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Our aim was to investigate the capability of each of three genes, 16S rRNA, gyrB and aroE, to discriminate, first, among Bacillus thuringiensis H serotypes; second, among B. thuringiensis serovars from the same H serotype; and third, among B. thuringiensis strains from the same serovar. The 16S rRNA, gyrB and aroE genes were amplified from 21 B. thuringiensis H serotypes and their nucleotide sequences determined. Additional strains from four B. cereus sensu lato species were included for comparison purposes. These sequences were pair-wise compared and phylogenetic relationships
were revealed. Each of the three genes under study could discriminate among B. thuringiensis H serotypes. The gyrB and aroE genes showed a discriminatory power among B. thuringiensis H serotypes up to nine fold greater than that of the 16S rRNA gene. The gyrB gene was retained for subsequent analyses to discriminate B. thuringiensis serovars from the same H serotype and to discriminate strains from same serovar. A total of 42 B. thuringiensis strains, which encompassed 25 serovars from 12 H serotypes, were analyzed. The gyrB gene nucleotide sequences were different enough as to be sufficient to discriminate among B. thuringiensis serovars from the same H serotype and among B. thuringiensis strains from the same serovar.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Phylogenetic relations within the genus Gordonia were analyzed using partial gyrB and secA1 gene sequences of 23 type species in comparison with those of 16S rRNA gene. The gyrB and secA1 phylogenies showed agreement with that constructed using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The degrees of divergence of the gyrB and secA1 genes were approximately 3.4 and 1.7 times greater, respectively, than that of 16S rRNA gene. The gyrB gene showed more discriminatory power than either the secA1 or 16S rRNA gene, facilitating clear differentiation of any two Gordonia species using gyrB gene analysis. Our data indicate that gyrB and secA1 gene sequences are useful as markers for phylogenetic study and identification at the species level of the genus Gordonia. 相似文献
The anterior half of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (ca. 610bp) was compared for two color morphs (spotted and lined types) of a dark-striped cardinalfish, previously identified as Apogon taeniophorus. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum-parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods, with haplotypes of A. cookii as an outgroup, showed that the haplotypes of each color-morph were reciprocally monophyletic with 100% bootstrap values. In addition, the degree of sequence difference between the two morphs was comparable to that existing between the other clearly distinct congeneric species. These results, together with the differences in coloration and overlapped geographical ranges, indicated that the two color morphs of A. taeniophorus represent two distinct species. 相似文献
Gabriel Moreno Gonzalo Platas Fernando Peláez Marieta Bernedo Alba Vargas Antonio Daza Carmen Santamaría María Camacho Luis Romero de la Osa José Luis Manjón 《Mycological Progress》2008,7(1):41-47
Amanita curtipes and A. ponderosa are two Mediterranean taxa sharing a number of morphological features as well as their habitat. Their synonymy or variety
status has been proposed by several authors. To clarify this taxonomic issue we have sequenced the D1-D2 domains of the 28S
rRNA gene as well as the complete ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of several specimens of the two species collected in Spain, and aligned
these sequences with those from other Amanita species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the two regions revealed that A. ponderosa and A. curtipes are clearly distinct species. The distribution of Amanita species in the phylogenetic trees was consistent with the division of the genus in subgenera and sections as proposed by
previous authors. Sequences of A. ponderosa and A. curtipes were grouped in a monophyletic cluster together with other species of the section Amidella. However, A. ponderosa was closer to other species in the section, such as A. peckiana and A. volvata, than to A. curtipes. We also indicate the macromorphological characters that are most useful to reliably distinguish A. ponderosa and A. curtipes. 相似文献
A pea rust fungus, Uromyces viciae-fabae, has been classified into two varieties, var. viciae-fabae and var. orobi, based on differences in urediniospore wall thickness and putative host specificity in Japan. In principal component analyses, morphological features of urediniospores and teliospores of 94 rust specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum did not show definite host-specific morphological groups. In molecular analyses, 23 Uromyces specimens from Vicia, Lathyrus, and Pisum formed a single genetic clade based on D1/D2 and ITS regions. Four isolates of U. viciae-fabae from V. cracca and V. unijuga could infect and sporulate on P. sativum. These results suggest that U. viciae-fabae populations on different host plants are not biologically differentiated into groups that can be recognized as varieties.Contribution no. 184, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan 相似文献
Gaoge Wang Li Shuai Yun Li Wei Lin Xiaowei Zhao Delin Duan 《Journal of applied phycology》2008,20(4):403-409
During an occurrence of Hole-Rotten Disease of Laminaria japonica in a cultivating farm in Ma Shan Shandong province, China, 42 Gram-negative epiphytic marine bacteria were isolated and purified
on Zobell 2216E marine agar medium. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of each isolated bacterium were studied,
and molecular identification of bacterial strains was conducted with polymerase chain reaction amplification to 16S rRNA gene
sequence analysis. Based on nearly full length of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolated strains were bacteria that
belong to genus Pseudoalteromonas, Vibrio, Halomonas and Bacillus. The percentage of each group was 61.9%, 28.6%, 7.1% and 2.4% respectively. The results of pathogenicity assay showed that
12 strains could cause the disease symptoms in sporophytes of L. japonica. They belonged to the genera Pseudoalteromonas, Vibrio and Halomonas with 58.3%, 33.3%, 8.3% respectively. The results suggest that these bacteria are the dominant marine bacteria on diseased
sporophytes of L. japonica and may be the potential pathogenic bacteria associated with Hole-Rotten Disease of L. japonica. 相似文献
The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae. 相似文献
Lee YK Yoon BD Yoon JH Lee SG Song JJ Kim JG Oh HM Kim HS 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2007,75(3):567-572
The srfA operon is required for the nonribosomal biosynthesis of the cyclic lipopeptide, surfactin. The srfA operon is composed of the four genes, srfAA, srfAB, srfAC, and srfAD, encoding the surfactin synthetase subunits, plus the sfp gene that encodes phosphopantetheinyl transferase. In the present study, 32 kb of the srfA operon was amplified from Bacillus subtilis C9 using a long and accurate PCR (LA-PCR), and ligated into a pIndigoBAC536 vector. The ligated plasmid was then transformed
into Escherichia coli DH10B. The transformant ET2 showed positive signals to all the probes for each open reading frame (ORF) region of the srfA operon in southern hybridization, and a reduced surface tension in a culture broth. Even though the surface-active compound
extracted from the E. coli transformant exhibited a different R
f value of 0.52 from B. subtilis C9 or authentic surfactin (R
f = 0.63) in a thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis, the transformant exhibited a much higher surface-tension-reducing
activity than the wild-type strain E. coli DH10B. Thus, it would appear that an intermediate metabolite of surfactin was expressed in the E. coli transformant harboring the srfA operon. 相似文献
We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan. 相似文献
Kurtzman CP 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2005,88(2):121-130
Three new species of Candida and a new combination in the genus Hyphopichia are proposed from phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide divergence in domains D1/D2 of the large subunit (26S) rDNA. The new taxa and their type strains are the following: Candida bentonensis sp. nov. (NRRL YB-2364, CBS 9994), Candida hispaniensis sp. nov. (NRRL Y-5580, CBS 9996), Candida pseudorhagii sp. nov. (NRRL YB-2076, CBS 9998) and Hyphopichia heimii comb. nov. (NRRL Y-7502, CBS 6139), basionym Pichia heimii Pignal. Phylogenetic analysis placed C. pseudorhagii and H. heimii in the Hyphopichia clade whereas C. bentonensis and C. hispaniensis are members of the Yarrowia clade. 相似文献
Genetic comparison of two color-morphs of <Emphasis Type="Italic">Apogon properuptus</Emphasis> from southern Japan 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
The anterior half of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (ca. 650bp) was compared for two color-morphs (dotted and lined types) of the orange-lined cardinalfish, previously identified as Apogon properuptus. Twelve and nine specimens, respectively, of dotted and lined types were collected from four and three localities along the coasts of southern Japan and the Ryukyu Islands, specimens of both color-morphs being collected from one of these localities on the southern coast of the Shikoku Island. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods, with haplotypes of A. semilineatus and A. cyanosoma as an outgroup and comparative OTU, respectively, showed that the haplotypes of each color-morph were reciprocally monophyletic with 100% bootstrap values. These results, together with their distinct coloration and partly overlapping geographical ranges, indicated that the two color-morphs of A. properuptus from Japanese waters represent two distinct species. 相似文献
An actinomycete strain, designated YIM 60475T, was isolated from the roots of Maytenus austroyunnanensis and was characterized by using a polyphasic approach. The strain was determined to belong to the genus Streptomyces, based on its phenotypic and phylogenetic characteristics. The strain produced spiral spore chains on aerial mycelium. The
cell wall contained ll-diaminopimelic acid. Whole-cell hydrolysates contained galactose, glucose, and xylose. The phospholipid was type II. The
DNA G+C content of the type strain was 73.3 mol%. DNA–DNA hybridization and comparison of physiological and chemical characteristics
suggested that strain YIM 60475T is a new Streptomyces species, for which the name Streptomyces mayteni sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is YIM 60475T (=CCTCC AA 207005T = KCTC 19383T).
Hua-Hong Chen and Sheng Qin contributed equally to this work. 相似文献
Genome sequence analysis of Xanthomonas
oryzae pv. oryzae has revealed a cluster of 12 ORFs that are closely related to the gum gene cluster of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. The gum gene cluster of X. oryzae encodes proteins involved in xanthan production; however, there is little experimental evidence supporting this. In this
study, biochemical analyses of xanthan produced by a defined set of X. oryzae
gum mutant strains allowed us to preliminarily assign functions to most of the gum gene products: biosynthesis of the pentasaccharide repeating unit for GumD, GumM, GumH, GumK, and GumI, xanthan polymerization
and transport for GumB, GumC, GumE, and GumJ, and modification of the pentasaccharide repeating unit for GumF, GumG, and GumL.
In addition, we found that the exopolysaccharides are essential but not specific for the virulence of X. oryzae.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Sang-Yoon Kim and Jeong-Gu Kim contributed equally to this work. 相似文献
Summary The capability of Rhodococcus erythropolis CCM 2595(ATCC 11048) to utilize phenol, pyrocatechol, resorcinol, p-nitrophenol, p-chlorophenol, hydroquinone and hydroxybenzoate, respectively, or as respective binary mixtures with phenol, was described. This capability was found to depend on the substrate and its initial concentration. Some monoaromatic compounds had a suppressive effect on the strain’s ability to utilize phenol in a binary mixture and easily utilizable monoaromatics were strong inducers of the phenol 2-monooxygenase (EC The capacity of R. erythropolis to colonize a synthetic zeolite was demonstrated and the enhancement of phenol tolerance of biofilms utilizing phenol was observed. The effect of humic acids on phenol killing was described and discussed as well. To allow use of recombinant DNA technology for strain improvement, methods of genetic transfer (transformation and conjugation) in R. erythropolis were established. 相似文献
A new filamentous cyanobacterial strain BAC 9610 was isolated from the lake Baikal pelagial. Data obtained by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy, along with 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, allowed the bacterium identification as Trichormus variabilis, previously known as Anabaena variabilis. Trichormus is a cyanobacterial genus not presented in the list of Baikal plankton algae; A. variabilis also hasn’t been previously detected in Baikal phytoplankton. T. variabilis nitrogen fixation ability was demonstrated. The gene responsible for nitrogen fixation, nifH, was identified by PCR and was partially sequenced. No hepatotoxin synthesis genes were revealed in the strain. 相似文献
A phylogenetic analysis of selected symbiotic Nostoc strain sequences and available database 16S rDNA sequences of both symbiotic and free-living cyanobacteria was carried out using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference techniques. Most of the symbiotic strains fell into well separated clades. One clade consisted of a mixture of symbiotic and free-living isolates. This clade includes Nostoc sp. strain PCC 73102, the reference strain proposed for Nostoc punctiforme. A separate symbiotic clade with isolates exclusively from Gunnera species was also obtained, suggesting that not all symbiotic Nostoc species can be assigned to N. punctiforme. Moreover, isolates from Azolla filiculoides and one from Gunnera dentata were well nested within a clade comprising most of the Anabaena sequences. This result supports the affiliation of the Azolla isolates with the genus Anabaena and shows that strains within this genus can form symbioses with additional hosts. Furthermore, these symbiotic strains produced hormogonia, thereby verifying that hormogonia formation is not absent in Anabaena and cannot be used as a criterion to distinguish it from Nostoc.The GenBank accession numbers for the cyanobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences determined in this study are AY742447-AY742454. 相似文献