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Capsule Golden and White‐tailed Eagles selected different habitats for nesting.

Aim To investigate differences in nesting habitat used by sympatrically breeding eagles in western Scotland, following reintroduction of White‐tailed Eagles from 1975 onwards.

Methods Nest‐site locations from national surveys in 2003–05 were entered into a geographical information system (GIS) in order to measure a set of geographic parameters for each nest site. Binary logistic regression with backwards deletion of non‐significant terms was used to derive minimum adequate models at two spatial scales of the likelihood of an eagle nest belonging to one species or the other. We compared changes in occupancy between 1992 and 2003 of Golden Eagle territories inside and outside a GIS model of potential White‐tailed Eagle habitat and according to proximity to White‐tailed Eagle nests.

Results White‐tailed Eagles nested at lower altitudes than Golden Eagles, in more wooded habitats with more open water close by, tending to nest in trees where these were present. There were 3359 km2 of potential White‐tailed Eagle nesting habitat within 25 km of existing White‐tailed Eagle nests, containing 54 Golden Eagle territory centres, but we found no difference in change of occupancy for Golden Eagle territories close to White‐tailed Eagles compared with those further away.

Conclusion White‐tailed and Golden Eagles appear to partition nesting habitat in the west of Scotland by altitude. This corresponds with behaviour in western Norway and with the situation described in historical accounts of nest‐sites in western Scotland prior to extinction of White‐tailed Eagles. It is also consistent with recent studies showing little overlap in breeding season diet of Golden and White‐tailed Eagles in western Scotland, and likely partitioning of foraging habitat by altitude. We conclude that the likelihood of competitive exclusion is less than previously suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Despite the interest of resource managers and conservationists in the status of Common Black-Hawk ( Buteogallus anthracinus ) populations in the southwestern United States, little is known about their nesting success and habitat requirements. Because such information is essential for effective population and habitat management, I examined the nesting success and nest-site selection of Common Black-Hawks in southwestern New Mexico during 2000 and 2001. Of the 37 nesting attempts in 21 territories, ≥1 young fledged from 25 nests (68%). Comparison of nest-sites and nonused sites suggested that breeding Common Black-Hawks selected nest-sites in areas with a sparser and shorter subcanopy tree layer and in trees with a smaller trunk diameter and a greater minimum crown diameter. These differences appear to be related to variation in forest ages within territories, with nonused sites having fewer, but older, canopy trees than nest-sites. Sites with younger, smaller subcanopy trees may provide forest structure for more effective foraging, whereas the characteristics of younger nest tree canopies may reduce the risk of nest predation or offer more protection from inclement weather. Due to the limited range of this species in the southwestern United States, efforts to encourage the establishment and maturation of riparian forests in Common Black-Hawk breeding areas could be important in sustaining available nesting habitat and, in turn, maintaining or expanding current population levels.  相似文献   

Capsule: The nesting habitat of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina extensively overlap, indicating that they exploit similar resources.

Aim: We aimed to determine the overlap in the nest platforms, nest trees and nest stands used by these raptors, find any evidence for the avoidance of the larger Lesser Spotted Eagle by the smaller Common Buzzard, and provide conservation implications for habitat protection of the former species in habitats that overlap extensively.

Methods: Nest sites were mapped during 2012–2014 in the Bir?ai Forest Spatial Protection Area, northern Lithuania. Fifty-three nest sites occupied by Common Buzzards and 26 by Lesser Spotted Eagles were compared.

Results: The nest platforms of both raptors were similarly placed in the tree canopies. Most Lesser Spotted Eagle nests were built in spruce, while the Common Buzzard usually nested in birch. The nest stands of the eagles were on wetter soil and located closer to the forest edge than those of the buzzards, otherwise, the nest stands did not differ significantly. There was no evidence for spatial avoidance of the larger raptor by the Common Buzzard.

Conclusions: The different components of the nesting habitats extensively overlapped, and the distribution of the interspecific pairs lacked spatial avoidance. We suggest that the nest sites of both raptors were a largely shared resource, especially if located close to the forest edges. We propose, as a rule of thumb, applying protection by way of buffer zones around buzzard nest sites if they are located close to eagle nest sites and the forest edge.  相似文献   

Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are listed as threatened in the portion of their range extending from British Columbia to California due to loss of nesting habitat. Recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations requires a better understanding of the characteristics of their nesting habitat in this part of their range. Our objective, therefore, was to describe their nesting habitat in Washington State and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We captured Marbled Murrelets from 2004 to 2008, fitted them with radio transmitters, and followed them to nests (N = 20). We used Cohen's unbiased d effect size to assess differences between forest plots surrounding nest sites and nearby control sites (N = 18). Nest sites had less canopy cover of the dominant conifers and fewer, but larger, trees than control sites. Nest sites also had greater percentages of trees with platforms >10 cm diameter and >15 cm diameter, and more platforms of these sizes than control sites. The mean diameter at breast height of nest trees was 136.5 cm (range = 84–248 cm) and all but one nest was in dominant or co‐dominant tree species. At the landscape scale, we used vegetation maps derived from remotely sensed data and found greater canopy cover, higher density of mature trees, more platforms >10 cm/ha, and more old‐growth habitat at nest sites than at random sites. Our findings suggest that, at the site scale, nesting Marbled Murrelets selected the most suitable features of forest structure across expansive potentially suitable habitat. Our landscape‐scale analysis showed that habitat features in nesting stands differed from those features in available stands in the murrelet's range in Washington. We also found that stands with nests were less fragmented than available forest across murrelet range. All nest sites of radio‐tagged birds in Washington were in protected areas in mostly undisturbed forest habitat. Conservation of these areas of inland nesting habitat will be critical to the recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations.  相似文献   

凉水自然保护区松鼠巢址选择的特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2006 年6 月11 日至9 月27 日和2007 年8 月14 日至9 月21 日采用样线法,并结合定位观察的方法在凉水国家级自然保护区对松鼠的巢址选择进行了定量研究,共获取107 个巢样方和230 个对照样方。对每个样方分别测定了12 个巢树参数和7 个环境参数。统计分析结果表明,松鼠仅在针叶树上营巢,59.8 ± 4. 7% 的巢建于红松上,但对枝叶比红松更为浓密的云杉和臭冷杉有显著的选择性,而且显著倾向于在以云杉、臭冷杉为优势树种的生境中营巢。松鼠选择比较高大(树高21.5 ± 0.4 m)、活动通道比较多(3.6 ±0.1)的树营巢,巢树周围的树木密度(169 ± 4 株/ hm2 )和多样性(辛普森指数0.51 ± 0.01)显著高于对照样方。巢址生境多位于南向的中、下坡位。巢址高12.4 ± 0.4 m,紧贴树干,多朝南。红松树上的巢多建于树冠的中下部,云杉和臭冷杉树上的巢多建于树冠的上部。松鼠巢对包括道路在内的林隙没有显著的回避。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Species in the family Psittacidae may be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic habitat transformations that reduce availability of suitable breeding sites at different spatial scales. In southern Chile, loss of native forest cover due to agricultural conversion may impact populations of Slender‐billed Parakeets (Enicognathus leptorhynchus), endemic secondary cavity‐nesting psittacids. Our objective was to assess nest‐site selection by Slender‐billed Parakeets in an agricultural‐forest mosaic of southern Chile at two spatial scales: nest trees and the habitat surrounding those trees. During the 2008–2009 breeding seasons, we identified nest sites (N= 31) by observing parakeet behavior and using information provided by local residents. Most (29/31) nests were in mature Nothofagus obliqua trees. By comparing trees used for nesting with randomly selected, unused trees, we found that the probability of a tree being selected as a nest site was positively related to the number of cavity entrances, less dead crown, and more basal injuries (e.g., fire scars). At the nesting‐habitat scale, nest site selection was positively associated with the extent of basal injuries and number of cavity entrances in trees within 50 m of nest trees. These variables are likely important because they allow nesting parakeets to minimize cavity search times in potential nesting areas, thereby reducing energetic demands and potential exposure to predators. Slender‐billed Parakeets may thus use a hierarchical process to select nest sites; after a habitat patch is chosen, parakeets may then inspect individual trees in search of a suitable nest site. Effective strategies to ensure persistence of Slender‐billed Parakeets in agricultural‐forest mosaics should include preservation of both individual and groups of scattered mature trees.  相似文献   

Studies on nesting preferences of common buzzard and goshawk were carried out in two distinctly different parts of the Niepolomice Forest (S Poland): deciduous (oak-hornbeam wood) and coniferous. Characteristics of nest sites were determined on three spatial scales, separately for: (1) nest tree; (2) nest tree area (0.07 ha circle centred at nest tree) and (3) nest stand (15 ha circle centred at nest tree). Nesting preferences discovered for the nest tree and its surroundings, included height and diameter of trees, age of the forest stand, distance to the nearest open area or forest road and occurrence of open areas in the vicinity of the nest. In the diverse habitat of oak-hornbeam wood, more similar to natural woods, nest site selection operated on several levels, possibly starting at the most extensive end of the scale before narrowing to the selection of a particular nest tree. In the more homogeneous habitat of commercially exploited coniferous forest, the surrounding of the nest were found to be insignificant, and the nesting decisions were likely to be based principally on individual characteristics of a tree i.e. its shape and size, being suitable for nesting.  相似文献   

High concentrations of orangutans remain in the multiple-use forests of the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia. Compared to primary forest, the habitat is highly fragmented, characterized by a low tree density (332 stems/ha), small tree size (83.6% of trees are <20 m high), low basal area (18 m2/ha), abundance of canopy gaps and high level of soil disturbance. The forest structure and composition influence orangutan nesting patterns, and thus directly influence the results of nest surveys used to determine orangutan population size. In logged forests, tall and large trees are the preferred nesting sites of orangutans. The scarcity of suitable nesting sites in the logged-over forests of Kinabatangan, could partly explain the lower daily rate of nest construction (r = 1.00) versus those of other orangutan populations. The nest decay rate t recorded at the study site (average ± SD = 202 ± 151 days) strongly depends on the species of tree in which a nest is built. Our results illustrate that the nest-related parameters used for orangutan censuses fluctuate among habitat types and emphasize the need to determine specific values of r for specific orangutan populations and of t for different tree species in order to achieve accurate analysis of census data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Within forests susceptible to wildfire and insect infestations, land managers need to balance dead tree removal and habitat requirements for wildlife species associated with snags. We used Mahalanobis distance methods to develop predictive models of white-headed woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus) nesting habitat in postfire ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)-dominated landscapes on the Fremont-Winema National Forests in south central Oregon, USA. The 1-km radius (314 ha) surrounding 45 nest sites was open-canopied before fire and a mosaic of burn severities after wildfire. The 1-ha surrounding nests of white-headed woodpeckers had fewer live trees per hectare and more decayed and larger diameter snags than at non-nest sites. The leading cause of nest failure seemed to be predation. Habitat and abiotic features were not associated with nest survival. High daily survival rates and little variation within habitat features among nest locations suggest white-headed woodpeckers were consistently selecting high suitability habitats. Management activities that open the forest canopy and create conditions conducive to a mosaic burn pattern will probably provide suitable white-headed woodpecker nesting habitat after wildfire. When making postfire salvage logging decisions, we suggest that retention of larger, more decayed snags will provide nesting habitat in recently burned forests.  相似文献   

Parrot populations are being increasingly pressured to occupy modified or fragmented landscapes, yet little is known of the habitat requirements of most species, particularly with regard to the effects on breeding habitat. We evaluated nesting habitat of the lilac-crowned parrot Amazona finschi in the modified landscape of coastal Michoacan in Mexico. We located 90 parrot nests in 12 tree species in Michoacan, with lilac-crowned parrots presenting a narrow niche-breadth of tree species used for nesting. Considering an additional 82 nest trees recorded for lilac-crowned parrots in Jalisco, we determined a 51 percent similarity in cavity resource use by parrots in the two dry forest regions. Overall, the predominant nest tree species with 76 percent of nests were Astronium graveolens , Piranhea mexicana , Brosimum alicastrum , and Tabebuia spp., all characteristic of semi-deciduous forest. Only 8 percent of nests occurred in trees characteristic of deciduous forest. Parrots utilized large trees with canopy level cavities as nest sites, and preferred conserved semi-deciduous forest for nesting, with fewer nests than expected in deciduous forest and transformed agricultural land. Nest areas in semi-deciduous forest occurred on significantly steeper terrain, as remnant semi-deciduous forest is restricted to steep ridges and canyons. Those parrot nests in modified habitats and forest patches were located near to continuous forest, with nest trees in open agricultural land being significantly closer to continuous forest than nests in disturbed forest patches. These results demonstrate the importance of conserved semi-deciduous forest as breeding habitat for the threatened, endemic lilac-crowned parrot, making wild populations of the species vulnerable to the high rate of transformation and fragmentation of tropical dry forest.  相似文献   

Abstract: The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in western Canada poses significant conservation concern; thus, insights into its effects on wildlife habitat are essential. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the influence of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and mountain pine beetle—infected lodgepole pine (Pinus contortus) on nest patch selection of red-breasted nuthatches (Sitta canadensis) in central British Columbia, Canada. Prior to the outbreak, nuthatches selected nest patches with 64% more suitable nest trees (standing dead aspen, ≥12.5 cm dbh) than available (103 trees/ha vs. 63 trees/ha, respectively), but in outbreak years nuthatches chose nest patches with 37% more beetle-infected pine trees than available (63 trees/ha vs. 46 trees/ha, respectively). Our results suggest that nuthatches select sites that maximize nesting and foraging opportunities and, during food pulses, may trade off higher densities of suitable nest trees for higher densities of foraging trees. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):733–737; 2008)  相似文献   

Forested areas provide important breeding habitats for the turtledove (Streptopelia turtur) in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park, Northeastern Greece. We censused the birds in two forested habitat types using the point-count technique at 60 sites during the breeding season (from mid-April to mid-June) in 2001 and 2002. We sampled vegetation structure at the same sites by measuring horizontal (tree species and density in different size classes) and vertical (percentage canopy closure in dominant, intermediate, suppressed and shrub layer) characteristics within 0.04 ha circular plots centred on the established points. Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques were employed to examine the response of the turtledove′s presence to habitat differences between used and unused sites. The results of this study indicate that habitat structure influence the presence of the turtledove during the breeding season. Middle-aged forest stands particularly those dominated by pine trees with low percentage cover in understory are likely to be beneficial to breeding the turtledove population. A combination of multipurpose forestry operations allowing development of managed woodland in mosaics with other habitat types could provide high-quality habitats for a wide range of wildlife species including game and non-game species in the area. Silvicultural methods of maintaining appropriate breeding habitat for turtledove in Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli National Park (DLS NP), which are in conflict with commercial forestry, are discussed.  相似文献   

Success of species conservation depends to a large extent on comprehensive management that considers all critical aspects of a species’ niche. Many studies have examined habitat factors in relation to occurrence, abundance or foraging behaviour of European woodpecker species, while relatively little is known about nest site selection. I compared habitat structures used for nesting by middle and great spotted woodpeckers Dendrocopos medius and D. major with available structures in an oak forest in the Swiss lowlands. I first tested if nest trees were randomly selected among available trees by focusing on species, condition and diameter of nest trees, and on the presence of the fruiting body (hereafter sporophore) of polypores (wood-decomposing fungi). Second, I examined if the nesting niches of the two species were differentiated. Both species showed strong preferences for oaks, large trees, dead trees and for trees with sporophores. Nest sites of the two species differed most strongly with respect to the presence of sporophores, cavity age and tree condition, pointing towards interspecific competition for nest sites. Old living or dead trees with sporophores are central components of the nesting niche of middle and great spotted woodpeckers. Conservation plans for the threatened middle spotted woodpecker have so far mostly focused on the needs in terms of distribution and foraging; future conservation strategies and forest management must take into account the preference for dead and decaying trees with sporophores as another vital resource. This will also provide benefits for other woodpecker species as well as for the community of secondary cavity nesters.  相似文献   

Capsule Birds preferred stands with a particular density of trees, perhaps to avoid predation, and they selected aspects sheltered from prevailing winds.

Aim To describe the nesting habitat and tree selection by crossbills in a restricted pinewood habitat in Scotland.

Methods Scots Pines used by nesting crossbills were described and compared with randomly selected pines. Nest aspect was related to wind strength and direction.

Results The crossbills selected trees at a density of 50–60 trees/ha. Such stands may be sufficiently dense to provide cover, yet occur at a low enough density to minimize being visited by potential arboreal predators, such as Red Squirrels and Pine Martens. Crossbills tended to nest on lateral branches on the northeast side of crowns. Tree crown development was not asymmetric, so the birds may choose the northeast side to shelter from the prevailing southerly to westerly winds.

Conclusion Stands of pines at a low density need to be maintained for the benefit of crossbills.  相似文献   

In the Gunung Leuser National Park of Indonesia a population of orang-utans has been observed. The location of 172 night-nest sites has been examined with respect to their position in relation to the last food tree visited during the preceding day and with respect to their height above the ground. There were significant differences between the sex-age classes in the distribution of distances between nest-sites and the last visited food tree. The more vulnerable animals nested at greater distances and also tended to nest at greater height. These aspects of nest-sites selection have been interpreted in terms of an anti-predator strategy: the more vulnerable animals avoid nesting in fruit trees; instead they prefer more cryptic, unpredictable and inaccessible sites.  相似文献   

An influential period in avian life‐cycles is the annual breeding season, when competition over suitable nesting sites and territories is a key factor that can determine fitness and distribution, especially for species that are highly selective in their nesting habitats. We analysed nest‐site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two apex predator populations. Whereas the Short‐toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus has nested in the Judean Foothills (Israel) for a long time, the Long‐legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus has only invaded the nesting habitat of the Short‐toed Eagle during their breeding season in the last two decades. These two recently sympatric species have similar nesting ecology and frequently use the same nests. They are therefore expected to compete over nesting sites and territories. We analysed interspecific interactions between these two species by combining information from comprehensive observational, experimental, GIS analysis and remote sensing data, deriving 65 variables to characterize the nest‐sites used and the breeding success in 381 breeding attempts over four consecutive breeding seasons. To assess interspecific and intraspecific territorial behaviour and aggressiveness, stuffed Long‐legged Buzzards and Short‐toed Eagles were presented close to nests. Nest‐site characteristics overlapped substantially between species, and Long‐legged Buzzards occupied 21% of all Short‐toed Eagle nests. Intraspecific aggression rates among Long‐legged Buzzards were higher than their interspecific aggression rates with Short‐toed Eagles and also higher than intraspecific aggression among Short‐toed Eagles. Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle breeding densities (1.59 ± 0.11 and 2.96 ± 0.11 pairs per 10 km2, respectively) are likely to be the highest across their respective breeding distributions, with a maximum productivity of 0.96 ± 0.01 and 0.56 ± 0.05 (young fledged/breeding pair) for Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle, respectively. Intraspecific interactions among both species play an important role in determining their breeding success and the spatial distribution of nesting sites. Our results suggest that interspecific competition over nesting sites and territories between both species, and the potential dominance of Long‐legged Buzzard, has both direct and indirect impacts on the spatial and demographic distribution of Short‐toed Eagles due to the recent establishment of Long‐legged Buzzard territories in the Judean breeding area.  相似文献   

Many studies have dealt with the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds, but there is no meta‐analysis on the subject and individual study results remain vague or contradictory. We conducted a meta‐analysis to increase the available evidence for nest‐site selection of cavity‐nesting birds. Literature was searched in Web of Science and Google Scholar and included studies that provide data on the habitat requirements of cavity‐nesting birds in temperate and boreal forests of varying naturalness. To compare nest and non‐nest‐tree characteristics, the following data were collected from the literature: diameter at breast height (DBH) and its standard deviation (SD), sample size of trees with and without active nest, amount of nest and available trees described as dead or with a broken crown, and amount of nest and available trees that were lacking these characteristics. Further collected data included bird species nesting in the cavities and nest‐building type (nonexcavator/excavator), forest type (coniferous/deciduous/mixed), biome (temperate/boreal), and naturalness (managed/natural). From these data, three effect sizes were calculated that describe potential nest trees in terms of DBH, vital status (dead/alive), and crown status (broken/intact). These tree characteristics can be easily recognized by foresters. The results show that on average large‐diameter trees, dead trees, and trees with broken crowns were selected for nesting. The magnitude of this effect varied depending primarily on bird species and the explanatory variables forest type and naturalness. Biome had lowest influence (indicated by ΔAIC). We conclude that diameter at breast height, vitality, and crown status can be used as tree characteristics for the selection of trees that should be retained in selectively harvested forests.  相似文献   

Most studies comparing biodiversity between natural and human-modified landscapes focus on patterns in species occurrence or abundance, but do not consider how different habitat types meet species' breeding requirements. Organisms that use or nest in tree cavities may be especially threatened by habitat conversion due to the loss of their nesting sites. Although cavity-nesting bird diversity is highest in the tropics, little is known about how tropical birds use cavities, how agriculture affects their reproductive biology, and how effective nest boxes could be as a conservation strategy in tropical agriculture. Here, we explored how habitat conversion from tropical forests to pasture affects the abundance, nesting habitat availability, and nest success of cavity-nesting birds in Northwest Ecuador. We conducted bird surveys and measured natural cavity availability and use in forest and agriculture. We also added artificial nest boxes to forest and agriculture to see whether cavity limitation in agriculture would elicit higher use of artificial nest boxes. We found evidence of cavity limitation in agriculture—there were many more natural cavities in forest than in agriculture, as well as more avian use of nest boxes placed in agriculture as compared to forest. Our results suggest that it is important to retain remnant trees in tropical agriculture to provide critical nesting habitat for birds. In addition, adding nest boxes to tropical agricultural systems could be a good conservation strategy for certain species, including insectivores that could provide pest-control services to farmers. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculusin nestboxes in farmland was studied to test for differences between artificial and natural sites. We report on the direct effect of nestbox provisioning on some life-history traits and how nestbox use affects nest predation and parasitism. Five types of nest-sites were available: nestboxes on poles and trees (artificial sites), stick nests on trees, stick nests on pylons and holes in buildings (‘natural’ sites). The Kestrel population increased from 23 pairs in 1993 (prior to nestbox installation) to 55 in 1998 as nestboxes were provided. In general, pairs breeding in trees started to lay later than those nesting in nestboxes on poles or in building holes, but this difference was probably associated with habitat quality rather than nest type. Differences in clutch size were found between nest-sites in some years, and were associated with laying date and, probably, with variation in territory quality. Using only data from successful nests, pairs breeding in nestboxes produce more fledglings than those in building holes or pylons. The frequency of nest predation was higher in natural sites than in nestboxes. The number of fledglings from pairs breeding in nestboxes was higher than from those breeding in old stick nests in trees when all nests were considered. Nestbox provisioning had no effect on the occurrence of the ectoparasite Carnus hemapterus, but chicks from nestboxes showed higher intensity of infection. Our results suggest that nestbox provisioning increases reproductive success and the frequency of nest predation or intensity of parasite infestation in Kestrels.  相似文献   

Tropical canopies are known for their high abundance and diversity of ants. However, the factors which enable coexistence of so many species in trees, and in particular, the role of foragers in determining local diversity, are not well understood. We censused nesting and foraging arboreal ant communities in two 0.32 ha plots of primary and secondary lowland rainforest in New Guinea and explored their species diversity and composition. Null models were used to test if the records of species foraging (but not nesting) in a tree were dependent on the spatial distribution of nests in surrounding trees. In total, 102 ant species from 389 trees occurred in the primary plot compared with only 50 species from 295 trees in the secondary forest plot. However, there was only a small difference in mean ant richness per tree between primary and secondary forest (3.8 and 3.3 sp. respectively) and considerably lower richness per tree was found only when nests were considered (1.5 sp. in both forests). About half of foraging individuals collected in a tree belonged to species which were not nesting in that tree. Null models showed that the ants foraging but not nesting in a tree are more likely to nest in nearby trees than would be expected at random. The effects of both forest stage and tree size traits were similar regardless of whether only foragers, only nests, or both datasets combined were considered. However, relative abundance distributions of species differed between foraging and nesting communities. The primary forest plot was dominated by native ant species, whereas invasive species were common in secondary forest. This study demonstrates the high contribution of foragers to arboreal ant diversity, indicating an important role of connectivity between trees, and also highlights the importance of primary vegetation for the conservation of native ant communities.  相似文献   

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