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Schmekel  L.  Pioroni  P. 《Cell and tissue research》1975,159(4):503-522
Summary The ultrastructure of the zygote and of early segmentation stages, up to the 16-cell stage, was investigated in normal Nassarius reticulatus from Roscoff (France). This study deals predominantly with structures that remain morphologically unchanged throughout this period, such as yolk granules, lipid droplets, and multimembranous vesicles. These organelles do not change in position, fine structure, or quantity from the egg to the 16-cell stage. The cortex and the vitelline layer also remain almost unchanged until the 16-cell stage. Cortical granules could not be observed and thus the thin vitelline layer is not transformed to a thick fertilization membrane. This phenomenon seems to be related to the facts that the eggs are protected by a tough capsule and that the cells of the embryo have to incorporate extraembryonic nutrient substances. From the 2-cell stage until the 16-cell stage micropinocytotic vesicles 500–2000 Å in diameter are associated with the plasmalemma. Perhaps they help to incorporate the extraembryonic nutrient reserves. Desmosomes first appear at the 4-cell stage and are common at the 8-cell stage, when a small transitory blastocoel appears. Normally the cell borders are in close proximity during interphase. Syncytial connections between the blastomeres were not observed. Beginning at the trefoil stage the mitochondria increase in number and many apparent division stages are observed. The increase in mitochondria occurs in the perinuclear region throughout the embryo and does not result in a polar lobe especially rich or poor in mitochondria. From the 4-cell stage onwards, the number of ribosomes increases differentially in different blastomeres.Dedicated to Prof. B. Rensch on his 75th birthday. We wish to thank Mrs. C. Mehlis for her valuable technical assistance and Professor J. Bergérard for the excellent working conditions at the Station Biologique at Roscoff (France).  相似文献   

Summary In all blastomeres of Nassarius from 4- to 16-cell stage yolk nuclei occur. Most of them are spherical bodies, lying juxtanuclearly between the nucleus and the apical plasmalemma. Strangely they are not ultrastructurally uniform but fall into two categories (Fig. 5): Type I is a massive spherical accumulation of mitochondria embedded in a dense intermitochondrial substance, which appears to contain both granules and filaments. Type II is a ball of radially arranged small Golgi stacks clustered around a centre of Golgi vesicles and other organelles embedded in a ground cytoplasm structurally similar to the intermitochondrial substance of type I. The function of both types of yolk nuclei is unknown. These segmentation yolk nuclei have nothing to do with yolk synthesis any more. On the other hand there are no indications that yolk nuclei occurrence is correlated with the break-down of yolk because neither lipid droplets nor protein yolk granules are observed in or beside the yolk nuclei.We wish to thank Mrs. Chr. Mehlis for her valuable technical assistance as well as Professor J. Bergérard for the excellent working conditions on the Station biologique at Roscoff (France).  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the lectin concanavalin A (Con A) on cleavage were studied in early embryos of the gastropodNassarius reticulatus. Progression of the first cleavage furrow is inhibited by incubating eggs before the first cleavage with 0.3–20 μg/ml Con A. Treatment with 1.0–20 μg/ml Con A during first cleavage causes regression of the cleavage furrow. Treatment with low concentrations (0.3–1.0 μg/ml) during the same period does not affect first cleavage. However, when further development of such eggs is followed, one finds that second cleavage is inhibited typically in only one of the two blastomeres of the 2-cell stage, i.e. the CD-blastomere. As a result, a 3-cell embryo is formed. At third cleavage of such embryos, the CD-blastomere forms either one double-sized micromere (1cd-micromere) or two normal-sized micromeres (1c and 1d) simultaneously. Sometimes micromere formation in the CD-blastomere is inhibited. Con A binding does not affect karyokinesis, nor does it affect the division asynchronies typical for normal development. On the basis of these and other results it is argued that binding of Con A to sites located at the vegetal pole of the egg is responsible for the cell lineage-specific inhibition of cleavage by Con A. This effect is most probably mediated by changes in the organization of the egg cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Granular cells (cells crowded with colourless granules staining with paraldehyde fuchsin according to Gomori-Gabe and not containing calcium) are independent cells in the connective tissue of Helix pomatia. Histochemical data suggest that the granules are rich in sulfhydryl-containing proteins, but lack biogenic monoamines. Electron microscopic investigations confirm the supposed secretory activity of the granular cells. Secretory proteins are presumed to be synthetized in the endoplasmic reticulum and condensed in the Golgi apparatus giving rise to the granules. Extrusion occurs by exocytosis.Electrophoresis of homogenates, prepared from tissues containing numerous granular cells, results in the separation and identification of a secretory protein from the granular cells. An electrophoretically homologous protein is recognized in the hemolymph, but in very small quantities.Our findings and the work of others suggest the involvement of granular cells in neuroendocrine events.The author is indebted to Prof. Dr. D. Kuhlmann for suggesting the problem and for his valuable criticism during the investigation. I would like to thank Mr. J.N. Howell, who helped with the English.Part of this work has been supported by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Hepatocyte differentiation during early fetal development in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Rat hepatocyte differentiation between day 12 and 19 of fetal life was studied by electron microscopy. The cytoplasmic structures involved in synthetic and secretory function, i.e., rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, appear to be the first to differentiate, and their development is probably related to the secretion of different kinds of plasma proteins. The cytoplasmic organelles involved in other hepatic functions develop later: lysosomes from day 15, peroxysomes, glycogen rosettes and smooth endoplasmic reticulum still later. However, the morphological differentiation of bile canaliculi begins from day 12.This work was supported in part by a grant from C.N.R. n. 78.02265.04  相似文献   

Summary The pituitary of the larval guppy, Lebistes reticulatus (Peters), was investigated cytologically in relation to the osmotic properties of the environment. In larvae of Stage I, removed from the mother about one week before birth, the sizes of the nuclei of the prolactin, STH, ACTH, and pars intermedia cells were small. The nuclei of these cell types became larger when Stage I larvae were transferred into fresh water (F. W.); however, these animals did not survice. In Stage-II larvae, removed from the mother just before birth, the nuclei of the abovementioned adenohypophysial cells were larger than those of the Stage-I larvae. Stage-II larvae were able to survive in F. W. Thus, it seem that osmoregulatory mechanisms in the larval guppy develop between Stages I and II.The nuclei of prolactin, STH, ACTH and pars intermedia cells decreased significantly in size after birth (0-hr). When larvae of the 0-hr group were immersed in 1/3 sea water (S. W.), only the nuclei of the ACTH cells increased in size. The neurohypophysis of Stage-I larvae contained a very small amount of aldehyde-fuchsin (AF)-positive material, while the neurohypophysis of Stage-II and 0-hr fish was rich in this material. When Stage-I larvae were immersed in F. W., the neurohypophysis showed as great an accumulation of AF-positive material as Stage-II and 0-hr fish.Supported by grants from Japan Society for Promotion of Science and from Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor Kobayashi, and by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Professor Oksche. A part of this investigation was effected while Professor Kobayashi held a Visiting Professorship at the University of Giessen. We are indebted for histological assistance of Miss I. Woltmann, Mrs. H. Schneider and Mrs. T. Bremer.  相似文献   

In shallow coastal habitats scavenging netted whelks Nassarius reticulatus attached egg capsules to the stipes of red algae Chondrus crispus and occasionally on Furcellaria lumbricalis and Plumaria plumose. In the laboratory egg capsules were laid on aquaria sides and lids by individuals ≥ 21 mm shell length. Larger size classes produced more egg capsules and spawned over a longer period and in doing so partitioned less energy into shell growth. Large netted whelks (25-28.9 mm) produced larger capsules which contained significantly more and larger eggs than those produced by smaller individuals (21-24.9 mm). Egg capsule production continued throughout the year by regularly fed N. reticulatus held at ambient seawater temperatures. Egg production increased in the spring and summer with peak production during June (15 °C), decreased between August and October and resumed again during the winter (November to February at ∼ 7 °C). During the summer (15-16 °C) egg capsules were smaller and contained smaller eggs than those deposited during the winter (7-10 °C), although the number of eggs · capsule1 was similar. Enforced food limitation reduced the number and size of the egg capsules, the number and size of eggs produced · female1 and the duration of the breeding period. Hatching success of N. reticulatus egg capsules was high (95%) even at winter seawater temperatures (11-8.5 °C) and the duration of embryonic development was fastest between 15 and 17.5 °C.  相似文献   

The process of oviposition in D. reticulatus was observed and found to be a sequence of exactly coordinated, interlocking events independent of the phase of oviposition. The average period of oviposition in the investigated ticks was 31.6 days at 20 °C and 95% relative humidity. The number of eggs deposited on each day increased until reaching a maximum on the fifth day of oviposition and then decreased continuously. As a result, most of the eggs were deposited during the initial phase of oviposition. The total number of eggs was proportional to the ticks' weight replenishment. Egg-laying commenced with the lowering of the capitulum and the simultaneous spread of the pedipalps which were lowered to the body wall embracing the genital aperture on both sides. Immediately afterwards the cuticular sac of Gene's organ was pushed out and retracted several times. At the cuticular sac's maximum extension, the vestibulum vaginae prolapsed, forming the ovipositor as an extended tube which handed over an egg to the two horns of the cuticular sac after a brief, but intensive, contact with the cuticular sac. Then the vestibulum vaginae invaginated, the pedipalps closed, and the cuticular sac was retracted. Finally, the egg was transported onto the dorsal area of the tick by means of a vigorous rising of the capitulum. During the course of oviposition most of the events, especially the period of egg embracement by the cuticular sac, were prolonged, as was the total time for laying one egg. Similarly, the intervals between successive egg-laying processes increased continuously.The number of eggs deposited was not dependent on the functional ability of Gene's organ, as shown by similar numbers of deposited eggs from ticks with and without mechanical blocking of the cuticular sac. But the participation of the organ in the process of oviposition proved to be a prerequisite for the viability of the eggs. Larvae developed and hatched only from those eggs which were deposited from ticks with an undisturbed Gene's organ. In comparison, eggs without contact to the cuticular sac of Gene's organ dried up and shrivelled immediately after being deposited and did not hatch. Consequently, it strongly suggests, together with the results from other studies, that Gene's organ covers the eggs with a secretion that prevents the loss of water.  相似文献   

The reproduction of Nassarius festivus (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) has been studied on three contrasting beaches in Hong Kong. There was no significant difference in shell heights between females and males of N. festivus at three study sites and the sex ratio was always female biased. The highest female sex ratio was recorded from Starfish Bay, followed by Tai Tam Bay and then Tai Mong Tsai. The sexual cycle of N. festivus is completed in 1 year in Hong Kong. It is a winter spawner with a reproductive period ranging from September to May. The gonads progressively mature in autumn with maturity being achieved in winter. Spring and summer are times of gonadal decline and gametogenesis initiation, respectively. The ranges in water temperature and salinity at which mature individuals occur were 13.7–28.0°C and 19.3–29.0‰, respectively. N. festivus produces between 16 and 46 eggs·capsule−1. Over its short life span of 1.21 years, therefore, N. festivus attempts to maximize reproductive output. The eggs hatch as veligers which remain in the plankton for between 33 and 41 days. In terms of its reproductive biology, it is concluded that N. festivus behaves as a typical sub-tropical species with a mix of tropical and temperate characteristics seen in other nassariids from these latitudes.  相似文献   

The development of plastids in the pollen of Cucurbita pepo was followed from meiosis to pollen maturation by quantitative light and electron microscopy. Plastids are initially undifferentiated, then divide, and at late microspore stage differentiate into amyloplasts containing starch. Later the amyloplasts form lobes and divide. Amyloplasts containing a single starch grain are present from the early bicellular stage. Plastid development is considered in relation to such cytoembryological features as the pollen does not dehydrate at anthesis and germination begins 3 min after pollination.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Blasenzellen stellen ein typisches Zellelement im Bindegewebe der Gastropoden dar. Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an Cepaea nemoralis haben gezeigt, daß der größte Teil einer Blasenzelle mit einer veränderlichen Glykogenmenge angefüllt ist. Diese zentrale Glykogenansammlung verdrängt das Zytoplasma mit seinen Organellen auf den peripheren Bereich der Zelle einschließlich der Zellausläufer und einen schmalen Saum um den Zellkern. Das wichtigste Identifizierungs-merkmal der Blasenzelle ist eine sehr spezialisierte — hier als Spaltenapparat bezeichnete — Oberflächendifferenzierung. Die Auswertung von Serienschnitten hat gezeigt, daß diese Oberflächenstruktur durch eine zum Teil verzweigte Invagination des extrazellulären Raumes gebildet wird, die wiederum von der Blasenzelle durch eine mäanderförmig unterbrochene Platte abgedeckt ist. Zwischen dem Spaltenapparat der Blasenzellen und dem Reusenapparat der Podozyten der Niere scheint eine Ähnlichkeit zu bestehen.
Globular cells of the ganglionic connective tissue sheath of Cepaea nemoralis L. (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)I. The ultrastructure of the cells
Summary The globular cells are typical elements of the connective tissue of Gastropods. Light- and electronmicroscopic investigations of Cepaea nemoralis have shown, that these cells are filled with variable contents of glycogen, accumulated in the centre of the cell. This crowds the cytoplasm and the cell organelles into the peripheral area, including the cell processes and a narrow band surrounding the nucleus. The typical element of the globular cell is a special differentiation of the cell surface, the so-called Spaltenapparat. The three-dimensional organisation of the Spaltenapparat has been analysed by serial ultrathin sections. The reconstruction shows, that the Spaltenapparat consists of numerous branched invaginations of the extracellular space covered by very small, winding cell processes; there are tiny clefts between them. There appears to be some similarity between the Spaltenapparat of the globular cells and the pedicels of the podocytes of the renal glomerulus.
Frau Prof. Dr. A. Nolte danke ich für anregende Diskussion, Frau R. Dingerdissen und Herrn Dr. Kappert für technische Hilfe.  相似文献   

The water content, the survival time at various relative humidities(r.h.) and the critical equilibrium activity of unfed adultDermacentor marginatus and D.reticulatus ticks were investigated at a constant temperature of20 °C. It was also examined whether these ticks use liquidwaterto compensate water loss. Both Dermacentor spp. showed nosignificant differences in water content in relation to body mass. The meanwater content of D. marginatus and D.reticulatus was 54.6% and 54.7%, respectively, in females and 56.3%and 57.0%, respectively, in males. The survival time of unfed adults prolongedwith decreasing saturation deficits. On average, males survived longer thanfemales and D. marginatus ticks survived mostly longerthanD. reticulatus ticks. The 50% mortality period rangedbetween 40 d at 33% r.h. and 420 d at 95% r.h. in D.marginatus, and between 43 d at 33 r.h. and 366 d at 95% r.h. inD. reticulatus. The critical equilibrium activity of unfedadults was estimated to be 0.84 for both species and was independent of sex.When dehydrated adult D. marginatus and D.reticulatus ticks were offered liquid water, only a few slightlygained weight while most further lost weight. Liquid water was not attractivefor dehydrated or non-dehydrated ticks and drinking was not observed. Aftersubmerging in water for 2 d, most of the dehydrated ticks had gained weight.  相似文献   

In unfed adult Dermacentor marginatus and D. reticulatusticks survival and capability to restore water balance after loss of high percentages of exchangeable body water were investigated. Furthermore, it was examined how frequently dehydrated ticks of these species were able to rehydrate by uptake of atmospheric water vapour. The critical water mass, defined as the water mass remaining in a tick at the nonambulatory state, differed between light and heavy weight groups and averaged 62.4 and 55.8%, respectively, of the total body water of fully hydrated ticks in females, and 54.4 and 51.1% respectively, in males of D. marginatus. In D. reticulatus, the corresponding figures were 55.9 and 54.7% in females and 52.1 and 52.7% in males. All ticks survived dehydration to 50, 75 or 100% of the critical water mass, and 96.7% of the D. marginatus ticks and 95.8% of the D. reticulatus ticks compensated water losses during subsequent incubation at 95% relative humidity (r.h.) and 20°C. Unfed females and males of both Dermacentor spp. were capable to balance water loss very frequently over a period of several months. When ticks were repeatedly dehydrated at 0% r.h. for 7 days and rehydrated at 95% r.h. and 20°C, females and males of D. marginatus reached the 50% mortality after 22 and 29 cycles of de- and rehydration, respectively, during 211 and 285 days, respectively. In D. reticulatus, 50% of females and males survived 23 and 17 cycles, respectively, during 248 and 186 days, respectively. Rehydration weights were as high or even higher as those of ticks kept at permanent 95% r.h.  相似文献   

Summary The frontal ganglion, part of the stomatogastric nervous system, contains about 60 to 80 neurons, 25 to 30 m in diameter. A well developed Golgi system, producing dense-core vesicles, lysosomes, multivesicular bodies and dense bodies are abundant. Glia elements are sparsely distributed. Many nerve fibres contain granules of different size and electron density. Five groups of fibres can be distinguished: Fibres with granules of about 200 nm (type A), fibres with granules of about 160 to 170 nm (type B), fibres with granules of about 80 to 100 nm (type C) and those with synaptic vesicles of 50 nm (type D) respectively. A fifth very small type contains neither vesicles nor granules. Special attention was paid to synaptic contacts. The divergent dyad seems to be the main type in the frontal ganglion. Frequently, neurosecretory endings are observed in presynaptic position. Immunocytochemical staining of neurosecretory material closely corresponds to the distribution of type A fibres, as observed electron microscopically. Immunoelectrophoresis of extracts from frontal ganglia with polyspecific anti-neurosecretion-serum reveals a single precipitation line, indicating that the immunocytochemical localization of neurosecretory material is due to reaction with a specific as well as a crossreagent antibody.Supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik der DDRThe authors wish to thank Mrs. B. Cosack and Mrs. A. Schmidt for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

The adult anatomy and development of the genital system of the limpet Williamia radiata (Siphonariidae, Gastropoda) was investigated by means of 3D computer reconstruction and visualization of serial resin and paraplast light microscopical sections. As is characteristic for siphonariid species, the adult genital system consists of a single duct, the spermoviduct leading from the nidamental glandular system to the anteriorly located genital atrium with opening. The copulatory complex as well as the bursa copulatrix also open into the common genital atrium. The genital system develops from three separate anlagen. The posterior one appears first at a body length of 0.7 mm and gives rise to the ovotestis and part of the hermaphrodite duct. The nidamental glandular complex, the fertilization pouch-spermatheca complex, part of the hermaphrodite duct, the posterior part of the spermoviduct, and the bursa copulatrix develop later from the pallial anlage. Finally, the anterior anlage is formed on the right side of the head and gives rise to the genital atrium, the copulatory complex, and the anterior spermoviduct. This formation of the genital system from three, locally separated anlagen, differs strikingly from that of most other species of the Euthyneura. In both the Nudibranchia (Opisthobranchia) and the Stylommatophora (Pulmonata) development proceeds from a single site. We regarded this as a secondary condition as a result of derived features like heterochronies in development in these taxa. Comparison of development with that of other species of the Pulmonata allows conclusions on homology. The homology of the bursa copulatrix within the pulmonates is confirmed. The two separate chambers inside the spermoviduct of W. radiata correspond to oviduct and vas deferens of the freshwater Basommatophora.  相似文献   

Thirty New England dog whelks (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Nassariidae), Nassarius trivittatus, were tested as a group for 3 days in a long linear gradient trough encompassing a thermal gradient ranging from 5°C to 45°C. The modal thermal preferendum of the snails lay between 30°C and 35°C. The lowest temperature interval voluntarily occupied by the snails was 15–20°C, the highest 35–40°C. W e believe this to be the first published study of temperature preference and avoidance behavior of gastropod molluscs.  相似文献   

A new unicellular species of the genusChrysosphaerella (Chrysophyceae) was found in fresh-water ponds in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S.A. It is described asC. solitaria. The genus is divided into two subgenera:Chrysosphaerella, comprising the colonial species, andPseudochrysosphaerella, the unicellular ones.  相似文献   

Summary The microdistribution of diploid and tetraploid plants of Dactylis glomerata L. was examined and related to their immediate environment in several sites in central Galicia, where morphologically indistinguishable individuals of both ploidies grow in sympatry. The two related cytotypes differed in habitat preference. Diploids were mainly confined to the low-density forest-floor habitat in woodlands of mostly ancient origin, whereas tetraploids were widespread in varied habitats but clearly predominant in open areas, particularly in disturbed anthropic sites. The in situ comparison of plant performance showed that where plants of each ploidy were more common they produced more tillers, panicles and seeds. This habitat preference closely reflected differences in life-history characteristics. The tetraploids had an early and short flowering time almost always completed before the aestival drought, whereas the diploids began to flower several weeks later and flowered throughout the drought. Comparisons along artificial gradients of soil water availability and light transmittance indicated that the cytotypes had distinct physiological requirements which probably originated in metabolic and more general genetic differentiation and could be directly attributable to ploidy. Habitat differentiation increases the species' colonizing ability. It also amplifies divergence in reproductive strategy between diploids and tetraploids, which reduces ineffective crossing between cytotypes and thereby permits them to coexist in sympatry. The effect of hybridization at the polyploid level on the differentiation between cytotypes was assessed from the recent introduction of a foreign tetraploid entity into the study area. Hybridization between the two distinct tetraploids was found to increase habitat differentiation between the diploids and the tetraploids, but the major part of this differentiation is probably attributable to ploidy itself.  相似文献   

Summary The odontoblasts in the long radular gland of Patella coerulea L. are arranged in a terminal position; therefore newly formed teeth already have an upright position. The long and slender odontoblasts have only one to three lengthy and ramifying apical microvilli. Between these pinnate microvilli a fine filamentous material appears which probably corresponds to chitin microfibrils. Therefore, the pattern of chitin microfibrils seems to depend on the arrangement of odontoblasts' microvilli. For the first time, basal bodies were found in the apical part of odontoblasts which led to the assumption that the radular gland originally might have been a mucous gland, the secretion of which was transported by cilia.  相似文献   

Y. Ohnuma  Y. Kainoh 《BioControl》1992,37(2):327-332
The developmental interaction between the egg/larval parasitoid,Ascogaster reticulatus Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host,Adoxophyes sp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was examined. Prior to the egress of a final-instar parasitoid larva from the 4th-instar host larva, host weight decreased by 22% from the maximum weight. The final body weight of a host larva was 27% of the maximum weight of a healthy 5th-instar host. Food consumption was significantly reduced in both 3rd-and 4th-instar parasitized larvae compared with healthy ones. In the 4th instar, a parasitized larva consumed 28% less artificial diet and produced less frass than a healthy larva. The growth rate of the endoparasitoid larvae greatly increased after their host's molt to the 4th instar. Parasitoid larval volume increased 40 fold in the 4th-instar host.   相似文献   

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