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《Free radical research》2013,47(6):331-335
To monitor free radical scavenging properties of drugs, the 'stable' radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidino-1-oxyl (TEMPO) was used. The sydnonimine molsidomine (SIN-1) effectively reduced the ESR signal whereas the nitrate isosorbidemononitrate (ISMN) did not. Thiol reagents like 2-mercaptopropionylglycine (MPG) or glutathione (GSH) only were effective in the presence of Fe2+ or Fe3+. Protein-bound iron in hemoglobin proved about four times more effective in reducing ESR signal height by thiols. It is suggested that the decrease in thiol content adds to the lack in protein bound iron of hemoglobin to induce the burst of free radicals in hypoxia (ischemia) and reperfusion.  相似文献   

通过同种基因型小鼠构建造血干细胞移植模型,将预处理的全骨髓单个核细胞或c-Kit+造血干细胞移植至致死剂量照射的受体小鼠体内,动态监测移植2~16周后受体小鼠体内供体来源细胞造血重建以及嵌合情况,以期揭示不同群体的供体细胞以及预处理等因素对小鼠造血干细胞移植后造血重建的影响。实验结果显示,移植后早期(2周)全骨髓单个核细胞组髓系比例要高于c-Kit+细胞移植组,但全骨髓移植组受体小鼠呈现出较大的移植后不良反应,出现脱毛、食欲不振以及体重减轻的症状。c-Kit+细胞移植组在淋系重建上要早于全骨髓移植组,供体细胞的嵌合植入也早于全骨髓移植组,但两组实验组最终均能完成造血重建过程。实验结果表明c-Kit+细胞移植组在移植后能够较快地实现供体细胞植入,进而开始造血重建,且c-Kit+细胞移植组的不良反应要低于全骨髓移植组。结果说明在整体造血重建效果上c-Kit+细胞移植组要优于全骨髓移植组。  相似文献   

目的:研究亚磁场对成年小鼠血液系统的影响。方法:将成年雄性C57BL/6小鼠(4-6周,20±2g,n20,每笼4只)随机分组,分别饲养在模拟亚磁场环境(500nT)和对照地磁场环境(~50μT)。每周定时监测动物体重变化和饮食消耗两次。一个月后,采集亚磁处理小鼠和地磁对照小鼠全血和血清样品,分别进行血常规监测和血清微量元素分析。同时检测血清中过氧化氢(H2O2)的含量,以及超氧化物歧酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力。结果:亚磁场处理过程中,动物体重和饮食消耗与地磁对照没有显著差异,但是体重增量在2周后(14天-24天)比对照组有显著降低(P0.05)。一个月亚磁场处理后,红细胞,血小板和总白细胞处于正常水平,没有发生显著变化,但是中性粒细胞水平显著上升(P0.05)。血清中微量元素水平和氧化应激指标没有显著变化。结论:成年小鼠在亚磁场中经历了一定程度的适应反应。经过一个月连续亚磁场处理,血液系统能够维持健康水平,但是嗜中性粒细胞对亚磁场存在明显响应。  相似文献   

ObjectivesAnemia is independently and strongly associated with an increased risk of mortality in older people and is also strongly associated with obesity. The objectives of the present study were to examine the associations between the hemoglobin level and various anthropometric indices, to predict low and normal hemoglobin levels using combined anthropometric indices, and to assess differences in the hemoglobin level and anthropometric indices between Korean men and women.MethodsA total of 7,156 individuals ranging in age from 53–90 years participated in this retrospective cross-sectional study. Binary logistic regression (LR) and naïve Bayes (NB) models were used to identify significant differences in the anthropometric indices between subjects with low and normal hemoglobin levels and to assess the predictive power of these indices for the hemoglobin level.ResultsAmong all of the variables, age displayed the strongest association with the hemoglobin level in both men (p < 0.0001, odds ratio [OR] = 0.487, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve based on the LR [LR-AUC] = 0.702, NB-AUC = 0.701) and women (p < 0.0001, OR = 0.636, LR-AUC = 0.625, NB-AUC = 0.624). Among the anthropometric indices, weight and body mass index (BMI) were the best predictors of the hemoglobin level. The predictive powers of all of the variables were higher in men than in women. The AUC values for the NB-Wrapper and LR-Wrapper predictive models generated using combined anthropometric indices were 0.734 and 0.723, respectively, for men and 0.649 and 0.652, respectively, for women. The use of combined anthropometric indices may improve the predictive power for the hemoglobin level.DiscussionAmong the various anthropometric indices, with the exception of age, we did not identify any indices that were better predictors than weight and BMI for low and normal hemoglobin levels. In addition, none of the ratios between pairs of indices were good indicators of the hemoglobin level. Finally, the Korean men tended to have higher associations between the anthropometric indices and anemia than the women.  相似文献   

Humans and a few select insect and reptile species synchronise inter-individual behaviour without any time lag by predicting the time of future events rather than reacting to them. This is evident in music performance, dance, and drill. Although repetition of equal time intervals (i.e. isochrony) is the central principle for such prediction, this simple information is used in a flexible and complex way that accommodates both multiples, subdivisions, and gradual changes of intervals. The scope of this flexibility remains largely uncharted, and the underlying mechanisms are a matter for speculation. Here I report an auditory illusion that highlights some aspects of this behaviour and that provides a powerful tool for its future study. A sound pattern is described that affords multiple alternative and concurrent rates of recurrence (temporal levels). An algorithm that systematically controls time intervals and the relative loudness among these levels creates an illusion that the perceived rate speeds up or slows down infinitely. Human participants synchronised hand movements with their perceived rate of events, and exhibited a change in their movement rate that was several times larger than the physical change in the sound pattern. The illusion demonstrates the duality between the external signal and the internal predictive process, such that people''s tendency to follow their own subjective pulse overrides the overall properties of the stimulus pattern. Furthermore, accurate synchronisation with sounds separated by more than 8 s demonstrate that multiple temporal levels are employed for facilitating temporal organisation and integration by the human brain. A number of applications of the illusion and the stimulus pattern are suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate precisely the type of interactions between mexiletine (an antiarrhythmic drug) and four new generation antiepileptic drugs: lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate and pregabalin in the maximal electroshock test in mice (MES). The isobolographic analysis was used to assess the nature of interactions between the tested drugs. Total brain concentrations of antiepileptics were also measured to detect possible pharmacokinetic interactions. The results obtained indicated that the mixture of mexiletine and pregabalin at the fixed ratios of 1:1 and 3:1 led to supra-additive interaction in terms of seizure suppression, while the proportion of 1:3 occurred additive. Synergism was also demonstrated for the combination of mexiletine and topiramate in all three proportions. Combinations of mexiletine with lamotrigine and mexiletine with oxcarbazepine were found to be additive. Adverse-effect profiles of mexiletine, antiepileptics and drug combinations were evaluated in the chimney test (motor coordination) and step-through passive-avoidance task (long-term memory). Mexiletine and drug combinations did not impair long-term memory. Moreover, all combinations of mexiletine with lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine and topiramate had no significant effect on motor coordination. However, the results from the chimney test indicated that pregabalin, administered alone at its ED50 dose from the MES-test, significantly impaired motor performance. Similar adverse effects were observed when mexiletine was co-administered with pregabalin at the fixed-dose ratio combinations of 1:1 and 1:3. However, reduction of pregabalin dose at the fixed ratio of 3:1 seems to prevent significant motor impairment. The results may indicate that mexiletine can be considered as an adjunctive drug in antiepileptic treatment, particularly in patients with concomitant cardiac arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Comparative data on quaternary structure, cooperativity, Bohr effect and regulation by organic phosphates are reviewed for vertebrate hemoglobins. A phylogeny of hemoglobin function in the vertebrates is deduced. It is proposed that from the monomeric hemoglobin of the common ancestor of vertebrates, a deoxy dimer, as seen in the lamprey, could have originated with a single amino acid substitution. The deoxy dimer has a Bohr effect, cooperativity and a reduced oxygen affinity compared to the monomer. One, or two, additional amino acid substitutions could have resulted in the origin of a tetrameric deoxy hemoglobin which dissociated to dimers on oxygenation. Gene duplication, giving incipient alpha and beta genes, probably preceded the origin of a tetrameric oxyhemoglobin. The origin of an organic phosphate binding site on the tetrameric hemoglobin of an early fish required only one, or two, amino acid substitutions. ATP was the first organic phosphate regulator of hemoglobin function. The binding of ATP by hemoglobin may have caused the original elevation in the concentration of ATP in the red blood cells by relieving end product inhibition of ATP synthesis. The switch from regulation of hemoglobin function by ATP to regulation by DPG may have been a consequence of the curtailment of oxidative phosphorylation in the red blood cell. The basic mechanisms by which ATP and DPG concentrations can respond to strss on the oxygen transport system were present before the origin of an organic phosphate binding site on hemoglobin. A switch from ATP regulation to IP5 regulation occurred in the common ancestor of birds.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of recombinant thrombomodulin (TM) confers radiation protection partly by accelerating hematopoietic recovery. The uniquely potent radioprotector gamma tocotrienol (GT3), in addition to being a strong antioxidant, inhibits the enzyme hydroxy-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR) and thereby likely modulates the expression of TM. We hypothesized that the mechanism underlying the exceptional radioprotective properties of GT3 partly depends on the presence of endothelial TM. In vitro studies confirmed that ionizing radiation suppresses endothelial TM (about 40% at 4 hr after 5 Gy γ-irradiation) and that GT3 induces TM expression (about 2 fold at the mRNA level after 5 μM GT3 treatment for 4 hr). In vivo survival studies showed that GT3 was significantly more effective as a radioprotector in TM wild type (TM+/+) mice than in mice with low TM function (TMPro/-). After exposure to 9 Gy TBI, GT3 pre-treatment conferred 85% survival in TM+/+ mice compared to only 50% in TMPro/-. Thus, GT3-mediated radiation lethality protection is partly dependent on endothelial TM. Significant post-TBI recovery of hematopoietic cells, particularly leukocytes, was observed in TM+/+ mice (p = 0.003), but not in TMPro/- mice, despite the fact that GT3 induced higher levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) in TMPro/- mice (p = 0.0001). These data demonstrate a critical, G-CSF-independent, role for endothelial TM in GT3-mediated lethality protection and hematopoietic recovery after exposure to TBI and may point to new strategies to enhance the efficacy of current medical countermeasures in radiological/nuclear emergencies.  相似文献   



Short birth intervals are independently associated with increased risk of adverse maternal, perinatal, infant and child outcomes. Anemia in children, which is highly prevalent in Africa, is associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Birth spacing is advocated as a tool to reduce anemia in preschool African children, but the role of gender differences and contextual factors has been neglected. The present study aims to determine to what extent the length of preceding birth interval influences the hemoglobin levels of African preschool children in general, as well as for boys and girls separately, and which contextual factors thereby play a crucial role.

Methods and Findings

This cross-sectional study uses data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) conducted between 2003 and 2011 in 20 African countries. All preschool children aged 6–59 months with a valid hemoglobin measurement and a preceding birth interval of 7–72 months as well as their corresponding multigravida mothers aged 21–49 years were included in the study. Hemoglobin levels of children and mothers were measured in g/l, while birth intervals were calculated as months difference between consecutive births. Multivariate analyses were done to examine the relationship between length of preceding birth interval and child hemoglobin levels, adjusted for factors at the individual, household, community, district, and country level. A positive linear relationship was observed between birth interval and the 49,260 included children’s hemoglobin level, whereby age and sex of the child, hemoglobin level of the mother, household wealth, mother’s education and urbanization of place of residence also showed positive associations. In the interaction models, the effect of a month increase in birth interval is associated with an average increase of 0.025 g/l in hemoglobin level (P = 0.001) in girls, while for boys the effect was not significant. In addition, for girls, the effect of length of preceding birth interval was highest in young mothers and mothers with higher hemoglobin levels, while for boys, the highest effect was noticed for those living in more highly educated regions. Finally, significantly higher hemoglobin levels of girls compared to boys were observed at birth but with increasing age, the sex difference in hemoglobin level gradually becomes smaller.


A longer birth interval has a modest positive effect on early childhood hemoglobin levels of girls, and this effect is strongest when their mothers are in their early twenties and have a high hemoglobin level. Remarkably, although the physiological iron requirement is higher for boys than girls, birth spacing has little influence on hemoglobin levels of preschool boys. We speculate that the preference for male offspring in large parts of Africa significantly influences nutritional patterns of African preschool boys and girls, and as such also determines the different effect of birth spacing. Finally, gender aspects should be considered in intervention programs that aim to improve anemia in African children.  相似文献   

Aspergillosis has emerged as an important contributor to infection-related morbidity and mortality in susceptible populations. This comes at a time when we are also seeing an increase in the vulnerable populations themselves. At the same time, some parts of the world are reporting an increased incidence of aspergillosis refractory to triazole therapy. Resistance to triazole drugs may have major implications for aspergillosis management since our antifungal armamentarium is limited. This review gives an overview of populations at risk of developing aspergillosis and highlights resistance mechanisms that may contribute to morbidity and mortality in these vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

为探讨载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡对小鼠辐射损伤的防护作用。本研究检测载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡的表征,并将60只BALB/c小鼠随机分为正常对照组、照射对照组、载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组。小鼠经6Gy x射线一次性全身照射(剂量率2 Gy/min)。于照射后3 d和8 d处死小鼠,检测其外周血细胞数、脾脏和胸腺指数、骨髓和脾脏组织病理学变化。结果显示,照射后3 d和8 d,与正常对照组相比,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组和照射对照组的白细胞均明显下降,相比照射对照组,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组有改善(p<0.05或p<0.01);而载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组和照射对照组的红细胞数和血红蛋白均略有下降,但差异无统计学意义。与正常对照组相比,微泡组的胸腺指数、脾脏指数均有下降,和照射对照组相比,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组的胸腺指数明显改善(p<0.05或p<0.01)。照射后3 d,与正常对照组相比,照射对照组的骨髓细胞较少,存在细胞碎片,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组骨髓细胞数量略有减少,存在细胞核松散现象。而照射后8 d,与正常对照组相比,照射对照组的骨髓细胞几乎找不到,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡组骨髓细胞有一定数量,存在细胞凋亡现象。本研究表明,载氢-纳米氧化铈微泡通过保护造血组织、改善造血功能,对机体起到一定的辐射防护作用。  相似文献   



Recent studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency represents an additional cofactor of renal anemia, with several mechanisms accounting for this relationship. In line with it, the administration of vitamin D or its analogues has been associated with an improvement of anemia. There are no data, however, about a direct effect of paricalcitol on hemoglobin (Hb) levels. Therefore, we conducted a study to determine whether paricalcitol, compared to calcitriol, improves anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).


In this randomized trial 60 CKD patients stage 3b-5 and anemia (Hb levels: 10-12.5 g/dL) were assigned (1:1) to receive low doses of calcitriol (Group Calcitriol) or paricalcitol (Group Paricalcitol) for 6 months. All the patients had normal values of plasma calcium, phosphorus and PTH, a stable iron balance, and normal values of C-Reactive Protein. The primary endpoint was to evaluate the effects of the two treatments on Hb levels; the modifications in 24hr-proteinuria (UProt) were also evaluated.


A significant Group x Time interaction effect was observed in the longitudinal analysis of Hb levels (F(1,172)=31.4, p<0.001). Subjects in Paricalcitol experienced a significant monthly increase of Hb levels equal to +0.16 g/dL [95% C.I. 0.10 to +0.22, p<0.001) while in Group Calcitriol, Hb decrease throughout the follow-up with an average monthly rate of -0.10 g/dL (95% C.I.: -0.17 to -0.04, p<0.001). In Group Paricalcitol, UProt was significantly reduced after 6 months [0.35 (0.1-1.2) vs 0.59 (0.2-1.6), p<0.01], whereas no significant difference emerged in Group Calcitriol. Plasma levels of calcium, phosphate, PTH and of inflammation markers remained in the normal range in both groups throughout the study.


Short-term exposure to paricalcitol results in an independent increase in Hb levels, which occurred with no modification of iron balance, inflammatory markers, and PTH plasma concentrations, and was associated with a decrease in UProt.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01768351  相似文献   

The effect of 15-minute end-of-day irradiations on photoreversible phytochrome levels in light-grown oat (Avena sativa L., cv Garry) seedlings was investigated. Oat seedlings were grown in a cycle of 8 hours of natural daylight and 16 hours of complete darkness, from sowing until harvest at day 10. The level of extractable, photoreversible phytochrome per unit fresh weight was 60% higher after end-of-day far-red irradiation than after either end-of-day red irradiation or end-of-day far-red followed by end-of-day red. Seedlings irradiated with end-of-day far-red also exhibited a small but significant increase in shoot height and fresh weight per seedling. Extracts of seedlings given each of these end-of-day treatments were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, electroblotted, and immunostained with monoclonal antibodies specific to different phytochromes. Regardless of end-of-day light treatment, phytochrome that is abundant in etiolated tissue was below the limit of detection, indicating that one or more of the phytochromes predominating in green tissue changes in abundance.  相似文献   



Viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections in early-life are linked to the development of allergic airway inflammation and asthma. However, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. We have previously shown that neonatal and infant, but not adult, chlamydial lung infections in mice permanently alter inflammatory phenotype and physiology to increase the severity of allergic airway disease by increasing lung interleukin (IL)-13 expression, mucus hyper-secretion and airway hyper-responsiveness. This occurred through different mechanisms with infection at different ages. Neonatal infection suppressed inflammatory responses but enhanced systemic dendritic cell:T-cell IL-13 release and induced permanent alterations in lung structure (i.e., increased the size of alveoli). Infant infection enhanced inflammatory responses but had no effect on lung structure. Here we investigated the role of hematopoietic cells in these processes using bone marrow chimera studies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Neonatal (<24-hours-old), infant (3-weeks-old) and adult (6-weeks-old) mice were infected with C. muridarum. Nine weeks after infection bone marrow was collected and transferred into recipient age-matched irradiated naïve mice. Allergic airway disease was induced (8 weeks after adoptive transfer) by sensitization and challenge with ovalbumin. Reconstitution of irradiated naïve mice with bone marrow from mice infected as neonates resulted in the suppression of the hallmark features of allergic airway disease including mucus hyper-secretion and airway hyper-responsiveness, which was associated with decreased IL-13 levels in the lung. In stark contrast, reconstitution with bone marrow from mice infected as infants increased the severity of allergic airway disease by increasing T helper type-2 cell cytokine release (IL-5 and IL-13), mucus hyper-secretion, airway hyper-responsiveness and IL-13 levels in the lung. Reconstitution with bone marrow from infected adult mice had no effects.


These results suggest that an infant chlamydial lung infection results in long lasting alterations in hematopoietic cells that increases the severity of allergic airway disease in later-life.  相似文献   

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