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Hepatic preparations obtained from 186 newborns, children and mature persons have been studied. In newborns and babies the size of the right and left hepatic lobes are nearly the same. Beginning from an early age, the right hepatic lobe begins to grow, and the oblongatal or oval form of the liver changes into a triangle one. With changes in its size and form, the topography of the hepatic veins changes, too. In children younger than 1 year of age having the oblongatal or oval form of their liver, the diameters of the right, middle and left hepatic veins are nearly equal. In mature persons having the triangle form of the liver, the right hepatic vein is the largest and its diameter is twice as large as that of the left hepatic vein. Additional hepatic veins flowing into the inferior vena cava, are mainly formed by the branches participating in drainage of the right hepatic lobe. In 25 cases there are additional large hepatic veins; they are observed in cases when the right hepatic vein is poorly developed.  相似文献   

Due to investigations of 102 renal preparations performed on corpses of mature persons, topographic peculiarities of the lymph nodes, getting lymph from the left and right kidneys, are revealed. Every lymph node of the left kidney gets greater amount of lymphatic vessels than every node of the right kidney. The lymph, running from the right kidney, usually gets through a less number of the subsequently arranged nodes up to the thoracic duct, as compared to the lymph, that runs from the left kidney. A typical position for the node, which the renal lymphatic vessels get into, is the fatty tissue in the area of the angle formed by the aorta edge and the inferior wall of the corresponding renal artery. The lymphatic nodes of the right kidney are arranged in the fatty tissue more compact than the left ones. These peculiarities, revealed by morphological investigations, are proved by analysis of 114 case histories of persons suffering from malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.  相似文献   

In 30 corpses of newborns and children up to 3 years of age, by means of the intratissue and direct injection of the modified Gerota's mass, certain increase in number and size of the superficial inguinal lymph vessels belonging to the superior-medial group, as well as the pararectal and superior rectal lymph nodes has been noted. The diameter of both afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels in the nodes mentioned in children of 1-3 years of age is greater than in the newborns. The number of the afferent vessels running towards these nodes in most cases, regardless the age, prevail over the efferent ones, and the diameter of the latter is greater than in the afferent vessels. The pararectal lymph nodes in 80% of cases are the nodes of the first step for the lymph flowing from the rectum, in 15% - the nodes of the first and second steps, simultaneously, and in 5% - of the third and fourth steps. The superior pararectal lymph nodes in 80% of cases are the nodes of the third and fourth steps, and in 20% of cases - those of the first and second steps for the lymph flowing from the rectum.  相似文献   

Microscopical investigation of oesophagus, obtained from corpses of 33 men and 33 women has been carried out (staining with hematoxylin and eosin, van Gieson). The cardial glands have been revealed in 92.4% of cases in the inferior and in 4.6% of cases in the superior third of the oesophageal wall. They have not been revealed in the superior third of the oesophageal wall. They have not been revealed in its medial third. Amount of acini in the section is essentially changeable. In elderly and old persons the ducts of the glands often form ampullar dilatations. The acinar areas on the section remain stable during the greatest++ period of the postnatal ontogenesis and only during old age they decrease slightly. The proper plate of the mucous membrane in the inferior part of the oesophagus in the zone, where the cardial glands are situated, is always thicker than in the area free from the acini. Close interrelations have been revealed between the cardial glands and lymphoid tissue of the oesophageal wall. The intensity of the glandular-lymphoid interrelations is insignificant in newborns and in children of suckling age. It is maximal in persons of mature and elderly age. Remaining at a sufficiently high level, the glandular-lymphoid associations in old persons are manifested in a less degree than in the previous age groups. No difference in organization of the cardial glands has been revealed in the superior and inferior parts of the oesophageal wall, as well as any sex peculiarities.  相似文献   

In 50 cardiac preparations of persons of various age (children, teenagers, adolescents, persons of mature and elderly age) distribution of various branches of the tendinous chordae (basic, marginal, commissural, rough zone) and level of their fixation to the ventricular surface of the right and left cusps of the atrioventricular valves have been studied. The tendinous chordae in direction from the apex of the papillary muscles towards the cusps of the atrioventricular valves are divided into the branches of the 2d--9th orders. Total quantity increase of the tendinous chordae is noted in the mature age, especially those of the 1st order in the left ventricle, and their decrease in the elderly age with an increase of the chordae of the 4th, 5th and 6th orders. Single chordae of the 8th and 9th orders can be found in elderly persons. Certain age specificities are revealed in fixation of various tendinous chordae to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves; they are surely connected with functional peculiarities of their different zones, that ensure air-tightness of the atrioventricular openings. There are quantitative differences of the tendinous chordae, fixed to certain cusps of the left (anterior) and right (anterior, posterior) atrioventricular valves; this is evidently connected with the role of the cusps mentioned in the mechanism of the valves closing.  相似文献   

In 111 skulls and in saw-cuts of 119 pairs of the temporal bones of persons belonging to various age groups, age and individual changeability of the volume, form, thickness and foramina in the wall of the jugular fossa have been studied. During the postnatal period the jugular fossa increases in its volume twice and average meaning of its volume predominates on the right in the all age groups. The deepest place of the jugular fossa in more than half cases is displaced backward and laterally. The jugular fossa wall in the area of the inferior wall of the tympanic cavity is less thick on the right than on the left side. The foramina in the inferior wall of the tympanic cavity are found in mature persons in 6%, on the right 3 times as often as on the left; in children of younger age--in 45% and on the right more than 2 times as often as on the left.  相似文献   

In 50 right and 50 left upper extremities examined in adult persons of both sex at the age of 28-90 years, delto-thoracic lymph nodes were revealed in 30% (right) and in 22% (left), and interthoracic lymph nodes--in 6% (right) and in 12% (left). The lymph nodes in question were revealed by the method of section after interstitial injection of Gerota's blue intradermally to fingers, palm, back of the hand deltoid area, lateral thoracic surface (at the level of the 6th intercostal space) and to the external part of the mammary gland. Injection was also performed into lymphatic vessels revealed by means of the interstitial injection. The delto-thoracic nodes were stated to situate in both the delto-thoracic sulcus and the delto-thoracic triangle. These vessels are situated along the course of the lateral collector of the free upper extremity. Deferent vessels of the delto-thoracic nodes flow into the apical axillary lymph nodes, into the deep and superficial cervical nodes, into the interthoracic lymph nodes and also into the subclavicular or into the jugular vein near a corresponding venous angle. Interthoracic lymph nodes, situated between musculus pectoralis major and minor, get their lymphatic vessels from lateral, inferior and central axillary nodes, from delto-thoracic nodes and also those lymphatic vessels that go from the mammary gland area. Deferent vessels of the interthoracic nodes flow into the apical axillary nodes.  相似文献   

The investigation of common iliac lymph nodes has been performed in 20 corpses of the first mature age of both sex (5 male and 5 female corpses) of persons died from causes not connected with the lymphatic system diseases, the lower extremities and the pelvic organs. The common iliac lymph nodes with their afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels are revealed by means of interstitial injection into the lower extremities and the pelvic organs and with direct injection into the lymphatic vessels. The form, amount, size and topography of the common iliac lymphatic vessels have been studied. The lymphatic vessels, that go from certain body parts and organs to various subgroups of the common iliac lymph nodes, as well as the lymphatic vessels that connect the nodes both within the subgroup and also between the subgroups. The amount and size of the lymphatic nodes of the lateral subgroup predominate over the nodes of other subgroups of the common iliac lymph nodes; the amount of the common iliac lymph nodes predominates in men, and their size--in women. Amount of these nodes in the right and their size in the left predominate in both sex. Among the common iliac lymph nodes there are no teniform nodes, and efferent lymphatic vessels of the lateral and medial subgroup of the common iliac lymph nodes in 15% of cases run towards the lumbar nodes in the opposite side.  相似文献   

Serial transversal sections on the nerve-vascular complexes of four thyroid arteries in newborns, in persons of the 1st and 2d periods of mature age, in elderly and old persons (40 complexes in each age group) are stained after Weigert--Pahl. Amount of myelin fibers (MF) of three dimensional classes are defined micromorphometrically. Total amount of the MF in the nerves of all thyroid plexuses is the greatest in the persons belonging to the second mature period of age: it is 2.7 times as great as in the newborns. In the elderly persons it is 1.5 times, and in the old persons--1.8 times as little as in the persons of the second period of maturity. Thin MF make the absolute majority. The amount of the MF with middle caliber in the thyroid nerves of the mature persons is 6.6 times as great as in the newborns. Their amount in the old persons is 1.7 times as little as in the mature persons. Thick MF are absent in the newborns; in the mature and elderly persons they are observed now and then. The thick MF are characterized by a high variation coefficient (up to 84%). According to the criteria of absolute and relative contents of both total and group composition of the MF in postnatal period, three stages in development of the thyroid innervational connections performed by the MF are revealed: productive, stabilization and involution. The correlative analysis reveales a direct dependence in the system diameter of each thyroid artery--number of the MF in nerves of its plexus in the newborns and mature persons. This dependence becoms negative in the elderly and old persons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The investigation of the external iliac lymph nodes has been performed in 152 preparations of corpses of mature persons of both sex, who died from causes not connected with any disease of the lymphatic system, lower extremities and pelvic organs. The external iliac lymph nodes and their afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels have been revealed by means of interstitial injection of the lower extremities and pelvic organs, as well as by means of direct injection of Gerota mass into the lymphatic vessels. Form, amount, dimensions and topography of common iliac lymph nodes have been studied. Lymphatic vessels, running from certain parts and organs of the body to various subgroups of the external iliac lymph nodes have been described, as well as efferent lymph vessels of these nodes. The external iliac lymph nodes are constant formations; the largest of them--lymph nodes of the lacuna--are nodes of the I step for the lower extremity lymph vessels. In 54% of cases in persons of both sex positive (right-sided) asymmetry has been revealed. Total amount of the iliac lymph nodes prevails in men, while their size is greater in women. The size of these nodes in persons of both sex is greater to the left than to the right. There are connections (in 3% of cases) between the external iliac lymph nodes and aortal and lumbar nodes of the opposite side.  相似文献   

The amount of the myelin fibers (MF) has been calculated in transversal serial sections of the nervous-vascular complexes of the splenic artery in newborns, in persons of mature (the 1st and 2d periods), elderly and old ages. In each age group 20 complexes have been studied. The total amount of the MF in persons of mature age (the 1st period) in 4.2-6 times greater (initial--terminal parts of the plexus) than in newborns, in the persons of old age it is 4-2.1 times less than in persons of mature age (in both cases P less than 0.001). Thin MF predominate, their relative contents in the aggregate of all classes of the MF in newborns are 92%, in mature persons--87%, in old persons--65%. Decreasing part of the thin MF together with increase of their absolute amount in the mature persons, comparing to the newborns, depends on higher rates in differentiation of middle and thick MF. Phenotyping peculiarities and stages of productive development, stabilization (the 1st-2d periods of the mature age), involutions of the nerve connections are defined in the splenic artery. The amount of the MF predominates in the nerves of the initial part of the plexus comparing to its terminal part. There is a direct correlative dependence between the amount of the MF in the plexus nerves and the size of the lumen in the splenic artery. Changes in the amount of the MF of different classes reflects qualitative differences of the splenic innervation relations at certain stages of the human postnatal development.  相似文献   

The investigation has been carried out in 96 corpses of fetuses, newborns and mature persons by means of preparation methods, injection of fatty formations of the retroperitoneal space, superior urinary pathways and vessels with x-ray contrast masses and subsequent roentgenography. The area of the lumbar triangles is subjected to certain fluctuations and only in some cases they are absent. The kidneys, peritoneal part of the ureters, duodenum, pancreas, aorta and inferior vena cava in the projection of the lumbar triangles are not situated. The lumbar triangle can be used for performing drainage, when the organs and formations of the retroperitoneal space are operated on.  相似文献   

Using anatomical and roentgenoanatomical methods in 132 corpses of persons (from newborns up to 83 years of age) the anatomy of the lumbar lymph nodes and their vessels has been studied. Their topography, skeletotopy , amount, dimensions and form have been determined. Afferent and deferent lymphatic vessels in various groups of the lumbar lymph nodes, collateral pathways of lymph outflow to by-pass the lumbar lymph nodes are described. Certain data on the types of the thoracic duct formation are presented.  相似文献   

The tubal tonsil (TT) has been investigated in 60 preparations of the auditory tube (right and left), obtained from 30 corpses of persons at various age, those died from traumas and having neither any pathological changes in their acoustic organs, nor chronic inflammatory diseases by the time of death. The TT is presented as a solid or interrupted lymphoid tissue plate, situating in the mucosal membrane in the area of the pharyngeal opening to some extent in the inferior, posterior and anterior walls of the auditory tube. In newborns the TT is presented as a diffuse lymphoid tissue, where lymphoid nodules begin to form. The greatest amount of the lymphoid nodules in the TT are revealed in the infantile age and this sign is kept during subsequent age periods, including the first period of mature age. During these age periods on the surface of the mucosal membrane in the area of the pharyngeal opening numerous small eminences are seen--tubercles, corresponding in their position to lymphoid nodules under them. Beginning from the second mature period and up to old age the amount and size of the lymphoid nodules in the TT decreases. At that time on the surface of the mucosal membranes in the area of TT only single tubercles are revealed.  相似文献   

The common iliac lymph nodes (CILN) have been investigated on 24 preparations from corpses of elderly persons (5 male and 7 female corpses), died from the causes not connected with the lymphatic system diseases, lower extremities and pelvic organs. The CILN with their afferent and deferent lymphatic vessels are revealed by means of interstitial injection into the lower extremities and pelvic organs, as well as by means of direct injection into lymphatic vessels. The form, amount, size and topography of CILN are studied. Lymphatic vessels, running from certain parts of the body and organs to various subgroups of CILN are described, as well as lymphatic vessels, connecting the nodes both within each subgroup and between the subgroups. There is a tendency in prevalence of amount and size of the lateral subgroup of the lymph nodes over the nodes of other subgroups of CILN; tendency in prevalence of amount of the lymph nodes in men, and their size--in women; prevalence of amount of right CILN and their size in the left--in persons of both sex; in 70% of the cases the amount of afferent lymphatic vessels to CILN prevails over that of the deferent lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Profounod cervical lymph nodes were studied on 35 corpses and 30 complexes of organs of the head and neck in adult man by method of dissection after a preliminary injecting the lymphatic vessels and nodes. Under study were the lymph nodes of the anterior part (prelaryngeal, prethyroid, pretracheal and paratracheal groups) which are disposed under the pretracheal lamina of the cervical fascia. The lymph nodes of the lateral area of the neck are concentrated along the internal jugular vein, accessory nerve and the transversal artery of the neck. The lymph nodes disposed along the internal jugular vein are divided into 3 groups: superior, medial and inferior. The lymph nodes disposed in the lateral area of the neck are of different types. The obtained data can be used for decoding data of lymphography.  相似文献   

Analysis of the author's and literature data revealed two peculiarities in the lymph node anatomy. One of them is characterized with a great variability of amount and size of the nodes in every regional group. The second peculiarity is that age involution of the lymphoid tissue in the nodes is demonstrated in elderly and old persons as a decreasing amount of the lymph nodes and as their enlargement.  相似文献   

The superior and inferior venae cavae have been studied in 51 human being at various age, beginning from newborns using histochemical methods. After birth concentration of neural plexuses in the venae cavae increases up to the period of puberty, and then after 40years of age, certain rarefication of adrenergic and then cholinergic neural plexuses is noted. Choline- and adrenergic innervation is revealed in myocardial fibers penetrating the walls of the superior and inferior venae cavae.  相似文献   

Cell composition of various components (cortical plateau, folliculi and cords) of ileocecal lymph nodes was studied in newborn, 1.5 and 2.5 months of age (2 animals) and in mature (3 animals) monkeys, Papio hamadryas. In histological sections obtained at the level of hilus of the lymph node cellular elements were counted by means of morphometric grid of Glagolev modifoed by S. B. Stefanov. The data obtained were statistically treated. Newborn and mature monkeys have their peculiar cytological profile in every structural component of the lymph node. The lymph nodes in the newborns contain much more reticular cells and young cellular forms (blast forms and large lymphocytes) than mature animals. In the newborns, the number of mitotically deviding cells in the cortical plateau and in folliculi is 6 times and in myelin cords 10 times as great as in mature monkeys. A much greater per cent of plasmatic cells in mature animals suggests their greater immunological activity. Age differences in cell composition of lymph nodes in young and mature monkeys seem to be connected with accumulation of cellular mass and growth of the node in young animals, as well as with general rearrangement of the organism as a whole (in particular with changes in nutrition, intensity of movement, hormonal background).  相似文献   

In 40 series of histological sections performed in human embryos and prefetuses from 4 up to 20 weeks of development, as well as in 20 corpses of fetuses and stillborns, it has been stated that the anlage of the thoracic duct appear in 6-7-week-old fetuses as lymphatic clefts surrounded with mesenchymal cells that are situated near large veins in the areas of the most active morphogenesis. Connecting with each other, the clefts form the jugular and retroperitoneal lymph sacs and a well branching network of canals. From the latter, on the 7th-8th week of development a plexus of lymph vessels appear, and later on (on the 8th-9th week)--bilaterally situating trunks of the thoracic duct. Further development of the thoracic duct is connected with the lymph nodes formation, their germs appear on the 9th-10th week along the course of the left trunk, as well as along the ductal branches and anastomoses. The formation of the lymph nodes results in reduction of some trunks and plexuses of the thoracic duct. Owing to this, its form in 14-15-week-old prefetuses resembles the one in newborns. Disturbances in the formation processes of the lymph nodes along the course of the reducing ductal areas, as well as their formation along the course of its main trunk can result in various structural variants of the thoracic duct in children and grown-up persons. Histogenesis of the thoracic duct wall and formation of the lymph nodes are not completed by birth.  相似文献   

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