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Plasma Physics Reports - A system of equations that describe the static equilibrium of plasma in a magnetic field with three-dimensional magnetic surfaces of toroidal topology is obtained. The...  相似文献   

Inspired by bacterial flagella in nature,magnetic helical microswimmer is an ideal model to perform complex task in a low Reynolds number environments.Shape Mem...  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - A conversion plasma target for injectors of hydrogen atoms with an energy of 0.5–1 MeV is currently being constructed at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. This...  相似文献   

本文从数学角度分析和研究了螺旋对称病毒衣壳参数、整理出衣壳参数20多个,对每一个参数的概念、含义等给予了明确的认定。提示了参数间的关系,推导出了一些计算参数值的公式。  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The article deals with interaction of an extraordinary laser wave of high amplitude with inhomogeneous plasma in a strong magnetic field in the vicinity of twice the...  相似文献   

A study is made of the generation of electromagnetic waves during the merging of two Langmuir plasmons in a hot plasma with a magnetic field. It is shown that the frequency of Langmuir plasmons can vary in the range from 0.8 to 1.1 of the electron Langmuir frequency. The spectrum and polarization of the emitted electromagnetic radiation are analyzed. It is found that the thermal motion of plasma particles may lead to the generation of electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 1.6 to 2.2 of the electron Langmuir frequency. In a plasma with an isotropic Langmuir turbulence spectrum, the degree of circular polarization of the emitted radiation can amount to 50%.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Injection of high-speed plasma flows into a region with a magnetic field created by a current-carrying ring conductor is considered. Analysis is performed on the basis of...  相似文献   

We present a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for the swimming of micro organisms with a single helical flagellum in circular channels. The CFD model is developed to obtain numerical solutions of Stokes equations in three dimensions, validated with experiments reported in literature, and used to analyze the effects of geometric parameters, such as the helical radius, wavelength, radii of the channel and the tail and the tail length on forward and lateral swimming velocities, rotation rates, and the efficiency of the swimmer. Optimal shapes for the speed and the power efficiency are reported. Effects of Brownian motion and electrostatic interactions are excluded to emphasize the role of hydrodynamic forces on lateral velocities and rotations on the trajectory of swimmers. For thin flagella, as the channel radius decreases, forward velocity and the power efficiency of the swimmer decreases as well; however, for thick flagella, there is an optimal radius of the channel that maximizes the velocity and the efficiency depending on other geometric parameters. Lateral motion of the swimmer is suppressed as the channel is constricted below a critical radius, for which the magnitude of the lateral velocity reaches a maximum. Results contribute significantly to the understanding of the swimming of bacteria in micro channels and capillary tubes.  相似文献   

We present a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for the swimming of micro organisms with a single helical flagellum in circular channels. The CFD model is developed to obtain numerical solutions of Stokes equations in three dimensions, validated with experiments reported in literature, and used to analyze the effects of geometric parameters, such as the helical radius, wavelength, radii of the channel and the tail and the tail length on forward and lateral swimming velocities, rotation rates, and the efficiency of the swimmer. Optimal shapes for the speed and the power efficiency are reported. Effects of Brownian motion and electrostatic interactions are excluded to emphasize the role of hydrodynamic forces on lateral velocities and rotations on the trajectory of swimmers. For thin flagella, as the channel radius decreases, forward velocity and the power efficiency of the swimmer decreases as well; however, for thick flagella, there is an optimal radius of the channel that maximizes the velocity and the efficiency depending on other geometric parameters. Lateral motion of the swimmer is suppressed as the channel is constricted below a critical radius, for which the magnitude of the lateral velocity reaches a maximum. Results contribute significantly to the understanding of the swimming of bacteria in micro channels and capillary tubes.  相似文献   

Under subzero degree conditions, free water contained in biological cells tends to freeze and then most living things die due to low temperatures. We examined the effect of a variable magnetic field on Drosophila under supercooled conditions (a state in which freezing is not caused even below the freezing point). Under such supercooled conditions with the magnetic field at 0°C for 72 hours, −4°C for 24 hours and −8°C for 1 hour, the Drosophila all survived, while all conversely died under the supercooled conditions without the magnetic field. This result indicates a possibility that the magnetic field can reduce cell damage caused due to low temperatures in living things.  相似文献   


The 21-base pair synthetic DNA duplexes with basic ‘pause-motif’ site (‘CATGC’) were ligated head-to-tail to produce linear and circular multimers. This also was done from other closely related sequences. Electrophoretic mobilities of the linear multimers in Polyacrylamide gels were determined under the standard and modified conditions. We revealed that small linear multimers (~ 90 bp) were characterized by comparable value of gel retardation relative to the well known curved DNA, while longer multimers (130–170 bp) had only slightly expressed mobility anomaly. Nevertheless these multimers containing nontruncated ‘pause-motif were capable of cyclization, in particular, formation of unusually small circles while truncated ones were not. We conclude that basic ‘pause-motif site increases the closure ability while the multimers based on truncated ‘pause motif fail to curve into the small circles. We tend to explain this situation as a result of intrinsic bending as well as the influence of the thermal fluctuations of DNA, the latter most probably can be associated with ‘pause motif. We have estimated the equilibrial and maximal bend angles per 10.5 bp to be 12°~16° and 32° accordingly under experimental conditions of our study.  相似文献   

Effect of a weak permanent magnetic field (PMF) with a strength of 403 A/m on Allium cepaL. bulb sprouting and leaf growth was investigated. Two onion varieties to produce green onions (cv. Arzamasskii) and bulb onions (cv. Ryazanskii) were examined. In addition, the content of chlorophyll, carbohydrates, and protein in the leaves of the control and PMF-treated plants were determined. The plants of the control group were grown under a natural geomagnetic field. The treatment of onions with PMF accelerated sprouting and extended the length of the fourth leaf in cv. Arzamasskii as much as 40%; the first leaf in cv. Ryazanskii was lengthened by 25% with respect to its length in untreated plants. Exposure to PMF increased the number of sprouts in cv. Ryazanskii and the number of sprout bunches in cv. Arzamasskii. In addition, PMF elevated the total content of chlorophyll and protein, expressed per fresh weight of green onions, but had no effect on the total content of carbohydrates. Conversely, PMF reliably reduced the total content of chlorophyll and protein in cv. Ryazanskii. The temperature increase diminished the effects of PMF.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - For a Penning ion generator, the dependences of the amplitude–time characteristics of the discharge current and the extracted current on the intensity and...  相似文献   

The effects of three physical parameters upon protoplast electrofusionwere studied using protoplasts from cultured cells of Coptisjaponica and Euphorbia millii. The osmotic potential of themedium did not appreciably affect the AC-field-induced protoplast-pairformation, but significantly influenced the fusion process ofthe paired protoplasts in response to DC pulses. The optimumosmotic potential was 0.55 to 0.60 Osm/kg H2O in our system.The density of the medium markedly influenced both pair formationand fusion process. The optimum density was 1.13 to 1.14 g/cm3,and at this density the yield of the fused protoplasts increasedto more than twice that of the control (1.10 g/cm3). Hydrophiliccoating of the bottom surface of the chamber with Gellan gumor polyacrylamide gel was also effective for both pair formationand the fusion process, while coating with hydrophobic siliconewas entirely inhibitory. Possible interpretations of the effectsof these physical parameters upon protoplast electrofusion arepresented. 1Permanent address: Biochemical Research Laboratories, KanegafuchiChemical Industry Co., Ltd., Takasago, Hyogo 676, Japan. (Received December 21, 1987; Accepted March 18, 1988)  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Dependences of kinetic and transport coefficients of electrons in helium on the electric field strength E reduced to the atomic concentration N in the E/N range from 15 to...  相似文献   

目的 :探讨磁场作用对小鼠抗应激能力的影响。方法 :对磁场处理 30分钟和 1 5分钟的两组实验组与非磁场处理的正常对照组进行游泳耐疲劳运动时间的比较。结果 :游泳耐疲劳运动实验表明 30分钟磁场处理组与正常对照组比较 ,动物游泳耐疲劳运动时间延长 ,且具有显著性差异 (p <0 .0 5 ) ;1 5分钟磁场处理组与正常对照组比较 ,动物游泳耐疲劳运动时间无明显差异 (p >0 .0 5 ) ;30分钟磁场处理组与 1 5分钟磁场处理组比较 ,动物游泳耐疲劳运动时间延长 ,且具有显著性差异 (p <0 .0 5 )。结论 :在一段时间( 30天 )内 ,每天给予小鼠 30分钟的磁场处理明显提高了小鼠的抗应激能力 ,而磁场处理 1 5分钟对小鼠的抗应激能力不产生影响。  相似文献   

Yong Wang  Jody Hey 《Genetics》2010,184(2):363-379
Most methods for studying divergence with gene flow rely upon data from many individuals at few loci. Such data can be useful for inferring recent population history but they are unlikely to contain sufficient information about older events. However, the growing availability of genome sequences suggests a different kind of sampling scheme, one that may be more suited to studying relatively ancient divergence. Data sets extracted from whole-genome alignments may represent very few individuals but contain a very large number of loci. To take advantage of such data we developed a new maximum-likelihood method for genomic data under the isolation-with-migration model. Unlike many coalescent-based likelihood methods, our method does not rely on Monte Carlo sampling of genealogies, but rather provides a precise calculation of the likelihood by numerical integration over all genealogies. We demonstrate that the method works well on simulated data sets. We also consider two models for accommodating mutation rate variation among loci and find that the model that treats mutation rates as random variables leads to better estimates. We applied the method to the divergence of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans and detected a low, but statistically significant, signal of gene flow from D. simulans to D. melanogaster.IN the study of speciation researchers often inquire of the extent that populations have exchanged genes as they diverged and on the time since populations began to diverge. Answers to questions about historical divergence and gene flow potentially lie in patterns of genetic variation that are found in present day populations. To bridge the gap between population history and current genetic data, population geneticists can make use of a gene genealogy, G, a bifurcating tree that represents the history of ancestry of sampled gene copies. The probability of a particular value of G can be calculated for a particular parameter set using coalescent models. Then given a particular genealogy, genetic variation can be examined using a mutation model that is appropriate for the kind of data being used. Finally by considering multiple values of G, the connection can be made between the population evolution history and the data. A mathematical representation that treats G as a key interstitial variable was given by Felsenstein (1988),(1)where X represents the sequence data, G represents gene genealogy, Ψ represents the set of all possible genealogies, and Θ represents the vector of population parameters included in the model.Unless sample sizes are very small, (1) cannot be solved analytically, and so considerable effort has gone into finding approximate solutions (Kuhner et al. 1995; Griffiths and Marjoram 1996; Wilson and Balding 1998). One general approach is to sample genealogies using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation. This is the approach developed by Kuhner and colleagues (Kuhner et al. 1995) and that has since been extended to models with migration (Beerli and Felsenstein 1999, 2001; Nielsen and Wakeley 2001). A general problem for these methods is that they usually require long running times to generate sufficiently large and independent samples, especially when the MCMC simulation is mixing slowly.With fast-improving DNA sequencing techniques, more and more genome sequences are becoming available, and alignments of these whole-genome sequences are a very useful source of information for the study of divergence. However, traditional MCMC methods are likely to be slow on genome-scale data because running times are proportional to the number of loci. To overcome this difficulty Yang developed a likelihood method (Yang 2002) for data sets containing one sample from each of the three populations at every locus. This method uses numerical integration to calculate the likelihood function in Equation 1. By using a very large number of loci, the method can make up for using a very small number of individuals (i.e., genomes).Yang''s method is based on a divergence model that assumes no gene flow between separated populations. However, there are many situations where gene flow may have been occurring and where it is preferable to include it within the divergence model. One model that has been used a lot in this context is the isolation-with-migration (IM) model, which incorporates both population separation and migration (Nielsen and Wakeley 2001). Under an IM model the genealogies include not only some fixed number of coalescent events and speciation events, but also any possible number of migration events. The potential for very large numbers of migration events complicates the sample space of G and makes the numerical integration seemingly impossible. Innan and Watanabe (2006) circumvent this problem by using a recursion method to estimate the coalescent rates on a series of time points. In their recursion, the accuracy in calculating coalescent rate at one time point depends on the accuracy of calculations at previous time points, and this may impair the precision of the overall likelihood calculation. Therefore we developed a method that relies on numerical integration to calculate the likelihood under an IM model. We tested the accuracy of this method on simulated data sets of various sample sizes and applied it to a genome alignment of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans (with D. yakuba as an outgroup).  相似文献   

Kato  Ryoichi 《Plant & cell physiology》1988,29(7):1215-1219
Caryopses with primary roots of Zea mays L. (cv. Golden CrossBantam 70) were incubated on agar-solidified distilled water(0.4% agar) in a magnetic field of 5 k gauss or 0.01 k gauss(control), the direction of root growth corresponding to thedirection of magnetic field from the north- to the south-seekingpole. The rate of growth of the roots exposed to 5 k gauss wasincreased by about 25% over that of the controls (0.01 k gauss).When caryopses with primary roots were incubated on agar-solidifieddistilled water that had previously been exposed to a magneticfield of 5 k gauss or 0.01 k gauss, no differences in ratesof root growth were observed. The growth rate of the primaryroot increased with increased magnetic flux density (from 0.01k to 5 k gauss). The orientation of the root in terms of thedirection of the magnetic field (from the north- to the south-seekingpole) affected the rate of growth of the root. When the directionof root growth was in line with the direction of the magneticfield of 5 k gauss or in the direction opposite to that of thefield, growth rates increased by 27% and 22%, respectively,of the growth rate of the controls (magnetic field of 0.01 kgauss). When the direction of growth was perpendicular to thedirection the field, the growth rate increased by 15% of thatof the control (0.01 k gauss). It appears that a magnetic stimulusmay induce an increase in the rate of root growth in some plantmaterials. (Received March 23, 1988; Accepted August 9, 1988)  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - In the paper, experimental results concerning the dynamics of the counter interaction of high-energy plasma flows in a magnetic field with an induction of up to 2 T are...  相似文献   

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