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Rotylenchulus reniformis is the predominant parasitic nematode of cotton in the Mid South area of the United States. Although variable levels of infection and morphological differences have been reported for this nematode, genetic variability has been more elusive. We developed microsatellite-enriched libraries for R. reniformis, produced 1152 clones, assembled 694 contigs, detected 783 simple sequence repeats (SSR) and designed 192 SSR-markers. The markers were tested on six R. reniformis cultures from four states, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia, in the USA. Based on performance we selected 156 SSR markers for R. reniformis from which 88 were polymorphic across the six reniform nematode populations, showing as the most frequent motif the dinucleotide AG. The polymorphic information content of the markers ranged from 0.00 to 0.82, and the percentage of multiallelic loci of the isolates was between 40.9 and 45.1%. An interesting finding in this study was the genetic variability detected among the three Mississippi isolates, for which 22 SSR markers were polymorphic. We also tested the level of infection of these isolates on six cotton genotypes, where significant differences were found between the Texas and Georgia isolates. Coincidentally, 62 polymorphic markers were able to distinguish these two populations. Further studies will be necessary to establish possible connections, if any, between markers and level of pathogenicity of the nematode. The SSR markers developed here will be useful in the assessment of the genetic diversity of this nematode, could assist in management practices for control of reniform nematode, be used in breeding programs for crop resistance, and help in detecting the origin and spread of this nematode in the United States.  相似文献   

Coenye  Tom; Vandamme  Peter 《DNA research》2005,12(4):221-233
The increasing availability of prokaryotic genome sequenceshas shown that simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are widespreadin prokaryotes and that there is extensive variation in theirlength, number and distribution. Considering their potentialimportance in generating genomic diversity, we determined thedistribution of a specific group of SSRs, mononucleotide repeatsof size between 5 and 13 nt, in 157 sequenced prokaryotic genomes.The data obtained in the present study show that (i) a largenumber of mononucleotide SSRs is present in all prokaryoticgenomes investigated, (ii) shorter repeats are much more abundantthan longer repeats, and (iii) in the majority of the genomes,longer mononucleotide SSRs are excluded from coding regionsalthough we identified several organisms where mononucleotideSSRs are not excluded from the coding regions. We also observedthat some genomes contain more mononucleotide SSRs than expected,while others contain significantly less. Bacterial genomes thatcontain much less mononucleotide SSRs than expected are generallylarger and more GC-rich, while bacterial genomes that containmuch more mononucleotide SSRs than expected are in general smallerand more AT-rich. Finally, we also noted that genomes that containa high fraction of horizontally transferred genes have a lowermononucleotide SSR density and that A and T are generally overrepresentedin mononucleotide SSRs.  相似文献   

Nothofagus cunninghamii (myrtle) has a widespread distribution through the temperate rainforest of southeastern Australia with some disjunct populations existing in putative glacial refugia. Polymorphic nuclear markers are required to resolve the biogeographical history of the species and will also be useful for conservation and forestry applications in this and other species of Nothofagus. Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from N. cunninghamii, with four to 10 alleles amplified in 15 individuals tested. Transferability to other species of Nothofagus was successful, with six loci transferring to all eight other species tested.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA标记技术及其在植物研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微卫星DNA(或简单重复序列,simplesequencerepeats,SSR)是继RFLP、RAPD等分子标记后出现的第二代分子标记技术。随着分子生物学的发展,微卫星标记技术在植物基因组中的应用越来越广泛。由于SSR具有多态性高,呈共显性遗传,遵守孟德尔式分离,在数量上没有生物学的限制,实验操作简单,对样品质量要求不高等特点,因此被广泛用于植物遗传图谱的构建、基因定位、构建指纹图谱、遗传多样性及物种进化与亲缘关系的研究等方面。  相似文献   

We have isolated 44 SSRs from an AC‐enriched genomic library from almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch.). Twenty SSRs were screened for their polymorphism in 16 cultivars and for their transportability in seven different Prunus species (peach, nectarine, apricot, European plum, Japanese plum, sweet cherry, sour cherry) and in apple. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.62 to 0.89. About 30% of primers gave successful amplification in seven different Prunus species; in two cases amplifications were obtained also in apple.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic genomes are diverse in terms of their nucleotide and oligonucleotide composition as well as presence of various sequence features that can affect physical properties of the DNA molecule. We present a survey of local sequence patterns which have a potential to promote non-canonical DNA conformations (i.e. different from standard B-DNA double helix) and interpret the results in terms of relationships with organisms'' habitats, phylogenetic classifications, and other characteristics. Our present work differs from earlier similar surveys not only by investigating a wider range of sequence patterns in a large number of genomes but also by using a more realistic null model to assess significant deviations. Our results show that simple sequence repeats and Z-DNA-promoting patterns are generally suppressed in prokaryotic genomes, whereas palindromes and inverted repeats are over-represented. Representation of patterns that promote Z-DNA and intrinsic DNA curvature increases with increasing optimal growth temperature (OGT), and decreases with increasing oxygen requirement. Additionally, representations of close direct repeats, palindromes and inverted repeats exhibit clear negative trends with increasing OGT. The observed relationships with environmental characteristics, particularly OGT, suggest possible evolutionary scenarios of structural adaptation of DNA to particular environmental niches.  相似文献   

Primers were developed for 14 microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci identified from a Prunus avium‘Charger’ genomic DNA library. In a survey of 16 wild cherry accessions 10 of the loci revealed polymorphisms of between two and six alleles. The remaining loci were found to be monomorphic. Seven polymorphic loci identified in this study and four polymorphic loci previously reported in sweet cherry were mapped and found to be unlinked. Two multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were optimized to enable the characterization of all 11 unlinked, polymorphic SSR loci.  相似文献   

Seven clones containing (CTG)n/(CAG)n repeats (n ≥ 4) were isolated by screening Lycopersicon esculentum genomic DNA. Four of the clones contained more than one simple sequence repeat (SSR). The SSRs were analyzed in several L. esculentum cultivars after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. No length variations were observed, suggesting considerable locus stability. Five clones are from transcribed regions, which might explain the lack of cultivar variations. However the conservation of CTG repeats was limited as differences in some transcribed loci were registered between L. pennellii and other Lycopersicon species. It is noted that in Lycopersicon trinucleotide repeat variation might be used for species identification.  相似文献   

蜜蜂EST中的微卫星分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李斌  夏庆友  鲁成  周泽扬 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1089-1094
为加速分子标记在蜜蜂遗传、进化与行为等方面的利用,分析了简单重复序列(Simple Sequence Repeats,SSRs)在蜜蜂EST中的分布频率与密度。所分析的蜜蜂EST数据集包含15869条序列,总长为7.9Mb。结果显示,蜜蜂ESTs中SSRs的频率为1/0.52kb,其中6碱基重复基序占总SSRs的45.0%,是最丰富的重复单元,而2、1、3、4与5碱基重复基序分别占总SSRs的17.9%、14.1%、11.6%、9.2%和2.2%。同时,在各种SSRs重复单元中,富含A碱基的重复单元占据优势地位,如:A、AT、AG、AC、AAT、AAG、AAC、AAAT、AAAG、AAAAG、AAAAT、AATAT、AAAAAG和AAAAAT重复基序,而富含G碱基的重复单元在基因编码区中含量较低。进一步分析显示:蜜蜂SSRs在冗余与非冗余EST数据集中的分布频率与密度相似,仅存在极小的偏差,表明可从现有的部分ESTs数据中方便地获取有效的微卫星标记。  相似文献   

The method of creating enriched microsatellite libraries can supply an abundant source of microsatellite sequences at a considerably reduced cost. Here we report the development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, using enrichment protocol. Polymorphism was assessed in a sample of hatchery population (n = 38) revealing three to seven alleles per locus. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.198 to 0.813 and from 0.083 to 0.833, respectively. These markers will be useful for genetic variation monitoring and parentage analysis.  相似文献   

We have identified a set of informative microsatellite markers for genome analysis in kiwifruit and related Actinidia species. A small-insert genomic library was constructed from Actinidia chinensis DNA, and screened for microsatellites. About 1.2% of the total colonies hybridised to a (GA)8 probe, 0.4% to (GT)8, and 0.1% to a mixture of three different trinucleotide repeat probes, (CAA)5, (GAA)5 and (CTA)5. From the DNA sequences of 35 hybridising clones, 18 primer pairs were designed, and used to amplify genomic DNA from 38 individual plants, representing 30 different accessions of ten Actinidia species. The banding patterns for most of the dinucleotide repeats showed a high degree of polymorphism in the diploid and tetraploid A. chinensis, and in the hexaploid A. deliciosa (kiwifruit). Heterozygosity levels of up to 100% were found among eight diploid accessions of A. chinensis examined, and the number of different-sized bands among all the species varied from 3 to 36 for each microsatellite. One simple CT microsatellite gave 21 bands with sizes suggesting that the number of repeats ranged from 9 to 37. The highest number of bands (36) and the largest size variation (>100 bp) were observed with a complex microsatellite harbouring four different repeat motifs. The majority of primer pairs amplified bands from most of the ten Actinidia species tested. The most polymorphic primer pairs were used successfully to fingerprint a range of closely related varieties of kiwifruit (A. deliciosa).Abbreviations PCR polymerase chain reaction - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - VNTR variable number of tandem repeats  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed for Gossypium hirsutum acc. TM-1, a genetic and genomic standard line for Upland cotton. The library consists of 147 456 clones with an average insert size of 122.8 kb ranging from 97 to 240 kb. About 96.0% of the clones have inserts over 100 kb. Therefore, this library represents theoretically 7.4 haploid genome equivalents based on an AD genome size of 2 425 Mb. Clones were stored in 384 384- well plates and arrayed into multiplex pools for rapid and reliable library screening. BAC screening was carried out by four-round poiymerase chain reactions using 23 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, three sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers and one pair of primers for a gene associated with fiber development to test the quality of the library. Correspondingly, in total 92 positive BAC clones were identified with an average four positive clones per SSR marker, ranging from one to eight hits. Additionally, since these SSR markers have been localized to chromosome 12 (A12) and 26 (D12) according to the genetic map, these BAC clones are expected to serve as seeds for the physical mapping of these two homologous chromosomes, sequentially map-based cloning of quantitative trait loci or genes associated with important agronomic traits.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was constructed for Gossyplum hirsutum acc. TM-1, a genetic and genomic standard line for Upland cotton. The library consists of 147 456 clones with an average insert size of 122.8 kb ranging from 97 to 240 kb. About 96.0% of the clones have inserts over 100 kb. Therefore, this library represents theoretically 7.4 haploid genome equivalents based on an AD genome size of 2 425 Mb. Clones were stored in 384 384- well plates and arrayed into multiplex pools for rapid and reliable library screening. BAC screening was carded out by four-round polymerase chain reactions using 23 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, three sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers and one pair of pdmere for a gene associated with fiber development to test the quality of the library. Correspondingly, in total 92 positive BAC clones were Identified with an average four positive clones per SSR marker, ranging from one to eight hits. Additionally, since these SSR markers have been localized to chromosome 12 (A12) and 26 (D12) according to the genetic map, these BAC clonee are expected to serve as seeds for the physical mapping of these two homologous chromosomes, sequentially map-based cloning of quantitative trait loci or genes associated with Important agronomic traits.  相似文献   

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are dominant social insects that play important ecological roles in terrestrial ecosystems. Camponotus leydigi (Forel) is widely distributed in the Neotropical region and is frequently found in the Brazilian cerrado savanna interacting with plants and other insects. Field observations indicate that C. leydigi has a polydomous nesting habit, but little is known about the genetic relationship among workers. In this study, we identify the first nine microsatellite loci for C. leydigi that will allow further investigation on its genetic diversity. We used a microsatellite-enriched library method. According to this method, repetitive sequences are captured with (CT)8 and (GT)8 biotin-linked probes, with subsequent recovery by streptavidin magnetic-coated beads. We observed that eight loci were polymorphic. The mean (± standard error) observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.55 ± 0.23 and 0.73 ± 0.28, respectively. The rarified allelic richness ranged from 1 to 5.32. The polymorphism contents were similar to diversity estimates found in markers previously developed for other Camponotus ants. These markers will be useful for future studies on population genetics and ecology of Camponotus ants in cerrado, including nesting ecology, colony structure, dispersal and conservation.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogenetic relationships among the three stone pine species, Pinus cembra, P. sibirica, and P. pumila, using chloroplast microsatellites and mitochondrial nad1 intron 2 sequences. The three chloroplast microsatellite loci combined into a total of 18 haplotypes. Fourteen haplotypes were detected in 15 populations of P. cembra and one population of P. sibirica, five of which were shared between the two species, and the two populations of P. pumila comprised four species-specific haplotypes. Mitochondrial intron sequences confirmed this grouping of species. Sequences of P. cembra and P. sibirica were identical, but P. pumila differed by several nucleotide substitutions and insertions/deletions. A repeat region found in the former two species showed no intraspecific variation. These results indicate a relatively recent evolutionary separation of P. cembra and P. sibirica, despite their currently disjunct distributions. The species-specific chloroplast and mitochondrial markers of P. sibirica and P. pumila should help to trace the hybridization in their overlapping distribution area and to identify fossil remains with respect to the still unresolved postglacial re-colonization history of these two species.  相似文献   

Interest in bay scallop conservation has resulted in organized stock enhancement efforts and increased attention to fisheries management issues. Genetic markers can facilitate the monitoring of enhancement efforts, characterization of wild populations, and optimize hatchery practices. We have identified eight polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers including one dinucleotide, six trinucleotide and one compound dinucleotide repeats, in expressed sequence tags generated from multiple bay scallop cDNA libraries. The numbers of alleles range from two to five. The expected and observed heterozygosities range from 0.093 to 0.720 and 0.095 to 0.600, respectively.  相似文献   

Tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Indian major carp   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The characterization of five tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in a commercially important Asian cyprinid, Catla catla , is described. The alleles are not prone to stutter artefacts, usually associated with dinucleotide loci, and are readily visualized with a fast silver-staining protocol after electrophoresis in non-denaturing polyacrylamide.  相似文献   

金针菇Flammulina filiformis是我国产量最高的工厂化栽培食用菌.为提高优良工厂化栽培金针菇种质的育种效率,本研究以国内外收集的105份金针菇种质为材料,开展体细胞不亲和评价,并采用SSR分子标记的方法对所有种质进行遗传多样性分析和聚类分析.20对SSR引物在105份种质中共扩增得到209个等位基因位点...  相似文献   

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