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Proceeding from the sterochemical regularities of the nucleophilic substitution reaction at the carbonyl group and the assumption that the spatial structure of the active center of cholinesterases is complementary to the molecule of the ester substrates for these enzymes, some general features of the stereoselectivity phenomena in the reactions of acetylcholinesterase (EC and butyrylcholinesterase (EC with organophosphorus inhibitors are discussed. For these enzymes the models of the active center are proposed in terms of different binding sites and the catalytic center. On the basis of this model, the stereochemical pecularities and the physicochemical background of the stereoselectivity effects on enzyme inhibition, reactivation, and “aging” reactions can be understood. Knowledge of the absolute configuration of several chiral organophosphorus inhibitors also makes it possible to determine the absolute spatial arrangement of the hydrophobic binding sites on the active surface of cholinesterases.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the isomeric decalones   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
1. The metabolism of (+/-)-cis-1-, (+/-)-trans-1-, (+/-)-cis-2- and (+/-)-trans-2-decalone in the rabbit has been investigated. 2. (+/-)-cis-2- and (+/-)-trans-2-Decalone were both reduced to racemic secondary alcohols, conformationally related to the ketones administered, and possessing an equatorial hydroxyl group. These alcohols were excreted in the urine as glucuronides in amounts equal to about half the dose administered. The glucuronides were isolated both as triacetyl methyl esters and as sodium salts. The ester obtained after feeding with (+/-)-cis-2-decalone proved to be methyl (cis-cis-2-decalyl tri-O-acetyl-beta-d-glucosid)uronate, whereas (+/-)-trans-2-decalone yielded methyl (trans-cis-2-decalyl tri-O-acetyl-beta-d-glucosid)uronate. The sodium salts were shown to be sodium (cis-cis-2-decalyl glucosid)uronate and sodium (trans-cis-2-decalyl glucosid)uronate. 3. Enzyme hydrolysis of the sodium salts and acid hydrolysis of the esters derived from (+/-)-cis-2-decalone yielded (+/-)-cis-cis-2-decalol, and of those from (+/-)-trans-2-decalone yielded (+/-)-trans-cis-2-decalol. 4. (+/-)-cis-1-Decalone was reduced mainly to (-)-cis-cis-1-decalol and excreted as [(-)-cis-cis-1-decalyl glucosid]-uronic acid. A small amount of the corresponding (+)-isomer was produced, yielding [(+)-cis-cis-1-decalyl glucosid]uronic acid on isolation. Enzyme hydrolysis of these compounds gave the corresponding aglycones; both alcohols possessed an equatorial hydroxyl group. 5. (+/-)-trans-1-Decalone was reduced to (+)-trans-trans-1-decalol, with an equatorial hydroxyl group, and in smaller amount to (+)-trans-cis-1-decalol possessing an axial group. The former alcohol was excreted as [(+)-trans-cis-1-decalyl glucosid]uronic acid, and the latter as [(+)-trans-cis-1-decalyl glucosid]uronic acid. 6. From a knowledge of the conformations, and in some cases the absolute configurations, of the compounds administered and excreted, and by making the assumption that the coenzyme concerned in the reductions is NADH (or NADPH), an explanation of the above findings in terms of steric hindrance and thermodynamic stability is given.  相似文献   

A complete series of stereoisomeric quaternised diaminoandrostanes, differing in their stereochemistry at the 3,5 and 17 positions, has been examined for effects on the thermal denaturation of calf thymus DNA and for the ability to remove and reverse the supercoiling of closed circular duplex PM2 DNA. In both types of test the eight isomers rank in the same order of effectiveness. The preferred stereochemistry for the quaternary substituents at positions 3 and 17 is beta; of these the orientation of the 17- substituent is more critical. Folding of the steroid skeleton between the A and B rings, as in 5beta-androstanes, diminishes effectiveness but does not necessarily abolish the effect on supercoiling. The over-riding importance of the C-D ring end of the steroid nucleus bearing a 17beta-amino substituent is confirmed by a comparison of the effects of five mon-amino androstanes. Relative helix=unwinding angles per bound steroidal diamine molecule have been determined for four of the isomers; for three 17beta compounds the estimated values are similar to that previously reported for irehdiamine A. For a fourth isomer the angle is 0.22 times that of ethidium, the lowest yet determined for any DNA-binding drug. The results lend further support to the argument that intercalation can be reled out, and alternative models for the binding mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the isomeric tert.-butylcyclohexanones   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. (+/-)-2-, (+/-)-3- and 4-tert.-Butylcyclohexanone are reduced in the rabbit to secondary alcohols, which are excreted extensively conjugated with glucuronic acid. 2. The major metabolite of (+/-)-2-tert.-butylcyclohexanone is (+)-cis-2-tert.-butylcyclohexanol, which has been isolated from the urine as [(+)-cis-2-tert.-butylcyclohexyl beta-d-glucosid]uronic acid. The minor metabolite is (+)-trans-2-tert.-butylcyclohexanol. 3. (+/-)-3-tert.-Butylcyclohexanone is reduced mainly to (+/-)-cis-3-tert.-butylcyclohexanol, and to a smaller extent to (+/-)-trans-3-tert.-butylcyclohexanol. 4. 4-tert.-Butylcyclohexanone yields mainly the trans-alcohol, which is excreted in conjugated form and has been recovered from the urine as (trans-4-tert.-butylcyclohexyl beta-d-glucosid)uronic acid. The cis-alcohol is formed to a minor extent and excreted in conjugated form. 5. The ratios of the amounts of cis- to trans-alcohols produced by the three ketones differed from the relative amounts of cis- and trans-alcohols produced by the corresponding methylcyclohexanones. 6. From these findings the suggestion is made that two orientations of ketone relative to coenzyme occur: alcohols with an equatorially orientated hydroxyl group are thought to be produced as a result of a ;face-to-face' interaction with NADH, and alcohols with axially orientated hydroxyl groups as a result of a ;perpendicular' interaction. Which will predominate is thought to depend on steric factors, particularly the size and position of alkyl substituents in the substrate.  相似文献   

Racemic trans-anethole epoxide [1-(4′-methoxyphenyl)-propane-1,2-oxide] was incubated with water, buffers, and rat liver microsomes and cytosol and the stereochemistry of the diols produced was determined by HPLC as their dicamphanyl esters. The diol metabolites were isolated by HPLC from the urine of rats administered [1′-14C] trans-anethole and their stereochemistry determined after derivatization to their camphanyl esters. The stereochemical course of the metabolism of trans-anethole by rat liver microsomes and cytosol is discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ligand recognition by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), as well as substrate recognition by enzymes, almost always shows a preference for a naturally occurring enantiomer over the unnatural one. Recognition of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) by its receptors is an exception, as both the natural L (R) and unnatural D (S) stereoisomers of LPA are equally active in bioassays. In contrast to the enantiomers of LPA, analogs of N-acyl-serine phosphoric acid (NASPA) and N-acyl-ethanolamine phosphoric acid (NAEPA), which contain a serine and an ethanolamine backbone, respectively, in place of glycerol, are recognized in a stereoselective manner. This stereoselective interaction may lead to the development of receptor subtype-selective antagonists. In the present study, we review the stereochemical aspects of LPA pharmacology and describe the chemical synthesis of pure LPA enantiomers together with their ligand-binding properties toward the LPA1, LPA2, and LPA3 receptors and their metabolism by lipid phosphate phosphatase 1 (LPP1). Finally, we evaluate the concept of stereopharmacology in developing novel ligands for LPA receptors.  相似文献   

Stereochemical aspects of the formation of double bonds in abscisic acid   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The stereochemistry of the hydrogen elimination that occurs during the formation of the Delta(4)- and Delta(2)'-double bonds of abscisic acid has been determined from the (14)C/(3)H ratios in abscisic acid biosynthesized by avocado fruit from [2-(14)C,(2R)-2-(3)H(1)]-, [2-(14)C,(2S)-2-(3)H(1)]- and [2-(14)C,(5S)-5-(3)H(1)]-mevalonate. Setting the (14)C/(3)H ratio at 3:3 for [2-(14)C,(2R)-2-(3)H(1)]mevalonate, the corresponding ratio in derived methyl abscisate was 3:2.28; the analogous ratio for methyl abscisate from [2-(14)C,(2S)-2-(3)H(1)]mevalonate was 3:1.63. Removal of the 3'-hydrogen atom of abscisic acid by base-catalysed exchange altered the ratios to 3:1.55 and 3:1.44 respectively. It was concluded that this 3'-hydrogen atom is derived from the pro-2R-hydrogen atom of mevalonate. Removal of the 4-hydrogen atom from methyl abscisate by formation of a derivative, a lactone, lacking this hydrogen atom changed the ratio to 3:1.04 for material derived from [2-(14)C,(2R)-2-(3)H(1)]-mevalonate and to 3:1.05 for [2-(14)C,(2S)-2-(3)H(1)]mevalonate, showing that this hydrogen atom also is derived from the pro-2R-hydrogen atom of mevalonate. These ratios of the lactones are consistent with their retaining one (3)H atom at the 6'-methyl position of abscisic acid from the [(2R)-2-(3)H(1)]- and [(2S)-2-(3)H(1)]-mevalonate. The presence of some label at positions 3' and 4 when [(2S)-2-(3)H(1)]mevalonate was the precursor is attributed to the action of isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase. The hydrogen atom at C-5 of abscisic acid is derived from the pro-5S-hydrogen atom of mevalonate.  相似文献   

Dhurrin, I ((S)-p-hydroxymandelonitrile-beta-D-glucopyranoside), and taxiphyllin, II (the (R) epimer), occur in the genera Sorghum and Taxus, respectively. Both derive biosynthetically from L-tyrosine via the hydroxylation of p-hydroxyphenylacetonitrile, III. (3R)- and (3S)-L-[3-3H1]tyrosine, prepared by enzymic hydroxylation of the corresponding phenylalanines, were fed separately to shoots from sorghum seedlings (Sorghum bicolor (Linn) Moench) and cuttings from Japanese Yew (Taxus cuspidata Sieb. and Zucc.) and the appropriate cyanogenic glycoside was isolated (I or II). The fraction of the 3H conserved in I and II was calculated from both parallel feeding and 3H:14C double labeling experiments. The results for II were the reverse of I. Both hydroxylations of III, which give rise to the enantiomeric products (S)- and (R)-p-hydroxymandelonitrile, occurred with retention of configuration. The retention mode is characteristic of hydroxylations at aliphatic carbons catalyzed by mixed function oxidases.  相似文献   

Synthetic, structural and biochemical aspects of some organoboron complexes of sulphur containing ligands having ONS and SNNS donor systems have been described. The ligands were prepared by the condensation of 1-phenyl-1,3-butanedione, 2,4-pentanedione, diphenylethanedione, 2,3-butanedione, ethanedial and 1,4-benzenedialdehyde with 2-mercaptoaniline. The unimolar reactions between phenylboronic acid and these thio-ligands have produced Ph.B (ONS) and Ph.B. (SNNS) type of biologically active complexes. These have been characterized by elemental analysis, molecular weight determinations, and conductivity measurements. Based on UV, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and 11B NMR spectral studies, a tetracoordinated state of boron has been established in all the derivatives. The ligands and their corresponding organoboron complexes have been tested in vitro against a number of pathogenic fungi and bacteria and found to possess remarkable fungicidal and bactericidal properties.  相似文献   

The in vitro human serum albumin binding characteristics of the enantiomers of the major metabolites of warfarin [6-hydroxywarfarin (6-HW), 7-hydroxywarfarin (7-HW), (S)-warfarin alcohols [(S,S)- and (S,R)-WA], and (R,S)-warfarin alcohol [(R,S)-WA]] have been studied, using a stereospecific HPLC assay. Warfarin metabolites are less bound both within plasma and a 40 g/liter solution of human serum albumin than the enantiomers of warfarin. The reduced warfarin metabolites have a lower fraction unbound [1.33% for (S,R)-WA, 2.09% for (S,S)-WA, and 1.04% for (R,S)-WA] than hydroxylated metabolites [3.24% for (R)-6-HW, 4.26% (S)-6-HW, 4.49% for (R)-7-HW and 4.27% for (S)-7-HW] to HSA. Phenylbutazone produced a concentration-dependent increase in the unbound fraction of all metabolites. It was possible to predict the unbound fraction of warfarin metabolites based on the unbound fraction of warfarin enantiomers. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The steric course of peptide hydrolysis catalyzed by serine proteases has been studied on the basis of the available, extensive structural data and taking into account the stereoelectronic theory of Deslongchamps (Heterocycles, 7, 1271 (1977)). These studies allowed elucidation of the structure of intermediates, in particular of the tetrahedral intermediate, and of the main structural events taking place during catalysis. They reveal a difficulty inherent in the generally accepted mechanism of peptide hydrolysis: protonation of the leaving nitrogen in the configuration arising from nucleophilic attack of Ser-195 on the carbonyl carbon cannot take place internally from His-57. Two alternative mechanisms are discussed which are compatible with all implications of the stereoelectronic theory. The main features of the more probable mechanism are: (i) a conformational change allowing the imidazole ring of His-57 to occupy two distinct positions; in one position a proton is abstracted from Oγ of Ser-195, and in the other this proton is donated to the leaving nitrogen; (ii) a configurational change (inversion) of the pyramidal leaving nitrogen reorienting the lone-pair orbital developed during nucleophilic attack; in one orientation CO bond breaking, and in the other CN bond breaking, is allowed. This inversion process confers on the nitrogen the property of a switch controlling the breakdown of the tetrahedral intermediate.  相似文献   

Chromic complexes of N,N',N'-triacetylfusarinine C have been prepared and examined for biological activity in Mycelia sterilia EP-76. The iron transport system of this organism recognizes only the lambda coordination isomer of Cr(III)-triacetylfusarinine C even though the delta configuration predominates in solution. Chromium is excreted into the medium following triacetylfusarinine C-mediated uptake of the metal. Hydrogenation of the double bonds conjugated to the hydroxamic acid functions of triacetylfusarinine C yields four chromatographically distinct ferric complexes. Two of the complexes have the lambda configuration, while the other two have the opposite (delta) configuration. The complexes differ in effectiveness as siderophores in M. sterilia EP-76, the lambda isomers being most active.  相似文献   

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