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TACE is required for fetal murine cardiac development and modeling   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme (TACE) is a membrane-anchored, Zn-dependent metalloprotease, which belongs to the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family. TACE functions as a membrane sheddase to release the ectodomain portions of many transmembrane proteins, including the precursors of TNFalpha, TGFalpha, several other cytokines, as well as the receptors for TNFalpha, and neuregulin (ErbB4). Mice with TACE(DeltaZn/DeltaZn) null mutation die at birth with phenotypic changes, including failure of eyelid fusion, hair and skin defects, and abnormalities of lung development. Abnormal fetal heart development was not previously described. Herein, we report that TACE(DeltaZn/DeltaZn) null mutant mice by late gestation exhibit markedly enlarged fetal hearts with increased myocardial trabeculation and reduced cell compaction, mimicking the pathological changes of noncompaction of ventricular myocardium. In addition, larger cardiomyocyte cell size and increased cell proliferation were observed in ventricles of TACE(DeltaZn/DeltaZn) knockout mouse hearts. At the molecular level, reduced expression of epidermal growth factor receptor, attenuated protein cleavage of ErbB4, and changes in MAPK activation were also detected in TACE(DeltaZn/DeltaZn) knockout heart tissues. The data suggest that TACE-mediated cell surface protein ectodomain shedding plays an essential and a novel regulatory role during cardiac development and modeling.  相似文献   

The protein product of the v-myb oncogene of avian myeloblastosis virus, v-Myb, differs from its normal cellular counterpart, c-Myb, by (i) expression under the control of a strong viral long terminal repeat, (ii) truncation of both its amino and carboxyl termini, (iii) replacement of these termini by virally encoded residues, and (iv) substitution of 11 amino acid residues. We had previously shown that neither the virally encoded termini nor the amino acid substitutions are required for transformation by v-Myb. We have now constructed avian retroviruses that express full-length or singly truncated forms of c-Myb and have tested them for the transformation of chicken bone marrow cells. We conclude that truncation of either the amino or carboxyl terminus of c-Myb is sufficient for transformation. In contrast, the overexpression of full-length c-Myb does not result in transformation. We have also shown that the amino acid substitutions of v-Myb by themselves are not sufficient for the activation of c-Myb. Rather, the presence of either the normal amino or carboxyl terminus of c-Myb can suppress transformation when fused to v-Myb. Cells transformed by c-Myb proteins truncated at either their amino or carboxyl terminus appear to be granulated promyelocytes that express the Mim-1 protein. Cells transformed by a doubly truncated c-Myb protein are not granulated but do express the Mim-1 protein, in contrast to monoblasts transformed by v-Myb that neither contain granules nor express Mim-1. These results suggest that various alterations of c-Myb itself may determine the lineage of differentiating hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

Drosophila Myc is required for normal DREF gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The v-myb oncogene of avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) differs from its normal cellular counterpart by a truncation at both its amino and carboxyl termini and by a substitution of 11 amino acid residues. We had previously shown that v-myb-containing AMV, in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor, transformed chicken neuroretina (CNR) cells. To understand the mechanism of c-myb activation, we have tested whether avian retroviruses that express the full-length c-Myb are also active on CNR cells. We have found that c-Myb, like v-Myb, strongly increases the basic fibroblast growth factor response of CNR cells and that these c-myb-expressing cells are able to grow in soft agar in the presence of the growth factor. We have also found that, in contrast to normal or v-myb-expressing AMV-transformed CNR cells, c-Myb-transformed cells express mim-1, a granulocyte-specific gene. However, normal v-Myb- and c-Myb-expressing CNR cells all express the pax-QNR gene, a newly described paired and homeobox-containing gene specifically expressed in the neuroretina. We conclude that, in contrast to what has been described for hematopoietic cells, overexpression of c-Myb is sufficient to activate gene expression and to induce an abnormal behavior of CNR cells.  相似文献   

Pathological collapsibility of the upper airways, caused by many different genetic and environmental insults, is known as tracheomalacia in humans. We determined that Tmem16a, a member of an evolutionarily conserved family of predicted transmembrane proteins, is expressed in the developing trachea. We report that all mice homozygous for a null allele of Tmem16a died within one month of birth and exhibited severe tracheomalacia with gaps in the tracheal cartilage rings along the entire length of the trachea. In addition, the development of the trachealis muscle that spans the dorsal aspect of the trachea was abnormal in Tmem16a mutants. Since the chondrogenic mesenchyme does not express Tmem16a at any time, we propose that the cartilage ring defect observed in Tmem16a mutants is secondary to an expansion of the embryonic trachea that might result from improper stratification of the embryonic tracheal epithelium or the abnormal trachealis muscle. Our data identify Tmem16a as a novel regulator of epithelial and smooth muscle cell organization in murine development. This mutant, the first knockout of a vertebrate TMEM16 family member, provides a mouse model of tracheomalacia.  相似文献   

The opdA gene of Salmonella typhimurium encodes an endoprotease, oligopeptidase A (OpdA). Strains carrying opdA mutations were deficient as hosts for phage P22. P22 and the closely related phages L and A3 formed tiny plaques on an opdA host. Salmonella phages 9NA, KB1, and ES18.h1 were not affected by opdA mutations. Although opdA strains displayed normal doubling times and were infected by P22 as efficiently as opdA+ strains, the burst size of infectious particles from an opdA host was less than 1/10 of that from an opdA+ host. This decrease resulted from a reduced efficiency of plating of particles from an opdA infection. In the absence of a functional opdA gene, most of the P22 particles are defective. To identify the target of OpdA action, P22 mutants which formed plaques larger than wild-type plaques on an opdA mutant lawn were isolated. Marker rescue experiments using cloned fragments of P22 DNA localized these mutations to a 1-kb fragment. The nucleotide sequence of this fragment and a contiguous region (including all of both P22 gene 7 and gene 14) was determined. The mutations leading to opdA independence affected the region of gene 7 coding for the amino terminus of gp7, a protein required for DNA injection by the phage. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence with the N-terminal amino acid sequence of gp7 suggested that a 20-amino-acid peptide is removed from gp7 during phage development. Further experiments showed that this processing was opdA dependent and rapid (half-life, less than 2 min) and occurred in the absence of other phage proteins. The opdA-independent mutations lead to mutant forms of gp7 which function without processing.  相似文献   

Hedgehog is required for murine yolk sac angiogenesis.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Blood islands, the precursors of yolk sac blood vessels, contain primitive erythrocytes surrounded by a layer of endothelial cells. These structures differentiate from extra-embryonic mesodermal cells that underlie the visceral endoderm. Our previous studies have shown that Indian hedgehog (Ihh) is expressed in the visceral endoderm both in the visceral yolk sac in vivo and in embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived embryoid bodies. Differentiating embryoid bodies form blood islands, providing an in vitro model for studying vasculogenesis and hematopoiesis. A role for Ihh in yolk sac function is suggested by the observation that roughly 50% of Ihh(-/-) mice die at mid-gestation, potentially owing to vascular defects in the yolk sac. To address the nature of the possible vascular defects, we have examined the ability of ES cells deficient for Ihh or smoothened (Smo), which encodes a receptor component essential for all hedgehog signaling, to form blood islands in vitro. Embryoid bodies derived from these cell lines are unable to form blood islands, and express reduced levels of both PECAM1, an endothelial cell marker, and alpha-SMA, a vascular smooth muscle marker. RT-PCR analysis in the Ihh(-/-) lines shows a substantial decrease in the expression of Flk1 and Tal1, markers for the hemangioblast, the precursor of both blood and endothelial cells, as well as Flt1, an angiogenesis marker. To extend these observations, we have examined the phenotypes of embryo yolk sacs deficient for Ihh or SMO: Whereas Ihh(-/-) yolk sacs can form blood vessels, the vessels are fewer in number and smaller, perhaps owing to their inability to undergo vascular remodeling. Smo(-/-) yolk sacs arrest at an earlier stage: the endothelial tubes are packed with hematopoietic cells, and fail to undergo even the limited vascular remodeling observed in the Ihh(-/-) yolk sacs. Our study supports a role for hedgehog signaling in yolk sac angiogenesis.  相似文献   

A split zinc-finger protein is required for normal yeast growth.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H Blumberg  P Silver 《Gene》1991,107(1):101-110
We have identified a gene that, when present in multiple copies, partially inhibits nuclear protein localization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This gene encodes a protein that is a unique member of the Cys2His2 zinc-finger family of DNA-binding proteins. It is designated SFP1 for split finger protein because its two zinc-finger domains are separated from one another by 40 amino acids (aa) as opposed to the usual spacing of 7 or 8 aa for Cys2His2 proteins. Disruption of the SFP1 gene results in slow cell growth, with cells having multiple, nucleated buds.  相似文献   

Studies implicate an important role for the mixed lineage leukemia (Mll) gene in hematopoiesis, mainly through maintaining Hox gene expression. However, the mechanisms underlying Mll-mediated hematopoiesis during embryogenesis remain largely unclear. Here, we investigate the role of mll during zebrafish embryogenesis, particularly hematopoiesis. Mll depletion caused severe defects in hematopoiesis as indicated by a lack of blood flow and mature blood cells as well as a significant reduction in expression of hematopoietic progenitor and mature blood cell markers. Furthermore, mll depletion prevented the differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors. In addition, we identified the N-terminal mini-peptide of Mll that acted as a dominant negative form to disrupt normal function of mll during embryogenesis. As expected, mll knockdown altered the expression of a subset of Hox genes. However, overexpression of these down-regulated Hox genes only partially rescued the blood deficiency, suggesting that mll may target additional genes to regulate hematopoiesis. In the mll morphants, microarray analysis revealed a dramatic up-regulation of gadd45αa. Multiple assays indicate that mll inhibited gadd45αa expression and that overexpression of gadd45αa mRNA led to a phenotype similar to the one seen in the mll morphants. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that zebrafish mll plays essential roles in hematopoiesis and that gadd45αa may serve as a potential downstream target for mediating the function of mll in hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and co-chaperones are crucial for cellular development and maintenance as they assist in protein folding and stabilization of unfolded or misfolded proteins. Prefoldin (PFDN), a ubiquitously expressed heterohexameric co-chaperone, is necessary for proper folding of nascent proteins, in particular, tubulin and actin. Here we show that a genetic disruption in the murine Pfdn5 gene, a subunit of prefoldin, causes a syndrome characterized by photoreceptor degeneration, central nervous system abnormalities, and male infertility. Our data indicate that a missense mutation in Pfdn5, may cause these phenotypes through a reduction in formation of microtubules and microfilaments, which are necessary for the development of cilia and cytoskeletal structures, respectively. The diversity of phenotypes demonstrated by models carrying mutations in different PFDN subunits suggests that each PFDN subunit must confer a distinct substrate specificity to the prefoldin holocomplex.  相似文献   

The anterior pituitary regulates the function of multiple organ systems as well as body growth, and in turn is controlled by peptides released by the hypothalamus. We find that mutation of the Gsh-1 homeobox gene results in pleiotropic effects on pituitary development and function. Homozygous mutants exhibit extreme dwarfism, sexual infantilism and significant perinatal mortality. The mutant pituitary is small in size and hypocellular, with severely reduced numbers of growth hormone- and prolactin-producing cells. Moreover, the pituitary content of a subset of pituitary hormones, including growth hormone, prolactin and luteinizing hormone, is significantly decreased. The hypothalamus, although morphologically normal, is also perturbed in mutants. The gsh-1 gene is shown to be essential for growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) gene expression in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus. Further, sequence and electrophoretic mobility shift data suggest the Gsh-1 and GHRH genes as potential targets regulated by the Gsh-1-encoded protein. The mutant phenotype indicates a critical role for Gsh-1 in the genetic hierarchy of the formation and function of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

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