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PDC-109 is the major protein of bovine seminal plasma. It binds to the bovine sperm surface at ejaculation and modulates sperm capacitation. PDC-109 displays phosphorylcholine- and heparin-binding activities which are thought to account for its sperm surface coating and glycosaminoglycan-induced sperm capacitating activities, respectively. We have characterized the interaction of isolated PDC-109 with membranes of phospholipid vesicles using a biophysical approach. Our results show that PDC-109 interacts not only with the solvent-exposed phosphorylcholine head group but also with the hydrophobic core of liposomes. Binding of PDC-109 to membranes is a very rapid, biphasic process with half times of less than one second. Maximal binding of PDC-109 to small unilamellar vesicles was achieved with a stoichiometric ratio of 10–11 phosphatidylcholine molecules/PDC-109 molecule. Incorporation of phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylserine into phosphatidylcholine vesicles reduced the binding of PDC-109, suggesting that both the density of phosphorylcholine groups and the surface charge determine the interaction of the seminal plasma protein with the surface of the membrane. Electron spin resonance measurements showed that binding of PDC-109 to phosphatidylcholine vesicles caused a rigidification of the membrane. The relevance of the data for describing the role of PDC-109 in the modulation of sperm capacitation is discussed. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

The FN-2 family of seminal plasma proteins represents the major protein fraction of bovine seminal plasma. These proteins also constitute the major seminal plasma proteins fraction in horse, goat and bison seminal plasma and are present in pig, rat, mouse, hamster and human seminal plasma. BSP-A1 and BSP-A2, the predominant proteins of the FN-2 family, are collectively termed as PDC-109. Fn-2 proteins play an important role in fertilization, including sperm capacitation and formation of oviductal sperm reservoirs. Significantly, BSP proteins were also shown to have negative effects in the context of sperm storage. No conclusive evidence for the presence of buffalo seminal plasma protein(s) similar to PDC-109 exists. Studies with buffalo seminal plasma indicated that isolation and identification of PDC-109-like protein(s) from buffalo seminal plasma by conventional methods might be difficult. Thus, antibodies raised against PDC-109 isolated, and purified from cattle seminal plasma, were used for investigating the presence of PDC-109-like protein(s) in buffalo seminal plasma. Buffalo seminal plasma proteins were resolved on SDS-PAGE, blotted to nitro cellulose membranes and probed for the presence of PDC-109-like protein(s) using the PDC-109 antisera raised in rabbits. A distinct immunoreactive band well below the 20-kDa regions indicated the presence of PDC-109-like protein(s) in buffalo seminal plasma.  相似文献   

PDC-109 is a 13 kDa glycoprotein and the major phosphorylcholine- and heparin-binding protein of bull seminal plasma. It is built by an acidic 23-residue N-terminal sequence followed by a tandem of fibronectin type II domains. Full-length PDC-109 was crystallized in complex with o-phosphorylcholine by vapor diffusion in sitting drops. Crystals grew to maximal size of 0.5 × 0.3 × 0.2 mm3, diffract x-rays beyond 2.6 Å resolution, and belong to space group P321 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 93.6 Å, c = 52.7 Å. Proteins 28:454–456, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

These studies showed that the fractionation of bovine seminal plasma based on lectin agarose affinity chromatography, employing lectins specific to asparagine linked oligosaccharides, and a lectin specific for fucosylated glycans, lead to products with an inhibitory effect on the acrosine-like protease activity. This effect decreases when glycocompounds containing fucosylated Lewisx structures are removed, suggesting that these compounds might have some role in the modulation of this activity in the bull. In the fraction devoid of high mannose, hybrid and non-bisecting lactosaminic oligosaccharide-containing glycocompounds, PDC-109 and aSFP proteins were detected and characterized at microscale.  相似文献   

PDC-109 (13 kDa) is the most abundant component, and the major heparin-binding protein, of bovine (Bos taurus) seminal plasma. Here, we show that PDC-109 contains a single O-linked oligosaccharide (NeuNAc(2–6)-Galβ(1–3)-GalNAc-) attached to Thr11. Immunoquantitation of PDC-109 indicates that its concentration in seminal plasma is 15–20 mg/ml. Though PDC-109 is not present on epididymal sperm, ejaculated spermatozoa on average are coated with (9.5 ± 0.3) × 106 molecules of PDC-109/cell. This value remained constant in swim-up sperm and decreased to (7.7 ± 0.4) × 106/spermatozoon after incubation for 24 h in capacitation medium at 39°C. These data substantiate the hypothesis that PDC-109 may be one of the seminal plasma components that enhance the fertilizing capacity of bull spermatozoa upon interaction with heparin-like glycosaminoglycans present in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

Bovine seminal plasma (BSP) contains a family of phospholipid-binding proteins. The affinity of the protein BSP-A1/-A2 for lipid membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and POPC containing 30% (mol/mol) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) or cholesterol, has been investigated by the isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This study confirms the association of these proteins to lipid bilayers, and provides a direct characterization of this exothermic process, at 37 °C. The measurements indicate that the protein affinity for lipid bilayers is modulated by the lipid composition, the lipid/protein ratio, and the temperature. The saturation lipid/protein ratio was increased in the presence of cholesterol and, to a lesser extent, of phosphatidylethanolamine, suggesting that it is modulated by the lipid acyl chain order. For all the investigated systems, the binding of BSP-A1/-A2 could not be modeled using a simple partitioning of the proteins between the aqueous and lipid phases. The existence of "binding sites", and lipid phase separations is discussed. The decrease of temperature, from 37 to 10 °C, converts the exothermic association of the proteins to the POPC bilayers to an endothermic process. A complementary 1-D and 2-D infrared spectroscopy study excludes the thermal denaturation of BSP-A1/-A2 as a contributor in the temperature dependence of the protein affinity for lipid bilayers. The reported findings suggest that changes in the affinity of BSP-A1/-A2 for lipid bilayers could be involved in modulating the association of these proteins to sperm membranes as a function of space and time; this would consequently modulate the extent of lipid extraction, including cholesterol, at a given place and given time.  相似文献   

The bovine seminal plasma protein PDC-109 exerts an essential influence on the sperm cell plasma membrane during capacitation. However, by any mechanism, it has to be ensured that this function of the protein on sperm cells is not initiated too early, that is, upon ejaculation when PDC-109 and sperm cells come into first contact, but rather at later stages of sperm genesis in the female genital tract. To answer the question of whether changes of the bovine sperm lipid composition can modulate the effect of PDC-109 on sperm membranes, we have investigated the influence of PDC-109 on the integrity of (i) differently composed lipid vesicles and of (ii) membranes from human red blood cells and bovine spermatozoa. PDC-109 most effectively disturbed lipid membranes composed of choline-containing phospholipids and in the absence of cholesterol. The impact of the protein on lipid vesicles was attenuated in the presence of cholesterol or of noncholine-containing phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine or phosphatidylserine. An extraction of cholesterol from lipid or biological membranes using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin caused an increased membrane perturbation by PDC-109. Our results argue for a oppositional effect of PDC-109 during sperm cell genesis. We hypothesize that the lipid composition of ejaculated bull sperm cells allows a binding of PDC-109 without leading to an impairment of the plasma membrane. At later stages of sperm cell genesis upon release of cholesterol from sperm membranes, PDC-109 triggers a destabilization of the cells.  相似文献   

Anbazhagan V  Swamy MJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(13):2933-2938
PDC-109 binds to sperm plasma membranes by specific interaction with choline phospholipids and induces cholesterol efflux, a necessary event before capacitation - and subsequent fertilization - can occur. The binding of phosphorylcholine (PrC) and lysophosphatidylcholine (Lyso-PC) with PDC-109 was investigated by monitoring the ligand-induced changes in the absorption spectrum of PDC-109. At 20 degrees C, the association constants (K(a)), for PrC and Lyso-PC were obtained as 81.4M(-1) and 2.02 x 10(4) M(-1), respectively, indicating that the binding of Lyso-PC to PDC-109 is 250-fold stronger than that of PrC. From the temperature dependence of the K(a) values, enthalpy of binding (DeltaH(0)) and entropy of binding (DeltaS(0)), were obtained as -79.7 and -237.1 J mol(-1)K(-1) for PrC and -73.0 kJ mol(-1) and -167.3 J mol(-1)K(-1) for Lyso-PC, respectively. These results demonstrate that although the binding of these two ligands is driven by enthalpic forces, smaller negative entropy of binding associated with Lyso-PC results in its significantly stronger binding.  相似文献   

Abstract A pair of relA + and relA E. coli strains, otherwise isogenic, were studied with regard to the susceptibility of starved cells to lysis induced by the natural peptide seminalplasmin. Starved relA cells were more sensitive to seminalplasmin-induced lysis when compared to starved relA + cells. Nevertheless, pronounced lysis of starved relA + cells was observed with increase in the concentration of seminalplasmin. In conctrast, ampicillin could not lyse starved relA + cells even at very high concentrations. Further, seminalplasmin could cause loss of viability and degradation of peptidoglycan in starved relA + cells. These observations suggest that, unlike many other antibiotics, seminalplasmin can induce autolysis under the conditions of a stringent response.  相似文献   

PDC-109, the major protein of bovine seminal plasma, binds to sperm plasma membranes upon ejaculation and plays a crucial role in the subsequent events leading to fertilization. The binding process is mediated primarily by the specific interaction of PDC-109 with choline-containing phospholipids. In the present study the kinetics and mechanism of the interaction of PDC-109 with phospholipid membranes were investigated by the surface plasmon resonance technique. Binding of PDC-109 to different phospholipid membranes containing 20% cholesterol (wt/wt) indicated that binding occurs by a single-step mechanism. The association rate constant (k(1)) for the binding of PDC-109 to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) membranes containing cholesterol was estimated to be 5.7 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) at 20 degrees C, while the values of k(1) estimated at the same temperature for the binding to membranes of negatively charged phospholipids such as dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA) containing 20% cholesterol (wt/wt) were at least three orders of magnitude lower. The dissociation rate constant (k(-1)) for the DMPC/PDC-109 system was found to be 2.7 x 10(-2) s(-1) whereas the k(-1) values obtained with DMPG and DMPA was about three to four times higher. From the kinetic data, the association constant for the binding of PDC-109 to DMPC was estimated as 2.1 x 10(7) M(-1). The association constants for different phospholipids investigated decrease in the order: DMPC > DMPG > DMPA > DMPE. Thus the higher affinity of PDC-109 for choline phospholipids is reflected in a faster association rate constant and a slower dissociation rate constant for DMPC as compared to the other phospholipids. Binding of PDC-109 to dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine, which are also zwitterionic, was found to be very weak, clearly indicating that the charge on the lipid headgroup is not the determining factor for the binding. Analysis of the activation parameters indicates that the interaction of PDC-109 with DMPC membranes is favored by a strong entropic contribution, whereas negative entropic contribution is primarily responsible for the rather weak interaction of this protein with DMPA and DMPG.  相似文献   

The two major protein components of bovine seminal plasma, PDC-109 and BSP I, have been purified by gel filtration, partition chromatography and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography from an 86% ethanol precipitate of bovine seminal plasma ejaculate. The complete 109-residue amino acid sequence of PDC-109 has been established by automated Edman degradation of the intact peptide as well as its proteolytic digestion and cyanogen bromide cleavage fragments. The 12,774 dalton structure has two structurally similar domains of 38 and 41 amino acids, each containing two disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

PDC-109 is the main component of bovine seminal plasma and has been suggested to play an important role in the genesis of bovine sperm cells. Here, the effect of binding of PDC-109 to membranes on the structure and physical properties of the lipid phase was investigated. For that, ESR measurements were undertaken on model membranes (lipid vesicles) and on biological membranes (epididymal spermatozoa) by employing various spin-labeled phospholipids. We found that PDC-109 alters the membrane structure of lipid vesicles as well as of bovine epididymal spermatozoa in that the mobility of spin-labeled phospholipids was reduced in the presence of the protein. This immobilizing effect of the protein was not restricted to analogues of phosphatidylcholine but was also detected with spin-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine. However, the extent of immobilization was lower for phosphatidylethanolamine compared with phosphatidylcholine, supporting the lipid headgroup specificity of the protein. Besides phospholipid headgroups, the physical state of membrane lipids is also important for the interaction of PDC-109 with membranes, in that, e.g., the immobilizing effect of the protein on labeled lipids was larger in membranes above the phase transition temperature compared with the effect below this temperature. The results are of relevance for understanding the physiological role of PDC-109 in the genesis of sperm cells.  相似文献   

The interaction of the major bovine seminal plasma protein PDC-109 with cholesterol was studied by employing spin-labelled analogues. It could be shown that PDC-109 does not interact directly with cholesterol molecules. However, in the presence of phospholipids we found a strong reduction of cholesterol motion by PDC-109. The fraction of immobilized cholesterol was largest for phosphorylcholine-containing lipids. This is consistent with the preferential interaction between PDC-109 and phosphatidylcholine. It is concluded that a stronger association and interaction of PDC-109 with phosphatidylcholine leads to an enhanced fraction of immobilized cholesterol analogues, but not to a phospholipid-dependent specific interaction between the protein and cholesterol. Moreover, the interaction of PDC-109 with various spin-labelled analogues of phosphatidylcholine (lysoPC, diacylPC) was investigated. In membranes of lipid vesicles the protein caused an immobilization of the phosphatidylcholine analogues mainly in the outer membrane leaflet, with no differences between diacylPC and lysoPC. The results are of relevance for understanding the physiological role of PDC-109 in the genesis of sperm cells.  相似文献   

Kelly VC  Kuy S  Palmer DJ  Xu Z  Davis SR  Cooper GJ 《Proteomics》2006,6(21):5826-5833
Previous investigations of bovine seminal plasma (BSP) have revealed the identities of the three major proteins, BSP-PDC109, BSP-A3 and BSP-30 kDa, which together constitute about half of the total protein, as well as about 30 of the minor proteins. Analyses of BSP by 2-DE have revealed about 250 protein spots, suggesting that much of the BSP proteome remains undescribed. In this study, BSP has been analyzed by 2-D LC-based and SDS-PAGE-based proteomic methods. Ninety-nine proteins were identified, including 49 minor proteins that have not previously been described in seminal plasma of any species.  相似文献   

PDC-109, the major heparin-binding protein of bull seminal plasma, binds specifically to sperm choline lipids at ejaculation and mediates capacitation by stimulating cholesterol and phospholipid efflux. We carried out a biophysical study to investigate the membrane perturbation effect caused by PDC-109. Binding of PDC-109 to phosphatidylcholine model membranes was maximal at a 12:1 phosphatidylcholine to protein molar ratio. The process was independent of the membrane structure and involved a slight conformational change of the protein, compatible with an increased exposure to the solvent. PDC-109 binding to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine prevented lipid molecules from participating in the gel-to-liquid phase transition, due to enhancement of both acyl chain disorder and interfacial hydration. Visualization of the lipid-protein complexes by electron microscopy showed surface irregularities and the presence of 10-nm particles. Permeability assays confirmed the PDC-109-induced disruption of the vesicles. This effect was not modified by heparin. However, presence of cholesterol inhibited the process in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The major protein of bovine seminal plasma, PDC-109 binds to choline phospholipids present on the sperm plasma membrane upon ejaculation and plays a crucial role in the subsequent events leading to fertilization. PDC-109 also shares significant similarities with small heat shock proteins and exhibits chaperone-like activity (CLA). Although the polydisperse nature of this protein has been shown to be important for its CLA, knowledge of other factors responsible for such an activity is scarce. Since surface exposure of hydrophobic residues is known to be an important factor which modulates the CLA of chaperone proteins, in the present study we have probed the surface hydrophobicity of PDC-109 using bisANS and ANS. Further, effect of phospholipids on the structure and chaperone-like activity of PDC-109 was studied. Presence of DMPC was found to increase the CLA of PDC-109 significantly, which could be due to the considerable exposure of hydrophobic regions on the lipid-protein recombinants, which can interact productively with the nonnative structures of target proteins, resulting in their protection. However, inclusion of DMPG instead of DMPC did not significantly alter the CLA of PDC-109, which could be due to the lower specificity of PDC-109 for DMPG as compared to DMPC. Cholesterol incorporation into DMPC membranes led to a decrease in the CLA of PDC-109-lipid recombinants, which could be attributed to reduced accessibility of hydrophobic surfaces to the substrate protein(s). These results underscore the relevance of phospholipid binding and hydrophobicity to the chaperone-like activity of PDC-109.  相似文献   

The major proteins of bovine seminal plasma, BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30kDa (collectively named BSP proteins) bind to phospholipids containing the phosphorylcholine moiety. An affinity purification method using a p-aminophenyl phosphorylcholine-Agarose (PPC-Agarose) affinity matrix was developed for their purification. In this study, we investigated the distribution of BSP-like analogues in seminal fluid of the human, porcine, hamster, mouse, and rat using this affinity matrix. Alcohol precipitates of the seminal plasma/seminal vesicle secretions (SP/SVS) were further delipidated using isopropyl ether:n-butanol (60:40). The protein preparations obtained were solubilized in a minimal volume of buffer A (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 0.02% NaN3), dialyzed against the same buffer, and applied to a PPC-Agarose column connected to a FPLC system. The unbound material was washed out and the adsorbed proteins eluted with buffer A containing 10 mM phosphorylcholine (PrC) and 10 M urea. The fractions were separated by SDS-PAGE, stained or transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane, and probed with rabbit polyclonal anti-BSP antibodies. Anti-BSP cross-reacting proteins were detected in the seminal fluids of all the species investigated. Moreover, many of these proteins bound to the affinity matrix. The BSP proteins and their immunoreacting analogues appear to be ubiquitous in mammals and may possibly be involved in a common function such as in the modification of the lipid content of the sperm plasma membrane. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PDC-109, the major heparin-binding protein of bull seminal plasma, binds to sperm choline lipids at ejaculation and modulates capacitation mediated by heparin. Affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose showed that polydisperse, but not monomeric, PDC-109 displayed heparin-binding capability. We sought to characterise the surface topology of the quaternary structure-dependent heparin-binding region of PDC-109 by comparing the arginine- and lysine-selective chemical modification patterns of the free and the heparin-bound protein. A combination of reversed-phase peptide mapping of endoproteinase Lys-C-digested PDC-109 derivatives and mass spectrometry was employed to identify modified and heparin-protected residues. PDC-109 contains two tandemly arranged fibronectin type II domains (a, Cys24-Cys61; b, Cys69-Cys109). The results show that six basic residues (Lys34, Arg57, Lys59, Arg64, Lys68, and Arg104) were shielded from reaction with acetic anhydride and 1,2-cyclohexanedione in heparin-bound PDC-109 oligomers. In the 1H-NMR solution structures of single fibronectin type II domains, residues topologically equivalent to PDC-109 Arg57 (Arg104) and Lys59 lay around beta-strand D on the same face of the domain. In full-length PDC-109, Arg64 and Lys68 are both located in the intervening polypeptide between domains a and b. Our data suggest possible quaternary structure arrangements of PDC-109 molecules to form a heparin-binding oligomer.  相似文献   

The bull seminal plasma peptides α andβ have been examined for their biological properties. While both the peptides were able to inhibit the human chorionic gonadotropin-dependent uterine response in the mouse, α alone exhibits the property of suppressing post-castrational rise in gonadotropin in appropriate animal models. This suggests that the peptideβ must be acting directly on the ovary to suppress estrogen production and, consequently, the uterine weight increase. Such a possibility was confirmed when α andβ were examined by the coupled bioassay which is capable of discriminating between pituitary feedback factors and those acting directly on the gonad. In a test system designed to examine chronic effects, both α andβ showed evidence of acting directly on the ovary to inhibit human menopausal gonadotropin-induced estrogen production. Such a direct action could not be correlated with the relative potencies of these peptides when examined for their follicle stimulating hormone-receptor binding inhibitor and lutinizing hormone-receptor binding inhibitor activities.  相似文献   

A single type-II domain has been isolated by limited proteolysis of the collagen-binding bovine seminal fluid protein, PDC-109. The 45-residue fragment corresponding to the second type-II domain of the parent molecule was found to have retained affinity for immobilized collagen, indicating that this minidomain carries critical regions of the collagen-binding site. Studies on various fragments of fibronectin have also implicated the two type-II units of this molecule in collagen-binding. In the present work we have found that type-II domains of human fibronectin, expressed in Escherichia coli as beta-galactosidase fusion proteins, bind specifically to immobilized collagen.  相似文献   

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