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Interaction between an entomopoxvirus (PsEPV) and a gregarious braconid endoparasitoid,Cotesia kariyai,inPseudaletia separatalarvae showed that infection of larvae with PsEPV was deleterious to the development and survival ofC. kariyai.The survival and development ofC. kariyaiin PsEPV-infectedP. separatalarvae depended on the length of time between parasitization and viral infection. No parasitoid larvae emerged from PsEPV-infected hosts when host larvae were exposed simultaneously to parasitization and PsEPV inoculation whereas more than 80% of the hosts produced parasitoids when PsEPV was administered 5 days postparasitization.C. kariyailarvae in PsEPV-infected hosts showed a retarded development, shrank, and died about 8 days after viral exposure. Virion-free plasma from PsEPV-infectedP. separatalarvae was toxic to the parasitoid larvae even up to a dilution level of 32 when it was injected intrahemocoelically into the host larvae. Development of parasitoids in hosts that were simultaneously parasitized and injected with the virion-free plasm never progressed beyond the egg stage. The parasitizedP. separatalarvae injected with the virion-free plasma did not pupate and died within 30 days after injection.  相似文献   

A kairomone produced by the rice white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) for the mymarid egg parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae Pang et Wang was investigated. Eggs, female and male adults, nymphs, exuvia, honeydew, nymph-damaged plants and plants with S. furcifera eggs all elicited searching behavior in the parasitoid. Eggs, female adults and plants with eggs were the most attractive, while exuvia and honeydew evoked the weakest responses. The active compound(s) from S. furcifera female adults, nymphs and plants with eggs could be effectively extracted with methanol, acetone, n-hexane, ethyl ether and dichloromethane. Isolation of the active chemical(s) in three solvent extracts, the acetone and n-hexane extracts of S. furcifera female adults, and the acetone extract of S. furcifera nymphs, was accomplished by thin-layer chromatography. Only one fraction was active and had the same chemical properties in the three solvent extracts. Infra-red analysis of this fraction revealed a kind of ester with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which was previously found to be active in the same compound as the extracts from the nymphs and female adults of the rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), and identified as palm oil. The results are discussed in relation to host location by A. nilaparvatae.  相似文献   

The introduced parasitoid, Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), utilizes a kairomone, O-caffeoyltyrosine, to recognize California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Homoptera: Diaspididae). Wasps used in augmentative release programs for California red scale on California citrus are reared on oleander scale, Aspidiotus nerii Bouché (Homoptera: Diaspididae), themselves reared on squash. The goals of this study were: 1) to determine if long-term rearing on oleander scale had caused A. melinus to develop a preference for oleander scale, and 2) to determine if the preference of oleander-reared A. melinus for California red scale might be enhanced by exposing them to synthetic O-caffeoyltyrosine prior to release. Wasps that were removed from their hosts as pupae and allowed to emerge as adults isolated from their hosts retained a strong preference for California red scale regardless of rearing host. This preference was reduced if wasps were allowed to emerge from oleander scale, thus acquiring early adult experience with oleander scale. The preference for California red scale was restored, however, by exposing wasps reared on oleander scale to synthetic O-caffeoyltyrosine prior to bioassay. Exposure of A. melinus reared in commercial insectaries to O-caffeoyltyrosine prior to release may be a means to improve the effectiveness of such wasps in augmentative release programs to control California red scale.  相似文献   

【目的】在苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis, Bt)中表达截短后的转宿主粘虫颗粒体病毒(Pseudaletia unipuncta granulovirus-Ps, PuGV-Ps)增效蛋白,为构建增效Bt工程菌提供理论基础。【方法】通过对截短后增效蛋白的密码子进行优化,构建增效蛋白及其融合蛋白表达载体,分析不同启动子指导下增效蛋白表达量的变化,明确增效蛋白对Bt的增效活性。【结果】本研究构建了表达载体pHTPcry1AcCoEn81、 pHTRHCoEn81和pHTNCCoEn81, SDS-PAGE结果显示pHTPcry1AcCoEn81和pHTNCCoEn81分别可以产生81 kDa和134 kDa的重组蛋白。启动子Pcry1Ac和Pcry8E指导下的增效蛋白表达量和重组增效蛋白产量均无显著性差异。生物测定结果表明,重组增效蛋白可以显著增加Bt对小菜蛾的杀虫活性。【结论】研究结果表明,密码子优化的PuGV-Ps增效蛋白可以在Bt中表达并具有显著增效活性,为高效苏云金芽胞杆菌工程菌的构建及...  相似文献   

The flight response of Cotesia kariyaiWatanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the polyphagous herbivore, Mythimna separataWalker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), to pairs of different plant species infested by M. separatalarvae was tested under a dual choice condition in the laboratory. The oviposition-inexperienced (naive) wasps showed preference in the order: corn > kidney bean > Japanese radish. Wasps that had previously oviposited on the less preferred plant in a pair were found to have shifted their preference to this plant at 2 h after oviposition. However, this shift became indistinct at 17 h after oviposition. Prior oviposition on a plant species other than those being compared also affected the preference. These data suggest that learning is involved in the wasp's flight response. Prior oviposition was also observed to have an effect on the antennal searching behavior of the wasp on corn leaves. Such behavioral plasticity may enhance the efficiency by which C. kariyaisearches for polyphagous hosts.  相似文献   

Some parasitoids are restricted with respect to the host stage that they attack and even to a certain age within a stage. In this paper we investigate whether the parasitoidCotesia glomerata can discriminate between old and young caterpillar instars of its host,Pieris brassicae, before contacting these hosts, since contacts with older instars are very risky with a chance of being killed, due to the aggressive defensive behaviour of the caterpillars. Flight chamber dual choice tests showed that volatile chemicals emitted by Brussels sprouts plants (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) after feeding damage by 1st and 5th larval instars are equally attractive to the wasps. Simulated herbivore damage by 2nd and 5th larval instars, obtained by treating mechanically damaged leaves with carterpillar regurgitant, was also equally attractive, even when the wasps were exposed to repeated experience on different larval instars to increase their discriminatory ability. In contrast, single choice contact bioassays showed that the time spent searching on a leaf with feeding damage of 1st instar larvae was significantly longer than the time spent on 5th instar feeding damage or on mechanically damaged leaves. Both flight and contact bioassays did not show any effect of egg-related infochemicals. The results demonstrate thatC. glomerata can discriminate between young and old larval instars ofP. brassicae, without contacting the caterpillars. This is not done through volatile herbivore-induced synomones but through cues that are contacted after arrival at a caterpillar-infested leaf.  相似文献   

【目的】明确广聚萤叶甲成虫产卵行为及其产卵部位的选择性。【方法】在室内条件下,对广聚萤叶甲成虫交配及产卵的系列行为、产卵场所选择、不同部位豚草植株叶片叶绿素b的含量进行了观察和测定:(1)将1对成虫放到养虫笼内的一株豚草上,观察交配时间,记录产卵数量、前后2粒卵之间的产卵时间间隔;(2)在均匀分为5部分(0~10、11~20、21~30、31~40和41~50 cm)的豚草植株上,随机放置10对成虫,观察雌虫对于产卵场所的选择。(3)将上述5个部位的豚草叶片通过丙酮匀浆法处理,用紫外分光光度计测定其在645和663 nm的吸光值,计算叶绿素b含量。【结果】广聚萤叶甲成虫完成一次成功交配平均需96.09 min。雌虫一般需45 min的时间来寻找其适应的产卵场所,在产卵过程中,成虫习惯将卵产于叶片背面,雌虫喜欢用口器来清理刚产下的卵粒。在一株50 cm高的豚草植株上,雌虫喜欢将卵产在植株中部21~30 cm和中上部31~40cm的叶片上(从下往上划分)。卵块数量和豚草不同部位叶片叶绿素b含量呈显著的正相关性。【结论】广聚萤叶甲成虫喜欢产卵在叶绿素b含量较高的叶片背面,可能以视觉识别叶片颜色来选择和定位产卵场所。  相似文献   

【目的】研究转宿主粘虫颗粒体病毒(Pseudaletia unipuncta granulovirus,Pu GV-Ps)增效蛋白基因截短片段优化及其增效作用,探索增效蛋白基因的合理利用途径。【方法】生物信息学分析增效蛋白结构域,构建增效蛋白基因截短片段原核表达载体,分析目的基因片段表达产物的表达水平、围食膜蛋白降解效能和增强活性,进一步明确Pu GV-Ps增效蛋白基因的功能区域。【结果】Pu GV-Ps增效蛋白含有M60-like结构域、锌离子催化域和糖蛋白结合域,并包含13个潜在的糖基化位点。以此为依据设计P69(短截M60-like结构域)和P77(短截糖蛋白结合域)2个截短片段,构建了表达载体p ET15b-P69和p ET15bP77,原核表达量明显高于全长基因P104。表达产物纯化蛋白围食膜降解活性表明,P69对斜纹夜蛾围食膜大分子蛋白降解程度高于P77,但两者均低于P104。病毒增强苏云金杆菌(Bt)实验表明,截短片段的表达产物提高了Bt对小菜蛾的毒力,但增强活性显著低于P104。【结论】研究结果表明,Pu GV-Ps增效蛋白基因N端M60-like结构域和C端糖蛋白结合域对其增效作用的发挥都具有一定功能,这些结构对维持增效蛋白的构象也发挥了一定的作用,截短片段P69有利于保持Pu GV-Ps增效蛋白的活性、提高表达水平。该研究结果对增效蛋白的工业化生产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

为明确寄主植物对桃蛀螟生长发育及产卵选择行为的影响,利用实验种群生命表和二项产卵选择试验,研究了玉米、大豆、棉花和桃等4种寄主植物对桃蛀螟种群生长发育及产卵选择性的影响。结果表明:取食棉花的桃蛀螟幼虫存活率最低、幼虫历期最长,取食玉米的幼虫存活率最高、幼虫历期最短,取食桃和大豆的幼虫存活率和历期居于棉花处理组和玉米处理组之间;玉米处理组的桃蛀螟化蛹率、蛹重和蛹历期均为最高,棉花处理组为最低,大豆和桃处理组的这些参数均显著小于玉米处理组而大于棉花处理组;发育至成虫后,取食玉米的桃蛀螟羽化率显著高于其他3个处理组;取食桃的桃蛀螟成虫寿命(雌虫和雄虫)及个体发育历期均显著高于其他3种处理组;同时取食桃的桃蛀螟单雌产卵量最高,其次是玉米处理组,两者均显著高于大豆和棉花处理组。二项产卵选择试验结果显示,桃蛀螟雌蛾在棉花和玉米处理组、玉米和大豆处理组或棉花和大豆处理组间的落卵量差异不显著;但在包含桃的处理组中,桃蛀螟在棉花、玉米或大豆处理区的落卵量均显著高于桃处理区。上述结果表明,供试4种寄主植物中,桃蛀螟偏好在棉花、玉米和大豆上产卵,其中玉米对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较高,棉花对桃蛀螟的适合度相对较低...  相似文献   

周慧  张扬  吴伟坚 《生态学报》2012,32(7):2223-2229
稻纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂是稻纵卷叶螟幼虫的重要天敌。以Y形嗅觉仪测定了稻纵卷叶螟2—3龄幼虫虫粪、4—5龄幼虫虫粪、健康水稻、稻纵卷叶螟幼虫为害后水稻在纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂对寄主的搜索过程中的作用。结果表明已交配的雌蜂显著趋向稻纵卷叶螟2—3龄幼虫虫粪和4—5龄幼虫虫粪,不趋向健康水稻、稻纵卷叶螟幼虫为害后的水稻。雄蜂、处女雌蜂不显著趋向健康水稻、稻纵卷叶螟幼虫为害后水稻、稻纵卷叶螟2—3龄幼虫虫粪、稻纵卷叶螟4—5龄幼虫虫粪。利用固相微萃取(SPME)及气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)联用分析稻纵卷叶螟2—3龄幼虫虫粪的化学成分,并通过Y-形嗅觉仪测试已交配雌蜂对稻纵卷叶螟2—3龄幼虫虫粪化学成分标准品的嗅觉反应,结果表明已交配的雌蜂显著趋向1-十一烯和异缬草醛,稻纵卷叶螟幼虫虫粪中的1-十一烯和异缬草醛可能是稻纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂搜索寄主的利他素。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of olfactometer experiments with the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and its host the corn earworm moth, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The sex pheromone of the host significantly reduced the total number of border crossings between odour fields in the olfactometer. Also, female parasitoids made significantly more visits to the calling moth odour field than to the opposite control field in the olfactometer. Further, the wasps spent significantly more time in the olfactometer field containing the sex pheromone released by calling virgin moths, than in control fields. If non-calling virgin moths were used as odour source, the response was reversed and wasps were repelled by the odour of the moths, and the numbers of visits were evenly distributed over the four flow fields. These results are discussed in the context of foraging ecology of egg parasitoids.
Résumé Des expériences menées en olfactométrie avec le parasite oophage Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) et son hôte, Heliothis zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) donnent les résultats suivants. La présence de la phéromone sexuelle de l'hôte réduit de façon significative le nombre de passages entre les champs odorisés. De mème, les parasites visitent plus fréquemment le champ qui dispense l'odeur de la femelle en appel que le champ témoin placé à l'opposé. Par ailleurs, le temps passé dans le champ qui contient la phéromone sexuelle émise par les femelles vierges en appel est significativement supérieur à la durée de visite des champs témoins. Si l'on utilise comme source d'odeur des femelles vierges qui ne sont pas en appel, la réponse est inversée, les parasites sont alors repoussés par l'odeur de ces papillons et le nombre de visites est distribué de façon aléatoire entre les quatre champs. Ces résultats sont discutés dans le contexte de l'écologie du comportement de recherche chez les parasites oophages.

In a study of the quality ofTrichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammidae), we compared female wasps emerging from natural hosts, parasitized in the laboratory or the field with those emerging from factitious hosts used for commercial mass production. Females from the natural hosts were larger, more fecund, and longer lived than those from the factitious hosts. Compared to small females, large female wasps are substantially more fecund when honey (carbohydrate) is available but marginally more fecund when honey is unavailable. The size of a femaleT. pretiosum depends on two factors: the size of the host egg from which it emerges even when the wasp was gregarious, and the number of conspecifics that emerge with it. The similarities in the size distribution of female wasps emerging from natural hosts, in conjunction with the mechanism by whichTrichogramma measure host size and allocate eggs accordingly, suggests the hypothesis that size related components of fitness in femaleT. pretiosum are under strong selection in the field.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that control of an herbivorous pest would be improved by providing floral resources for adult natural enemies. The herbivore was euonymus scale, Unaspis euonymi (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), a serious pest of woody ornamental plants. The experimental landscape consisted of 3 × 3 m plots, each containing a central bed of Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) that was infested with the scale. Floral resource plants were cultivars of four species that overlapped in bloom periods to provide a continuous supply of floral resources during summer: Trifolium repens L., Euphorbia epithymoides L., Coreopsis verticillata L. var. ‘Moonbeam,’ and Solidago canadensis L. var. ‘Golden Baby.’ Plots contained either low or high densities of all four species, or no resource plants. Densities of euonymus scale were typically lower in plots containing resource plants than in plots without them. Parasitism by Encarsia citrina (Craw.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was rarely influenced by the experimental treatments, flower biomass, whole-plant biomass, or scale density, but in some cases was inversely correlated with density of scales within a generation and in the subsequent generation. Parasitism occasionally reduced densities of scales in plots containing resource plants, but this effect apparently was related to vegetative, not floral qualities of plants. A steady increase in parasitism rate over the three-year course of the experiment across the entire landscape was associated with decreasing density of scales, suggesting a numerical response by the parasitoid population. These findings suggest that the parasitoid is capable of effectively controlling euonymus scale in ornamental landscapes where environmental conditions are favorable.  相似文献   

The responses of females of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to volatile and contact chemicals from its host Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer and under open arena conditions. In the Y-tube tests, volatiles from virgin males and from females in a preovipositional state attracted T. basalis females, while volatiles from host virgin females did not. In an open arena, traces left by N. viridula adults in different physiological conditions function as contact cues inducing the wasps to remain longer in the arena and to change the pattern of their walking behavior. However, only contact kairomones from N. viridula mated females in a preovipositional condition induced an arrestment response characterized by an increase in patch searching time and turning rates and a reduction in linear speed. The chemical ecological implications of these results on this host–parasitoid association are discussed.  相似文献   

椰子木蛾的产卵节律及其对寄主植物的产卵选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】椰子木蛾是近年来新入侵我国棕榈科植物的害虫,研究其产卵习性可为监测和防治该虫提供参考。【方法】在室内条件下,观察、记录了椰子木蛾雌成虫的产卵节律及其对不同寄主植物的产卵选择性。【结果】椰子木蛾最高日产卵量可达34.4粒·头-1,且主要集中在羽化后4 d内产卵,占总产卵量的54.1%;产卵活动主要发生在夜间23:00到次日8:00;在椰子、蒲葵、大王棕、槟榔和散尾葵等寄主植物上的产卵量无显著差异,为89.3~147.7粒·头-1,但产卵位置存在差别。【结论与意义】椰子木蛾雌成虫具有较强的繁殖能力和产卵节律性,且在不同寄主植物上的产卵量一致。  相似文献   

Predatory larvae of the midge Chaoborus americanus induce an antipredator defense (neckteeth) in prey individuals of the cladoceran Daphnia pulex. The signal for presence of predator is a water-soluble chemical. We provide evidence that this kairomone originates in the intestinal tract of the predator. The active compound is an organic molecule of intermediate polarity which is heat stable and partially destroyed by acid and base digestion. It is stable to digestion by the general peptidase Pronase. Hydroxyl groups, but not primary amines, carbonyls or thiols are essential to activity. Low-pressure liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase silica gel (Amicon Matrex C-18) column suggests there may be more than one active component.  相似文献   

Anaphes victus Huber andAnaphes listronoti Huber (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) are respectively solitary and gregarious egg parasitoids of the carrot weevil,Listronotus oregonensis (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). We made detailed ethograms of the oviposition behavior on unparasitized and parasitized hosts for the two species. We then compared the behavior of virgin and mated females for the oviposition of male and female progenies. The two species did not always oviposit after insertion of the ovipositor, but these punctures without oviposition could be readily differentiated from oviposition.A. victus oviposited only once by puncture, whileA. listronoti deposited one to three eggs during the same sequence. The variability of the duration of the various components was generally lower for a given female than between females. Two components, the abdominal vibrations and the pause, were significantly shorter in ovipositions that resulted in male progency for the two species. However, an important overlap in duration prevents using these differences to sex the progeny at oviposition. Virgin females of both species, although capable of producing only males, exhibited both behaviors. Parasitized hosts were recognized through internal and external markings that were used in host discrimination.  相似文献   

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