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Dong F  Zhou HX 《Proteins》2006,65(1):87-102
To investigate roles of electrostatic interactions in protein binding stability, electrostatic calculations were carried out on a set of 64 mutations over six protein-protein complexes. These mutations alter polar interactions across the interface and were selected for putative dominance of electrostatic contributions to the binding stability. Three protocols of implementing the Poisson-Boltzmann model were tested. In vdW4 the dielectric boundary between the protein low dielectric and the solvent high dielectric is defined as the protein van der Waals surface and the protein dielectric constant is set to 4. In SE4 and SE20, the dielectric boundary is defined as the surface of the protein interior inaccessible to a 1.4-A solvent probe, and the protein dielectric constant is set to 4 and 20, respectively. In line with earlier studies on the barnase-barstar complex, the vdW4 results on the large set of mutations showed the closest agreement with experimental data. The agreement between vdW4 and experiment supports the contention of dominant electrostatic contributions for the mutations, but their differences also suggest van der Waals and hydrophobic contributions. The results presented here will serve as a guide for future refinement in electrostatic calculation and inclusion of nonelectrostatic effects.  相似文献   

Structural and mutational analyses reveal a central role for electrostatic interactions in protein-protein association. Experiment and theory both demonstrate that clusters of charged and polar residues that are located on protein-protein interfaces may enhance complex stability, although the total effect of electrostatics is generally net destabilizing. The past year also witnessed significant progress in our understanding of the effect of electrostatics on protein association kinetics, specifically in the characterization of a partially desolvated encounter complex.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interactions form the core of several biological processes. With protein-protein interfaces being considered as drug targets, studies on their interactions and molecular mechanisms are gaining ground. As the number of protein complexes in databases is scarce as compared to a spectrum of independent protein molecules, computational approaches are being considered for speedier model derivation and assessment of a plausible complex. In this study, a good approach towards in silico generation of protein-protein heterocomplex and identification of the most probable complex among thousands of complexes thus generated is documented. This approach becomes even more useful in the event of little or no binding site information between the interacting protein molecules. FINDINGS: A plausible protein-protein hetero-complex was fished out from 10 docked complexes which are a representative set of complexes obtained after clustering of 2000 generated complexes using protein-protein docking softwares. The interfacial area for this complex was predicted by two "hotspot" prediction programs employing different algorithms. Further, this complex had the lowest energy and most buried surface area of all the complexes with the same interfacial residues. CONCLUSIONS: For the generation of a plausible protein heterocomplex, various software tools were employed. Prominent are the protein-protein docking methods, prediction of 'hotspots' which are the amino acid residues likely to be in an interface and measurement of buried surface area of the complexes. Consensus generated in their predictions lends credence to the use of the various softwares used.  相似文献   

Alsallaq R  Zhou HX 《Proteins》2008,71(1):320-335
The association of two proteins is bounded by the rate at which they, via diffusion, find each other while in appropriate relative orientations. Orientational constraints restrict this rate to approximately 10(5)-10(6) M(-1) s(-1). Proteins with higher association rates generally have complementary electrostatic surfaces; proteins with lower association rates generally are slowed down by conformational changes upon complex formation. Previous studies (Zhou, Biophys J 1997;73:2441-2445) have shown that electrostatic enhancement of the diffusion-limited association rate can be accurately modeled by $k_{\bf D}$ = $k_{D}0\ {exp} ( - \langle U_{el} \rangle;{\star}/k_{B} T),$ where k(D) and k(D0) are the rates in the presence and absence of electrostatic interactions, respectively, U(el) is the average electrostatic interaction energy in a "transient-complex" ensemble, and k(B)T is the thermal energy. The transient-complex ensemble separates the bound state from the unbound state. Predictions of the transient-complex theory on four protein complexes were found to agree well with the experiment when the electrostatic interaction energy was calculated with the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation (Alsallaq and Zhou, Structure 2007;15:215-224). Here we show that the agreement is further improved when the nonlinear PB equation is used. These predictions are obtained with the dielectric boundary defined as the protein van der Waals surface. When the dielectric boundary is instead specified as the molecular surface, electrostatic interactions in the transient complex become repulsive and are thus predicted to retard association. Together these results demonstrate that the transient-complex theory is predictive of electrostatic rate enhancement and can help parameterize PB calculations.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a statistical analysis of the electrostatic properties of 298 protein-protein complexes and 356 domain-domain structures extracted from the previously developed database of protein complexes (ProtCom, http://www.ces.clemson.edu/compbio/protcom). For each structure in the dataset we calculated the total electrostatic energy of the binding and its two components, Coulombic and reaction field energy. It was found that in a vast majority of the cases (>90%), the total electrostatic component of the binding energy was unfavorable. At the same time, the Coulombic component of the binding energy was found to favor the complex formation while the reaction field component of the binding energy opposed the binding. It was also demonstrated that the components in a wild-type (WT) structure are optimized/anti-optimized with respect to the corresponding distributions, arising from random shuffling of the charged side chains. The degree of this optimization was assessed through the Z-score of WT energy in respect to the random distribution. It was found that the Z-scores of Coulombic interactions peak at a considerably negative value for all 654 cases considered while the Z-score of the reaction field energy varied among different types of complexes. All these findings indicate that the Coulombic interactions within WT protein-protein complexes are optimized to favor the complex formation while the total electrostatic energy predominantly opposes the binding. This observation was used to discriminate WT structures among sets of structural decoys and showed that the electrostatic component of the binding energy is not a good discriminator of the WT; while, Coulombic or reaction field energies perform better depending upon the decoy set used.  相似文献   

Zhang Q  Sanner M  Olson AJ 《Proteins》2009,75(2):453-467
Biological complexes typically exhibit intermolecular interfaces of high shape complementarity. Many computational docking approaches use this surface complementarity as a guide in the search for predicting the structures of protein-protein complexes. Proteins often undergo conformational changes to create a highly complementary interface when associating. These conformational changes are a major cause of failure for automated docking procedures when predicting binding modes between proteins using their unbound conformations. Low resolution surfaces in which high frequency geometric details are omitted have been used to address this problem. These smoothed, or blurred, surfaces are expected to minimize the differences between free and bound structures, especially those that are due to side chain conformations or small backbone deviations. Despite the fact that this approach has been used in many docking protocols, there has yet to be a systematic study of the effects of such surface smoothing on the shape complementarity of the resulting interfaces. Here we investigate this question by computing shape complementarity of a set of 66 protein-protein complexes represented by multiresolution blurred surfaces. Complexed and unbound structures are available for these protein-protein complexes. They are a subset of complexes from a nonredundant docking benchmark selected for rigidity (i.e. the proteins undergo limited conformational changes between their bound and unbound states). In this work, we construct the surfaces by isocontouring a density map obtained by accumulating the densities of Gaussian functions placed at all atom centers of the molecule. The smoothness or resolution is specified by a Gaussian fall-off coefficient, termed "blobbyness." Shape complementarity is quantified using a histogram of the shortest distances between two proteins' surface mesh vertices for both the crystallographic complexes and the complexes built using the protein structures in their unbound conformation. The histograms calculated for the bound complex structures demonstrate that medium resolution smoothing (blobbyness = -0.9) can reproduce about 88% of the shape complementarity of atomic resolution surfaces. Complexes formed from the free component structures show a partial loss of shape complementarity (more overlaps and gaps) with the atomic resolution surfaces. For surfaces smoothed to low resolution (blobbyness = -0.3), we find more consistency of shape complementarity between the complexed and free cases. To further reduce bad contacts without significantly impacting the good contacts we introduce another blurred surface, in which the Gaussian densities of flexible atoms are reduced. From these results we discuss the use of shape complementarity in protein-protein docking.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the cryoprecipitation of cryoimmunoglobulins by neutral salts suggests that intermolecular electrostatic (charge-charge) interactions are responsible for their abnormal solution properties. To test this hypothesis, H+ titration curves and isoelectric points were measured for two monoclonal IgG cryoglobulins (Ger and Muk) and compared with four normal (cold soluble) monoclonal IgG. The cryoglobulin Ger manifested values outside the range encountered for the other proteins. The partitioning of the IgG proteins was also examined in aqueous polyethylene glycol-dextran two-phase systems in the presence of both positive and negative salt-induced electrostatic potentials across the phase interface. Both cryoglobulins were found to behave as if they were more negatively charged than the noncryoglobulins. The experiments support the hypothesis that the differences in solubility behavior of monoclonal cryoglobulin and noncryoglobulin proteins are caused by differences in the electrostatic properties of the proteins.  相似文献   

Protein complexes are known to play a major role in controlling cellular activity in a living being. Identifying complexes from raw protein protein interactions (PPIs) is an important area of research. Earlier work has been limited mostly to yeast. Such protein complex identification methods, when applied to large human PPIs often give poor performance. We introduce a novel method called CSC to detect protein complexes. The method is evaluated in terms of positive predictive value, sensitivity and accuracy using the datasets of the model organism, yeast and humans. CSC outperforms several other competing algorithms for both organisms. Further, we present a framework to establish the usefulness of CSC in analyzing the influence of a given disease gene in a complex topologically as well as biologically considering eight major association factors.  相似文献   

We introduce clustering with overlapping neighborhood expansion (ClusterONE), a method for detecting potentially overlapping protein complexes from protein-protein interaction data. ClusterONE-derived complexes for several yeast data sets showed better correspondence with reference complexes in the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequence (MIPS) catalog and complexes derived from the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) than the results of seven popular methods. The results also showed a high extent of functional homogeneity.  相似文献   

We report the computer generation of a high-density map of the thermodynamic properties of the diffusion-accessible encounter conformations of four receptor-ligand protein pairs, and use it to study the electrostatic and desolvation components of the free energy of association. Encounter complex conformations are generated by sampling the translational/rotational space of the ligand around the receptor, both at 5-A and zero surface-to-surface separations. We find that partial desolvation is always an important effect, and it becomes dominant for complexes in which one of the reactants is neutral or weakly charged. The interaction provides a slowly varying attractive force over a small but significant region of the molecular surface. In complexes with no strong charge complementarity this region surrounds the binding site, and the orientation of the ligand in the encounter conformation with the lowest desolvation free energy is similar to the one observed in the fully formed complex. Complexes with strong opposite charges exhibit two types of behavior. In the first group, represented by barnase/barstar, electrostatics exerts strong orientational steering toward the binding site, and desolvation provides some added adhesion within the local region of low electrostatic energy. In the second group, represented by the complex of kallikrein and pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, the overall stability results from the rather nonspecific electrostatic attraction, whereas the affinity toward the binding region is determined by desolvation interactions.  相似文献   

Bovine beta-Lactoglobulin (BLG) has been studied for many decades, but only recently structural data have been obtained, making it possible to simulate its molecular properties. In the present study, electrostatic properties of BLG are investigated theoretically using Poisson-Boltzmann calculations and experimentally following pH titration via NMR. Electrostatic properties are determined for several structural models, including an ensemble of NMR structures obtained at low pH. The changes in electrostatic forces upon changes in ionic strength, solvent dielectric constant, and pH are calculated and compared with experiments. pK(a)s are computed for all titratable sites and compared with NMR titration data. The analysis of theoretical and experimental results suggests that (1) there may be more than one binding sites for negatively charged ligands; (2) at low pH the core of the molecule is more compact than observed in the structures obtained via restrained molecular dynamics from NMR data, but loop and terminal regions must be disordered.  相似文献   



Proteins dynamically interact with each other to perform their biological functions. The dynamic operations of protein interaction networks (PPI) are also reflected in the dynamic formations of protein complexes. Existing protein complex detection algorithms usually overlook the inherent temporal nature of protein interactions within PPI networks. Systematically analyzing the temporal protein complexes can not only improve the accuracy of protein complex detection, but also strengthen our biological knowledge on the dynamic protein assembly processes for cellular organization.


In this study, we propose a novel computational method to predict temporal protein complexes. Particularly, we first construct a series of dynamic PPI networks by joint analysis of time-course gene expression data and protein interaction data. Then a Time Smooth Overlapping Complex Detection model (TS-OCD) has been proposed to detect temporal protein complexes from these dynamic PPI networks. TS-OCD can naturally capture the smoothness of networks between consecutive time points and detect overlapping protein complexes at each time point. Finally, a nonnegative matrix factorization based algorithm is introduced to merge those very similar temporal complexes across different time points.


Extensive experimental results demonstrate the proposed method is very effective in detecting temporal protein complexes than the state-of-the-art complex detection techniques.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-335) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The paper reports a homology based approach for predicting the 3D structures of full length hetero protein complexes. We have created a database of templates that includes structures of hetero protein-protein complexes as well as domain-domain structures (), which allowed us to expand the template pool up to 418 two-chain entries (at 40% sequence identity). Two protocols were tested-a protocol based on position specific Blast search (Protocol-I) and a protocol based on structural similarity of monomers (Protocol-II). All possible combinations of two monomers (350,284 pairs) in the ProtCom database were subjected to both protocols to predict if they form complexes. The predictions were benchmarked against the ProtCom database resulting to false-true positives ratios of approximately 5:1 and approximately 7:1 and recovery of 19% and 86%, respectively for protocols I and II. From 350,284 trials Protocol-I made only approximately 500 wrong predictions resulting to 0.5% error. In addition, though it was shown that artificially created domain-domain structures can in principle be good templates for modeling full length protein complexes, more sensitive methods are needed to detect homology relations. The quality of the models was assessed using two different criteria such as interfacial residues and overall RMSD. It was found that there is no correlation between these two measures. In many cases the interface residues were predicted correctly, but the overall RMSD was over 6 A and vice versa.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of model lipoprotein complexes, extracted from an aqueous phase into isooctane, has been investigated using a fluorescence technique. The technique is based on the transfer of excitation energy from one protein (or DNS-labelled protein) to a second protein containing a fluorescence quencher, such as a haem group. The results obtained with model complexes in isooctane are consistent with a structure comprised of an inner protein core, and an outer layer of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Li CH  Ma XH  Chen WZ  Wang CX 《Protein engineering》2003,16(4):265-269
An efficient 'soft docking' algorithm is described to assist the prediction of protein-protein association using three-dimensional structures of molecules. The basic tools are the 'simplified protein' model and the docking algorithm of Wodak and Janin. The side chain flexibility of Arg, Lys, Asp, Glu and Met residues at the protein surface is taken into account. The complex type-dependent filtering technique on the basis of the geometric matching, hydrophobicity and electrostatic complementarity is used to select candidate binding modes. Subsequently, we calculate a scoring function which includes electrostatic and desolvation energy terms. In the 44 complexes tested including enzyme-inhibitor, antibody-antigen and other complexes, native-like structures were all found, of which 30 were ranked in the top 20. Thus, our soft docking algorithm has the potential to predict protein-protein recognition.  相似文献   

The notion that all protein functions are determined through macromolecular interactions is the driving force behind current efforts that aim to solve the structures of all cellular complexes. Recent findings, however, demonstrate a significant amount of structural disorder or polymorphism in protein complexes, a phenomenon that has been largely overlooked thus far. It is our view that such disorder can be classified into four mechanistic categories, covering a continuous spectrum of structural states from static to dynamic disorder and from segmental to full disorder. To emphasize its generality and importance, we suggest a generic term, 'fuzziness', for this phenomenon. Given the crucial role of protein disorder in protein-protein interactions and in regulatory processes, we envision that fuzziness will become integral to understanding the interactome.  相似文献   

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