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In vitro assembly of aldolase. Kinetics of refolding, subunit reassociation, and reactivation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
J W Teipel 《Biochemistry》1972,11(22):4100-4107
Gerschitz Johann Rudolph Rainer Jaenicke Rainer 《European biophysics journal : EBJ》1977,3(3-4):291-302
The denaturation of aldolase from rabbit muscle in various solvents leads to significant qualitative and quantitative differences with respect to the structural disintegration of the enzyme. The differences refer to the quaternary structure and to the conformation which is changed only slightly in MgCl2 while in guanidine · HCl or urea at pH 2 the molecule is close to the state of the random coil.Using the enzymic activity as a quantitative measure for the refolding process, the reaction order and the rate constants of the processes of structure formation (
N*) are found to be identical.This observation suggests a common intermediate D in the process of renaturation after denaturation and dissociation in the different solvent media. D may be considered an intermediate state with a defined number of nucleation centers whose rapid formation is predetermined by the aminoacid sequence.As taken from the first order kinetics in the given range of enzyme concentration, transconformation reactions are rate limiting in the obligatory pathway of refolding. At low enzyme concentrations second order steps gain importance which indicates that the enzymic activity is significantly modified by the formation of the native quaternary structure.Dedicated to Professor J. M. Sturtevant 相似文献
Michael R. Kuter Colin J. Masters Donald J. Winzor 《Archives of biochemistry and biophysics》1983,225(1):384-389
The adsorption of aldolase to myofibrils derived from rabbit skeletal muscle has been investigated by partition equilibrium studies at pH 6.8, I = 0.158 M, and the results interpreted in terms of an intrinsic association constant of 410,000 m?1 for the interaction of four sites on aldolase with myofibrillar sites, there being one such site for every 10–12 heptameric repeat units of F-actin-tropomyosin-troponin thin filament. Involvement of the active site of the enzyme in the adsorption process is indicated by the fact that competitive inhibition of the phenomenon by phosphate may be accounted for by an intrinsic association constant of 400 m?1 for the aldolase-phosphate interaction, a value in good agreement with that describing phosphate inhibition of the enzymatic hydrolysis of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate under similar conditions. On the basis of these equilibrium constants plus the aldolase and thin filament contents of muscle, resting muscle is indicated as containing a significant proportion (25–30%) of aldolase in the bound form, with changes in the subcellular distribution of the enzyme being likely during exercise due to the increased concentrations of Ca2+ and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate that then prevail. 相似文献
《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.Protein Structure》1970,200(2):203-219
Purified human haptoglobins have been subjected to reductive cleavage by β-mercaptoethanol in 8 M urea or 6 M guanidine.The reduction of haptoglobin 1-1 and 2-2 exposes 18 and 24 SH groups/mole of protein, respectively.Removal of denaturing reagents and reactivation in the presence of O2 and a catalytic amount of thiol was followed by the regain of the chemical and immunological properties of the native protein. Under the most favorable conditions of reoxidation the yield of haptoglobin, estimated by molecular size and hemoglobin binding capacity, ranged between 60 and 90%.Reactivation was also obtained when equimolecular mixtures of isolated and separately reactivated α and β chains were incubated at pH 8.15 and 20°.The formation of a stable complex between β-haptoglobin and an hemoglobin dimer (αβ) did not interfere with the reassociation of the former with the α1 haptoglobin chain.The refolding process is highly specific and occurs (although with a lower yield of protein) also when haptoglobins are reduced and reoxidized together with other proteins containing SH groups. 相似文献
Reversible unfolding and refolding behavior of a monomeric aldolase from Staphylococcus aureus.

R. Rudolph R. Siebendritt T. Kiefhaber 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》1992,1(5):654-666
Thermal and GdmCl-induced unfolding transitions of aldolase from Staphylococcus aureus are reversible under a variety of solvent conditions. Analysis of the transitions reveals that no partially folded intermediates can be detected under equilibrium conditions. The stability of the enzyme is very low with a delta G0 value of -9 +/- 2 kJ/mol at 20 degrees C. The kinetics of unfolding and refolding of aldolase are complex and comprise at least one fast and two slow reactions. This complexity arises from prolyl isomerization reactions in the unfolded chain, which are kinetically coupled to the actual folding reaction. Comparison with model calculations shows that at least two prolyl peptide bonds give rise to the observed slow folding reactions of aldolase and that all of the involved bonds are presumably in the trans conformation in the native state. The rate constant of the actual folding reaction is fast with a relaxation time of about 15 s at the midpoint of the folding transition at 15 degrees C. The data presented on the folding and stability of aldolase are comparable to the properties of much smaller proteins. This might be connected with the simple and highly repetitive tertiary structure pattern of the enzyme, which belongs to the group of alpha/beta barrel proteins. 相似文献
Structural studies on acid unfolding and refolding of recombinant human interferon gamma 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Interferon gamma is distinguished from other types of interferons in its instability upon acid treatment, as demonstrated by a loss of antiviral activity. Acid unfolding and refolding experiments were performed with recombinant DNA derived human interferon gamma. When the protein was subjected to unfolding and refolding, the refolded protein showed two peaks (peaks I and II) in gel filtration which have been shown to differ in size, structure, and antiviral activity. When the smaller, peak II, form was unfolded by dialysis against 0.01 M HCl containing 0.1 M NaCl (pH 2) and refolded by dialysis against various solvents at neutral pH, it re-formed as peak II but also generated peak I, and the ratio of the two forms was dependent on protein concentration and solvent conditions. Higher protein concentrations and higher ionic strength led to a greater ratio of peak I to peak II. Phosphate buffers caused precipitation of peak I. Since peak II is 4-8 times more active than peak I in the antiviral bioassay, generation of peak I by acid treatment of peak II should lead to a decrease in antiviral activity. 相似文献
The arginine-specific reagent 1,2-cyclohexanedione reacts selectively with the arginine residue of the C-1-phosphate-binding site of aldolase and inactivates the enzyme. The labeled peptide isolated from tryptic digests of inactivated aldolase was found to correspond to the sequence Leu-43 to Arg-56, the residue modified by cyclohexanedione being Arg-55. This peptide was absent form digests of aldolase treated in the same way but protected from inactivation by the presence of substrate, thus correlating modification of Arg-55 with loss of activity. Selective isolation ofthe peptide containing the modified arginine residue was effected by chemisorption chromatography on boric acid gel, a procedure exploiting the specific interaction of matrix-bound boric acid groups with vicinal cis-hxdroxyl groups of cyclohexanedione-modified arginine side chains. 相似文献
Horse-liver alcohol dehydrogenase has been dissociated and denatured by 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride. Removal of the denaturant under optimum conditions of the solvent leads to partial reactivation. The concentrations of the enzyme, as well as the coenzyme (NAD+), and Zn2+, affect the reactivation significantly, since high concentrations promote the formation of inactive aggregation products. Analyzing the kinetics of reactivation and reassociation, conditions far from equilibrium of dissociation-association provide maximum yields (approximately 70%). The sigmoidal kinetic traces suggest a superposition of first-order transconformation and second-order association reactions; the latter are corroborated by the concentration dependence of the reactivation reaction. The coenzyme, NAD+, has no influence on the kinetics of reactivation. Addition of Zn2+ leads to a significant decrease of the rate and yield of reactivation. The process of renaturation, as reflected by the regain of native fluorescence shows complex kinetics: rapid relaxations are followed by slower first-order and second-order processes which parallel reactivation. 相似文献
The effect of Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S1 on translation has been studied in S1-depleted systems programmed with poly(U), poly(A) and MS2 RNA3. The translation of the phage RNA depends strictly on the presence of S1. Optimum poly(U)-directed polyphenylalanine synthesis and poly(A)-programmed polylysine synthesis also require S1. Excess S1 relative to ribosomes and messenger RNA results in inhibition of translation of MS2 RNA and poly(U), but not of poly (A). In the case of phage RNA translation, this inhibition can be counteracted by increasing the amount of messenger RNA. Three other 30 S ribosomal proteins (S3, S14 and S21) are also shown to inhibit MS2 RNA translation. The effects of S1 on poly(U) translation were studied in detail and shown to be very complex. The concentration of Mg2+ in the assay mixtures and the ratio of S1 relative to ribosomes and poly(U) are crucial factors determining the response of this translational system towards the addition of S1. The results of this study are discussed in relation to recent developments concerning the function of this protein. 相似文献
Spectrophotometric binding studies were undertaken on the interaction of neutral red with native and heat-denatured, sonicated, calf thymus DNA in a 0.2M ionic strength buffer containing Tris–sodium acetate–potassium chloride at 25°C. The pKA of neutral red was found to be 6.81. At pH 5 the binding of protonated neutral red was complicated even at low concentration ratios of dye to DNA. In the pH range 7.5–8.5 the tight binding process could be studied and it was found that both protonated and free base species of neutral red significantly bind with DNA having association constants (in terms of polynucleotide phosphate) of 5.99 × 103 M?1 and 0.136 × 103 M?1, respectively, for native DNA and 7.48 × 103 M?1 and 0.938 × 103 M?1, respectively, for denatured DNA. The pKA value of the neutral red–DNA complexes were 8.46 for native DNA and 7.72 for denatured DNA. These results are discussed in terms of possible binding mechanisms. 相似文献
Yan-Ming Liu Shan Feng Xiao-Lan Ding Chi-Fei Kang Yong-Bin Yan 《International journal of biological macromolecules》2009,44(3):271-277
Creatine kinase (CK), a key enzyme in maintaining the intracellular energetic homeostasis, contains two domains connected by a long linker. In this research, we found that the mutations of the conserved Asp122 in the linker slightly affected CK activity, structure and stability. The hydrogen bonding and the ion pair contributed 2–5 kJ/mol to the conformational stability of CK. Interestingly, the ability of CK reactivation from the denatured state was completely removed by the mutations. These results suggested that the electrostatic interactions were crucial to the action of the linker in CK reactivation. 相似文献