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Grant V 《American journal of botany》1998,85(6):741-752
The system of classification of the Polemoniaceae currently in use was published by Grant in 1959. Much new evidence concerning relationships in the family has been obtained by numerous workers since 1959, and the old system is in need of revision. A revised system down to the genus level, based on conventional and unconventional characters, including molecular evidence, is presented here. Nineteen genera are grouped into eight tribes and two subfamilies. Three new tribes are described: Acanthogilieae, Loeselieae, and Leptodactyloneae. Several genera are transferred to new groups. The phylogeny of the family is discussed in the light of both the older and new evidence. The approach used in constructing both the 1959 and new systems is that of evolutionary systematics. Two recent (1996, 1997) family-wide surveys of cpDNA and rDNA use cladistic methods of analysis to arrive at sets of major groups. Some of this molecular evidence has been adopted for the present revised system. However, much incongruence still exists between the new sets of clades, on the one hand, and the present revised system or the still-viable parts of the 1959 system on the other hand. The incongruences call for an examination and comparison of the contrasting methods of evolutionary systematics and molecular cladistics. A fundamental flaw in the 1996 and 1997 treatments is the attempt to classify plants on the basis of single-gene gene trees. 相似文献
Kotov and Štifter (2006) revised the taxonomy of the genus Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda: Ilyocryptidae) and concluded that 28 species can be recognized as valid for the world fauna. In order to test phylogenetic relationships between the species and to contribute to a better understanding of the genus, a cladistic (using branch‐and‐bound search) analysis was conducted for 25 Ilyocryptus species (two of them with two subspecies). In total, 32 morphological characters were used. An evolutionary‐morphological interpretation of the results was also made. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Ilyocryptus elegans is an earlier derived member of the genus, while other species are separated into two main branches: agilis ‐ and sordidus ‐lines (without reference to type of moulting). Species with incomplete moulting and species with complete moulting do not form separate clusters, suggesting an independent origin of incomplete moulting within different species groups. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
GUSTAVO HORMIGA 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2003,139(2):261-281
The spider genus Weintrauboa new genus (Araneae, Pimoidae) is described to place two species of pimoids from Japan and adjacent islands that were formerly classified in the linyphiid genus Labulla . Weintrauboa contortipes (Karsch) new comb., the type species, and W. chikunii (Oi) new comb. are redescribed. Parsimony analysis of morphological characters provides robust support for the monophyly of the genus Weintrauboa and corroborates the monophyly of Pimoa , Pimoidae, and the clade Linyphiidae plus Pimoidae. New diagnoses for Pimoa and Pimoidae are provided. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139 , 261–281 相似文献
GUSTAVO HORMIGA DONALD J. BUCKLE NIKOLAJ SCHARFF 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2005,145(2):249-262
The spider genus Nanoa gen. nov. (Araneae, Pimoidae) is described to place Nanoa enana , a new species of pimoids from Western North America. Parsimony analysis of morphological characters provides support for the monophyly of Pimoa plus Nanoa and corroborates the monophyly of Pimoidae and of the clade Linyphiidae plus Pimoidae. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 249–262. 相似文献
The genus Labulla Simon is circumscribed in phylogenetic terms to include the species Labulla thoracica (Wider), L. flahaulti Simon and L. machadoi sp. nov. The genital anatomy of the genus is described in detail and the taxonomy of the genus is reviewed. The monophyly of Labulla is supported by numerous morphological apomorphies of the male palp and female epigynum. Based on a cladistic analysis, a new genus, Pecado gen. nov. , is erected to place Labulla impudica Denis, from Northern Africa. Lepthyphantes insularis Saito and ' Labulla ' nepula Tikader, both formerly included in Labulla , are not congeneric with the type species of Labulla . © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 359–404. 相似文献
BERTIL STÅHL 《Botanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1996,122(4):315-333
A morphological and anatomical investigation is presented of the two species of Heberdenia, H. bahamensis (Macaronesia) and H. penduliflora (Mexico). A cladistic analysis including 27 taxa of the Myrsinaceae and using Jacquinia (Theophrastaceae) and Manilkara (Sapotaceae) as outgroup was performed to provide a hypothesis of the relationships of the two species of Heberdenia. It was concluded that H. bahamensis and H. penduliflora are not more closely related to each other than either is to many other species of the Myrsinaceae, and that they should not be referred to the same genus. Heberdenia bahamensis appears to be most closely related to the Old World genera Pleiomeris, Embelia , and Grenacheria , whereas H. penduliflora is nested within Ardisia s. L , possibly being most closely related to the segregate genus Gentlea. It is suggested that H. penduliflora is probably best referred to a genus of its own. 相似文献
JAMES A. COMPTON J. CHRIS B. CLENNETT ALASTAIR CULHAM 《Botanical journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2004,146(3):339-349
Nine different classifications have been produced in the last 70 years for the horticulturally valuable genus Cyclamen , a small genus with fewer than 30 species. These classifications, generated by intuitive methods and cladistic analyses, incorporated a total of four infrageneric ranks above that of species and were based on data from morphology, cytology and DNA sequencing. Our results, based on cladistic analyses of three independent data sources − nrDNA ITS, cpDNA trn L intron and morphological data − reveal good resolution only in nrDNA sequence data. However, when these three data sources are combined they provide stronger resolution and support for three major clades, only one of which, subgenus Psilanthum , has been consistently supported in previous classifications. The differing infrageneric classifications produced in Cyclamen result from varying taxon sampling, differing interpretation of morphological data, changes in the sources and analysis of data, and inconsistent application of names. Extensive subdivision of small genera in the absence of adequate data that could provide evidence for consistent patterns of relationship is premature and leads to a proliferation of names. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 339–349. 相似文献
Malcolm S. Gordon 《Biology & philosophy》1999,14(3):331-348
The concept of monophyly is central to much of modern biology. Despite many efforts over many years, important questions remain unanswered that relate both to the concept itself and to its various applications. This essay focuses primarily on four of these: i) Is it possible to define monophyly operationally, specifically with respect to both the structures of genomes and at the levels of the highest phylogenetic categories (kingdoms, phyla, classes)? ii) May the mosaic and chimeric structures of genomes be sufficiently important factors in phylogeny that situations exist in which the concept may not be applicable? iii) In the history of life on earth were there important groups of organisms that probably had polyphyletic, rather than monophyletic, origins? iv) Does the near universal search for monophyletic origins of clades lead, on occasion, to both undesirable narrowing of acceptable options for development of evolutionary scenarios and sometimes actual omission from consideration of less conventional types of both data and modes of thought, possibly at the expense of biological understanding? Three sections in the essay consider possible answers to these questions: i) A reassessment is made of major features of both the concept and some of its applications. Recent research results make it seem improbable that there could have been single basal forms for many of the highest categories of evolutionary differentiation (kingdoms, phyla, classes). The universal tree of life probably had many roots. Facts contributing to this perception include the phylogenetically widespread occurrences of: horizontal transfers of plasmids, viral genomes, and transposons; multiple genomic duplications; the existence and properties of large numbers of gene families and protein families; multiple symbioses; broad-scale hybridizations; and multiple homoplasys. Next, justifications are reassessed for the application of monophyletic frameworks to two major evolutionary developments usually interpreted as having been monophyletic: ii) the origins of life; and iii) the origins of the vertebrate tetrapods. For both cases polyphyletic hypotheses are suggested as more probable than monophyletic hypotheses. Major conclusions are, as answers to the four questions posed above: probably not, yes, yes, and yes. 相似文献
Implied weighting, a method for phylogenetic inference that actively seeks to downweight supposed homoplasy, has in recent years begun to be widely utilized in palaeontological datasets. Given the method's purported ability at handling widespread homoplasy/convergence, we investigate the effects of implied weighting on modelled phylogenetic data. We generated 100 character matrices consisting of 55 characters each using a Markov Chain morphology model of evolution based on a known phylogenetic tree. Rates of character evolution in these datasets were variable and generated by pulling from a gamma distribution for each character in the matrix. These matrices were then analysed under equal weighting and four settings of implied weights (k = 1, 3, 5, and 10). Our results show that implied weighting is inconsistent in its ability to retrieve a known phylogenetic tree. Equally weighted analyses are found to generally be more conservative, retrieving higher frequency of polytomies but being less likely to generate erroneous topologies. Implied weighting is found to generally resolve polytomies while also propagating errors, resulting in an increase in both correctly and incorrectly resolved nodes with a tendency towards higher rates of error compared to equal weighting. Our results suggest that equal weights may be a preferable method for parsimony analysis. 相似文献
Clitellata, with more than one third of all annelid species described, is briefly introduced, and an overview of the hypotheses
of phylogenetic relationships among the groups traditionally referred to as oligochaetes is given. The presentation is placed
in a historical context and describes the trend to move from intuitive, narrative approaches to more formal analyses of character
patterns. Monophyly of the earthworms (the megadriles, or Metagynophora sensu Jamieson), or at least a major part of them (Crassiclitellata sensu Jamieson), and paraphyly of the ‘microdrile’ largely aquatic, groups are supported by both morphological and molecular data.
Further, DNA sequences as well as spermatozoal ultrastructure corroborate that all leech-like taxa (Hirudinida, Acanthobdellida
and Branchiobdellida) constitute a clade derived within ‘Oligochaeta’, closely related to the family Lumbriculidae. Molecular
systematic studies also support relationships already identified on the basis of morphological data, e.g., the position of
Naididae within Tubificidae, the position of Phreodrilidae close to, but outside, the same family, and the putative sistergroup
relationship between the newly discovered Capilloventridae and the rest of Clitellata. A recent study using 18S rDNA suggests
that Enchytraeidae is closely related to Metagynophora, and that these two taxa, which contain all terrestrial oligochaetous
clitellates, form a clade derived from aquatic ‘microdriles’ This refutes a recent hypothesis proposing that the ancestor
of Clitellata was terrestrial. To a great extent, however, the basal resolution of the oligochaetous clitellates remains unclear. 相似文献
A cladistic analysis of Orchidaceae was undertaken for 98 genera using 71 morphological apomorphies based on a reconsideration of previous character analyses and newly discovered variation. The equally weighted analysis found 60 000 most parsimonious trees with low consistency (CI = 0.29) but high retention (RI = 0.83). The strict consensus reveals a significant amount of structure, and most traditionally recognized subfamilies are supported as monophyletic, including the Apostasioideae, Cypripedioideae, Spiranthoideae, and Epidendroideae. Orchidoideae in the broad sense are paraphyletic, giving rise to spiranthoids. Vanilloids are sister to epidendroids, although exhibiting several states otherwise found only in clearly basal groups, such as Apostasioideae. The nonvandoid epidendroids are poorly resolved, due to a high degree of homoplasy. The vandoids appear to be monophyletic, contrary to recent molecular evidence, possibly due to repeated parallel development of the vandoid character suite. The importance of vegetative characters as evidence putatively independent from floral features is demonstrated in the placement of Tropidia. Implied weighting analysis of these data resulted in similar patterns at high levels, although the Orchidoideae and Spiranthoideae may each be monophyletic and the nonvandoid epidendroids are more resolved. The high degree of structure implied in previous orchid classifications must be reconsidered, given the poor resolution at lower levels in the present trees. 相似文献
HELEN ALIPANAH CEES GIELIS ALIREZA SARI ALIMORAD SARAFRAZI SHAHAB MANZARI 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2011,163(2):484-547
The monophyly of the tribe Oxyptilini and phylogenetic relationships of the genera embraced in this tribe were examined using 171 (75 binary and 96 multistate) characters of adult morphology. The study material included 98 species of 30 genera, representing all previously recognized genera of Oxyptilini, together with the genera Sphenarches, Antarches, Diacrotricha, and Cosmoclostis, four species of Oidaematophorini, three species of Platyptiliini, as well as three and two other species belonging to Pterophorini and Exelastini respectively. Two Agdistis species were used as outgroups. The cladistic analysis resulted in six equally parsimonious trees. A majority of the recovered synapomorphic characters have previously been used in the taxonomy of the subfamily. However, 25 novel characters were found. The monophyly of Oxyptilini was supported, although only with homoplastic characters and low amounts of tree confidence; the genera Capperia, Procapperia, Paracapperia, Oxyptilus, Megalorhipida, and Trichoptilus were found to be nonmonophyletic; Sphenarches and Antarches were recovered as members of Oxyptilini; the two genera Cosmoclostis and Diacrotricha were placed out of Oxyptilini, inside the tribe Pterophorini; and close affinity of the genus Dejongia to Stangeia, Stenodacma, Megalorhipida, Trichoptilus, and Buckleria species was revealed. Four new combinations, Cosmoclostis lanceata (Arenberger) comb. nov. , Nippoptilia regulus (Meyrick) comb. nov. , Capperia tadzhica (Zagulajev) comb. nov. , and Buckleria negotiosus (Meyrick) comb. nov. are proposed; Capperia insomnis Townsend was considered as a senior synonym of Procapperia hackeri Arenberger syn. nov. , Buckleria negotiosus (Meyrick) as a senior synonym of Buckleria vanderwolfi Gielis syn. nov. , and Oxyptilus variegatus Meyrick syn. nov. as a junior synonym of Oxyptilus secutor Meyrick. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 484–547. 相似文献
The ateline monkeys constitute as certain a monophyletic group as there is among primates. The group is intriguing because
while their adaptations are well-documented and their monophyly as a group is unquestioned, their phylogenetic interrelationships
are controversial. Molecular data indicate a phylogeny at odds with their morphology. Traditional morphological comparisons
isolate Alouatta from the atelins, and link Ateles and Brachyteles as a sister group to the exclusion of Lagothrix. In contrast, several recent molecular studies point to a closer relationship between Brachyteles and Lagothrix than between Brachyteles and Ateles. At the heart of the problem lie the assumptions we make about the validity of data and the homology of observed traits.
The fossil record further confounds the issue. We must account for the fossil record because it is positive evidence. But
we cannot control how much of it there is or how much of it ever will be known. At this point in time, the ateline molecular
and fossil record provoke us to examine critically our morphological approach to phylogenetic modeling. 相似文献
Chaenea teres has typical haptorid ultrastructure. The somatic monokinetid has two transverse microtubular ribbons, an overlapping postciliary microtubular ribbon, and a laterally directed kinetodesmal fiber. The evered cytopharynx forms a dome at the apical end of the cell. The base of the dome is surrounded by oral dikinetids. The left, anterior kinetosome of the oral pair is not ciliated and has a transverse microtubular ribbon, a nematodesmata and a single postciliary microtubule. The right, posterior kinetosome is ciliated and has only postciliary microtubules. The kinetosomes at the anterior ends of the somatic kinetics are close together and their transverse microtubules and nematodesmata contribute to the support of the cytopharynx. The transverse microtubules of these oralized somatic kinetosomes, together with those from the oral dikinetids, line the cytopharynx. Accessory or bulge microtubules arise perpendicular to the transverse microtubules. A dorsal brush of three kineties of clavate cilia is found on the cell surface just posterior to the oral region. Mucocysts and a single type of toxicyst are present. The toxicysts are confined to the oral region. There are multiple ovoid macronuclei that stain weakly. Micronuclei were not observed. Cladistic analysis indicates the Chaenea may be most closely related to Fuscheria and Acropisthium. The cladistic analysis also suggests that existing taxonomies of the subclass Haptoria need to be revised. We propose some modifications to Foissner & Foissner's classification that include transferring Helicoprorodon, Actinobolina, the buetschiliids, and the balantidiids to the order Haptorida and recognizing the close relationship between pleurostomes and spathidiids. 相似文献
MICHAEL S. Y. LEE PAUL DOUGHTY 《Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society》1997,72(4):471-495
The relationship between phylogenetic reconstruction and evolutionary theory is reassessed. It is argued here that phylogenies, and evolutionary principles, should be analysed initially as independently from each other as possible. Only then can they be used to test one another. If the phylogenies and evolutionary principles are totally consistent with one another, this consilience of independent lines of evidence increases confidence in both. If, however, there is a conflict, then one should assess the relative support for each hypothesis, and tentatively accept the more strongly supported one. We review examples where the phylogenetic hypothesis is preferred over the evolutionary principle, and vice versa, and instances where the conflict cannot be readily resolved. Because the analyses of pattern and process must initially be kept separate, the temporal order in which they are performed is unimportant. Therefore, the widespread methodology of always proceeding from cladogram to evolutionary ‘scenario’ cannot be justified philosophically. Such an approach means that cladograms cannot be properly tested against evolutionary principles, and that evolutionary ‘scenarios’ have no independent standing. Instead, we propose the ‘consilience’ approach where phylogenetic and evolutionary hypotheses are formulated independently from each other and then examined for agreement. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to produce the first objective and comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the speciose subgenus Culex based on morphological data. We used implied and equally weighted parsimony methods to analyse a dataset comprised of 286 characters of the larval, pupal, and adult stages of 150 species of the subgenus and an outgroup of 17 species. We determined the optimal support by summing the GC supports for each MPC, selecting the cladograms with the highest supports to generate a strict consensus tree. We then collapsed the branches with GC support < 1 to obtain the ‘best’ topography of relationships. The analyses largely failed to resolve relationships among the species and the informal groups in which they are currently placed based on morphological similarities and differences. All analyses, however, support the monophyly of genus Culex. With the exception of the Atriceps Group, the analyses failed to find positive support for any of the informal species groups (monophyly of the Duttoni Group could not be established because only one of the two species of the group was included in the analyses). Since the analyses would seem to include sufficient data for phylogenetic reconstruction, lack of resolution appears to be the result of inadequate or conflicting character data, and perhaps incorrect homology assessments. Molecular and other biological data are needed to gain insights into the evolution of subgenus Culex. Nevertheless, we discuss the placement of several taxa in the current morphology-based classification of the subgenus based on insights realized during the study. 相似文献
This paper offers a detailed taxonomic revision of all Canarian Pholcus species described before 2003, all of which are newly described and newly illustrated. Pholcus guadarfia sp. nov. is described, while a neotype for Pholcus malpaisensis Wunderlich, 1992 is also provided. In addition, we propose Pholcus gomerae Wunderlich, 1980 as a senior synonym for Pholcus gomeroides Wunderlich, 1987. More importantly, cladistic analysis based on the morphological characters of the Macaronesian Pholcus species was conducted for the first time. Parsimony analyses of 73 morphological characters revealed the close relationships between those species from the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Macaronesian enclave in Africa (between Agadir and Nouadhibou). © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 59–114. 相似文献
STEVEN R. DAVIS 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》2011,161(1):88-156
Since the erection of the weevil subfamily Baridinae by Schönherr in 1836, no phylogenetic hypothesis using cladistic methods has been proposed for this extraordinarily diverse group. This study provides the first hypothesis for the evolution of Baridinae using phylogenetic methods, including 301 taxa and 113 morphological characters. Despite fairly well‐resolved results, indicating paraphyly of nearly all of the currently recognized intrasubfamilial divisions, no change to the current classification is made. Even though groupings are proposed based on the final results, it is believed that more rigorous analyses need to be made prior to a re‐evaluation and subsequent alteration of the current classification. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010. 相似文献
MATS ENVALL 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2008,94(1):217-220
About 50 years ago, the German entomologist Willi Hennig presented a new approach in biological systematics that he called a phylogenetic systematics. The main difference between his approach and traditional Linnean systematics was that he distinguished two new kinds of groups that he called mono- and paraphyletic groups, and whereof he considered only monophyletic groups to be natural groups. However, almost immediately after publication of his approach in English, some biological systematists commented that his monophyletic groups rather ought to be called holophyletic groups. The comment sparked a heated debate about the definition of the concept 'monophyletic groups', but the debate never reached consensus. In this paper, I claim that the controversy does not concern the definition of the concept monophyletic groups per se , but instead conceptualization of phylogenies (i.e. dichotomously branching processes) in a general sense. I discuss the relation between mono-, holo- and paraphyletic groups, and conclude that Hennig's conceptualization of phylogenies is both inconsistent and empirically wrong, whereas Linné's instead is consistent and correct. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 217–220. 相似文献