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对供试小孢子链格孢菌株的内聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endoPG)基因进行扩增,大部分菌株都可获得PCR产物。核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较表明:不同种小孢子链格孢endoPG基因核苷酸序列存在明显差异,甚至表现在氨基酸水平,这些差异可以作为一些种如梨黑斑链格孢、长柄链格孢区分的分子性状。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,所有菌株被分为8个聚类组。在系统发育树上,链格孢的一些不同分离物被聚在不同组中,而细极链格孢、链格孢的部分菌株、苹果链格孢、柑橘链格孢、粗柠檬褐斑链格孢、橘树链格孢被聚为一组,显示根据形态学特征划分的这些种与分子性状的不一致性。endoPG基因核苷酸序列富于变化,为小孢子链格孢系统发育研究提供了一种有用的手段。  相似文献   

岳海梅  张荣  孙广宇 《菌物学报》2007,26(2):202-210
对供试小孢子链格孢菌株的内聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endoPG)基因进行扩增,大部分菌株都可获得PCR产物。核苷酸和氨基酸序列比较表明:不同种小孢子链格孢endoPG基因核苷酸序列存在明显差异,甚至表现在氨基酸水平,这些差异可以作为一些种如梨黑斑链格孢、长柄链格孢区分的分子性状。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,所有菌株被分为8个聚类组。在系统发育树上,链格孢的一些不同分离物被聚在不同组中,而细极链格孢、链格孢的部分菌株、苹果链格孢、柑橘链格孢、粗柠檬褐斑链格孢、橘树链格孢被聚为一组,显示根据形态学特征划分的这些种与分子性状的不一致性。endoPG基因核苷酸序列富于变化,为小孢子链格孢系统发育研究提供了一种有用的手段。  相似文献   

报道生于豆科植物沙冬青Ammopiptanthus mongolicus上的链格孢属真菌一新种,沙冬青链格孢Alternaria ammopiptanthi。此种不同于已从豆科植物上报道的5个长喙链格孢种(复喙链格孢A. multirostrata、决明链格孢A. cassiae、猪屎豆生链格孢A. crotalariicola、瓜尔豆链格孢A. cyamopsidis和长喙链格孢A. longirostrata),主要是其分生孢子的长喙不分枝和孢身细瘦。研究过的模式标本(PSNXAAFS 267852)保存在宁夏农林科学院植物病害标本室。  相似文献   

报道生于豆科植物沙冬青Ammopiptanthus mongolicus上的链格孢属真菌一新种,沙冬青链格孢Alternaria ammopiptanthi。此种不同于已从豆科植物上报道的5个长喙链格孢种(复喙链格孢A.multirostrata、决明链格孢A.cassiae、猪屎豆生链格孢A.crotalariicola、瓜尔豆链格孢A.cyamopsidis和长喙链格孢A.longirostrata),主要是其分生孢子的长喙不分枝和孢身细瘦。研究过的模式标本(PSNXAAFS267852)保存在宁夏农林科学院植物病害标本室。  相似文献   

We performed random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis on five strains of Alexandrium tamarense and nine strains of Alexandrium minutum. Arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotides were used as primers for the PCR. Electrophoresis on denaturing acrylamide gels improved RAPD reproducibility and increased the band number. Eight of the 20 primers assayed gave reproducible results and the band profiles generated by them were used for constructing a similarity matrix. Analyses were performed independently for the strains of each species and jointly for all the strains of both species. Results for A. tamarense showed the highest similarity for two distinct clones isolated from the same water sample in the Baltic Sea during a bloom (KAC01 and KAC02). The highest similarity among A. minutum clones was found for three strains (AL1V, AL2V and AL3V) isolated in the Ria de Vigo in NW Spain. The results show a high genetic diversity within a single species. We have shown the potential of the RAPD technique to discriminate between two conspecific strains, as well as for establishing similarities that are related to the biogeographic origin of the strains.  相似文献   

The amount and pattern of genetic variation was surveyed in two Swedish and three Czech populations of the rare perennial forest plant Vicia pisiformis. This species has a mainly easterly-continental European distribution and has few and small populations in Sweden. It is classified as 'vulnerable' on the Swedish Red Data list. Seeds from natural populations were collected and grown under controlled conditions in growth chambers. The variation was estimated in growth and fecundity traits and with Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, RAPD. Low inter- and intra-population variation in RAPD-markers was found using 11 primers, with a similarity index (Wetton) for the families of 0.98. In contrast, multivariate analysis of variance showed significant morphological differences within and between populations. Also in the univariate ANOVAs, a number of the traits showed significant between-and/or within population differentiation. Cluster analysis for the morphological traits and RAPDs (UPGMA) did not structure the variation of families in accordance with their geographical distance. A Mantel test based on comparisons between Mahalonobfs and Jaccard distance for morphological and RAPD data, respectively, did not reveal any significant correlation between the two matrices. It is concluded that if a genetic conservation program is to be applied on Vicia pisiformis , different sampling strategies are needed to capture morphological vs RAPD variation. This is, to our knowledge, the first investigation that compares RAPD and morphological variation in a threatened plant species.  相似文献   

A set of 20 morphological variants of the dental crowns and four characteristics of the jaws are tested for probable mode of inheritance using the complex segregation analysis method of Morton et al. (Am. J. Hum. Genet. 23:602-611, 1971). Models tested include three two-allele single-locus models (dominant, codominant, and recessive) and a model employing the polychotomized normal distribution of liability (an additive polygenic model), with transmissibility estimated via maximum likelihood. Most of the traits studied are observed using ordinal scales with several grades, and many are tested using more than one dichotomy of their scale. These multiple analyses allow for an examination of such factors as trait incidence on the results of the statistical analysis. The results of the analysis yield propositions of major genes for 13 of the 24 traits examined. Two traits give good evidence of being polygenic in origin. The remaining nine characters present methodological problems that do not allow for a definite conclusion on their mode of inheritance at this time. The ability to test varying levels of transmissibility in the polygenic model allows for an estimation of the percentage of trait variance determined by familial factors. Estimates of transmissibility for all characters examined range from 0 to 1, with a mean of 0.36. These findings may suggest a large environmental role in the development of dental crown morphology. However, the possibility exists that difficulties in the ability to classify the expression of certain traits consistently result in overestimates of the environmental influences on the development of those characters.  相似文献   


The polyploid Salix alba L.–Salix fragilis L. hybrid complex still presents major difficulties in morphological identification. Most of the measured characters show a low diagnostic value for unambiguously identifying the parental species and their hybrid Salix × rubens Schrank due to continuous variation creating a large overlap in leaf and catkin morphology. Fragment length polymorphism of nuclear cyp73 intron markers was used to identify species and hybrids. This multilocus genotyping could be applied in a morphological analysis of trees from hybrid zones and allowed to demonstrate that morphological features of leaves and catkins clearly separated S. alba from S. fragilis. The hybrid individuals largely overlapped with both parental species but appeared to be morphologically more similar to S. fragilis than to S. alba. Cyp73 analysis of 11 Salix taxa revealed intermediate positions of two hybrid taxa with S. alba, namely S. × rubens and S. × sepulcralis Simonkai with their respective parental species S. fragilis and S. babylonica L. Additionally, the cyp73 intron multilocus genotypes clustered tetraploid taxa separately from diploid willows. Cyp73 introns are valuable markers for fast, reliable and straightforward genotyping in willow species and hybrids.  相似文献   

小孢子链格孢OPA2-1核苷酸序列分析及系统发育研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采用引物对OPA2-1L/OPA2-1R对供试小孢子链格孢菌株OPA2-1区段进行扩增,所有菌株都可获得PCR产物。核苷酸序列分析表明:不同小孢子链格孢种OPA2-1核苷酸序列存在明显差异。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,供试菌株被分为8个组,梨黑斑链格孢Alternaria gaisen、长柄链格孢A.longipes、树状链格孢A.arborescens明显被归于不同分支,显示OPA2-1核苷酸序列对这些种均具有区分能力;链格孢A.alternata的一些不同分离物被聚在不同组中,说明链格孢A.alternata存在明显遗传差异,可能为一个复合体。OPA2-1核苷酸序列富于变化,可作为小孢子链格孢系统发育研究的一种有用的手段。  相似文献   

Brown apical necrosis of English walnut and grey necrosis of hazelnut are destructive fruit diseases caused by a complex of opportunistic fungi including several small-spored catenulate Alternaria taxa. Thirty Alternaria isolates recovered from walnut and hazelnut fruit that were pathogenic on their respective host were compared along with type or representative isolates of A. alternata, A. tenuissima, A. arborescens, and A. infectoria using morphological and molecular criteria. Morphological examination using standardized procedures separated the walnut and hazelnut isolates into three morphological groups: the A. alternata group, the A. tenuissima group, and the A. arborescens group based upon common characteristics of the conidium and the sporulation apparatus. To evaluate genetic relationships among these groups, AFLP markers, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, and histone gene sequence data were compared. Based upon AFLP data, the A. alternata and A. tenuissima groups comprised a single lineage, and the A. arborescens group comprised a separate lineage. ISSR data supported the grouping by AFLP data except for three isolates of the A. alternata group that clustered with the A. arborescens group. Base substitution of the H4 gene supported the discrimination of the A. arborescens group from the A. alternata and A. tenuissima groups. Tests of hypotheses based upon groupings derived from the various data sets supported the discrimination of the A. arborescens group but did not support the discrimination of the A. alternata group from the A. tenuissima group.  相似文献   

曲霉菌的RAPD分析及其在酿造工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘力  王斌  郭勇 《微生物学报》2007,47(3):533-536
以米曲霉沪酿3.042(AS3.951)、黄曲霉GIM3.18、酱油曲霉AS3.495为参照,利用RAPD分子标记技术对16株曲霉菌进行系统发育分析。通过改进提取方法,获得了质量较好的模板DNA,凝胶电泳结果和分光光度法检测结果表明其适合用于进一步的RAPD-PCR试验。从9个待选引物中筛选到3个扩增产物谱带多、特征好、覆盖面广的引物:Primer1、Primer2、Primer5,重复实验证明其RAPD-PCR扩增图谱具有较好的稳定性,扩增产物谱带一般8~14条,各试验菌株主带4~9条,次带丰富。由此构建的系统进化树较好地吻合了传统的形态分类学,证实了RAPD分子标记技术在此类微生物系统发育分析中应用的可行性,也为酿造工业中检出产黄曲霉毒素的污染菌株提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular characteristics were studied in six wild species of Passiflora. There were statistically significant differences among these six species for all characteristics studied. Intra-specific variability was observed for number of flowers, number of fruits, number of seeds, fruit length, fruit width and leaf area. Cluster analysis using morphological data showed three groups: 1) P. palmeri var. sublanceolata, P. morifolia and P. foetida var. foetida, 2) P. coriacea and P. micropetala, and 3) P. suberosa. The dendrogram constructed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data showed six different groups for each species. The genetic distances among the 24 accessions ranged from 0.05 (between P. morifolia accessions P1 and P3) to 0.95 (P. coriacea accession 31 and P. palmeri var. sublanceolata accession 49). The species showed high morphological and molecular inter- and intraspecific variability.  相似文献   

樊航  冉娜  李安定  张洪亮  胥猛 《广西植物》2020,40(4):509-517
ERA(Eecherichia coli Ras-like protein)蛋白是与已知异三聚体G蛋白和小分子G蛋白不同的一种新的GTP结合蛋白。为了在木本植物中开展其同源基因ERG(ERA-like GTPase)克隆和功能验证的相关研究,该文首次在西番莲新品种‘平塘1号’中采用cDNA末端快速克隆(RACE)技术克隆鉴定1个ERG基因。结果表明:西番莲PeERG基因cDNA全长为1 518 bp,包括1 260 bp的开放阅读框、38 bp的5'-端非翻译区和220 bp的3'-端非翻译区,该基因编码蛋白由420个氨基酸残基组成,其二级结构含有丰富的α-螺旋和延伸链。PeERG蛋白不含跨膜区域,也不存在信号肽酶切位点,既在其N端有典型的GTPase保守结构域(GTPase domain)又在其C端有独特的RNA结合结构域(KH domain)。系统进化树分析表明,西番莲PeERG蛋白和水稻OsERG1、拟南芥AtERG1、大肠杆菌ERA位于同一进化分枝。实时定量PCR检测揭示PeERG基因在西番莲根、茎、叶、花、果中均有表达,叶中表达最高;同时该基因响应低温胁迫信号,其表达呈动态变化模式。该研究首次鉴定和描述了木本植物西番莲的ERG基因,为深入挖掘西番莲特异基因资源提供参考,也有助于进一步探究ERG基因在植物中的生物学功能及其作用机制。  相似文献   

Fomitiporia punicata sp. nov., collected from Shaanxi Province, northern China, and so far exclusively on Punica granatum (Punicaceae), is described and illustrated, and its preliminary phylogenetic relationships are inferred based on sequence data from the ribosomal ITS-5.8S regions. Fomitiporia punicata belongs to the F. robustaF. punctata complex, but is characterized by an effused–reflexed to pileate basidioma with triquetrous to ungulate pilei, pale yellowish brown to cinnamon brown pore surface, moderately thick-walled skeletal hyphae in the context, which are partly collapsed on drying, lack of setae, presence of fusoid to subulate cystidioles, and growth on Punica. It also forms a distinct clade within Fomitiporia, and is related to some species from the temperate or Mediterranean zone of the northern hemisphere. An identification key to the species of Fomitiporia recorded in China is provided. Fomitiporia tibetica is transferred to Pseudoinonotus.  相似文献   

葱属12种植物的RAPD分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用随机引物扩增多态DNA技术对葱属部分植物进行了种间亲缘关系的研究。结果说明12种材料之间存在丰富的多态性,遗传距离变幅在0.2500-0.7887之间,聚类分析说明蒙古韭,山韭,野韭,韭菜(栽培韭),野生韭菜,矮韭亲缘关系较近,聚为一支,其中韭菜与野生韭菜亲缘关系最近。天蒜,薤白,蒜聚为一支,葱,洋葱,红葱聚为一支,其中葱与洋葱,红葱的遗传分化较大。  相似文献   

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