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The propensity of migratory waders to remain on the non-breeding grounds during the arctic breeding season ("oversummer") in their first biological year of life ("juveniles") may be latitude, and thus migratory distance dependent. We compared the extent of preparation for northward migration of western sandpipers Calidris mauri spending the non-breeding season in México and Panamá during 1995–1998. During winter residency and premigratory periods, we measured body mass and scored the extent of dull basic versus bright alternate breeding plumage of captured juveniles and adults (second biological year or older), and obtained additional plumage scores from observations of uniquely colour banded birds. Nearly all western sandpipers in México prepared for northward migration by increasing body mass and moulting into breeding plumage. In Panamá, most adults prepared for migration, but few, if any, juveniles did so. Patterns of body mass and breeding plumage development do not generally support the hypothesis that oversummering by juveniles results directly from less efficient foraging or from resource competition with adults. We suggest instead that costs directly associated with migratory distance per se influence the life history strategies of sandpipers spending the non-breeding seasons at different latitudes. This latitudinal difference should interact with the well documented sex-ratio cline in non-breeding distribution (male western sandpipers predominating in northern parts of the range and females in southern parts). This suggests that females have more conservative life histories, prioritizing first year survivorship, relative to males that instead weight first-year breeding opportunities.  相似文献   

Carotenoid-based ornamentation and status signaling in the house finch   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The status signaling hypothesis (SSH) was devised primarilyto explain the adaptive significance of avian ornamental colorationduring the nonbreeding season. It proposes that conspicuousmale plumage serves as an honest signal of social status withina population of birds. However, to date this hypothesis hasbeen well tested and supported for only one type of plumage coloration, melanin-based coloration. Carotenoid-based pigmentationis known to positively reveal male health and condition duringmolt in a variety of species, but it is poorly understood whetherthis ornament type can also function as a status signal duringthe winter. We tested the SSH in male house finches (Carpodacusmexicanus) by manipulating the carotenoid-based plumage brightnessof first-year males and then pairing unfamiliar birds of differingcoloration in a series of dominance trials in captivity. Manipulated plumage color was unrelated to win/loss outcome in these trials.Similarly, the natural pigmentation of males was a poor predictorof winter dominance; as in other studies with this species,we found only a weak tendency for naturally drab males to dominatenaturally bright males. These results suggest that carotenoid-basedcoloration is not a reliable indicator of social status inmale house finches during the nonbreeding season. In fact, carotenoid-based coloration may function only in mate choice in this species,and it may be retained throughout the year either because timeconstraints preclude a second plumage molt or because it aidsin pair formation that begins in late winter.  相似文献   

Many species of birds exhibit brilliant ornamental plumage, yet most research on the function and evolution of plumage has been confined to the breeding season. In the American redstart Setophaga ruticilla , a long-distance Neotropical-Nearctic migratory bird, the acquisition of a winter territory in high-quality habitat advances spring departure and subsequent arrival on breeding areas, and increases reproductive success and annual survival. Here, we show that males holding winter territories in high-quality, black mangrove habitats in Jamaica have brighter yellow-orange tail feathers than males occupying territories in poor-quality second-growth scrub habitats. Moreover, males arriving on the breeding grounds from higher-quality winter habitats (inferred by stable-carbon isotopes) also had brighter tail feathers. Because behavioral dominance plays an important role in the acquisition of winter territories, plumage brightness may also be related to fighting ability and the acquisition and maintenance of territories in high-quality habitat. These results highlight the need for further research on the relationships between plumage coloration, behavior, and the ecology of over-wintering migratory birds.  相似文献   

When species occupy habitats that vary in quality, choice of habitat can be critical in determining individual fitness. In most migratory species, juveniles migrate independently of their parents and must therefore choose both breeding and winter habitats. Using a unique dataset of marked black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa islandica) tracked throughout their migratory range, combined with analyses of stable carbon isotope ratios, we show that those individuals that occupy higher quality breeding sites also use higher quality winter sites. This seasonal matching can severely inflate inequalities in individual fitness. This population has expanded over the last century into poorer quality breeding and winter habitats and, across the whole population; individual birds tend to occupy either novel or traditional sites in both seasons. Winter and breeding season habitat selection are thus strongly linked throughout this population; these links have profound implications for a wide range of population and evolutionary processes. As adult godwits are highly philopatric, the initial choice of winter habitat by juveniles will be critical in determining future survival, timing of migration and breeding success.  相似文献   

Summary Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) that breed in central Europe have usually migrated to Mediterranean or African wintering grounds. In the past several decades, a portion of this breeding population has started migrating to the British Isles to overwinter and this population has increased dramatically. Several factors, including higher annual survivorship (due to supplemental feeding and reduced migratiry distance), assortative mating, and enhanced reproductive success may be involved in this rapid population growth. As part of an intensive, long-term study of this population, we tested the hypothesis that the differences in photoperiod experienced by British-wintering versus Mediterranean-wintering blackcaps might lead to relatively early vernal (i.e., migratory and/or reproductive) physiological condition in members of the former group. We found that birds exposed to photoperiodic conditions that simulated migration to Britain to overwinter generally initiated vernal migratory activity earlier than birds held under conditions simulating migration to traditional wintering areas in central Spain. This difference, coupled with the shorter migratory distance to the British Isles, leads to significantly earlier estimated arrival dates for blackcaps that winter in Britain compared to central Spain. Bimodality in arrival times suggests that assortative mating on central European breeding grounds might occur between members of the different wintering populations. Males exposed to British-winter photoperiods showed significantly earlier testicular development than males kept under Spanish-winter photoperiods. Early arrival on the breeding grounds, coupled with accelerated reproductive condition, should lead to a relatively early reproductive effort, perhaps increasing average reproductive success. In general, these results support the hypothesis that differences in photoperiod on the wintering grounds may play an important role in the dynamic state of this population.  相似文献   


The extent of darkening of melanin‐based plumages in birds has previously been linked with increasing aggressive encounters between individuals. The North Island robin (Petroica longipes) is a territorial New Zealand endemic passerine that displays delayed plumage maturation (darkening of the plumage with age). Aggressive boundary interactions in the robin are relatively common during the breeding season, when territories are protected and juveniles are dispersing. This study tests the hypothesis of aggression‐mediated plumage darkening in a population of North Island robins by examining if males and older (darker) birds are either (1) involved in a higher number of aggressive interactions, or (2) are more often the aggressor than females and younger birds. When sex and age are accounted for, darker individuals will be either (3) involved in a higher number of interactions or (4) more often the aggressor in encounters with other individuals. Data were collected by scoring the plumage darkness of 32 individuals in the field, and observing (1) interaction behaviours, and (2) age and sex of the birds involved in each interaction. The results show no support for any aggression‐mediated plumage darkness in the robin; males and older birds were not involved in more aggressive interactions, and were not more often the aggressor; and neither the frequency of interactions or the number of aggressive interactions were correlated with a darker plumage. Other more complex mechanisms may explain delayed plumage darkness in the North Island robin.  相似文献   

In some birds, yearling males (subadults) are less brightly coloured than the adult ones. To explain this phenomenon known as delayed plumage maturation (DPM), several hypotheses have recently been proposed. The aim of this paper was to test predictions of status signal hypothesis (SSH). This hypothesis claims that the adults less frequently attack dull coloured subadult males, and consequently DPM facilitates survival of subadults during the first breeding season. The experiments were performed in two habitats in the Prague suburbs: a housing estate and garden city. Subadult and adult males of the black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) were exposed to stuffed dummies of both age categories. Contrary to predictions of SSH, brown (subadult like) coloration of the dummy had no suppressive effect on defensive behaviour of the resident males. On the other hand, subadult males were more active in vocal territorial defence such as singing and producing snarl and whistle sounds during the experiments. The defenders of smaller territories generally behaved more aggressively than defenders of large territories in habitat of garden city, and especially adult males responded more aggressively against dummies in this habitat. In a housing estate, a habitat of evenly distributed resources (i.e. vertical surfaces), the birds tended to observe the dummy prior to attack it directly.  相似文献   

Dirty ptarmigan: behavioral modification of conspicuous male plumage   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Males of many bird species acquire a conspicuous breeding plumagethrough molt. Male rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus), however,become conspicuous in a unique way—as snow melts awayfrom the tundra, their cryptic white winter plumage suddenlybecomes exceptionally conspicuous, and remains so for at least3 weeks. While males remain white, females molt into one ofthe most cryptic plumages known in birds. From our 17-year fieldstudy in arctic North America, we show that, unlike other birds,male rock ptarmigan eventually change from conspicuous to crypticby soiling their plumage, thereby reducing their conspicuousnesssix fold before they molt to their cryptic summer plumage.Individual males began to soil their plumage as soon as theirmates began egg-laying, and were maximally dirty and relatively cryptic by the time incubation began and their mates no longerfertilizable. Thus male plumage conspicuousness appears toserve a reproductive function. Moreover, both polygynous andbachelor males delayed soiling for a few days after monogamousmales, as expected because of the prolonged mating opportunitiesavailable to them. We use these data to address a variety of hypotheses to explain both the conspicuousness of breeding malesand their subsequent plumage soiling. Given the high predationrate recorded for male ptarmigan during the breeding season,we argue that male conspicuousness is best explained by sexualselection and that plumage soiling is an adaptation that reducespredation risk by increasing camouflage.  相似文献   

In birds, the allocation of resources to plumage production may have important fitness consequences. However, we have only a limited understanding of how plumage traits respond to natural selection, making it difficult to predict how variation in plumage traits may contribute to the adaptation of birds to environmental change. In this study, we collected plumage-related data in a pedigreed population of a long-distance migratory bird (the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca) to estimate the heritability of two plumage traits: feather mass (as a proxy of feather quality) and the extent of winter moult. We further explored whether these plumage features were associated with some fitness-related traits. Variation in plumage characteristics could be explained by differences in sex, age and year, which indicates a high degree of plasticity in these traits. After controlling for these effects, however, feather mass and winter moult extent were highly repeatable (r = 0.58–0.82) and heritable (h2 = 0.59–0.65), suggesting that additive genetic variation accounts for a significant proportion of the residual phenotypic variation of plumage traits in this population. Although the studied characteristics showed evolutionary potential, we did not find any relationship between plumage features and fitness-related traits like spring arrival date, egg-laying date, mating success or mating-time. We conclude that current selection on feather mass and moult extent, if existing, is weak, and that these moult-related traits are currently of minor importance for the adaptation of our study population to global warming.  相似文献   

Lord  Medway 《Ibis》1973,115(1):60-86
The Barn Swallow is a non-breeding winter visitor to West Malaysia (Malaya), abundant in season, by day feeding aerially over a wide range of habitats and by night normally roosting gregariously in trees, reed-beds or on service wires in towns. Records of ringed birds have demonstrated that those reaching Malaya breed in the Palaearctic region from 108°E eastwards between 37° and 51°N. Recoveries south of the breeding range suggested that migrating birds may follow either a continental route or a more easterly track through the Philippines and Borneo. Counts at roost sites in a reed-bed and in towns demonstrated a seasonal increase in numbers from late July to a peak in November, followed by a decline of about 20% to a level maintained until mid-February when departure commenced. Most birds had left by early May, but a few lingered and possibly overlapped with the first returning migrants in June. There was no evidence that any individuals remained in Malaya through the nuptial period. Repeats during winter at three regularly sampled urban roosts indicated that many birds on passage were present until November and again in late March–early April; from December to February the winter population was relatively stable and comparatively sedentary. Although the distances between towns were small in relation to the demonstrated foraging range of Barn Swallows, only 17% of 1,955 repeats of ringed birds represented a shift in roost site. Most shifts were towards the centrally situated and most populous roost of the three; interchanges between the outer pair of towns were few. A complete moult occurred on the wintering grounds, during which young of the year acquired adult plumage. Replacement of the primaries extended virtually throughout the moulting period, at an average rate of 2.4 feathers per month in the proximal part of the tract and 1.3 feathers per month in the distal part. Adults on average moulted slightly earlier than juveniles, but there was a wide scatter in timing between individuals of both age groups. There was no evidence that the initiation of moult was related to the dates of post-nuptial migration. The date of departure on prenuptial migration, however, was normally delayed until primary moult was complete. Large weight gains in March and April occurred only in swallows which had completed the moult. At this period the mean weight of birds in fresh plumage was about 30% above the lowest winter mean, and was significantly higher than that of contemporary samples of birds in which moult was continuing. In final samples in late April and early May mean weights showed a decline, indicating that late birds departed with reduced deposits of metabolic reserves. The gonads of adults of both sexes among passage and arriving birds in July and August had largely completed post-nuptial regeneration, and subsequently remained quiescent. Preliminary stages of recrudescence were observed in females from February onwards, and in males from March. Recrudescence was most advance in specimens which had completed the moult, but did not approach breeding condition in any bird before departure. Returning birds tended to be conservative in their choice of winter roost. Among 1,276 records, 82% were recaptured in the town of original ringing. Again shifts towards the centrally situated roost were more numerous than between the peripheral pair. The frequency of returns varied significantly with the month of ringing, being higher for December-March, lower for July-November and April-May. Survival rates, calculated from returns after one and two breeding seasons, indicated an annual mortality of 60–72%, higher among juveniles than adults. Comparison of results of successive years suggested that unfavourable conditions in 1967 resulted in lower survival of juveniles in particular than in 1966. There was no evidence of mortality at the roost sites, and it is argued that heavy losses probably occur during the migratory journeys.  相似文献   

Patterns of winter irruptions in several owl species apparently follow the ‘lack of food’ hypothesis, which predicts that individuals leave their breeding grounds in search of food when prey populations do not allow breeding and are too small to ensure survival. Recent analyses, however, suggest an alternative mechanism dubbed the ‘breeding success’ hypothesis, which predicts that winter irruptions might instead be the result of a very successful breeding season, with a large pool of young birds subsequently migrating south from the breeding grounds. Here we assessed age‐class (juvenile vs. non‐juvenile) composition of winter irruptive Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus over a 25‐year period (winter 1991–1992 to 2015–2016) between regular (North American Prairies and Great Plains) and irregular wintering areas (northeastern North America) using live‐trapped individuals and high‐resolution images of individual owls. Our results show that the proportion of juveniles (birds less than 1 year of age) varies considerably annually but is positively correlated with irruption intensity in both regions. In irregular wintering areas, it can constitute the majority (up to more than 90%) of winter irruptive Snowy Owls over a large geographical area. These results are consistent with the idea that large winter irruptions at temperate latitudes are not the result of adults massively leaving the Arctic in search of food after a breeding failure but are more likely to be a consequence of good reproductive conditions in the Arctic that create a large pool of winter migrants.  相似文献   

Co-evolution between phenotypic variation and other traits is of paramount importance for our understanding of the origin and maintenance of polymorphism in natural populations. We tested whether the evolution of plumage polymorphism in birds of prey and owls was supported by the apostatic selection hypothesis using ecological and life-history variables in birds of prey and owls and performing both cross taxa and independent contrast analyses. For both bird groups, we did not find any support for the apostatic selection hypothesis being the maintaining factor for the polymorphism: plumage polymorphism was not more common in taxa hunting avian or mammalian prey, nor in migratory species. In contrast, we found that polymorphism was related to variables such as sexual plumage dimorphism, population size and range size, as well as breeding altitude and breeding latitude. These results imply that the most likely evolutionary correlate of polymorphism in both bird groups is population size, different plumage morphs might simply arise in larger populations most likely because of a higher probability of mutations and then be maintained by sexual selection.  相似文献   

For migratory birds, it is necessary to estimate annual and overwinter survival rates, identify factors that influence survival, and assess whether survival varies with age and sex if we are to understand population dynamics and thus inform conservation. This study is one of the first to document overwinter and annual survival from the wintering grounds of a declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrant bird, the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra. We monitored a population of marked individuals for which dispersal was low and detectability was high, allowing accurate estimates of survival. Annual survival was at least 52% and did not differ significantly across demographic groups or with habitat characteristics or residency time in the previous winter. Overwinter survival was very high and monthly survival at least 98% at some sites. Although winter residency varied spatially and with age, lower residency did not correlate with reduced annual survival, suggesting occupancy of multiple wintering sites rather than higher winter mortality of individuals with shorter residency. Our results suggest that mortality occurs primarily outside the wintering period, probably during migration, and that wintering conditions have minimal influence on survival. The similarity between survival rates for all age and sex classes when measured on the wintering grounds implies that any difference in survival with age or sex occurs only during the first migration or during the post‐fledging stage, and that selection of wintering habitat, or territory quality, makes little difference to survival in Whinchats. Our findings suggest that the wintering grounds do not limit populations as much as the migratory and breeding stages, with implications for the conservation of declining Afro‐Palaearctic migrants more widely.  相似文献   

Telemetry has become an important method for studying the biology and ecology of animals. However, the impact of tracking devices and their method of attachment on different species across multiple temporal scales has seldom been assessed. We compared the behavioural and demographic responses of two species of seabird, Lesser Black‐backed Gull Larus fuscus and Great Skua Stercorarius skua, to a GPS device attached using a crossover wing harness. We used telemetry information and monitoring of breeding colonies to compare birds equipped with a device and harness, and control birds without an attachment. We assessed whether tagged birds have lower short‐term breeding productivity or lower longer term overwinter return rates (indicative of overwinter survival) than controls. For Great Skua, we also assessed whether territory attendance within the breeding season differed between tagged and control birds. As with previous studies on Lesser Black‐backed Gull, we found no short‐term impacts on breeding productivity or long‐term impacts on overwinter return rates. For Great Skua, there was no evidence for impacts of the device and harness on territory attendance or breeding productivity. However, as found by a previous study of Great Skuas using a different (body) harness design, there was strong evidence of reduced overwinter return rates. Consequently, a device attached using a wing harness was considered suitable for long‐term deployment on Lesser Black‐backed Gulls, but not on Great Skuas. These findings will inform the planning of future tracking studies.  相似文献   

Many of the brilliant plumage coloration displays of birds function as signals to conspecifics. One species in which the function of plumage ornaments has been assessed is the Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis). Studies of a population breeding in Alabama (USA) have established that plumage ornaments signal quality, parental investment, and competitive ability in both sexes. Here we tested the additional hypotheses that (1) Eastern bluebird plumage ornamentation signals nest defense behavior in heterospecific competitive interactions and (2) individual variation in plumage ornamentation reflects underlying differences in circulating hormone levels. We also tested the potential for plumage ornaments to signal individual quality and parental investment in a population breeding in Oklahoma (USA). We found that Eastern bluebirds with more ornamented plumage are in better condition, initiate breeding earlier in the season, produce larger clutches, have higher circulating levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and more ornamented males have lower circulating androgen levels. Plumage coloration was not related to nest defense behavior. Thus, plumage ornamentation may be used by both sexes to assess the physiological condition and parental investment of prospective mates. Experimental manipulations of circulating hormone levels during molt are needed to define the role of hormones in plumage ornamentation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian age‐class discrimination is typically based on the completeness of the first prebasic molt. In several calidrid sandpiper species, juvenal flight feathers grown on Arctic breeding grounds are retained through the first three migrations. Thereafter, flight feathers are grown annually at temperate migratory stopover sites during the fall or on the subtropical wintering grounds. Standard methods for distinguishing age classes of sandpipers rely on a combination of traits, including body plumage, coloration of protected inner median covert edges, and extent of flight feather wear. We tested the ability of stable hydrogen isotope ratios in flight feathers (δDf) to distinguish young birds in their first winter through second fall from older adults in three calidrid sandpiper species, Western (Calidris mauri), Least (C. minutilla), and Semipalmated (C. pusilla) sandpipers. We compared the apparent reliability of the isotope approach to that of plumage‐based aging. The large expected differences in δDf values of flight feathers grown at Arctic versus non‐Arctic latitudes enabled use of this technique to discriminate between age‐classes. We determined δDf values of known Arctic‐grown feathers from juveniles that grew their flight feathers on the breeding grounds. Flight feather δDf values of southward‐migrating adults showed bimodal distributions for all three species. Negative values overlapped with species‐specific juvenile values, identifying putative second fall birds with high‐latitude grown juvenal feathers retained from the previous year. The more positive values identified older adults who grew their feathers at mid‐ and low latitudes. Importantly, δDf analysis successfully identified first‐winter and second‐fall birds not detected by plumage‐based aging. Flight feather wear alone was a poor basis for age classification because scores overlapped extensively between putative second fall birds and older adults. Flight feather hydrogen isotope analysis enables more definitive assignment of age classes when standard plumage methods are unreliable.  相似文献   

Age-related differences in plumage characteristics of birds can be the result of differential survival of more ornamented individuals, within-individual changes in plumage attributes with age, or a combination of both. In this study, we investigated age-class related differences in plumage attributes of male tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor by performing both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Male tree swallows in their first breeding season do not display delayed plumage maturation, and possess, like experienced breeders, metallic green to metallic blue iridescent plumage on their dorsal surface. Our results showed that, at the population level, older males were brighter and reflected light maximally at shorter wavelengths (i.e. were more blue). Differences in plumage brightness were most likely caused by changes within individuals as males increased in brightness between the first time they were captured and the subsequent year. Differences in hue, however, were not due to within-individual changes, but rather appear to be the result of greener individuals having lower survival and/or nest site fidelity. Indeed, relatively dull, greener birds had a lower probability of being recaptured the subsequent year. In contrast, we found that if birds captured in their first year as breeding adults were relatively bright, hue was not related to the probability of recapture. These results suggest that plumage attributes in male tree swallows have the potential of being honest signals of quality. Furthermore, plumage brightness and plumage hue might signal different aspects of male quality in this species.  相似文献   

Population limitation models of migratory birds have sought to include impacts from events across the full annual cycle. Previous work has shown that events occurring in winter result in some individuals transitioning to the breeding grounds earlier or in better physical condition than others, thereby affecting reproductive success (carry‐over effects). However, evidence for carry‐over effects from breeding to wintering grounds has been shown less often. We used feather corticosterone (CORTf) levels of the migratory Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla as a measure of the physiological state of birds at the time of moult on the breeding territory to investigate whether carry‐over effects provide linkages across the annual cycle of this stream‐obligate bird. We show that birds arriving on wintering grounds with lower CORTf scores, indicating reduced energetic challenges or stressors at the time of moult, occupied higher quality territories, and that these birds then achieved a better body condition during the overwinter period. Body condition, in turn, was important in determining whether adult birds returned the following winter, with birds in better condition returning at higher rates. Together these data suggest a carry‐over effect from the breeding grounds to the wintering grounds that is further extended with respect to annual return rates. Very few other studies have linked conditions during the previous breeding season with latent effects during the subsequent overwintering period or with annual survival. This study shows that the effects of variation in energetic challenges or stressors can potentially carry over from the natal stream and accumulate over more than one life‐history period before being manifested in reduced survival. This is of particular relevance to models of population limitation in migratory birds.  相似文献   

We present the first evidence for sexual deception by female mimicry in birds. Using live, caged birds we show that territorial male pied flycatchers behave aggressively toward bright-colored males but display sexually toward female-like male intruders. We also show that the males that are fooled are those that lack recent sexual experience. All male pied flycatchers are dull-colored in winter. It is possible that young males are more constrained during the spring molt than older males since the former are more dull-colored in spring. According to the molt-constraints hypothesis a subadult plumage would be maladaptive in the breeding season. Analysis of male settling pattern at breeding sites in spring suggests that brownish males are allowed to settle closer to already-established males than dark-colored males. This result suggests an adaptive value of having a subadult plumage color, in particular for young males arriving late from spring migration. However, we also show that mimicry incurs a cost, that of increased aggression from females, which may explain why female-like males have reduced mating success.  相似文献   

Alexander M. Mills  Colin J. Weir 《Oikos》2007,116(12):2062-2070
We build a model with large-scale demographic consequences for migratory species. The model operates where four elements co-occur, and we rely on empirical research using migratory birds to demonstrate them. First, breeding ranges have internal structure flowing from natal philopatry. Second, fecundity varies geographically. Third, populations of different breeding provenances commingle during winter. And fourth, a population-limiting carrying capacity operates during winter. In the absence of breeding season population-limitation, only the breeding population with maximum fecundity persists. Consequently, some potential breeding areas that offer suitable and productive habitat are bereft of breeding birds because of the interplay between the geographical fecundity gradient and the shared winter quarters. Where breeding season population-limitation also plays a role for at least one population, one (or more) breeding population becomes permanently depressed, resulting in a density well below the carrying capacity of the productive breeding habitat that is occupied. In either case, not all populations fare equally well, despite net positive breeding season productivity. Changes in winter carrying capacity, for example habitat degradation in winter quarters, can lead to uneven effects on geographically defined breeding populations, even though there has been no change in the circumstances of the breeding range.  相似文献   

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