapid membrane assembly. These results show that, although a signal sequence is necessary for rapid membrane assembly of leader peptidase, it is not sufficient.  相似文献   

Fridd SL  Gökçe I  Lakey JH 《Biochimie》2002,84(5-6):477-483
There exists ample evidence for the assumption that pore-forming colicins cannot exert their toxicity within the producing cell and that they must gain access to the outer face of the cytoplasmic membrane to achieve this. We wished to construct pET-vectors to produce pore-forming domains of colicin A and N with N-terminal hexa-histidine tags under the control of a T7 promoter. This was only possible when the correct immunity protein was also present. Hence it appears that this system exhibits the peculiarity that there is a toxicity associated with the over produced pore-forming domain. However, when the ratio of colicin to immunity protein is compared it is still clear that direct insertion into the cytoplasmic membrane does not occur and that membrane translocation of the colicin at limited sites may be occurring. This article reviews previous literature on the subject in terms of a model for limited sites of colicin action.  相似文献   

D Espesset  D Duch  D Baty    V Gli 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(10):2356-2364
A bacterial signal sequence was fused to the colicin A pore-forming domain: the exported pore-forming domain was highly cytotoxic. We thus introduced a cysteine-residue pair in the fusion protein which has been shown to form a disulfide bond in the natural colicin A pore-forming domain between alpha-helices 5 and 6. Formation of the disulfide bond prevented the cytotoxic activity of the fusion protein, presumably by preventing the membrane insertion of helices 5 and 6. However, the cytotoxicity of the disulfide-linked pore-forming domain was reactivated by adding dithiothreitol into the culture medium. We were then able to co-produce the immunity protein with the disulfide linked pore-forming domain, by using a co-immunoprecipitation procedure, in order to show that they interact. We showed both proteins to be co-localized in the Escherichia coli inner membrane and subsequently co-immunoprecipitated them. The interaction required a functional immunity protein. The immunity protein also interacted with a mutant form of the pore-forming domain carrying a mutation located in the voltage-gated region: this mutant was devoid of pore-forming activity but still inserted into the membrane. Our results indicate that the immunity protein interacts with the membrane-anchored channel domain; the interaction requires a functional membrane-inserted immunity protein but does not require the channel to be in the open state.  相似文献   

The differences between archaeal and bacterial flagella are becoming more apparent as research on the archaeal structure progresses. One crucial difference is the presence of a leader peptide on archaeal preflagellins, which is removed from the flagellin prior to its incorporation into the flagellar filament. The enzyme responsible for the removal of the flagellin leader peptide was identified as FlaK. FlaK of Methanococcus voltae retains its preflagellin peptidase activity when expressed in Escherichia coli and used in an in vitro assay. Homologous recombination of an integration vector into the chromosomal copy of flaK resulted in a non-motile, non-flagellated phenotype. The flagellins of the mutant had larger molecular weights than their wild-type counterparts, as expected if they retained their 11- to 12-amino-acid leader peptide. Membranes of the flaK mutant were unable to process preflagellin in the in vitro assay. Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that two aspartic acid residues conserved with ones in type IV prepilin peptidases were necessary for proper recognition or processing of the preflagellin. As bacterial flagellins lack a leader peptide and a peptidase is not required for export and assembly, the requirement for FlaK further emphasizes the similarity archaeal flagella have with type IV pili, rather than with bacterial flagella.  相似文献   

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