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The best reconstructions of the history of life will use both molecular time estimates and fossil data. Errors in molecular rate estimation typically are unaccounted for and no attempts have been made to quantify this uncertainty comprehensively. Here, focus is primarily on fossil calibration error because this error is least well understood and nearly universally disregarded. Our quantification of errors in the synapsid–diapsid calibration illustrates that although some error can derive from geological dating of sedimentary rocks, the absence of good stem fossils makes phylogenetic error the most critical. We therefore propose the use of calibration ages that are based on the first undisputed synapsid and diapsid. This approach yields minimum age estimates and standard errors of 306.1±8.5 MYR for the divergence leading to birds and mammals. Because this upper bound overlaps with the recent use of 310 MYR, we do not support the notion that several metazoan divergence times are significantly overestimated because of serious miscalibration (sensu Lee 1999). However, the propagation of relevant errors reduces the statistical significance of the pre-K–T boundary diversification of many bird lineages despite retaining similar point time estimates. Our results demand renewed investigation into suitable loci and fossil calibrations for constructing evolutionary timescales.[Reviewing Editor: Martin Kreitman]  相似文献   

Attempts to analyze variation in the rates of molecular evolution among mammalian lineages have been hampered by paucity of data and by nonindependent comparisons. Using phylogenetically independent comparisons, we test three explanations for rate variation which predict correlations between rate variation and generation time, metabolic rate, and body size. Mitochondrial and nuclear genes, protein coding, rRNA, and nontranslated sequences from 61 mammal species representing 14 orders are used to compare the relative rates of sequence evolution. Correlation analyses performed on differences in genetic distance since common origin of each pair against differences in body mass, generation time, and metabolic rate reveal that substitution rate at fourfold degenerate sites in two out of three protein sequences is negatively correlated with generation time. In addition, there is a relationship between the rate of molecular evolution and body size for two nuclear-encoded sequences. No evidence is found for an effect of metabolic rate on rate of sequence evolution. Possible causes of variation in substitution rate between species are discussed.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) has a circular DNA genome of about 3,200 base pairs. Economical use of the genome with overlapping reading frames may have led to severe constraints on nucleotide substitutions along the genome and to highly variable rates of substitution among nucleotide sites. Nucleotide sequences from 13 complete HBV genomes were compared to examine such variability of substitution rates among sites and to examine the phylogenetic relationships among the HBV variants. The maximum likelihood method was employed to fit models of DNA sequence evolution that can account for the complexity of the pattern of nucleotide substitution. Comparison of the models suggests that the rates of substitution are different in different genes and codon positions; for example, the third codon position changes at a rate over ten times higher than the second position. Furthermore, substantial variation of substitution rates was detected even after the effects of genes and codon positions were corrected; that is, rates are different at different sites of the same gene or at the same codon position. Such rates after the correction were also found to be positively correlated at adjacent sites, which indicated the existence of conserved and variable domains in the proteins encoded by the viral genome. A multiparameter model validates the earlier finding that the variation in nucleotide conservation is not random around the HBV genome. The test for the existence of a molecular clock suggests that substitution rates are more or less constant among lineages. The phylogenetic relationships among the viral variants were examined. Although the data do not seem to contain sufficient information to resolve the details of the phylogeny, it appears quite certain that the serotypes of the viral variants do not reflect their genetic relatedness. Correspondence to: Z. Yang  相似文献   

The isolation of circadian clock mutants in Neurospora crassa and Drosophila melanogaster have identified numerous genes whose function is necessary for the normal operation of the circadian clock. In Neurospora many of these mutants map to a single locus called frq, whose properties suggest that its gene product is intimately involved in clock function. In Drosophila mutations at the per locus also suggest a significant role for the product of this gene in the insect clock mechanism. The per gene has been cloned and its gene product identified as a proteoglycan, most likely a membrane protein involved in affecting the ionic or electrical properties of cells in which it is located. Future progress in elucidating the mechanisms of circadian clocks are likely to come from continued analysis of clock mutants, both at the genetic and molecular levels.  相似文献   

Evolutionary geneticists have increasingly used sequence variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as a source of historical information. However, conclusions based on these data remain tentative because a sufficiently clear understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of mtDNA has yet to be developed. In this paper we present the results of computer simulations designed to illustrate the effects of social structure, geographical structure, and population size on the rate of nucleotide substitution and lineage sorting of mtDNA. The model is based in part on the social structure of macaque monkeys. Simulated populations of females were divided into 25 social groups; the animals in each were distributed in a hierarchy of four dominance rank categories. The probabilities for offspring survivorship were varied among dominance ranks to reflect the fitness consequences of social structure. Population size was varied across runs from 100 to 300 females. The pattern of female migration was also varied to mimic either the island model or the stepping-stone model. All these variables are shown to affect the lineage sorting period (LSP), and certain combinations of parameter values can cause the retention of mtDNA polymorphisms for a very long time. In addition, the simulations exhibited a negative relationship between the LSP and substitution rate over a modest and realistic range of LSP values. An important implication of these results is that estimates of time since isolation based on the assumption of a constant molecular clock may be biased and unreliable.  相似文献   

Temperature compensation of their period is one of the canonical characteristics of circadian rhythms, yet it is not restricted to circadian rhythms. This short review summarizes the evidence for ultradian rhythms, with periods from 1 minute to several hours, that likewise display a strict temperature compensation. They have been observed mostly in unicellular organisms in which their constancy of period at different temperatures, as well as under different growth conditions (e.g., medium type, carbon source), indicates a general homeostasis of the period. Up to eight different parameters, including cell division, cell motility, and energy metabolism, were observed to oscillate with the same periodicity and therefore appear to be under the control of the same central pacemaker. This suggests that these ultradian clocks should be considered as cellular timekeeping devices that in fast-growing cells take over temporal control of cellular functions controlled by the circadian clock in slow-growing or nongrowing cells. Being potential relatives of circadian clocks, these ultradian rhythms may serve as model systems in chronobiolog-ical research. Indeed, mutations have been found that affect both circadian and ultradian periods, indicating that the respective oscillators share some mechanistic features. In the haploid yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a number of genes have been identified where mutation, deletion, or overex-pression affect the ultradian clock. Since most of these genes play roles in cellular metabolism and signaling, and mutations have pleiotropic effects, it has to be assumed that the clock is deeply embedded in cellular physiology. It is therefore suggested that mechanisms ensuring temperature compensation and general homeostasis of period are to be sought in a wider context. (Chronobiology International, 14(5), 469–479, 1997)  相似文献   

The internal branch lengths estimated by distance methods such as neighbor joining are shown to be biased to be short when the evolutionary rate differs among sites. The variable-invariable model for site heterogeneity fits the amino acid sequence data encoded by the mitochondrial DNA from Hominoidea remarkably well. By assuming the orangutan separation to be 13 or 16 Myr old, a maximum-likelihood analysis estimates a young date of 3.6 ± 0.6 or 4.4 ± 0.7 Myr (±1 SE) for the human/chimpanzee separation, and these estimates turn out to be robust against differences in the assumed model for amino acid substitutions. Although some uncertainties still exist in our estimates, this analysis suggests that humans separated from chimpanzees some 4–5 Myr ago.Correspondence to: M. Hasewaga  相似文献   

The subsection Magnicellulatae of the genus Podosphaera section Sphaerotheca belongs to the tribe Cystotheceae of the Erysiphaceae, which has the characteristic of producing catenate conidia with distinct fibrosin bodies. In this study, we newly determined the nucleotide sequences of the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rDNA region and the sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region to investigate the relationships between the phylogeny of this fungal group and their host plants. The results indicated that the 28S rDNA region is too conservative for phylogenetic analysis of this fungal group. The phylogenetic analysis using 95 ITS sequences demonstrated that two or more Magnicellulatae taxa often infect the same plant genus or species. Although there is a close relationship between Magnicellulatae and asteraceous hosts, this association seems to be not as strict as that between Golovinomyces and the Asteraceae. The difference between the two fungal groups may be explained by their different evolutionary timing.  相似文献   

The class I region of the major histocompatibility complex contains two subgenomic blocks (250–350 kb each), known as the alpha and beta blocks. These blocks contain members of multicopy gene families including HLA class I, HERV-16 (previously called P5 sequences), and PERB11 (MIC). We have previously shown that each block consists of imperfect duplicated segments (duplicons) containing linked members of different gene families, retroelements and transposons that have coevolved as part of two separate evolutionary events. Another region provisionally designated here as the kappa block is located between the alpha and the beta blocks and contains HLA-E, -30, and -92, HERV-16 (P5.3), and PERB11.3 (MICC) within about 250 kb of sequence. Using Alu elements to trace the evolutionary relationships between different class I duplicons, we have found that (a) the kappa block contains paralogous (duplicated) Alu J sequences and other retroelement patterns more in common with the beta than the alpha block; (b) the retroelement pattern associated with the HLA-E duplicon is different from all other HLA class I duplicons, indicating a more complex evolution; (c) the HLA-92 duplicon, although substantially shorter, is closely related in sequence to the HLA-B and -C duplicons; (d) two of the six paralogous Alu J elements within the HLA-B and -C duplicons are associated with the HLA-X duplicon, confirming their evolutionary relationships within the beta block; and (e) the paralogous Alu J elements within the alpha block are distinctly different from those identified within the beta and kappa blocks. The sequence conservation and location of duplicated (paralogous) Alu J elements in the MHC class I region show that the beta and kappa blocks have evolved separately from the alpha block beginning at a time before or during the evolution of Alu J elements in primates. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Molecular rate heterogeneity, whereby rates of molecular evolution vary among groups of organisms, is a well‐documented phenomenon. Nonetheless, its causes are poorly understood. For animals, generation time is frequently cited because longer‐lived species tend to have slower rates of molecular evolution than their shorter‐lived counterparts. Although a similar pattern has been uncovered in flowering plants, using proxies such as growth form, the underlying process has remained elusive. Here, we find a deceleration of molecular evolutionary rate to be coupled with the origin of arborescence in ferns. Phylogenetic branch lengths within the “tree fern” clade are considerably shorter than those of closely related lineages, and our analyses demonstrate that this is due to a significant difference in molecular evolutionary rate. Reconstructions reveal that an abrupt rate deceleration coincided with the evolution of the long‐lived tree‐like habit at the base of the tree fern clade. This suggests that a generation time effect may well be ubiquitous across the green tree of life, and that the search for a responsible mechanism must focus on characteristics shared by all vascular plants. Discriminating among the possibilities will require contributions from various biological disciplines, but will be necessary for a full appreciation of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

HCV基因组NS1区的分子克隆及序列测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李刚  王斌 《Virologica Sinica》1995,10(2):120-124
对广东省一名慢性丙型肝炎病人血清中的HCV基因组NS1区进行分子克隆及序列测定。采用微粒吸附法提取HCV RNA,随机引物逆转录后进行聚合酶链反应。所用引物位于NS1区,扩增产物780bp在低熔点琼脂糖中电泳,加嘏相应条带处凝胶,与pUC18的连接批应直接在低熔点琼脂糖中完成。重组体转化JM109,挑取菌落增殖后提取的质粒采用PCR和酶切法鉴定阳性克隆。将其中320bp的片段亚克隆到pUC18和p  相似文献   

The radiation inactivation method was used to determine the molecular weight of membrane-bound neutral sphingomyelinase from normal human brain. Inactivation curves showed a molecular mass of 167,000 +/- 32,000. Molecular weights of two control enzymes, beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and nonspecific beta-glucosidase, determined by the same procedure, were consistent with previous reports.  相似文献   

通过构建分子钟对广义柏科主要分类群的起源时间进行探讨。采用相对速率检验法分析广义柏科mat K、rbc L进化速率的稳定性,结果显示rbc L的非同义替代速率只在Pinaceae与Taxodiaceae的分类群及柏科北半球的支系(Cupressoideae)之间通过相对速率检验,而Pinaceae与柏科南半球分支(Callitrodeae)之间没有通过相对速率检验。mar K基因的非同义替代速率在Pinaceae与广义柏科的所有分类群之间通过相对速率检验。根据通过相对速率检验的分类群之间的遗传距离和基因进化速率,计算它们发生分歧的时间。据此推测,杉科的主要分类群Taiwanioideae、Athrotaxidoideae、Sequoioideae与其他分支发生分歧的时间均在侏罗纪,支持现存杉科在侏罗纪就已经建立起来的观点;Cupressaceae(s.s.)的两个支系(亚科)发生分歧的时间在124Ma之前,相当于早白垩世早期,可能由于南北古大陆的完全分离,其祖先居群被分隔成两个亚群,随后各自演化为不同的支系。Callitirodeae、Cupressoideae各属发生分歧的时间也均在白垩纪,表明Cupressaceae(s.s.)在白垩纪就已经建立起来。  相似文献   

Previously we suggested that four proteins including aldolase and triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) evolved with approximately constant rates over long periods covering the whole animal phyla. The constant rates of aldolase and TPI evolution were reexamined based on three different models for estimating evolutionary distances. It was shown that the evolutionary rates remain essentially unchanged in comparisons not only between different classes of vertebrates but also between vertebrates and arthropods and even between animals and plants, irrespective of the models used. Thus these enzymes might be useful molecular clocks for inferring divergence times of animal phyla. To know the divergence time of Parazoa and Eumetazoa and that of Cephalochordata and Vertebrata, the aldolase cDNAs from Ephydatia fluviatilis, a freshwater sponge, and the TPI cDNAs from Ephydatia fluviatilis and Branchiostoma belcheri, an amphioxus, have been cloned and sequenced. Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences of aldolase and TPI from the freshwater sponge with known sequences revealed that the Parazoa–Eumetazoa split occurred about 940 million years ago (Ma) as determined by the average of two proteins and three models. Similarly, the aldolase and TPI clocks suggest that vertebrates and amphioxus last shared a common ancestor around 700 Ma and they possibly diverged shortly after the divergence of deuterostomes and protostomes.  相似文献   

Abstract Several studies of plant taxa have concluded that generation time, including annual/perennial life history, may explain molecular evolutionary rate variation in selectively neutral DNA. Unlike in animals, there is little theoretical basis for why generation-time effects would exist in plants. Furthermore, previous reports fail to establish the generality of a generation-time effect in plants because of the small size of the datasets, a large proportion of which compared very widely divergent taxa differing in many characteristics other than generation time. Using 24 phylogenetically independent species pairs, each containing a species with an annual and a species with a perennial life history, and nine species pairs, each containing a tree species with a short and a long minimum generation time, we found no evidence that generation time is related to molecular evolutionary rate variation of the nuclear 18S ITS1 and ITS2 regions. This analysis strongly contradicts the growing belief that evolutionary rates are affected by generation time in plants. Possible reasons for the absence of generation-time effects are discussed, including an evaluation of the cell-division theory.  相似文献   

林木的分子病理学研究长期以来落后于农业作物病理学。随着高通量测序技术的问世,林木的分子病理学研究迎来了一个崭新的时代。从2006年至今,杨树、云杉等重要森林树种的全基因组测序相继完成,这为全面解析林木的抗病过程提供了遗传背景。同时,转录组学和全基因组关联分析的应用使得人们能快速地积累大量的数据,从而为揭示林木和病原菌之间的分子互作机制奠定了基础。近两年来CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑等分子生物学技术创新不断。高效的分子生物学技术结合基因组学研究有利于林木育种的研究。以下阐述了林木对抗病原菌入侵的生理机制,综合论述了近十年来基因组学和转录组学研究在木本植物分子病理学方面所取得的成果,总结了分子生物学技术在林木抗病领域的研究成果,分析了存在的问题和未来发展的趋势,以期为林木抗病育种提供参考。  相似文献   

采用HGVNS5特异的2对引物,对两个香港株和一个广东株HGVRNA进行逆转录套式PCR扩增,PCR产物克隆入pUC19,重组质粒转化DH5α和JM109菌株。PCR和酶切法鉴定阳性克隆,双脱氧链末端终止法测定核苷酸序列并进行同源性分析。结果发现核苷酸变异呈散在分布,三株间核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为93.3%~94%及97%~99.2%,与已报道的中国株(CN)相比,则同源性分别为90%~91.2%和94%~96.3%,与美国株(PNF2161及R10291)相比,为87.1%~89.5%和95.2%~97%,而与西非株(GBVC)相比,则达91.4%~93.8%和97%~97.9%。提示HGVNS5区核苷酸和氨基酸序列相对保守,不同HGV株存在一定的地区差异。  相似文献   

Many higher groups of plants and animals show distributional patterns which have been shown or have at some point in time been suggested to be correlated with plate tectonics and the ancient supercontinents Laurasia and Gondwana. Here, we study the family of squeak beetles (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Hygrobiidae) and its enigmatic distribution pattern, with one species in the Western Palearctic, one in China and four in Australia. We present a molecular phylogeny including five of the six extant species, showing the monophyly of the Australian radiation. We use a molecular clock approach, which indicates that Hygrobiidae is an ancient group dating back to the breakup of Pangea and discuss the possibility of vicariance as explanation for its current distribution.  相似文献   

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