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Male mate choice is critical for understanding the evolution and maintenance of sexual/asexual mating complexes involving sperm-dependent, gynogenetic species. Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa) require sperm to trigger embryogenesis, but the males (e.g. Poecilia mexicana) do not contribute genes. Males benefit from mating with Amazon mollies, because such matings make males more attractive to conspecific females, but they might control the cost of such matings by providing less sperm to Amazon mollies. We examined this at the behavioural and sperm levels. P. mexicana males preferred to mate with, and transferred more sperm to conspecific females. However, if males mated with P. formosa, sperm was readily transferred. This underscores the importance of male choice in this system.  相似文献   


Generally, males increase their reproductive success by mating with as many females as possible, whereas females increase their reproductive success by choosing males who provide more direct and indirect benefits. The difference in reproductive strategy between the sexes creates intense competition among males for access to females, therefore males spend much energy and time for competition with rival males for their reproduction. However, if they do not need to engage themselves into male competition and females are in no short supply, how many females can a male mate with and fertilize? We address this question in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. In this study, we investigated how many females a young, virgin male mated in 3 h, and checked whether the mated females were fertilized. We found that on average males mated with 12–13 females (range: 5–25). As latency to next mating did not change with the number of matings, the males are predicted to engage in even more matings if the mating trial were continued beyond 3 h. Copulation durations decreased with the number of matings and typically after 11 copulations with females any further copulations did not lead to fertilization, suggesting that males continued to mate with females even after sperm depletion. We discuss why spider mite males continue to display mating and copulation behaviour even after their sperm is depleted.


Polygynous parasitoid males may be limited by the amount of sperm they can transmit to females, which in turn may become sperm limited. In this study, I tested the effect of male mating history on copula duration, female fecundity, and offspring sex ratio, and the likelihood that females will have multiple mates, in the gregarious parasitoid Cephalonomia hyalinipennis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Epyrinae), a likely candidate for sperm depletion due to its local mate competition system. Males were eager to mate with the seven females presented in rapid succession. Copula duration did not differ with male mating history, but latency before a first mating was significantly longer than before consecutive matings. Male mating history had no bearing on female fecundity (number of offspring), but significantly influenced offspring sex ratio. The last female to mate with a given male produced significantly more male offspring than the first one, and eventually became sperm depleted. In contrast, the offspring sex ratio of first‐mated females was female biased, denoting a high degree of sex allocation control. Once‐mated females, whether sperm‐depleted or not, accepted a second mating after a period of oviposition. Sperm‐depleted females resumed production of fertilized eggs after a second mating. Young, recently mated females also accepted a second mating, but extended in‐copula courtship was observed. Carrying out multiple matings in this species thus seems to reduce the cost of being constrained to produce only haploid males after accepting copulation with a sperm‐depleted male. I discuss the reproductive fitness costs that females experience when mating solely with their sibling males and the reproductive fitness gain of males that persist in mating, even when almost sperm‐depleted. Behavioural observations support the hypothesis that females monitor their sperm stock. It is concluded that C. hyalinipennis is a species with a partial local mating system.  相似文献   

Adaptive hypotheses of female choice predict that females use male courtship displays as an indicator of male quality. A test of whether female choice is adaptive measuring direct and indirect effects of mate choice on females was made using a laboratory population of a lek-mating species, the Mediterranean fruit fly. The nonrandom mating observed in this species is thought to be strongly influenced by female choice. Whether female choice acts to increase fecundity or offspring quality was assessed using two different statistical tests. Multiple regression showed that females generally do not receive direct benefits as a result of mating with males which are successful in copulating with many females. However, in one trial the relationship between male quality and female benefit was nonlinear. Females which mate with males that obtain few matings (<2), and females which mate with males that obtain many matings (>6) enjoy increased fecundity. Mate choice does not, however, appear to enhance offspring quality as father/son correlation and sibling analysis showed no heritable component to male copulatory success.  相似文献   

1.  Mating behaviour in Daphnia appears to rely on random contact between males and sexual females rather than diffusible pheromones. Males may be able to discriminate sexually receptive females from females in other developmental stages and increase their mating efficiency. Males may also use chemical signals to avoid mating with females from the same clone and avoid the severe inbreeding depression that has been documented for intraclonal mating. The present study used experiments to test for the avoidance of intraclonal mating and assess male mating efficiency in D. pulex .
2.  Three clones were examined for the avoidance of intraclonal mating by providing males with an opportunity to mate with females of the same or two different clones. The proportion of intraclonal matings did not differ from the proportion of interclonal matings, suggesting that D. pulex males do not use kin discrimination to avoid mating with females from the same clone.
3.  The proportion of mated females decreased with increasing numbers and density of sexual females when exposed to a single male. This observation suggests that a male spends more time pursuing and copulating with sexually receptive females than non-receptive females and there is insufficient time to mate with all sexual females. The decrease in proportion of females mated could also be the result of sperm depletion in the male. Sperm depletion is unlikely to occur in nature because sexually receptive females are much rarer than in the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The mating strategies of male fiddler crabs are variable and highly flexible within species. In this study I examine three types of mating strategy used by individual male Uca vocans hesperaie. The most common strategy, termed a ‘standard gambit’, where males approached females at their burrow entrance and initiated courtship, accounted for 63% of mating attempts and 75% of successful matings. The rarest strategy (4% of mating attempts) was the ‘dig out’, where males attempted to mate with females whose burrows they had excavated. This strategy accounted for 19% of successful matings. ‘Herding’ behaviour which involved a male attempting to herd a female into a burrow and mate, contributed 33% of mating attempts but were generally unsuccessful, accounting for only 2.6% of successful matings. Males used more than one strategy during the study period. Smaller males used the standard gambit strategy more often than herding or dig outs while larger males used the herding strategy more often. There was no relationship between male size and mating success and males did not preferentially mate with females of a certain size. The predominant strategy adopted by males over the lunar cycle depended on female behaviour. Herding behaviour was induced by female wandering which escalated at full moon. Standard gambits were the commonest strategy adopted at and around new moon. The low success rate of male mating attempts (16%) indicates a reluctance by females to mate multiply. This may lead to conflict between the sexes because in fiddler crabs there is last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

Young, small, sexually-inexperienced males suffer lower mating success than older, larger, more experienced males in many species of animals. I compared the mating success of male Desmognathus ochrophaeus (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae) reared to maturity in the laboratory with that of males collected as adults in the field. Courtship trials were staged in the laboratory between single males and females. Laboratory-reared males were significantly smaller in body size than adult males collected in the field, were certainly inexperienced sexually and were probably younger. No difference was found between laboratory-reared males and field-collected males in any measure of mating success, although the former apparently produced smaller sperm masses. I conclude that newly-mature male D. ochrophaeus are not discriminated against by females in the context of mate choice, and do not need to “rehearse” courtship in order to obtain successful inseminations. However, newly-mature males are probably at a disadvantage in terms of aggressive and sperm competition with larger males.  相似文献   

In nuptial gift-giving species females sometimes select their potential mates based on the presence and size of the gift. But in some species, such as the Neotropical polyandrous spider Paratrechalea ornate male gifts vary in quality, from nutritive to worthless, and this male strategy can be in conflict with female nutritional benefits. In this species, males without gifts experience a reduction in mating success and duration, while males that offer worthless or genuine nutritive gifts mate with similar frequencies and durations. The female apparently controls the duration of copulation. Thus, there is scope for females to favour males offering gifts and further if these are nutritious, via post-copulatory processes. We first tested whether females differentially store sperm from males that offer the highest nutritional benefits by experimentally presenting females with males that offer either nutritive or worthless gifts (uninterrupted matings). Second, we carried out another set of experiments to examine whether females can select sperm based only on gift presence. This time we interrupted matings after the first pedipalp insertion, thus matching number of insertions and mating duration for males that: offered and did not offer gift. Our results showed that the amount of sperm stored is positive related to mating duration in all groups, except in matings with worthless gifts. Gift presence itself did not affect the sperm stored by females, while they store similar number of sperm in matings with males offering either nutritive or worthless gifts. We discuss whether females prefer males with gifts regardless, if content, because it represents an attractive and/or reliable signal. Or alternatively, they prefer nutritive nuptial gifts, as they are an important source of food supply and/or signal of male donor ability.  相似文献   

Given the costs of multiple mating, why has female polyandry evolved? Utetheisa ornatrix moths are well suited for studying multiple mating in females because females are highly polyandrous over their life span, with each male mate transferring a substantial spermatophore with both genetic and nongenetic material. The accumulation of resources might explain the prevalence of polyandry in this species, but another, not mutually exclusive, possibility is that females mate multiply to increase the probability that their sons will inherit more‐competitive sperm. This latter “sexy‐sperm” hypothesis posits that female multiple mating and male sperm competitiveness coevolve via a Fisherian runaway process. We tested the sexy‐sperm hypothesis by using competitive double matings to compare the sperm competition success of sons of polyandrous versus monandrous females. In accordance with sexy‐sperm theory, we found that in 511 offspring across 17 families, the male whose polyandrous mother mated once with each of three different males sired significantly more of all total offspring (81%) than did the male whose monandrous mother was mated thrice to a single male. Interestingly, sons of polyandrous mothers had a significantly biased sex ratio of their brood toward sons, also in support of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts due to divergent male and female interests in reproduction are common in parasitic Hymenoptera. The majority of parasitoid females are monandrous, whereas males are able to mate repeatedly. Thus, accepting only a single mate might be costly when females mate with a sperm‐depleted male, which may not transfer a sufficient amount of sperm. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive performance in the parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Först. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and studied whether mating with experimentally sperm‐depleted males increases the tendency of females to remate. Males were able to mate with up to 17 females offered in rapid succession within a 10‐h test period. The resulting female offspring, as an indirect measure of sperm transfer, remained constant during the first six matings and then decreased successively with increasing number of copulations by the males. Experimentally sperm‐depleted males continued to mate even if they transferred only small amounts or no sperm at all. Unlike males, the majority of females mated only once during a 192‐h test period. A second copulation was observed only in a few cases (maximum 16%). The frequency of remating was not influenced by the mating status of the first male the females had copulated with, suggesting that these events are not controlled by sperm deficiency of the females. Furthermore, we investigated male courtship behaviour towards mated females. Male courtship intensity towards mated females decreased with increasing time. However, females that had mated with an experimentally sperm‐depleted male did not elicit stronger or longer‐lasting behavioural responses in courting males than those that had mated with a virgin male. As the observed behaviours in L. distinguendus are known to be elicited by a courtship pheromone, these results suggest that females no longer invest in pheromone biosynthesis after mating (as indicated by ceasing behavioural responses of courting males), irrespective of whether they have received a sufficient amount of sperm or not. We discuss the results with respect to a possible mating strategy of sperm‐depleted males.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Mating has been found to be costly for females of some species because of toxic products that males transfer to females in their seminal fluid. Such mating costs seem paradoxical, particularly for species in which females mate more frequently than is necessary to fertilize their eggs. Indeed, some studies suggest that females may benefit from mating more frequently. The effect of male ejaculates on female life span and lifetime fecundity was experimentally tested in the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps. In field crickets, females will mate repeatedly with a given male and mate with multiple males. Females that were experimentally mated either repeatedly or multiply lived more than 32% longer than singly mated females. In addition, multiply mated females produced 98% more eggs than singly mated females. Because females received only sperm and seminal fluid from males in the experimental matings, these life‐span and fecundity benefits may result from beneficial seminal fluid products that males transfer to females during mating. Mating benefits rather than mating costs may be common in many animals, particularly in species where female mate choice has a larger effect on male reproductive success than does the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Why do sperm-depleted parasitoid males continue to mate?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Insect males of several parasitoid species have limited amountof sperm at emergence and experience sperm depletion when mateacquisition rate is high, suggesting that sperm production andstorage could be a limiting factor for male's fitness. Sperm-depletedmales of the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma evanescens continueto mate, and the impact of this behavior on sperm storage byfemales has been studied. Virgin females T. evanescens stored50.6 ± 13.1 (Mean ± SD) sperm when mating firstwith a virgin male. However, when these females mated firstwith a sperm-depleted male and then with a virgin male, theystored only 18.9 ± 7.8 sperm, indicating that matingwith a sperm-depleted male has a cost and limits sperm acquisitionfrom fertile males. Following a mating with a sperm-depletedmale, females had to mate with three virgin males to restoretheir sperm supply confirming that additional mating enabledthe female to store a limited number of sperm. According toour results, by continuing to mate, sperm-depleted males donot prevent mates from copulating again but they decrease theirability to store other male's sperm. Continuing to mate couldbe a strategy to increase the relative fitness of sperm-depletedmales.  相似文献   

Polyandry, female mating with multiple males, is widespread across many taxa and almost ubiquitous in insects. This conflicts with the traditional idea that females are constrained by their comparatively large investment in each offspring, and so should only need to mate once or a few times. Females may need to mate multiply to gain sufficient sperm supplies to maintain their fertility, especially in species in which male promiscuity results in division of their ejaculate among many females. Here, we take a novel approach, utilizing wild‐caught individuals to explore how natural variation among females and males influences fertility gains for females. We studied this in the Malaysian stalk‐eyed fly species Teleopsis dalmanni. After an additional mating, females benefit from greatly increased fertility (proportion fertile eggs). Gains from multiple mating are not uniform across females; they are greatest when females have high fecundity or low fertility. Fertility gains also vary spatially, as we find an additional strong effect of the stream from which females were collected. Responses were unaffected by male mating history (males kept with females or in male‐only groups). Recent male mating may be of lesser importance because males in many species, including T. dalmanni, partition their ejaculate to maintain their fertility over many matings. This study highlights the importance of complementing laboratory studies with data on wild‐caught populations, where there is considerable heterogeneity between individuals. Future research should focus on environmental, demographic and genetic factors that are likely to significantly influence variation in individual female fecundity and fertility.  相似文献   

In insects, spermatophore production represents a non‐trivial cost to a male. Non‐virgin males have been shown to produce small spermatophores at subsequent matings. Particularly in monandrous species, it may be an issue to receive a sufficiently large spermatophore at the first and typically only mating. Females of the monandrous Speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) produce fewer offspring after mating with a non‐virgin male. After mating, females spend all their active time selecting oviposition sites and typically ignore other males. Here, we show that females did not discriminate between a virgin male and a recently mated male in our laboratory experiments. We demonstrate that the number of eupyrene sperm bundles relative to spermatophore mass differed with subsequent male matings. Males transferred a significantly smaller spermatophore after the first copulation, but the spermatophore mass did not decrease further with subsequent matings. However, the number of eupyrene sperm bundles decreased linearly. Therefore, there was proportionally more eupyrene sperm in the male’s second spermatophore compared with the first and the later spermatophores. Such a pattern has been shown in polyandrous species. Hence, it suggests that differences in sperm allocation strategy between polyandrous and monandrous butterflies may be quantitative rather than qualitative. There was also a tendency for females that had mated with a recently mated male to have higher propensity to remate than did females that had mated with a virgin male. We discuss the results relative to the mating system in P. aegeria, including female remating opportunities in the field and male mate‐locating behaviour.  相似文献   



Assortative mating can help explain how genetic variation for male quality is maintained even in highly polygynous species. Here, we present a longitudinal study examining how female and male ages, as well as male social dominance, affect assortative mating in fallow deer (Dama dama) over 10 years. Assortative mating could help explain the substantial proportion of females that do not mate with prime-aged, high ranking males, despite very high mating skew. We investigated the temporal pattern of female and male matings, and the relationship between female age and the age and dominance of their mates.


The peak of yearling female matings was four days later than the peak for older females. Younger females, and especially yearlings, mated with younger and lower-ranking males than older females. Similarly, young males and lower-ranking males mated with younger females than older males and higher-ranking males. Furthermore, the timing of matings by young males coincided with the peak of yearling female matings, whereas the timing of older male matings (irrespective of rank) coincided with the peak of older female matings.


Assortative mating, through a combination of indirect and/or direct female mate choice, can help explain the persistence of genetic variation for male traits associated with reproductive success.  相似文献   

In many insects, both sexes mate multiple times and females use stored sperm for fertilizations. While males frequently engage in two distinct behaviours, multiple mating (with different females) and repeated copulations (with the same female), the reproductive consequences of these behaviours for males have been quantified for only a few species. In this study, males of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, were found to be capable of mating with as many as seven different virgin females within 15 min. Across sequential copulations with virgin females, there was no decline in either male insemination success or average female progeny production over 48 h. However, when males copulated with previously mated females, there was a significant decline in male paternity success across sequential copulations, possibly due to male sperm depletion. In separate experiments, T. castaneum males were found to engage in two to six repeated copulations with the same, individually marked female. These repeated copulations did not increase male insemination success, short-term female fecundity, or male paternity success. Repeated copulations may possibly play a role in sperm defence. This study indicates that males may frequently engage in multiple matings, but these additional matings may lead to diminishing male reproductive returns.  相似文献   

I investigated two possible reasons for remating in female Plodia interpunctella: i) females remate to obtain sufficient sperm to maintain fertility; and ii) male investment in non-sperm components increases female fecundity and longevity. The number of sperm and the mass of the spermatophore transferred by males decreases on successive matings. Sperm numbers and potential male investment were varied by allowing females to mate either once or twice with males either on their first or second mating. Females receiving a single small spermatophore containing few sperm (from a male on his second mating) had sufficient sperm to fertilize all their eggs. Females did not show increased fecundity or longevity as a result of obtaining more spermatophore material. I discuss why females remate when they already have sufficient sperm to fertilize all their eggs.  相似文献   

A general tenet of sexual conflict theory is that males have higher optimum mating rates than do females and therefore should be more persistent when it comes to mating. However, in promiscuous species, females might benefit from high mating rates as a result of increased conception probability with favored males, whereas favored males benefit from mating selectively because of sperm depletion. When this results in higher optimum mating rates for females than for males, there is potential for reversed sexual conflicts between persistent females and resistant males. Here I report evidence of such a reversed sexual conflict in a promiscuous antelope, the African topi. Rather than mating randomly, favored males prefer to balance mating investment equally between females as predicted by strategic sperm allocation theory. Females, however, enhance their probability of mating with favored males through aggression toward mating pairs. Supporting the idea that aggressive females thereby harass males to mate at a rate that is suboptimal from the males' perspective, males become increasingly likely to counterattack aggressive females with whom they have already mated disproportionately, and such male counterattacks are associated with refusal to mate with the aggressive females. This study points to reversed sexual conflict as a more significant evolutionary force in promiscuous mammals than previously thought; however, such conflicts probably often go unnoticed because males, in contrast to females, can avoid mating without conspicuous resistance.  相似文献   

The weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus shows three kinds of same-sex mountings: males mount other unpaired males, males mount males already engaged in copulation and females mount other females. Four hypotheses were evaluated in order to explain same-sex matings by males: (i) female mimicry by inferior males, (ii) dominance of larger males which affects the behaviour of small males, (iii) sperm transfer in which smaller males gain some reproductive success by 'hitchhiking' their sperm with the sperm of larger males, and (iv) poor sex recognition. Data from mate choice and sperm competition experiments rejected the female mimicry, dominance and sperm transfer hypotheses and supported the poor sex recognition hypothesis. We tested three hypotheses in order to explain female mounting behaviour: (i) females mimic male behaviour in order to reduce sexual harassment by males, (ii) females mount other females in order to appear larger and thereby attract more and larger males for mating, and (iii) female mimicry of males. The results of our mate choice experiments suggested that the female mimicry of males hypothesis best explains the observed female mounting behaviour. This result is also consistent with the poor sex recognition hypothesis which is the most likely explanation for male and female intrasexual mating behaviour in many insect species.  相似文献   

Single mating productivities (used as estimates of the relative number of sperm transferred) are highly correlated with several parameters used to quantify sperm competition in D. melanogster. Matings that result in the transferal of large numbers of sperm are associated with longer delay of female remating than are matings that transfer fewer sperm. Males that transfer larger numbers of sperm also suffer a smaller proportional reduction in reproductive success (smaller COST) than males transferring fewer sperm. The number of sperm transferred by a female's second mate is not related to the COST to the first male. However, there is a high positive correlation between the number of sperm transferred by the second male and P2 (the proportion of second male progeny following female remating). Thus, large sperm numbers apparently increase the reproductive success of males whether they mate with virgin or non-virgin females. Because female receptivity mediates these events, there is no need to invoke sperm displacement to explain the reproductive outcome of female remating.The timing of female remating is evaluated in terms of a receptivity-threshold model. This model suggests that female receptivity returns when some small, relatively constant, number of sperm remain in storage.  相似文献   

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