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Aspirin induces platelet receptor shedding via ADAM17 (TACE)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aspirin is effective in the therapy of cardiovascular diseases, because it causes acetylation of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) leading to irreversible inhibition of platelets. Additional mechanisms can be suspected, because patients treated with other platelet COX inhibitors such as indomethacin do not display an increased bleeding tendency as observed for aspirin-treated patients. Recently, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs were shown to induce shedding of L-selectin in neutrophils in a metalloproteinase-dependent manner. Therefore, we investigated the effects of aspirin on the von Willebrand Factor receptor complex glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX, whose lack or dysfunction causes bleeding in patients. As quantified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis in whole blood, aspirin, but not its metabolite salicylic acid, induced dose-dependent shedding of human and murine GPIbalpha and GPV from the platelet surface, whereas other glycoproteins remained unaffected by this treatment. Biotinylated fragments of GPV were detected by immunoprecipitation in the supernatant of washed mouse platelets, and the expression level of GPIbalpha was decreased in these platelets as measured by Western blot analysis. Although shedding occurred normally in COX-1-deficient murine platelets, shedding was completely blocked by a broad-range metalloproteinase inhibitor and, more importantly, in mouse platelets expressing an inactive form of ADAM17. Shed fragments of GPIbalpha and GPV were elevated in the plasma of aspirin-injected mice compared with animals injected with control buffer. These data demonstrate that aspirin at high concentrations induces shedding of GPIbalpha and GPV by an ADAM17-dependent mechanism and that this process can occur in vivo.  相似文献   

AIM:To determine if the cytotail of the principal sheddase tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme (TACE;ADAM17) controls protein ectodomain shedding.METHODS:Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to derive TACE variants. The resulting TACE expression plasmids with amino acid substitutions in the extracel-lular,cysteine-rich disintegrin domain (CRD) and/or deleted cytotail,along with an expression vector for the enhanced green fluorescence protein were transfected into shedding-defective M1 mutants stably expressing transmembrane L-selectin or transforming growth factor (TGF)-α. The expression levels of the TACE substrates at the cell surface were determined by flow cytometry. RESULTS:Consistent with published data,a single point mutation (C600Y) in the CRD led to shedding defi-ciency. However,removal of the cytotail from the C600Y TACE variant partially restored ectodomain cleavage of TGF-α and L-selectin. Cytotail-deleted mutants with any other substituting amino acid residues in place of Cys600 displayed similar function compared with tail-less C600Y TACE.CONCLUSION:The cytotail plays an inhibitory role,which becomes evident when it is removed from an enzyme with another mutation that affects the enzyme function.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) activates cells by binding to the membrane-bound IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) and subsequent formation of a glycoprotein 130 homodimer. Cells that express glycoprotein 130, but not the IL-6R, can be activated by IL-6 and the soluble IL-6R which is generated by shedding from the cell surface or by alternative splicing. Here we show that cholesterol depletion of cells with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin increases IL-6R shedding independent of protein kinase C activation and thus differs from phorbol ester-induced shedding. Contrary to cholesterol depletion, cholesterol enrichment did not increase IL-6R shedding. Shedding of the IL-6R because of cholesterol depletion is highly dependent on the metalloproteinase ADAM17 (tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme), and the related ADAM10, which is identified here for the first time as an enzyme involved in constitutive and induced shedding of the human IL-6R. When combined with protein kinase C inhibition by staurosporine or rottlerin, breakdown of plasma membrane sphingomyelin or enrichment of the plasma membrane with ceramide also increased IL-6R shedding. The effect of cholesterol depletion was confirmed in human THP-1 and Hep3B cells and in primary human peripheral blood monocytes, which naturally express the IL-6R. For decades, high cholesterol levels have been considered harmful. This study indicates that low cholesterol levels may play a role in shedding of the membrane-bound IL-6R and thereby in the immunopathogenesis of human diseases.  相似文献   

The Src homology (SH)2 domain-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 is tyrosine phosphorylated in platelets in response to the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-selective agonist collagen-related peptide (CRP), collagen, and thrombin. Two major unidentified tyrosine-phosphorylated bands of 28 and 32 kDa and a minor band of 130 kDa coprecipitate with SHP-1 in response to all three agonists. Additionally, tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins of 50-55 and 70 kDa specifically associate with SHP-1 following stimulation by CRP and collagen. The tyrosine kinases Lyn, which exists as a 53 and 56-kDa doublet, and Syk were identified as major components of these bands, respectively. Kinase assays on SHP-1 immunoprecipitates performed in the presence of the Src family kinase inhibitor PP1 confirmed the presence of a Src kinase in CRP- but not thrombin-stimulated cells. Lyn, Syk, and SLP-76, along with tyrosine-phosphorylated 28-, 32-, and 130-kDa proteins, bound selectively to a glutathione S-transferase protein encoding the SH2 domains of SHP-1, suggesting that this is the major site of interaction. Platelets isolated from motheaten viable mice (mev/mev) revealed the presence of a heavily tyrosine-phosphorylated 26-kDa protein that was not found in wild-type platelets. CRP-stimulated mev/mev platelets manifested hypophosphorylation of Syk and Lyn and reduced P-selectin expression relative to controls. These observations provide evidence of a functional role for SHP-1 in platelet activation by GPVI.  相似文献   

Germ cell apoptosis is important to regulate sperm production in the mammalian testis, but the molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis are still poorly understood. We have recently shown that in vitro, etoposide induces upregulation of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10, two membrane-bound extracellular metalloproteases. Here we show that in vivo these enzymes are involved in etoposide-, but not in heat shock-, induced apoptosis in rat spermatogenesis. Germ cell apoptosis induced by DNA damage was associated with an increase in protein levels and cell surface localization of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10. On the contrary, apoptosis of germ cells induced by heat stress, another cell death stimulus, did not change levels or localization of these proteins. Pharmacological in vivo inhibition of TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM10 prevents etoposide-induced germ cell apoptosis. Finally, Gleevec (STI571) a pharmacological inhibitor of p73, a master gene controlling apoptosis induced by etoposide, prevented the increase of TACE/ADAM17 levels. Our results strongly suggest that TACE/ADAM17 participates in in vivo apoptosis of male germ cells induced by DNA damage.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor alpha-convertase (TACE) is a metalloprotease-disintegrin involved in the ectodomain shedding of several proteins and is critical for proper murine development. TACE-mediated ectodomain shedding is regulated, and the cytoplasmic domain of TACE contains several potential signaling motifs, suggesting that this domain may play a role in regulating the metalloprotease activity. Here we report that the protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPH1, which contains both a band 4.1 domain and a single PDZ domain, can interact with the cytoplasmic domain of TACE. The interaction was initially observed in a yeast two-hybrid screen and was confirmed using an in vitro binding assay and co-immunoprecipitations from eukaryotic cell extracts. The interaction is mediated via binding of the PDZ domain of PTPH1 to the COOH terminus of TACE. The latter represents a novel group I PDZ binding sequence characterized by a terminal cysteine residue. In co-expression experiments, significantly lower levels of TACE were observed in the presence of catalytically active forms of PTPH1 compared with catalytically inactive forms of PTPH1. Furthermore, phorbol ester-stimulated shedding of the TACE substrate tumor necrosis factor-alpha was decreased in cells expressing catalytically active PTPH1 compared with inactive PTPH1. Taken together, these results suggest that PTPH1 may be a negative regulator of TACE levels and function, and thus provide the first evidence for the regulation of TACE through a cytoplasmic protein.  相似文献   

Human platelet glycoprotein V (Mr 82,000) is a surface glycoprotein and a substrate for thrombin, undergoing proteolytic cleavage by thrombin and releasing a soluble fragment, glycoprotein Vfl (Mr 69,000). It does not appear to be the receptor for thrombin's agonist effect on platelets. A congenital platelet disorder, Bernard-Soulier syndrome, is marked by a deficiency of glycoprotein V and two other surface glycoproteins, Ib-IX. The latter two, Ib-IX, constitute the platelet receptor for von Willebrand factor, mediate arterial platelet adhesion, and contain unique 24-amino acid sequences, termed "leucine-rich glycoprotein" segments. The segments relate to adhesive function and distinguish the leucine-rich glycoprotein family. Surface glycoprotein V is not physically associated with Ib-IX nor does it bind to von Willebrand factor. To date, no common denominator has been found that explains the combined deficiency of glycoproteins V and Ib-IX in Bernard-Soulier syndrome. This study describes the isolation of glycoprotein V/anti-glycoprotein V antibody and the analysis of three glycoprotein V peptides that contain "leucine-rich" sequences. Therefore, glycoprotein V shares the "leucine-rich" structure with platelet glycoproteins Ib-IX and belongs to the family of leucine-rich glycoproteins.  相似文献   

TNF-alpha, a potent proinflammatory cytokine, is synthesized as a membrane-anchored precursor and proteolytically released from cells. Soluble TNF is the primary mediator of pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and endotoxin shock. The TNF-alpha converting enzyme (TACE), a disintegrin and metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17), has emerged as the best candidate TNF sheddase, but other proteinases can also release TNF. Because TACE-deficient mice die shortly after birth, we generated conditional TACE-deficient mice to address whether TACE is the relevant sheddase for TNF in adult mice. In this study, we report that TACE inactivation in myeloid cells or temporal inactivation at 6 wk offers strong protection from endotoxin shock lethality in mice by preventing increased TNF serum levels. These findings corroborate that TACE is the major endotoxin-stimulated TNF sheddase in mouse myeloid cells in vivo, thereby further validating TACE as a principal target for the treatment of TNF-dependent pathologies.  相似文献   

This study shows that the high affinity alpha-chain of the interleukin (IL)-15 receptor exists not only in membrane-anchored but also in soluble form. Soluble IL-15Ralpha (sIL-15Ralpha) can be detected in mouse sera and cell-conditioned media by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting. This protein has a molecular mass of about 30 kDa because of the presence of a single N-glycosylation site, which is reduced to 26 kDa after N-glycosidase treatment. Transmembrane IL-15Ralpha is constitutively converted into its soluble form by proteolytic cleavage that involves tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE), and this process is further enhanced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulation. The hydroxamate GW280264X, which is capable of blocking TACE and the closely related disintegrin-like metalloproteinase 10 (ADAM10), effectively inhibited both spontaneous and PMA-inducible cleavage of IL-15Ralpha, whereas GI254023X, which preferentially blocks ADAM10, was ineffective. Overexpression of TACE but not ADAM10 in COS-7 cells enhanced the constitutive and PMA-inducible cleavage of IL-15Ralpha. Moreover, murine fibroblasts deficient in TACE but not ADAM10 expression exhibited a significant reduction in the spontaneous and inducible IL-15Ralpha shedding, whereas a reconstitution of TACE in these cells restored the release of sIL-15Ralpha, thereby suggesting that TACE-mediated proteolysis may represent a major mechanism for sIL-15Ralpha generation in mice. The existence of natural sIL-15Ralpha offers novel insights into the complex biology of IL-15 and envisages a new level for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The experiments, performed in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized rats, consisted of a 1-h equilibration period followed by two 30-min control periods. Subsequently, synthetic rat pro atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) [proANP-(1-30)] (n = 8) was given as a bolus of 10 microg in 1 ml of 0.9% saline followed by an infusion at 30 ng/min (20 microl/min) for six additional periods. Control rats (n = 6) received only 0.45% saline in the appropriate volumes. Mean arterial pressure, renal blood flow, and glomerular filtration rate did not change significantly in either group during the proANP-(1-30) infusion. Urine flow and potassium excretion increased approximately 50% in the proANP-(1-30)-infused group only (P < 0.05). Sodium excretion and fractional excretion of sodium, expressed as the change from their own baselines, were significantly increased by the proANP-(1-30) infusion (P < 0.05), whereas cGMP excretion was similar in both groups. These results suggest that the rat sequence of proANP-(1-30) produces a natriuresis in the rat independent of changes in hemodynamics and renal cGMP production. In a second study, rats (n = 8) were prepared as above and pretreated with 0.4 ml iv of rabbit serum containing an antibody directed against proANP-(1-30) (anti-proANP group). The rats were volume expanded with 3 ml of 6% albumin in Krebs and observed for 3 h to determine if the anti-proANP would attenuate the responses to volume expansion. Control rats (n = 7) received 0.4 ml of normal rabbit serum. The elevation in potassium excretion in response to volume expansion was significantly attenuated in the anti-proANP group (P < 0.05). Sodium excretion and urine flow responses also tended to be reduced but not significantly. These results suggest that in the rat, proANP-(1-30) plays a physiological role in regulating renal excretion.  相似文献   

Hypomorphic ADAM17(ex/ex) mice showed defects in mucosal regeneration due to inefficient enhanced GFR shedding. ADAM17 is the main sheddase of interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) to induce IL-6 trans-signaling. However, serum levels of soluble murine IL-6R were not reduced in ADAM17(ex/ex) mice, and murine ADAM17 was not the major sheddase of murine IL-6R. Shedding of murine IL-6R by murine ADAM17 was rescued in chimeric murine IL-6R proteins containing any extracellular domain but not the transmembrane and intracellular domain of human IL-6R. Apoptosis is a physiological stimulus of ADAM17-mediated shedding of human IL-6R. Even though apoptosis induced IL-6R shedding in mice, the responsible protease was identified as ADAM10. ADAM10 also was identified as protease responsible for ionomycin-induced shedding of murine and human IL-6R. However, in ADAM10-deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts, compensatory shedding of human IL-6R was mediated by ADAM17, but loss of ADAM10-mediated shedding of murine IL-6R was compensated by an as-yet-unidentified protease. Finally, we identified physiological purinergic P2X7 receptor stimulation as a novel inducer of murine and human IL-6R shedding solely mediated by ADAM10. In conclusion, we describe an unexpected species specificity of ADAM10 and ADAM17 and identified ADAM10 as novel inducible sheddase of IL-6R in mice and humans, which might have consequences for the interpretation of phenotypes from ADAM17- and ADAM10-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine which is shed in its soluble form by a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) called TNF-alpha convertase (TACE; ADAM17). TNF-alpha plays a role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is involved in the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) which has also been implicated in IBD. The study was designed to investigate whether colitis induced by trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS) in rats produces an increase in TACE activity and/or expression and whether its pharmacological inhibition reduces TNF-alpha levels, iNOS expression and colonic damage in this model. TNBS (30 mg in 0.4 ml of 50% ethanol) was instilled into the colon of female Wistar rats. Saline or TACE inhibitor BB1101 (10 mg/kg/day) was administered intraperitoneally 5 days after TNBS instillation. On day 10, colons were removed and assessed for pathological score, myeloperoxidase (MPO), NO synthase (NOS), TACE enzymatic activity and protein levels, colonic TNF-alpha and NOx- levels. Instillation of TNBS caused an increase in TACE activity and expression and the release of TNF-alpha. TNBS also resulted in iNOS expression and colonic damage. BB1101 blocked TNBS-induced increase in TACE activity, TNF-alpha release and iNOS expression. Concomitantly, BB1101 ameliorated TNBS-induced colonic damage and inflammation. TNBS causes TNF-alpha release by an increase in TACE activity and expression and this results in the expression of iNOS and subsequent inflammation, suggesting that TACE inhibition may prove useful as a therapeutic means in IBD.  相似文献   

Protein ectodomain shedding, the proteolytic release of the extracellullar domain of membrane-tethered proteins, can dramatically affect the function of cell surface receptors, growth factors, cytokines, and other proteins. In this study, we evaluated the activities involved in ectodomain shedding of p75NTR, a neurotrophin receptor with critical roles in neuronal differentiation and survival. p75NTR is shed in a variety of cell types, including dorsal root ganglia cells and PC12 cells. In Chinese hamster ovary cells, inhibitors of the MEK/ERK and p38 MAP kinase pathways uncovered distinct signaling pathways required for the constitutive and stimulated shedding of p75NTR. Stimulated p75NTR shedding is abrogated in M2 mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that lack functional tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE, also referred to as ADAM17) and in cells isolated from adam17-/- mice, but not in cells from adam9/12/15-/- or adam10-/- mice. Stimulated p75(NTR) shedding is strongly reduced by deletion of 15 amino acid residues in its extracellular membrane-proximal stalk domain. However, similar to other shed proteins, point mutations and overlapping shorter deletions within this region have little or no effect on shedding. Because ectodomain shedding of p75NTR releases a soluble ectodomain and could also be a prerequisite for its regulated intramembrane proteolysis, these findings may have important implications for the functional regulation of p75NTR.  相似文献   

Previous findings indicated that the activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM) is expressed by tumors and plays a role in tumor biology. In this study, we show that ALCAM is shed from epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) cells in vitro, leading to the generation of a soluble ALCAM (sALCAM), consisting of most of the extracellular domain. A similar sALCAM molecule was also found in the ascitic fluids and sera from EOC patients, suggesting that this process also occurs in vivo. sALCAM is constitutively produced by EOC cells, and this process can be enhanced by cell treatment with pervanadate, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), or epidermal growth factor (EGF), a known growth factor for EOC. Pharmacologic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and of a disintegrin and metalloproteases (ADAM), and the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3, significantly inhibited sALCAM release by EOC cells. The ADAM17/TACE molecule was expressed in EOC cell lines and ADAM17/TACE silencing by specific small interfering RNA-reduced ALCAM shedding. In addition, inhibitors of ADAM function blocked EOC cell motility in a wound-healing assay. Conversely, a recombinant antibody blocking ALCAM adhesive functions and inducing ALCAM internalization enhanced EOC cell motility. Altogether, our data suggest that the disruption of ALCAM-mediated adhesion is a relevant step in EOC motility, and ADAM17/TACE takes part in this process, which may be relevant to EOC invasive potential.  相似文献   

ADAM17, which is also known as TNFα-converting enzyme, is the major sheddase for the EGF receptor ligands and is considered to be one of the main proteases responsible for the ectodomain shedding of surface proteins. How a membrane-anchored proteinase with an extracellular catalytic domain can be activated by inside-out regulation is not completely understood. We characterized thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1) as a partner of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain that could be involved in the regulation of ADAM17 activity. We induced the overexpression of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain in HEK293 cells, and ligands able to bind this domain were identified by MS after protein immunoprecipitation. Trx-1 was also validated as a ligand of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain and full-length ADAM17 recombinant proteins by immunoblotting, immunolocalization, and solid phase binding assay. In addition, using nuclear magnetic resonance, it was shown in vitro that the titration of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain promotes changes in the conformation of Trx-1. The MS analysis of the cross-linked complexes showed cross-linking between the two proteins by lysine residues. To further evaluate the functional role of Trx-1, we used a heparin-binding EGF shedding cell model and observed that the overexpression of Trx-1 in HEK293 cells could decrease the activity of ADAM17, activated by either phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or EGF. This study identifies Trx-1 as a novel interaction partner of the ADAM17 cytoplasmic domain and suggests that Trx-1 is a potential candidate that could be involved in ADAM17 activity regulation.  相似文献   

The transmembrane and multidomain neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) plays important functional roles in the developing and adult nervous system. NCAM is proteolytically processed and appears in soluble forms in the cerebrospinal fluid and in serum under normal and pathological conditions. In this report, we present evidence that the metalloprotease a disintegrin and a metalloprotease (ADAM)17/tumour necrosis factor alpha converting enzyme (TACE) cleaves the polysialylated as well as the non-polysialylated transmembrane isoforms of NCAM, whereas the glycophosphatidylinositol-linked isoform of NCAM is not proteolytically cleaved. A truncated, enzymatically inactive mutant of TACE did not result in release of the NCAM110 cleavage product. Proteolytic cleavage was enhanced by a calmodulin-specific inhibitor and the actin-destabilizing agents cytochalasin D and latrunculin B. In contrast, the microtubule-stabilizing agent colchicine or microtubule-destabilizing agent paclitaxel did not affect the release of the 110-kDa fragment of NCAM. Neurite outgrowth from cerebellar microexplants was inhibited in the presence of the metalloprotease inhibitor GM 6001 on substrate-coated NCAM, but not on poly-l-lysine. Upon transfection of hippocampal neurones with an enzymatically inactive mutant of TACE, NCAM-stimulated neurite outgrowth was inhibited without affecting neurite outgrowth on poly-l-lysine, showing that proteolytic processing of NCAM by the metalloprotease TACE is involved in NCAM-mediated neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

To assess the possibility that hydrolysis of the platelet surface thrombin substrate, glycoprotein V, is a necessary step in thrombin-induced platelet activation, thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of glycoprotein V was correlated with thrombin-induced platelet activation. Hydrolysis of tritium-labeled glycoprotein V on washed human platelets was measured by the appearance of a labeled supernatant fragment, and platelet activation was measured as secretion of ATP. Hydrolysis of glycoprotein V was linear with respect to both thrombin concentration and time of incubation. The extent of platelet activation was correlated with the rate of hydrolysis but not with the amount hydrolyzed. Maximum platelet activation could be obtained with thrombin treatments resulting in hydrolysis of as little as 4% of glycoprotein V per min. Glycoprotein V was partially removed from platelets by pretreatment with either platelet calcium-dependent protease or chymotrypsin. The rate of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the remaining glycoprotein V from these pretreated platelets was as little as 1.5% the rate from control platelets, but there was no impairment of the extent of platelet activation. Thus, these protease-pretreated platelets compared with control platelets showed a different correlation of glycoprotein V hydrolysis with platelet activation. Glycoprotein V was also partially removed by pretreatment of prostacyclin-inhibited platelets with thrombin. After removal of thrombin and prostacyclin, these platelets were desensitized to subsequent activation by thrombin. Incubation of desensitized platelets with nonsaturating levels of thrombin led to less than 25% of the activation seen with control platelets but to a slightly greater hydrolysis of glycoprotein V. Thus, the desensitization to thrombin was not due to loss of ability of the activating thrombin to hydrolyze glycoprotein V. These results do not exclude a role for glycoprotein V as a component of the platelet thrombin receptor, but they indicate that there is no simple relationship between thrombin-induced hydrolysis of glycoprotein V and platelet activation.  相似文献   

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