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Continuing our interest in tridentate ligands to develop new prototypes of cobalt-based metallodrugs for combating cancer, modifications in the backbone of HL1, [(2-hydroxybenzyl)(2-(pyridil-2-yl)ethyl]amine) were proposed in order to modulate the redox potential of new Co(III) complexes. Three ligands with electron withdrawing groups were synthesized: HL2: [(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)(2-(pyridil-2-yl)ethyl]amine); HL3: [(2-hydroxybenzyl)(2-(pyridil-2-yl)ethyl]imine) and HL4: [(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)(2-(pyridil-2-yl)ethyl]imine). They were used to obtain the respective mononuclear complexes 2, 3 and 4, which are discussed compared to the previous reported complex 1 (obtained from HL1). The new complexes were characterized and studied by several techniques including X-ray crystallography, elemental and conductimetric analysis, IR, UV-vis and 1H NMR spectroscopies, and electrochemistry. The substitutions of the group in the para position of the phenol (HL1 and HL2) and the imine instead of the amine (HL3 and HL4), promote anodic shifts in the complexes reduction potentials. The influence of these substitutions in the biological activities of the Co(III) complexes against the murine melanoma cell line (B16F10) was also evaluated. Little effect was observed on cellular viability decrease for all free ligands, however the coordination to Co(III) enhances their activities in the following range: 1 > 4 ≈ 2 > 3. The data suggest that no straight correlation can be addressed between the reduction potential of the Co(III) center and the cell viability.  相似文献   

Fe(III)-salen (N,N-bis(salicylidene)-ethane-1,2-diimine) complexes of simple hydroxamic acids and the MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) inhibitor marimastat have been evaluated as hypoxia activated drug carriers. The aceto- (aha), propion- (pha), benzohydroxamato (bha), and marimastat complexes were prepared and characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction and electrochemical analysis. The hydroxamato ligands form a bidentate chelate to Fe(III) with the remaining octahedral coordination sites occupied by the tetradentate salen ligand. Bonding of the hydroxamato ligands is in the typical motif of the majority of Fe(III) complexes in the literature. The reduction potentials of the complexes are of the order of -1300 mV (vs ferrocene/ferrocenium) and show partial reversibility in the re-oxidation waveforms of the cyclic voltammetry scans. This suggests that the Fe-salen carrier system would provide a suitably redox inert framework yet would release the ligands at hypoxic tumour sites upon reduction to the more labile Fe(II) oxidation state. Furthermore, biological testing of the marimastat complex established that these carriers are stable in non-reducing biological environments and would serve to deliver MMP inhibitors to tumour sites intact.  相似文献   

Five new complexes of Pt(II), Pd(II), Co(III) and Ni(II) with 2-pyridine(quinoline)carboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazones were synthesized and characterized. Crystal structures of Pt(II) complex with the pyridine derivative and Co(III) complex with the quinoline derivative were determined. In all complexes the ligands were coordinated through N2Se donor atom set forming either square-planar (Pt, Pd) or octahedral (Co, Ni) geometry. All complexes showed biological activity.  相似文献   

A number of complexes of the types [PtBr2Me2(N?N)] (N?N = 4,4′-di-Me-2,2′-bpy (1); 4,4′-di-t-Bu-2,2′-bpy (2); 2,2′-bpz (3); bpym (4)) and [PtBr2Me2(L)2] (L = H-pz (5); 4-Me-H-pz (6); H-idz (7); H-im (8); H-bim (9); quaz (10)) are reported. Characterization by NMR (1H, 13C and 195Pt), IR and EI-MS is given. In addition, crystal structures of several of these complexes are described. Furthermore, interactions within these structures including intramolecular hydrogen bonding and π-π stacking interactions are reported. The reactivity of selected mononuclear complexes was investigated and yielded two dinuclear complexes [PPh4][(PtBrMe2)2(μ-Br)(μ-pz)2] (11) and [(PtBr2Me2)2(μ-bpym)] (12), respectively. The latter complex is accompanied by a solid-state structure. Finally, the thermal stability of all complexes is reported.  相似文献   

A series of four mononuclear manganese (II) complexes with the N-tridentate neutral ligands 2,2:6,2′′-terpyridine (terpy) and N,N-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylamine (bpea) have been synthesized and crystallographically characterized. The complexes have five- to seven-coordinate manganese(II) ions depending on the additional ligands used. The [Mn(bpea)(Br)2] complex (1) has a five-coordinated manganese atom with a bipyramidal trigonal geometry, while [Mn(terpy)2](I)2 (2) is hexa-coordinated with a distorted octahedral geometry. Otherwise, the reactions of Mn(NO3)2 · 4H2O with terpy or bpea afforded novel seven-coordinate complexes [Mn(terpy)(NO3)2(H2O)] (3) and [Mn(bpea)(NO3)2] (4), respectively. 3 has a coordination polyhedron best described as a distorted pentagonal bipyramid geometry with one nitrate acting as a bidentate chelating ligand and the other nitrate as a monodentate one. 4 possesses a highly distorted polyhedron geometry with two bidentate chelating nitrate ligands. These complexes represent unusual examples of structurally characterized complexes with a coordination number seven for the Mn(II) ion and join a small family of nitrate complexes.  相似文献   

The reaction of [PtMe3(MeOH)(bpy)][BF4] (1) with the thionucleobases 2-thiocytosine (SCy, 2) and 1-methyl-2-thiocytosine (1-MeSCy, 3) resulted in the formation of the complexes [PtMe3(bpy)(SCy-κS)][BF4] (4) and [PtMe3(bpy)(1-MeSCy-κS)] [BF4] (5), respectively. The complexes were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy as well as by single-crystal X-ray analyses of 4 · MeOH and 5. In 4 · MeOH two strong hydrogen bonds (N4-H?N3′: N4?N3′ 2.976(7) Å) between the thiocytosine ligands give rise to base pairing thus forming dinuclear cations [{PtMe3(bpy)(SCy-κS)}2]2+. In both complexes the platinum atom is octahedrally coordinated [PtC3N2S] by three methyl ligands, the 2,2′-bipyridine ligand and the κS coordinated nucleobase (configuration index: OC-6-33). The structural investigations gave evidence that the sulfur atoms of the nucleobase ligands in 4 · MeOH and 5 have to be regarded as sp3 and sp2 hybridized, respectively. Thus, the ligand in 4 · MeOH has to be considered as the deprotonated thiol-amino form of thiocytosine being reprotonated at N1. In complex 5 the 1-MeSCy is coordinated in its thione-amino form. DFT-calculations of the base-paired dinuclear cation in 4 as well as of 4 itself gave proof of the strength of the hydrogen bond (8.5 kcal/mol) and exhibited that cation-anion interactions influence the conformation of the complex. In vitro cytotoxicity studies of 4 and 5 using nine different human tumor cell lines revealed moderate cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania transmitted by insects known as phlebotomines, which are found in wild or urban environments. The disease occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas, mainly in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. At present, there is no effective treatment for this disease. In the search for new rational chemotherapeutic alternatives, two novel trans [Pt(Hpy1)2(Cl)2] (1) and trans [Pt(Hpy2)2 (Cl)2] (2) complexes were synthesized by the reaction of K2PtCl4 with sterol hydrazone ligands 20-hydrazone-pyridin-2-yl-5α-pregnan-3β-ol (Hpy1) and 22-hydrazone-pyridin-2-yl-chol-5-ene-3β-ol (Hpy2). These organic compounds are specific inhibitors of sterol methyl transferase (SMT). The new platinum complexes were characterized by a combination of ESI-MS (electrospray ionization-mass spectroscopy), UV-vis, infrared and NMR spectroscopies; elemental analysis and molar conductivity. Promastigotes of Leishmania (L.) mexicana were treated for 48 h with 10 μM of the sterol hydrazones Hpy1 or Hpy2 alone or coordinated to Pt. Hpy1 produced higher leishmanistatic activity than Hpy2 (39% growth inhibition vs. 16%), which significatively increased (71%, p < 0.001) when the complex trans-[Pt(Hpy1)2(Cl)2] was used. This complex represents a new chemotherapeutic alternative to be evaluated in depth in experimental models of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

A series of gold(III) metalacycle of five-, six- and seven-membered ring was prepared by reacting Auric acid (HAuCl4 · 3H2O) with 1 equiv. unsubstituted ethylenediamine (en), propylene diamine (pn) and butylenediamine (bn) ligands and with some N-mono-substituted as well as N,N′-disubstituted ethylenediamine ligands. The general formula of these complexes is [Au(alkyldiamine)Cl2]Cl. These complexes are characterized by melting point and elemental analysis, while structural analysis was done by spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis, Far-IR, IR spectroscopy, 1H and 13C solution as well as 13C and 15 N solid-state NMR. The solid-state 15 N NMR shows that the chemical shift difference between free and bound ligand decreases as bn > pn > en, indicating stronger Au-N bond for bn complex compared to pn and en. UV-Vis shows relative stability of the Au(III) complexes of unsubstituted ethylenediamine with respect to N,N′-di-substituted ethylenediamine. Far-IR data show the six-membered metalacycle gold(III) alkanediamine complexes to be more stable. Spectroscopic data are evaluated by comparisons with calculated data of the built and optimized structure by gaussian03 at the RB3LYP level with LanL2DZ bases set.  相似文献   

It has been established that small molecule model complexes have been useful in studying more complex biological systems of metalloproteins. Because many metalloproteins have active sites that contain multiple histidine residues bound to a metal center, a series of imidazole-containing scorpionate ligands and the associated Co and Ni complexes have been developed to investigate the bonding parameters of histidine containing active sites. The tris(2-imidazolyl) carbinol (2-TIC, 6) and tris[2-(N-methylimidazolyl)] carbinol (2-MeTIC, 7) complexes of Ni2+ and Co2+, namely [Co(2-MeTIC)2]Cl2 (8), [Co(2-MeTIC)2](NO3)2 (9), [Ni(2-MeTIC)2]Cl2 (10), [Ni(2-MeTIC)2](NO3)2 (11), [Co(2-TIC)2](NO3)2 (12), and [Ni(2-TIC)2](NO3)2 (13), have been prepared from the reaction of the appropriate ligand and appropriate metal salt in polar solvent. These complexes have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, spectroscopic techniques, and magnetic susceptibility. In each solid-state structure the metal center in the cation coordinates to three N atoms from two ligands and adopts a pseudo-octahedral coordination geometry. The X-ray characterization of tris[2-(N-methylimidazolyl)] carbinol is also reported.  相似文献   

The reactions of CoCl2 with three equivalents of 2-(phenylimino)pyrrolyl sodium salts, performed under a nitrogen atmosphere, lead to the formation of the Co(III) complexes [Co(κ2N,N′-NC4H3C(H)N-C6H5)3] (2a), [Co(κ2N,N′-NC4H3C(CH3)N-C6H5)3] (2b) and [Co(κ2N,N′-NC16H9C(H)N-C6H5)3] (2c), accommodating three chelating iminopyrrolyl ligands. Complexes 2a-c were obtained in moderate yields, and their characterisation by 1H, 13C NMR and X-ray diffraction show they are diamagnetic and have an octahedral geometry about the cobalt centre, respectively. Uncharacterised products were obtained in the same reaction involving ligand precursors such as 2-(2,6-dimethylphenylimino)pyrrolyl sodium salts, which is attributed to a greater steric hindrance in the coordination of three of these bulkier ligands. The redox behaviour of complexes 2a-c shows an irreversible reduction wave with a peak potential in the range −3.2 to −3.7 V. Upon reduction, the complexes decompose giving rise, in the case of 2a, to a redox pattern compatible with the formation of [Co(κ2N,N′-NC4H3C(H)N-C6H5)2].  相似文献   

[Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 forms neutral 1:3 complex by reaction with aromatic thiohydrazides, i.e. thiobenzhydrazide, o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazide, thiophen-2-thiohydrazide and furan-2-thiohydrazide. All these complexes are diamagnetic and have been characterized by elemental analysis and combination of spectroscopic methods. Cyclic voltammometry of the complexes shows irreversible metal centered and ligand centered electron transfer reactions. One complex, tris-o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazidocobalt(III), has been crystallized from DMSO solution to produce solvated crystals and its structure has been established by X-ray crystallography. Cobalt(III) ion is linked through three hydrazinic nitrogen and three sulfur atoms of three identical deprotonated ligand molecules in a distorted octahedral environment. Involvement of -OH group in intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding is crucial for crystal formation.  相似文献   

The reaction of AuCl3py with Na(pz∗) (pz∗ = pyrazolato, or substituted pyrazolato anion) yields stable dinuclear [cis-AuIIICl2(μ-pz∗)]2 complexes. In the presence of a base, the latter undergo reduction with concomitant transformation of the dinuclear -structure to trinuclear AuI, AuIII (containing trans AuIIICl2-centres) and species.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of two cobalt(II) complexes, Co(phen)(ma)Cl 1 and Co(ma)2(phen) 2, (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, ma = maltolate or 2-methyl-4-oxo-4H-pyran-3-olate) are reported herein. The complexes have been characterized by FTIR, CHN analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, conductivity measurement and X-ray crystallography. The number of chelated maltolate ligands seems to influence their DNA recognition, topoisomerase I inhibition and antiproliferative properties.  相似文献   

Two novel cobalt(III)-bismuth(III) heterometallic compounds [Co(NxH)2(An)2]2[Bi(EDTA)(H2O)]2 · 7H2O (1) and [Co(NxH)2(p-Tol)2][Bi(EDTA)] · 4H2O (2) [An-aniline, p-Tol-para-toluidine, NxH-1,2-cyclohexanedionedioximate-ion, EDTA-ethylenediaminetetraacetate-ion] have been synthesized and characterized by NMR, thermogravimetry and single X-ray crystallography. Substitution of the aniline by para-toluidine molecules leads to radical changes in the anionic sub-lattice: from monomeric form to polymeric one. The coordination number of bismuth is 7+1 in 1, and 8 in 2; Bi coordination polyhedron in 1 can be described as a two-capped trigonal prism, while in 2 as a dodecahedron. The Co atoms in 1 and 2 have an octahedral coordination. NMR spectroscopy in DMSO solution confirms the trans-configuration of the complex cations in 1 and 2 by observation of a broad singlet of two symmetric hydrogen bonds. The NCH2CH2N component of EDTA ligand is in the domain of the fast exchange and the signal from this group is a singlet, while four acetate methylene protons give rise to an AB quartet system. It was shown that thermolysis of 1 and 2 occurs in three successive stages, via the dehydration, pyrolysis of the ligands and, finally, the formation of a sillenite-type phase Bi26−xCoxO40−δ and small quantities of Co3O4.  相似文献   

Three water-soluble dicobalt(III) complexes, [Co2L2(µ-OH)2](ClO4)2·5H2O (1), [Co2L2(µ-OH)2](ClO4)2·CH3OH·H2O(2); [Co2L2(µ-OH)2](ClO4)2·4H2O(3) (L = 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N-acetate monoanion), were prepared to serve as nuclease mimics. The complexes were characterized by X-ray, IR and UV-vis spectroscopy as well as ESI-MS. Three complexes exhibit similar structures, just with different solvent molecules. The electrospray mass spectrum of 1 in solution indicates that dinuclear ion [Co2L2(µ-OH)2-H+] + (4) is the active species. In the absence of any reducing agent, the complexes cleave plasmid pBR322 DNA was performed and its hydrolytic mechanism was demonstrated with radical scavengers, anaerobic reaction and T4 ligase. The kinetic aspects of DNA cleavage under pseudo- or true-Michaelis-Menten conditions are also detailed, kinetic parameters (kcat, KM) were calculated to be 3.57 h− 1, 6.92 × 10− 4 M; 0.28 h− 1, 1.9 × 10− 5 M for 4, respectively.  相似文献   

The reactions of [PtMe3(OAc)(bpy)] (4) with the N,S and S,S containing heterocycles, pyrimidine-2-thione (pymtH), pyridine-2-thione (pytH), thiazoline-2-thione (tztH) and thiophene-2-thiol (tptH), resulted in the formation of the monomeric complexes [PtMe3(-κS)(bpy)] ( = pymt, 5; pyt, 6; tzt, 7; tpt, 8), where the heterocyclic ligand is coordinated via the exocyclic sulfur atom. In contrast, in the reactions of [PtMe3(OAc)(Me2CO)x] (3, x = 1 or 2) with pymtH, pytH, tztH and tptH dimeric complexes [{PtMe3(μ-)}2] (μ- = pymt, 9; pyt, 10; tzt, 11) and the tetrameric complex [{PtMe33-tpt-κS)}4] (12), respectively, were formed. The complexes were characterized by microanalyses, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and negative ESI-MS (12) measurements. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of [PtMe3(pymt-κS)(bpy)] (5) exhibited a conformation where the pymt ligand lies nearly perpendicular to the complex plane above the bpy ligand that was also confirmed by quantum chemical calculations on the DFT level of theory.  相似文献   

The first [Pd(Ln)2(ox)] xH2O oxalato(ox) complexes involving 2-chloro-N6-(benzyl)-9-isopropyladenine (L1; complex 1), 2-chloro-N6-(4-methoxybenzyl)-9-isopropyladenine (L2; 2), 2-chloro-N6-(2,3-dimethoxybenzyl)-9-isopropyladenine (L3; 3), 2-chloro-N6-(2,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-9-isopropyladenine (L4; 4), and 2-chloro-N6-(4-methylbenzyl)-9-isopropyladenine (L5; 5) have been synthesized by the reactions of potassium bis(oxalato)palladate(II) dihydrate, [K2Pd(ox)2]·2H2O, with the mentioned organic compounds (H2ox = oxalic acid; x = 0 for 1-3 and 5 or 2 for 4). Elemental analyses (C, H, N), FTIR, Raman and NMR (1H, 13C, 15N) spectroscopies, conductivity measurements and thermal studies (thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses, TG/DTA) have been used to characterize the prepared complexes. The molecular structures of [Pd(L2)2(ox)] (2) and [Pd(L5)2(ox)]·L5·Me2CO (5·L5·Me2CO) have been determined by a single crystal X-ray analysis. The geometry of these complexes is slightly distorted square-planar with two appropriate Ln (n = 2 or 5) molecules mutually arranged in the head-to-head (2) or head-to-tail (5) orientation. The Ln ligands are coordinated to the central Pd(II) ion via the N7 atoms. The same conclusions regarding the binding properties of L1-L5 ligands can be made based on multinuclear NMR spectra. In vitro cytotoxicity of the complexes 1-5 has been evaluated against human chronic myelogenous leukaemia (K562) and human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) cancer cell lines. Significant cytotoxicity has been determined for the complexes 3 (IC50 = 6.2 μM) and 5 (IC50 = 6.8 μM) on the MCF7 cell line, which is even better than that found for the well-known and widely-used platinum-bearing antineoplastic drugs, i.e. oxaliplatin and cisplatin.  相似文献   

A series of mononuclear Ru(II) complexes of the type [Ru(S)2(K)]2+, where S = 1,10-phenanthroline/2,2′-bipyridine and K = 4-OH-btsz, 4-CH3-btsz, 3,4-di-OCH3-btsz, 4-OH-binh, 4-CH3-binh, 3,4-di-OCH3-binh, were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, 1H-NMR, and mass spectroscopy. The complexes displayed metal–ligand charge transfer (MLCT) transitions in the visible region. These ligands formed bidentate octahedral ruthenium complexes. The title complexes were evaluated for their in vivo anticancer activity against a transplantable murine tumor cell line, Ehrlisch’s ascites carcinoma (EAC), and in vitro cytotoxic activity against human cancer cell lines Molt 4/C8 and CEM and murine tumor cell line L1210. The ruthenium complexes showed promising biological activity especially in decreasing tumor volume and viable ascites cell counts. Treatment with these complexes prolonged the life span of mice bearing EAC tumors by 10–52%. In vitro evaluation of these ruthenium complexes revealed cytotoxic activity from 0.21 to 24 μM against Molt 4/C8, 0.16 to 19 μM aginst CEM, and 0.75 to 32 μM against L1210.  相似文献   

A reaction of the octahedral bidentate metalloligand, trans(N)-[Co(d-pen)2] (d-pen=d-penicillaminate) with Cd(NO3)2 or Cd(ClO4)2 gave a novel S-bridged trinuclear complex, [Cd(H2O){Co(d-pen)2}2] (1). In this complex molecule, the central Cd atom is surrounded by four S atoms from two [Co(d-pen)2] units and one O atom of a H2O molecule to form a distorted five-coordinated geometry. Each of two terminal [Co(d-pen)2] units takes an approximately octahedral geometry and has a similar trans(N) geometry to that of the starting material. On the other hand, the reaction of trans(N)-[Co(d-pen)2] with CdCl2 in the molar ratio of 1:1 gave an S-bridged dinuclear complex, [CdCl{Co(d-pen)2}(H2O)mnH2O (m+n=4) (2). The reactivity of trans(N)-[Co(d-pen)2] toward CdCl2 is significantly influenced by the ratio of two components, and the formation of a similar trinuclear species to 1 is also suggested under the condition with excess amount of trans(N)-[Co(d-pen)2]. Some spectrochemical properties of these complexes are also discussed in relation to their structures.  相似文献   

Several complexes of TPPMn-L, where TPP is the dianion of tetraphenylporphyrin and L is monoanion of 4-methylphenylcyanamide (4-Mepcyd) (1), 2,4-dimethylphenylcyanamide (2,4-Me2pcyd) (2), 3,5-dimethylphenylcyanamide (3,5-Me2pcyd) (3), 4-methoxyphenylcyanamide (4-MeOpcyd) (4), phenylcyanamide (pcyd) (5), 2-chlorophenylcyanamide (2-Clpcyd) (6), 2,5-dichlorophenylcyanamide (2,5-Cl2pcyd) (7), 2,6-dichlorophenylcyanamide (2,6-Cl2pcyd) (8), 4-bromophenylcyanamide (4-Brpcyd) (9), and 2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenylcyanamide (2,3,4,5-Cl4pcyd) (10), have been prepared from the reaction of TPPMnCl and thallium salt of related phenylcyanamide. Each of the complexes has been characterized by IR, UV-Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopies.4-Methylphenylcyanamidotetraphenylporphyrin manganese(III) crystallized with one molecule of solvent CHCl3 in the triclinic crystal system and space group with the following unit cell parameters of: a = 11.596(6) Å; b = 11.768(9) Å; c = 17.81(2) Å; and α, β, γ are 88.91(9)°, 88.16(7)°, 67.90(5)°, respectively; V = 2251(3) Å3; Z = 2. A total of 4234 reflections with I > 2σ(I) were used to refine the structure to R = 0.0680 and Rw = 0.2297. The Mn(III) shows slightly distorted square pyramidal coordination with the 4-methylphenylcyanamide in the axial position, coordinated from nitrile nitrogen. The reduction of each of the TPPMn-L complexes was also examined in dichloromethane and spectroelectrochemical behavior of (1) was investigated and compared to TPPMnCl.  相似文献   

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