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Summary Touch smears of the cerebellum and cerebrum of ageing rats were fixed with methanol, hydrolyzed with 2N HCl at various temperatures and for various periods, and stained with pararosaniline-Schiff reagent. The hydrolysis curves were determined by fluorescence cytophotometry and were computer fitted to the Bateman function to determine the kinetic parameters, the initial yield of apurinic acid or single-stranded DNA (y 0), and the rate constants for depurination or denaturation (k 1) and depolymerization (k 2). The values for k 1 (1/k 1 is correlated with the degree of chromatin condensation) and k 2 (which reflects the degree of DNA instability) steadily increased with age. The values for y 0, which may indicate the degree of DNA denaturation or damage present before acid hydrolysis, also increased with age in both the cerebellum and cerebrum; however, this value was lower in the cerebellum untill 15 weeks, with the situation being reversed after 35 weeks, the cross-over time being at about 25 weeks. The values of lnk 1 and lnk 2 were plotted as the function of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature (T) (Arrhenius plot) for both the cerebellum and cerebrum of 15- and 74-week-old rats, and the activation energies (E) for depurination and depolymerization were calculated from the slopes. In particular, the values of E for k 2 decreased much more quickly with age and were smaller in cerebellum. In conclusion, the degree of DNA damage and DNA instability steadily increases in both the cerebellum and cerebrum of ageing rats, and this process is much faster in the cerebellum.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Feulgen DNA hydrolysis curves derived from cytofluorometry at various temperatures and HCl concentrations were computer analyzed with least squares fit to Bateman function. By comparing the depurination (k1) and depolymerization (k2) rate constants at different hydrolysis conditions, it was found that the two parameters of temperature and HCl concentration can be expressed as k = AN2 X exp (-B/T), where A and B are constants, N is the HCl concentrations, and T is the absolute temperature. From the analysis of Feulgen hydrolysis curves with 2N HCl at various temperatures, it was calculated that A = 5.3590 X 10(14) and B = 12133.543, for k1, and A = 6.2401 X 10(14) and B = 12181.660, for k2 for mouse 4C hepatocytes fixed with absolute methanol. Computer generated theoretical hydrolysis curves using the above k1 and k2 values were compared with experimental curves at various temperatures and HCl-concentrations. The two types of hydrolysis curves coincided with each other when 1-3 N HCl was used at temperatures between 30-40 degrees C. The peak times of hydrolysis curves at different conditions determined by experimental analysis and theoretical estimations also coincided reasonably well with each other. The physico-chemical phenomena underlying the equation designating k1 and k2 values are discussed.  相似文献   

Two North American species of the genus Bufo (Bufo cognatus and Bufo boreas, 2n = 22) and one African species (Bufo regularis, 2n = 20) were analyzed with respect to their repetitive DNA fractions and the behaviour of their chromatin to the acid hydrolysis at different times. The mean melting point of the total isolated DNA decreased from 89 degrees C to 87 degrees C with a genome size increase from 4.4 to 7.5 pg. The differences in genome size can only partly be explained on the basis of repetitive DNA fractions (renaturing up to Cot 10 in 0.12 M phosphate buffer). Several fractions in this repetitive range behave independently in the three species and the spectrum of repetitive fractions in the African Bufo regularis differs distinctly from those of the American toads. When fixed chromatin of these species in histochemical preparations is hydrolyzed with 5N HCl during the Feulgen reaction, the kinetics of depurination are equal in all species, while hydrolytic DNA breakdown proceeds distinctly more slowly in Bufo reularis as compared to the other species.  相似文献   

Following cultivation of distinct mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations derived from human umbilical cord under hypoxic conditions (between 1.5% to 5% oxygen (O2)) revealed a 2- to 3-fold reduced oxygen consumption rate as compared to the same cultures at normoxic oxygen levels (21% O2). A simultaneous measurement of dissolved oxygen within the culture media from 4 different MSC donors ranged from 15 μmol/L at 1.5% O2 to 196 μmol/L at normoxic 21% O2. The proliferative capacity of the different hypoxic MSC populations was elevated as compared to the normoxic culture. This effect was paralleled by a significantly reduced cell damage or cell death under hypoxic conditions as evaluated by the cellular release of LDH whereby the measurement of caspase3/7 activity revealed little if any differences in apoptotic cell death between the various cultures. The MSC culture under hypoxic conditions was associated with the induction of hypoxia-inducing factor-alpha (HIF-1α) and an elevated expression of energy metabolism-associated genes including GLUT-1, LDH and PDK1. Concomitantly, a significantly enhanced glucose consumption and a corresponding lactate production could be observed in the hypoxic MSC cultures suggesting an altered metabolism of these human stem cells within the hypoxic environment.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of gene-specific DNA damage in human spermatozoa   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent studies have suggested that human spermatozoa are highly susceptible to DNA damage induced by oxidative stress. However, a detailed analysis of the precise nature of this damage and the extent to which it affects the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes has not been reported. To induce DNA damage, human spermatozoa were treated in vitro with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 0-5 mM) or iron (as Fe(II)SO4, 0-500 microM). Quantitative PCR (QPCR) was used to measure DNA damage in individual nuclear genes (hprt, beta-pol and beta-globin) and mitochondrial DNA. Single strand breaks were also assessed by alkaline gel electrophoresis. H2O2 was found to be genotoxic toward spermatozoa at concentrations as high as 1.25 mM, but DNA damage was not detected in these cells with lower concentrations of H2O2. The mitochondrial genome of human spermatozoa was significantly (P<0.001) more susceptible to H2O2-induced DNA damage than the nuclear genome. However, both nDNA and mtDNA in human spermatozoa were significantly (P<0.001) more resistant to damage than DNA from a variety of cell lines of germ cell and myoblastoid origin. Interestingly, significant DNA damage was also not detected in human spermatozoa treated with iron. These studies report, for the first time, quantitative measurements of DNA damage in specific genes of male germ cells, and challenge the commonly held belief that human spermatozoa are particularly vulnerable to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Literature data concerning acid hydrolysis of DNA during the Feulgen procedure are reviewed, with emphasis being made on the dependence of Schiff-apurinic acid binding on the fixation technique, the temperature of hydrolysis and acid concentration, the rate of extraction of depolymerized DNA fragments, the nucleotide composition of DNA, the chromatin state, and on the composition of nucleoprotein. Some practical considerations for optimization of the Feulgen procedure for a precise quantitative determination of DNA amount are given.  相似文献   

Several cytochemical studies of the DNA content and ploidy status of neuronal cell nuclei in the central nervous system have reported the occurrence of hyperdiploid amounts of DNA in Purkinje cells and suggest the existence of some type of ‘extra’ DNA, the biological significance of which is, as yet, unknown. To explore this phenomenon further, the DNA content of glial and Purkinje cell nuclei was determined in several vertebrate species, using the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) to stain isolated cerebellar nuclei for analysis with a single parameter flow cytometer. The Feulgen reaction for DNA was used to stain liver and cerebellar tissue imprints for the measurement of individual nuclei with a Vickers M86 integrating microdensitometer. In both types of analyses, chicken erythrocyte nuclei served as an internal reference standard of 2.5 pg DNA per cell. The mean DNA content of Purkinje cells and glial or granule cells was essentially the same as that found for diploid (2C) non-neuronal cells, such as hepatocytes, in rainbow trout, Amazon molly fish, salamander (Plethodon), mouse, rat, rabbit, cat, dog, monkey and human. Although Purkinje cell nuclei with 4C DNA levels were found in all of these species, except salamander and rabbit, the frequency of such cells was low (1–7%) and varied with the species. There was a low incidence of Purkinje cell nuclei with interclass DNA amounts in all species examined. Our data show that most neuronal cell nuclei in the cerebellum contain 2C levels of DNA.  相似文献   

M Praet  H Roels 《Cytometry》1984,5(4):364-367
The present study is an analysis of the Feulgen hydrolysis characteristics in nuclei of liver cells and oval cells in rats treated by thioacetamide (TAA) and of liver cells in control rats. The curves show a double-peaked pattern. A slower hydrolysis is noted in the first peak after TAA treatment. This suggests an alteration of the acid-labile part of the chromatin. The curve obtained in the oval cells is different from the one in the liver cells. The implications of these differences are discussed with respect to development of cholangiocarcinomas.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive and fast immunochemical method has been developed to quantify the amount of DNA damage in cells of human blood after in vitro exposure to ionizing radiation. The technique is based on the enhancement of the radiation-induced single-strandedness, which occurs in DNA regions flanking strand breaks, by a controlled further unwinding of the DNA in an alkaline solution. Subsequently, the DNA is attached to the wall of polystryene cups by passive adsorption. DNA damage is then quantified by determining the extent of single-strandedness with a monoclonal antibody, D1B, directed against single-stranded DNA. D1B binding is assayed with a 'second' antibody, labelled with either an enzyme or europium. The latter gives slightly more reproducible results. No radioactive labelling of DNA is required and the assay takes only 3.5 h after the collection of blood. Damage can be detected after doses as low as 0.5 Gy. The potential broader application of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feulgen acid hydrolysis was performed on ascites tumour cells labelled with radioactive DNA-precursors. The development of fragments of apurinic acid and the extraction of purines were studied by monitoring the variations in the extraction rate during the hydrolysis when sodium chloride was either present or absent from the hydrolysis solution. The changes in the rate of extraction of purines and the alterations in the initial retardation of the apurinic acid extracting process followed approximately the same pattern. The extractability of apurinic acid fragments during hydrolysis in 0.3m HCl was found to be a maximum when the sodium chloride concentration was about 1m. Sudden exchange experiments, in which acid was substituted for sodium chloride after various times of hydrolysis, revealed a successive shortening of the extractable fragments during the low acid concentration hydrolysis. The results strengthen the view that, during hydrolysis, apurinic acid is lost from the cells through a reaction whose form is determined, first, by an initial retardation of the depolymerization, second, by the maximum length at which fragments developed through the depolymerization become soluble and are lost by diffusion, and last, at low acid concentrations, by a mechanism whose influence is equivalent to the presence of bonds between the fragments and an unextractable stable structure.  相似文献   

The possibility of using archival cytology material to study the evolution of neoplastic disease with regard to DNA content abnormalities was investigated. The accuracy of measuring the integrity optical density (OD) of nuclei that correlates to DNA amounts of those nuclei, on slides stained by the Papanicolaou method, was assessed and compared with a standard Feulgen method. Our data on rat liver nuclei peritoneal washings from patients with ovarian cystadenofibromas and ovarian cystadenocarcinomas suggested that analysis of cytological material using the Papanicolaou method is not reliable and that destaining the slides followed by Feulgen staining provides an optimal and reliable method of DNA quantification.  相似文献   

We have developed an efficient system to detect and analyze DNA mutations induced by heavy-ion beams in Arabiopsis thaliana. In this system, a stable transgenic Arabidopsis line that constitutively expresses a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) by a single-copy gene at a genomic locus was constructed and irradiated with heavy-ion beams. The YFP gene is a target of mutagenesis, and its loss of function or expression can easily be detected by the disappearance of YFP signals in planta under microscopy. With this system, a (12)C(6+)-induced mutant with single deletion and multiple base changes was isolated.  相似文献   

We report here on a new sensitive and highly specific DNA staining technique which we have called sulpho-DNA staining. DNA staining is based on a sulphonylation reaction of 2'-deoxycytidine or cytidine that takes place in the 6th position of cytosine with ensuing immunodetection of the sulphonylated DNA. The specificity of DNA staining is introduced by the use of an antibody recognizing only modified DNA but not modified RNA, by recourse to an additional acid hydrolysis step which destroys RNA but not DNA. We describe here the optimal conditions for the sulphonylation of DNA using O-methylhydroxylamine and metabisulphite as reactants. The new DNA stain labels all nuclei in either normal human tissue or in tumor cells. For nuclear DNA the staining signal is higher for the sulpho-DNA staining than for the Feulgen staining for nuclear DNA. This new DNA staining technique is suitable for use on tissue sections as well as on cytosmears.  相似文献   

Summary Feulgen nuclear staining with pararosanilin-SO2 was combined with the ninhydrin-Schiff technique. The aldehyde groups converted from primary amino groups are stained with an acriflavine-Schiff reaction. This results in a red nuclear fluorescence and a bright yellow cytoplasmic and nuclear fluorescence. The combined fluorescence staining facilitates cytofluorometric determination of total protein and DNA in the same cell.The ninhydrin-Schiff reaction is affected by the fixation procedure and the duration of the ninhydrin reaction. Investigations with a model system showed that proportionality beween the fluorescence intensity of acriflavine and the amount of protein stained by the procedure was obtained after fixation with a fixation mixture suggested by Böhm et al. (1968) and a reaction with ninhydrin at 37° C for 10 h.The ninhydrin-Schiff reaction has no effect on the fluorescence intensity of cells previously treated with pararosanilin-Feulgen staining and it is not affected itself by this previous procedure.Testing this double fluorescence staining on cytology specimens taken from patients with gastric carcinoma and uterine cervial carcinoma, cancer cells were shown to have markedly increased protein and DNA contents compared with those of normal cells.Partly supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), grant Nr. Bo 395/4  相似文献   

Laser transmission spectroscopy (LTS) is a quantitative and rapid in vitro technique for measuring the size, shape, and number of nanoparticles in suspension. Here we report on the application of LTS as a novel detection method for species-specific DNA where the presence of one invasive species was differentiated from a closely related invasive sister species. The method employs carboxylated polystyrene nanoparticles functionalized with short DNA fragments that are complimentary to a specific target DNA sequence. In solution, the DNA strands containing targets bind to the tags resulting in a sizable increase in the nanoparticle diameter, which is rapidly and quantitatively measured using LTS. DNA strands that do not contain the target sequence do not bind and produce no size change of the carboxylated beads. The results show that LTS has the potential to become a quantitative and rapid DNA detection method suitable for many real-world applications.  相似文献   

A study was made of the time course and kinetics of [3H]GABA uptake by dispersed cell cultures of postnatal rat cerebellum with and without neuronal cells. The properties of GABA neurons were calculated from the biochemical difference between the two types of cultures. It was found that for any given concentration of [3H]GABA, or any time up to 20 min, GABA neurons in cultures 21 days in vitro had an average velocity of uptake several orders of magnitude greater than that of nonneuronal cells. In addition, the apparent Km values for GABA neurons for high and low affinity uptake were 0.33 × 10−6 M and 41.8 × 10−4 M, respectively. For nonneuronal cells, the apparent Km for high affinity uptake was 0.29 × 10−6 M. The apparent Vmax values for GABA neurons for high and low affinity uptake were 28.7 × 10−6 mol/g DNA/min and 151.5 mmol/g DNA/min, respectively. For nonneuronal cells, the apparent Vmax for high affinity uptake was 0.06 × 10−6 mol/g DNA/min. No low affinity uptake system for nonneuronal cells could be detected after correcting the data for binding and diffusion. By substituting the apparent kinetic constants in the Michaelis-Menten equation, it was determined that for GABA concentrations of 5 × 10−9 M to 1 mM or higher over 99% of the GABA should be accumulated by GABA neurons, given equal access of all cells to the label. In addition, high affinity uptake of [3H]GABA by GABA neurons was completely blocked by treatment with 0.2 mM ouabain, whereas that by nonneuronal cells was only slightly decreased. Most (75–85%) of the [3H]GABA (4.4 × 10−6 M) uptake by both GABA neurons and nonneuronal cells was sodium and temperature dependent.  相似文献   

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