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With the aim of investigating the biodistribution of technetium-99 m pertechnetate () in rats infected with Y strain of Tripanosoma Cruzi, at the peak of parasitemia, (14th day of infection), we injected Wistar rats with 0.1 ml of (3.7 MBq). After 60 min, the percentage of radioactivity per gram was counted in several isolated organs and blood, using a gamma counter (1470 Wizard, PerkinElmer Finland). The uptake of increased significantly in blood and decreased in the colon of infected animals (p < 0.05). A significant reduction in serum iron and red blood cells and a significant increase in total proteins, leukocytes and lymphocytes in the infected rats were observed, compared with controls (p < 0.05). A reduction in muscle layer thickness of the colon and mononuclear inflammation were observed. These results conclusively demonstrate that T. cruzi infection would be associated with changes in the biodistribution of and in colon morphology, with potential clinical implications.  相似文献   

Chagas disease remains a serious public health problem in several Latin American countries. New chemotherapy is urgently needed since current drugs are limited in efficacy and exhibit undesirable side effects. Aromatic diamidines and analogs are well known anti-parasitic agents and in this study, we have evaluated the in vitro trypanocidal effect of several different heterocyclic cationic compounds, including diamidines (DB1195, DB1196 and DB1345), a monoamidine (DB824), an arylimidamide (DB613A) and a guanylhydrazone (DB1080) against amastigotes and bloodstream trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. Our present findings showed that all compounds exerted, at low-micromolar doses, a trypanocidal effect upon both intracellular parasites and bloodstream trypomastigotes of T. cruzi. The activity of DB1195, DB1345, DB824 and DB1080 against bloodstream forms was reduced when these compounds were assayed in the presence of mouse blood possibly due to their association with plasma constituents and/or due to metabolic instability of the compounds. However, trypanocidal effects of DB613A and DB1196 were not affected by plasma constituents, suggesting their potential application in the prophylaxis of banked blood. In addition, potency and selectivity of DB613A, towards intracellular parasites, corroborate previous results that demonstrated the highly promising activity of arylimidamides against this parasite, which justify further studies in experimental models of T. cruzi infection.  相似文献   

Two Trypanosoma cruzi Z3 strains, designated as 3663 and 4167, were previously isolated from insect vectors captured in the Brazilian Amazon region. These strains exhibited different infection patterns in Vero, C6/36, RAW 264.7 and HEp-2 cell lineages, in which 3663 trypomastigote form was much less infective than 4167 ones. A proteomic approach was applied to investigate the differences in the global patterns of protein expression in these two Z3 strains. Two-dimensional (2D) protein maps were generated and certain spots were identified by mass spectrometry (MS). Our analyses revealed a significant difference in the expression profile of different proteins between strains 3663 and 4167. Among them, cruzipain, an important regulator of infectivity. This data was corroborated by flow cytometry analysis using anti-cruzipain antibody. This difference could contribute to the infectivity profiles observed for each strain by in vitro assay using different cell lines.  相似文献   

The human SBDS gene and its yeast ortholog SDO1 encode essential proteins that are involved in ribosome biosynthesis. SDO1 has been implicated in recycling of the ribosomal biogenesis factor Tif6p from pre-66S particles as well as in translation activation of 60S ribosomes. The SBDS protein is highly conserved, containing approximately 250 amino acid residues in animals, fungi and Archaea, while SBDS orthologs of plants and a group of protists contain an extended C-terminal region. In this work, we describe the characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi SBDS ortholog (TcSBDS). TcSBDS co-fractionates with polysomes in sucrose density gradients, which is consistent with a role in ribosome biosynthesis. We show that TcSBDS contains a C-terminal extension of 200 amino acids that displays the features of intrinsically disordered proteins as determined by proteolytic, circular dichroism and NMR analyses. Interestingly, the C-terminal extension is responsible for TcSBDS–RNA interaction activity in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. This finding suggests that Trypanosomatidae and possibly also other organisms containing SBDS with extended C-terminal regions have evolved an additional function for SBDS in ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (TcDHODH) catalyzes the oxidation of l-dihydroorotate to orotate with concomitant reduction of fumarate to succinate in the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. Based on the important need to characterize catalytic mechanism of TcDHODH, we have tailored a protocol to measure TcDHODH kinetic parameters based on isothermal titration calorimetry. Enzymatic assays lead to Michaelis-Menten curves that enable the Michaelis constant (KM) and maximum velocity (Vmax) for both of the TcDHODH substrates: dihydroorotate (KM = 8.6 ± 2.6 μM and Vmax = 4.1 ± 0.7 μM s-1) and fumarate (KM = 120 ± 9 μM and Vmax = 6.71 ± 0.15 μM s-1). TcDHODH activity was investigated using dimethyl sulfoxide (10%, v/v) and Triton X-100 (0.5%, v/v), which seem to facilitate the substrate binding process with a small decrease in KM. Arrhenius plot analysis allowed the determination of thermodynamic parameters of activation for substrates and gave some insights into the enzyme mechanism. Activation entropy was the main contributor to the Gibbs free energy in the formation of the transition state. A factor that might contribute to the unfavorable entropy is the hindered access of substrates to the TcDHODH active site where a loop at its entrance regulates the open-close channel for substrate access.  相似文献   

We have synthesized the Morita-Baylis-Hillman adduct (MBHA) 3-hydroxy-2-methylene-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-propanenitrile (3) in quantitative yield and evaluated on Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms. Compound 3 strongly inhibited epimastigote growth, with IC50/72 h of 28.5 μM and also caused intense trypomastigotes lysis, with an IC50/24 h of 25.5 μM. Ultrastructural analysis showed significant morphological changes on both parasite forms treated with 3, including increase of cell volume and rounding of cell body as well as intense intracellular disorganization. Morphological changes indicative of apoptosis, autophagy or necrosis were observed in most affected cells. Docking calculations of 1, 2 and 3 pointed out the possibility of T. cruzi Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase (TcFPPS) enzyme inhibition in 3 mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the ethiological agent for Chagas disease in Latin America. This study aimed to test the trypanocidal effect of licarin A and burchellin isolated from plants in northeastern Brazil. These neolignans were tested on T. cruzi and on peritoneal macrophages, to evaluate drug toxicity. Epimastigote growth was inhibited in 45% with licarin A and 20% with burchellin with an IC50/96 h of 462.7 μM and 756 μM, respectively. Epimastigotes treated with licarin A presented swollen mitochondria and disorganized mitochondrial cristae, kDNA and Golgi complex. When treated with burchellin, they presented enormous autophagosomes and chromatin disorganization. Licarin A and burchellin were able to induce trypomastigote death with IC50/24 h of 960 μM and 520 μM, respectively. Although licarin A presented an IC50 for trypomastigotes higher than for epimastigotes, both substances acted as therapeutic trypanocidal agents, because they were able to kill parasites without affecting macrophages. Due to our results, burchellin and licarin A need to be further analysed to observe if they may be used as alternative blood additive prophylaxis against Chagas disease, since it has been established that blood transfusion is an important mechanism in the transmission process.  相似文献   

American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) continues to be a significant public health problem, and the therapeutic potential of current antichagasic agents (nifurtimox and benznidazole) is rather limited. Here we report on the antitrypanosomal effect of 1-methoxyspirobrassinol and other indole phytoalexins—secondary metabolites produced by Cruciferous plants. These compounds, that previously demonstrated antimicrobial and anticancer properties, displayed significant antiproliferative effects on intracellular amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi and may be prospective candidates for antichagasic drug design and development.  相似文献   

In the search for new therapeutic tools against Chagas’ disease (American Trypanosomiasis) two series of new platinum(II) complexes with bioactive 5-nitrofuryl containing thiosemicarbazones as ligands were synthesized, characterized and in vitro evaluated. Most of the complexes showed IC50 values in the μM range against two different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of the disease, being as active as the anti-trypanosomal drug Nifurtimox. In particular, the coordination of L3 (4-ethyl-1-(5-nitrofurfurylidene)thiosemicarbazide) to Pt(II) forming [Pt(L3)2] lead to almost a five-fold activity increase in respect to the free ligand. Trying to get an insight into the trypanocidal mechanism of action of these compounds, DNA and redox metabolism (intra-parasite free radical production) were evaluated as potential parasite targets. Results suggest that the complexes could inhibit parasite growth through a dual mechanism of action involving production of toxic free radicals by bioreduction and DNA interaction.  相似文献   

Nature has provided inspiration for Drug Discovery studies and amphibian secretions have been used as a promising source of effective peptides which could be explored as novel drug prototypes for neglected parasitic diseases as Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. In this study, we isolated four antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from Phyllomedusa nordestina secretion, and studied their effectiveness against Leishmania (L.) infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi. The antiparasitic fractions were characterized by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation, leading to the identification of dermaseptins 1 and 4 and phylloseptins 7 and 8. T. cruzi trypomastigotes were susceptible to peptides, showing IC50 values in the range concentration of 0.25–0.68 μM. Leishmania (L.) infantum showed susceptibility to phylloseptin 7, presenting an IC50 value of 10 μM. Except for phylloseptin 7 which moderate showed cytotoxicity (IC50 = 34 μM), the peptides induced no cellular damage to mammalian cells. The lack of mitochondrial oxidative activity of parasites detected by the MTT assay, suggested that peptides were leishmanicidal and trypanocidal. By using the fluorescent probe SYTOX® Green, dermaseptins 1 and 4 and phylloseptins 7 and 8 showed time-dependent plasma membrane permeabilization of T. cruzi; phylloseptin 7 also showed a similar effect in Leishmania parasites. The present study demonstrates for the first time that AMPs target the plasma membrane of Leishmania and T. cruzi, leading to cellular death. Considering the potential of amphibian peptides against protozoan parasites and the reduced mammalian toxicity, they may contribute as scaffolds for drug design studies.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is a parasite responsible for Chagas disease. The identification of new targets for chemotherapy is a major challenge for the control of this disease. Several lines of evidences suggest that the translational system in trypanosomatids show important differences compared to other eukaryotes. However, there little is known information about this. We have performed a detailed data mining search for ribosomal protein genes in T. cruzi genome data base combined with mass spectrometry analysis of purified T. cruzi ribosomes. Our results show that T. cruzi ribosomal proteins have ∼50% sequence identity to yeast ones. Nevertheless, some parasite proteins are longer due to the presence of several N- or C-terminal extensions, which are exclusive of trypanosomatids. In particular, L19 and S21 show C-terminal extensions of 168 and 164 amino acids, respectively. In addition, we detected two 60S subunit proteins that had not been previously detected in the T. cruzi total proteome; namely, L22 and L42.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, marked by life-long chronic infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, remains a major parasitic disease in Latin America. Genetically heterogeneous, T. cruzi is divided into six discrete typing units (DTUs), most recently grouped as TcI-VI. The trypomastigote small surface antigen (TSSA) of T. cruzi has been described as the only known serological marker to identify infection by TcII-VI, as distinct from TcI. Here, by comparative analysis of a cohort of 25 reference strains representing all the known DTUs, we show that TSSA intra-specific diversity is greater than previously reported. Furthermore, TcIII and IV TSSA PCR products are, contrary to expectation, both digested by PvuII, revealing a more nuanced genotyping pattern. Amino acid sequence diversity reveals that the TSSA epitope considered to be serologically characteristic of TcII-VI is restricted to TcII, V and VI, but not of III or IV, and that the diagnostic peptide described as TcI-specific shares key features with TcIII and IV. Notably, TSSA sequences inferred greater phylogenetic affinities of TcIII and IV to TcI than to TcII, V or VI. A high ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions (ω = 1.233) indicates that the TSSA gene has been under positive selection pressure. The demonstration of lineage-specific epitopes within TcII-VI has implications for sero-epidemiological studies of Chagas disease based on this antigen.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, is an obligate intracellular protozoan pathogen. Overlapping mechanisms ensure successful infection, yet the relationship between these cellular events and clinical disease remains obscure. This review explores the process of cell invasion from the perspective of cell surface interactions, intracellular signaling, modulation of the host cytoskeleton and endosomal compartment, and the intracellular innate immune response to infection.  相似文献   

In this study, the cell-associated and extracellular peptidases of Trypanosoma cruzi grown in modified Roitman’s complex (MRC) medium were analyzed by measuring peptidase activity in gelatin-containing zymograms. Our results showed that the cell-associated peptidases as well as peptidases extracellularly released by T. cruzi displayed two distinct proteolytic classes: cysteine and metallopeptidase activities. The major cysteine peptidase, cruzipain, synthesized by T. cruzi cells was detected in cellular parasite content, as a 50 kDa reactive polypeptide, after probing with anti-cruzipain antibody. In addition, metallo-type peptidases belonging to the matrix metallopeptidase-9 (MMP-9) family were revealed, after Western blotting, as a 97 kDa protein band in cellular extract and an 85 kDa polypeptide in both cellular and secreted parasite extracts. The MMP-9-like activity present in cells and spent culture medium was immunoprecipitated by an anti-MMP-9 polyclonal antibody. The surface location of MMP-9-like proteins in T. cruzi was also evidenced by means of flow cytometry analysis. Furthermore, doxycycline that has direct MMP-9 inhibiting properties in vitro, inhibited MMP-9-like activities in gel zymography, immunoprecipitation and flow cytometry analyses. This is the first report of the presence of MMP-9-like molecules in T. cruzi. The presence of a matrix extracellular-degrading enzyme may play a role in the T. cruzi-host cell interaction, making this enzyme a potential target for future drug development against this pathogenic trypanosomatid.  相似文献   

A photolyase-like protein gene found in the Trypanosoma cruzi genome database was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli resulting in the formation of inclusion bodies. Antibodies against this protein were used to determine expression of the protein in the different forms of the parasite. It was visualized in the epimastigote form but not in amastigote or trypomastigote forms obtained from culture in Vero cells. In epimastigotes, this protein is located at the level of the mitochondrion associated to both sides of the kinetoplast. Sequence analyses indicated that this protein, as well as other photolyases from Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma brucei are related to single-stranded photolyases or cryptochromes DASH.  相似文献   

In the search for new metal-based drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease, the most widespread Latin American parasitic disease, novel complexes of the bioactive ligand risedronate (Ris, (1-hydroxy-1-phosphono-2-pyridin-3-yl-ethyl)phosphonate), [MII(Ris)2]·4H2O, where M═Cu, Co, Mn and Ni, and [NiII(Ris)2(H2O)2]·H2O were synthesized and characterized by using analytical measurements, thermogravimetric analyses, cyclic voltammetry and infrared and Raman spectroscopies. Crystal structures of [CuII(Ris)2]·4H2O and [NiII(Ris)2(H2O)2]·H2O were solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. The complexes, as well as the free ligand, were evaluated in vitro against epimastigotes and intracellular amastigotes of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of Chagas disease. Results demonstrated that the coordination of risedronate to different metal ions improved the antiproliferative effect against T. cruzi, exhibiting growth inhibition values against the intracellular amastigotes ranging the low micromolar levels. In addition, this strong activity could be related to high inhibition of farnesyl diphosphate synthase enzyme. On the other hand, protein interaction studies showed that all the complexes strongly interact with albumin thus providing a suitable means of transporting them to tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

Virulence of Trypanosoma cruzi depends on a variety of genetic and biochemical factors. It has been proposed that components of the parasites’ antioxidant system may play a key part in this process by pre-adapting the pathogen to the oxidative environment encountered during host cell invasion. Using several isolates (10 strains) belonging to the two major phylogenetic lineages (T. cruzi-I and T. cruzi-II), we investigated whether there was an association between virulence (ranging from highly aggressive to attenuated isolates at the parasitemia and histopathological level) and the antioxidant enzyme content. Antibodies raised against trypanothione synthetase (TcTS), ascorbate peroxidase (TcAPX), mitochondrial and cytosolic tryparedoxin peroxidases (TcMPX and TcCPX) and trypanothione reductase (TcTR) were used to evaluate the antioxidant enzyme levels in epimastigote and metacyclic trypomastigote forms in the T. cruzi strains. Levels of TcCPX, TcMPX and TcTS were shown to increase during differentiation from the non-infective epimastigote to the infective metacyclic trypomastigote stage in all parasite strains examined. Peroxiredoxins were found to be present at higher levels in the metacyclic infective forms of the virulent isolates compared with the attenuated strains. Additionally, an increased resistance of epimastigotes from virulent T. cruzi populations to hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite challenge was observed. In mouse infection models, a direct correlation was found between protein levels of TcCPX, TcMPX and TcTS, and the parasitemia elicited by the different isolates studied (Pearson’s coefficient: 0.617, 0.771, 0.499; respectively, < 0.01). No correlation with parasitemia was found for TcAPX and TcTR proteins in any of the strains analyzed. Our data support that enzymes of the parasite antioxidant armamentarium at the onset of infection represent new virulence factors involved in the establishment of disease.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to evaluate the effect of the Canova® medication, a homeopathic immune-system modulator, on the evolution of infection induced by the Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain in mice. The animals were divided into five groups: (i) untreated infected controls (I), (ii) infected animals treated with benznidazole (Bz), (iii) infected animals treated with the Canova medication (CM), (iv) infected animals treated with benznidazole and the Canova medication (Bz + CM), and (v) uninfected controls that received only the vehicle (grain alcohol) (C). The parameters evaluated were: parasitemia, mortality, control of cure, and tissue parasitism analysis. Our results showed that the evolution of the experimental infection was modified by treatment with CM, and that daily and consecutive doses were harmful to the animals, causing death in 100% of the infected animals in a brief period. The analysis of parasitism performed on the organs on the 12th day postinfection showed that in infected animals treated with CM, the number of amastigote/nests in the spleen was significantly reduced, while in cardiac tissue, intestine, and liver the number was significantly increased compared with infected control animals. These results indicate that CM has a negative influence on the host-parasite relationship, modifying the tropism of the parasite for tissues, and increasing the parasitemia peak in this experimental model.  相似文献   

We have cloned and expressed calmodulin (CaM) from Trypanosoma cruzi, for the first time, to obtain large amounts of protein. CaM is a very well conserved protein throughout evolution, sharing 100% amino acid sequence identity between different vertebrates and 99% between trypanosomatids. However, there is 89% amino acid sequence identity between T. cruzi and vertebrate CaMs. The results demonstrate significant differences between calmodulin from T. cruzi and mammals. First, a polyclonal antibody developed in an egg-yolk system to the T. cruzi CaM recognizes the autologous CaM but not the CaM from rat. Second, it undergoes a larger increase in the α-helix content upon binding with Ca2+, when compared to CaM from vertebrates. Finally, two classic CaM antagonists, calmidazolium and trifluoperazine, capable of inhibiting the action of CaM in mammals when assayed on the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, showed a significant loss of activity when assayed upon stimulation with the T. cruzi CaM.  相似文献   

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