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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondrial fusion requires at least two outer membrane proteins, Fzo1p and Ugo1p. We provide direct evidence that the dynamin-related Mgm1 protein is also required for mitochondrial fusion. Like fzo1 and ugo1 mutants, cells disrupted for the MGM1 gene contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. Fragmentation of mitochondria in mgm1 mutants is rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. In zygotes formed by mating mgm1 mutants, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their contents. Introducing mutations in the GTPase domain of Mgm1p completely block mitochondrial fusion. Furthermore, we show that mgm1 mutants fail to fuse both their mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. Electron microscopy demonstrates that although mgm1 mutants display aberrant mitochondrial inner membrane cristae, mgm1 dnm1 double mutants restore normal inner membrane structures. However, mgm1 dnm1 mutants remain defective in mitochondrial fusion, indicating that mitochondrial fusion requires Mgm1p regardless of the morphology of mitochondria. Finally, we find that Mgm1p, Fzo1p, and Ugo1p physically interact in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Our results raise the possibility that Mgm1p regulates fusion of the mitochondrial outer membrane through its interactions with Fzo1p and Ugo1p.  相似文献   

A balance between fission and fusion events determines the morphology of mitochondria. In yeast, mitochondrial fission is regulated by the outer membrane-associated dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p. Mitochondrial fusion requires two integral outer membrane components, Fzo1p and Ugo1p. Interestingly, mutations in a second mitochondrial-associated dynamin-related GTPase, Mgm1p, produce similar phenotypes to fzo1 and ugo cells. Specifically, mutations in MGM1 cause mitochondrial fragmentation and a loss of mitochondrial DNA that are suppressed by abolishing DNM1-dependent fission. In contrast to fzo1ts mutants, blocking DNM1-dependent fission restores mitochondrial fusion in mgm1ts cells during mating. Here we show that blocking DNM1-dependent fission in Deltamgm1 cells fails to restore mitochondrial fusion during mating. To examine the role of Mgm1p in mitochondrial fusion, we looked for molecular interactions with known fusion components. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Mgm1p is associated with both Ugo1p and Fzo1p in mitochondria, and that Ugo1p and Fzo1p also are associated with each other. In addition, genetic analysis of specific mgm1 alleles indicates that Mgm1p's GTPase and GTPase effector domains are required for its ability to promote mitochondrial fusion and that Mgm1p self-interacts, suggesting that it functions in fusion as a self-assembling GTPase. Mgm1p's localization within mitochondria has been controversial. Using protease protection and immuno-EM, we have shown previously that Mgm1p localizes to the intermembrane space, associated with the inner membrane. To further test our conclusions, we have used a novel method using the tobacco etch virus protease and confirm that Mgm1p is present in the intermembrane space compartment in vivo. Taken together, these data suggest a model where Mgm1p functions in fusion to remodel the inner membrane and to connect the inner membrane to the outer membrane via its interactions with Ugo1p and Fzo1p, thereby helping to coordinate the behavior of the four mitochondrial membranes during fusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial outer- and inner-membrane fusion events are coupled in vivo but separable and mechanistically distinct in vitro, indicating that separate fusion machines exist in each membrane. Outer-membrane fusion requires trans interactions of the dynamin-related GTPase Fzo1, GTP hydrolysis, and an intact inner-membrane proton gradient. Inner-membrane fusion also requires GTP hydrolysis but distinctly requires an inner-membrane electrical potential. The protein machinery responsible for inner-membrane fusion is unknown. Here, we show that the conserved intermembrane-space dynamin-related GTPase Mgm1 is required to tether and fuse mitochondrial inner membranes. We observe an additional role of Mgm1 in inner-membrane dynamics, specifically in the maintenance of crista structures. We present evidence that trans Mgm1 interactions on opposing inner membranes function similarly to tether and fuse inner membranes as well as maintain crista structures and propose a model for how the mitochondrial dynamins function to facilitate fusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial morphology is controlled by large GTPases, such as Msp1p, whose action on mitochondrial membranes is not yet understood. The sub-mitochondrial localization of Msp1p, the subject of ongoing controversies, was found to be within the intermembrane space. Overexpression of Msp1p led to aggregation of the mitochondrial network, while its downregulation resulted in fragmentation of this network. Mutations affecting the integrity of the Msp1p GTPase function had a dominant phenotype and induced mitochondrial fragmentation followed by mitochondrial DNA loss and cell death. These effects were not observed in cells deleted for Dnm1p, an actor in mitochondrial fission, suggesting that Msp1p is involved in the fusion of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mgm1p is a conserved dynamin-related GTPase required for fusion, morphology, inheritance, and the genome maintenance of mitochondria in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mgm1p undergoes unconventional processing to produce two functional isoforms by alternative topogenesis. Alternative topogenesis involves bifurcate sorting in the inner membrane and intramembrane proteolysis by the rhomboid protease Pcp1p. Here, we identify Ups1p, a novel mitochondrial protein required for the unique processing of Mgm1p and for normal mitochondrial shape. Our results demonstrate that Ups1p regulates the sorting of Mgm1p in the inner membrane. Consistent with its function, Ups1p is peripherally associated with the inner membrane in the intermembrane space. Moreover, the human homologue of Ups1p, PRELI, can fully replace Ups1p in yeast cells. Together, our findings provide a conserved mechanism for the alternative topogenesis of Mgm1p and control of mitochondrial morphology.  相似文献   

Mgm1 is a member of the dynamin family of GTP-binding proteins. Mgm1 was first identified in yeast, where it affects mitochondrial morphology. The human homologue of Mgm1 is called OPA1. Mutations in the OPA1 gene are the prevailing cause of dominant optic atrophy, a hereditary disease in which progressive degeneration of the optic nerve can lead to blindness. Here we investigate the properties of the Mgm1/OPA1 protein in mammalian cells. We find that Mgm1/OPA1 is localized to the mitochondrial intermembrane space, where it is tightly bound to the outer surface of the inner membrane. Overexpression of wild type or mutant forms of the Mgm1/OPA1 protein cause mitochondria to fragment and, in some cases, cluster near the nucleus, whereas the loss of protein caused by small interfering RNA (siRNA) leads to dispersal of mitochondrial fragments throughout the cytosol. The cristae of these fragmented mitochondria are disorganized. At early time points after transfection with Mgm1/OPA1 siRNA, the mitochondria are not yet fragmented. Instead, the mitochondria swell and stretch, after which they form localized constrictions similar to the mitochondrial abnormalities observed during the early stages of apoptosis. These abnormalities might be the earliest effects of losing Mgm1/OPA1 protein.  相似文献   

Previous studies using in vitro cell culture systems have shown the role of the dynamin-related GTPase Opa1 in apoptosis prevention and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance. However, it remains to be tested whether these functions of Opa1 are physiologically important in vivo in mammals. Here, using the Cre-loxP system, we deleted mouse Opa1 in pancreatic beta cells, in which glucose-stimulated ATP production in mitochondria plays a key role in insulin secretion. Beta cells lacking Opa1 maintained normal copy numbers of mtDNA; however, the amount and activity of electron transport chain complex IV were significantly decreased, leading to impaired glucose-stimulated ATP production and insulin secretion. In addition, in Opa1-null beta cells, cell proliferation was impaired, whereas apoptosis was not promoted. Consequently, mice lacking Opa1 in beta cells develop hyperglycemia. The data suggest that the function of Opa1 in the maintenance of the electron transport chain is physiologically relevant in beta cells.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide associated-1 (NOA1) is an evolutionarily conserved guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding protein that localizes predominantly to mitochondria in mammalian cells. On the basis of bioinformatic analysis, we predicted its possible involvement in ribosomal biogenesis, although this had not been supported by any experimental evidence. Here we determine NOA1 function through generation of knockout mice and in vitro assays. NOA1-deficient mice exhibit midgestation lethality associated with a severe developmental defect of the embryo and trophoblast. Primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from NOA1 knockout embryos show deficient mitochondrial protein synthesis and a global defect of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Additionally, Noa1–/– cells are impaired in staurosporine-induced apoptosis. The analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits from Noa1–/– cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation and Western blotting showed anomalous sedimentation, consistent with a defect in mitochondrial ribosome assembly. Furthermore, in vitro experiments revealed that intrinsic NOA1 GTPase activity was stimulated by bacterial ribosomal constituents. Taken together, our data show that NOA1 is required for mitochondrial protein synthesis, likely due to its yet unidentified role in mitoribosomal biogenesis. Thus, NOA1 is required for such basal mitochondrial functions as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission is mediated by the dynamin-related GTPase, Dnm1p, which assembles on the mitochondrial outer membrane into punctate structures associated with sites of membrane constriction and fission. We have identified additional nuclear genes required for mitochondrial fission, termed MDV (for mitochondrial division). MDV1 encodes a predicted soluble protein, containing a coiled-coil motif and seven COOH-terminal WD repeats. Genetic and two-hybrid analyses indicate that Mdv1p interacts with Dnm1p to mediate mitochondrial fission. In addition, Mdv1p colocalizes with Dnm1p in fission-mediating punctate structures on the mitochondrial outer membrane. Whereas localization of Mdv1p to these structures requires Dnm1p, localization of Mdv1p to mitochondrial membranes does not. This indicates that Mdv1p possesses a Dnm1p-independent mitochondrial targeting signal. Dnm1p-independent targeting of Mdv1p to mitochondria requires MDV2. Our data indicate that MDV2 also functions separately to regulate the assembly of Dnm1p into punctate structures. In contrast, Mdv1p is not required for the assembly of Dnm1p, but Dnm1p-containing punctate structures lacking Mdv1p are not able to complete division. Our studies suggest that mitochondrial fission is a multi-step process in which Mdv2p regulates the assembly of Dnm1p into punctate structures and together with Mdv1p functions later during fission to facilitate Dnm1p-dependent mitochondrial membrane constriction and/or division.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fusion and fission play important roles for mitochondrial morphology and function. We identified Mdm30 as a novel component required for maintenance of fusion-competent mitochondria in yeast. The Mdm30 sequence contains an F-box motif that is commonly found in subunits of Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein ubiquitin ligases. A fraction of Mdm30 is associated with mitochondria. Cells lacking Mdm30 contain highly aggregated or fragmented mitochondria instead of the branched tubular network seen in wild-type cells. Deltamdm30 cells lose mitochondrial DNA at elevated temperature and fail to fuse mitochondria in zygotes at all temperatures. These defects are rescued by deletion of DNM1, a gene encoding a component of the mitochondrial division machinery. The protein level of Fzo1, a key component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery, is regulated by Mdm30. Elevated Fzo1 levels in cells lacking Mdm30 or in cells overexpressing Fzo1 from a heterologous promoter induce mitochondrial aggregation in a similar manner. Our results suggest that Mdm30 controls mitochondrial shape by regulating the steady-state level of Fzo1 and point to a connection of the ubiquitin/26S proteasome system and mitochondria.  相似文献   

The dynamin-related GTPase, Mgm1p, is critical for the fusion of the mitochondrial outer membrane, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), formation of normal inner membrane structures, and inheritance of mitochondria. Although there are two forms of Mgm1p, 100 and 90 kDa, their respective functions and the mechanism by which these two forms are produced are not clear. We previously isolated ugo2 mutants in a genetic screen to identify components involved in mitochondrial fusion [J. Cell Biol. 152 (2001) 1123]. In this paper, we show that ugo2 mutants are defective in PCP1, a gene encoding a rhomboid-related serine protease. Cells lacking Pcp1p are defective in the processing of Mgm1p and produce only the larger (100 kDa) form of Mgm1p. Similar to mgm1delta cells, pcp1delta cells contain partially fragmented mitochondria, instead of the long tubular branched mitochondria of wild-type cells. In addition, pcp1delta cells, like mgm1delta cells, lack mtDNA and therefore are unable to grow on nonfermentable medium. Mutations in the catalytic domain lead to complete loss of Pcp1p function. Similar to mgm1delta cells, the fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mtDNA of pcp1delta cells were rescued when mitochondrial division was blocked by inactivating Dnm1p, a dynamin-related GTPase. Surprisingly, in contrast to mgm1delta cells, which are completely defective in mitochondrial fusion, pcp1delta cells can fuse their mitochondria after yeast cell mating. Our study demonstrates that Pcp1p is required for the processing of Mgm1p and controls normal mitochondrial shape and mtDNA maintenance by producing the 90 kDa form of Mgm1p. However, the processing of Mgm1p is not strictly required for mitochondrial fusion, indicating that the 100 kDa form is sufficient to promote fusion.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(12):2045-2058.e9
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《The Journal of cell biology》1995,130(5):1017-1026
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, RNA1, encodes a protein with extensive homology to the mammalian Ran/TC4 GTPase activating protein. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, we have demonstrated that rna1-1 mutant cells are defective in nuclear import of several proteins. The same result is obtained when nuclear import is examined in living cells using a nuclear protein fused to the naturally green fluorescent protein. These findings suggest a role for the Rna1p in trafficking of proteins across the nuclear membrane. To investigate this role more directly, an in vitro import assay that monitors the import of a fluorescently labeled substrate into the nuclei of semi- intact yeast cells was used. Import to the nucleus requires the addition of exogenous cytosol. Results indicate that, in contrast to wild-type cytosols, extracts made from rna1-1 mutant cells are unable to support import of the fluorescently labeled substrate into competent nuclei. Immunoblotting demonstrates that these mutant-derived extracts are depleted of Rna1p. However, when purified Rna1p is added back to these extracts the import activity is restored in a dose-dependent manner. These results demonstrate that Rna1p plays a direct role in the import of proteins into the nucleus.  相似文献   

In yeast, mitochondrial fusion requires Ugo1p and two GTPases, Fzo1p and Mgm1p. Ugo1p is anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane with its N terminus facing the cytosol and C terminus in the intermembrane space. Fzo1p is also an outer membrane protein, whereas Mgm1p is located in the intermembrane space. Recent studies suggest that these three proteins form protein complexes that mediate mitochondrial fusion. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of Ugo1p directly interacts with Fzo1p, whereas its intermembrane space domain binds to Mgm1p. We identified the Ugo1p-binding site in Fzo1p and demonstrated that Ugo1p-Fzo1p interaction is essential for the formation of mitochondrial shape, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and fusion of mitochondria. Although the GTPase domains of Fzo1p and Mgm1p regulate mitochondrial fusion, they were not required for association with Ugo1p. Furthermore, we found that Ugo1p bridges the interaction between Fzo1p and Mgm1p in mitochondria. Our data indicate that distinct regions of Ugo1p bind directly to Fzo1p and Mgm1p and thereby link these two GTPases during mitochondrial fusion.  相似文献   

The Pat1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified during a screen for proteins that interact with topoisomerase II. Previously, we have shown that pat1Δ mutants exhibit a slow-growth phenotype and an elevated frequency of both mitotic and meiotic chromosome mis-segregation. Here, we have studied the effects of deleting the PAT1 gene on chromosomal stability, with particular reference to rates of homologous recombination within the rDNA locus. This locus was analyzed because rDNA-specific hyperrecombination is known to occur in conditional top2 mutants. We show that pat1Δ strains mimic top2 mutants in displaying an elevated rate of intrachromosomal excision recombination at the rDNA locus, but not elsewhere in the genome. The elevated rate of recombination is dependent upon Rad52p, but not upon Rad51p or Rad54p. However, pat1Δ strains display additional manifestations of more general genomic instability, in that they show mild sensitivity to UV light and an increased incidence of interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles.  相似文献   

We have identified EMS-induced mutations in Drosophila Miro (dMiro), an atypical mitochondrial GTPase that is orthologous to human Miro (hMiro). Mutant dmiro animals exhibit defects in locomotion and die prematurely. Mitochondria in dmiro mutant muscles and neurons are abnormally distributed. Instead of being transported into axons and dendrites, mitochondria accumulate in parallel rows in neuronal somata. Mutant neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) lack presynaptic mitochondria, but neurotransmitter release and acute Ca2+ buffering is only impaired during prolonged stimulation. Neuronal, but not muscular, expression of dMiro in dmiro mutants restored viability, transport of mitochondria to NMJs, the structure of synaptic boutons, the organization of presynaptic microtubules, and the size of postsynaptic muscles. In addition, gain of dMiro function causes an abnormal accumulation of mitochondria in distal synaptic boutons of NMJs. Together, our findings suggest that dMiro is required for controlling anterograde transport of mitochondria and their proper distribution within nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The Pat1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified during a screen for proteins that interact with topoisomerase II. Previously, we have shown that pat1Δ mutants exhibit a slow-growth phenotype and an elevated frequency of both mitotic and meiotic chromosome mis-segregation. Here, we have studied the effects of deleting the PAT1 gene on chromosomal stability, with particular reference to rates of homologous recombination within the rDNA locus. This locus was analyzed because rDNA-specific hyperrecombination is known to occur in conditional top2 mutants. We show that pat1Δ strains mimic top2 mutants in displaying an elevated rate of intrachromosomal excision recombination at the rDNA locus, but not elsewhere in the genome. The elevated rate of recombination is dependent upon Rad52p, but not upon Rad51p or Rad54p. However, pat1Δ strains display additional manifestations of more general genomic instability, in that they show mild sensitivity to UV light and an increased incidence of interchromosomal recombination between heteroalleles. Received: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

The structure of mitochondria is highly dynamic and depends on the balance of fusion and fission processes. Deletion of the mitochondrial dynamin-like protein Mgm1 in yeast leads to extensive fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mitochondrial DNA. Mgm1 and its human ortholog OPA1, associated with optic atrophy type I in humans, were proposed to be involved in fission or fusion of mitochondria or, alternatively, in remodeling of the mitochondrial inner membrane and cristae formation (Wong, E. D., Wagner, J. A., Gorsich, S. W., McCaffery, J. M., Shaw, J. M., and Nunnari, J. (2000) J. Cell Biol. 151, 341-352; Wong, E. D., Wagner, J. A., Scott, S. V., Okreglak, V., Holewinske, T. J., Cassidy-Stone, A., and Nunnari, J. (2003) J. Cell Biol. 160, 303-311; Sesaki, H., Southard, S. M., Yaffe, M. P., and Jensen, R. E. (2003) Mol. Biol. Cell, in press). Mgm1 and its orthologs exist in two forms of different lengths. To obtain new insights into their biogenesis and function, we have characterized these isoforms. The large isoform (l-Mgm1) contains an N-terminal putative transmembrane segment that is absent in the short isoform (s-Mgm1). The large isoform is an integral inner membrane protein facing the intermembrane space. Furthermore, the conversion of l-Mgm1 into s-Mgm1 was found to be dependent on Pcp1 (Mdm37/YGR101w) a recently identified component essential for wild type mitochondrial morphology. Pcp1 is a homolog of Rhomboid, a serine protease known to be involved in intercellular signaling in Drosophila melanogaster, suggesting a function of Pcp1 in the proteolytic maturation process of Mgm1. Expression of s-Mgm1 can partially complement the Deltapcp1 phenotype. Expression of both isoforms but not of either isoform alone was able to partially complement the Deltamgm1 phenotype. Therefore, processing of l-Mgm1 by Pcp1 and the presence of both isoforms of Mgm1 appear crucial for wild type mitochondrial morphology and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

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