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Nelson Ramírez 《Flora》2005,200(1):30-48
Sexual system, temporal variation in sex expression, and herkogamy were evaluated in 210 plant species in the Venezuelan Central Plain (VCP). This analysis was conducted considering the life forms, habitats, flowering time, pollination systems, and dispersal syndromes of the plant species. Hermaphrodite species dominated the community (75.2%; N=158), followed by monoecious taxa (17.1%; N=36), and then dioecious (7.6; N=16). Most species were adichogamous (=homogamous) (75.2%; N=155), followed by protandrous (16.5%; N=34), and protogynous (8.3%; N=17). The frequency of herkogamous species was higher (N=124; 60.2%) than the non-herkogamous (N=82; 39.8%). The three reproductive traits interacted significantly in a way that complements their effectiveness in promoting cross-pollination and avoidance of pollen–stigma interference: hermaphrodite-adichogamous species occurred in similar frequency to herkogamous and non-herkogamous species; monoecious-adichogamous species were mostly herkogamous, and all hermaphrodite, functionally dioecious-adichogamous, species were herkogamous. Sexual system, herkogamy, and dichogamy are associated with habitats in the savanna-forest mosaic of the VCP. The proportion of dioecious species decreased from trees to annual herbs and from forest to disturbed areas. Dichogamous species were most frequent for herbaceous plants, and non-herkogamous species dominated in annual herbs. The frequency of herkogamous species decreased from forest to disturbed areas. Sexual system was significantly associated with pollination system. Most dioecious and monoecious species had generalist pollination. A three-factor log linear analysis indicated that for any combination significantly. Sexual systems and herkogamy were associated with the respective seed dispersal syndrome. Most dioecious and herkogamous species were dispersed by frugivores, while monoecious plants tended to be dispersed by granivores and wind. Flowering time of dioecious species peaked during the dry–rainy transition period, whereas that of monoecious species was greatest during the rainy season. Therefore, specific biotic and abiotic conditions may enforce the occurrence of unisexuality in the community. In a similar way, dichogamous species tend to flower during the rainy season, associated with herbaceous life form and wind pollination. These results are discussed in the context of evolutionary and ecological trends.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different large herbivore species and stocking rates in savanna ecosystems of Zimbabwe on the richness and abundances of woody plant functional groups and woody plant functional attributes. Seven fence-lines with different herbivore species and stocking rates on either side of the fence were sampled. Plots were placed on both sides of each fence at each of 18 randomly selected positions. The size and species of each woody plant was recorded for each plot. It was found that the number of species with different functional attributes of spinescence, leaf longevity, fruit type and dispersal mechanism and in the functional groups of palatability were not different on the different sides of the fence. However, there were differences in plant abundances for 26 out of the 35 tests carried out on plant abundances with different functional attributes and functional groups. It was hypothesised that the time needed to change woody plant species richness is hundreds of years in these systems, whereas the time needed to change woody plant abundances is decades.  相似文献   

Loss of biodiversity poses one of the greatest threats to natural ecosystems throughout the world. However, a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of species losses from upper trophic levels is still emerging. Here we compare the impacts of large mammalian herbivore species loss on grassland plant community structure and composition in a South African and North American grassland. Herbaceous plant communities were surveyed at sites without large mammalian herbivores present and at sites with a single species of herbivore present in both locations, and additionally at one site in South Africa with multiple herbivore species. At both the North American and South African locations, plant communities on sites with a single herbivore species were more diverse and species rich than on sites with no herbivores. At the multi-herbivore site in South Africa, plant diversity and richness were comparable to that of the single herbivore site early in the growing season and to the no herbivore site late in the growing season. Analyses of plant community composition, however, indicated strong differences between the multi-herbivore site and the single and no herbivore sites, which were more similar to each other. In moderate to high-productivity ecosystems with one or a few species of large herbivores, loss of herbivores can cause a significant decrease in plant diversity and richness, and can have pronounced impacts on grassland plant community composition. In ecosystems with higher herbivore richness, species loss may also significantly alter plant community structure and composition, although standard metrics of community structure may obscure these differences.  相似文献   

Plant sexual systems were evaluated in a tropical shrubland community of Venezuelan Guayana. Of 89 plant species, 73.0% were hermaphrodite, 12.4% monoecious, 10.1 % submonoecious, and 4.5 % dioecious. Temporal variation of sexual expression showed that hermaphrodite species were mostly adichogamous and monoecious, submonoecious species dichogamous (protandrous andprotogynous). Herkogamy was an important mechanism promoting cross-pollination. Of 38 hermaphrodite species, 39.5 % were herkogamous. Plant sexual systems were not associated with life form. Most species were pollinated mostly by large and medium-size bees. Pollinator specificity and pollen load transportation, were higher for monoecious species than for hermaphrodite, submonoecious and dioecious ones. Both pollinator specificity and pollen transportation were not significantly different among representatives of the latter three sexual systems. Plant sexual systems were significantly associated with dispersal syndromes; dioecious species had bird-dispersal syndromes, the other sexual systems mostly anemochory, epizoochory and endozoochory; but many hermaphrodites were anemochorous.  相似文献   

Nelson Ramirez 《Flora》2010,205(4):229-241
Classes of pollination agents and pollination system specificities were evaluated according to the vegetation structure in the Venezuelan Central Plain. Two main questions were examined: (i) Do the frequencies of pollination categories estimated at plant species level differ from those estimated considering plant abundance? and (ii) Does plant abundance differ according to categories of pollination in the context of each vegetation attribute? The frequencies of classes of pollination agents and systems of pollination specificity were estimated at plant species and plant abundance level for the community, habitats, life-forms, strata, horizontal disposition, and season. Besides, plant abundance of each category of pollination agent classes and systems of pollination specificity were statistically compared. Most of the comparisons between the frequency of plant species and plant abundance were non-significant (58.3%). The multivariate classifications of life-forms and habitats according to pollination agent classes using plant species and plant abundance separately are very similar. In both analyses, perennial herbs come out as a separate group, which is associated with a comparable frequency distribution of pollination agent classes. The frequency distributions of polyphilous, oligophilous, and monophilous species were statistically higher for plant abundance than for plant species in the disturbed area and in the lowest stratum (D), which is primarily associated with the relation between life-forms and vegetation strata. The average values of abundance for wind-pollinated plants were found to be larger than those for other categories of pollination systems specificity and pollination agent classes, respectively, in the forest–savanna transition and overall community. All anemephilous species have clumped distribution and plant abundance was higher in this case than what was found with the other categories of pollination specificity with clumped distribution. Estimates of pollination agent classes at plant species level proved to be a practical method to estimate pollination frequency, mainly for those studies related to the floristic composition of the community. The large values of abundance for wind-pollinated species are in concordance with the savanna–forest mosaic vegetation growing in the Venezuelan Central Plain, but are in contrast with the comparatively low percentage of wind-pollinated species recorded.  相似文献   

Termites through mound construction and foraging activities contribute significantly to carbon and nutrient fluxes in nutrient-poor savannas. Despite this recognition, studies on the influence of termite mounds on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in sub-tropical savannas are limited. In this regard, we examined soil nutrient concentrations, organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization in incubation experiments in mounds of Macrotermes falciger and surrounding soils of sub-tropical savanna, northeast Zimbabwe. We also addressed whether termite mounds altered the plant community and if effects were similar across functional groups i.e. grasses, forbs or woody plants. Mound soils had significantly higher silt and clay content, pH and concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), organic carbon (C), ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3) than surrounding soils, with marginal differences in phosphorus (P) and sodium (Na) between mounds and matrix soils. Nutrient enrichment increased by a factor ranging from 1.5 for C, 4.9 for Mg up to 10.3 for Ca. Although C mineralization, nitrification and nitrification fraction were similar between mounds and matrix soils, nitrogen mineralization was elevated on mounds relative to surrounding matrix soils. As a result, termite mounds supported unique plant communities rich and abundant in woody species but less diverse in grasses and forbs than the surrounding savanna matrix in response to mound-induced shifts in soil parameters specifically increased clay content, drainage and water availability, nutrient status and base cation (mainly Ca, Mg and Na) concentration. In conclusion, by altering soil properties such as texture, moisture content and nutrient status, termite mounds can alter the structure and composition of sub-tropical savanna plant communities, and these results are consistent with findings in other savanna systems suggesting that increase in soil clay content, nutrient status and associated changes in the plant community assemblage may be a general property of mound building termites.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the pollination success of Disa uniflora (Orchidaceae) in two habitats. Plants occurring in a rocky gorge were far more successful than plants occurring in an adjacent open valley. More than 55% of flowers in the gorge were pollinated and set fruit compared with less than 25% of flowers in the valley. These differences are explained by the preference of Meneris tulbaghia (Satyridae), the exclusive pollinator of the orchid, for rocky, sheltered habitats. Fruit set of hand-pollinated flowers did not differ significantly between the two habitats, indicating that resources did not account for the variation in fruiting success.  相似文献   

For any conservation strategy to be effective, it must be preceded by knowledge of how diversity is configured within the area of interest. Here, data from 40 savanna-grassland sites were used to examine how plant biodiversity and species composition varied across spatial scales at the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR), south India. Grasslands surveyed contained 278 plant species, and were characterized by high spatial variability in species association patterns. Fourteen distinct community assemblages were identified, organized primarily along an elevation gradient in the reserve. Overall, grasslands at KMTR were characterized by the dominance of a few, widespread species. The bulk of species richness, however, resulted from subordinate species with fairly restricted distributions. At low elevations, grasslands had high species richness and species composition differed greatly between sites. Mid-elevation grasslands contained about half the number of species present at low elevations, but sites were more similar in species composition. Richness of high-elevation grasslands was a third of that found at low elevations, but different sites harbored unique sets of species. Herbivore use of grasslands varied between communities and showed patterns that coincided with elevation. Herbivore use of low-elevation communities was high albeit variable, of mid-elevation sites was consistently low, and increased at higher elevations. Tall grass communities were the least utilized by herbivores at all elevations. Most species surveyed were rare and restricted in their distribution suggesting that conservation efforts must, perforce, encompass the entire reserve. However, differences in the structuring of diversity across elevations, and in herbivore use of grasslands, suggest that conservation efforts can be partitioned differentially across locations, specifically targeting low and high elevation grasslands in the reserve.  相似文献   

The savannas (cerrado) of south-central Brazil are currently subjected to frequent anthropogenic burning, causing widespread reduction in tree density. Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 could reduce the impact of such frequent burning by increasing the availability of nonstructural carbohydrate, which is necessary for resprouting. We tested the hypotheses that elevated CO2 stimulates resprouting and accelerates replenishment of carbohydrate reserves. Using a factorial experiment, seedlings of a common Brazilian savanna tree, Keilmeyera coriacea, were grown at 350 ppm and 700 ppm CO2 and at two nutrient levels. To simulate burning, the plants were either clipped at 15 weeks or were left unclipped. Among unclipped plants, CO2 and nutrients both stimulated growth, with no significant interaction between nutrient and CO2 effects. Among clipped plants, both CO2 and nutrients stimulated resprouting. However, there was a strong interaction between CO2 and nutrient effects, with CO2 having a significant effect only in the presence of high nutrient availability. Under elevated CO2, carbohydrate reserves remained at higher levels following clipping. Root total nonstructural carbohydrate remained above 36% in all treatments, so carbohydrate reserves did not limit regrowth. These results indicate that under elevated CO2 this species may be better able to endure the high frequency of anthropogenic burning in the Brazilian savannas. Received: 19 May 1999 / Accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

Levels of specialization of the pollination systems were evaluated in 155 plant species from the Venezuelan Central Plain. In all, 29 pollination systems were found, resulting from various combinations of nine pollen‐vector types or pollinating agent classes. The number of pollen‐vector types composing a pollination system ranged from one to five. Ninety‐one species were pollinated by only a single pollen‐vector type; the frequency of pollination systems fell monotonically with increasing number of constituent pollen‐vector types. Some 30–40 per cent of bee‐, moth‐, beetle‐ and bat‐pollinated species were pollinated by that group of vectors alone. The highest incidence of co‐occurrence between pollen‐vector types was found for the combinations fly–wasp, butterfly–wasp, butterfly–fly, and to a lesser extent bird–butterfly, bat–bird, bat–moth and butterfly–moth. The average number of pollen‐vector types per plant species was significantly higher for trees and shrubs than for lianas and perennial herbs. The distribution of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily was significantly associated with life form and habitat. The relative frequencies of these types varied least through the year in the forest‐savannah ecotone and in the vegetation as a whole, reflecting the combination of life forms. There were significantly fewer night‐pollinated than day‐pollinated species. Day‐pollinated species tended to be polyphilous, and most of the night‐pollinated species were monophilous or oligophilous. Time of pollination activity was related to habitat. The relative importance of night pollination among life forms decreased from trees to perennial herbs. Plant species exclusively pollinated during the night reached a peak during the rainy season (May to November) for trees, lianas and perennial herbs. The data as a whole show that the relative frequency of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily, and the time of pollination activity are influenced by community structure and plant species richness, and may change from season to season. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 145 , 1–16.  相似文献   

The Cerrado is considered one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots in the world by conservation organizations. There are few studies on bat taxonomic groups for this biome. Herein we present a bat survey employing mist nets in the protected area of a private natural heritage reserve Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Pousada das Araras, located in the west-central Brazil. We investigate the hypothesis that the Cerrado habitat complexity plays a role on the different structuring forces in bat ecological communities. Bats represent a diversity of trophic levels, and they occupy a wide range of available Cerrado habitats and microhabitats. The patterns and processes we discuss represent the factors influencing coexisting species of bats in different habitats and their implications for conservation. We captured 758 individuals of 25 species belonging to four families. Phyllostomidae was the dominant family, represented by 20 species (80%). The average recapture rate was 6.2%, and the species with most proportional recapture was A. caudifer. Greater species richness was observed among bats with predominantly insectivore habits, followed by frugivores. Glossophaga soricina was a dominant species, with about 30% of the captures. There was seasonal variation relating to the number of bats captured, with greater bat frequency occurring during the wet season, although some species occurred at higher rates during the dry season, such as C. perspicillata and S. lilium. Sanguivore bats were abundant, reflecting the availability of shelters and food supply (livestock) in the surrounding area. Compared to other surveyed areas, Pousada das Araras may be considered of high species diversity, supplanting the majority of known Cerrado studied areas. Apparently Cerrado favours the occurrence of insectivore species, with emphasis on the foliage-gleaning insectivores belong to the subfamily Phyllostominae. This study indicates that apparently the conservation of the Cerrado savanna fragments can support a considerable diversity of bat species.  相似文献   

L. E. O. Braack 《Oecologia》1987,72(3):402-409
Summary Carcasses are temporary resources which are unbredictable and inconsistent in their availability and locality. A recognisable community of interacting user arthrocods comprising sarcophages, coprophages, dermatophages, keratophages, detritivores, predators and parasites has evolved to exploit the carcass habitat. The large number of arthropods, close confinement, and limited duration of resources necessitates aggressive utilisation. The trophic relations, competition and successionary pattern of these arthropods is discussed. Several pathways to reduce competitive conflict are described. Succession at carcasses is viewed as being inherently different from the traditional concept as the habitat is non-replenishing and does not lead to a climax community.  相似文献   

The neotropical Gran Sabana region of Venezuela is dominated by apparently anomalous vegetation types, treeless savannas and savanna-forest mosaics, considering the present-day warm and wet bioclimatic conditions. Past climatic changes and fire have been proposed as the more probable causes. Recent palynological studies show that savanna vegetation has been present since the beginning of the Holocene, but the earliest fires recorded so far only go back to 3,800 cal years b.p. This paper uses pollen and charcoal analyses to show the existence of early Holocene regional fires in the Gran Sabana, and to show the intimate connection between the proxies for fire (charcoal) and savanna vegetation (pollen) throughout the Holocene. Although the cause of such fires is not yet known, the possibility of early Holocene human occupation of the Gran Sabana is suggested.  相似文献   

R. S. Singh 《Plant Ecology》1993,106(1):63-71
Burning increased the mean annual canopy and belowground biomass of a dry tropical savanna by 40% and 12%, respectively, while littermass was reduced by 85% in comparison to control savanna. Mean annual aboveground and belowground net primary production were 471 and 631 g m-2 in control, and 584 and 688 g m-2 in burned savanna, respectively. Fire caused an increase in mean aboveground net production of 24% and in belowground net production of 9%.Concentration of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in vegetation of unburned plots ranged between 34.01–38.59%, 0.85–1.53% and 0.04–0.11% and in soil from 0.95–1%, 0.011–0.13% and 0.017–0.02%, respectively. Fire increased the mean concentrations of N and P by 16% and 42% in vegetation and 18.18% and 17.65% in soil, respectively. Thus winter fire can be an important tool for the management of dry tropical savanna with respect to biomass production and nutritive quality.  相似文献   

Lopes LE  Buzato S 《Oecologia》2007,154(2):305-314
Few studies of plant–pollinator interactions in fragmented landscapes evaluate the consequences of floral visitor variation on multiple stages of plant reproduction. Given that fragmentation potentially has positive or negative effects on different organisms, and that self-incompatible plant species depend on pollinators for sexual reproduction, differences in floral visitor assemblages may affect certain plant reproductive stages. We evaluated how pollinator assemblage, availability of floral resources, pollination, reproductive output, and seed and seedling performance of Psychotria suterella Muell. Arg. varied among three fragmentation categories: non-fragmented habitats, fragments connected by corridors, and isolated fragments. Richness and frequency of floral visitors were greater in fragments than in non-fragmented sites, resulting mainly from the addition of species typically found in disturbed areas. Although 24 species visited Psychotria suterella flowers, bumblebees were considered the most important pollinators, because they showed the highest frequency of visits and were present in eight out of ten sites. Additionally, the number of pollen tubes per flower per visit was lower in areas without bumblebees. The increased visitation in fragments seemed to enhance pollination slightly. However, fruit and seed output, germination, and seed and seedling mass were similar in non-fragmented sites, connected sites, and isolated fragments. Our results suggested that, even for a self-incompatible species, responses to habitat fragmentation at different stages of plant reproduction might be decoupled from the responses observed in floral visitors, if fruit set is not pollen limited. If all reproductive stages were considered, variation on the small scale was more important than the variation explained by fragmentation category. In spite of its self-incompatible breeding system, this plant–pollinator system showed resilience to habitat fragmentation, mainly as a result of high availability of potential mates to P. suterella individuals, absence of pollen limitation, and the presence of bumblebees (Bombus spp.) throughout this highly connected landscape.  相似文献   

Tropical dry evergreen forests (TDEF) are a unique forest type found along the east coast of India. They mostly occur as small, isolated fragments of varying sizes (0.5 to ≈10 ha) and are considered as endangered forests types in peninsular India. Although plant diversity is well documented in these forests, there is a paucity of ecological studies vital for conservation and for planning restoration activities. We studied reproductive biology of 13 woody species: four trees, six shrubs, and three lianas in fragments of TDEF in southern India. The phenology of reproduction, floral biology, anthesis and sexual system of each species were recorded. The pollination mode was assessed through observations of the visitation frequency of pollinators and from the floral characters. The breeding system was determined by hand-augmented self- and cross-pollination experiments. The plants flowered during the dry season from January to July. Plants of nine species had both flowers and fruits at the same time. Twelve species were hermaphrodites and one was polygamo-dioecious. Flowers of 11 species opened at dawn and two at dusk. Four species were self-incompatible and six were self-compatible. Natural fruit set ranged from 10% to 56%, self-incompatible species having low fruit set. Cross-pollen augmentation increased fruit set, suggesting presence of outcrossing in all species. The majority of plants species (85%) had a generalized pollination system, receiving visits from diverse insects, such as social bees, solitary bees, wasps, moths and flies. However, only few of them were functionally important for the species. Two species namely: Capparis brevispina and C. zeylanica had butterflies and birds, respectively, as their main pollinators. Our data reveal that there is a predominance of outcrossing in plant species and a generalized pollination system in these forests. We suggest that restoration of TDEFs is crucial as habitats, not only for wild plants but also for pollinating insects.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in Vindhyan region, to assess the N-mineralization, nitrification and size of viable community of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria as affected by different sites and seasons. Six different ecosystems (four forests and two savannas), which differ in terms of topography, vegetation and moisture status, were selected for the present study. The soils of the study sites differ significantly in its physico-chemical properties. The savanna site had significantly higher pH (7.2), bulk density (1.37 g cm(-3)) and silt content (67.80%) but lower water holding capacity (1.37%), total-C (16,356 microg g(-1) dry soil), N (1090 microg g(-1) dry soil) and P (213 microg g(-1) dry soil) than forest sites. The soil moisture content, N-mineralization, nitrification rates and numbers of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were highest in the wet season and lowest in dry season, while the size of mineral-N (NH4(+)-N and NO3(-)-N) showed a reverse trend at the sites. The N-mineralization, nitrification and nitrifier population size differ significantly across the site and season. The numbers of free-living cells of ammonium- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were significantly related to each other and to N-mineralization, nitrification, soil moisture and mineral-N components. The N-mineralization, nitrification and the viable number of nitrifying cells were consistently higher for forest soils compared to savanna sites. It was concluded that soil microbial process (N-mineralization and nitrification) and nitrifier population size were dependent on site topography, vegetation cover and soil moisture status.  相似文献   

The floral biology, reproductive system, and visitation behavior of pollinators of four species of columnar cacti, Stenocereus griseus, Pilosocereus moritzianus, Subpilocereus repandus, and Subpilocereus horrispinus, were studied in two arid zones in the north of Venezuela. Our results support the hypothesis that Venezuelan species of columnar cacti have evolved toward specialization on bat pollination. Additional information on the floral biology of a fifth species, Pilosocereus lanuginosus, was also included. All species showed the typical traits that characterize the pollination syndrome of chiropterophily. All species but Pilosocereus moritzianus were obligate outcrossers. Nectar and pollen were restricted to nocturnal floral visitors. Two species of nectar-feeding bats, Leptonycteris curasoae Miller and Glossophaga longirostris Miller, were responsible for practically all the fruit set in these cacti. Frequency of bat visitation per flower per night was highly variable within and between species of cactus, with average frequencies varying between 27 and 78 visits/flower/night. In general terms, the pattern of floral visitation through the night was significantly correlated with the pattern of nectar production and nectar sugar concentration for all species of cactus. Under natural pollination, fruit:flower ratios varied from 0.46 in Subpilocereus repandus to 0.76 in Stenocereus griseus. The efficiency of bat pollination in terms of seed:ovule ratio was high in all species, varying between 0.70 and 0.94.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the composition of the potential honeyeater pollinator community, patterns of honeyeater visitation, pollination and the mating system in a range of population fragments for the bird-pollinated mixed mating system shrub Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. Specifically, we aimed to answer the following questions. For smaller and more isolated population fragments are honeyeater species lost from the pollinator community, patterns of visitation different, levels of pollination lower and rates of selfing, biparental inbreeding and correlated paternity higher. The composition of the honeyeater community was similar across population fragments and there was no relationship between the abundance of birds and population fragment size. Honeyeaters were most commonly observed visiting numerous inflorescences within single plants in all populations, but as population fragments became larger movements between plants were more commonly observed. Our observations of honeyeater visitation were generally consistent with our measurements of pollination and patterns in the mating system across population fragments. We found no significant relationship between population fragment size and levels of pollination. Mating system studies showed outcrossing rates (t m) comparable to those found in other bird-pollinated Myrtaceae, and ranged from 0.54 to 0.90 across populations. Outcrossing rates were not significantly correlated with log population size, but correlations of outcrossed paternity indicate a clear trend from low correlated paternity in larger populations to significantly higher correlated paternities in smaller populations. As a consequence mating in small populations will occur between much smaller groups of plants, and this may affect population fitness in subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Lianas (woody vines) contribute substantially to the diversity and structure of most tropical forests, yet little is known about the importance of habitat specialization in maintaining tropical liana diversity and the causes of variation among forests in liana abundance and species composition. We examined habitat associations, species diversity, species composition, and community structure of lianas at Sepilok Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia in northeastern Borneo among three soil types that give rise to three distinct forest types of lowland tropical rain forest: alluvial, sandstone hill, and kerangas (heath) forest. Alluvial soils are more nutrient rich and have higher soil moisture than sandstone soils, whereas kerangas soils are the most nutrient poor and drought prone. Lianas ≥0.5-cm in diameter were measured, tagged, and identified to species in three square 0.25-ha plots in each forest type. The number of lianas ≥0.5 cm did not differ significantly among forest types and averaged 1348 lianas ha−1, but mean liana stem diameter, basal area, estimated biomass, species richness, and Fisher’s diversity index were all greater for plots in alluvial than sandstone or kerangas forests. Liana species composition also differed greatly among the three habitats, with 71% of species showing significant positive or negative habitat associations. Sandstone forests were intermediate to alluvial and kerangas forests in most aspects of liana community structure and composition, and fewer species showed significant habitat associations with this forest type. Ranking of forest types with respect to liana density, biomass, and diversity matches the ranking in soil fertility and water availability (alluvial > sandstone hill > kerangas). These results suggest that edaphic factors play an important role in maintaining liana species diversity and structuring liana communities.  相似文献   

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