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Postal questionnaires were distributed to farmers and gamekeepers within the Polecat’s Mustela putorius main range in Britain. Only 11% of responding farmers had ever experienced damage by Polecats; 28% regarded the species as a threat to livestock. Conversely 53% of farmers believed Polecats control Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, and 39% believed they control rodents on the farm. Two-thirds of responding gamekeepers had experienced Polecat predation of penned game, with the commonest access routes via ‘pop-holes’ and beneath the perimeter wire. Most gamekeepers (68%) regarded the Polecat as a minor pest, but ranked it as a less serious threat to game than predators such as the Fox Vulpes vulpes, Feral Cat Felis catus, Stoat Mustela erminea, corvids and Mink Mustela vison. Majorities of both farmers and gamekeepers would be concerned about an increase in the numbers of Polecats, and most wished to be free to control the species. Trapping was regarded as the main defence against Polecat predation of game; 91% of gamekeepers had trapped Polecats over the preceding 5 years. A minority of farmers carried out Polecat control; this activity was more prevalent on farms near the fringe of the species’ range. Pest-control practices likely to impact accidentally or indirectly upon Polecats, such as rodenticide use, fumigation (‘gassing’) of Rabbit burrows and ferreting, were also more prevalent on farms towards the fringe of the species’ range. These findings are discussed in the light of the Polecat’s status as a Scheduled species recovering its range in Britain. In anticipation of the species’ further spread into areas where game shooting is prevalent, recommendations are made regarding the need to improve game husbandry and to modify trapping practice. In particular, the night-time closure of pop-holes and the effective exclusion of Polecats from tunnel traps are suggested as a means of promoting greater tolerance of Polecats and compliance with the law.  相似文献   

Area-restricted searches have been described as important componentsof the foraging behavior of many organisms. It is unclear, however,whether individual foragers can use learning to fine-tune theirsearches, or even whether these searches are efficiently performed.I used a simulation model to make qualitative predictions aboutsearch behavior in a laboratory system. The simulation modelindicates that the sinuosity and path length of searches stronglyaffect search efficiency. The model predicts that, for a rate-maximizingforager, path length should increase and search sinuosity shoulddecrease as prey become less clumped. Foraging animals may thereforebe selected to learn the path length and sinuosity of searchesin response to changing degrees of dumping of prey. These predictionswere tested in a laboratory system involving ferrets (Mustelaputorius furo) foraging for oil-drop "prey items." Search pathschanged in a graded manner to experimental manipulations ofthe dumping of prey. As predicted by the model, ferrets learnedto perform longer and less sinuous search paths as prey becameless clumped. This study provides the first evidence that area-restrictedsearch behavior is learned and can be fine-tuned to efficientlyexploit different spatial distributions of food.  相似文献   

T. Lode 《Austral ecology》2000,25(3):223-231
A study of the feeding habits and movements of 11 radiotracked polecats Mustela putorius in western France revealed that seasonal predation upon agile frogs, Rana dalmatina, was directly influenced by prey abundance and distribution. Although dietary structure showed the importance of mammalian prey (71.5%), polecats exploited nocturnal, terrestrial anurans in spring (31.6%). The periodic activity of anurans at spawning sites led both to a maximum density in spring and to a patchy distribution. The monthly variations in anuran dietary occurrences were associated with changes in frog availability. The functional response of polecats to frog density was sigmoidal shaped (type 3 response). Frog consumption rate increased more slowly than prey density but frogs were actively removed at higher density. It is therefore suggested that frog populations were moderately affected by the predator and this density dependent effect tends to stabilise anuran populations. Predation upon anurans was also correlated with a prey dispersion index as revealed by a polynomial regression. Polecats concentrated their predation on spawning congregations of the breeding adult frogs. Movements were smallest in spring and polecats changed their track length by increasing the difference between a succession of small movements and of longer journeys towards profitable sites. Changes in movements correlated with the anuran dispersion index and the response was sigmoidal (polynomial regression) revealing an area‐restricted search. This response may be regarded as an ‘aggregative response’ according to the first part of the definition of Begon et al. (1996) . Functional and area‐restricted search responses to the frog abundance and dispersion constitute an original example of predator‐prey coexistence strategies among vertebrates. I suggest that such predation could be favoured by the individualistic habits of the mustelid.  相似文献   

The European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761) is an endangered carnivore species whose populations suffered a severe decline during the last century. The genotyping of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci revealed a relatively low number of alleles per locus (two to eight), as well as low levels of polymorphism (observed and expected heterozygosity values per locus were 0.49 and 0.54, respectively). Cross‐specific polymerase chain reaction amplifications were successful in seven closely related mustelid species suggesting that these loci may be useful not only for assessing genetic variability in European mink populations but also for determining potential hybridization events between M. lutreola and other mustelid species.  相似文献   

Analysis of 155 individuals with seven polymorphicmicrosatellite DNA markers showed significant genetic differentiationbetween the only three remaining subpopulations of the globally,critically-endangered Taita thrush. Small, recently-disturbedsubpopulations such as studied here may violate the assumptions ofmutation-drift and gene flow-drift equilibrium inherent to mostpopulation genetic tools that estimate gene flow. We thereforeidentified putative dispersers using two recently-developed assignmenttests based on individual genotypes. Previous-generation and currentmigration rates between any two subpopulations were estimated at one andzero individuals per generation, respectively. Strong congruence withnon-genetic estimates of between-fragment dispersal provided indirectevidence for the accuracy of the assignment test. From a conservationperspective, the available demographic and genetic data suggest asubstantial threat to the long-term survival of at least the smallestsubpopulation.  相似文献   

Light-microscopic immunocytochemistry of ferret anterior pituitary revealed the localization of somatotropes in the pars distalis, but no immunoreactive cells were detected in the pars tuberalis. Ultrastructural studies by superimposition immunocytochemistry and immuno-electron microscopy, clucidated the morphological heterogeneity of these somatotropic cells. They were classified into 2 subtypes on the basis of size of the secretory granules. Type-I cells with small granules (mean diameter, 192 nm), were considered to be the immature somatotrop, while Type-II cells, with comparatively larger secretory granules (mean diameter, 257 nm), were considered to be the matured form of Type-I cells and the typical somatotropic cell-type, and were much more predominant than the Type-I cells. The fact that Type-II cells had a distinct Golgi zone and many mitochondria, while in Type-I cells the intracellular organelles were generally less developed, supports this suggestion. In addition to these two extreme subtypes, several intermediate forms were also encountered that may represent different transitional phases during the conversion of Type I to Type II. Protein A-gold immuno-electron microscopy illustrated the specific localization of growth hormone over the granules, with no labelling over any other cytoplasmic organelles of the 2 somatotrope subtypes.  相似文献   

The red deer (Cervus elaphus) population in Denmark became almost extinct in recent historical times due to over‐hunting. The species has subsequently recovered within remote areas, but non‐Danish individuals have been introduced at several localities. To assess genetic structure, past demographic history, and the possibility of a still existing original stock, we analysed 349 specimens from 11 geographically separate areas and from three enclosed areas, genotyping 11 microsatellite loci. Moreover, an 826‐bp fragment of the control region of the mitochondrial DNA was sequenced for 116 recent specimens and seven museum specimens. There was a significant difference in mean expected heterozygosity (HE) between the three enclosed areas and the 11 unenclosed areas. Significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were observed in the three enclosed areas and in nine of the unenclosed areas. The overall degree of genetic differentiation among all 14 areas was significant (FST = 0.09, P < 0.01), primarily because the mean pairwise FST for the three enclosed areas was significantly higher than that for the 11 unenclosed areas. A Bayesian clustering procedure detected three genetically distinct populations and indicated reduced gene flow between the enclosed and unenclosed areas. The individuals in the unenclosed areas show genotypic mixture, presumably as a result of gene flow among them. Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations, based on the genealogical history of the microsatellite alleles, suggest a drastic decline in the effective population size of the enclosed areas some 188–474 years ago. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the recent specimens showed seven haplotypes. Individuals from the enclosed Jægersborg Dyrehave contain haplotypes that occur all over Denmark and also are found in Western Europe. A close relationship between Scandinavian and Western European red deer is most likely. Only individuals from the unenclosed Lindenborg Estate and the enclosed Tofte Skov did not group with any other Danish individuals. As six of seven museum specimens had haplotypes also found in modern Danish samples, the current population of red deer in Denmark is genetically close to the original Danish red deer. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 688–701.  相似文献   

Surgical transfer of in vivo produced conventionally frozen-thawed embryos of farmed European polecat (Mustela putorius) was investigated as a part of an ex-situ preservation program which has the long-term aim of developing a genome resource bank for the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola). Eighteen oestrous yearling European polecat donors were mated once daily on two consecutive days using 13 fertile males. The donors were surgically flushed for embryos 8-9 days after the first mating. The embryo recovery rate was 60% (116 embryos/193 corpora lutea). The embryos were cryopreserved with 1.5 M ethylene glycol in a programmable freezer using a conventional slow freezing protocol. The thawed embryos were surgically transferred either after dilution with 0.5 M sucrose or directly without removal of ethylene glycol. To induce ovulation, eight recipient females were mated once daily on two consecutive days with vasectomized males starting 7 or 8 days before embryo transfer. The recipients received 7-11 embryos each and three recipients delivered a total of nine pups after a gestation length of 44-46 days. The embryo survival rate was 10% (9 pups/93 frozen embryos). This report describes the first successful cryopreservation of embryos in the Mustelidae family resulting in viable offspring. The low embryo survival rate, however, indicates that the freezing-thawing protocol needs to be improved.  相似文献   

Wolverine (Gulo gulo) numbers in Scandinavia were significantly reduced during the early part of the century as a result of predator removal programmes and hunting. Protective legislation in both Sweden and Norway in the 1960s and 1970s has now resulted in increased wolverine densities in Scandinavia. We report here the development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite markers in wolverine and their use to examine the population sub-structure and genetic variability in free-ranging Scandinavian wolverine populations as well as in a sample of individuals collected before 1970. Significant subdivision between extant populations was discovered, in particular for the small and isolated population of southern Norway, which represents a recent recolonization. Overall genetic variability was found to be lower than previously reported for other mustelids, with only two to five alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities (H(O)) ranging from 0.269 to 0.376 across the examined populations, being lowest in southern Norway. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region revealed no variation throughout the surveyed populations. As the historical sample did not show higher levels of genetic variability, our results are consistent with a reduction in the genetic variation in Scandinavian wolverines that pre-dates the demographic bottleneck observed during the last century. The observed subdivision between populations calls for management caution when issuing harvest quotas, especially for the geographically isolated south Norwegian population.  相似文献   

Human-mediated global change will probably increase the rates of natural hybridization and genetic introgression between closely related species, and this will have major implications for conservation of the taxa involved. In this study, we analyse both mitochondrial and nuclear data to characterize ongoing hybridization and genetic introgression between two sympatric sister species of mustelids, the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) and the more abundant polecat (M. putorius). A total of 317 European mink, 114 polecats and 15 putative hybrid individuals were collected from different localities in Europe and genotyped with 13 microsatellite nuclear markers. Recently developed Bayesian methods for assigning individuals to populations and identifying admixture proportions were applied to the genetic data. To identify the direction of hybridization, we additionally sequenced mtDNA and Y chromosomes from 78 individuals and 29 males respectively. We found that both hybridization and genetic introgression occurred at low levels (3% and 0.9% respectively) and indicated that hybridization is asymmetric, as only pure polecat males mate with pure European mink females. Furthermore, backcrossing and genetic introgression was detected only from female first-generation (F1) hybrids of European mink to polecats. This latter result implies that Haldane's rule may apply. Our results suggest that hybridization and genetic introgression between the two species should be considered a rather uncommon event. However, the current low densities of European mink might be changing this trend.  相似文献   

Parisod C  Besnard G 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(13):2755-2767
Past climatic changes and especially the ice ages have had a great impact on both the distribution and the genetic composition of plant populations, but whether they promoted speciation is still controversial. The autopolyploid complex Biscutella laevigata is a classical example of polyploidy linked to glaciations and is an interesting model to explore migration and speciation driven by climate changes in a complex alpine landscape. Diploid taxa survived the last glacial maximum in several never-glaciated areas and autotetraploids are clearly dominant in the central parts of the Alps; however, previous range-wide studies failed to identify their diploid ancestor(s). This study highlights the phylogeographical relationships of maternal lineages in the Western Alps and investigates the polyploidy process using plastid DNA sequences (trnS-trnG and trnK-intron) combined with plastid DNA length polymorphism markers, which were transferable among Brassicaceae species. Twenty-one distinct plastid DNA haplotypes were distinguished in 67 populations densely sampled in the Western Alps and main lineages were identified by a median-joining network. The external Alps harboured high levels of genetic diversity, while the Central Alps contained only a subset of haplotypes due to postglacial recolonization. Several haplotypes were restricted to local peripheral refugia and evidence of in situ survival in central nunataks was detected by the presence of highly differentiated haplotypes swamped by frequent ones. As hierarchical genetic structure pointed to an independent evolution of the species in different biogeographical districts, and since tetraploids displayed haplotypes belonging to different lineages restricted to either the northern or the southern parts of the Alpine chain, polytopic autopolyploidy was also apparent in the Western Alps.  相似文献   

The founder event in a recently recolonized salmon population in the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland) was investigated. To identify the origin of the founders, four wild populations and two hatchery stocks were analysed using six microsatellite loci. The results of assignment tests and factorial correspondence analysis suggest that the initial recolonizers of the river Selja originated from the geographically nearest (7 km) wild population (river Kunda) but as the result of stocking activities, interbreeding between recolonizers and hatchery individuals has occurred in subsequent years. Although the hatchery releases are outnumbering the wild salmon recruitment in the Baltic Sea at present, our results suggest that the native populations may still have an important role in colonization processes of the former salmon rivers.  相似文献   

In species of great conservation concern, special attention must be paid to their phylogeography, in particular the origin of animals for captive breeding and reintroduction. The endangered European mink lives now in at least three well-separated populations in northeast, southeast and west Europe. Our aim is to assess the genetic structure of these populations to identify 'distinct population segments' (DPS) and advise captive breeding programmes. First, the mtDNA control region was completely sequenced in 176 minks and 10 polecats. The analysis revealed that the western population is characterized by a single mtDNA haplotype that is closely related to those in eastern regions but nevertheless, not found there to date. The northeast European animals are much more variable (pi = 0.012, h = 0.939), with the southeast samples intermediate (pi = 0.0012, h = 0.469). Second, 155 European mink were genotyped using six microsatellites. The latter display the same trends of genetic diversity among regions as mtDNA [gene diversity and allelic richness highest in northeast Europe (H(E) = 0.539, R(S) = 3.76), lowest in west Europe (H(E) = 0.379, R(S) = 2.12)], and provide evidences that the southeast and possibly the west populations have undergone a recent bottleneck. Our results indicate that the western population derives from a few animals which recently colonized this region, possibly after a human introduction. Microsatellite data also reveal that isolation by distance occurs in the western population, causing some inbreeding because related individuals mate. As genetic data indicate that the three populations have not undergone independent evolutionary histories for long (no phylogeographical structure), they should not be considered as distinct DPS. In conclusion, the captive breeding programme should use animals from different parts of the species' present distribution area.  相似文献   

Early embryonic development and in vitro culture of in vivo produced embryos in the farmed European polecat (Mustela putorius) was investigated as a part of an ex situ conservation program of the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola), using the European polecat as a model species. The oestrus cycles of 34 yearling polecat females were monitored by visual examination of the vulval swelling and, to induce ovulation, the females were mated once daily on two consecutive days. Sixteen yearling males were used for mating. The females were humanely killed 3-14 days after the first mating and the uteri and oviducts were collected for embryo recovery. Uterine and oviductal flushings yielded a total number of 295 embryos, representing developmental stages from the 1-cell stage to large expanded and hatched blastocysts. On Day 3 after the first mating, only 1-16-cell stage embryos were recovered. Between Days 4 and 6 after the first mating, 1-16-cell stage embryos and morulae were found. The first blastocysts were recovered on Day 7 after the first mating. The first implanted blastocysts were detected on Day 11 after the first mating. A total number of 85 embryos were in vitro cultured after recovery. Blastocyst production rates for in vitro cultured 1-16-cell stage embryos and for morulae/compact morulae were 68 and 84%, respectively. For all cultured embryos, the hatching rate was 15%. The in vitro culture requirements for the preimplantation embryos of the farmed European polecat remain to be determined before further utilization of the technique.  相似文献   

Population genetics has been increasingly applied to study large sharks over the last decade. Whilst large shark species are often difficult to study with direct methods, improved knowledge is needed for both population management and conservation, especially for species vulnerable to anthropogenic and climatic impacts. The tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, is an apex predator known to play important direct and indirect roles in tropical and subtropical marine ecosystems. While the global and Indo‐West Pacific population genetic structure of this species has recently been investigated, questions remain over population structure and demographic history within the western Indian (WIO) and within the western Pacific Oceans (WPO). To address the knowledge gap in tiger shark regional population structures, the genetic diversity of 286 individuals sampled in seven localities was investigated using 27 microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes (CR, COI, and cytb). A weak genetic differentiation was observed between the WIO and the WPO, suggesting high genetic connectivity. This result agrees with previous studies and highlights the importance of the pelagic behavior of this species to ensure gene flow. Using approximate Bayesian computation to couple information from both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, evidence of a recent bottleneck in the Holocene (2,000–3,000 years ago) was found, which is the most probable cause for the low genetic diversity observed. A contemporary effective population size as low as 111 [43,369] was estimated during the bottleneck. Together, these results indicate low genetic diversity that may reflect a vulnerable population sensitive to regional pressures. Conservation measures are thus needed to protect a species that is classified as Near Threatened.  相似文献   

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