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Transmission electron microscopical study of olfactory epithelium of a mud-dwelling catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) shows receptor, supporting, goblet and basal cells. The receptor cells are of ciliated and microvillous type. Both ciliated and microvillous receptor cells are provided with olfactory knob. The dendrite of all the receptor cells bears many longitudinally arranged microtubules. Occurrence of the rod cell and its function is quite debatable. Specialized juctional complexes between the receptor and adjacent cells are clearly noted. The supporting cells are both ciliated and nonciliated. The ciliated supporting cells are responsible for water ventilation in the olfactory chamber as well as in the inter-lamellar spaces. This facilitates better perception of odours by the receptor cells. In addition to providing mechanical support to other cells, the nonciliated supporting cells also have a secretory function which is evident from the present study. The different stages of maturity of goblet cells are well documented. The presence of white cells in the olfactory epithelium is a very rare finding.  相似文献   

Summary Catfish hepatic metallothionein was purified to homogeneity by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, DEAF-Sephadex A-25 column chromatography and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Induction by cadmium and zinc, characteristic UV spectrum, cadmium binding property and its low MW established that it was a metallothionein. Antibody was raised in rabbit against catfish metallothionein. Catfish antimetallothionein cross-reacted with other fish metallothioneins but not with chicken or rodent metallothionein. Catfish metallothionein is more electronegative as compared to mouse, rat, chicken or hamster metallothionein. Catfish MT appeared to aggregate readily on storage and to be less electronegative.Abbreviations MT Metallothionein - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline - SDS Sodium Dodecyl Sulfat - PAGE Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Part of the work was reported in Proceedings of 54th Annual General Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists, India, 1985.  相似文献   

No significant changes in plasma cortisol and plasma osmolarity (the indicators of primary and secondary response respectively) were observed when the blood samples were obtained from unanaesthetized, anaesthetized and stressed catfish, H. fossilis. The results suggest that the catfish is fairly hardy and not easily susceptible to stress by routine laboratory handling. The sustained plasma glucose levels and decreased liver and muscle glycogen concentrations during cessation of feeding of the catfish suggest that during period of food deprivation, it draws its energy through glycogenolysis. Hence, in any study dealing with carbohydrate metabolism, the catfish needs to be fed during acclimation and experimental periods.  相似文献   

The catfish, H. fossilis, survives for long periods after hypophysectomy, although with impaired osmoregulatory mechanisms. Plasma osmolarity and cortisol levels decline significantly within 2 hr after hypophysectomy and attain the lowest values by about 27 hr. Hypophysectomy also results in a marked decrease in urine flow rate principally due to reduced glomerular filtration. The reduction in the ability of the kidney of hypophysectomized catfish to eliminate water results in hyperhydration of blood and muscle. Urine osmolarity and sodium concentration increase due to reduced tubular reabsorption of sodium. There is, however, no net change in the total urinary sodium loss. The catfish survives in fresh water after hypophysectomy presumably because its tissues can tolerate significant dilution of the body fluids.  相似文献   

Summary Reared in tubular aquaria containing 20, 40 and 60 cm depth 0f water, Heteropneustes fossilis (20 g; 17 cm body length), an air-breathing catfish, swam 40, 80 and 120 cm/surfacing to exchange atmospheric air. With decreasing Po2, the starving groups reduced the surfacing, whereas, the decrease in the Po2 beyond 70 mm Hg induced the feeding groups to surface more frequently. Feeding groups exposed to 20 and 40 cm depth surfaced 353 and 423 times, travelling distances of 141 and 338 m/day, at the energy cost of 8.5 and 9.7 mg dry fish substance/g live fish/day, respectively. The corresponding starving groups surfaced only 163 times/ day and swam 65 and 130 m/day at the expense of 1.2 and 1.6 mg/g/day. Feeding and starving groups reduced the number of surfacing, when the distance they have to swim exceeded 0.8 m/day and increased the proportion of O2 taken up branchially; the starving and feeding groups exposed to 60 cm depth surfaced only 70 and 271 times, swimming 84 and 325 m/day, at the energy cost of 2.9 and 17.6 mg/g/day. Feeding and conversion rates steadily increased from 16.9 mg dry liver/g live fish/day and 6.7 mg dry fish substance/g live fish/day in those exposed to the shallowest aquarium to 27.4 mg/g/day and 7.0 mg/g/day in those exposed t0 the maximum depth, respectively; conversion efficiency was 44% in the former and 28% in the latter; hence culturing H. fossilis in the shallow waters is profitable.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a regulator of gonadal maturation in vertebrates, is primarily secreted by neurosecretory cells of the pre-optic area (POA) in the forebrain of teleosts. GnRH-immunoreactive (GnRH-ir) cells of this area demonstrate positive correlation in number and size of soma with gonadal maturity and directly innervate the pituitary in most teleosts. Gonadal development in triploid fish remains impaired due to genetic sterility. The gonadal immaturity in triploid fish may be due to low levels of gonadotropin and sex steroids during the vitellogenic phase of reproductive cycle. However, the nature of GnRH-ir cells in triploid fish is not yet known. Triploid catfish (H. fossilis) showed significant decrease (P<0.001) in size and number of immunoreactive-GnRH cells of POA and low immunoreactivity in pituitary in comparison to their diploid full-sibs during the late pre-spawning phase of ovarian cycle. This study suggests that low activity of GnRH-cells in triploid may be due to lack of positive feedback stimulation by sex steroids and/or reduced responsiveness of sensory cells to environmental cues required for gonadal maturation in teleosts.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the catfish, H. fossilis (Bloch) is divided into the preparatory period (February-April), the prespawning period (May-June), the spawning period (July-August) and the postspawning period (September-January). During the early postspawning period (September-November), the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-ovarian system shows a gradual regression. In January, the hypothalamic nuclei, the pars magnocellularis (PMC), the pars parvocellularis (PPC) of the nucleus preopticus (NPO), and the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) show renewed activity, as shown by a significant increase in their nuclear diameters and an accumulation of neurosecretory material (NSM) in their cell bodies. The hypophysis and the ovary remain quiescent. During the preparatory period, all the hypothalamic neurons studied indicate decreased activity but simultaneously show an accumulation of NSM in their cell bodies. The number of granulated basophils in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) of the hypophysis remains low but ovarian weights increase, presumably due to the multiplication of oogonia. In the prespawning period, there is a marked accumulation of NSM in the cell bodies of the hypothalamic neurons and at the same time the number of granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis dramatically increases with concomitant increase in vitellogenic activity in the ovary. During the spawning period, the hypothalamic neurons continue to store NSM in their cell bodies and simultaneously there is a tremendous increase in the number of granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis and the ovary has a large proportion of yolky primary oocytes. Spawning is associated with a significant degranulation of the granulated basophils in the PPD of the hypophysis. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to the environmental and hormonal regulation of seasonal ovarian activity.  相似文献   

Light and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas from the facultative air-breathing fish Heteropneustes fossilis show modifications in the macrocirculation of the respiratory organs and systemic circulation, whereas, gill microcirculation is similar to that found in typical water-breathing fish. Three and sometimes four ventral aortae arise directly from the bulbus. The most ventral vessel supplies the first pair of arches. Dorsal to this another aorta supplies the second gill arches, and a third, dorsal to, and larger than the other two, supplies the third and fourth arches and the air sacs. Occasionally a small vessel that may be the remnant of a primitive aortic arch arises from the first ventral aorta and proceeds directly to the mandibular region without perfusing gill tissue. The air sac is perfused by a large-diameter extension of the afferent branchial artery of the fourth gill arch and its circulation is in parallel with the gill arches. Blood drains from the air sac into the fourth arch epibranchial artery. A number of arteries also provide direct communication between the efferent air sac artery and the dorsal aorta. All four gill arches are well developed and contain respiratory (lamellar) and nonrespiratory (interlamellar and nutrient) networks common to gills of water-breathing fish. Air sac lamellae are reduced in size. The outer 30% of the air sac lamellar sinusoids are organized into thoroughfare channels; the remaining vasculature, normally embedded in the air sac parenchyma, is discontinuous. A gill-type interlamellar vasculature is lacking in the air sac circulation. Despite the elaborate development of the ventral aortae, there is little other anatomical evidence to suggest that gill and air sac outflow are separated and that dorsal aortic oxygen tensions are maintained when the gills are in a hypoxic environment. Physiological adjustments to hypoxic water conditions probably include temporal regulation of gill and air sac perfusion to be effective, if indeed they are so.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, are anadromous, semelparous fish that breed in freshwater—typically in streams, and juveniles in most populations feed in lakes for 1 or 2 years, then migrate to sea to feed for 2 or 3 additional years, before returning to their natal sites to spawn and die. This species undergoes important changes in behavior, habitat, and morphology through these multiple life history stages. However, the sensory systems that mediate these migratory patterns are not fully understood, and few studies have explored changes in sensory function and specialization throughout ontogeny. This study investigates changes in the olfactory rosette of sockeye salmon across four different life stages (fry, parr, smolt, and adult). Development of the olfactory rosette was assessed by comparing total rosette size (RS), lamellae number, and lamellae complexity from scanning electron microscopy images across life stages, as a proxy for olfactory capacity. Olfactory RS increased linearly with lamellae number and body size (p < .001). The complexity of the rosette, including the distribution of sensory and nonsensory epithelia and the appearance of secondary lamellar folding, varied between fry and adult life stages. These differences in epithelial structure may indicate variation in odor-processing capacity between juveniles imprinting on their natal stream and adults using those odor memories in the final stages of homing to natal breeding sites. These findings improve our understanding of the development of the olfactory system throughout life in this species, highlighting that ontogenetic shifts in behavior and habitat may coincide with shifts in nervous system development.  相似文献   

Different haematological parameters have been studied in relation to the body weight of Heteropneustes fossil (Bloch). The erythrocytes and leucocytes number and haemoglobin concentration increases from lower to higher weight groups. The heart weight also increases along with other blood components. With the unit increase in the body weight of this fish, the heart weight, erythrocytes, leucocytes and haemoglobin increase by a fractional power of 0.85700, 0.13480, 0.13215 and 0.22876, respectively. This shows that haemoglobin increases at a higher rate than erythrocyte number. The coefficient of correlation between body weight and erythrocyte (r = 0.70015), leucocytes (r = 0.95861), haemoglobin (r = 0.96615) and heart weight (0.97577) indicate high degree of correlation. The erythrocytes and leucocytes count and haemoglobin concentration per gram body weight is higher in younger fishes and decrease as the animal grows in size. The haematocrit values and mean corpucsular volumes decrease from lower to higher weight groups, whereas mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration increases with body weight. The erythrocyte cell surface has a decreasing trend from lower to higher weight group. Due to difference in the rate of decrease of greatest and least diameter of erythrocytes, the elliptical shape of R.B.C. which is common in younger animals, becomes circular in higher weight group. The non-granulocytes increase constantly while the percentage of granulocytes decreases from lower to higher weight groups. The lymphocytes constitute the main bulk of all the leucocytes. The total lymphocytes also increase with the body weight. Spindle cells and monocytes are relatively less in numbers. The percentage of eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils also decrease from lower to higher weight groups.  相似文献   

Hypophyseal response to bilateral ovariectomy was studied in the catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, during the prespawning (May) and the spawning (July) periods. During the prespawning period, a significant increase in the number of granulated PAS-positive basophils in the proximal pars distalis of the castrates was recorded on day 45 post-ovariectomy; thereafter a gradual degranulation of basophils was observed. However, in the spawning period a dramatic increase in the number of granulated basophils of the castrates was seen on day 8 post-ovariectomy and the number decreased thereafter. This differential response of the hypophysis to ovariectomy is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of pharmacological inhibition of catecholaminergic activity on hCG-induced spawning was evaluated and correlated with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity, the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis. Gravid female H. fossilis collected in both prespawning and spawning phases were given alpha-methylparatyrosine (alpha-MPT: 250 microg/g body weight, ip, an irreversible inhibitor of TH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG: 100 IU/fish, ip) alone or in combination. The fish were sampled at different intervals for measuring hypothalamic and ovarian TH activity and checking spawning response. The administration of hCG resulted in ovulation and spawning in both phases with a higher response in the spawning phase. The administration of alpha-MPT did not induce any response, like the control fish. In the hCG + alpha-MPT groups, the spawning response of hCG was significantly inhibited and delayed by the inhibitor. The spawning response of hCG was accompanied by a significant increase in both hypothalamic and ovarian TH activity at 6 and 12 h of the injection. However, at 24hr the activity decreased except in the spawning phase. The alpha-MPT treatment inhibited TH activity significantly in a duration-dependent manner. In the hCG + alpha-MPT groups, enzyme activity was inhibited at all duration. The results indicate the involvement of catecholamines during the hCG-induced spawning and the specific functional nature of the involvement needs further investigation.  相似文献   

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