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In isolated rat hepatocytes, noradrenaline (NA) 50 nM induced intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](c)) increase as (i) oscillations with each down-stroke of the spike reaching baseline, (ii) phasic increase with gradual decay, and (iii) phasic increase transforming into oscillations. At 25 nM and 50 nM, NA predominantly induced oscillatory increases; at 100 nM and 1 microM, phasic increases were predominant. Photodynamic action (30 s) with photosensitizer sulphonated aluminium phthalocyanine (SALPC, 5 microM) induced [Ca(2+)](c) increase as (i) no change, (ii) a single spike, or (iii) phasic increase. [Ca(2+)](c) oscillations induced by NA 50 nM were obliterated by photodynamic action (30 s), but when NA 200 nM, which normally induced plateau increases, was added to the now quiescent cells, [Ca(2+)](c) oscillations reemerged. These data indicate that photodynamic action could efficiently desensitize adrenergic receptors in hepatocytes. Photodynamic action may do so by crosslinking neighboring receptors or neighboring transmembrane domains of the same receptor.  相似文献   

A number of investigations in humans and animals suggest that there may be intrinsic sex-associated differences in cardiac function. Using left atrial preparations from male and female rat hearts, we examined differences in myocardial function and response to adrenergic agonists. Contractile parameters were measured in isolated atria by conventional isometric methods in the absence or presence of isoproterenol or phenylephrine. Responsiveness to Ca2+ was measured in detergent-skinned atrial fibers and actomyosin ATPase activity was measured in isolated myofibrils. Tetanic contractions were generated by treating the atrium with ryanodine followed by high frequency stimulation. Developed force was greater and maximal rates of contraction and relaxation were more rapid in the female atrium. The relationship between Ca2+ concentration and force in both intact atria and detergent-skinned atrial fibers in females fell to the left of that for males. At low Ca2+ concentrations, skinned fibers from female atria generated more force and myofibrils from female atria had higher myosin ATPase activity than males. Tetanic contraction in the presence of high extracellular Ca2+ was greater in female atria. Male atrium had larger inotropic responses to isoproterenol and to phenylephrine, but drug-elicited cAMP and inositol phosphate production did not differ between sexes. The results demonstrate sex-related differences in atrial function that can be partially explained by greater myofibrillar Ca2+-sensitivity in females. A potential contribution of sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx is suggested by greater tetanic contraction in ryanodine-treated female atrium. The larger response of males to adrenergic stimulation does not appear to be explained by higher production of relevant second messengers. Future studies will investigate the role of sex hormones in these sexually dimorphic responses and may indicate a need for gender-specific therapeutic interventions for myocardial dysfunction.  相似文献   

The effects of altered thyroid function on the sensitivity of isoproterenol induced secretion of saliva and in the characteristics of adrenergic receptors from the rat submandibular gland were examined. Hyperthyroidism produced an increased sensitivity to beta-adrenergic stimulation of the gland, and this phenomenon was associated with an increase in the number of beta and alpha 1-adrenoceptors. On the other hand, surgical thyroidectomy produced a decrease sensitivity to isoproterenol stimulation of the submandibular gland and a diminished density of beta-adrenoceptors. In this case, no changes in alpha-adrenoceptors were observed. These results are discussed emphasizing the correlation between the functional control of saliva secretion and the adrenergic receptors in different thyroid states.  相似文献   

We studied beta-adrenergic agonist-stimulated phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor in rat cardiac myocytes. The ryanodine receptor solubilized from myocytes and immunoprecipitated by a monoclonal antibody against canine cardiac ryanodine receptor was phosphorylated by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Incubation of saponin-permeabilized myocytes with [gamma-32P]ATP also induced ryanodine receptor phosphorylation, which was enhanced significantly in the presence of isoproterenol. This stimulating action of isoproterenol was suppressed by the beta-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol. On the other hand, exogenously added cAMP caused a much larger stimulation of phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor in permeabilized myocytes. The beta-agonist-induced phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor was also observed in intact myocytes from the newborn rat heart. These results suggest that the ryanodine receptor is phosphorylated by PKA during beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Adipocytes from thyroidectomized rats contain 3 times less [3H]dihydroalprenolol-binding sites (beta-adrenergic receptors) than adipocytes from euthyroid animals. This alteration is not solely due to cell-size differences, but also to a thyroidectomy-induced defect in beta-adrenergic receptor density per adipocyte surface area, a defect that is furthermore corrected by tri-iodothyronine treatment.  相似文献   

Summary β-Adrenergic receptor stimulation results in smooth muscle relaxation through activation of adenylyl cyclase and subsequent cyclic AMP (cAMP) production. The present study was performed to evaluate the effects of steroid hormones (i.e. testosterone and hydrocortisone) onβ 2-adrenergic receptors and their signal transduction in the DDT1 MF-2 genital tract myocyte. Radioligand binding studies demonstrated that these two steroid hormones produced a 70 to 80% increase in the density ofβ 2-adrenergic receptors in these myocytes. Stimulation of theβ 2-adrenergic receptors with isoproterenol resulted in a significant increase of cAMP in control myocytes; cells treated with testosterone for 24 h demonstrated a comparable response to isoproterenol, whereas hydrocortisone for 24 h resulted in a 50% greater cAMP response. In contrast to the response at 24 h, stimulation of myocytes after testosterone treatment for 48 h resulted in a cAMP response comparable to that seen in response to hydrocortisone at 24 h. Studies performed using theophylline demonstrated similar cAMP responses at 24 h between the control and testosterone-treated myocytes, thereby ruling out the possibility that the delayed increase of the cAMP response after testosterone was caused by stimulation of phosphodiesterase. Direct stimulation with forskolin resulted in greater cAMP production in the testosterone-treated myocytes compared to controls, thereby refuting the possibility that testosterone directly suppresses adenylyl cyclase activity at 24 h. These findings suggest that although both testosterone and hydrocortisone produce a twofold increase inβ 2-adrenergic receptor density in the DDT1 myocytes,β 2-adrenergic receptors expressed in response to hydrocortisone appear functional at 24 h resulting in increased cAMP production, whereas those expressed in response to testosterone require 48 h to demonstrate increased functional activity.  相似文献   

Addition of a combination of insulin, dexamethasone and EGF at seeding time to cultured rat hepatocytes in serum-free medium caused a selective increase in the biosynthesis of particular cytokeratin components. This increase was prominent during the first day in culture. No significant increases were detected in the absence of hormones or in the presence of either hormones added alone or in pairs, except in the case of insulin plus dexamethasone, which yielded an effect close to that obtained with the three factors. Interestingly, the latter condition also maintained a high level of albumin production over a 6-day period in culture.  相似文献   

Stimulation of beta-adrenoreceptors in rat parotid acinar cells in vitro by the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol induces steady-state levels of c-fos mRNA and c-fos protein in these cells. A dramatic increase in the steady-state levels of c-fos mRNA was observed at 60 min, followed by a decrease at 2 h with a second peak at 4 h. c-fos induction in rat parotid acinar cells in vitro seems to be mediated by cAMP. Increased levels of p53 and c-myc mRNA were detected only at 60 min. c-abl and c-sis were also induced by isoproterenol but in a pattern different from that seen with c-fos. c-abl was the only oncogene in rat parotid gland which showed increased expression after chronic isoproterenol treatment of rats. In rat parotid acinar cells we observed no correlation between DNA synthesis and c-fos induction.  相似文献   

Treatment of rat cerebral cortical membranes with phospholipase A2 affects, in a parallel fashion, beta-, alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic receptor binding, but not the affinity of these receptors for their respective ligands. Pretreatment of membranes with 0.1 percent glutaraldehyde blocks the effects of phospholipase A2 on adrenergic receptor binding. The results support the hypothesis that desensitization or "masking" of adrenergic receptors may involve changes in membrane lipid composition. Furthermore, glutaraldehyde may prove a useful tool in the investigation of the dynamic roles of lipids in receptor function and more specifically, their regulation and coupling to physiological events.  相似文献   

T M Mills  V S Stopper 《Steroids》1989,54(5):471-480
Intraovarian progesterone levels were manipulated by surgically adjusting the number of corpora lutea (CL) present in rabbit ovaries and this model was used to study the local effect of luteal progesterone on growth of follicles. The results show that when a single CL or several CL were present, follicle growth was inhibited. However, when all CL on one ovary were removed, increased numbers of follicles grew even when a single CL was present in the contralateral ovary. These findings show that progesterone inhibits follicle growth and that at least part of its action is local, i.e., exerted within the ovary. Additionally, ovarian blood vessels and periovarian lymph ducts were cannulated, and samples were collected and analyzed for steroid and protein content. The results show that when CL were present, ovarian vein progesterone levels were elevated 10-30-fold over levels in ovaries without CL; this high concentration points to the blood vascular system as the principal carrier of the steroid within the ovary. Analysis of lymph showed that protein content was consistently high and that the progesterone concentration was not significantly altered with the presence of CL; these two findings show that ovarian capillaries are extremely permeable to proteins, but the unexpectedly low concentrations of progesterone in lymph may signal an intraovarian countercurrent mechanism by which it is returned to the blood.  相似文献   

G Loo  J T Smith 《Life sciences》1986,39(17):1555-1561
Down-regulation of hepatic beta-adrenergic receptors was indicated by a 56% decrease in the specific activity of 125I-iodocyanopindolol bound to rat liver membrane preparations from rats fed diets containing 15% of casein supplemented with cysteine, instead of methionine or unsupplemented. Down-regulation of hepatic beta-adrenergic receptors by cysteine appears to be mediated through an effect of cysteine on the tissue concentration of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). The liver tissue concentration of SAM in rats fed cysteine-supplemented diets decreased 53% compared to those fed diets supplemented with methionine. The decrease in liver SAM in rats fed the diet supplemented with cysteine appears to reflect a non-competitive inhibition of methionine adenosyl-transferase by cysteine. Lineweaver-Burk plots demonstrated a dose-related Vmax response to cysteine but did not change the apparent Km at any concentration tested.  相似文献   

Exchange assays have been validated to study several forms of the progesterone receptor found to occur in nuclei of rat placenta after extraction with high salt. One form was solubilized by the extraction procedure (KCl extractable Rpn) and another form remained attached to nuclear structures (KCl resistant Rpn). Specific binding of progesterone was optimized in both forms using buffered media containing 0.01 M Tris, 30%-glycerol (v/v), 0.2 mM leupeptin, and 1 mM dithiothreitol (TDGL), pH 7.8, at 0-4 degrees C for 18-24 h. At 0-4 degrees C the nuclear receptors were stable and degradation was negligible even after 44 h of in vitro incubation. The binding reaction between progesterone and receptor demonstrated mass action principles of ligand exchange throughout this interval. Saturation analysis indicated the presence of a single binding moiety of high affinity (app Kd = 2.9-3.2 nM) for both forms of the receptor. However, the nuclear progesterone receptor was thermolabile and after a 10 min exposure to 30 degrees C no longer complexed ligand. At an intermediate incubation temperature of 22 degrees C the binding reaction was stable for about 30 min. The KCl resistant binding sites were markedly more thermolabile. Addition of 10 mM Na molybdate protected all forms of the nuclear progesterone receptor from thermal denaturation and extended the life of the complex 3-4-fold. The dissociation rate constant of progesterone-nuclear receptor complex in each preparation was 6-8 X 10(5) s-1 resulting in a half-life of about 3 h. The KCl resistant and extractable binding sites were sensitive to blockade by 1 mM N-ethylmaleimide which was reversed by co-incubation with a 2-fold molar excess of dithiothreitol. This suggested that reduced sulfhydryl groups located on or near the surface of the ligand binding domain of the receptor were necessary to bind hormone. These studies showed that the interactions between ligand and the KCl resistant and extractable receptor sites found in rat placenta were of high affinity, saturable, and heat sensitive. Thus, these binding moieties exhibited physicochemical behavior very similar to each other and to the placental receptor which has previously been partially purified from the cytosol. The conclusion is made that all of the nuclear receptor binding sites for progesterone are structurally identical. Thus, the distinctive physicochemical properties responsible for KCl resistant and extractable forms of the nuclear progesterone receptor must reside in other domains of the receptor molecule.  相似文献   

The M1-muscarinic cholinergic receptor (M1AChR) stimulates the release of inositol phosphates (IPs) but does not activate adenylyl cyclase. The beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) stimulates adenylyl cyclase but has no effect on IP release. Amino acid sequences corresponding to the second (I2) and third (I3) intracellular loops of the turkey erythrocyte beta-AR and a 12-amino acid segment near the N-terminal end of the I3 region were substituted into the corresponding regions of the human M1AChR. Chimeric receptors that contained either the entire I3 loop or the N-terminal dodecapeptide of that loop both mediated the 2-4-fold stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in membrane fractions of COS, A293, or Sf9 cells in response to carbachol. These chimeric receptors also retained the ability to stimulate IP release to the same extent as did the M1AChR. In COS cells transfected with the I3 chimeric receptor, the EC50 for carbachol was approximately 7 microM for the stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and approximately 2 microM for the release of IP; M1AChR-mediated IP release displayed an EC50 of approximately 0.2 microM. Substitution of the I2 region of the beta-AR into the M1AChR did not by itself alter selectivity for signaling. However, the I2+I3 and I2+dodecapeptide combined replacements stimulated adenylyl cyclase fully and caused at most 25% of the maximal stimulation of IP release observed with the M1AChR. Thus, a small region in the third cytoplasmic loop can alter the G proteins to which a receptor is coupled, but interaction among loops is evidently involved in fully determining G protein selectivity.  相似文献   

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