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Oecologia - Across latitudinal clines, the juvenile developmental rates of ectotherms often covary with the length of the growing season, due to life-history trade-offs imposed by the...  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation among populations is thought to be generated from spatial heterogeneity in environments that exert selection pressures that overcome the effects of gene flow and genetic drift. Here, we tested for evidence of isolation by distance or by ecology (i.e., ecological adaptation) to generate variation in early life history traits and phenotypic plasticity among 13 wood frog populations spanning 1200 km and 7° latitude. We conducted a common garden experiment and related trait variation to an ecological gradient derived from an ecological niche model (ENM) validated to account for population density variation. Shorter larval periods, smaller body weight, and relative leg lengths were exhibited by populations with colder mean annual temperatures, greater precipitation, and less seasonality in precipitation and higher population density (high-suitability ENM values). After accounting for neutral genetic variation, the QSTFST analysis supported ecological selection as the key process generating population divergence. Further, the relationship between ecology and traits was dependent upon larval density. Specifically, high-suitability/high-density populations in the northern part of the range were better at coping with greater conspecific competition, evidenced by greater postmetamorphic survival and no difference in body weight when reared under stressful conditions of high larval density. Our results support that both climate and competition selection pressures drive clinal variation in larval and metamorphic traits in this species. Range-wide studies like this one are essential for accurate predictions of population’s responses to ongoing ecological change.Subject terms: Biogeography, Ecological modelling, Evolutionary ecology, Evolution  相似文献   

Populations that undergo a process of rapid evolution present excellent opportunities to investigate the mechanisms driving or restraining adaptive divergence. The genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) is often considered to constrain adaptation but little is known about its potential to evolve during phenotypic divergence. We compared the G-matrices of ancestral and recently established ecotype populations of an aquatic isopod (Asellus aquaticus) that have diverged in parallel in two south Swedish lakes. Phenotypic changes after colonization involved a reduction in overall size, lost pigmentation and changes in shape. Comparisons between G-matrices reveal close similarity within the same ecotype from different lakes but some degree of differentiation among ecotypes. Phenotypic divergence has apparently not been much influenced by the orientation of G. Additive genetic variation in the newly colonized habitats has also decreased substantially. This suggests that a process of adaptation from standing genetic variation has occurred and has probably facilitated phenotypic divergence.  相似文献   

Parasitism has evolved independently several times in many different animal lineages. Observations made on distantly related parasites have revealed a variety of adaptations to parasitism, including changes in physiology, morphology, and life history traits. These observations have led parasitologists to formulate general rules about the evolution of parasites, rules that define a common evolutionary path presumably followed by all parasitic organisms. Robert Poulin uses recent evidence to question the generality of these rules and to show that parasite evolution may take different roads. The selective pressures acting on parasites are diverse and may guide their evolution in any direction, just as they have shaped a wide variety of free-living organisms.  相似文献   

Pathogens have important effects on host life-history traits, but the magnitude of these effects is often strongly context-dependent. The outcome of an interaction between a host and an infectious agent is often associated with the level of stress experienced by the host. Ranavirus causes disease and mortality in amphibian populations in various locations around the world, but most known cases of ranaviral infection have occurred in North America and the United Kingdom. While Ranavirus virulence has been investigated, the outcome of Ranavirus infection has seldom been related to the host environment. In a factorial experiment, we exposed Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens, formerly Rana pipiens) tadpoles to different concentrations of Ranavirus and investigated the effect of host density on certain life-history traits, namely survival, growth rate, developmental stage and number of days from virus exposure to death. Our results suggest a prominent role of density in driving the direction of the interaction between L. pipiens tadpoles and Ranavirus. We showed that increasing animal holding density is detrimental for host fitness as mortality rate is higher, day of death earlier, development longer and growth rate significantly lower in high-density tanks. We observed a linear increase of detrimental effects when Ranavirus doses increased in low-density conditions, with control tadpoles having a significantly higher overall relative fitness. However, this pattern was no longer observed in high-density conditions, where the effects of increasing Ranavirus dose were limited. Infected and control animals fitness were consequently similar. We speculate that the host may eventually diverts the energy required for a metabolic/immune response triggered by the infection (i.e., direct costs of the infection) to better cope with the increase in environmental "stress" associated with high density (i.e., indirect benefits of the infection). Our results illustrate how the net fitness of organisms may be shaped by ecological context and emphasize the necessity of examining the direct/indirect costs and benefits balance to fully understand host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Past research has determined the habitat requirements of amphibian species predominantly from presence/absence studies. This study tested the hypothesis that relationships between breeding site habitat components, life history traits and fitness may provide a higher resolution of biological data relating to the habitat requirements of amphibian species. We tested this novel approach by using Litoria ewingii as our model species. We correlated larval and metamorph life history traits with habitat variables at 28 small to medium sized ponds within a commercially logged forest in southern Tasmania, Australia. To avoid larval mortality due to pond desiccation, L. ewingii laid eggs and metamorphosed earlier in smaller ponds. Snout vent length at metamorphosis increased with elevation and metamorphosis was earlier in less shaded ponds. Breeding ponds that maximised the fitness of L. ewingii were higher elevation ponds with reduced shading, steeper bank slopes and reduced pond isolation. The findings of the study equip land managers with a greater ecological understanding of ecosystem function in relation to specific species. The methodological approach has broad application to conservation biology where an awareness of the specific habitat requirements of amphibians is critical to successful ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been proposed that adult mortality schedules may be responsible for latitudinal patterns of life history variation in passerine birds, whereas nest predation only could explain within latitude patterns. Unfortunately, no independent test has been performed regarding the importance of nest predation with different taxa. In the present study, seasonality and nest predation hypotheses explaining variations in gestation time and litter size in 17 lagomorph species were tested. Among latitude patterns were analysed using the phylogenetic independent contrast method of Felsenstein and within latitude patterns were analysed by the pairwise comparative method. The results obtained indicate that latitudinal patterns observed in both variables are explained by different factors: seasonality for litter size and nest predation for gestation time. Litter size variations within latitudes are also explained by differences in nest predation, supporting previous hypotheses. In conclusion, the present study suggests that, when compared among latitudes, different life history traits (e.g. litter size and gestation time) may be shaped by different selective forces and that the effects of nest predation may be high both within and between latitudes.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 603–610.  相似文献   

The presence of predators can induce changes in both the morphology and behaviour of Anuran larvae, affecting both their size and developmental stage at metamorphosis and, consequently, the fitness of adult individuals. Tadpoles have been shown to be capable of finely tuning their defensive responses according to the actual risk perceived, which is expected to vary according to the prey-to-predator size ratio. In this study, we exposed common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles (Gosner stages 28–30), for a period of 2 weeks, to the non-lethal presence of dragonfly larvae (Anax imperator) and backswimmers (Notonecta glauca). In such a narrow window of time, we expected behavioural responses to be similar for both predators and exposure to predation risk to have negligible effects on tadpole development and weight. Overall, tadpoles increased hiding behaviour and were less active when predators were present in the experimental mesocosms, but behavioural responses were constrained to the early phase of the ontogeny and were no longer used when tadpoles reached a threshold size. Developmental rate slightly slowed down for predator treatments in comparison to controls, possibly as a consequence of energetic investment in unrecorded morphological defences. Although variation in laboratory conditions and protocols makes it hard to compare the results of different experiments, our results contribute to verify the consistency of behavioural responses in Anuran larvae.  相似文献   

Successful reproduction is an important determinant of the fitness of an individual and of the dynamics of populations. Offspring of the European common frog (Rana temporaria) exhibit a high degree of variability in metamorphic traits. However, environmental factors alone cannot explain this phenotypic variability, and the influence of genetic factors remains to be determined. Here, we tested whether the maternal genotype influences developmental time, body size, and body condition of offspring in a forest pond in Germany. We collected fertilized eggs from all 57 clutches deposited in the pond. We used multilocus genotypes based on seven microsatellite loci to assign metamorphosed offspring to mothers and to determine the number of fathers for a single matriline. We tested the influence of genetic effects in the same environment by comparing variability of metamorphic traits within and between full‐sib offspring grouped to matrilines and tested whether multiple paternity increases the variability of metamorphic traits in a single matriline. The variability in size and body condition was higher within matrilines than between them, which indicates that these traits are more strongly influenced by environmental effects, which are counteracting underlying genetic effects. The developmental time varied considerably between matrilines and variability increased with the effective number of fathers, suggesting an additive genetic effect of multiple paternity. Our results show that metamorphic traits are shaped by environmental as well as genetic effects.  相似文献   

The relative roles of natural selection and direct environmental induction, as well as of natural selection and genetic drift, in creating clinal latitudinal variation in quantitative traits have seldom been assessed in vertebrates. To address these issues, we compared molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between six common frog (Rana temporaria) populations along an approximately 1600 km long latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia. The degree of population differentiation (QST approximately 0.81) in three heritable quantitative traits (age and size at metamorphosis, growth rate) exceeded that in eight (neutral) microsatellite loci (FST = 0.24). Isolation by distance was clear for both neutral markers and quantitative traits, but considerably stronger for one of the three quantitative traits than for neutral markers. QST estimates obtained using animals subjected to different rearing conditions (temperature and food treatments) revealed some environmental dependency in patterns of population divergence in quantitative traits, but in general, these effects were weak in comparison to overall patterns. Pairwise comparisons of FST and QST estimates across populations and treatments revealed that the degree of quantitative trait differentiation was not generally predictable from knowledge of that in molecular markers. In fact, both positive and negative correlations were observed depending on conditions where the quantitative genetic variability had been measured. All in all, the results suggest a very high degree of genetic subdivision both in neutral marker genes and genes coding quantitative traits across a relatively recently (< 9000 years) colonized environmental gradient. In particular, they give evidence for natural selection being the primary agent behind the observed latitudinal differentiation in quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Rapid adaptation to global change can counter vulnerability of species to population declines and extinction. Theoretically, under such circumstances both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity can maintain population fitness, but empirical support for this is currently limited. Here, we aim to characterize the role of environmental and genetic diversity, and their prior evolutionary history (via haplogroup profiles) in shaping patterns of life history traits during biological invasion. Data were derived from both genetic and life history traits including a morphological analysis of 29 native and invasive populations of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva coupled with climatic variables from each location. General additive models were constructed to explain distribution of somatic growth rate (SGR) data across native and invasive ranges, with model selection performed using Akaike's information criteria. Genetic and environmental drivers that structured the life history of populations in their native range were less influential in their invasive populations. For some vertebrates at least, fitness‐related trait shifts do not seem to be dependent on the level of genetic diversity or haplogroup makeup of the initial introduced propagule, nor of the availability of local environmental conditions being similar to those experienced in their native range. As long as local conditions are not beyond the species physiological threshold, its local establishment and invasive potential are likely to be determined by local drivers, such as density‐dependent effects linked to resource availability or to local biotic resistance.  相似文献   

In quantitative genetics, the genetic architecture of traits, described in terms of variances and covariances, plays a major role in determining the trajectory of evolutionary change. Hence, the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G-matrix) is a critical component of modern quantitative genetics theory. Considerable debate has surrounded the issue of G-matrix constancy because unstable G-matrices provide major difficulties for evolutionary inference. Empirical studies and analytical theory have not resolved the debate. Here we present the results of stochastic models of G-matrix evolution in a population responding to an adaptive landscape with an optimum that moves at a constant rate. This study builds on the previous results of stochastic simulations of G-matrix stability under stabilizing selection arising from a stationary optimum. The addition of a moving optimum leads to several important new insights. First, evolution along genetic lines of least resistance increases stability of the orientation of the G-matrix relative to stabilizing selection alone. Evolution across genetic lines of least resistance decreases G-matrix stability. Second, evolution in response to a continuously changing optimum can produce persistent maladaptation for a correlated trait, even if its optimum does not change. Third, the retrospective analysis of selection performs very well when the mean G-matrix (G) is known with certainty, indicating that covariance between G and the directional selection gradient beta is usually small enough in magnitude that it introduces only a small bias in estimates of the net selection gradient. Our results also show, however, that the contemporary G-matrix only serves as a rough guide to G. The most promising approach for the estimation of G is probably through comparative phylogenetic analysis. Overall, our results show that directional selection actually can increase stability of the G-matrix and that retrospective analysis of selection is inherently feasible. One major remaining challenge is to gain a sufficient understanding of the G-matrix to allow the confident estimation of G.  相似文献   

Vertebrates respond to environmental stressors through the neuro-endocrine stress response, which involves the production of glucocorticoids. We have selected independent, duplicate divergent lines of zebra finches for high, low and control corticosterone responses to a mild stressor. This experiment has shown that over the first four generations, the high lines have demonstrated a significant realized heritability of about 20%. However, the low lines have apparently not changed significantly from controls. This asymmetry in response is potentially because of the fact that all birds appear to be showing increased adaptation to the environment in which they are housed, with significant declines in corticosterone response in control lines as well as low lines. Despite the existence of two- to threefold difference in mean corticosterone titre between high and low lines, there were no observed differences in testosterone titre in adult male birds from the different groups. In addition, there were no consistent, significant differences between the lines in any of the life history variables measured--number of eggs laid per clutch, number of clutches or broods produced per pair, number of fledglings produced per breeding attempt, nor in any of egg, nestling and fledgling mortality. These results highlight the fact that the mechanisms that underlie variation in the avian physiological system can be modified to respond to differences between environments through selection. This adds an additional level of flexibility to the avian physiological system, which will allow it to respond to environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

Two generations of two aphid species (Myzus ascalonicus and M. persicae) were reared on Plantago lanceolata plants, with and without root colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices. Life history traits of the aphids measured were nymphal development time, teneral adult weight, growth rate, total fecundity, adult longevity and duration of post-reproductive life. For both aphids in both generations, mycorrhizal colonization increased aphid weight and fecundity, while other traits were unaffected. The increases were consistent between generations. In a second experiment, M. persicae was reared on plants with and without the fungus, under varying N and P regimes. The results of N addition were inconclusive because there was high aphid mortality. However, under P supplementation, positive effects of the mycorrhiza on aphid growth were seen at low and medium P levels, while at high P levels these effects disappeared. The positive effects of mycorrhizal colonization reported here are contrary to the majority of previous studies with chewing insects, which have reported negative effects. A number of possible mechanisms for this apparent discrepancy are discussed. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

Island environments typically share characteristics such as impoverished biotas and less-seasonal climates, which should be conducive to specific adaptations by organisms. However, with the exception of morphological studies, broad-scale tests of patterns of adaptation on islands are rare. Here, I examine reproductive patterns in island birds worldwide. Reproductive life histories are influenced by latitude, which could affect the response to insularity; therefore, I additionally test this hypothesis. Island colonizers showed mostly bi-parental care, but there was a significant increase in cooperative breeding on islands. Additionally, I found support for previous suggestions of reduced fecundity, longer developmental periods and increased investment in young on islands. However, clutch size increased with latitude at a rate nearly five times faster on the mainland than on the islands revealing a substantially stronger effect of insularity at higher latitudes. Latitude and insularity may also interact to determine egg volume and incubation periods, but these effects were less clear. Analyses of reproductive success did not support an effect of reduced nest predation as a driver of reproductive change, but this requires further study. The effect of latitude detected here suggests that the evolutionary changes associated with insularity relate to environmental stability and improved adult survival.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term effects of genetic architecture on the response to correlational selection in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii. Previously, a positive phenotypic and genetic correlation between development time and propensity to diapause had been identified. Correlational selection consisted of all four combinations of (1) fast and slow development time and (2) propensity to diapause and not diapause, 3 replicates per selection regime, for 1 to 3 generations. Response to selection in the direction of the correlation was rapid and generally consistent with the direction of selection while response orthogonal to the correlation was inconsistent and frequently in a direction opposite to the direction of selection. We conclude that genetic architecture can have a significant, and quite asymmetrical and non-directional, effect on the response to correlational selection.  相似文献   

We used laboratory experiments to investigate the life historytraits of clonal lineages of Daphnia galeata isolated from twovertically segregated subpopulations in a deep dimictic reservoir:one from the epilimnion and the other from the deep hypolimnion.We collected clones twice for the experiments, first at thebeginning of thermal stratification in May and then towardsthe end of the season in September. The results for May showedlonger postembryonic development (PED), bigger eggs in the firstclutch and slightly higher somatic increments in the hypolimneticclones. In addition, a remarkable tendency to produce ephippiawas recorded in the hypolimnetic clones, but not in the epilimneticclones. In September, the results were reversed—hypolimneticclones had shorter PED, lower somatic increments and a slightlyhigher number of eggs in the first clutch. Our results suggesta differentiation of life history traits in the two D. galeatapopulations inhabiting contrasting microhabitats of a reservoiras a result of (i) different depth preferences of certain clonesin the beginning of thermal stratification in spring and (ii)divergent selection processes due to segregation in differentenvironmental conditions. The ability of Daphnia to live indiverse environments, causing divergent selection processes,enhances the overall phenotypic and genotypic diversity of thewhole reservoir population.  相似文献   

At any given moment in time a plant is partitioning total growth mass into its various component parts such as leaves, roots, reproductive material, etc. The view is taken that the plant has evolved a life history strategy to control this partitioning process. This paper illustrates the utility of optimal control theory for use in determining life history strategies which maximize fitness for a given asexual plant model. The optimal control methods are first used on a model previously analyzed by Professor Dan Cohen, who used a different method. His results of a change from 100% vegetable growth to 100% reproductive growth at a fixed switching time is again obtained. This 100% switching result is shown to be more generally applicable by using a qualitatively described model. However the switching time in general is shown to be a function of both leaf mass and time remaining to the end of the growing season. The allocation to toxin production is also considered. It is shown that under this model an inequality between system parameters must be satisfied before the plant should allocate growth to toxin production. Although the particular model explored here may rarely be realistic in nature, these same methods of optimal control theory can be applied in a similar fashion to many other proposed models of plant resource allocation.  相似文献   

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