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Using a polyclonal antiserum a cDNA encoding a Rab escort protein (REP) homolog in Drosophila has been identified and sequenced. The gene encodes a 511 residue protein with a predicted molecular mass of 56855 Da. Antibody labeling demonstrates that Drosophila REP protein is present in the early embryo and that it is being apportioned uniformly throughout the embryo in a process likely to be linked to the syncytial nuclear divisions. In situ hybridization to polytene chromosomes reveals that the Drosophila REP gene is located in the 56E region on the second chromosome. Drosophila REP is the first invertebrate REP homolog to be identified and characterized.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) catalyze the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP, thereby participating in regulation of the intracellular concentrations of these second messengers. The PDE1 family is defined by regulation of activity by calcium and calmodulin. We have cloned and characterized the mouse PDE1B gene, which encodes the 63-kDa calcium/calmodulin-dependent PDE (CaM-PDE), an isozyme that is expressed in the CNS in the olfactory tract, dentate gyrus, and striatum and may participate in learning, memory, and regulation of phosphorylation of DARPP-32 in dopaminergic neurons. We screened an I-129/SvJ mouse genomic library and identified exons 2–13 of the PDE1B gene that span 8.4 kb of genomic DNA. Exons range from 67 to 205 nucleotides and introns from 91 to 2250 nucleotides in length. Exon 1 was not present in the 3 kb of genomic DNA 5′ to exon 2 in our clones. The mouse PDE1B gene shares many similar or identical exon boundaries as well as considerable sequence identity with the rat PDE4B and PDE4D genes and the Drosophila dunce cAMP-specific PDE gene dnc, suggesting that these genes all arose from a common ancestor. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we localized the PDE1B gene to the distal tip of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 15. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

Large DNA viruses of the herpesvirus family produce proteins that mimic host MHC-I molecules as part of their immunoevasive strategy. The m144 glycoprotein, expressed by murine cytomegalovirus, is thought to be an MHC-I homolog whose expression prolongs viral survival in vivo by preventing natural killer cell activation. To explore the structural basis of this m144 function, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of an m144/beta2-microglobulin (beta2m) complex at 1.9A resolution. This structure reveals the canonical features of MHC-I molecules including readily identifiable alpha1, alpha2, and alpha3 domains. A unique disulfide bond links the alpha1 helix to the beta-sheet floor, explaining the known thermal stability of m144. Close juxtaposition of the alpha1 and alpha2 helices and the lack of critical residues that normally contribute to anchoring the peptide N and C termini eliminates peptide binding. A region of 13 amino acid residues, corresponding to the amino-terminal portion of the alpha2 helix, is missing in the electron density map, suggesting an area of structural flexibility that may be involved in ligand binding.  相似文献   

Sperm capacitation is a maturation step that is deemed to be essential for sperm to fertilize an oocyte. A family of proteins, the binder of sperm (BSP), are known to bind choline phospholipids on sperm membranes and promote capacitation in bulls and boars. Recently, BSP-homologous genes have been identified in the epididymal tissues of human (BSPH1) and mouse (Bsph1, Bsph2). The aim of this study was to determine the binding characteristics of the murine binder of sperm protein homolog 1 (BSPH1) and evaluate its effects on sperm capacitation. Since it is not possible to purify the native BSP proteins from human and mouse in sufficient quantity, a murine recombinant BSPH1 (rec-BSPH1) was produced and used for the functional studies. Similarly to BSP proteins from other species, rec-BSPH1 bound to gelatin, heparin, phosphatidylcholine liposomes, and sperm. Both native BSPH1 and rec-BSPH1 were detected on the head and the midpiece region of sperm, although a stronger signal was detected on the midpiece region when sperm were incubated in a capacitating media containing bovine serum albumin. More importantly, murine rec-BSPH1 was able to capacitate sperm, but was unable to induce the acrosome reaction. These results show that murine epididymal BSPH1 shares many biochemical and functional characteristics with BSP proteins secreted by seminal vesicles of ungulates, and suggest that it might play a similar role in sperm functions.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of BHRF1, the Bcl-2 homolog from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Although the overall structure is similar to other Bcl-2 family members, there are important structural differences. Unlike some of the other Bcl-2 family members, BHRF1 does not contain the prominent hydrophobic groove that mediates binding to pro-apoptotic family members. In addition, in contrast to the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, BHRF1 does not bind tightly to peptides derived from the pro-apoptotic proteins Bak, Bax, Bik, and Bad. The lack of an exposed, pre-formed binding groove in BHRF1 and the lack of significant binding to peptides derived from pro-apoptotic family members that bind to other anti-apoptotic family members, suggest that the mechanism of the BHRF1 anti-apoptotic activity does not parallel that of cellular Bcl-x(L) or Bcl-2.  相似文献   

alpha(1)-Proteinase inhibitor (alpha(1)-PI) is a member of the serpin superfamily of serine proteinase inhibitors, which function in maintaining homeostasis through regulation of numerous proteolytic processes. In laboratory mice (Mus musculus domesticus), alpha(1)-PI occurs in multiple isoforms encoded by a family of three to five genes that are polymorphic among inbred strains and that are located at the Serpina1 locus on chromosome 12. In the present study, we have characterized the alpha(1)-PI gene family of inbred mice in more detail. We show that mice express seven isoforms, all of which are encoded by genes that map to the Serpina1 locus. In addition, polymorphism at the locus is defined by three haplotypes (Serpina1(b), Serpina1(c), and Serpina1(l)) that differ with regard to both the number and identity of alpha(1)-PI genes. Finally, we present the complete sequence of an 84-kb region of Serpina1 containing a tandem repeat of two alpha(1)-PI genes.  相似文献   

Deng W  Lin H 《Developmental cell》2002,2(6):819-830
The piwi family genes are crucial for stem cell self-renewal, RNA silencing, and translational regulation in diverse organisms. However, their function in mammals remains unexplored. Here we report the cloning of a murine piwi gene (miwi) essential for spermatogenesis. miwi encodes a cytoplasmic protein specifically expressed in spermatocytes and spermatids. miwi(null) mice display spermatogenic arrest at the beginning of the round spermatid stage, resembling the phenotype of CREM, a master regulator of spermiogenesis. Furthermore, mRNAs of ACT (activator of CREM in testis) and CREM target genes are downregulated in miwi(null) testes. Whereas MIWI and CREM do not regulate each other's expression, MIWI complexes with mRNAs of ACT and CREM target genes. Hence, MIWI may control spermiogenesis by regulating the stability of these mRNAs.  相似文献   

The mouse cDNA and its genomic clones encoding the epididymal secretory glycoprotein ME1 were identified. The Me1 gene spans 15kb with four exons and three introns. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the ME1 cDNA revealed that it consists of 149 amino acid residues, which contain a signal peptide characteristic of secretory proteins, six cysteine residues and a proline-rich region conserved in the orthologous proteins. Northern blot analysis revealed that 1.3kb ME1 mRNA is highly expressed in the mouse epididymis. The polyclonal antibodies generated against human HE1 (ME1 orthologous protein) expressed in bacteria reacted with approximately 17 to 25kDa components in mouse epididymis crude extract. The reduction of the molecular mass of the recombinant ME1 protein with the digestion of glycopeptidase A indicated that it is modified by Asn-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

The recently discovered epithelial calcium channels ECaC1 and ECaC2 are thought to play an important role in active calcium absorption in the intestine and kidney. Vitamin D-responsive elements (VDRE) were detected in the promoter sequence of human ECaC1 and regulation of ECaC by the steroid hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25-(OH)(2)D(3)) has been postulated. In this study we describe the structure of two murine ECaCs genes, each consisting of 15 exons localized on chromosome 6. Murine ECaC2 expression was found in many target tissues of 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3), including skin and osteoblastic cells, while ECaC1 expression is confined to the kidney. By screening the murine promoter sequences, we detected a putative VDRE in ECaC1 and an estrogen response element in ECaC2. However, experiments in mice with a mutant, nonfunctioning vitamin D receptor showed that expression of ECaC1 in the kidney and of ECaC2 in duodenum is regulated by calcium levels, but not by 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3). Also, estrogen-deficient ovariectomized (OVX) mice and OVX mice supplemented with estradiol showed unchanged duodenal ECaC2 expression compared with control mice. We conclude that ECaC expression in the kidney and the intestine is regulated by extracellular calcium but not by vitamin D or estrogen in vivo in mice.  相似文献   

YajL is the closest Escherichia coli homolog of the Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1, a multifunctional oxidative stress response protein whose biochemical function remains unclear. We recently described the oxidative-stress-dependent aggregation of proteins in yajL mutants and the oxidative-stress-dependent formation of mixed disulfides between YajL and members of the thiol proteome. We report here that yajL mutants display increased protein sulfenic acids levels and that formation of mixed disulfides between YajL and its protein substrates in vivo is inhibited by the sulfenic acid reactant dimedone, suggesting that YajL preferentially forms disulfides with sulfenylated proteins. YajL (but not YajL(C106A)) also forms mixed disulfides in vitro with the sulfenylated form of bovine serum albumin. The YajL-serum albumin disulfides can be subsequently reduced by glutathione or dihydrolipoic acid. We also show that DJ-1 can form mixed disulfides with sulfenylated E. coli proteins and with sulfenylated serum albumin. These results suggest that YajL and possibly DJ-1 function as covalent chaperones involved in the detection of sulfenylated proteins by forming mixed disulfides with them and that these disulfides are subsequently reduced by low-molecular-weight thiols.  相似文献   

The gene for a murine macrophage inflammatory cytokine, MIP-1 alpha, belongs to a newly recognized superfamily encoding small, inducible peptides shown to be up-regulated in association with cellular activation or transformation (tentatively designated the scy, or small cytokine, gene family). Secreted scy family peptides as a group, and MIP-1 alpha in particular, have inflammatory and mitogenic activities, and the family has been divided into CXC and CC subfamilies according to the spacing of conserved cysteine residues in the primary amino acid sequences. We have isolated and characterized a genomic clone encoding the CC subfamily member MIP-1 alpha. The organization of the murine MIP-1 alpha gene into three exons interrupted by two introns is identical to that found for other members of the CC subfamily (e.g., huLD78, muJE, huJE/MCP-1, muTCA3, and hul-309), which has been taken as evidence of evolution from a common ancestral gene. With the exception of the ratPF4 gene, which shares the two-intron/three-exon pattern typical of the CC subfamily, sequenced genes encoding CXC subfamily peptides (e.g., hulL-8 and hulP-10) include an additional intervening sequence that creates a fourth exon. Genomic nucleotide sequences 5' of the MIP-1 alpha cap site are highly homologous to corresponding regions of the human gene encoding a CC peptide variously designated as LD78/GOS19/pAT464, including consensus regulatory motifs in common, reinforcing the contention that MIP-1 alpha and LD78 may be interspecies homologs.  相似文献   

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