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The development of intrapulmonary shunts with increased cardiac output during exercise in healthy humans has been reported in several recent studies, but mechanisms governing their recruitment remain unclear. Dobutamine and dopamine are inotropes commonly used to augment cardiac output; however, both can increase venous admixture/shunt fraction (Qs/Qt). It is possible that, as with exercise, intrapulmonary shunts are recruited with increased cardiac output during dobutamine and/or dopamine infusion that may contribute to the observed increase in Qs/Qt. The purpose of this study was to examine how dobutamine and dopamine affect intrapulmonary shunt and gas exchange. Nine resting healthy subjects received serial infusions of dobutamine and dopamine at incremental doses under normoxic and hyperoxic (inspired O(2) fraction = 1.0) conditions. At each step, alveolar-to-arterial Po(2) difference (A-aDo(2)) and Qs/Qt were calculated from arterial blood gas samples, intrapulmonary shunt was evaluated using contrast echocardiography, and cardiac output was calculated by Doppler echocardiography. Both dobutamine and dopamine increased cardiac output and Qs/Qt. Intrapulmonary shunt developed in most subjects with both drugs and paralleled the increase in Qs/Qt. A-aDo(2) was unchanged due to a concurrent rise in mixed venous oxygen content. Hyperoxia consistently eliminated intrapulmonary shunt. These findings contribute to our present understanding of the mechanisms governing recruitment of these intrapulmonary shunts as well as their impact on gas exchange. In addition, given the deleterious effect on Qs/Qt and the risk of neurological complications with intrapulmonary shunts, these findings could have important implications for use of dobutamine and dopamine in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

We have developed a gas exchange simulation system (GESS) to assess the quality control in measurements of metabolic gas exchange. The GESS simulates human breathing from rest to maximal exercise. It approximates breath-by-breath waveforms, ventilatory output, gas concentrations, temperature and humidity during inspiration and expiration. A programmable motion control driving two syringes allows the ventilation to be set at any tidal volume (V T), respiratory frequency (f), flow waveform and period of inspiration and expiration. The GESS was tested at various combinations of V T (0.5–2.5 l) and f (10–60 stroke · min−1) and at various fractional concentrations of expired oxygen (0.1294–0.1795); and carbon dioxide (0.0210–0.0690) for a pre-set flow waveform and for expired gases at the same temperature and humidity as room air. Expired gases were collected in a polyethylene bag for measurement of volume and gas concentrations. Accuracy was assessed by calculating the absolute and relative errors on parameters (error = measured−predicted). The overall error in the gas exchange values averaged less than 2% for oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide output, which is within the accuracy of the Douglas bag method. Accepted: 4 June 1998  相似文献   

The question whether fatty acids can be converted into glucose in humans has a long standing tradition in biochemistry, and the expected answer is “No”. Using recent advances in Systems Biology in the form of large-scale metabolic reconstructions, we reassessed this question by performing a global investigation of a genome-scale human metabolic network, which had been reconstructed on the basis of experimental results. By elementary flux pattern analysis, we found numerous pathways on which gluconeogenesis from fatty acids is feasible in humans. On these pathways, four moles of acetyl-CoA are converted into one mole of glucose and two moles of CO2. Analyzing the detected pathways in detail we found that their energetic requirements potentially limit their capacity. This study has many other biochemical implications: effect of starvation, sports physiology, practically carbohydrate-free diets of inuit, as well as survival of hibernating animals and embryos of egg-laying animals. Moreover, the energetic loss associated to the usage of gluconeogenesis from fatty acids can help explain the efficiency of carbohydrate reduced and ketogenic diets such as the Atkins diet.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used organ balance across the kidney, splanchnic organs, and lower limb in subjects undergoing diagnostic central venous catheterizations to gain insight into the renal and extrarenal exchange of aminothiols in humans. Although Hcy was released only in low amounts from leg tissues, Cys-Gly (a peptide derived from GSH hydrolysis) was released by both the leg and splanchnic organs, whereas Cys was released by the kidney and taken up by splanchnic organs. The kidney removed approximately 90% of the Cys-Gly released into the circulation. Removal of Cys-Gly by the kidney depended on Cys-Gly arterial levels and showed a high fractional extraction ( approximately 26%), with clearance rates slightly higher than the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Although the average kidney removal of Hcy was not statistically significant, the fractional extraction of Hcy across the kidney varied directly with renal plasma flow. Our data show that thiol metabolism in humans is a compartmentalized interorgan process involving fluxes of individual aminothiols that are parallel and of opposite sign among peripheral tissues, splanchnic organs, and kidney. Cys-Gly is released by peripheral tissue and splanchnic organs from GSH hydrolysis and is taken up by the kidney by GFR; the kidney returns Cys to the circulation to preserve substrate availability for GSH synthesis. On the other hand, Hcy is released by peripheral tissues in low amounts, and its removal by the kidney seems to depend on blood supply. These findings may help explain several alterations in aminothiol metabolism observed in patients with chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Splanchnic and renal net balance measurements indicate that lactate and glycerol may be important precursors for epinephrine-stimulated gluconeogenesis (GNG) in liver and kidney, but the effects of epinephrine on their renal and hepatic conversion to glucose in humans have not yet been reported. We therefore used a combination of renal balance and isotopic techniques in nine postabsorptive volunteers to measure systemic and renal GNG from these precursors before and during a 3-h infusion of epinephrine (270 pmol. kg-1. min-1) and calculated hepatic GNG as the difference between systemic and renal rates. During infusion of epinephrine, renal and hepatic GNG from lactate increased 4- to 6-fold and accounted for approximately 85 and 70% of renal and hepatic glucose release, respectively, at the end of study; renal and hepatic GNG from glycerol increased approximately 1.5- to 2-fold and accounted for approximately 7-9% of renal and hepatic glucose release at the end of study. The increased renal GNG from lactate and glycerol was due not only to their increased renal uptake (approximately 3.3- and 1.4-fold, respectively) but also increased renal gluconeogenic efficiency (approximately 1.8- and 1.5-fold). The increased renal uptake of lactate and glycerol was wholly due to their increased arterial concentrations, since their renal fractional extraction remained unchanged and renal blood flow decreased. We conclude that 1) lactate is the predominant precursor for epinephrine-stimulated GNG in both liver and kidney, 2) hepatic and renal GNG from lactate and glycerol are similarly sensitive to stimulation by epinephrine, and 3) epinephrine increases renal GNG from lactate and glycerol by increasing substrate availability and the gluconeogenic efficiency of the kidney.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes were kept for 46 h with either insulin ('insulin cells') or glucagon ('glucagon cells') as the dominant hormone under different oxygen concentrations with 13% (v/v) O2 mimicking arterial and 4% hepatovenous levels. Thereafter metabolic rates were measured for a 2 h period under the same ('overall long-term O2 effects') or a different ('short-term O2 effects') oxygen concentration. From the differences of the two effects the 'intrinsic long-term O2 effects' were derived. Glycolysis, as measured in 'insulin-cells', was stimulated by low O2 levels. It was about threefold faster in cells cultured and tested under 4% O2 as compared to cells cultured and tested under 13% O2, indicating the overall long-term effect. Glycolysis was about twofold faster in cells cultured and tested under 4% O2 as compared to cells cultured under 4% O2 but tested under 13% O2, demonstrating the short-term effect. Glycolysis was about 1.5-fold faster in cells cultured and tested under 4% O2 as compared to cells cultured under 13% O2 but tested under 4% O2, showing the intrinsic long-term effect. This difference was roughly parallel to the difference in levels of glucokinase and pyruvate kinase. Gluconeogenesis, as measured in 'glucagon cells', was stimulated by high O2 levels. Similar to glycolysis overall long-term, short-term and intrinsic long-term effects could be distinguished. The intrinsic long-term effects determined under 13% O2 corresponded to a 1.5-fold stimulation and paralleled the difference in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase levels. The present results show that physiological oxygen concentrations also modulate hepatic carbohydrate metabolism by long-term effects and that the O2 gradient over the liver parenchyma thus contributes to the metabolic differences between periportal and perivenous hepatocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

Approximately one-third of the U.S. population has nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition closely associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of liver injury. Dysregulated mitochondrial metabolism is central in these disorders, but the manner and degree of dysregulation are disputed. This study tested whether humans with NAFLD have abnormal in vivo hepatic mitochondrial metabolism. Subjects with low (3.0%) and high (17%) intrahepatic triglyceride (IHTG) were studied using (2)H and (13)C tracers to evaluate systemic lipolysis, hepatic glucose production, and mitochondrial pathways (TCA cycle, anaplerosis, and ketogenesis). Individuals with NAFLD had 50% higher rates of lipolysis and 30% higher rates of gluconeogenesis. There was a positive correlation between IHTG content and both mitochondrial oxidative and anaplerotic fluxes. These data indicate that mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is ~2-fold greater in those with NAFLD, providing a potential link between IHTG content, oxidative stress, and liver damage.  相似文献   

Glutamate is central to several transamination reactions that affect the production of ammonia, alanine, glutamine, as well as TCA cycle intermediates during exercise. To further study glutamate metabolism, we administered 150 mg/kg body wt of monosodium glutamate (MSG) and placebo to seven male subjects who then either rested or exercised (15-min cycling at approximately 85% maximal oxygen consumption). MSG ingestion resulted in elevated plasma glutamate, aspartate, and taurine, both at rest and during exercise (P < 0.05), whereas most other amino acids were unchanged. Neither plasma alanine nor ammonia was altered at rest. During exercise and after glutamate ingestion, alanine was increased (P < 0.05) and ammonia was attenuated (P < 0.05). Glutamine was also elevated after glutamate ingestion during rest and exercise trials. MSG administration also resulted in elevated insulin levels (P < 0.05), which were parallel to the trend in C-peptide levels. Thus MSG can successfully elevate plasma glutamate, both at rest and during exercise. The plasma amino acid responses suggest that increased glutamate availability during exercise alters its distribution in transamination reactions within active muscle, which results in elevated alanine and decreased ammonia levels.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in which the effects of inhibiting gluconeogenesis on ketone-body formation were examined in vivo in starved and severely streptozotocin-diabetic rats. The infusion of 3-mercaptopicolinate, an inhibitor of gluconeogenesis (DiTullio et al., 1974), caused decreases in blood [glucose] and increases in blood [lactate] and [pyruvate] in both normal and ketoacidotic rats. Patterns of liver gluconeogenic intermediates after 3-mercaptopicolinate infusion suggested inhibition at the level of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. This was confirmed by measurement of hepatic oxaloacetate concentrations which were increased 5-fold after 3-mercaptopicolinate administration. The infusion of 3-mercaptopicolinate caused a decrease in total ketone-body concentrations of 30% in starved rats and 73% in the diabetic animals. Blood glycerol and hepatic triglyceride concentrations remained unchanged. The decreases in ketone-body concentrations were associated with increases in the calculated hepatic cytosolic and mitochondrial [NADH]/[NAD+] ratios. The decrease in ketogenesis seen after inhibition of gluconeogenesis may have resulted from an inhibition of hepatic fatty acid oxidation by the more reduced mitochondrial redox state. It was concluded that gluconeogenesis may stimulate ketogenesis by as much as 30% in severe diabetic ketoacidosis.  相似文献   

The degree by which the rate of gluconeogenesis is underestimated when calculated from the transfer of 14C atoms from circulating precursors to plasma glucose was estimated from the ratio of the specific activity of plasma glucose and blood acetoacetate during the infusion of [2-14C]acetate in rats fasted for 3 days. The specific activity of blood acetoacetate was taken to be equal to that of its only precursor, the acetyl C atoms of hepatocellular AcCoA. These latter are assumed not to be available for the net synthesis of glucose and may be incorporated into the molecule by "metabolic exchange" in the hepatic oxalo-acetate pool only. By this approach 25% of the C atoms of plasma glucose have been estimated to arise from AcCoA. Multiplication by a correction factor H = 1.33 +/- 0.03 is being suggested to compensate for the metabolic exchange of 14C for 12C atoms when the rate of gluconeogenesis is calculated from the transfer of 14C atoms from labeled precursors to glucose.  相似文献   

1. Regulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis by fatty acid was studied in goat, calf and guinea pig hepatocytes. 2. Fatty acid effects on gluconeogenesis were dependent upon species; fatty acid and gluconeogenic substrate. 3. Oleate and octanoate inhibited gluconeogenesis from propionate in guinea pig hepatocytes and stimulated it in goat hepatocytes. 4. Oleate and octanoate markedly inhibited gluconeogenesis from lactate in guinea pig hepatocytes whereas octanoate, but not oleate, decreased glucose production from lactate in goat hepatocytes. 5. Effects of fatty acids on gluconeogenesis in calf hepatocytes were similar to goat hepatocytes suggesting control of gluconeogenesis is similar among ruminant species but differs from guinea pigs.  相似文献   

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