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The marine flora of Panama remains poorly described to date, having been described from a few sporadic and species poor (<50 species) collections in the early half of the century and a couple of dedicated surveys in the latter half. With the exception of a few studies that have focused on particular genera or species, only a single marine floral survey has been published in the past three decades. In 1999 we collected marine algae from nearly 100 different collection sites along both coasts of Panama over a 10 month period of time. Over 1500 specimens have been curated, representing 250 Caribbean species and 117 Pacific species. This is an increase in algal diversity of approximately 100 and 50% for the Caribbean and Pacific flora, respectively, relative to Earle's compilation of 1972. We estimate that algal diversity in Panama may approach 450 species as the remaining 30% of the collection is identified and previous records are incorporated. Aspects of biogeography will be discussed in light of such extraordinary diversity over a relatively confined region.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation in the recruitment of the intertidal barnacle Chthamalus malayensis was examined over one year (September 2003-August 2004) on the equatorial shores of southern Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. A nested sampling design was applied for the first time on these shores, over three spatial scales - hundreds of kilometres, kilometres to tens of kilometres and tens of metres - and temporal variation was determined through monthly sampling of recruits. Shores within 2° north of the equator on the East and West coasts of southern Peninsular Malaysia and the southern coast of Singapore were selected as study sites. Generally, all three coasts recruited throughout the year, with varying intensities. There was a clear regional pattern, where the largest number of recruits was found on the East Coast of Malaysia, and the least in Singapore. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) showed that variability occurred on the smallest scale, but only in nine of the twelve months examined, consequently resulting in significant temporal and spatial interaction. Calculated variance components indicated that small-scale variation accounted for most of the overall variability. The potential causes of the spatial and temporal patterns of C. malayensis recruitment, and implications on tropical-temperate comparisons will be discussed.  相似文献   

The marine flora of Panama remains poorly described to date, having been described from a few sporadic and species poor (<50 species) collections in the early half of the century and a couple of dedicated surveys in the latter half. With the exception of a few studies that have focused on particular genera or species, only a single marine floral survey has been published in the past three decades. In 1999 we collected marine algae from nearly 100 different collection sites along both coasts of Panama over a 10 month period of time. Over 1500 specimens have been curated, representing 250 Caribbean species and 117 Pacific species. This is an increase in algal diversity of approximately 100 and 50% for the Caribbean and Pacific flora, respectively, relative to Earle's compilation of 1972. We estimate that algal diversity in Panama may approach 450 species as the remaining 30% of the collection is identified and previous records are incorporated. Aspects of biogeography will be discussed in light of such extraordinary diversity over a relatively confined region.  相似文献   

台湾窗翅叶蝉属种类纪要(半翅目,叶蝉科,大叶蝉亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述台湾的窗翅叶蝉属Mileewa Distant 11种,其中包括3新种:褐条窗翅叶蝉M.fusciovittata sp.nov.,南投窗翅叶蝉M.nantouensis sp.nov.和尖头窗翅叶蝉M.sharpa sp.nov.,并确认双斑窗翅叶蝉M.bimaculata Cai et He是船茎窗翅叶蝉M.ponta Yang et Li的新异名.文中详细描述了新种的形态特征并绘制了雄性外生殖器构造图,提供了11种的整体图片和分布,编制了分种检索表.研究标本分别保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所(GUGC)、台湾国立自然科学博物馆(NMNS)、台湾农业试验所(TARI)和台湾国立中兴大学(NCHU).  相似文献   

A collection of polychaetes made by the author in December 1961 and April 1962 from a number of places on the coast of Ceylon was examined. Seven new species and one new subspecies are described and sixteen species are recorded new to the fauna of Ceylon. The holotypes and lectotypes have been deposited in the British Museum (Natural History).  相似文献   

There has been no previous systematic statewide study of mosquitoes in Mississippi. This survey, resulting in the collection of over 400,000 specimens, was conducted by the authors from 2003 to 2007 throughout much of the state using CO2‐baited CDC light traps and larval dipping. In addition, a health department contract mosquito surveillance technician collected several thousand specimens from the state from 2001 to 2003. Lastly, specimens housed at the Mississippi State University Entomological Museum, obtained from previous surveys, were included as vouchers for species occurring in the state. The collection records and literature show 60 species as occurring or having occurred in Mississippi. Voucher specimens representing 57 of the 60 species discussed are deposited in the Mississippi Entomological Museum or in the U.S. National Museum of Natural History (USNM), Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

对中国齿琵甲属Itagonia Reitter昆虫进行了整理,并记述中国西藏齿琵甲属1新种:巴宿齿琵甲I.baxoica sp.nov..列出了该属中国已知种检索表.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

Bird specimens collected by 19th century explorer and ornithologist Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied form one of the foundation collections of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. However, parts of his collection remained in Germany and came to the Museum Wiesbaden. Since Wied described numerous new species without designating types, some of these specimens might be type material. Here we present a catalog of the 30 Wiesbaden specimens associated with him and discuss their potential type status. We conclude that 17 individuals in 11 species are potential type specimens that should be considered in future taxonomic work.  相似文献   

本文报道了美口菌属Calostoma的2个新种:新加坡美口菌Calostoma singaporense Fan et Liu sp.nov.和柱纹孢美口菌Calostoma brookei Fan et Liu sp.nov.,前者由R.E.Holttum于1925年采自新加坡;后者由W.M.A.Brooke于1914年和F.T.Brooke于1925年采自马来西亚。模式标本保存在英国皇家植物园(丘园)标本馆。  相似文献   

The present catalogue lists the type specimens of land snail species, collected from Taiwan and deposited in the Natural History Museum, London. Thirty-seven nominal species described by Pfeiffer, Adams, Nevill, Moellendorff, Godwin-Austen and Gude were traced. I present here information on type status, collection data obtained from the registers and labels of each collection, and annotations on the current taxonomic affiliation. Lectotypes of 28 nominal (sub)species were newly designated. One holotype was fixed originally and two holotypes newly fixed by monotypy. Syntypes of two species and paralectotypes of three species were also discovered in the Museum. No specimen of the species Pupina adamsi Sowerby, 1878, which was supposed to be deposited in the NHM, was found. Pictures of the name-bearing types are provided for further research on biodiversity of the island.  相似文献   

天主教传教士Pierre Marie Heude(1836-1902)1867年自法国来到中国,他特别钟情于自然历史研究,把几乎所有的精力倾注于他在东亚地区的标本收藏上。1868年,他在现上海市郊的徐家汇建立了一座博物馆并收藏大量的动物标本。1933年徐家汇博物馆被震旦大学(现复旦大学)接管,并建立了一座新馆,更名为震旦博物院(欧洲称为Musee Heude),在Heude收藏的标本中,一部分是他在菲律宾,印度尼西亚,日本,印度及中国等地区探险时采集的,而绝大多数标本则是他通过各种方法联络各国同僚收集而来,在他死后,由他的接班人Courtois和Sowerby等继承了他的研究,1952年,上海自然历史博物馆接收了原震旦博物院,1958年原震旦博物院的标本被送至上海自然历史博物馆和中国科学院 研究所收藏。源自原震旦博物院的哺乳动物头骨标本可能是目前仍保存在国内有关亚洲地区收藏数量最大的一部分,然而,由于历史久远和中国近代变迁等因素的影响,Heude当时收藏的原始记录资料和标本标签大多遗佚或破损,使这批具有极高学术价值的头骨标本一直在标本馆中沉睡了一百多年。2000年4月中旬至5月中旬,作者将存放在上海和北京的所有兽类头骨标本进行了整理,重新进行标识和编目,经整理,共清理出兽类头骨2139件,根据Heude当时的分类,共查出模式标本188件(其中正模54,副模6,配模79,余模49),用红色圆点在模林标本上进行了标记,并将其名写于其上,尽管Heude标本中模式标本绝大多数为同物异名,这在一定程度上降低了它们的价值,但仍有一部分模式标本是名符其实的,如Bubalus mindorensis和Sus cebifrons等。在本文中,作者按现代分类顺序进行排列,并将保存于上海和北京两地的标本分开排列,以便于查找,同时用现代学术界认可的种名,在每一种名之后,分别列出标本中雌,雄个体,亚成体和性别不明标本的数量,如3.4.7+5表示,标本中有3个雄性成体,4个雌性成体,7个亚成体和5只性别不明个体。在种名的下面,按Heude在标本上标识的种名进行排列,在种名后是作者名和在著作中进行描述的时间,模式标本排列在前,其它标本在后。目录中的地名来自Heude在头骨上的标记,在目录最后列出了所有在目录中出现的地名。Heude在标签和头骨上书写的地名,可能是他根据当地口音或其他方式所确定,多数不是学术上公开使用的有效名称,给现在及将来使用带来诸多不便,因此在研究历史文献的基础上尽可能地附上了这些地名的现代名称。  相似文献   

记述直脉蝎蛉科两亚属的两新种和新直脉蝎蛉科1新属、种,并讨论其分类位置.这些新属种是本区独特的地方性类群,对地层划分与对比有一定的意义.化石标本采自陕西铜川中三叠统铜川组下段上部的灰绿色泥页岩.这些新属种也是铜川昆虫组合的新成员,属陕西昆虫群(系陕西生物群的一个化石类别).根据陕西生物群的特征,其时代相当欧洲中三叠世拉丁期(Ladinian Stage).  相似文献   

本文报道了美口菌属 Calostoma Desv.的两个新种:云南美口菌 Calostoma yunnanensisL.J.Li et Liu sp.nov.和彭氏美口菌 Calostoma pengii Liu et Y.H.Liu sp.nov.  相似文献   

记述斑舌甲属1新种,即海南斑舌甲Derispiahainanana sp.nov.,绘制了雄虫头部、前胸背板、鞘翅、足、腹部和阳茎特征图,并提供了体背、腹、侧面照片。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。海南斑舌甲,新种Derispia hainanana sp.nov.(图1~13)新种与D.octomaculata(Westwood,1883)在外形上相似,但可通过下列特征与后者区别:该种鞘翅有刻点;鞘翅侧缘由背面观可见基部4/5;阳基基板与阳基侧突近于等宽,基部弯曲,薄片状。正模♂,海南乐东尖峰岭,2006-07-12,王继良采。副模:5♂♂,5♀♀,标本信息同正模。词源:新种种名取自模式标本产地海南。  相似文献   

记述中国西藏莱甲属LaenaDejean1新种Laenazhengisp nov.,提供了整体和阳茎的照片以及足、触角和肛节的线条图,模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。郑氏莱甲,新种Laena zhengisp.nov.(图1~9)新种与Laena hingstoniSchuster,1926(模式产地:西藏与锡金接壤的Jelap La)在外型上相似,两者的共同点是前胸背板基缘都有饰边,前胸背板盘区和鞘翅行间都有直立长毛,但前胸背板的形状不同;前者的中后足胫节端部内侧有细钩,后足胫节中部内侧有小刺,而后者没有这样的特征。正模♂,西藏墨脱县汗密,海拔2200m,2005-08-19,唐亮采。(原采集标签记录是:Hanmi Moto Coun.XizangA.R.alt.2200m,19-08-2005,TANG Liang leg.)。副模1♀,纪录同正模。词源学:新种种名以昆虫学家郑哲民教授的姓氏命名。  相似文献   

本报道北京自然博物馆馆藏膜壳蟹Hymenosomatidae共5种,其中篦额滨蟹Halicarcinus messor Stimpson与中华拟薄板蟹Elamenopsis sinensis(Shen)曾发现于中国东海,这次标本检查中发现中华拟薄板蟹在广东沿海也有分布。其它三种均为新种,分别定名为长指薄板蟹Ekamena longidactylis sp.nov.,长足滨蟹Halicarcinu  相似文献   

In China, there are about 37 species of vipers belonging to 12 genera in the family Viperidae. In the Herpetological Museum of the Chengdu Institute of Biology(CIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences, the type specimens of snakes represent seven species in four genera. As a series of reports on the type specimens of Amphibians and Reptilies deposited in the Herpetological Museum of CIB, this paper focuses on the venomous snake family Viperidae in the collections at this Museum.  相似文献   

报道中国云南巨须隐翅虫属Oxyporus Fablicius和巨须隐翅虫亚属subgenus Oxyporus的4个种,其中包括2新种,玉龙巨须隐翅虫Oxyporus (Oxyporus) yulong sp.nov.和李氏巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)lii sp.nov.,补充了仙台巨须隐翅虫O.germanus Sharp和横沟巨须隐翅虫O.transversesulcatus Bernhauer新的地理分布。  相似文献   

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