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高雅君  杨玉荣 《动物学报》2007,53(3):545-551
秀丽小杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)是一种重要的模式生物,目前在C.elegans中发现的许多基因在序列和功能上与哺乳动物的基因有很高的同源性,对其基因功能的研究有助于阐明哺乳动物的基因功能。为检测细菌介导的通过发夹结构表达双链RNA(dsRNA)的RNA干扰(RNAi)在C.elegans中的作用效果,我们设计并构建了可以转录表达母源极性基因par-1的发夹dsRNA的RNAi载体,并转入E.coli HT115中,经过IPTG诱导后浓缩。浓缩菌液在25℃下喂食C.elegans48h后,观察C.elegans胚胎发育情况,同时以含有空载体的菌液作为对照,并与par-1突变体及野生型比较。结果显示:发夹结构表达的dsRNA对par-1基因进行RNAi后,虫体内par-1 mRNA几乎消失,C.elegans早期胚胎分裂不对称性丧失,par-1(RNAi)干扰率在95%以上。  相似文献   

利用细菌表达dsRNA介导黄粉虫抗冻蛋白基因的RNA干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是研究基因功能的一种重要工具。为了利用RNAi技术对黄粉虫抗冻蛋白(Antifreeze protein,AFP)基因的非抗冻功能进行验证,将黄粉虫抗冻蛋白基因Tmafp433的相应干扰片段构建至L4440干扰载体并转化大肠杆菌HT115(DE3)菌株,利用IPTG诱导表达特异的afp基因相应dsRNA,纯化后注射黄粉虫幼虫,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测afp基因在mRNA水平的变化。结果显示含有L4440-Tmafp重组质粒的HT115菌株可以表达干扰afp基因的dsRNA,命名为Tmafp-dsRNA。用Tmafp-dsRNA注射黄粉虫24 h后,Tmafps的表达受到显著抑制,相比对照下降了60.8%。本研究表明通过注射dsRNA可有效抑制黄粉虫afp基因的表达。  相似文献   

RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种非常高效的基因沉默效应,RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶(RNA—de—pendent RNA polymerase,RdRP)介导的扩增作用可能是RNAi具有高效性的一个主要原因。了解RdRP在生物体中存在的证据、RdRP及其复合体的结构、次级siRNA的产生及转移性RNAi的发生机制等问题,对深入理解RNAi的作用机制和促进RNAi的临床应用有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探索细菌表达目标基因dsRNA介导的RNAi技术是否在家蚕Bombyx mori可行, 本研究引入了在其他物种中广泛应用的细菌表达dsRNA的RNAi系统: HT115细菌株和L4440质粒。利用L4440载体两端含有T7启动子的特点, 设计并构建了针对家蚕核受体FTZ-F1基因的RNA干扰(RNA interference)载体, 将构建好的质粒转入大肠杆菌Escherichia coli HT115, 在IPTG诱导下成功获得目标基因对应双链RNA(dsRNA)。 结果显示: 通过对5龄第7天家蚕幼虫注射IPTG诱导后提取的FTZ F1基因对应的dsRNA 25 μg, 85%的蛹变态发育过程明显延迟, 不能实现幼虫到蛹的形态完全转变。荧光定量PCR分析显示目标基因的表达得到了特异的抑制。实验结果初步表明, 通过细菌表达目标基因dsRNA介导的RNAi策略, 以其经济、高效的特点, 具有广泛应用于家蚕基因功能研究中的潜力。  相似文献   

dsRNA介导的RNA干扰   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓凡  罗深秋 《生命的化学》2001,21(4):268-270
在多种生物中 ,外源或内源性的双链RNA(double strandedRNA ,dsRNA)导入细胞中 ,与dsRNA同源的mRNA则受到降解 ,因而其相应的基因受到抑制。这种转录后基因沉默 (post transcriptionalgenesilencing ,PTGS)机制首先在线虫 (C .elegans)中得以证实。由于这是一种在RNA水平的基因表达抑制 ,故也称为RNA干扰 (RNAinterfer ence) ,简称RNAi[1] 。随后发现 ,在各种生物 ,如果蝇[2 ] 、拟南芥菜[3 ] 、及小鼠[4] 等均存在dsRNA介导…  相似文献   

RNA干扰与基因敲除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RNAi是指通过双链RNA介导特异性降解靶mRNA,导致转录后水平基因沉默的现象。其作用途径有RdRP依赖的RNAi的途径与非RdRP依赖的RNAi途径2种。利用RNAi的基因敲除技术在dsRNA序列选择、质粒或病毒为载体的dsRNA体内合成、发夹样siRNA的转录、dsRNA的导入方法等方面取得了很大进展,在研究人类或其他生物基因组中未知基因及蛋白质的功能等领域具有诱人的应用前景。  相似文献   

慢病毒载体介导的RNA干扰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNAinterference)是指由双链RNA分子抑制同源基因的表达。慢病毒载体(lentivirusvector)则是高效的基因转导工具,能将外源序列稳定导入分裂相和非分裂相细胞。将慢病毒载体和RNA干扰结合,能在哺乳动物各类细胞中,特异性抑制同源基因的表达;也是基因功能研究和基因治疗的有力手段。  相似文献   

为了研究家蝇Musca domestica微生物感染对RNA干扰GNBP3基因的作用,评价微生物感染后对下游抗菌肽水平的影响,本研究用RNA干扰技术沉默家蝇GNBP3基因探索最佳沉默时间及效果,检测RNA干扰后家蝇幼虫存活及化蛹情况,通过微生物喂食途径感染,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测抗菌肽基因(cecropins、...  相似文献   

小分子干扰RNA(siRNAs)可以高效、特异地阻断体内同源基因的表达,促进同源mRNA降解,称为RNA干扰(RNAi)。本研究旨在探讨Smad7基因的siRNAs是否能抑制基因的表达。利用RNA干扰技术,设计并合成了针对Smad7基因的siRNAs,用脂质体转染法瞬时转染BEP2D和BERP35T2细胞,用Northern blot法检测RNAi效应;同时设计并合成了绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的siRNAs,瞬时转染稳定表达绿色荧光蛋白的BERP35T2细胞,检测荧光强度有无改变。结果表明RNA干扰技术能明显抑制Smad7基因的表达,并能显减弱绿色荧光的表达强度,为进一步研究Smad7基因功能及TGF-β信号转导通路奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建干扰载体pSilencer 3.1-spl,并初步研究其对Spl基因的干扰作用.方法:根据Spl cDNA编码序列,设计并合成针对Spl基因的特异性RNA干扰片段,并将其克隆入pSilencer 3.1-Hl neo干扰载体中,构建Spl基因小干扰RNA(siRNA)真核表达载体pSilencer 3.1-Spl;分别将阴性对照载体pSilencer 3.1与重组载体pSilencer 3.1-Spl经脂质体LipofectAMINE2000介导转染HeLa细胞,采用RT-PCR、Western blot方法分别检测Spl基因的转录与表达水平.结果:构建了Spl基因siRNA真核表达载体pSilencer 3.1-Spl,经酶切、测序鉴定证实克隆正确,并在mRNA水平和蛋白水平证实了载体的干扰效果.结论:特异性siRNA能明显抑制Spl基因在HeLa细胞中的表达,为进一步研究Spl的生物学功能和作用机制奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   

C. elegans has proven to be a valuable model system for the discovery and functional characterization of many genes and gene pathways. More sophisticated tools and resources for studies in this system are facilitating continued discovery of genes with more subtle phenotypes or roles. Here we present a generalized protocol we adapted for identifying C. elegans genes with postembryonic phenotypes of interest using RNAi. This procedure is easily modified to assay the phenotype of choice, whether by light or fluorescence optics on a dissecting or compound microscope. This screening protocol capitalizes on the physical assets of the organism and molecular tools the C. elegans research community has produced. As an example, we demonstrate the use of an integrated transgene that expresses a fluorescent product in an RNAi screen to identify genes required for the normal localization of this product in late stage larvae and adults. First, we used a commercially available genomic RNAi library with full-length cDNA inserts. This library facilitates the rapid identification of multiple candidates by RNAi reduction of the candidate gene product. Second, we generated an integrated transgene that expresses our fluorecently tagged protein of interest in an RNAi-sensitive background. Third, by exposing hatched animals to RNAi, this screen permits identification of gene products that have a vital embryonic role that would otherwise mask a post-embryonic role in regulating the protein of interest. Lastly, this screen uses a compound microscope equipped for single cell resolution.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) was first discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, in which introduction of double-stranded RNA causes specific inactivation of genes with corresponding sequences. Technical advances in RNAi methodology and the availability of the complete genome sequence have enabled the high-throughput, genome-wide RNAi analysis of this organism. Several groups have used large-scale RNAi to systematically examine every C. elegans gene for knock-down phenotypes, providing basal information to be mined in more detailed studies. Now, in addition to functional genomic RNAi analyses, high-throughput RNAi is also routinely used for rapid, genome-wide screens for genes involved in specific biological processes. The integration of high-throughput RNAi experiments with other large-scale data, such as DNA microarrays and protein-protein interaction maps, enhances the speed and reliability of such screens. The accumulation of RNAi phenotype data dramatically accelerates our understanding of this organism at the genetic level.  相似文献   

目的:建立稳定表达的PHluorin标记的线虫种系,为囊泡在线虫ALA神经元上分泌机制的研究提供模型。方法:采用了国际先进的线虫转基因技术,将构建的Pida-1IDA-1:PHluorin质粒通过显微注射到线虫的母代,通过筛选后得到稳定表达的种系。结果:通过DIC显微镜整体检测和全内反射荧光成像技术(Tirfm)细胞检测,蛋白表达的位置正确,通过高倍数体式显微镜确定稳定种系中阳性率高达99%。结论:建立了一个稳定表达的荧光标记线虫种系,为进一步在线虫上研究囊泡分泌提供了很好的模型。  相似文献   

Transformer基因与果蝇和线虫的性别决定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘辉  陈思礼  王国秀 《遗传》2005,27(1):150-154
黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)和秀丽隐杆线虫(Caeborhabditis elegans)的性别决定的问题已研究得比较详细,且transformer基因是这两种生物性别决定中最重要的基因之一,其有关的性别决定研究在近几年取得了很大的进展。本文就线虫和果蝇的transformer基因及其相关基因的特性与功能进行了特别介绍,并在此基础上对其性别决定的分子机制进行初步的比较和分析。Abstract : Sex determination of Drosophila melanogaster and Caeborhabditis elegans has been known in detail. Great progress, is achieved in recent years, is the research of transformer genes, which are those of most important genes in sex determination in both species. In this paper, molecular character, genetic function and the relative genes of transformer genes are particularly described. On the basis,a primary compariso and analysis between the molecular mechanism of sex determination in C.elegans and D. melanogaster are presented.  相似文献   

After synaptic vesicle exocytosis, synaptic vesicle proteins must be retrieved from the plasma membrane, sorted away from other membrane proteins, and reconstituted into a functional synaptic vesicle. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an organism well suited for a genetic analysis of this process. In particular, three types of genetic studies have contributed to our understanding of synaptic vesicle endocytosis. First, screens for mutants defective in synaptic vesicle recycling have identified new proteins that function specifically in neurons. Second, RNA interference has been used to quickly confirm the roles of known proteins in endocytosis. Third, gene targeting techniques have elucidated the roles of genes thought to play modulatory or subtle roles in synaptic vesicle recycling. We describe a molecular model for synaptic vesicle recycling and discuss how protein disruption experiments in C. elegans have contributed to this model.  相似文献   

The establishment of anterior-posterior polarity in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo requires the activity of the maternally expressed par genes. We report the identification and analysis of a new par gene, par-5. We show that par-5 is required for asynchrony and asymmetry in the first embryonic cell divisions, normal pseudocleavage, normal cleavage spindle orientation at the two-cell stage, and localization of P granules and MEX-5 during the first and subsequent cell cycles. Furthermore, par-5 activity is required in the first cell cycle for the asymmetric cortical localization of PAR-1 and PAR-2 to the posterior, and PAR-3, PAR-6, and PKC-3 to the anterior. When PAR-5 is reduced by mutation or by RNA interference, these proteins spread around the cortex of the one-cell embryo and partially overlap. We have shown by sequence analysis of par-5 mutants and by RNA interference that the par-5 gene is the same as the ftt-1 gene, and encodes a 14-3-3 protein. The PAR-5 14-3-3 protein is present in gonads, oocytes, and early embryos, but is not asymmetrically distributed. Our analysis indicates that the par-5 14-3-3 gene plays a crucial role in the early events leading to polarization of the C. elegans zygote.  相似文献   

Lifespan of C. elegans is affected by the nervous system; however, the underlying neural integration still remains unclear. In this work, we targeted an antagonistic neural system consisting of low‐oxygen sensing BAG neurons and high‐oxygen sensing URX neurons. While ablation of BAG neurons increases lifespan of C. elegans, ablation of URX neurons decreases lifespan. Genetic analysis revealed that BAG and URX neurons counterbalance each other via different guanylate cyclases (GCYs) to control lifespan balance. Lifespan‐modulating effects of GCYs in these neurons are independent of the actions from insulin/IGF‐1 signalling, germline signalling, sensory perception, or dietary restriction. Given the known gas‐sensing property of these neurons, we profiled that lifespan of C. elegans is promoted under moderately low oxygen (4–12%) or moderately high carbon dioxide (5%) but inhibited under high‐level oxygen (40%); however, these pro‐longevity and anti‐longevity effects are counteracted, respectively, by BAG and URX neurons via different GCYs. In conclusion, BAG and URX neurons work as a neural‐regulatory system to counterbalance each other via different GCYs to control lifespan homeostasis.  相似文献   

The small nematode C. elegans is characterized by developing through a highly coordinated, reproducible cell lineage that serves as the basis of many studies focusing on the development of multi-lineage organisms. Indeed, the reproducible cell lineage enables discovery of developmental defects that occur in even a single cell. Only recently has attention been focused on how these animals modify their genetically programmed cell lineages to adapt to altered environments. Here, we summarize the current understanding of how C. elegans responds to food deprivation by adapting their developmental program in order to conserve energy. In particular, we highlight the AMPK-mediated and insulin-like growth factor signaling pathways that are the principal regulators of induced cell cycle quiescence.  相似文献   

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