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We analysed the genetic structure of 33 populations of the root vole (tundra vole, Microtus oeconomus, Pallas, 1776) inhabiting their typical habitats, located at different distances from the southern boundary of the species’ range (52°14′–53°56′ N) in eastern Poland. We determined its phylogeographic pattern as well as the possible occurrence of a small, local high‐latitude refugium of this species in southern Poland, previously suggested in palaeontological studies. 908 bp of cytochrome b sequences were analysed from 439 root voles, and 21 mtDNA cytb haplotypes belonging to the Central European (CE) phylogroup were found. Haplotype diversity in the examined populations varied between 0 and 0.872 (mean: 0.425 ± 0.332), while nucleotide diversity ranged between 0 and 0.62% (mean: 0.235% ± 0.217). Within the CE phylogroup of M. oeconomus, we identified with high bootstrap support a newly separated group of M. oeconomus that evolved from CE, denoted CE‐PL S. This group is located in the southern and central part of eastern Poland and most likely diverged from phylogroup CE in a small, cryptic refugium situated in southern Poland, in the Kraków‐Cz?stochowa Upland and/or the Holy Cross Mountains during the LGM and Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

Previous studies using mitochondrial markers and microsatellites revealed a new highly differentiated Atlantic lineage of brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula mainly confined to the Upper Duero Basin. Data suggest that Duero lineage (DU) hybridizes with previously described Atlantic (AT) lineages in that basin. However, nuclear and cytogenetic data suggest another hybrid zone between divergent lineages might be present in the Miño Basin, another Atlantic drainage located to the north. Here, we extend those studies by analyzing the mitochondrial haplotype variability of brown trout populations from northwestern Spain, a poorly studied area, to obtain an accurate picture of the distribution of DU. Results show that the DU haplotype is fixed in several isolated populations from the upper course of the Miño River and its main tributary the Sil River. DU haplotype co-occurs with two related AT haplotypes in the Miño Basin revealing a new secondary contact zone. The identification of both longtime stable populations of DU and several other populations showing introgression with widespread AT lineages will be useful for the management and conservation of such an endemic lineage.  相似文献   

Pinus is the largest genus of conifers, containing over 100 species and is also the most widespread genus in the Northern Hemisphere. Pinus monticola and P. strobus are two closely related and economically important species in Canada. Morphological and allometric characteristics have been used to assess genetic variation within these two species but these markers are not reliable due to ecological variations. The purpose of the present study was to determine the level of genetic diversity within and among Canadian populations from the two species using molecular markers and to identify and characterize genome-specific inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. The level of genetic variation among populations was much lower for P. monticola than P. strobus. For both species, the among population variation values were smaller than within population variation. The populations from P. monticola were more closely genetically related than populations from P. strobus based on ISSR and RAPD analyses. Six ISSR and four RAPD markers specific to either P. monticola or P. strobus were cloned and sequenced. Primer pairs flanking these specific sequences were designed and genome specific SCAR markers for P. monticola and P. strobus were developed and characterized.  相似文献   

Systematics and taxonomy of hares of the genus Lepus (Lagomorpha) are under contentious debate, and phylogenetic relationships among many taxa are not well understood. Here we study genetic differentiation and evolutionary relationships among North African hares, currently considered subspecies of Lepus capensis , cape hares ( L. capensis ) from the Cape province in South Africa, and brown hares ( L. europeaus ) from Europe and Anatolia, using maternally (mtDNA) and biparentally (allozymes) inherited markers. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of a c. 1.8 kb long segment of the mitochondrial control region using eight hexanucleotide-recognizing restriction endonucleases yielded 28 haplotypes, and horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins encoded by 25 structural gene loci revealed 52 alleles at 18 polymorphic loci. Diverse phylogenetic analyses (neighbor joining dendrogram, median joining network, multidimensional scaling of pairwise distances, AMOVA, F -statistics, hierarchical F -statistics) of genetic variants revealed marked substructuring of mtDNA into three phylogeographic groups, namely an African, a central European, and an Anatolian, but a somewhat less pronounced overall differentiation of the nuclear genome, despite a relatively high number of population-specific (private) alleles. However, all our results are not incongruent with Petter's (1959: Mammalia 23 , 41; 1961: Z. f. Säugetierkunde 26 , 30; 1972 : Société Des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 52 , 122) hypothesis that North African hares generally belong to L. capensis and that brown hares should be included in this species as well.  相似文献   

Lineage zones within nine contemporaneous mammalian lineages represented in the Cenozoic fossil vertebrate record from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area in northern Australia are used to resolve a series of faunal intervals from the Late Oligocene to Late Miocene. The results agree with previous interpretations of Cenozoic biostratigraphy, provide evidence for the presence of time horizons subdividing some of the four previously recognized Riversleigh biochrons A–D and also provide evidence supporting the allocation of a greater number of Riversleigh faunas to intervals within the Riversleigh biochronology than other methods in previous work. This approach demonstrates the biostratigraphical potential of evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

Hominin dispersal and human colonization have been hallmark concepts in the last two decades of palaeanthropological research, 1 - 7 even though the terminology in these approaches is loosely defined (Box 1). The number, frequency, and routes of dispersal have been analyzed on a global scale, 8 beginning with the earliest movement of hominins between Africa and Asia, and back again. 9 Investigating dispersals has provided a much‐needed dynamic to account for recent human origins in Africa 10 and the replacement elsewhere of older regional hominin populations that include the Neanderthals. 11 In the last twenty years, phylogeographies based on a wealth of molecular studies have added enormously to our understanding of global population history from the Paleolithic to the Vikings 12 and has, in particular, revitalized the study of farming dispersals. 13 As a result, Quaternary hominins and humans have been on the move as never before. However, not all of these movements are considered within an evolutionary framework. Interest has focused instead on using dispersals to support the claims for either a Neolithic or human revolution as the turning point in human prehistory. Here, I explore an alternative by considering the implications of the major shift that occurred in Paleolithic technology from instruments to containers. 14 I argue that this development can be explained by the selective pressure from population dispersal for novel forms of cultural display that enhanced information exchange among adaptive generalists and which allowed the stretching of social relationships in space and time. 15 The British Paleolithic record provides a case study.  相似文献   

Congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi may occur in some or all the gestations from a T. cruzi-infected mother. Variable rates of congenital transmission have been reported in different geographical areas where different parasitic strains predominate, suggesting that parasitic genotypes might play a role in the risk of congenital transmission. Moreover, in cases of transmission it is unknown if the whole maternal T. cruzi population or certain clones are preferentially transmitted by the transplacental route. In this study, bloodstream T. cruzi lineages were identified in blood samples from congenitally infected children, transmitting and non-transmitting mothers and unrelated Chagas disease patients, using improved PCR strategies targeted to nuclear genomic markers. T. cruzi IId was the prevalent genotype among 36/38 PCR-positive congenitally infected infants, 5/5 mothers who transmitted congenital Chagas disease, 12/13 mothers who delivered non-infected children and 28/34 unrelated Chagas disease patients, all coming from endemic localities of Argentina and Bolivia. These figures indicate no association between a particular genotype and vertical transmission. Furthermore, minicircle signatures from the maternal and infants' bloodstream trypanosomes were profiled by restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 330-bp PCR-amplified variable regions in seven cases of mothers and congenitally infected infants. Minicircle signatures were nearly identical between each mother and her infant/s and unique to each mother-infant/s case, a feature that was also observed in twin deliveries. Moreover, allelic size polymorphism analysis of microsatellite loci from populations transmitted to twins showed that all clones from the maternal polyclonal population were equally infective to both siblings.  相似文献   

Mussels of the genus Mytilus have two types of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The M type is transmitted paternally and the F type is transmitted maternally. RFLP analysis is used to assess phylogenetic relationships and nucleotide diversity and divergence for both mtDNA genomes in European populations of M. edulis and Atlantic and Mediterranean forms of M. galloprovincialis. Ten restriction endonucleases were used to assay variation in regions of the ND2 and COIII genes for a total of 77 individuals. F and M genomes show a concordant phylogenetic split into two major divergent clades, one specific to Mediterranean M. galloprovincialis and the other containing haplotypes from the three taxa. For both genomes, the geographical distribution of mtDNA variation suggests: (i) extensive levels of mtDNA introgression; (ii) asymmetric mtDNA gene flow from Atlantic to Mediterranean populations; and (iii) recurrent historical hybridization events. Significantly higher mtDNA diversity and divergence are observed for the M than F genome in all three Mytilus taxa, although the evolutionary forces responsible for these differences cannot be resolved. The extensive mtDNA gene flow between European Mytilus taxa conflicts with the restricted mtDNA introgression observed in American mussels , implying geographical variation in the nature of nuclear/mtDNA interactions regulating biparental inheritance.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization is a widespread evolutionary phenomenon which may lead to increased allelic variation at selective neutral loci and to transfer of fitness‐related traits to introgressed lineages. We inferred the population genetic structure of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Poland from mitochondrial (CR and cyt b) and sex‐linked markers (ZFX, SRY, DBY4 and DBY8). Analyses of CR mtDNA sequences from 452 individuals indicated widespread introgression of Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) mtDNA in the European roe deer genome, 2000 km from the current distribution range of C. pygargus. Introgressed individuals constituted 16.6% of the deer studied. Nearly 75% of them possessed haplotypes belonging to the group which arose 23 kyr ago and have not been detected within the natural range of Siberian roe deer, indicating that majority of present introgression has ancient origin. Unlike the mtDNA results, sex‐specific markers did not show signs of introgression. Species distribution modelling analyses suggested that C. pygargus could have extended its range as far west as Central Europe after last glacial maximum. The main hybridization event was probably associated with range expansion of the most abundant European roe deer lineage from western refugia and took place in Central Europe after the Younger Dryas (10.8–10.0 ka BP). Initially, introgressed mtDNA variants could have spread out on the wave of expansion through the mechanism of gene surfing, reaching high frequencies in European roe deer populations and leading to observed asymmetrical gene flow. Human‐mediated introductions of C. pygargus had minimal effect on the extent of mtDNA introgression.  相似文献   

Analysis of 12 polymorphic simple sequence repeats identified in the genome sequence of Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of 'sudden oak death', revealed genotypic diversity to be significantly higher in nurseries (91% of total) than in forests (18% of total). Our analysis identified only two closely related genotypes in US forests, while the genetic structure of populations from European nurseries was of intermediate complexity, including multiple, closely related genotypes. Multilocus analysis determined populations in US forests reproduce clonally and are likely descendants of a single introduced individual. The 151 isolates analysed clustered in three clades. US forest and European nursery isolates clustered into two distinct clades, while one isolate from a US nursery belonged to a third novel clade. The combined microsatellite, sequencing and morphological analyses suggest the three clades represent distinct evolutionary lineages. All three clades were identified in some US nurseries, emphasizing the role of commercial plant trade in the movement of this pathogen.  相似文献   

The results of the first detailed screening of a resistance to Bremia lactucae in naturally growing populations of Lactuca saligna are presented here. In total, 146 accessions from 25 populations of L. saligna originating in Israel (N = 136), France (N = 8), Jordan (N = 1) and Turkey (N = 1) were tested at seedling stage for their resistance to 10 highly virulent isolates (races) of B. lactucae from Lactuca sativa (DEG2, Bl:5, Bl:15, Bl:16, Bl:17, Bl:18, Bl:21, Bl:22, Bl:24 and Bl:25). Our study strongly supports the suggestion that L. saligna is indeed generally highly resistant to B. lactucae. However, our results provide evidence that at least at a seedling stage L. saligna may not be a non‐host plant for B. lactucae, as was hypothesised for approximately the last 30 years. Some accessions expressed a differential (i.e. race‐specific) response, which accords with other recently published data for this Lactuca species. Furthermore, some geographical differences in race‐specific resistance were observed, too. Tests performed at an adult‐plant stage, however, did not prove race‐specificity of the respective accessions. To summarise, what is behind the race‐specific character of the responses observed at a seedling stage is still uncertain, as is its comparability with the race‐specific resistance of some other Lactuca species such as L. sativa or L. serriola. The presence of plant stage‐dependent resistance, governed by a combined effect of different quantitative trait loci in young and adult plants of L. saligna, is discussed.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure is determined both by current processes and historical events. Current processes include gene flow, which is largely influenced by the migration capacity of a species. Historical events are, for example, glaciation periods, which have had a major impact on the distribution of many species. Species with a low capacity or tendency to move about or disperse often exhibit clear spatial genetic structures, whereas mobile species mostly show less spatial genetic differentiation. In this paper we report on the genetic structure of a small, wingless arthropod species (Orchesella cincta: Collembola) in Europe. For this purpose we used mtDNA COII sequences and AFLP markers. We show that large genetic differences exist between populations of O. cincta, as expected from O. cincta's winglessness and sedentary lifestyle. Despite the fact that most variability was observed within populations (59%), a highly significant amount of AFLP variation (25%) was observed between populations from northwestern Europe, central Europe and Italy. This suggests that gene flow among regions is extremely low, which is additionally supported by the lack of shared mtDNA alleles between regions. Based on the genetic variation and sequence differences observed we conclude that the subdivision occurred long before the last glaciation periods. Although the populations still interbreed in the lab, we assume that in the long term the genetic isolation of these regions may lead to speciation processes.  相似文献   

Itoh M  Woodruff RC  Leone MA  Boussy IA 《Genetica》1999,106(3):231-245
As part of our effort to monitor changes in the clinal pattern of P element-associated traits in eastern Australian Drosophila melanogaster, we investigated the genomic P elements of 293 isofemale lines collected in the period 1991–1994 from 45 localities. P elements were present in many copies in all genomes examined, with full-size P and KP element size classes accounting for the large majority. SR elements were not present in at least 92% of the lines tested. South of about 26° south Latitude (°SLat), the ratio of KP to full-size P elements (KP/P ratio) increased, correlating weakly with the P-M phenotypes of the populations, from moderately P populations (26–29°SLat) to M populations (37–38°SLat) North of 26°SLat, in weak P populations, the KP/P ratio was higher than between 26 and 29°Slat. The KP/P ratio appears to be higher in the northern populations than it was when previous studies were done. Overall, a high KP/P ratio among lines correlated roughly with a lack of P activity, but it also correlated with reduced repressor function. In a sample of 30 lines, a maternal effect of repressor function did not show a pattern with latitude, nor with KP/P ratio, nor with presence or absence of P activity. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Here, we present a study of the population genetic architecture and microevolution of the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) at the environmental margins in the Middle East using mitochondrial sequences and nuclear microsatellites. In contrast to the rather homogenous population structure typical of cave‐dwelling bats in climax tropical ecosystems, a relatively pronounced isolation by distance and population diversification was observed. The evolution of this pattern could be ascribed to the complicated demographic history at higher latitudes related to the range margin fragmentation and complex geomorphology of the studied area. Lineages from East Africa and Arabia show divergent positions. Within the northwestern unit, the most marked pattern of the microsatellite data set is connected with insularity, as demonstrated by the separate status of populations from Saharan oases and Cyprus. These demes also exhibit a reduction in genetic variability, which is presumably connected with founder effects, drift and other potential factors related to island evolution as site‐specific selection. Genetic clustering indicates a semipermeability of the desert barriers in the Sahara and Arabian Peninsula and a corridor role of the Nile Valley. The results emphasize the role of the island environment in restricting the gene flow in megabats, which is also corroborated by biogeographic patterns within the family, and suggests the possibility of nascent island speciation on Cyprus. Demographic analyses suggest that the colonization of the region was connected to the spread of agricultural plants; therefore, the peripatric processes described above might be because of or strengthened by anthropogenic changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Over the past 500 years, the Bahamas has been influenced by a wide array of settlers, some of whom have left marked genetic imprints throughout the archipelago. To assess the extent of each group's genetic contributions, high-resolution Y-chromosome analyses were performed, for the first time, to delineate the patriarchal ancestry of six islands in the Northwest (Abaco and Grand Bahama) and Central (Eleuthera, Exuma, Long Island, and New Providence) Bahamas and their genetic relationships with previously published reference populations. Our results reveal genetic signals emanating primarily from African and European sources, with the predominantly sub-Saharan African and Western European haplogroups E1b1a-M2 and R1b1b1-M269, respectively, accounting for greater than 75% of all Bahamian patrilineages. Surprisingly, we observe notable discrepancies among the six Bahamian populations in their distribution of these lineages, with E1b1a-M2 predominating Y-chromosomes in the collections from Abaco, Exuma, Eleuthera, Grand Bahama, and New Providence, whereas R1b1b1-M269 is found at elevated levels in the Long Island population. Substantial Y-STR haplotype variation within sub-haplogroups E1b1a7a-U174 and E1b1ba8-U175 (greater than any continental African collection) is also noted, possibly indicating genetic influences from a variety of West and Central African groups. Furthermore, differential European genetic contributions in each island (with the exception of Exuma) reflect settlement patterns of the British Loyalists subsequent to the American Revolution.  相似文献   

Investigating macro-geographical genetic structures of animal populations is crucial to reconstruct population histories and to identify significant units for conservation. This approach may also provide information about the intraspecific flexibility of social systems. We investigated the history and current structure of a large number of populations in the communally breeding Bechstein's bat ( Myotis bechsteinii ). Our aim was to understand which factors shape the species' social system over a large ecological and geographical range. Using sequence data from one coding and one noncoding mitochondrial DNA region, we identified the Balkan Peninsula as the main and probably only glacial refugium of the species in Europe. Sequence data also suggest the presence of a cryptic taxon in the Caucasus and Anatolia. In a second step, we used seven autosomal and two mitochondrial microsatellite loci to compare population structures inside and outside of the Balkan glacial refugium. Central European and Balkan populations both were more strongly differentiated for mitochondrial DNA than for nuclear DNA, had higher genetic diversities and lower levels of relatedness at swarming (mating) sites than in maternity (breeding) colonies, and showed more differentiation between colonies than between swarming sites. All these suggest that populations are shaped by strong female philopatry, male dispersal, and outbreeding throughout their European range. We conclude that Bechstein's bats have a stable social system that is independent from the postglacial history and location of the populations. Our findings have implications for the understanding of the benefits of sociality in female Bechstein's bats and for the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Flower and fruit specimens of 184 individuals were sampled to investigate patterns of intraspecific variation and to evaluate recognition of taxa within the Acer tschonoskii complex using morphometric analysis. Previous taxonomic treatments have considered A. tschonoskii var. rubripes (=  A. komarovii ) and A. tschonoskii var. tschonoskii to be separate species. The morphological discontinuity between these two taxa was evident in peduncle and pedicel length, and in number of flowers. In addition, the delimitations of some species within sect. Macrantha were clarified using these diagnostic characters. In view of the geographical distribution of the A. tschonoskii complex, which includes many taxa of sect. Macrantha from China to Japan through Korea, the long raceme with many flowers ( A. sikkimense ) and unlobed leaf are considered more primitive than the short raceme with a small number of flowers and five-lobed leaf ( A. maximowiczii and A. komarovii ). However, many intermediate taxa were present. This study also suggests that several Chinese taxa, such as A. metcalfii, A. taronense, A. hookeri and A. grosseri , may be subject to different taxonomic interpretation and should be reinvestigated morphologically.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 143 , 29−42.  相似文献   

We sequenced the control region of the mitochondrial DNA from a sample of six European blue tit populations to investigate the phylogeography of Parus species. Along a transect from Barcelona, Spain to Oulu, Finland, the blue tit showed a different phylogeographic structure than the great tit and the willow tit. The southernmost sample from Barcelona consisted of two widely divergent maternal lineages (nucleotide divergence, π = 0.30%), a situation also found earlier in the French Alps. The more northern populations had a relatively uniform structure (π = 0.19%) with distinctive marks of a growing population, thus resembling the great tit populations (π = 0.19%). The amount of genetic variation among blue tits is lower than in the willow tit (π = 0.53%). This probably reflects a smaller long-term effective population size in the great tit and the blue tit than in the willow tit. The different genetic structure of the Barcelona population vs. the rest had an influence on the estimated population parameters, which are calculated based on the assumptions of genetic equilibrium of the populations.  相似文献   

Variation in intensity and targets of sexual selection on multiple traits has been suggested to play a major role in promoting phenotypic differentiation between populations, although the divergence in selection may depend on year, local conditions or age. In this study, we quantified sexual selection for two putative sexual signals across two Central and East European barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica) populations from Czech Republic and Romania over multiple years. We then related these differences in selection to variation in sexual characters among barn swallow populations. Our results show that tail length and ventral coloration vary between populations, sexes, and age classes (first‐time breeders vs. experienced birds). We found that selection on tail length was stronger in first‐time breeders than in experienced birds and in males than in females in the Romanian population, while these differences between age groups and sexes were weak in Czech birds. We suggest that the populational difference in selection on tail length might be related to the differences in breeding conditions. Our results show that ventral coloration is darker (i.e., has lower brightness) in the Romanian than in the Czech population, and in experienced birds and males compared with first‐time breeders and females, respectively. The sexual difference in ventral coloration may suggest sexual selection on this trait, which is supported by the significant directional selection of ventral coloration in first‐time breeding males on laying date. However, after controlling for the confounding effect of wing length and tarsus length, the partial directional selection gradient on this trait turned nonsignificant, suggesting that the advantage of dark ventral coloration in early breeding birds is determined by the correlated traits of body size. These findings show that ventral coloration may be advantageous over the breeding season, but the underlying mechanism of this relationship is not clarified.  相似文献   

We examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup and haplotype diversity in 188 individuals from three Chibchan (Kogi, Arsario, and Ijka) populations and one Arawak (Wayuú) group from northeast Colombia to determine the biological relationship between lower Central American and northern South American Chibchan speakers. mtDNA haplogroups were obtained for all individuals and mtDNA HVS-I sequence data were obtained for 110 samples. Resulting sequence data were compared to 16 other Caribbean, South, and Central American populations using diversity measures, neutrality test statistics, sudden and spatial mismatch models, intermatch distributions, phylogenetic networks, and a multidimensional scaling plot. Our results demonstrate the existence of a shared maternal genetic structure between Central American Chibchan, Mayan populations and northern South American Chibchan-speakers. Additionally, these results suggest an expansion of Chibchan-speakers into South America associated with a shift in subsistence strategies because of changing ecological conditions that occurred in the region between 10,000-14,000 years before present.  相似文献   

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