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目的:探讨电磁脉冲(electromagneticpulses,E脚)对孕期小鼠及其胚胎发育的影响。方法:采用不同场强的EMP(分别为0、50、100、200、400kV·m-1)辐照器官形成期的BALB/c孕鼠,于孕18天解剖小鼠,测量孕鼠体重增长值、脏器/体重,胎盘重、胎鼠体重、身长、尾长,并记录吸收胎、死胎、生长发育迟缓及畸胎的数量。结果:各辐照剂量组孕鼠体重增长值、脏器/体重与对照组相比均无显著性差异(P〉0.05);胎盘重、胎鼠体重、身长、尾长数值明显低于对照组(P〈O.01)。50、400kV·m-1和100、200、400kV·m-1辐照组可分别导致死胎率和生长发育迟缓率增加(P〈0.05),在400kV·m-1的EMP辐照组中,畸胎数也有升高的趋势,其中,畸胎主要表现为肢体和骨发育异常。结论:本实验条件下,不同场强的EMP辐照可对器官形成期小鼠胚胎的生长发育产生一定的影响,胚胎肢芽及骨发育可能是EMP作用的特殊靶点。  相似文献   

目的:观察电磁脉冲(electromagnetic pulses,EMP)对清醒大鼠动脉血压和心率的影响。方法:适应性血压测量1周后的14只健康成年雄性SD大鼠按体重随机分为假辐照组和辐照组,每组7只,在锥形平板GTEM小室内接受EMP辐照,EMP辐照参数为:场强200 kV/m,脉冲前沿3.5 ns,脉宽14 ns,重复频率1 Hz,辐照后用无创性尾套式血压测量仪测量2 hr至1 wk内大鼠动脉血压和心率变化规律。结果:照后3 d大鼠动脉血压(收缩压、舒张压和平均动脉压)与假辐照组相比下降显著(P0.05),12 h有下降趋势,其他时间未见显著性差异(P0.05);辐照对大鼠心率也无明显影响(P0.05)。结论:EMP辐照可以引起大鼠血压一过性降低;对大鼠心率无明显影响。  相似文献   



To evaluate SAR as a dosimetric quantity for EMF bioeffects, and identify ways for increasing the precision in EMF dosimetry and bioactivity assessment.


We discuss the interaction of man-made electromagnetic waves with biological matter and calculate the energy transferred to a single free ion within a cell. We analyze the physics and biology of SAR and evaluate the methods of its estimation. We discuss the experimentally observed non-linearity between electromagnetic exposure and biological effect.


We find that: a) The energy absorbed by living matter during exposure to environmentally accounted EMFs is normally well below the thermal level. b) All existing methods for SAR estimation, especially those based upon tissue conductivity and internal electric field, have serious deficiencies. c) The only method to estimate SAR without large error is by measuring temperature increases within biological tissue, which normally are negligible for environmental EMF intensities, and thus cannot be measured.


SAR actually refers to thermal effects, while the vast majority of the recorded biological effects from man-made non-ionizing environmental radiation are non-thermal. Even if SAR could be accurately estimated for a whole tissue, organ, or body, the biological/health effect is determined by tiny amounts of energy/power absorbed by specific biomolecules, which cannot be calculated. Moreover, it depends upon field parameters not taken into account in SAR calculation. Thus, SAR should not be used as the primary dosimetric quantity, but used only as a complementary measure, always reporting the estimating method and the corresponding error. Radiation/field intensity along with additional physical parameters (such as frequency, modulation etc) which can be directly and in any case more accurately measured on the surface of biological tissues, should constitute the primary measure for EMF exposures, in spite of similar uncertainty to predict the biological effect due to non-linearity.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dynamics of a relativistic charged particle in an electromagnetic wave (with an electrostatic component) in a constant uniform magnetic field. A system with a high-frequency wave is a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom and with fast and slow variables. The trapping of a particle into resonance and its scattering on resonance in such a system is described.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic wave scattering due to excitation of surface plasmons from a metallic rod with dielectric layer embedded in the long plasma column is investigated. In the first part, for short-wavelength waves by investigating the variations of surface polarized charge density on the boundaries, the resonance frequencies and the effective factors on it such as the geometrical dimensions, the radius of the metal, the dielectric thickness, and the plasma radius will be analyzed. In the second part, for presenting an exact analysis and categorizing types of resonant frequency to the dominant resonant frequency and subsidiary resonant frequency of the plasmons, the scattering of long-wavelength waves from the mentioned object will be reviewed. In both cases, the backscattering cross section which is a scale of the scattered power in the direction of incident will be presented.  相似文献   

The nonlinear characteristics of dust-electron-acoustic (DEA) waves in a dusty electronegative magnetoplasma system consisting of nonextensive hot electrons, inertial cold electrons, positively charged static ions, and negatively charged immobile dust grains has been investigated. In this observation, the well-known reductive perturbation technique is employed to determine different types of nonlinear dynamical equations, namely, magnetized Korteweg–de Vries (KdV), magnetized modified KdV (mKdV), and magnetized Gardner equations. The stationary solitary wave and double layer solution of these three equations, which describe the characteristics of solitary waves and double layers of DEA waves, are obtained and numerically analyzed. It is noticed that various plasma parameters (viz., hot electron nonextensivity, positive ion-to-cold electron number density ratio, dust-to-cold electron number density ratio, etc.) significantly affect the basic properties of DEA solitary waves (DEASWs) and Gardner solitons (GSs). The prodigious results found from this theoretical investigation may be useful for researchers to investigate the nonlinear structures in various space and laboratory plasmas.  相似文献   

An exactly solvable one-dimensional model describing resonance tunneling (reflectionless transmission) of a transverse electromagnetic wave through wide layers of magnetoactive plasma is developed on the basis of the Helmholtz equation. The plasma layers include a set of spatially localized density structures the amplitudes and thicknesses of which are such that approximate methods are inapplicable for their analysis. The profiles of the plasma density structures strongly depend on the choice of the free parameters of the problem that determine the amplitudes of plasma density modulation, characteristic scale lengths of the density structures, their number, and the total thickness of the nonuniform plasma layer. The plasma layers can also include a set of random inhomogeneities. The propagation of electromagnetic waves through such complicated plasma inhomogeneities is analyzed numerically within the proposed exactly solvable model. According to calculations, there are a wide set of inhomogeneous structures for which an electromagnetic wave incident from vacuum can propagate through the plasma layer without reflection, i.e., the complete tunneling of thick plasma barriers takes place. The model also allows one to exactly solve a one-dimensional problem on the nonlinear transillumination of a nonuniform plasma layer in the presence of cubic nonlinearity. It is important that, due to nonlinearity, the thicknesses of the evanescent plasma regions can decrease substantially and, at a sufficiently strong nonlinearity, such regions will disappear completely. The problem of resonance tunneling of electromagnetic radiation through gradient wave barriers is of interest for various applications, such as efficient heating of dense plasma by electromagnetic radiation and transmission of electromagnetic signals from a source located in the near-Earth plasma or deep in the plasma of an astrophysical object through the surrounding evanescent regions.  相似文献   

Summary Microspectrophotometric measurements on the retina ofDeilephila elpenor were performed using fresh (cut by razor blade) as well as frozen (cryostate microtome) sections. Difference spectra from various parts of the rhabdom clearly showed that in the distal part of the rhabdom the UV pigment is predominant, while in the medial part only green pigment was found. From the difference spectra, wave-length and relative height of the absorption maxima of rhodopsins and metarhodopsins were computed and were found to be in close agreement with other results reported in the literature. These findings confirm the work of Welsch (1977) who concluded from his electron microscopic analysis that the two distal receptor cells are UV sensitive, while the six median receptor cells are green sensitive. There is also good evidence to assume that the ninth, proximal receptor is violet sensitive.We would like to thank Mrs. E. Brüning for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SFB 114 Bionach.  相似文献   

In rhythmic movements, humans activate their muscles in a robust and energy efficient way. These activation patterns are oscillatory and seem to originate from neural networks in the spinal cord, called central pattern generators (CPGs). Evidence for the existence of CPGs was found for instance in lampreys, cats and rats. There are indications that CPGs exist in humans as well, but this is not proven yet. Energy efficiency is achieved by resonance tuning: the central nervous system is able to tune into the resonance frequency of the limb, which is determined by the local reflex gains. The goal of this study is to investigate if the existence of a CPG in the human spine can explain the resonance tuning behavior, observed in human rhythmic limb movement. A neuro-musculo-skeletal model of the forearm is proposed, in which a CPG is organized in parallel to the local reflexloop. The afferent and efferent connections to the CPG are based on clues about the organization of the CPG, found in literature. The model is kept as simple as possible (i.e., lumped muscle models, groups of neurons are lumped into half-centers, simple reflex model), but incorporates enough of the essential dynamics to explain behavior—such as resonance tuning—in a qualitative way. Resonance tuning is achieved above, at and below the endogenous frequency of the CPG in a highly non-linear neuro- musculo-skeletal model. Afferent feedback of muscle lengthening to the CPG is necessary to accomplish resonance tuning above the endogenous frequency of the CPG, while feedback of muscle velocity is necessary to compensate for the phase lag, caused by the time delay in the loop coupling the limb to the CPG. This afferent feedback of muscle lengthening and velocity represents the Ia and II fibers, which—according to literature—is the input to the CPG. An internal process of the CPG, which integrates the delayed muscle lengthening and feeds it to the half-center model, provides resonance tuning below the endogenous frequency. Increased co-contraction makes higher movement frequencies possible. This agrees with studies of rhythmic forearm movements, which have shown that co-contraction increases with movement frequency. Robustness against force perturbations originates mainly from the CPG and the local reflex loop. The CPG delivers an increasing part of the necessary muscle activation for increasing perturbation size. As far as we know, the proposed neuro-musculo-skeletal model is the first that explains the observed resonance tuning in human rhythmic limb movement.  相似文献   

Resonance between some natural period of an endemic disease and a seasonal periodic contact rate has been the subject of intensive study. This paper does not focus on resonance for endemic diseases but on resonance for emerging diseases. Periodicity can have an important impact on the initial growth rate and therefore on the epidemic threshold. Resonance occurs when the Euler-Lotka equation has a complex root with an imaginary part (i.e., a natural frequency) close to the angular frequency of the contact rate and a real part not too far from the Malthusian parameter. This is a kind of continuous-time analogue of work by Tuljapurkar on discrete-time population models, which in turn was motivated by the work by Coale on continuous-time demographic models with a periodic birth. We illustrate this resonance phenomenon on several simple epidemic models with contacts varying periodically on a weekly basis, and explain some surprising differences, e.g., between a periodic SEIR model with an exponentially distributed latency and the same model but with a fixed latency.  相似文献   

Electric pulses with high field strength and durations in the nanosecond range (nsPEFs) are of considerable interest for biotechnological and medical applications. However, their actual cellular site of action is still under debate—due to their extremely short rise times, nsPEFs are thought to act mainly in the cell interior rather than at the plasma membrane. On the other hand, nsPEFs can induce membrane permeability. We have revisited this issue using plant cells as a model. By mapping the cellular responses to nsPEFs of different field strength and duration in the tobacco BY-2 cell line, we could define a treatment that does not impinge on short-term viability, such that the physiological responses to the treatment can be followed. We observe, for these conditions, a mild disintegration of the cytoskeleton, impaired membrane localization of the PIN1 auxin-efflux transporter and a delayed premitotic nuclear positioning followed by a transient mitotic arrest. To address the target site of nsPEFs, we made use of the plant-specific KCH kinesin, which can assume two different states with different localization (either near the nucleus or at the cell membrane) driving different cellular functions. We show that nsPEFs reduce cell expansion in nontransformed cells but promote expansion in a line overexpressing KCH. Since cell elongation and cell widening are linked to the KCH localized at the cell membrane, the inverted response in the KCH overexpressor provides evidence for a direct action of nsPEFs, also at the cell membrane.  相似文献   

In this work, we confirmed our previously published value for the inhibiting resonance frequency (4.5 Hz) of electromagnetic radiation for solid tumor implanted in mice. The inhibiting electromagnetic waves penetrated deeply into the tumor tissue using amplitude modulated waves (AMW). Sixty female Balb/c mice carrying Ehrlich tumor in the thigh were divided into three equal groups. Group A was the control while Groups B and C were both exposed to 4.5 Hz square amplitude modulated waves (QAMW) for 10h (hrs) starting day 10 and day 16 post tumor implantation respectively. Tumor size, telomerase enzyme activity, histopathological examination, and dielectric relaxation of the tumor tissue were used to investigate the tumor activity of the treated and untreated groups of animals. The results indicated that irradiating the tumor tissue with 4.5 Hz QAMW for a period of 10h inhibited tumor growth. Early treatment of the tumor by extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) gave better results than delayed treatments.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The conditions for the existence of spatially periodic flat nonlinear small-scale plasma and electric field structures with a characteristic size L on the order of several...  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected at frequent intervals (every 10-15 min) to determine if oxytocin pulses were present in the CSF of monkeys. Temporary indwelling subarachnoid catheters, with the tip of the catheter at the T12-L1 subarachnoid space, were placed in 4 nonlactating and 3 lactating (4 months post partum) female monkeys. Monkeys were maintained on jacket/tether/swivel systems in a constant photoperiod (07.00-19.00 h). CSF was continuously withdrawn at a rate of 1.2 ml/h by peristaltic pump, and CSF was collected in 15-min fractions (from 3 lactating monkeys and 1 nonlactating monkey) or in 10-min fractions (from the other 3 nonlactating monkeys) using a fraction collector. CSF oxytocin was measured by radioimmunoassay. Pulses of oxytocin were analyzed using the computerized Pulsar pulse detection algorithm. A pulsatile pattern of oxytocin concentrations was found in the CSF of lactating and nonlactating monkeys. The ultradian pulses of oxytocin were superimposed upon the diurnal rhythm of oxytocin in CSF. We conclude that frequent sampling of CSF provides a way to monitor moment-to-moment changes in central nervous system concentrations of oxytocin in primates.  相似文献   

P53脉冲是指细胞内p53蛋白水平周期性或重复性的涨落.该脉冲产生的途径是调节p53的各种正负反馈环,其核心的两个负反馈环是p53-Mdm2环和Wip1-ATM-p53环.这些负反馈环能产生极限环振荡,在极限环振荡区,P53水平成脉冲型变化.随着P53脉冲的增多,不同形式的p53蛋白和促凋亡蛋白逐渐积累并到达一定阈值水平,可打开凋亡"开关",引发不可逆的细胞命运.除了P53脉冲的数目,其频率、振幅、波形等物理学参数也与细胞命运存在密切关系.这一研究进展对阐明诸多疾病发生机理和防治研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

It is shown that, in a plasma whose density varies across the magnetic field lines, electromagnetic oscillations that are localized near the critical surface can exist. Such oscillations can be excited spontaneously in a nonequilibrium plasma of closed magnetic confinement systems.  相似文献   

The excitation of plasma oscillations in a thin-walled annular plasma by an annular electron beam in a cylindrical waveguide is considered in the linear approximation. The instability growth rates and spatial amplification coefficients in the beam-plasma system under the conditions of the Cherenkov and anomalous Doppler resonances are obtained and compared with those in a transversely homogeneous system. The contributions from different instability mechanisms are analyzed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a theoretical investigation of the dispersion properties of a relativistic plasma in which an electromagnetic wave propagates along an external magnetic field. The dielectric tensor in integral form is simplified by separating its imaginary and real parts. A dispersion relation for an electromagnetic wave is obtained that makes it possible to analyze the dispersion and collisionless damping of electromagnetic perturbations over a broad parameter range for both nonrelativistic and ultrarelativistic plasmas.  相似文献   

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