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The duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), a member of the hepadna-virus group, has become a useful animal model for exploring important aspects in this family of viruses such as viral replication, course of infection, and the response to antiviral therapy. In chronically DHBV infected ducks, repeated analyses of liver tissue are important in defining the degree of viral replication and liver injury. We describe a technique for repeated liver biopsy using a Keyes skin punch biopsy. This technique provided sufficient quantities of liver tissue for serial analyses with minimal hemorrhage in 18 Pekin ducks. This procedure offers a safe and reliable method of obtaining serial liver biopsies.  相似文献   

Aylesbury ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) chronically infected with the duck hepatitis B virus provide a useful model for studying hepadna-virus infection, replication and the effects of antiviral therapy. In these studies, it is necessary to have an effective method for obtaining repeat liver specimens for histological and molecular analyses. We have therefore developed a percutaneous liver biopsy technique which has a low rate of complications, can be performed at repeated intervals, and provides sufficient quantities of liver tissue for histological and nucleic acid hybridization analysis.  相似文献   

Although widely used to provide short term anesthesia, ketamine-xylazine does not always produce satisfactory anesthesia. We compared the efficacy of ketamine-xylazine to tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine for producing surgical anesthesia in rabbits. Four of six rabbits receiving ketamine-xylazine and all of the 12 animals given tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine were anesthetized successfully. The mean surgical anesthesia time in the ketamine-xylazine group was 35 +/- 6 minutes as compared to the tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine group, 72 +/- 8 minutes (p less than 0.05). There was no significant difference in the interval between the injection of the different anesthetic mixtures and the loss of either the righting reflex, the jaw reflex or the toe web pinch reflex. Respiratory rates and arterial oxygen partial pressure were higher in the ketamine-xylazine group (p less than 0.05). However, in both groups arterial blood pressure and arterial PO2 were lowered, while arterial PCO2 was elevated. No nephrotoxicity occurred. Tiletamine-zolazepam-xylazine provides effective surgical anesthesia in rabbits and in many cases may be preferable to conventional ketamine-xylazine regimen.  相似文献   

W S Mason  G Seal    J Summers 《Journal of virology》1980,36(3):829-836
A virus found in the sera of Pekin ducks appears to be a new member of the human hepatitis B-like family of viruses. This virus had a diameter of 40 nm and an appearance in the electron microscope similar to that of human hepatitis B virus. The DNA genome of the virus was circular and partially single stranded, and an endogenous DNA polymerase associated with the virus was capable of converting the genome to a double-stranded circle with a size of ca. 3,000 base pairs. An analysis for viral DNA in the organs of infected birds indicated preferential localization in the liver, implicating this organ as the site of virus replication. In all of these aspects, the virus bears a striking resemblance to human hepatitis B virus and appears to be a new member of this family, which also includes ground squirrel hepatitis virus and woodchuck hepatitis virus.  相似文献   

Meat-quality traits play an essential role in meat poultry production. To determine the genetic mechanisms of meat quality in Pekin ducks, we performed a large-scale GWAS to identify quantitative trait loci affecting meat quality in Pekin ducks. We measured 10 traits in 542 Pekin ducks and genotyped each duck using genotyping-by-sequencing. The genetic parameters (genomic heritability, genetic correlation) for 10 meat-quality related traits were evaluated. Based on the large genotype–phenotype dataset, we performed GWASs for all of these traits. A total of 33 significant QTL (P < 3.03 × 10−5) across 13 chromosomes were identified by loci-based analysis. Some newly identified candidate genes were discovered for fat-deposition and meat-quality traits, including PAG1 for body weight and eviscerated weight, INTU and NUP35 for abdominal fat weight and ratio, NUP3 and ARHGDIB for skin fat weight and ratio, GOLGA5 for breast muscle toughness and breast tenderness, and CTDSPL and PKP1 for breast muscle thickness. The current study is the first systematic report regarding duck meat quality.  相似文献   

Ventilatory responses to changes in PCO2 of the blood perfusing the central nervous system were studied breath by breath by pneumotachography in Pekin ducks under transient and steady condition. 1. Transients. In conscious birds, all the arteries to the cephalic region were tied or clamped, except the right internal carotid. The blood supply via the single remaining arterial pathway was transiently replaced, for about 15 sec, by injecting 2 ml of blood previously made either normocapnic (control PCO2 = 32 Torr) or hypercapnic (test; PCO2 = 76 Torr) from a syringe thermostated at 41 degrees C, under normal oxygenation (PO2 around 110 Torr) and mean endovascular pressure (107 mm Hg). During control injections, no significant ventilatory changes were observed. In contrast, test injections provoked an early and significant 20% increase in the minute volume of ventilation. 2. Steady conditions. Using cross-perfusion between pairs of anesthetized ducks, the head of a recipient animal (R) was vascularly isolated from the trunk and perfused by a donor (D), the nervous connections with the trunk remaining intact. When giving some CO2 to breathe to D (FICO2 = 0.05) while R breathed ambient air, arterial PCO2 increased in D and in the head of R, and hyperventilation occurred in both ducks. As a consequence of this hyperventilation, PCO2 decreased in the arterial blood and the end-tidal gas of R.  相似文献   

Overfeeding of some waterfowl species results in obesity, which is mainly characterized by a dramatic hepatic steatosis induced by strong accumulation of lipids synthesized from dietary glucose in the liver. In mammals, fructose is known to be able to raise plasma triacylglycerol concentrations significantly; consequently, this may induce obesity. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of partial replacement of dietary glucose provided by corn starch with fructose on metabolism and fatty liver production in the Mule ducks. On the basis of 9.5 kg maize (132,920 kJ) given twice a day for 14 days, a supplementation of 9,800 kJ was provided in form of glucose, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS: 50 % glucose, 42 % fructose and 8 % other saccharides). Fatty liver weight in ducks fed with glucose supplementation was 499 +/- 21 g. Sucrose or HFCS supplementation brought about a significant increase in liver weight (+ 18.7 % and + 16.3 % vs. glucose supplementation respectively, p < 0.05). These results suggest that the dietary fructose favors the liver steatosis by increasing hepatic lipogenesis. Postprandial plasma insulin concentrations were similar in ducks fed diets with or without fructose, suggesting that the effect of fructose on liver steatosis is not mediated by insulin.  相似文献   

Heart rate, occurrence of apnea, body temperature, quality of anesthesia and nest abandonment were compared during either propofol or isoflurane anesthesia of nesting female canvasback ducks (Aythya valisineria) at 15 to 18 days of incubation. One hundred eighteen canvasbacks were assigned randomly to three treatments so that nest abandonment could be compared among treatments from May to July 1995 and 1996. Sterile dummy silicone implants were placed during an abdominal laparotomy while ducks were anesthetized with either propofol or isoflurane, or ducks were flushed from the nest but not captured (control). Propofol was delivered through an intravenous catheter, while isoflurane was delivered in oxygen. Propofol provided smooth, rapid induction and recovery, whereas ducks recovering from isoflurane tended to struggle. At the nest, ducks in the propofol group were given additional boluses until they were lightly anesthetized, whereas birds that received isoflurane were released. All birds survived surgery but one death occurred prior to surgery in 1995 using propofol during a period without ventilation and monitoring. Adequate artificial ventilation is recommended to prevent complications. Heart rate declined significantly in both years during isoflurane anesthesia and in 1995 during propofol anesthesia but not 1996. During both isoflurane and propofol anesthesia, body temperature declined significantly over time. Nest abandonment was significantly different among treatments and occurred in all treatment groups in both years, but propofol (15%) and control groups (8%) had lower than expected abandonment compared to isoflurane (28%). Propofol offers several advantages over isoflurane for field use; equipment is easily portable, lower anesthetic cost, and ambient temperature does not alter physical characteristics of the drug. Advantages over isoflurane, including lower nest abandonment following intraabdominal radio transmitter placement, make propofol a good anesthetic choice for field studies.  相似文献   

There are currently four needle biopsy methods for obtaining tissue from patients with possible diffuse liver disease or cancer. These include percutaneous blind needle biopsy, a visually guided needle biopsy at laparoscopy, guided fine-needle biopsies with ultrasonography or computed tomography, and the transvenous liver biopsy. We and others have found the guided fine-needle biopsy technique to be safe, relatively cheap, and highly accurate in the diagnosis of liver cancer. Blind percutaneous biopsy should be reserved for patients with possible diffuse, noncancerous, liver disease. Guided biopsies at laparoscopy can be done if the other two methods fail to give a tissue diagnosis. The transvenous approach is useful in patients with a coagulation disorder.  相似文献   

A solvent extraction procedure employing acetone and light petroleum, in equal amounts, at room temperature, is described for the determination of vitamin A products in liver. Vitamin A may be determined as a gross value on the solvent residue using the trichloroacetic acid colorimetric method. Elimination of saponification permits the estimation of the ratio of ester to alcohol after their separation by paper chromatography of the solvent residue. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry may be used to check the identity of the eluted bands of vitamin A and other products.  相似文献   

Hennessey, James V., Joseph A. Chromiak, ShirleyDellaVentura, Jennifer Guertin, and David B. MacLean. Increasein percutaneous muscle biopsy yield with a suction-enhancementtechnique. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6):1739-1742, 1997.The percutaneous muscle biopsy technique is usedin clinical practice and biomedical research. We developed a newenhanced-suction technique [suction-enhancing nipples(SEN)] and compared it with techniques currently in practice byassessing biopsy yields on anesthetized pigs. We applied the enhanced-suction technique to human subjects participating in aclinical trial. In the pig, there was a mean 91% (1.9-fold) increasein the size of the samples obtained with the 4-mm needle when SEN wasused and a mean 507% (fivefold) increase in sample size when the SENwas applied to the 6-mm needles. Nine passes of the 6-mm needle withSEN obtained from five consecutive human subjects yielded a meanindividual sample size of 109.4 mg or 219.4 mg per needle pass whenusing the double-sample technique. Adequate tissue samples forhistomorphometric and other analyses were obtained in all samplesobtained. The percutaneous muscle biopsy performed with enhancedsuction using inexpensive, readily available nipples enhances tissueyield two- to fivefold.


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