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SYNOPSIS. Living Trypanosoma musculi bloodstream trypomastigotes were agglutinated specifically with concanavalin A (ConA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), and fucose-binding protein (FBP). The agglutination with these lectins of living cells from which the coat was removed by trypsinization was the same as with intact trypanosomes. Glutaraldehyde or formalin fixation did not affect the results with regard to agglutination with WGA, SBA, and FBP, but lower agglutination with ConA was observed upon fixation. By using a dense iron-dextran marker many fewer ConA marker particles were localized at the fine structural level in the intact than in trypsin-treated trypanosomes. On the basis of the results obtained by agglutination and electron microscopy, it is likely that fixation cross-links intact surface-coat components associated with the ConA binding sites. It is evident from the studies in which lectins were employed that ligands containing α-D-mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and α-L-fucose are randomly distributed in the outer surface of the pellicular and flagellar membranes of T. musculi trypomastigotes. Results obtained with α-amylase- and dextranase-treated trypanosomes suggested that lectin-binding sugar ligands in the cell surface were not directly associated with α-1,4 or repetitive α-1,6 glucan-bonded polysaccharide moieties. Similar conclusions can be drawn on the basis of neuraminidase treatment with regard to N-acetylated neuraminic acids. After thorough washing, intact, but not trypsin-treated trypomastigotes were agglutinated specifically with antisera against whole mouse serum and against mouse IgG. Evidently, adsorbed constituents of mouse serum are regular components of the T. musculi surface coat. After incubation in dilute whole mouse serum or in mouse IgG solutions, also the trypsinized cells were agglutinated by the 2 antisera. No such results were obtained with trypsinized cells incubated in serum-free buffers. It was concluded that mouse serum proteins were readily readsorbed on, and firmly bound to the trypsinized cells' surfaces. Specific agglutinations were obtained with trypsinized cells after incubation in dilute rat, rabbit, bovine, and human sera and in solutions of rat and rabbit IgG in reactions with the corresponding antisera. It seems, therefore, that the host serum proteins are adsorbed nonspecifically to the cell surface of trypsinized T. musculi bloodstream forms. When examined by electron microscopy, the intact trypomastigotes were covered by an ununiform, slightly granular, fibrillar extracellular coat, applied to the entire outer lamina of the pellicular and flagellar membranes. No indication of such a coat was noted in the trypsinized organisms. Flocculent surface coat-like matrix could, however, be discerned in cells which, after trypsinization, were incubated in various sera.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The mechanisms of ferritin uptake and digestion differ in bloodstream and culture forms of Trypanosoma brucei. Ferritin enters bloodstream forms from the flagellar pocket by pinocytosis in large spiny-coated vesicles. These vesicles become continuous with straight tubular extensions of a complex, mostly tubular, collecting membrane system where ferritin is concentrated. From the collecting membrane system the tracer enters large digestive vacuoles. Small spiny-coated vesicles, which never contain ferritin, are found in the Golgi region, fusing with the collecting membrane system, and around the flagellar pocket. Acid phosphatase activity is present in some small spiny-coated vesicles which may represent primary lysosomes. This enzymic activity is also found in the flagellar pocket, pinocytotic vesicles, the collecting membrane system, the Golgi (mature face), and digestive vacuoles of bloodstream forms. About 50% of the acid phosphatase activity of blood forms is latent. The remaining nonlatent activity is firmly cell-associated and probably represents activity in the flagellar pocket. The structures involved in ferritin uptake and digestion are larger and more active in the short stumpy than in the long slender bloodstream forms. The short stumpy forms also have more autophagic vacuoles. No pinocytotic large, spiny-coated vesicles or Golgi-derived, small spiny-coated vesicles are seen in culture forms. Ferritin leaves the flagellar pocket of these forms and enters small smooth cisternae located just beneath bulges in the pocket membrane. The tracer then passes through a cisternal collecting membrane network, where it is concentrated, and then into multivesicular bodies. In the culture forms, acid phosphatase activity is localized in the cisternal system, multivesicular bodies, the Golgi (mature face), and small vesicles in the Golgi and cisternal regions. The flagellar pocket has no acid phosphatase activity, and almost all the activity is latent in these forms. The culture forms do not release acid phosphatase into culture medium during 4 days growth. Uptake of ferritin by all forms is almost completely inhibited by low temperature. These differences among the long slender and short stumpy bloodstream forms and culture forms are undoubtedly adaptive and reflect different needs of the parasite in different life cycle stages.  相似文献   

Iodination and immunoprecipitation techniques together with indirect fluorescent antibody tests identified two polypeptides (SP) of molecular weights 88,000–92,000 and 66,000–70,000 in the surface coat of bloodstream forms of the mouse trypanosome, Trypanosoma musculi. As parasites multiply and enter the early plateau phase of infection the 88,000–92,000 SP is present while the 66,000–70,000 SP is only detectable after the mid-plateau phase. Western blotting of parasite extracts showed that the 88,000–92,000 SP was present throughout the course of infection, but it appears to become masked by the 66,000–70,000 SP or possibly immunoglobulin from about 16 days after infection. Based on results when Western blots of parasite extracts were probed with antibodies affinity purified against the 88,000–92,000 SP, the two SP appear to be immunologically related and the smaller may be a cleavage product of the larger. This would explain why affinity purified antibodies to each SP bound to trypanosomes collected 8 days after infection, when only the 88,000–92,000 is detectable in parasite extracts. However, the failure of antibodies affinity purified against the 66,000–70,000 SP to bind to the 88,000–92,000 SP in Western blots suggests that the smaller SP has some epitopes that are immunologically distinct from those of the larger SP.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cyclops maintained in blood agar medium at 25 C is described. This organism was isolated from the Malaysian primates Macaca nemestrina and Macaca ira. A distinctive feature of T. cyclops is that it is pigmented when grown in the presence of hemoglobin. The pigment bodies apparently lack a substructure and are electron dense even in unstained sections. Most of the pigment is located posterior to the kinetoplast region but some is found adjacent and anterior to the kinetoplast. Cells from control cultures grown in medium lacking hemoglobin did not possess this type of pigment body. Similarly, pigment was not found in cells of an Indonesian trypanosome grown in medium containing hemoglobin. The cytoplasm of T. cyclops is bounded by a unit membrane which is specialized where it makes contact with the flagellum. A cytostome extends from the region of the flagellar pocket. The kinetoplast and nucleus are immediately posterior to the base of the flagellum. Transverse sections in the region of the flagellar pocket and flagellar base often reveal a group of 3 microtubules which are distinct from the pellicular microtubules.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The erythrocytic cycle of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, was examined by electron microscopy. Three strains of parasites maintained in continuous culture in human erythrocytes were compared with in vivo infections in Aotus monkeys. The ultrastructure of P. falciparum is not altered by continuous cultivation in vitro. mitochondria contain DNA-like filaments and some cristae at all stages of the erythrocytic life cycle. The Golgi apparatus is prominent at the schizont stage and may be involved in the formation of rhoptries. In culture, knob-like protrusions first appear on the surface of trophozoite-infected erythrocytes. The time of appearance of knobs on cells in vitro correlates with the life cycle stage of parasites which are sequestered from the peripheral circulation in vivo. Knob material of older parasites coalesces and forms extensions from the erythrocyte surface. Some of this material is sloughed from the host cell surface. The parasitophorous vacuole membrane breaks down in erythrocytes containing mature merozoites both in vitro and in vivo. Merozoite structure is similar to that of P. knowlesi. The immature gametocytes in culture have no knobs.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the dividing nucleus in the intracellular amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi from tissue cultures has been described. In the first phase of division the nucleus shows a homogenous structure owing to the dispersion of its chromatin and nucleolar material. Microtubules similar to those of a mitotic spindle in metozoan cells then appear, running from one pole to the other. They disappear when the division of the nucleus is complete and the chromatin and the nucleolar material reorganize into their former positions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Ochromonas danica has an unusually flexible cell surface capable of producing projections of varying sizes and shapes: large projections, 340–360 nm long, and small projections, 50–110 nm long. These projections have been demonstrated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy; some of them may break off into the medium and be the source of extracellular membranes and vesicles reported in the cell-free O. danica growth medium. Ruthenium red stained the acid mucopolysaccharide layer just outside the cell surface as well as small blebs at the cell surface. The Golgi complex of O. danica, Ochromonas malhamensis, Ochromonas sociabilis and Ochromonas sp. produced small coated vesicles which may move toward and fuse with the plasma membrane. The role of the several vesicles is unknown but possible functions are discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The surface charge of epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated by means of binding of cationized ferritin to the cell surface as visualized by electron microscopy, and by direct measurements of the cellular microelectrophoretic mobility (EPM). Epimastigote forms had a mean EPM of -0.52 μm.s-1.V-1.cm and were lightly labeled with cationized ferritin. In contrast, bloodstream trypomastigotes had a much higher EPM (-1.14), and the surface was heavily labeled with cationized ferritin. When trypomastigotes from stationary phase cultures were isolated on DEAE cellulose columns, the mean EPM was found to be significantly lower (-0.63), and labeling with cationized ferritin decreased. With a mixed population containing epimastigote, trypomastigote, and intermediate forms, EPM values ranging between -0.70 to -1.14 were found. From these observations we conclude that there is a definite increase in negative surface charge during development from epi- to trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Living, intact bloodstream trypomastigotes and culture procyclic forms of Trypanosoma congolense were tested for agglutination with the lectins concanavalin A (Con A), phytohemagglutinin P (PP), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), and fucose binding protein (FBP). Similar experiments were conducted with living bloodstream and culture forms treated with trypsin or dextranase. Parasites were incubated for 30 min at 25 C in various concentrations of each lectin, then examined for agglutination by dark-field microscopy. Control preparations consisted of parasites incubated alone or with 0.5 M of the specific competing sugar, with or without the corresponding lectin. Electron-microscopic localization of lectin binding sites on the surface of intact and dextranase-treated bloodstream and intact culture forms was accomplished with Con A, reacted with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and then diaminobenzidine (DAB). In addition, FBP and SBA were coupled to HRP, then utilized for the localization of binding saccharides on the surface of blood-stream forms by the DAB technic. Similar studies were conducted with culture procyclics incubated with WGA-, SBA, PP- or FBP-HRP conjugates and then reacted with DAB. Controls were utilized to confirm the sugar specificity of all positive reactions. Intact living bloodstream forms were agglutinated in a concentration-dependent manner with all the lectins tested. Agglutination levels were scored as Con A > FBP > WGA = PP = SBA. Sugars resembling α-D-mannose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, and α-L-fucose are evidently present on the surface of the parasites. No agglutination was noted in any control preparations. Identical lectin-induced agglutinations were obtained with trypsin- or dextranase-treated bloodstream forms. Trypsin disrupted but did not entirely remove the surface coat of bloodstream forms, while dextranase did not alter the ultrastructure of the parasites. Con A-, SBA- and FBP-binding saccharides were distributed uniformly on the surface coat of intact bloodstream forms; a similar distribution of Con A receptors was noted also on the surface of dextranase-treated cells. No lectin-binding saccharides were visualized by electron microscopy on any control preparations. Intact, trypsin- or dextranasetreated, procyclics were agglutinated in a concentration-dependent fashion by Con A and WGA, but not by the other lectins tested. Control preparations did not agglutinate and the enzymes did not affect the ultrastructure of the parasites. Con A- and WGA-specifically binding saccharides were uniformly distributed on intact procyclics and control preparations were lectin-negative. Thus, T. congolense procyclics retained surface saccharides resembling α-D-mannose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine but lost sugars resembling N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (or D-galactose) and α-L-fucose. The failure of dextranase to remove the lectin-binding saccharides from the surface of bloodstream and procyclic forms suggests that α-1,6-glucan bonds do not link these carbohydrates. The results are contrasted with lectin research on other trypanosome species and discussed with relation to the biology of T. congolense.  相似文献   

Intra- and extracellular gametocytes of Haemogregarina sp. from Rana berlandieri were studied by light and electron microscopy. Locomotion in free gametocytes appears to be related to series of horizontal “peristaltic” waves of constriction, passing from anterior to posterior along the body. Intracellular gametocytes lie within a vacuole in the erythrocyte cytoplasm. The pellicle of the parasite consists of a trilaminar plasmalemma and an inner electron dense layer, beneath which lies a ring of 80 microtubules. The inner dense layer becomes thickened and modified in the apical region, to form a cap-like structure. The gametocytes contain a prominent nucleus, several mitochondria, and many granular inclusions. One type of inclusion consists of elliptical, electron-dense, profeinaceous bodies scattered throughout the cytoplasm, while other inclusions are larger and electron-opaque, polysaccharide in nature, and occur predominantly in the pre- and post-nuclear regions. In the electron microscope, pronounced pellicular folds were observed in longitudinally sectioned extracellular gametocytes. These folds are thought to represent the waves of constriction seen in motile specimens by light microscopy. The mechanism of movement of the parasite is discussed and compared with that in haemosporidian ookinetes, as well as in gregarines.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Although large hemoglobin inclusions are observed in intraerythrocytic Babesia microti parasites, they are absent from parasites freed of hamster red cells by immune lysis with antihamster erythsocyte serum. Babesia microti has no cytostome. This parasite, therefore, does not appear to feed by phagocytosis of large boluses of hemoglobin, as does Plasmodium. To determine whether Babesia can pinocytose protein, free parasites were fed ferritin in an in vitro system. Ferritin was taken up from the entire cell surface into narrow channels within 15 min at 37 C. Only merozoites, with their pellicular complex, failed to take up the protein. By 60 min, the ferritin was highly concentrated in many channels and vesicles, which formed interconnecting stacks. The ferritin-containing channels became associated with membrane whorls of the multimembranous structure. Membrane whorls were also observed in the process of extrusion in samples incubated for longer times. These events may represent steps in the digestion and excretion of the pinocytosed protein. Empty channels formed when Babesia was fed albumin. The diaminobenzidine reaction for hemoprotein was positive for the channels in both free and intraerythrocytic babesias. The staining reaction was completely inhibited by cyanide, but not at all by aminotriazole. These results further suggest that Babesia pinocytoses hemoglobin in vivo. Plasmodium lophurae parasites freed of red cells by immune lysis are surrounded by 2 membranes and apparently can ingest ferritin only through the cytostome. Extracellular cytostomal feeding involves both membranes, as it does in vivo. Ferritin was found in food vacuoles, some of which contained hemoglobin ingested before parasite isolation, connected to or near the cytostome. In both Plasmodium and Babesia low temperature inhibited ferritin uptake.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi has been cultured in pigment epithelial cells of the iris from the chick embryo. Melanin granules, identical with those of the host cells were found in the intracellular, amastigote (leishmania) forms. In many of the intracellular forms cytostome-like structures were seen, often in intimate contact with the pigment granules of the host cells, which suggests the uptake of melanin granules through the cytostomes by the process of intracellular phagotrophy.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In an electron microscopic study, counts of peripheral microtubules were made in spheromastigotes and trypomastigotes in tissue cultures of embryonic heart muscle cells. In interphase spheromastigotes there were, at the level of the nucleus, ~ 114 microtubules; in dividing forms, there were ~ 222. In trypomastigotes, the number of microtubules varied according to the level of the section—there were fewer than 40 tubules in the pointed ends of an organism, while in the central segment the number of these elements ranged from 60 to 115. The highest number of microtubules was found in the region containing the Golgi complex. The distance between the microtubules was constant, equalling 44 nm, even at the pointed ends of a trypanosome. This suggests that the microtubules course parallel to one another. Cross sections and randomly arranged, variable length, longitudinal sections of the tubules were noted around the kinetosomes in dividing organisms.  相似文献   

The fine structure of Amoeba discoides, Amoeba dubia, and Amoeba amazonas was studied and compared with that of Amoeba proteus. The different kinds of amebas showed general similarities but differed in the ultrastructural details of their organelles. With respect to fine structure, A. discoides was indistinguishable from A. proteus, while both A. dubia and A. amazonas had distinctive features. The nuclei of all had a prominent honeycomb-like fibrous lamina, but A. dubia differed from the others in the distribution of nucleoli within the nucleus. The mitochondria of A. amazonas were unusual in having a variable pattern of cristae, some being plate-like and others tubular. Golgi bodies in A. amazonas had a greater proportion of vesicles and a smaller number of cisternae than those of the others, while Golgi bodies in A. dubia had highly flattened cisternae without a lining of filamentous material such as is found in the other types. The plasma membrane of A. dubia also lacked the prominent filamentous cell coat common to A. proteus and other amebas. The relation between the Golgi apparatus and the cell coat and the significance of the degree of development of the cell coat for pinocytosis and other phenomena is considered. The experimental use of these cells, including the formation of hybrids by nuclear transplantation is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Leptomonas pessoai promastigotes cultivated in a synthetic medium were agglutinated with concanavalin A (Con A). Agglutination was predominantly of the flagellar-flagellar type, and was inhibited with sucrose or α-methyl-D-mannoside. Cell surface polysaccharides and/or glycoproteins were demonstrated by several cytochemical methods at the fine-structural level. A Con A-horseradish peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (DAB) technic was used to detect Con A receptors in the pellicular membrane of the flagellar pocket region and in the flagellar membrane proper. Somewhat less of the Con A-DAB reaction product was observed in the pellicular membrane enclosing the rest of the cell.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms express a densely packed surface coat consisting of identical variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) molecules. This surface coat is subject to antigenic variation by sequential expression of different VSG genes and thus enables the cells to escape the mammalian host's specific immune response. VSG turnover was investigated and compared with the antigen switching rate. Living cells were radiochemically labeled with either 125I-Bolton-Hunter reagent or 35S-methionine, and immunogold-surface labeled for electron microscopy studies. The fate of labeled VSG was studied during subsequent incubation or cultivation of labeled trypanosomes. Our data show that living cells slowly released VSG into the medium with a shedding rate of 2.2 ± 0.6% h−1 (t1/2= 33 ± 9 h). In contrast, VSG degradation accounted for only 0.3 ± 0.06% h−1 (t1/2= 237 ± 45 h) and followed the classical lysosomal pathway as judged by electron microscopy. Since VSG uptake by endocytosis was rather high, our data suggest that most of the endocytosed VSG was recycled to the surface membrane. These results indicate that shedding of VSG at a regular turnover rate is sufficient to remove the old VSG coat within one week, and no increase of the VSG turnover rate seems to be necessary during antigenic variation.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic vacuoles seen in methanol-fixed, Giemsa's-stained ookinetes of Leucocytozoon simondi, Parahaemoproteus fringillae and Plasmodium gallinaceum, when studied with the electron microscope, were found to correspond with crystalloid inclusions of similar structure, particle size, and arrangement. Cytochemical examination of these “crystalloids” revealed their lipid-protein nature. Morphologically similar inclusions were found also in ookinetes of Leucocytozoon ziemanni and Parahaemoproteus velans. In L. simondi, crystalloid is formed rapidly after fertilization, from amorphous electron dense material seen in mature macrogametocytes. The arrangement and distribution of crystalloids in the zygote, ookinete, oocyst, and sporozoite are described. On the basis of differences in structure and particle size, it is proposed that the crystalloid inclusions in Haemosporina be divided into 2 types. Type I—lipid-protein in nature, characterized by electron dense irregularly spherical particles, 25–40 nm in diameter, with individual particles not invested by membrane. Type II—probably virus, characterized by electron dense, irregularly spherical, membrane-bounded particles, with a diameter usually greater than 40 nm.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Trypanosoma cruzi strain Peru was cultivated in the presence of an established cell line of Triatoma infestans embryo cells (TI-32). Bloodstream trypomastigotes differentiated into amastigote-like cells (first differentiation phase) which multiplied to form large clusters of cells. Because of their clustering nature, a new term, “staphylomastigotes,” has been proposed for this stage. After 10 days of cultivation, 90% of the staphylomastigotes underwent differentiation (2nd differentiation phase) to trypomastigotes (?98%) or epimastigotes (?2%). Bloodstream trypomastigotes cultivated without TI-32 cells underwent the first, but not the 2nd differentiation phase, although occasional epimastigotes were seen (< 1%). The evidence presented suggests that TI-32 cells produce a labile factor(s) important not only for initiation of the 2nd differentiation phase but also for maintaining the parasites in the trypomastigote stage. The pH of the culture medium was not the initiating factor for the 2nd differentiation phase. Infectivity studies indicated that staphylomastigotes were as infective as bloodstream trypomastigotes, but that metacyclic trypomastigotes isolated from culture after the 2nd differentiation phase were slightly more infective than bloodstream forms. Electromicrographs of styphylomastigotes do not provide any evidence of exchange of genetic material between cells.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Diphenylamine was shown to be a potent inhibitor of cyanide insensitive respiration in both bloodstream and newly established culture forms of the same isolate of Trypanosoma brucei, with the L-α-glycerophosphate oxidase system having the greatest sensitivity to the inhibitor. The NADH oxidase activity of bloodstream forms was at least twice as sensitive to diphenylamine as the corresponding activity in culture forms, suggesting different routes of NADH oxidation in the 2 forms. The oxidation of L-α-glycerophosphate was inhibited to a similar degree in both culture and bloodstream forms. L-α-glycerophosphate oxidation in bloodstream forms differed from that found in culture forms in that the bloodstream system, unlike that in the culture form, was unable to donate electrons to cytochrome c. In culture form trypanosomes there was a distinct difference in the degree of diphenylamine inhibition on the oxidation of L-α-glycerophosphate, NADH, and succinate, suggesting the participation of separate flavoproteins in the oxidation of these substrates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An electronmicroscopic study was made of the centriolar apparatus in the rostrum of Deltotrichonympha operculata and Koruga bonita , 2 closely related hypermastigote flagellates from the Australian termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis. In interphase flagellates, the centriolar apparatus consists of 2 similar parts with a mutually perpendicular orientation. Each part contains a large, club-shaped centriolar body consisting of fibrillar and granular material, without recognizable internal symmetry or microtubules. The anterior centriolar body extends from the inner rostral wall, which is structurally related to the fibrous wall surrounding the posterior centriolar body. The 2 centriolar bodies are joined by connecting branches, which meet at 3 barren kinetosome-like structures located inside the rostrum. Thus, an interphase flagellate has 2 centriolar bodies oriented at a 90° angle to each other, like a pair of typical centrioles in an interphase metazoan cell.  相似文献   

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