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Plasma Physics Reports - Linear and nonlinear waves in the near-surface plasma at Phobos and Deimos are considered. It is shown that the motion of the solar wind relative to photoelectrons and...  相似文献   

Plasma?dust effects in the martian atmosphere are discussed. A specific feature of the martian atmosphere is the presence of dust grains in a wide range of altitudes. Taking into account the presence of the martian ionosphere and the high conductivity of the medium at lower altitudes, the appearance of plasma systems in the martian atmosphere can be considered quite a common phenomenon. Special attention is paid to dust devils that frequently form in the martian atmosphere and can efficiently lift dust grains. The processes of dust grain charging as a result of triboelectric effect and generation of electric fields in a dust devil are discussed. The dynamics of dust grains in such a vortex is simulated with allowance for their charging and the generated electric field.  相似文献   

A multifluid MHD model is applied to study the magnetic field dynamics in a dusty plasma. The motion of plasma electrons and ions is treated against the background of arbitrarily charged, immobile dust grains. When the dust density gradient is nonzero and when the inertia of the ions and electrons and the dissipation from their collisions with dust grains are neglected, we are dealing with a nonlinear convective penetration of the magnetic field into the plasma. When the dust density is uniform, the magnetic field dynamics is described by the nonlinear diffusion equations. The limiting cases of diffusion equations are analyzed for different parameter values of the problem (i.e., different rates of the collisions of ions and electrons with the dust grains and different ratios between the concentrations of the plasma components), and some of their solutions (including self-similar ones) are found. The results obtained can also be useful for research in solid-state physics, in which case the electrons and holes in a semiconductor may be analogues of plasma electrons and ions and the role of dust grains may be played by the crystal lattice and impurity atoms.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The model of the global electric circuit of the Earth (GECE) is considered, which is inseparably linked with the processes in space plasma. The Earth is surrounded by...  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - A brief review is given of the dusty plasma near the surface of the Moon. Electrostatic processes represent an important factor of formation of such plasma. Problems...  相似文献   

The stability of electrostatic cyclotron mode is investigated in a flowing magnetized dusty plasma in the presence of strong ion–neutral collisions. In the high magnetic field limit, when the dust magnetization becomes important, it is expected that the collective behavior of magnetized dust grains suspended in the near-sheath region substantially influences the dispersion properties of electrostatic modes. The growth/damping of the collective excitation is significantly controlled by such parameters as the ion–neutral collision frequency, Mach number, and magnetic field strength. In our case, the explicit dependence of the Mach number on the magnetic field and collision frequency has been taken into account and possible implications on the stability of the mode is analyzed. Streaming instability of cyclotron modes may be important to understand issues related to the interaction mechanism between dust grains and other associated phenomena like Coulomb crystallization, phase behavior, transport properties, etc., in the relatively strong magnetic field limit, which is currently accessible in the DPD (Kiel University) and MDPX (PSL, Auburn University) experiments.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The possible effect is studied of the magnetic field of Earth’s magnetotail and the magnetic field in the regions of magnetic anomalies of the Moon on the processes...  相似文献   

Plasma turbulence at frequencies near the lower hybrid resonance is studied experimentally with the KROT device. Nonlinear effects during the interaction of intense lower hybrid waves with a magnetoactive plasma are investigated, with the focus on the formation and evolution of nonlinear plasma structures (cavitons). Macroscopic consequences of plasma turbulence are considered, including nonlinear plasma heating, particle acceleration, and its effect on transport processes.  相似文献   

Sharma  P.  Patidar  A.  Jain  Sh.  Vyas  B. 《Plasma Physics Reports》2019,45(7):699-713
Plasma Physics Reports - The Jeans instability of collisional magnetized dusty plasmas is examined incorporating polarization force, charge variation of dust grains, and radiative cooling of ion...  相似文献   

Kalita  B. C.  Bhattacharjee  D. 《Plasma Physics Reports》2020,46(10):1004-1014
Plasma Physics Reports - The determination of the amplitudes of relativistic mKdV solitons based on specific amount of perturbation is presented for the first time in model of dusty plasma. The...  相似文献   

Dusty plasma in the region of the lunar terminator is considered. It is shown that, in this region, a structure resembling a plasma sheath forms near the lunar surface. This sheath creates a potential barrier, due to which electrons over the illuminated part of the Moon are confined by electrostatic forces. The width of the sheath-like structure is on the order of the ion Debye length. In this structure, significant (about several hundred V/m) electric fields arise, which lift charged micron-size dust grains to heights of several tens of centimeters. The suggested effect may be used to explain the glow observed by the Surveyor spacecraft over the lunar terminator.  相似文献   

Using a highly nonparaxial magnetic confinement system with an internal levitated ring as an example, it is shown that, in a plasma near the threshold for ideal MHD instability, the external heating and the original local dissipative processes may give rise to and maintain self-consistent nonlinear MHD convection, which leads to an essentially nonlocal, enhanced heat transport. A closed set of equations is derived that makes it possible to describe such convective processes in a weakly dissipative plasma with β~1. Numerical simulations carried out with a specially devised computer code demonstrate that the quasisteady regime of nonlinear convection actually exists and that the marginally stable profile of the plasma pressure is maintained. A large amount of data on the structure of the nascent convective flows is obtained and analyzed.  相似文献   

Bansal  S.  Aggarwal  M. 《Plasma Physics Reports》2022,48(3):279-288
Plasma Physics Reports - Cylindrical/spherical dust acoustic shock waves are studied in unmagnetized plasma consisting of Maxwellian electrons, nonextensive ions, and negatively charged dust under...  相似文献   

Summary Calculations indicate that the maximum daily solar radiation reaching the Martian surface is about 325 cal/cm2 during southern hemisphere summer at latitude of about 40°S. In the ultraviolet region of the spectrum, the radiation reaching the surface at wavelengths greater than 2800 Å is within 10% of the radiation incident on the atmosphere. There is significant extinction of radiation in the spectral region near 2500 Å in mid and high latitudes due to absorption of radiation by ozone; radiation reaching the surface may be reduced to one one-thousandth of that incident on the atmosphere during winter. Virtually no radiation of wavelengths less than 1900 Å reaches the surface because of absorption by the large column abundance of carbon dioxide. Daily and latitudinal distributions of radiation are presented for wavelengths of 3000, 2500 and 2000 Å.  相似文献   

Summary One of the scientific objectives of the Viking Mission to Mars was to accomplish an analysis of water in the Martian regolith. The analytical scheme originally envisioned was severly compromised in the latter stages of the Lander instrument package design. Nevertheless, a crude soil water analysis was accomplished. Samples from each of the two widely separated sites yielded roughly 1 to 3% water by weight when heated successively to several temperatures up to 500°C. A significant portion of this water was released in the 200° to 350°C interval indicating the presence of mineral hydrates of relatively low thermal stability, a finding in keeping with the low temperatures generally prevailing on Mars. The presence of a duricrust at one of the Lander sites is taken as possible evidence for the presence of hygroscopic minerals on Mars. The demonstrated presence of atmospheric water vapor and thermodynamic calculations lead to the belief that adsorbed water could provide a relatively favorable environment for endolithic organisms on Mars similar to types recently discovered in the dry antarctic deserts.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of the channels on Mars has been a subject of intense interest since they were first recognized on early Mariner 9 images (Driscoll, 1972; Masursky, 1973). Their presence on the planet, and their striking resemblance to terrestrial flood channels related to glacial outbursts or to dendritic river systems has suggested to most investigators (Baker, 1974, 1977; Nummedal, 1978; Carr, 1979; Masursky et al., 1977) that they were formed by running water. Because life as we know it is dependent on water, the discovery by the Mariner cameras, of watercut channels and volcanoes as a source for water, and water ice in the residual north polar cap by Viking, has reaffirmed the choice of Mars as the best target for the search for extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

The molecular processes of particle binding and endocytosis are influenced by the locally changing mobility of the particle nearby the plasma membrane of a living cell. However, it is unclear how the particle’s hydrodynamic drag and momentum vary locally and how they are mechanically transferred to the cell. We have measured the thermal fluctuations of a 1 μm-sized polystyrene sphere, which was placed in defined distances to plasma membranes of various cell types by using an optical trap and fast three-dimensional (3D) interferometric particle tracking. From the particle position fluctuations on a 30 μs timescale, we determined the distance-dependent change of the viscous drag in directions perpendicular and parallel to the cell membrane. Measurements on macrophages, adenocarcinoma cells, and epithelial cells revealed a significantly longer hydrodynamic coupling length of the particle to the membrane than those measured at giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) or a plane glass interface. In contrast to GUVs, there is also a strong increase in friction and in mean first passage time normal to the cell membrane. This hydrodynamic coupling transfers a different amount of momentum to the interior of living cells and might serve as an ultra-soft stimulus triggering further reactions.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dynamics of the ionospheric plasma in the vicinity of an earth satellite injecting an electron beam. The time evolution of the electric charge of the satellite is determined. The electric potential of the satellite is found to be well below the beam-cutoff potential. It is shown that, under conditions typical of active experiments in space, the plasma electrons are capable of neutralizing the satellite’s charge.  相似文献   

The Martian Environment Simulator (SAM “Simulatore di Ambiente Marziano”) is a interdisciplinary project of Astrobiology done at University of Padua. The research is aimed to the study of the survival of the microorganisms exposed to the “extreme” planetary environment. The facility has been designed in order to simulate Mars’ environmental conditions in terms of atmospheric pressure, temperature cycles and UV radiation dose. The bacterial cells, contained into dedicated capsules, will be exposed to thermal cycles simulating diurnal and seasonal Martian cycles. The metabolism of the different biological samples will be analysed at different phases of the experiment, to study their survival and eventual activity of protein synthesis (mortality, mutations and capability of DNA reparing). We describe the experimental facility and provide the perspectives of the biological experiments we will perform in order to provide hints on the possibility of life on Mars either autochthonous or imported from Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

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