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Current perspectives on plasmodesmata: structure and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies on plasmodesmata have shown that these important intercellular passages for communication and transport are much more sophisticated in both structure and regulatory abilities than previously imagined. A complex, but not well understood, substructure has been revealed by a variety of increasingly reliable ultrastructural techniques. Proteinaceous particles are seen within the cytoplasmic sleeve surrounding the desmotubule. Dye-coupling studies have provided experimental evidence for the physical pathway of solute movement, supporting conclusions about substructural dimensions within plasmodesmata drawn from the ultrastructural studies. Calcium has been identified as a major factor in the regulation of intercellular communication via plasmodesmata. Evidence from studies on virus movement through plasmodesmata suggests a direct interaction between virallycoded movement proteins and plasmodesmata in the systemic spread of many viruses. There is increasing evidence, albeit indirect, that in some plant species phloem loading may involve transport of photoassimilate entirely within the symplast from mesophyll cells to the sieve element-companion cell complexes of minor veins.  相似文献   

Fine structure of plasmodesmata in mature leaves of sugarcane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fine structure of plasmodesmata in vascular bundles and contiguous tissues of mature leaf blades of sugarcane (Saccharum interspecific hybrid L62–96) was studied with the transmission electron microscope. Tissues were fixed in glutaraldehyde, with and without the addition of tannic acid, and postfixed in OsO4. The results indicate that the fine structure of plasmodesmata in sugarcane differs among various cell combinations in a cell-specific manner, but that three basic structural variations can be recognized among plasmodesmata in the mature leaf: 1) Plasmodesmata between mesophyll cells. These plasmodesmata possess amorphous, electron-opaque structures, termed sphincters, that extend from plasma membrane to desmotubule near the orifices of the plasmodesmata. The cytoplasmic sleeve is filled by the sphincters where they occur; elsewhere it is open and entirely free of particulate or spokelike components. The desmotubule is tightly constricted and has no lumen within the sphincters, but between the sphincters it is a convoluted tubule with an open lumen. 2) Plasmodesmata that traverse the walls of chlorenchymatous bundle-sheath cells and mestome-sheath cells. In addition to the presence of sphincters, these plasmodesmata are modified by the presence of suberin lamellae in the walls. Although the plasmodesmata are quite narrow and the lumens of the desmotubules are constricted where they traverse the suberin lamellae, the cytoplasmic sleeves are still discernible and appear to contain substructural components there. 3) Plasmodesmata between parenchymatous cells of the vascular bundles. These plasmodesmata strongly resemble those found in the roots of Azolla, in that their desmotubules are closed for their entire length and their cytoplasmic sleeves appear to contain substructural components for their entire length. The structural variations exhibited by the plasmodesmata of the sugarcane leaf are compared with those proposed for a widely-adopted model of plasmodesmatal structure.Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum This study was supported by National Science Foundation grants DCB 87-01116 and DCB 90-01759 to R.F.E. and a University of Wisconsin-Madison Dean's Fellowship to K. R.-B. We also thank Claudia Lipke and Kandis Elliot for photographic and artistic assistance, respectively.  相似文献   

Most plasmodesmata are formed across the cell plate at cytokinesis. Most of them persist until the cell is mature. Depending upon the pattern of elongation of the cell in differentiation, the frequency of plasmodesmata per unit area will suffer dilution to a greater or lesser extent. This dilution effect is now well understood and results commonly in high concentrations of plasmodesmata across transverse walls which have undergone little elongation and low concentrations on the longitudinal walls.Apart from their obvious role in cell to cell communication it is now believed that some plasmodesmata may offer preferential sites from which endogenous wall lytic enzymes may attack some or all of the constituent polymers of the surrounding wall. The effects of the asymmetrical distribution of large numbers of plasmodesmata, leading to the asymmetrical penetration of the wall by lytic enzymes are described and a hypothesis concerning the later stages of cell differentiation is constructed. In addition the late stage differentiation of individual plasmodesmata based on the same proposed lytic action, is described and re-interpreted.  相似文献   

K. Ehlers  R. Kollmann 《Protoplasma》2001,216(1-2):1-30
Summary In the multicellular organisms of higher plants, plasmodesmata provide pathways for intimate symplasmic communication between neighboring cells. The arguments summarized in the present review demonstrate that plasmodesmata are diverse and highly dynamic structures. Differences in the plasmodesmal origin and modifications of the plasmodesmal structure and functioning at the various cell interfaces are the basic means which give rise to a complicated and flexibile symplasmic network. This complex communication system is discussed to serve a significant role in the coordinated development and in the concerted physiological functioning of the cells within the plant tissues, organs, and organisms.  相似文献   

Phloem loading and plasmodesmata   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

C. M. Willmer  R. Sexton 《Protoplasma》1979,100(1):113-124
Summary In developing epidermal tissue ofPhaseolus vulgare L. complete plasmodesmatal connections occurred between guard cells and epidermal cells and between sister guard cells of a stoma but they were not seen in fully differentiated tissue. However, incomplete, aborted plasmodesmata were occasionally seen in the common guard/epidermal cell wall, usually connected to the epidermal cell protoplast, in mature tissue. Plasmodesmatal connections between neighbouring epidermal cells were commonly observed in tissue at all stages of development. In all locations, the plasmodesmata were usually unbranched occurring singly or in small pit fields; very rarely branched, incomplete plasmodesmata were also seen in the wall between mature guard and epidermal cells. The significance of these findings were related to stomatal functioning and to the development of plasmodesmata in general.  相似文献   

Observations on epidermal differentiation in the fetal rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Peter Olesen 《Planta》1979,144(4):349-358
Simple plasmodesmata between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in actively expanding leaves of Salsola kali L. and roots of Epilobium hirsutum L. are shown to possess specialized structures, called sphincters, around their neck regions. The sphineters are made visible by the combined effects of tannic acid and heavy metal staining; they are localized just outside that area of the plasmalemma, which forms the collar around the entrance to each plasmodesmos. This localization corresponds to a very active area of the plasmodesmos/olasmalemma complex (i.e. enzyme activity and/or presence of strongly reducing substances).Evidence is presented that these ring structures are structural equivalents to hypothetical sphincters performing some valve function; i.e. participating in the control of rates and directions of symplastic transport of solutes through plasmodesmata. The middle layer of the plasmalemma in the neck region is composed of closely-packed, globular subunits appearing in negative contrast. Apparently, these subunits correspond to particle clusters observed at the plasmodesmatal entrance in freeze-fracture preparations. They appear similar to particle clusters in animal tight junctions, and their possible function in providing electrical coupling via low resistance junctions between plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Observations on the structure of pullulan   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An extracellular α-glucan, pullulan, elaborated by a strain of Pullularia pullulans, contains 0.6% of a maltotetraose subunit, as well as the already known major component, maltotriose. The majority, at least, of the maltotetraose is contained within the polymeric chains and is linked, through its terminal glucose units, by α-1→6— bonds.  相似文献   

In leaf blades of Zea mays L. plasmodesmata between mesophyll cells are aggregated in numerous thickened portions of the walls. The plasmodesmata are unbranched and all are characterized by the presence of electron-dense structures, called sphincters by us, near both ends of the plasmodesmatal canal. The sphincters surround the desmotubule and occlude the cytoplasmic annulus where they occur. Plasmodesmata between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells are aggregated in primary pit-fields and are constricted by a wide suberin lamella on the sheath-cell side of the wall. Each plasmodesma contains a sphincter on the mesophyll-cell side of the wall. The outer tangential and radial walls of the sheath cells exhibit a continuous suberin lamella. However, on the inner tangential wall only the sites of plasmodesmatal aggregates are consistently suberized. Apparently the movement of photosynthetic intermediates between mesophyll and sheath cells is restricted largely or entirely to the plasmodesmata (symplastic pathway) and transpirational water movement to the cell walls (apoplastic pathway).Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

1. Elementary analysis and other properties of a highly purified preparation of bacilysin indicated that a possible molecular formula for the substance is C(12)H(18)N(2)O(5). The results of electrometric titration were consistent with the hypothesis that the substance was a peptide containing one free alpha-amino group and one free carboxyl group. 2. Hydrolysis of bacilysin with 6n-hydrochloric acid at 105 degrees yielded l-alanine and l-tyrosine, but the ultraviolet spectrum of the substance showed that no tyrosine residue was present in the molecule and a nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectrum indicated that olefinic and aromatic protons were absent. The dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivative of bacilysin yielded DNP-alanine on acid hydrolysis. 3. Bacilysin was hydrolysed by leucine aminopeptidase (EC and by Pronase to give alanine and an uncharacterized amino acid. Its infrared spectrum was consistent with the presence of a peptide grouping in the molecule. 4. The optical rotatory dispersion of bacilysin and its reaction with thiosemicarbazide indicated that the substance contained an aldehyde or ketone group. Its behaviour on catalytic reduction and its reaction with sodium thiosulphate and with certain thiols suggested that an epoxide group was present. 5. A possible type of structure for bacilysin is considered in the light of its known properties.  相似文献   

Observations on the structure of diphtheria toxin   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

Observations on the structure of Bacillus spores   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

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