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The work presents data on the structure and innervation of the nerve-muscle spindles in the soleus of the lake from Rana ridibunda, Bufo bufo, turtle Testudo horsfieldi, lizzard Lacerta agilis. The animals under study were shown to have different structure and innervation of these receptors. The thickness of the spindle connective tissue capsule has certain correlation with the width of the subcapsular space. The innervation apparatus in the muscle spindles of reptiles and turtles are similar in the following: sensory nerve terminations in the equatorial area of the spindle are represented by reticulars, bushes, loops and in the lizzard there appear annulo-spirals with a small amount of coils. The character of motor nerve terminations in polar zones of intrafusal muscle fibres in the spindles of reptiles is similar to that of the extrafusal fibres: in the shape of "bayonets" and end bundles (Endbüuschel). In the muscle fibres of the turtle and lizzard in addition to typical motor plaques there occur trail endings.  相似文献   

Otolithic membrane of utricles, saccules, and lagena of amphibians (Bufo bufo, Xenopus laevis, Rana temporaria) and reptiles (Teratoscincus scincus, Agama sanguinolenta, Ophisaurus apodus, Caiman crocodilus) were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Otolithic membrane in various otolithic organs in all studied animals was found to differ by shape, size, structure, and composition of otoconia. Otolithic membrane of utricle of amphibians and reptiles represents a thin plate of non-uniform structure. Otolithic apparatus in saccule represents a large cobble-stone-like conglomerate of otoconia. Otolithic membrane of lagena looks like a bent plate and is poorly differentiated in amphibians, but well differentiated in reptiles. Thus, transition of vertebrates to the earth surface was accompanied by a fundamental reorganization of otolithic membrane structure. Otolithic membrane containing constantly growing large otolith (in fish) was replaced by a thin structurally differentiated otolithic membrane that ceases its growth at early stages of ontogenesis. However, this replacement did not occur simultaneously in all otolithic organs. The changes initially involved otolithic membrane of utricle. Saccule of amphibians and reptiles has a typical compositional otolith. In the course of further phylogenetic development of tetrapods the process of structural differentiation of otolithic membrane was enhanced and otoliths were completely lost. In parallel, there proceeded a process of replacement of prismatic and spindle-shaped aragonitic otoconia by calcitic barrel-shaped otoconia. The data obtained confirm our hypothesis put forward earlier about two directions of evolution of otolithic membrane.  相似文献   

Coronal arteries were injected with lead carbonate suspension and with Indian ink and cleared preparations 150--300 mkm thick were made in 195 hearts of fish, amphibians and reptiles and studied roentgenographically. It was stated that in Chondrichthyes (shark, skate) and in Chondrostei (beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon), as well as in alligator both compact and spongy myocardium of the cardiac ventricle possess blood vessels. In teleostei, amphibians and reptiles (except alligator) spongy myocardium is avascular and receives its nutrition from the ventricle. In view of the data on the presence of blood vessels in the spongy myocardium in some vertebrates, it is impossible to accept the theory suggested by Grant and Regnier according to which vessels in the heart walls appear only in connection with compactization of the myocardium. Vascularization of the spongy myocardium is closely connected with oxygen saturation of the blood flowing through the heart. When this saturation is not satisfactory, the spongy myocardium has blood vessels. In alligator, vascularization of the spongy myocardium is connected with the fact that the heart has four chambers and there are arterial and venous blood streams.  相似文献   

Characterization of reptilian genomes is essential for understanding the overall diversity and evolution of amniote genomes, because reptiles, which include birds, constitute a major fraction of the amniote evolutionary tree. To better understand the evolution and diversity of genomic characteristics in Reptilia, we conducted comparative analyses of online sequence data from Alligator mississippiensis (alligator) and Sphenodon punctatus (tuatara) as well as genome size and karyological data from a wide range of reptilian species. At the whole-genome and chromosomal tiers of organization, we find that reptilian genome size distribution is consistent with a model of continuous gradual evolution while genomic compartmentalization, as manifested in the number of microchromosomes and macrochromosomes, appears to have undergone early rapid change. At the sequence level, the third genomic tier, we find that exon size in Alligator is distributed in a pattern matching that of exons in Gallus (chicken), especially in the 101-200 bp size class. A small spike in the fraction of exons in the 301 bp-1 kb size class is also observed for Alligator, but more so for Sphenodon. For introns, we find that members of Reptilia have a larger fraction of introns within the 101 bp-2 kb size class and a lower fraction of introns within the 5-30 kb size class than do mammals. These findings suggest that the mode of reptilian genome evolution varies across three hierarchical levels of the genome, a pattern consistent with a mosaic model of genomic evolution.  相似文献   

Taxonomic, morphological, and functional diversity are often discordant and independent components of diversity. A fundamental and largely unanswered question in evolutionary biology is why some clades diversify primarily in some of these components and not others. Dramatic variation in trunk vertebral numbers (14 to >300) among squamate reptiles coincides with different body shapes, and snake-like body shapes have evolved numerous times. However, whether increased evolutionary rates or numbers of vertebrae underlie body shape and taxonomic diversification is unknown. Using a supertree of squamates including 1375 species, and corresponding vertebral and body shape data, we show that increased rates of evolution in vertebral numbers have coincided with increased rates and disparity in body shape evolution, but not changes in rates of taxonomic diversification. We also show that the evolution of many vertebrae has not spurred or inhibited body shape or taxonomic diversification, suggesting that increased vertebral number is not a key innovation. Our findings demonstrate that lineage attributes such as the relaxation of constraints on vertebral number can facilitate the evolution of novel body shapes, but that different factors are responsible for body shape and taxonomic diversification.  相似文献   

The effects of far ultraviolet light irradiation upon an amphibian cornea were studied to compare the effects observed both quantitatively and ultrastructurally with data obtained after UV irradiation of mammalian corneas. The ultimate goal of this series of investigations is the elucidation of the alterations and the regeneration mechanisms, which might reflect existing morphological diversities among the species, observed in vertebrate corneas following exposure to UV light. It was found that while the epithelial cells undergo oedema after low dose exposures and are gradually damaged after high doses of UV light, 2-4 days leter a new epithelium has been formed. Intercellular permeability is increased by low dose exposure as was detected by the penetration of Ruthenium Red into the intercellular clefts. Under these conditions desmosomal structure revealed a 21-laminar configuration. The basement membrane of the amphibian, unlike that of the mammal, does not dissolve away upon exposure but shows localized disruptions which are thought to accommodate the passage of leucocytes from stroma to epithelium. That a new basement membrane is subsequently formed is evident by the existence of extracellular and intracellular secretion granules. In comparison to irradiated rabbit corneas, this stroma remains remarkably at the same thickness following a high dose exposure although a noticeable disorganization of collagen arrangement is apparent. Finally, as in the case of the rabbit corneas, a secondary degeneration of endothelium was observed 4 days after a moderate dose exposure.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of placentation are very diverse in mammals and range from types in which the uterine epithelium is breached by the implanting blastocyst to those where the epithelium remains intact. Despite these differences in mechanisms, the initial response of the plasma membrane of uterine epithelial cells is remarkably similar across mammalian species which has led to the term 'plasma membrane transformation' to encapsulate the concept of a common beginning to implantation. Membrane phenomena similar to those of mammals have now been observed in some viviparous lizards at the ultrastructural level during early pregnancy, and we propose extending the concept of 'plasma membrane transformation' to lizards with live birth.  相似文献   

The cornea of the urodele amphibian Triturus c. cristatus was studied ultrastructurally in order to provide the basis for a comparison among corneas throughout the vertebrate phylum. The cornea of this salamander consists of relatively thick epithelium and basement membrane and thin Descemet's membrane, unlike the mammalian corneas. The outermost epithelial cells contain Ruthenium Red stainable extracellular filaments and intracellular vesicles which are thought to play a role in the process of lubricating the corneal surface. Occluding junctions have been observed in the apical region of the superficial epithelial cells and are considered as barriers to the intercellular passage of material. A thin substantia propria (stroma) consists of about 40 collagenous highly organized lamellae. The thicknesses of the basement membrane, Descemet's membrane and the epithelium are believed to represent the primitive situation in the process of corneal evolution.  相似文献   

Environmental sex determination has been documented in a variety of organisms for many decades and the adaptive significance of this unusual sex-determining mechanism has been clarified empirically in most cases. In contrast, temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) in amniote vertebrates, first noted 40 years ago in a lizard, has defied a general satisfactory evolutionary explanation despite considerable research effort. After briefly reviewing relevant theory and prior empirical work, we draw attention to recent comparative analyses that illuminate the evolutionary history of TSD in amniote vertebrates and point to clear avenues for future research on this challenging topic. To that end, we then highlight the latest empirical findings in lizards and turtles, as well as promising experimental results from a model organism, that portend an exciting future of progress in finally elucidating the evolutionary cause(s) and significance of TSD.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the Necturus (amphibia) heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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