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The pollination biology and breeding system of Couepia uiti was studied. In this species, flowers opened at 06:00 AM anthesis, and nectar production began at around 0800 h, reached a maximum volume from 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM, and decreased thereafter. The nectar sugar concentration increased continuously, but showed an abrupt increase from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. Pollen release occurred at about 09:30 AM and was quickly collected. The stigmas became receptive at around 12:00 AM. The pollinators of C. uiti included the bees Apis mellifera, Xylocopa sp. and Bombus sp., and three species of wasps. This conclusion was based on the observation that these hymenopterans had C. uiti pollen on their bodies, visited the receptive flowers, and touched the anthers and stigmas, thereby promoting pollination. Of these floral visitors, A. mellifera was considered to be the most efficient pollinator. However, mixed pollination also occurred. The number of C. uiti flowers visited in the morning (n = 52) was three times smaller than in the afternoon (n = 62), and the species richness of floral visitors was also bigger in the afternoon (eight in the afternoon versus five in the morning). This finding indicated that these floral visitors preferred to exploit nectar rather than pollen. Controlled pollination experiments showed that C. uiti was a self-incompatible species that produced fruits only by cross-pollination. Treatments such as agamospermy and spontaneous and self-pollinations did not produce fruits.  相似文献   

Lau P  Bosque C 《Oecologia》2003,135(4):593-600
The Disassortative Pollen Flow Hypothesis proposed by Darwin postulates that the relative position of anthers and stigmas in distylous flowers enhances pollen flow between flowers of different morphs (legitimate pollination), in comparison to flow between flowers of the same morph (illegitimate pollination). In order to test this hypothesis, we measured pollen transport, mediated by a trained Copper-rumped Hummingbird (Amazilia tobaci), between flowers of the distylous Palicourea fendleri under laboratory conditions. In individual tests, we offered to the hummingbird a pollen donor flower and two emasculated recipient flowers in a controlled sequence. After each foraging bout, we counted the number of pollen grains transported from the donor flower to the stigmas of both recipient flowers. In agreement with Darwin's hypothesis, we found that hummingbirds transport pollen of "pin" flowers in significantly higher numbers to legitimate "thrum" stigmas, even if previously visiting a "pin" flower. However, "thrum" pollen was deposited in greater numbers on illegitimate "thrum" stigmas. We interpret this asymmetry largely as the consequence of floral morphology; pollen flow was greater between anthers and stigmas that exhibit greater spatial matching. In P. fendleri, the position of floral organs along the corolla tube does not always precisely correspond. In our experimental system, the probability that the pollinator extracts a pollen grain from the anther and the probability of self-pollination were both dependent on the type of floral morph. We discuss the relevance of the latter findings in relation to other studies of pollen flow in heterostylous species.  相似文献   

Aims Distyly has been regarded as an adaptation to improve compatible pollination between two floral morphs with reciprocal herkogamy. The hypothesis that the different positions of anthers and stigmas within flowers as well as their reciprocal position between morphs, reduce the probability of self pollination raised by Darwin has been rarely tested. In this study, we measured stigmatic pollen loads in response to reduced reciprocal herkogamy in two Primula species.Methods To see whether reciprocal herkogamy can increase compatible and/or reduce incompatible pollen deposition, thus promoting compatible pollination, we shortened the distance between anthers and stigmas within the flowers by changing the position of the corolla tube, to which the anthers were fused, i.e. reduced herkogamy in natural populations of Primula secundiflora and P. poissonii and quantified stigmatic pollen loads in the field over 2 years.Important findings In both species, stigmatic pollen loads were significantly higher in the long-styled (L-morph) than in the short-styled morph (S-morph) in both control and manipulated flowers, but percentage of compatible pollen in S-morph were higher. Flowers manipulated to halve the anther–stigma distance showed a similar pattern for 2 years: total pollen grain counts on stigmas did not differ significantly but compatible pollen grains in L- and S-morphs were significantly decreased in both species. The percentage of compatible pollen loads was decreased by 68.7% in P. secundiflora and 65.3% in P. poissonii in L-morphs, while it decreased by 30.6% and 2.9% in S-morphs, respectively. Our manipulation of the relative position of anthers and stigmas in the two distylous species indicated that a lower degree of herkogamy reduced compatible but incompatible pollen transfer was likely to increase. The higher proportion of compatible pollen in the S-morph than in the L-morph in the two Primula species could be attributed to the accessibility of two-level sexual organs, floral orientations and pollinator behaviors. This is a first attempt to manipulate intraflower herkogamy for understanding adaptation of heterostyly, shedding insights into how the reciprocal herkogamy promotes compatible pollination.  相似文献   

Dichogamy is one of the most widespread floral mechanisms in flowering plants and is thought to have evolved to reduce interference between pollen import and export within flowers, especially self-pollination. Self-pollination between flowers may also be reduced if dichogamy is synchronous among flowers on an inflorescence. The analysis of dichogamy at both levels requires that the sexual phases of individual flowers be defined functionally in terms of pollen deposition and removal. We conducted morphological and functional analyses to investigate the degree of dichogamy within flowers and the synchronicity of dichogamy between flowers within inflorescences in an emergent, aquatic monocot, flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus). Based on daily observations of the development of marked flowers, data on the schedule of anther dehiscence within flowers, and repeat surveys of floral sex ratios in three populations, individual flowers appear to be strictly protandrous. On average, each flower spends ~1 d in each of male and female phases with an intervening 1-d neuter phase during which there is no available pollen in anthers and stigmas are not yet exposed to receive pollen. Morphological criteria used to delimit the beginning and end of each of these three sex phases were validated by quantifying the temporal schedule of pollen removal from anthers and pollen deposition on stigmas. Experimental pollinations showed that the morphological changes marking the end of female phase are hastened by pollen deposition. At the umbel level, synchronous development within sequential cohorts of flowers reduced overlap of male and female sexual phases between flowers. On average (±1 SE), 72 ± 3% of flowers completed their female phase while no other flowers on the same umbel were in male phase. Computer simulations of umbel development showed that this value is significantly higher than expected if the timing of flower development within umbels was random (30 ± 1%). Surveys of floral sex ratios in three populations revealed that 87% of umbels were either unisexual male or female at any given time. Pollinators usually visited more than one flower in sequence when foraging on umbels, suggesting that synchronous dichogamy may be an adaptation to avoid geitonogamy. The adaptiveness of both flower- and umbel-level dichogamy is also suggested because both traits are expressed to a lesser extent in obligately clonal, triploid populations, where flowers do not make seeds and hence floral adaptations are not maintained by natural selection.  相似文献   

Summary Successful cross-pollination of Monarda fistulosa is the result of a complex interaction among flower opening, the pollen-bearing areas of the pollinators and/or their behavior, and the maturation of the stigmas. The flowers open continuously from 0800–2000 h providing a temporally predictable rich source of nectar and pollen. Recently opened flowers may reduce the ability of bees to discriminate between resource rich and poor patches and encourage systematic foraging within patches. The continuous opening of flowers coupled with protandry also results in some flowers of most capitula being in the staminate and others in the pistillate phase. Autogamy is highly unlikely due to strong protandry and the spatial separation of anthers and stigmas. Geitonogamy, at least that mediated by Bombus is unlikely because the pollen is spread over a relatively large area of the wings, which reduces the likelihood of a stigma contacting just deposited pollen. Because pollen is transferred from the much smaller coxal area of Anthophora and other bees that mistake the stigmas of early pistillate phase flowers for stamens some geitonogamy seems inevitable. However, the delayed receptivity of young stigmas to self-pollen decreases the likelihood of self-pollen germinating on such stigmas. Older stigmas are equally receptive to self- and cross-pollen and the number of pollen grains germinating and pollen tubes reaching the base of the style increases with flower age.  相似文献   

Fungus gnats, Bradysia spp., are major insect pests in greenhouses. Adult female fungus gnats prefer to lay eggs in growing medium that is microbially active or that contains high amounts of peat moss or hardwood bark. However, egg-laying preference has not been demonstrated quantitatively. This study was designed to determine whether fungus gnat Bradysia sp. nr. coprophila females prefer any of the three soilless growing media provided. The three soilless growing media tested were Metro-Mix 560 with Scott's Coir, Sunshine LC1 Mix, and Universal SB 300 Mix. Initially, the egg-laying potential of the fungus gnat species used in this study was assessed by dissecting mated females after 24, 48, and 72 h. For the egg-laying preference experiment, adults that emerged from pupae were aspirated into a plastic vial, sexed, and then allowed to mate for 24 h. Individual mated females were released into an experimental chamber (15 by 15 by 5-cm plastic container) consisting of four 6-cm petri dishes, three of which contained soilless growing media and one with filter paper (control). In total, there were 50 experimental chambers, with each chamber representing a replication. Females remained in the experimental chambers for 48 h after which the growing media were processed using a flotation/extraction method. The number of eggs laid by female fungus gnats ranged from 21 to 217 with most eggs recovered after 48 h (141.0 +/- 9.3). There were no significant differences among the three soilless growing media in terms of number of eggs laid, although all three growing media were significantly different from the filter paper with higher numbers of eggs laid in the soilless growing media than the filter paper. Despite no significant difference among the growing media in the number of eggs laid, fungus gnat females tended to lay eggs more often, based on the number of petri dishes in which at least one egg was laid, in Metro-Mix 560 (86%) than Sunshine LC1 (66%), Universal SB 300 (52%), or filter paper (18%). Based on the results of this study, female fungus gnats may not prefer a specific growing medium for oviposition. However, fungus gnat females may rely on other factors not tested in this study such as moisture content and volatiles emitted from growing media in their decision where to lay eggs.  相似文献   

The first example of pollination by fungus gnats in the eudicots is reported. The genus Mitella (Saxifragales) is characteristically produces minute, inconspicuous, mostly dull-coloured flowers with linear, sometimes pinnately branched, petals. To understand the function of these characteristic flowers, we studied the pollination biology of four Mitella species with different floral traits and different sexual expression: dioecious M. acerina , gynodioecious M. furusei var. subramosa , and hermaphroditic M. stylosa var. makinoi and M. integripetala. Flower-bagging experiments showed that wind pollination did not occur in the dioecious and gynodioecious species. Two years of observations of flower visitors at six study sites in Japan revealed that the principal pollinators of all four Mitella were specific species of fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae), which landed on the flowers with their long spiny legs settling on the petals. Characteristically, numerous pollen grains were attached to the fungus gnats in specific locations on the body. Although, on average, 1.3–2.6 fungus gnats visited each inflorescence per day, the fruit set of both bisexual and female flowers exceeded 63%. These results suggest that fungus gnats are highly efficient pollinators of Mitella spp., and that Mitella flowers are morphologically adapted to pollination by fungus gnats.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 449–460.  相似文献   

Heterostyly and pollen flow in Hypericum aegypticum (Guttiferae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distyly in Hypericum aegypticum is associated with a moderately strong incompatibility system. Pollen size is dimorphic and pin flowers produce more pollen grains than thrum flowers. A population studied in Morocco has plants with pin flowers and those with thrum flowers present in a 1: 1 ratio. In the field, stigmas of pin flowers receive 1.5 times as many pollen grains as those of thrum flowers. At least half the pollen grains in the pollen load on stigmas of both forms are incompatible grains originating from the same floral form. Although ample compatible pollen is received by stigmas of both forms to account for a full seed set, the overall pattern of pollen flow in the species does not fit the Darwinian ideal. In Hypericum , the unique occurrence of distyly in H. aegypticum, H. aciferum and H. russeggeri , the three species comprising section Adenotrias , and the derivative nature of these species within the genus, indicate that heterostyly has evolved within the genus and is not a primitive trait.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Most plant species are visited by a diversity of floral visitors. Pollen transfer of the four most common pollinating bee species and one nectar-robbing bee of the distylous plant Gelsemium sempervirens were compared. METHODS: Naturally occurring pollen loads carried by the common floral visitor species of G. sempervirens were compared. In addition, dyed pollen donor flowers and sequences of four emasculated recipient flowers in field cages were used to estimate pollen transfer, and the utility of fluorescent dye powder as an analogue for pollen transfer was determined. KEY RESULTS: Xylocopa virginica, Osmia lignaria and Habropoda laboriosa carried the most G. sempervirens pollen on their bodies, followed by Bombus bimaculatus and Apis mellifera. However, B. bimaculatus, O. lignaria and H. laboriosa transferred significantly more pollen than A. mellifera. Nectar-robbing X. virginica transferred the least pollen, even when visiting legitimately. Dye particles were strongly correlated with pollen grains on a stigma, and therefore provide a good analogue for pollen in this system. The ratio of pollen : dye across stigmas was not affected by bee species or interactions between bee species and floral morphology. However, dye transfer was more sensitive than pollen transfer to differences in floral morphology. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study add to a growing body of literature highlighting that floral visitors vary in pollination effectiveness, and that visitors carrying the most pollen on their bodies may not always be the most efficient at depositing pollen on stigmas. Understanding the magnitude of variability in pollinator quality is one important factor for predicting how different pollinator taxa may influence the evolution of floral traits.  相似文献   

海滨锦葵花柱有5柱头裂片,若传粉失败,柱头裂片向下弯曲使柱头与自身花粉接触,发生延迟自交。传粉不足条件下发生的延迟自交可能提供繁殖保障。该研究定量分析了花粉搁置和授精胚珠数对花内未授粉柱头裂片运动的影响,并测定了花粉—胚珠比及柱头可授性和花粉生活力。结果表明,花内未授粉柱头裂片的弯曲不受其他柱头接受花粉量及授精胚珠数的影响,仅响应于其自身是否接受到花粉,花粉-胚珠比值显示海滨锦葵交配系统属兼性异交;未授粉柱头经弯曲与自身花粉授触时的强柱头可授粉和高花粉生活力为自交授粉的发生提供了可能。包括柱头裂片运动在内的多个花性状有机地展示了一种新花内混合交配系统,且花内柱头裂片弯曲的独自调节为从花水平验证被广泛接受的自交进化解释——繁殖保障假说提供了可能。  相似文献   

Summary We present results of experiments designed to identify floral characteristics that influence patterns of pollen carryover by hummingbirds visiting Ipomopsis aggregata flowers. We used fluorescent dye powders as pollen analogues. For all four experimental treatments considered, amounts of dye deposited on recipient stigmas declined linearly as a function of flower position in a visitation sequence. The decline was significantly steeper when recipient flowers had pollen-carrying anthers than when they did not; whereas degree of stigma clogging and presence or absence of empty anthers did not influence carryover. From this we conclude that presence of pollen on recipient flowers significantly reduces the average number of subsequent flowers reached by donor pollen. We discuss mechanisms for this effect and its significance for the evolution of floral structure.  相似文献   

Pollination limitation is common in flowering plants and is thought to be a factor driving the evolution of floral traits.The plasticity of floral longevity to pollination may be an adaptation of plants to pollen limitation.However,this adaptation is less critical in short-lived flowers.To evaluate pollen limitation and the plasticity of floral longevity to pollination in Potentilla tanacetifolia,a gynodioecious herb with short-lived flowers,we analyzed its breeding system,tested sex-differential pollen limitation,and compared variations in floral display size in natural populations in Duolun County,Inner Mongolia,China.Hand pollination experiments and pollinator exclusion treatments revealed that P tanacetifolia is self-compatible and non-autonomously apomictic and shows sex-differential pollen limitation.The plasticity of floral longevity to pollination was observed; the floral duration of female plants was prolonged by approximately 3-4 hours with pollination exclusion treatment.Moreover,the percentage of flowers displayed on female plants during pollination exclusion treatment was significantly higher than that during natural pollination.Under natural pollination conditions,the percentage of flowers displayed on female plants was significantly higher than on hermaphrodite plants.Furthermore,approximately 50% of the pollen grains spread out of the anthers of hermaphrodite flowers within 2 h of anthesis; the number of pollen grains adhering to the stigmas of hermaphrodite flowers was significantly higher than that adhering to female flowers when flowers shed their petals.These results indicate that variation in floral longevity may be an adaptive strategy to pollination conditions for gynodioecious P tanacetifolia.  相似文献   

Floral scents are among the key signals used by pollinators to navigate to specific flowers. Thus, evolutionary changes in scents should have strong impacts on plant diversification, although scent‐mediated plant speciation through pollinator shifts has rarely been demonstrated, despite being likely. To examine whether and how scent‐mediated plant speciation may have occurred, we investigated the Asimitellaria plant lineage using multidisciplinary approaches including pollinator observations, chemical analyses of the floral scents, electroantennographic analyses and behavioural bioassays with the pollinators. We also performed phylogenetically independent contrast analyses of the pollinator/floral scent associations. First, we confirmed that the pairs of the sympatric, cross‐fertile Asimitellaria species in three study sites consistently attract different pollinators, namely long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. We also found that a stereoisomeric set of floral volatiles, the lilac aldehydes, could be responsible for the pollinator specificity. This is because the compounds consistently elicited responses in the antennae of the long‐tongued fungus gnats and had contrasting effects on the two pollinators, that is triggering the nectaring behaviour of long‐tongued fungus gnats while repelling short‐tongued fungus gnats in a laboratory experiment. Moreover, we discovered that volatile composition repeatedly switched in Asimitellaria between species adapted to long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. Collectively, our results support the idea that recurrent scent‐mediated speciation has taken place in the Asimitellaria–fungus gnat system.  相似文献   


Background and Aims Pterostylis

is an Australasian terrestrial orchid genus of more than 400 species, most of which use a motile, touch-sensitive labellum to trap dipteran pollinators. Despite studies dating back to 1872, the mechanism of pollinator attraction has remained elusive. This study tested whether the fungus gnat-pollinated Pterostylis sanguinea secures pollination by sexual deception.


The literature was used to establish criteria for confirming sexual deception as a pollination strategy. Observations and video recordings allowed quantification of each step of the pollination process. Each floral visitor was sexed and DNA barcoding was used to evaluate the degree of pollinator specificity. Following observations that attraction to the flowers is by chemical cues, experimental dissection of flowers was used to determine the source of the sexual attractant and the effect of labellum orientation on sexual attraction. Fruit set was quantified for 19 populations to test for a relationship with plant density and population size.

Key Results

A single species of male gnat (Mycetophilidae) visited and pollinated the rewardless flowers. The gnats often showed probing copulatory behaviour on the labellum, leading to its triggering and the temporary entrapment of the gnat in the flower. Pollen deposition and removal occurred as the gnat escaped from the flower via the reproductive structures. The labellum was the sole source of the chemical attractant. Gnats always alighted on the labellum facing upwards, but when it was rotated 180 ° they attempted copulation less frequently. Pollination rate showed no relationship with orchid population size or plant density.


This study confirms for the first time that highly specific pollination by fungus gnats is achieved by sexual deception in Pterostylis. It is predicted that sexual deception will be widespread in the genus, although the diversity of floral forms suggests that other mechanisms may also operate.  相似文献   

Pollination success of plants is highly susceptible to the frequency of visits and foraging behavior of pollinators. Pollination of the nectarless flowers of Pedicularis species depends on bumblebee workers collecting pollen by vibrating the anthers (buzz pollination). However, little is known about the efficiency of the pollination system. Foraging behavior, pollen removal from anthers and pollen deposition on stigmas of P. chamissonis were studied to assess the effectiveness of buzz pollination in an alpine snowbed population of northern Japan. Although bumblebees tended to visit most of the flowers open at a given time within inflorescences during a single visit, pollen removal rate at the first visit was about 20%, and buzzing period decreased with increasing number of previous visits, resulting in a decreasing proportion of pollen removed per visit as the number of visits increased. These trends enable plants to provide pollen for more pollinators. The number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas was not saturated during the first visit and increased with additional visits. Irrespective of weak self-compatibility, evidence of interference between self and outcross pollen was lacking for seed production. Therefore, buzz pollination in P. chamissonis acts as a mechanism that improves the chance of cross-pollination upon multiple visits if pollinator visitation is frequent.  相似文献   

Visual floral guides such as colored anthers, lines, dots, and UV-absorption patterns on petals are commonly observed in insect-pollinated angiosperms. Floral guides that are known to enhance foraging efficiency of visitors on flowers thus promote return visits (foraging facilitation hypothesis, which predicts that visitors will discriminate against flowers with inferior floral guides). In this study, we experimentally examined the hypothesis that floral guides also prevent pollen-theft behavior by floral visitors (theft prevention hypothesis), which has rarely been tested. Nectarless flowers of Commelina communis have three types of brightly colored floral organs: large blue petals, rewarding yellow anthers, and nonrewarding yellow anthers. Colored floral organs were removed artificially from plants in two natural populations of C. communis. Removal of the nonrewarding yellow anthers diminished hoverings in front of flowers and tended to reduce the number of total floral visitor landings, supporting the foraging facilitation hypothesis. Additionally, removal of the rewarding yellow anther decreased the frequency of legitimate landings on flowers and the legitimate landing-to-total landing ratio, which is consistent with the theft prevention hypothesis. The nonrewarding anthers and the rewarding yellow anthers were shown to play an important role in increasing visitor landings and orienting floral visitors toward a landing point appropriate for pollination, respectively. We also showed that the absence of yellow anthers decreased both pollen dispatch from brown anthers and receipt by stigmas in C. communis. These findings support both the foraging facilitation hypothesis and the theft prevention hypothesis.  相似文献   

Distyly is a floral polymorphism, characterized by a reciprocal positioning between stigmas and anthers in different flowers, where two floral morphs, long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) occur within the population. Distyly is suggested as one of the routes leading to the evolution of separate sexes in plants. In this evolutionary pathway, pollinators may disrupt the complementarity of pollen transfer between morphs. Consequently, the floral morphs gradually specialize as either male or female. A key process required for gender specialization in distylous plants is a deviation of the realized functional gender (i.e. the proportion of genes transmitted to the next generation via pollen donation and seed production) from the potential functional gender (i.e. the expected contribution of male and female function to reproductive success from the number of ovules or pollen grains produced by each morph). I selected the distylous herb Arcytophyllum lavarum (Rubiaceae) to determine if asymmetry in pollen flow promotes differences in seed production, pollen donation and a discrepancy between the potential and the realized functional genders in pin and thrum floral morphs. Pollen flow in A. lavarum is asymmetric and the pin morph is more efficient at performing cross-pollination than the thrum morph. Conversely, the thrum morph produced two times more seeds than the pin morph. Male and female contributions to the potential functional gender were equivalent in both morphs. However, the pin morph transmitted more genes through pollen donation and the thrum morph more through seed production than expected from their potential functional genders. These results support the hypothesis that if pollinators consistently promote asymmetric pollen flow between morphs over generations, it is possible that gender specialization may evolve to the extreme of dioecism from an original distylous condition.  相似文献   

The adaptiveness of distyly has been typically investigated in terms of its female function, specifically pollen receipt. However, pollen loads on stigmas can only provide moderate support for Darwin's hypothesis of the promotion of legitimate crosses. To determine the effectiveness of hummingbirds as pollen vectors between floral morphs and the consequences in terms of male (pollen transfer) and female function (pollen receipt) in Palicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae), floral visitors, their foraging modes, and temporal patterns of floral visitation were observed and documented. Differences in pollen and stigma morphology, pollen flow, rates of pollen deposition, and/or stigmatic pollen loads were then evaluated for their contribution toward differences in reproductive output between floral morphs. A pollination experiment with stuffed hummingbirds that varied in bill size was done to evaluate the contribution of bill variation toward differences between floral morphs in pollen receipt and pollen transfer and female reproductive output. Anthers of long-styled flowers contained significantly more and smaller pollen grains than those of short-styled flowers, independently of corolla and anther lengths. The shape and orientation of the stigma lobes differed between morphs and were significantly longer among short-styled flowers. Hummingbird visitation rates did not differ significantly between floral morphs, and foraging movements from focal plants towards neighboring plants were independent of floral morph. Stigmatic pollen loads under field conditions and those after controlled hummingbird visitation, along with rates of pollen accumulation through the day indicated that stigmas of short-styled flowers receive proportionately more legitimate (intermorph) pollen grains than did those of long-styled flowers. However, the species of hummingbird was marginally significant in explaining variation in pollen deposition on stigmas. Lastly, intermorph pollinations of P. padifolia resulted in significant differences in fruit production between floral morphs, independent of pollination treatment and pollinator species; short-styled flowers proportionately developed almost twice the number of fruits developed by long-styled flowers.  相似文献   

The sexual system of the perennial shrub Capparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae), which is distributed in arid deserts of northern Xinjiang, was investigated. The main results can be summarized as follows. (1) The species is andromonoecious, i.e. individuals possess both male and perfect flowers. Stamens of two floral morphs are normal and can be divided into long and short ones in each flower. The perfect flowers have well developed pistils, but male flowers have aborted pistils and only function as males. (2) There were very significant differ-ences among the populations in daily ratio of the two floral morphs, number of long and short stamens of perfect flowers and length of filaments and anthers of short stamens in male flowers (P<0.01), but no significant differ-ences occurred in biomass of floral organ (P>0.05). (3) Anthesis was nocturnal and lasted 15–16 h. Both male and perfect flowers opened about 18:00 at dusk. The number of two floral morphs produced on each individual was indeterminate every day during flowering, which would make the individual temporally androdioecious. However, the total number of male flowers was more than that of perfect flowers within the population every day. (4) The P/O ratios of perfect flowers in three populations were 1.57×104, 1.65×104 and 1.71×104. There was no significant difference in pollen numbers (P>0.05) within population between male and perfect flowers or between long and short stamens, and also no significant difference among the populations in pollen numbers of male and perfect flowers, and in ovule numbers and P/O ratios of perfect flowers (P>0.05). (5) Dynamic curves of pollen viability of long and short stamens in the two floral morphs were similar in three populations. Pollen longevity of both long and short stamens was about 18–20 h, and duration of stigmatic receptivity was about 16–18 h. (6) Floral visitors were hymenopterous and lepidopterous insects. There was a total of seven species of floral visitors in the three populations. The activities of them were greatly affected by the climate of the desert environment. (7) Perfect flowers were not apomictic and could produce fruits after self-pollination (autogamy and geitonogamy) and cross-pollination; thus they had a mixed mating system. These results suggest that the sexual system of andro-monoecy may reflect an environment-heredity interaction in C. spinosa. The male flowers increase the number of pollen grains, the P/O ratio and enhance male fitness of individuals. They also increase the floral display and consequently effect cross pollination by attracting more pollinators that bring cross-pollen to the stigmas of per-fect flowers, thus increase outcrossing rate and female fitness of individuals, which insure reproductive success of C. spinosa in the extreme desert environment.  相似文献   

Selection on male function has been invoked to explain various floral features, including number of flowers, flower size, and flower color. Here I describe two experiments designed to examine the efficiency of distyly in promoting male floral function, as measured by successful pollen dispersal to stigmas. In both experiments, I performed emasculations to control the type of pollen locally available in a natural population of Psychotria suerrensis, a tropical shrub. In the “natural-recipients” experiment, I allowed each floral morph to donate pollen on alternate days to emasculated flowers of each morph. In the “paired-recipients” experiment, I attached paired cuttings of each morph to individual donor plants. The results of both methods were consistent. Pollen borne on low anthers (from pin plants) was transferred most efficiently to low stigmas (on thrum plants). Pollen borne on high anthers (from thrum plants) was dispersed in equal amounts to flowers of both morphs. The results suggest that distyly is only partially effective in achieving efficient pollen donation. Male function of pins is enhanced by the polymorphism, but male function of thrums is not. A supplemental pollination experiment illustrates that seed set in this species is predominantly pollen limited, reducing the importance of male function, in comparison with species where seed set is primarily resource limited.  相似文献   

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