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In order to study the origin of different oxysterols in the circulation, in particular 24S-hydroxycholesterol, different pools of cholesterol in rat and mouse were labelled by feeding the animals with a diet supplemented with 0.3 or 0.5% hexadeuterium-labelled cholesterol, respectively, for 10 days. The incorporation of deuterium label in cholesterol and different oxysterols was measured by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected tissues and in the circulation. In both rat and mouse, a high incorporation of label was found in cholesterol present in serum and liver (up to 77%). Incorporation of label was similar in 7 alpha- and 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol of the same origin. There was no significant incorporation of deuterium in brain cholesterol, and little or no incorporation in the brain oxysterols investigated, in both animals. In the testis, the incorporation of the deuterium label in cholesterol was less than half of that in the liver, with similarly reduced labelling of the testicular oxysterols. 24S-Hydroxycholesterol in the circulation contained a deuterium content that was about 50% of that of serum and liver cholesterol in the mouse experiment and about 30% in the rat experiment. Thus, about 50% of circulating 24S-hydroxycholesterol in the mouse and about 70% of this fraction in the rat must originate from pools of cholesterol that are not in equilibrium with plasma and liver cholesterol. The liver is probably responsible for a considerable part of the extracerebral formation of 24S-hydroxycholesterol, since this organ contained detectable amounts of 24S-hydroxycholesterol with a relatively high incorporation of deuterium in both animal species. The results are consistent with a cerebral origin of more than half of the 24S-hydroxycholesterol in the circulation of rats, but not in mice.  相似文献   

Previous experiments demonstrated the existence of at least two pools of secretory proteins in the exocrine pancreas. We have measured the specific activities of amylase released under resting conditions and of amylase in the zymogen granules. Specific activity of resting secretion was twice that found under stimulated conditions or in zymogen granules. Secretory proteins were pulse-labeled and amylase was measured after precipitation of the enzyme with glycogen. Pancreatic juice collected at 45-50 min post-pulse contained 10-25-times the amylase activity found in zymogen granules. These results confirm the existence of at least two distinct pools of secretory proteins in the exocrine pancreas and suggest the existence of an intracellular route of secretory proteins which would bypass the zymogen granule compartment.  相似文献   

Glutamine's role as an energetic fuel has been extensively studied in the past using 14C- and 3H-labeled tracers in cultured human cells. Yet another prominent role of glutamine, that of a nitrogen shuttle, cannot be approached without an N-tracer. We therefore used 15N-labeled glutamine and glutamate to address the following questions: (1) is it possible to study the exchangeable pools of intracellular free glutamine and glutamate nitrogen with stable isotope methods? and (2) to what extent is intracellular glutamine pool regulated by extracellular glutamine? We observed that: (1) intracellular [15N]-glutamine enrichment reached a plateau at 80% within 20 min of incubation in a buffer containing 0.7 mM pure 15N-glutamine and no glutamate; in contrast, intracellular 15N-glutamate enrichment rose only to 40% after 4 hours of incubation in a buffer containing 0.5 mM pure 15N-glutamate and no glutamine; (2) the cell-free glutamine content was tightly dependent on extracellular glutamine level, while the cell-free glutamate remained steady irrespective of the extracellular glutamate level; (3) the cells took up glutamine and glutamate against a concentration gradient; the rate of glutamine uptake accounted for 90% of the cell glutamine turnover rate; and (4) when cells were confronted with a glutamine-free medium, only one fourth of intracellular glutamine was derived from the exchangeable glutamate. We conclude that: (1) The size and turnover rate of the intracellular pool of free glutamine nitrogen are measurable using stable isotope methodology; (2) glutamine uptake from the extracellular medium accounts for most of glutamine turnover rate in cultured fibroblasts; and (3) intracellular free glutamate is divided up between several pools in cultured human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have provided direct evidence for the existence of distinct cholesterol domains within the plasma membranes of human ocular lens fiber cells. The fiber cell plasma membrane is unique in that it contains unusually high concentrations of cholesterol, with cholesterol to phospholipid (C/P) mole ratios ranging from 1 to 4. Since membrane cholesterol content is disturbed in the development of cataracts, it was hypothesized that perturbation of cholesterol domain structure occurs in cataracts. In this study, fiber cell plasma membranes were isolated from both normal (control) and cataractous lenses and assayed for cholesterol and phospholipid. Control and cataractous whole lens membranes had C/P mole ratios of 3.1 and 1.7, respectively. Small angle x-ray diffraction approaches were used to directly examine the structural organization of the cataractous lens plasma membrane versus control. Both normal and cataractous oriented membranes yielded meridional diffraction peaks corresponding to a unit cell periodicity of 34.0 A, consistent with the presence of immiscible cholesterol domains. However, comparison of diffraction patterns indicated that cataractous lens membranes contained more pronounced and better defined cholesterol domains than controls, over a broad range of temperature (5-40 degrees C) and relative humidity (52-92%) levels. In addition, diffraction analyses of the sterol-poor regions of cataractous membranes indicated increased membrane rigidity as compared with control membranes. Modification of the membrane lipid environment, such as by oxidative insult, is believed to be one potential mechanism for the formation of highly resolved cholesterol domains despite significantly reduced cholesterol content. The results of this x-ray diffraction study provide evidence for fundamental changes in the lens fiber cell plasma membrane structure in cataracts, including the presence of more prominent and highly ordered, immiscible cholesterol domains.  相似文献   

Tissue ossification in Peyronie disease (commonly known as Peyronie's disease [PD]), a localized fibrotic lesion within the tunica albuginea (TA) of the penis, may result from osteogenic differentiation of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and/or adult stem cells in the TA, and may be triggered by chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and profibrotic factors like transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1). In this study, we have investigated whether cultures of cells from normal TA and PD plaques undergo osteogenesis, express markers for stem cells, and originate other cell lineages via processes modulated by TGFB1. We found that TA and PD cells in osteogenic medium (OM) expressed osteogenic markers, alkaline phosphatase, and osteopontin and underwent calcification. PD cells, but not TA cells, formed foci in soft agar that were positive for alkaline phosphatase and calcification and expressed the mRNAs for osteoblast-specific factors pleiotrophin and periostin and bone morphogenic protein 2. Both cultures expressed stem cell marker CD34 antigen but not protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type c. TA and PD cells expressed smooth-muscle cell markers smoothelin and transgelin. None of the cultures underwent adipogenesis in adipogenic medium. Incubation with TGFB1 increased osteogenesis and myofibroblast differentiation and reduced CD34 antigen expression in both cultures. TA and PD cells modulated the differentiation of the multipotent C3H 10T(1/2) cells in dual cultures, into osteoblasts and myofibroblasts. In conclusion, both TA and PD cultures contain cells, presumably stem cells, that undergo osteogenic and myofibroblast differentiation, and may induce these processes by paracrine interactions. This may explain progression of fibrosis in the PD plaque and its eventual calcification.  相似文献   

Psecas chapoda, a neotropical jumping spider strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae in cerrados and semi-deciduous forests in South America, effectively contributes to plant nutrition and growth. In this study, our goal was to investigate if spider density caused spatial variations in the strength of this spider–plant mutualism. We found a positive significant relationship between spider density and δ15N values for bromeliad leaves in different forest fragments. Open grassland Bromeliads were associated with spiders and had higher δ15N values compared to forest bromeliads. Although forest bromeliads had no association with spiders their total N concentrations were higher. These results suggest that bromeliad nutrition is likely more litter-based in forests and more spider-based in open grasslands. This study is one of the few to show nutrient provisioning and conditionality in a spider–plant system.  相似文献   

Oxysterols possess powerful biological activities. Some of their effects on the regulation of key enzymes are similar to those of cholesterol, but are much more potent. One of the critical properties of oxysterols is their ability to pass lipophilic membranes at a high rate. Transfer of unesterified 25-hydroxycholesterol from red blood cells to plasma has been reported to occur more than 1,000 times faster than cholesterol. Here we have measured the relative rate of such translocation of the three major oxysterols in human circulation: 27-hydroxycholesterol, 24S-hydroxycholesterol, and 4beta-hydroxycholesterol. The distance from the 3beta-hydroxyl group to the additional hydroxyl group is the greatest possible in 27-hydroxycholesterol and the least possible in 4beta-hydroxycholesterol. The rate of exchange between erythrocytes and plasma was found to be high for 27-hydroxycholesterol and 24S-hydroxycholesterol, and hardly possible to measure for 4beta-hydroxycholesterol and cholesterol. When injected intravenously into humans, deuterium labeled 24- and 27-hydroxycholesterol caused an immediate high enrichment of the corresponding plasma sterols followed by a decay. After injection of labeled 4beta-hydroxycholesterol, the maximum deuterium enrichment occurred after 2-3 h, when secretion of the oxysterol from the liver is likely to be the limiting factor. When radiolabeled cholesterol was injected under the same conditions, maximum appearance of label occurred after about 2 days. The results illustrate the importance of the position of the additional oxygen in oxysterols and are discussed in relation to the rate of metabolism and biological effects of these oxysterols.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oxidation products, termed oxysterols, have been shown to be more reactive than unoxidized cholesterol, possessing marked pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic effects in a number of cells and tissues. Oxysterols, absorbed with the diet as products of cholesterol auto-oxidation, have recently been suggested to potentially interfere with homeostasis of the mucosal intestinal epithelium, by promoting and sustaining irreversible damage.  相似文献   

In this report, the modulation and localization of complement receptors CR1 and CR3 in neutrophils were examined with the use of monoclonal antibodies (mab) directed against these membrane proteins. We first studied complement receptor modulation in a patient with neutrophil-specific granule deficiency. With flow cytometric analysis, we determined that, while N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (f-met-leu-phe) (10(-6) M) caused an increase in the binding of both anti-CR1 and anti-CR3 mab to normal neutrophils, the fmet-leu-phe-stimulated neutrophils from our patient increased anti-CR1 binding but decreased anti-CR3 binding. This suggested that CR3, but not CR1, might be associated with specific granules. We next studied receptor modulation in organelle-depleted neutrophil cytoplasts obtained from normal donors. Unlike the specific granule-deficient neutrophils, the normal cytoplasts failed to augment expression of either receptor after stimulation. Immunofluorescence studies of permeabilized polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) revealed considerable internal binding of both anti-CR1 and anti-CR3. In additional studies, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) was used as a stimulus for receptor modulation in normal neutrophils. Unlike fmet-leu-phe and C5a, PMA elicited a biphasic dose-response curve. High doses of PMA (greater than 0.5 ng/ml) caused a reduction in the magnitude of membrane expression of both CR1 and CR3. In studies designed to localize the internal pool of receptors, we evaluated the binding of 125I-anti-receptor mab to plasma membrane-, specific granule, and azurophilic granule-enriched fractions obtained from sucrose gradient fractionation of disrupted neutrophils. 125I-anti-CR1 mab bound to the membrane-enriched fraction but bound little to either granule-enriched fraction. In contrast, 125I-anti-CR3 mab bound more to the specific granule-enriched fraction than to the plasma membrane-enriched fraction. Azurophilic granules showed no increased anti-CR3 binding. Immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled solubilized subcellular fractions with anti-receptor mab confirmed these findings. CR3 was present in the plasma membrane-, and specific granule-enriched fraction but not in the azurophilic granule-enriched fraction. CR1, however, was present only in the plasma membrane-enriched fraction. These data indicate that there are intracellular pools for both the CR1 and CR3, but the intracellular locations for these pools are distinct. The pool for CR3 co-sediments with specific granules, while the pool for CR1 does not. Nonetheless, a variety of stimulatory agents increase and decrease the membrane expression of both receptors in parallel.  相似文献   

徐哲  马姣  裴树文 《人类学学报》2021,40(3):454-468
早期人类演化、扩散、技术发展与自然环境的关系一直是学术界关注的前沿与热点.本文梳理了环境变化与早期人类演化关系研究中牙釉质碳氧稳定同位素分析的研究历史、原理以及取样方法,与此同时,介绍了不同学者利用哺乳动物牙釉质碳氧稳定同位素分析在早期人类演化与环境关系探索的相关研究进展,并对东非早期人类奥杜威技术向阿舍利技术转变过程...  相似文献   

A strain of Penicillium notatum unable to metabolize inorganic sulfate can accumulate sulfate internally to an apparent equilibrium concentration 10(5) greater than that remaining in the medium. The apparent Keq is near constant at all initial external sulfate concentrations below that which would eventually exceed the internal capacity of the cells. Under equilibrium conditions of zero net flux, external 35SO42- exchanges with internal, unlabeled SO42- at a rate consistent with the kinetic constants with the sulfate transport system. Efflux experiments demonstrated that sulfate occupies two distinct intracellular pools. Pool 1 is characterized by the rapid release of 35SO42- when the suspension of preloaded cells is adjusted to 10 mM azide at pH 8.4 (t 1/2, 0.38 min). 35SO42- in pool 1 also rapidly exchanges with unlabeled medium sulfate. Pool 2 is characterized by the slow release of 35SO42- induced by azide at pH 8.4 or unlabeled sulfate (t 1/2, 32 to 49 min). Early in the 35SO42- accumulation process, up to 78% of the total transported substrate is found in pool 1. At equilibrium, pool 1 accounts for only about 2% of the total accumulated 35SO42-. The kinetics of 35SO42- accumulation is consistent with the following sequential process: medium----pool 1----pool 2. Monensin (33 microns) accelerates the transfer of 35SO42- from pool 1 to pool 2. Valinomycin (0.2 microM) and tetraphenylboron- (1 mM) retard the transfer of 35SO42- from pool 1 to pool 2. At the concentrations used, neither of the ionophores nor tetraphenylboron- affect total 35SO42- uptake. Pool 2 may reside in a vacuole or other intracellular organelle. A model for the transfer of sulfate from pool 1 to pool 2 is presented.  相似文献   

Synopsis We measured stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of invertebrates, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, in three distinct freshwater environments (headwater tributary, ultra-oligotrophic lake, and main-stem river) in the Western Brook system, Newfoundland, Canada. Large differences in the stable carbon signatures of invertebrates allowed the identification of organic matter assimilation from each environment by resident parr and migrating smolts. Brook trout captured in the headwater tributary in June had a carbon signature characteristic of the tributary, while those collected in August had enriched 13C (maximum = −15.6‰) and 15N (maximum = 12.8‰) values. These enriched carbon and nitrogen signatures were indicative of foraging at sea. There was a low correlation between δ13C and δ15N (r2 = 0.198) for individual fish that was likely due to the confounding influence of trout feeding in the lake and the lower main-stem of the river, where δ13C of food sources was high but δ15N was low. Smolts emigrating from Western Brook Pond where they had been foraging (based on lacustrine carbon signatures) were significantly larger than those emigrating from a nursery brook and the main river in the same basin, despite having the same median age. These results suggest better growth opportunities in the lake environment. Trout fork length was positively correlated with δ13C and δ15N, demonstrating that larger individuals had been feeding outside the brook. These results support previous studies that found increased growth potential for salmonids in lacustrine and marine environments, and further, indicate possible adaptive advantages for salmonid movement away from natal brooks.  相似文献   

Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is associated with a moderate decrease of plasma apoA-I and HDL-cholesterol levels. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that these abnormalities were related to an increase of HDL-apoA-I fractional catabolic rate (FCR). We performed a 14-h infusion of [5,5,5-(2)H(3)]leucine in seven control subjects and seven heterozygous FH patients (plasma total cholesterol 422 +/- 27 vs. 186 +/- 42 mg/dL, P < 0.001, respectively). Plasma apoA-I concentration was not changed in FH compared to controls (respectively 115 +/- 18 vs. 122 +/- 15 mg/dL, NS), and HDL-cholesterol level was decreased (37 +/- 7 vs. 46 +/- 19 mg/dL, NS). Kinetics of HDL metabolism were modeled as a single compartment as no differences were observed between HDL(2) and HDL(3) subclasses. Both mean apoA-I FCR and absolute production rate (APR) were increased in FH (respectively, 0.36 +/- 0.14 vs. 0.22 +/- 0.05 pool/d, P < 0.05, and 18.0 +/- 7.7 and 11.2 +/- 2.3 mg/kg/d, P < 0.05). Higher HDL-triglyceride and HDL-apoE levels were observed in patients with heterozygous FH. (Respectively 19 +/- 8 vs. 8 +/- 3 mg/dL, P < 0.05, and 5.3 +/- 0.8 vs. 3.7 +/- 0.9 mg/dL, P < 0.05). We conclude that the catabolism of HDL-apoA-I is increased in heterozygous FH patients. However, plasma apoA-I concentration was maintained because of an increased HDL-apoA-I production rate.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of human tissue reflects that of foods consumed, and can provide information about diet independent of artifactual remains. Here we refine and test this method by analyzing nitrogen (delta(15)N) and carbon (delta(13)C) isotope ratios in historic North American Plains Indians hair. Gas-source isotope-ratio mass spectrometry provides high-precision data for both delta(15)N and delta(13)C (+/-0.2 per thousand, 1 sigma) in single hair strands as short as 2 cm (100-150 mug). Because hair contains more carbon than nitrogen, if only delta(13)C data are needed, shorter strands (<1 cm) can be analyzed. This reduction in sample size opens new opportunities for analysis of small hair fragments found in archaeological excavations, as well as for analysis of seasonal variations in long hair strands. We find distinct isotope profiles (delta(15)N vs. delta(13)C) for two cultural groups, the Lower Brule reservation Sioux of 1892 and the reservation Blackfoot of 1892 and 1935. The resultant dietary profiles indicate a higher consumption of meat by the Blackfoot and a higher consumption of maize (or of animals that had fed on maize or other C(4) plants) by the Lower Brule. The two groups of Blackfoot yield similar isotopic profiles despite the passage of four decades, suggesting a strong role for cultural preference even as food sources change. Such stable isotope profiles can be used to link samples from the same cultural tradition based on their similar diets.  相似文献   

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