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Allogromiids are organic-walled or agglutinated, single-chambered Foraminifera, common in deep-sea and polar benthic communities. The simple forms and paucity of distinctive features make allogromiid identification difficult by traditional means. Molecular phylogenetic methods offer alternative tools for species identification and are used here to investigate allogromiid diversity. We obtained 135 partial small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of allogromiids collected in Explorers Cove, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. In contrast to the 27 morphotypes identified, phylogenetic analysis revealed 49 molecular types (considered separate species) that differ by more than 5% of sequence divergence. The 49 genetic types form 28 molecular supra-groups that differ by more than 20% and probably represent distinct genera or families. Large genetic distances separating the molecular types indicate unexpectedly high taxonomic diversity. Comparison of our data with sequences of non-Antarctic allogromiids suggests that Explorers Cove species might be endemic and only distantly related to comparable northern hemisphere fauna.  相似文献   

Arctic marine biodiversity is undergoing rapid changes due to global warming and modifications of oceanic water masses circulation. These changes have been demonstrated in the case of mega- and macrofauna, but much less is known about their impact on the biodiversity of smaller size organisms, such as foraminifera that represent a main component of meiofauna in the Arctic. Several studies analyzed the distribution and diversity of Arctic foraminifera. However, all these studies are based exclusively on the morphological identification of specimens sorted from sediment samples. Here, we present the first assessment of Arctic foraminifera diversity based on metabarcoding of sediment DNA samples collected in fjords and open sea areas in the Svalbard Archipelago. We obtained a total of 5,968,786 reads that represented 1384 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs). More than half of the ASVs (51.7%) could not be assigned to any group in the reference database suggesting a high genetic novelty of Svalbard foraminifera. The sieved and unsieved samples resolved comparable communities, sharing 1023 ASVs, comprising over 97% of reads. Our analyses show that the foraminiferal assemblage differs between the localities, with communities distinctly separated between fjord and open sea stations. Each locality was characterized by a specific assemblage, with only a small overlap in the case of open sea areas. Our study demonstrates a clear pattern of the influence of water masses on the structure of foraminiferal communities. The stations situated on the western coast of Svalbard that are strongly influenced by warm and salty Atlantic water (AW) are characterized by much higher diversity than stations in the northern and eastern part, where the impact of AW is less pronounced. This high diversity and specificity of Svalbard foraminifera associated with water mass distribution indicate that the foraminiferal metabarcoding data can be very useful for inferring present and past environmental conditions in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The depth-related patterns in the benthic megafauna of the NE Weddell Sea shelf at the edge of the Fimbul Ice Shelf were investigated at seven sites using towed camera platform photographs. Megafaunal density decreased with depth from 77,939 ha−1 at 245 m to 8,895 ha−1 at 510 m. While diversity was variable, with H′ ranging between 1.34 and 2.28, there were no depth related patterns. Multivariate analyses revealed two distinct assemblages; a shallow assemblage with dense patches of suspension feeders in undisturbed areas and a deep assemblage where these were not present. Disturbance from icebergs explained many observed patterns in faunal distribution. In shallow waters probable effects of disturbance were observed as changes in successional stages; in deeper waters changes in habitat as a result of past disturbance explained faunal distributions. In deeper areas ice ploughing created a mosaic landscape of fine and coarse sediments. Total megafaunal density was highest in areas of coarse sediment (up to 2.9 higher than in finer sediment areas) but diversity was highest in intermediate areas (H′ = 2.35).  相似文献   

Investigations of lichens collected in 1959/1960, 1963/1964 and 2003 from near the Beardmore Glacier in the southern Ross Sea region (84°S) have more than doubled the number of known lichen species in the area to around 30. The ranges of 15 species have been extended to 84°S. A lichen diversity hotspot has also been found along Ebony Ridge and its associated peaks where 28 of the species occur, a number equivalent to more northerly sites in the Ross Sea (e.g. Botany Bay 77°S). Furthermore, 6 species had been previously recorded only from the Antarctic Peninsula region. In agreement with previous studies on mites and springtails from the same area, we suggest that these populations represent relicts that predate the present Ross Ice Shelf extension, with a possible age of 2,000,000 years or older.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2001,41(1-2):25-43
Holocene, marine deposition in Lallemand Fjord, Antarctic Peninsula, is reinterpreted using statistical analyses (cluster analysis, analysis of variance, nonmetric multidimensional scaling and multiple regression) to compare diatom assemblages and the primary sedimentological proxies. The assemblages have been deposited in a variable sea ice zone over the last ca. 10,500 yr BP in response to a climate change. In the Late Pleistocene/early Holocene (10,580–7890 yr BP), a sea ice diatom assemblage was deposited in the presence of a retreating ice shelf at the head of the fjord. In the mid Holocene (7890–3850 yr BP), an open water assemblage was deposited and sea ice cover was at a minimum. We associate the assemblage with climatic warming, which characterizes much of the Antarctic Peninsula during this time. A second sea ice assemblage, different from that deposited in the early Holocene, has been deposited in Lallemand Fjord since the late Holocene (<3850 yr BP). The assemblage reflects Neoglacial cooling, an increase in sea ice extent and/or an advance of the Müller Ice Shelf.  相似文献   

Summary Current speed and direction measurements collected during summer (January–February) and sping (November–December) of 1984 indicated that currents in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica were dominated by oscillatory flow associated with diurnal tidal components (O1, K1, P1). Net flow was southward in the eastern Sound, mixed in the central Sound, and northward in the western Sound. Short term observations (<5 days) from nearshore stations indicated a similar but more sluggish pattern of tidal and mean flow. Hydrographic data collected during the same period indicated a similar pattern of cold water with low chlorophyll a content flowing northward from under the Ross Ice Shelf in the western Sound and denser, slightly warmer water with higher chlorophyll a content flowing southward in the eastern Sound. Previous studies have shown that productivity is higher in the eastern Sound than in the west, apparently due to the circulation pattern. The western Sound consists of waters from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf which have a lower phytoplankton standing stock than eastern Sound waters which enter from the north. More sluggish current speeds in the western Sound result in even lower particle fluxes past benthic consumers. Finally, more persistent ice cover in the west further inhibits in situ primary productivity.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2011,81(3-4):114-124
In the austral summer of 2006/7 the ANDRILL MIS (ANtarctic geological DRILLing-McMurdo Ice Shelf) project recovered a 1285 m sediment core from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf near Ross Island, Antarctica in a flexural moat associated with volcanic loading. The upper ~ 600 m of this core contain sediments recording 38 glacial/interglacial cycles of Early Pliocene to Pleistocene time, including 13 discrete diatomite units (DUs). The longest of these, DU XI, is ~ 76 m-thick, and has been assigned an Early to Mid-Pliocene age (5–3 Ma). A detailed record of the siliceous microfossil assemblages in DU XI is used in conjunction with geochemical and sedimentological data to subdivide DU XI into four discrete subunits of continuous sedimentation. Within each subunit, changes in diatom assemblages have been correlated with the δ18O record, providing a temporal resolution up to 600 yr, and allowing for the construction of a detailed age model and calculation of associated sediment accumulation rates within DU XI. Results indicate a productivity-dominated sedimentary record with greater proportions of hemipelagic mud accumulating during relatively cool periods. This implies that even during periods of substantial warmth, Milankovitch-paced changes in Antarctic ice volume can be linked to ecological changes recorded in diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic diversity and respiratory activity of microbial mat communities on the Markham Ice Shelf and Ward Hunt Ice Shelf in the Canadian high Arctic were analysed. All heterotrophic isolates and > 95% of bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone library sequences from both ice shelves grouped within the phyla Bacteroidetes , Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria . Clone library analyses showed that the bacterial communities were diverse and varied significantly between the two ice shelves, with the Markham library having a higher estimated diversity (Chao1 = 243; 105 operational taxonomic units observed in 189 clones) than the Ward Hunt library (Chao1 = 106; 52 operational taxonomic units observed in 128 clones). Archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from both ice shelves were dominated by a single Euryarchaeota sequence, which appears to represent a novel phylotype. Analyses of community activity by radiorespiration assays detected metabolism in mat samples from both ice shelves at temperatures as low as −10°C. These findings provide the first insight into the prokaryotic biodiversity of Arctic ice shelf communities and underscore the importance of these cryo-ecosystems as a rich source of microbiota that are adapted to extreme cold.  相似文献   

Summary Zooplankton was sampled through holes in the sea-ice of McMurdo Sound from 8 November to 10 December, 1985. Replicated vertical hauls were made to 100 and 300 m off Pram Point in the inner Sound, near the edge of the permanent McMurdo Ice Shelf. The zooplankton was sparse, averaging 2.5 mg/m3 wet weight. The numbers of individual species varied between catches, depths, and occasions. Generally, small copepods, particularly Oithona similis, Ctenocalanus citer and Oncaea curvata, numerically dominated the catches, and higher densities of these were present in the shallower 100 m layer. Deeper hauls contained higher numbers of larger crustaceans, particularly copepods Metridia gerlachei, Calanoides acutus and Euchaeta spp., ostracod Conchoecia belgicae and euphausiid Euphausia crystallorophias. Pteropods Limacina helicina and Clione limacina were also consistently caught, but in equal densities in 100 m and 300 m hauls. Numerous other plankters were caught in low numbers, including amphipods, chaetognaths, medusae, radiolarians, and larval nemerteans, barnacles, shrimps, polychaetes and echinoderms. Comparative samples from 40 km further north, off Cape Royds and near the sea edge of the fast sea-ice in Wohlschlag Bay, and to 100 m deep, contained a similar species diversity to those near the McMurdo Ice Shelf, but always with higher densities of L. helicina. On the last sampling occasions, when microalgae were conspicuous under the ice off Cape Royds, there were increased densities of microcopepods and Paralabidocera antarcticus, indicating different ecosystem processes from the inner Sound location.  相似文献   

Correlative light, high-voltage electron and conventional electron microscopic methods were used to investigate digestion in two allogromiid foraminiferans, Allogromia sp., strain NF, and A. laticollaris Arnold. Microscopic observations showed that bacterial prey are phagocytosed by reticulopodia and are transported to the allogromiid cell body within blister-like phagosomes. Larger prey (algae, diatoms) are transported along the reticulopodial surface and are either stored extrathalamously or phagocytosed at the oral opening (peduncle). Studies of allogromiids optimally fixed and labeled with an extracellular-space label (colloidal thorium) showed that phagocytosed prey are completely enclosed by a plasma membrane envelope; this finding was corroborated by a serial-section three-dimensional reconstruction of the oral zone of one allogromiid. Cytochemical staining for acid phosphatase showed that lysosomes are absent from reticulopods but abundant in the cell body, particularly in the oral zone cytoplasm. We conclude that digestion in allogromiid foraminiferans is accomplished by a vacuole-based digestive apparatus and not by extracellular digestion within a lacunary system, as has been suggested in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Summary Throughout 1981, the first routine collections of a variety of fish were made under the McMurdo Ice Shelf near White Island, Antarctica. Estimates of their local biomass were calculated using food consumption patterns of resident seals. Since no significant primary production occurs at White Island, the resident fauna must be maintained by a large nutrient influx from the Ross Sea.  相似文献   

A now genus and species of large (up to 38 mm) arborescent foraminifer was found in abundance (100/m2) in an ice-covered embayment of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. In contrast to highly productive adjacent areas, this oligotrophic embayment is bathed with water coming from beneath the extensive Ross Ice Shelf. Analyses demonstrate no primary productivity and very low bacterial populations in the water column: however, benthic diatom productivity and bacterial populations are substantial. This arborescent foraminifer is well adapted to these unusual conditions. It is of complex construction with a subcentral double-walled bulb, a dendritic root system, and a stem which gives rise to branches. The bulb and root system reside in the sediment. The stem extends from the top of the bulb through from I to 3 mm of sediment into the overlying water, where it terminates in branches. Laboratory and in situ observations have demonstrated that the organism captures bottom sediments, which are brought into suspension by the activities of larger benthic invertebrates, in cytoplasm extending from the branches and stem. Examination of cytoplasmic composition and arrangement indicates that feeding lakes place infrequently.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies of symbiotic dinoflagellates (genus Symbiodinium) from a wide array of invertebrate hosts have revealed exceptional fine-scale symbiont diversity whose distribution among hosts, regions and environments exhibits significant biogeographic, ecological and evolutionary patterns. Here, similar molecular approaches using the internal transcribed spacer-2 (ITS-2) region were applied to investigate cryptic diversity in Symbiodinium inhabiting soritid foraminifera. Approximately 1,000 soritid specimens were collected and examined during a 12-month period over a 40 m depth gradient from a single reef in Guam, Micronesia. Out of 61 ITS-2 types distinguished, 46 were novel. Most types found are specific for soritid hosts, except for three types (C1, C15 and C19) that are common in metazoan hosts. The distribution of these symbionts was compared with the phylotype of their foraminiferal hosts, based on soritid small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences, and three new phylotypes of soritid hosts were identified based on these sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of 645 host-symbiont pairings revealed that most Symbiodinium types associated specifically with a particular foraminiferal host genus or species, and that the genetic diversity of these symbiont types was positively correlated with the genetic diversity found within each of the three host genera. Compared to previous molecular studies of Symbiodinium from other locations worldwide, the diversity reported here is exceptional and suggests that Micronesian coral reefs are home to a remarkably large Symbiodinium assemblage.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifera from eleven stations sampled seasonally were analyzed in order to examine the biological response to rapid and intense environmental changes taking place in the Santo André coastal lagoon. Foraminiferal assemblages show a very low species diversity and a high dominance of three euryhaline species throughout the year. Under closed-inlet conditions, foraminiferal assemblages exhibit low abundance of foraminiferal tests, whereas under open-inlet conditions absolute abundance greatly increases due to sea water entrance. Present-day dramatic environmental changes are thought to be responsible for deformed foraminiferal tests that are commonly found. Comparison of modern assemblages with those obtained from the Holocene sedimentary record indicates persistent restrictive environmental conditions after sandy barrier formation, circa 5000 years ago.  相似文献   

Current monitoring methods to assess benthic impacts of marine finfish aquaculture are based on complex biological indices and/or geochemistry data. The former requires benthic macrofauna morpho‐taxonomic characterization that is time‐ and cost‐intensive, while the latter provides rapid assessment of the organic enrichment status of sediments but does not directly measure biotic impacts. In this study, sediment samples were collected from seven stations at six salmon farms in British Columbia, Canada, and analyzed for geochemical parameters and by eDNA metabarcoding to investigate linkages between geochemistry and foraminifera. Sediment texture across farm sites ranged from sand to silty loam, while the maximum sediment pore‐water sulphide concentration at each site ranged from 1,000 to 13,000 μM. Foraminifera alpha diversity generally increased with distance from cage edge. Adonis analyses revealed that farm site explained the most variation in foraminifera community, followed by sediment type, enrichment status, and distance from cage edge. Farm‐specific responses were observed in diversity analyses, taxonomic difference analyses, and correlation analyses. Results demonstrated that species diversity and composition of foraminifera characterized by eDNA metabarcoding generated signals consistent with benthic biodiversity being impacted by finfish farming activities. This substantiates the validity of eDNA metabarcoding for augmenting current approaches to benthic impact assessments by providing more cost‐effective and practicable biotic measures than traditional morpho‐taxonomy. To capitalize on this potential, further work is needed to design a new nomogram that combines eDNA metabarcoding data and geochemistry data to enable accurate monitoring of benthic impacts of fish farming in a time‐ and cost‐efficient way.  相似文献   

Rose Bengal stained benthic foraminifera which pass through a 63 μm mesh (microforaminifera and nanoforaminifera) have been extracted by handsorting the fine sieve residues (> 45 μm, 31 μm, 28 μm, 20 μm, 15 μm) of abyssal sediment samples. The samples were collected using a multiple corer in four areas of the northeast Atlantic between 31° N and 59° N. The abundance of these minute foraminifera varied from 2 specimens per 1 cm2 (Madeira Abyssal Plain) to > 110 per 1 cm2 (BIOTRANS area). They include a variety of taxa, the most common being certain rotaliid species, hormosinaceans and other multilocular agglutinated forms, the unilocular agglutinated genus Lagenammina, soft-bodied agglutinated sphaeres and flasks (saccamminids and psammosphaerids) and allogromiids. Some specimens are < 63 μm in maximum dimension but others belonging to elongate taxa are longer. Two samples taken 10 cm apart on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain suggest that minute foraminifera may be patchily distributed on a small scale. One sample, which was overlain by substantial amounts of phytodetritus, contained > 100 stained specimens (> 30 per 1 cm2) while the other, in which much less phytodetritus was present, yielded only 10 specimens (2.9 per 1 cm2). This observation suggests that some micro- and nanoforaminifera may flourish in the presence of decaying organic matter, perhaps consuming the associated bacteria. The presence of phytodetritus may also explain why two of our samples from the Madeira Abyssal Plain (MAP) contained an order of magnitude more stained tiny foraminifera than two other MAP samples in which phytodetritus was absent.  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of faecal communities co-existing with mega fauna is not well understood even though these faecal communities are critical for health and development. Additionally, the transfer of microbial taxa among host animals is little studied. Here, we used 16S sequences obtained from clone libraries to characterise the faecal microbiota of Weddell seals breeding in McMurdo Sound and at White Island, Antarctica. Faecal bacterial communities were dominated by four phyla; Actinobacteria (20 %), Bacteroidetes (13 %), Firmicutes (23 %), and Proteobacteria (13 %). We also used automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis to examine the dispersal of bacteria between populations of Weddell seals breeding at White Island and in McMurdo Sound. The Weddell seals at White Island are isolated by the Ross Ice Shelf from the larger population of Weddell seals breeding in McMurdo Sound. We found that the faecal bacteria communities of the seals at White Island had lower diversity and that the community composition was significantly different compared with the seals in the McMurdo Sound area.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the relationship between marine fronts and (1) fish diversity patterns, (2) fish biomass distribution, and (3) fish assemblage structure. Location Patagonian Shelf, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Methods Three main frontal systems and eight nearby zones (frontal vs. non‐frontal areas) were compared. An extensive fishery database, obtained during an a priori sampling scheme (spatial resolution 1 × 1) from 1978 to 1979, was employed. Analyses of 248 trawling stations were performed using a combination of diversity measures (species richness, Shannon diversity and evenness), biomass analyses and multivariate analyses [nonparametric analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMDS) and similarity percentages (SIMPER)] to evaluate the effect of fronts on fish communities. Results In total, 46 fish taxa were identified. Demersal fish diversity increased at the tidal front of Península Valdés but decreased in the frontal zones of the Southern Shelf‐Break and Magellan frontal systems. The richness and biomass of pelagic fish were higher at the Península Valdés Tidal Front, while the biomass of demersal fish was higher at its non‐frontal counterpart. Fish diversity did not differ consistently along the Northern Shelf‐Break Front. However, a higher fish biomass was registered at the non‐frontal zone. Demersal and pelagic fish assemblages differed between frontal and non‐frontal zones. Main conclusions The Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem has diverse frontal types that appear to have different effects on fish diversity and assemblage structure. Seasonal (tidal) or permanent fronts have different effects on the parameters analysed, which could be due to productivity–diversity relationships. The Península Valdés Tidal Front, a relatively short temporal scale system, demonstrates a stronger influence on fish diversity, biomass and assemblage structure than the other frontal areas studied. The seasonality of nutrient input owing to frontogenesis, which begins during the austral spring, may play an important role in determining local diversity. At permanent frontal features, diversity decreases when the nutrient availability is high. This is potentially because, when food resources increase, a few species become dominant.  相似文献   

Repeated cycles of glaciation have had major impacts on the distribution of genetic diversity of the Antarctic marine fauna. During glacial periods, ice cover limited the amount of benthic habitat on the continental shelf. Conversely, more habitat and possibly altered seaways were available during interglacials when the ice receded and the sea level was higher. We used microsatellites and partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 gene to examine genetic structure in the direct‐developing, endemic Southern Ocean octopod Pareledone turqueti sampled from a broad range of areas that circumvent Antarctica. We find that, unusually for a species with poor dispersal potential, P. turqueti has a circumpolar distribution and is also found off the islands of South Georgia and Shag Rocks. The overriding pattern of spatial genetic structure can be explained by hydrographic (with ocean currents both facilitating and hindering gene flow) and bathymetric features. The Antarctic Peninsula region displays a complex population structure, consistent with its varied topographic and oceanographic influences. Genetic similarities between the Ross and Weddell Seas, however, are interpreted as a persistent historic genetic signature of connectivity during the hypothesized Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapses. A calibrated molecular clock indicates two major lineages within P. turqueti, a continental lineage and a sub‐Antarctic lineage, that diverged in the mid‐Pliocene with no subsequent gene flow. Both lineages survived subsequent major glacial cycles. Our data are indicative of potential refugia at Shag Rocks and South Georgia and also around the Antarctic continent within the Ross Sea, Weddell Sea and off Adélie Land. The mean age of mtDNA diversity within these main continental lineages coincides with Pleistocene glacial cycles.  相似文献   

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