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The morphogenesis of ovaries and the organization of germ cells within them were visualized during the larval stages of the moth, Plodia interpunctella. The germ cells were observed by utilizing confocal microscopy coupled with immuno-fluorescent staining for the alpha-crystallin protein 25 (alphaCP25). The alphaCP25 was previously shown to be specific to germ cells of pupae and adults, and this study shows that alphaCP25 is present in larval germ cells as well. A cluster of 28 germ cells that stain for alphaCP25 was found in the gonads of newly hatched first instar larvae. The founding germ cells became segregated into four clusters, most likely by somatic cell intrusion, around the beginning of the second instar. Division of the primary germ cells began by the end of the second instar and the formation of all cystoblasts appeared to be completed within the four ovarioles by the end of the third instar. Within the ovarioles of third instar larvae, the germ cells were organized with a distal cap of seven germ cells which was segregated from the majority of the germ cells. The main body of germ cells was arranged around a central germ cell-free core as a spiral. Divisions of the cystoblasts to form cystocyte clusters were nearly completed during the fourth (last) larval instar. These features suggest that the strategy to produce follicles in moths is fundamentally different from the fruitfly, Drosophila. It appears that during the initial stages of ovary development in P. interpunctella, the primary germ cells undergo stage-complete divisions that are completed prior to the onset of the next set of divisions, which results in a complete complement of follicles available by the time of adult eclosion, while in Drosophila the primary germ cell divisions are initiated in the adult stage, and follicles are produced individually as resources are available.  相似文献   

The mature eggs of Plodia interpunctella were found to contain four major polypeptides. These yolk polypeptides (YPs) were found to have approximate molecular weights of 153,000 daltons (YP1), 69,000 daltons (YP2), 43,000 daltons (YP3), and 33,000 daltons (YP4) as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In addition, we found YP1 was resolved by a 5% polyacrylamide gel into two separate polypeptides of 153,000 and 147,000 daltons. All of the YPs could be labeled in vivo or in vitro with [35S]-methionine. Yolk peptide 1 and YP3 were synthesized by fat body of pharate adult and adult females and secreted into the hemolymph. Yolk peptide 2 and YP4 were synthesized and secreted into incubation medium by ovaries that contained vitellogenic oocytes, but these polypeptides were not found in the hemolymph. Fat bodies of males synthesized and secreted an immunoprecipitable polypeptide similar to YP3 as well as immunoprecipitable polypeptides larger than 200,000 daltons that had no counterparts in the oocytes. Peptide mapping by protease digestion showed each YP to be cleaved into unique fragments, suggesting that no precursor-product relationship exists between the YPs. Ion exchange chromatography and gel permeation chromatography separated that yolk proteins into two groups with approximate molecular weights of 462,000 and 264,000 daltons. By resolving these peaks on SDS-PAGE, it was found that YP1 and YP3 formed the 462,000-dalton yolk protein and YP2 and YP4 formed the 264,000-dalton yolk protein.  相似文献   

Three strains of the Indian Meal Moth,Plodia interpunctella, were compared in terms of their response to a granulosis virus under different environmental conditions. A significant difference in the relative susceptibilities to the virus of the three laboratory strains was established. Evidence of potential trade-offs with resistance was found in overall fecundity, pupal size and mortality at adult emergence. There was however little evidence that a reduction in resource level led to more trade-offs being apparent. No clear relationship was found between resistance to the lethal effects of the virus and susceptibility to the sublethal effects of the virus.  相似文献   

Larvae of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, contain two morphologically distinct fat bodies. Tan-colored, highly tracheated fat body located posteriorly in the abdomen was the predominant fat body tissue during the early larval instars. White, sheet fat body located more anteriorly became the predominant type during the fifth (last) larval instar and eventually occupied most of the space of the hemocoel. Ultrastructural morphology of tan fat body showed the tissue to be composed of cells containing numerous, large, spherical mitochondria, with only few lipid, glycogen, or protein storage structures. In contrast, white fat body was composed of cells that in later larval stages had organelles typical of storage functions. Both fat bodies produced storage proteins during the late fifth instar, whereas only white fat body accumulated the storage proteins. Tan fat body dispersed and apparently autolyzed in pharate pupae, whereas the white fat body metamorphosed and persisted into the adult stage. These observations indicate that fat body of the Indianmeal moth is functionally and morphologically differentiated along the anterior-posterior axis into two regional subgroups of cells.  相似文献   

Genetic changes in insects that result in insecticide resistance can also affect their fitness. Here, we report measurements of development time and survival of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), to compare the relative fitness of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-susceptible and -resistant colonies. Measurements of larval development time and survival indicated that a fitness cost was associated with resistance to Bt in some Bt-resistant colonies but not others. Comparisons of geographically different populations revealed inherent differences in development time and survival. In most cases, Bt-resistant moths suffered no disadvantage when feeding on a Bt-treated diet. In many cases, the development of Bt-resistant moths on Bt-treated diet was slower than the unselected moths on untreated diet, but it is unclear whether these differences would affect the successful mating of susceptible and resistant moths.  相似文献   

Males and females share a genome and express many shared phenotypic traits, which are often selected in opposite directions. This generates intralocus sexual conflict that may constrain trait evolution by preventing the sexes from reaching their optimal phenotype. Furthermore, if present across multiple loci, intralocus sexual conflict can result in a gender load that may diminish the benefits of sexual selection and help maintain genetic variation for fitness. Despite the importance of intralocus sexual conflict, surprisingly few empirical studies conclusively demonstrate its operation. We show that the pattern of multivariate selection acting on three sexually dimorphic life-history traits (development time, body size, and longevity) in the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, is opposing for the sexes. Moreover, we combined our estimates of selection with the additive genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) to predict the evolutionary response of the life-history traits in the sexes and showed that the angle between the vector of responses and the vector of sexually antagonistic selection was almost orthogonal at 84.70°. Thus, G biases the predicted response of life-history traits in the sexes away from the direction of sexually antagonistic selection, confirming the presence of strong intralocus sexual conflict in this species. Despite this, sexual dimorphism has evolved in all of the life-history traits examined suggesting that mechanism(s) have evolved to resolve this conflict and allow the sexes to reach their life-history optima. We argue that intralocus sexual conflict is likely to play an important role in the evolution of divergent life-history strategies between the sexes in this species.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental factors on the duration of diapause in Plodia interpunctella larvae reared in short photoperiods at 20 or 25° C was examined, Diapause terminated most rapidly in long photoperiods at high temperatures. Pupation was more delayed, and mortality was higher, in darkness than in the presence of light. At 20° C, LD 16: 8 hastened diapause termination only slightly in unchilled samples. Chilling for 10 weeks at 10° C greatly reduced the duration of diapause at 20 or 25° C in constant darkness, and rendered LD 16:8 effective in terminating diapause at 20° C. In addition, the quite short duration of diapause under LD 16:8 at 25° C was further shortened by holding for 6–10 weeks at 10° C or below, or by holding in an outbuilding during winter. Holding diapausing larvae at 15 or 20° C proved less effective. Temperature rises from 20 to 25 or 30° C proved effective in terminating diapause. In one stock, the temperature at which diapause was induced influenced its subsequent duration. Lighting conditions during induction had less influence on duration than had temperature, and no difference occurred between pupation times of larvae reared at different population densities, Under all conditions tested, diapause lasted longer in a recently collected field stock than in a laboratory stock.  相似文献   

A cell line, UMN-PIE-1181, initiated in November, 1981, from embryos of a malathion-resistant strain of Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella, was in the 83rd passage on January 28, 1985. The line consists of single, small, fibroblastlike cells that are polyploid with chromosome numbers ranging from 56 to 180. Growth rate is dependent on seeding density, there being no growth at or below seeding densities of 2 × 1055, ml; optimum growth requires a fetal bovine serum concentration of at least 5%. Twenty-nine isozymes were examined. Five enzymes from the cell lines resolved well and subsequently were compared to enzymes extracted from 4-day-old embryos and other life stages of the insects. Phosphomannose isomerase, malic enzyme, malate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in extracts from the cultured cells and from the insects had identical patterns. Two bands for glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase, present in the cell line, were not observed in the tissue extracts. Furthermore, lactate dehydrogenase from the cultured cells appeared as four bands but was not detectable in any of the samples run from the various life stages of the insects.  相似文献   

1. The transmission of an insect pathogen by cannibalism was studied by a series of choice and no-choice experiments.
2. Infection of Plodia interpunctella larvae with a granulosis virus occurred through cannibalism of infected larvae.
3. Depending on the larval instars of the cannibal and the victim relative to each other, preferential cannibalism of both infected and healthy larvae was observed.
4. Larvae cannibalise healthy, less vulnerable larvae preferentially, but it is argued that there is no evidence that they are avoiding infection.
5. The victim cannibalised can be explained as a balance between the reduced risk of injury and the ease of cannibalism of moribund infected individuals on the one hand and the greater food resource value of healthy individuals on the other.
6. The implications for the insect population dynamics of the transmission of the pathogen via cannibalism and the effective removal of infective particles through cannibalism by immune stages are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Animals raised in good environmental conditions are expected to have more resources to invest in immunity than those raised in poor conditions. Variation in immune activity and parasite resistance in response to changes in environmental temperature, population density and food quality have been shown in many invertebrate species. 2. Almost all studies to date have examined the effects of individual variables in isolation. The aim of this study was to address whether environmental factors interact to produce synergistic effects on phenoloxidase (PO) activity and haemocyte count, both indicators of immune system activity. Temperature, food quality and density were varied in a fully factorial design for a total of eight treatment combinations. 3. Strong interactions between the three environmental variables led to the magnitude and in some cases the direction of the effect of most variables changing as the other environmental factors were altered. Overall, food quality had the most important and consistent influence, larvae raised on a good-quality diet having substantially higher PO activity in every case and substantially higher haemocyte counts in all treatments except unheated/low density. 4. When food quality was good, the larvae showed 'density-dependent prophylaxis': raising their investment in immunity when population density is high. When food quality was poor and the temperature low, however, those larvae raised at high densities invested less in immunity. 5. Increased temperature is often thought to lead to increased immune reactivity in ectotherms, but we found that the effect of temperature was strongly dependent on the values of other environmental variables. PO activity increased with temperature when larvae were raised on good food or when density was high, but when food was poor and density low, a higher temperature led to reduced PO activity. A higher temperature led to higher haemocyte counts when density was high and food quality was poor, but in all other cases, the effect of increased temperature was either close to zero or somewhat negative. 6. Although PO activity and haemocyte count were weakly correlated across the whole data set, there were a number of treatments where the two measures responded in different ways to environmental change. Overall, effect sizes for PO activity were substantially higher than those for haemocyte count, indicating that the different components of the immune system vary in their sensitivity to environmental change. 7. Predictions of the effect of environmental or population change on immunity and disease dynamics based on laboratory experiments that only investigate the effects of single variable are likely to be inaccurate or even entirely wrong.  相似文献   

The daily activity patterns of adult movement, female calling, and mating of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), were examined both in the absence and presence of ultrasound. Moths were exposed to ultrasound from a commercial ultrasonic device (Cix 0600) that produces constant sound patterns, and from a device developed at Kansas State University (KSU device) that produces random sound patterns. Daily activity patterns of adult movement, female calling, and mating followed a similar trend in the absence or presence of ultrasound. Female calling and mating, both in the absence and presence of ultrasound, primarily occurred during scotophase (21.00–07.00 hours). Ultrasound from the two devices significantly reduced the frequency of female calling and mating relative to unexposed moths. Consequently, the number of spermatophores transferred by males to females and egg production were lower in females exposed to ultrasound compared with unexposed females. In the absence of ultrasound, female P. interpunctella mated 2.9 times, resulting in 2.8 spermatophores/female. In the presence of ultrasound from the Cix 0600 device, a female mated 2.1 times and had 1.7 spermatophores. Corresponding values for the KSU device were 1.9 and 1.4, respectively. In the absence of ultrasound, 78% of the matings lasted 30–90 min, whereas in the presence of ultrasound 45–58% of the matings lasted either less than 30 min or more than 90 min. Moths exposed to ultrasound laid 96–130 eggs female?1 compared with 229 eggs female?1 for unexposed moths. Ultrasound did not affect the pre‐oviposition period and adult longevity of P. interpunctella.  相似文献   

中国印度谷螟性信息素次级组份的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度谷螟是我国危害性较严重的仓储害虫之一,食性很广,几乎危害每一种植物性仓储物.印度谷螟雌虫性信息素主要成份顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(TDA)早已被鉴定,并利用TDA单一组份诱捕印度谷螟雄蛾也较为有效,但该虫的完整信息素系统尚不清楚.本研究采用单个雌蛾性信息素腺体抽提技术,利用毛细管气相色谱GC保留时间定性方法和气质联用GC-MS分析鉴定技术,从印度谷螟雌虫腺体提取物中鉴定了顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(A),顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇(B),顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醛(C)和顺9-十四碳醋酸醋(D)4种主要信息素成份,其比例为A∶B∶C∶D=100∶22∶12∶9.风洞试验结果表明,以该4种主要成分按A∶B∶C∶D=8∶2∶1∶0.8比例配制成的诱芯,其引诱雄蛾的活性接近于雌蛾腺体提取物.  相似文献   

Oviposition decisions by female insects can determine the survival and fitness of their offspring. In this study, we assessed the larval performance and adult oviposition preferences of two populations of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), one a long-term laboratory colony and another recently collected from the field. Development assays on a variety of foods were conducted on individual larvae in small shell vials, and data were collected for survival (percent), development time (days), and adult weight (mg). Larvae from both populations did not survive on ground walnut, pecan, coriander, and fennel. There were significant differences in larval survival on laboratory diet, chick pea, and soybean between the two populations. Development times were the longest on prunes and barley. Mean adult weights were the highest on chick pea, laboratory diet, and soybean for the laboratory moths whereas soybean and chick pea were very suitable for the field moths. Overall, field moths weighed significantly less than the laboratory moths. Adult ovipositional preferences were assessed in no-choice and four-choice oviposition bioassays in plastic boxes containing diets differing in quality. In a no-choice situation, the numbers of eggs laid by laboratory moths on soybean, apricots, and wheat were not significantly different. Field moths laid significantly greater numbers of eggs on soybean, and those numbers were similar to those laid on barley. In four-choice bioassays, laboratory moths oviposited in diets previously determined to be unsuitable for their progeny survival. Field moths were more selective and laid significantly greater numbers of eggs on soybean than in dishes containing barley, coriander, or an empty dish. Our studies clearly showed that laboratory colonization of Plodia interpunctella for long periods can alter the behavioral patterns of immatures and adults.  相似文献   

When larvae of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, were fed diets containing spores of Nosema plodiae, the number that survived to the adult stage decreased and the rate of adult emergence was retarded as the concentration of spores was increased; all surviving adults were infected. Also, when larvae were reared on diets containing spores of Nosema heterosporum, the number that survived to the adult stage decreased as the concentration of spores was increased; however, no relationship was apparent between concentration of spores and the rate of adult emergence. The LC50's of N. plodiae and N. heterosporum were 8.09 × 106 and 4.52 × 103 spores/g diet, respectively, which confirmed preliminary observations regarding the relative virulence of the two species of Nosema to Indian meal moth larvae.  相似文献   

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