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Plasma concentrations of angiotensin II (PAC) were measured in a group of 146 hypertensive patients (diastolic pressure greater than 105 mm Hg) who had no apparent underlying cause for their condition and 113 randomly selected normotensive controls (diastolic pressure less than 90 mm Hg). There was no evidence of bimodality in the frequency distribution curves for plasma angiotensin II concentrations among the hypertensive patients. It was concluded that hypertension associated with low angiotensin II concentration and by implication "low-renin" hypertension is not a condition separate from essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Prostacyclin(or epoprostenol), an arachidonic acid metabolite, is aneffective treatment for patients with primary pulmonary hypertension.Interruption of chronic prostacyclin infusion can result in recurrentsymptoms of dyspnea and fatigue. The etiology of this phenomenon isunknown. We hypothesized that sympathoadrenal activation could lead toincreased vascular tone after abrupt termination of the infusion. Toevaluate this effect, we monitored six chronically instrumented, awakesheep during and after infusion of prostacyclin. Prostacyclin decreasedmean arterial pressure (MAP) by 14% and increased cardiac output by33%. After the infusion ceased, MAP rebounded 23% above baseline, andcardiac output decreased by 28% from peak values within 10 min. Wewere unable to demonstrate an increase in norepinephrine levels aftercessation of prostacyclin, nor did -adrenergic blockade affectpostinfusion hemodynamics. However, plasma renin activity increased>10-fold at peak infusion and remained elevated for up to 2 h afterdiscontinuation of prostacyclin. Coinfusion of the angiotensinII-receptor antagonist L-158,809 resulted in complete abrogation of thepostcessation rise in MAP. We conclude that renin-angiotensin systemactivation is primarily responsible for systemic hypertension occurringafter abrupt cessation of prostacyclin infusion in sheep and thatangiotensin II receptor blockade prevents this response. Our data donot support a role for sympathetic nervous system activation in thesystemic pressor response after prostacyclin infusion.


Several genetic studies were carried out among hypertensive patients to assess allelic association at the 1166 position of the 3' untranslated region of angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene. In addition, attempts have also been made to find out whether telomere length attrition is associated with hypertension. The main aim of this study was to examine the association of A1166C polymorphism of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and telomere length with essential hypertension in Egyptian people. Angiotensin II type 1 genotyping and relative telomere length were investigated by PCR in 40 patients of essential hypertension and 15 healthy controls. The homozygous AA1166 allele frequency was 92.8% among the studied subjects. There was no intergroup variation in A allele frequency in normotensive group. The frequency of homozygous A allele was significantly higher in hypertensive than normotensive subjects (97.5 and 80%, respectively) with higher frequencies in male patients. The average telomere length ratio was significantly shorter in hypertensive than in normal subjects (1.08?±?0.3 and 1.54?±?0.18, respectively). No correlation was observed between telomere length ratio and body mass index. This study suggests that the homozygous A1166 allele of angiotensin II type 1 and short telomeres may be predisposing factors for essential hypertension in Egyptians and may be involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Further strategies for treating high-risk patients could result in prevention or delay of end organ damage.  相似文献   

Intravenous angiotensin II (ANG II) increases uterine vascular resistance (UVR), whereas uterine intra-arterial infusions do not. Type 2 ANG II (AT(2)) receptors predominate in uterine vascular smooth muscle; this may reflect involvement of systemic type 1 ANG II (AT(1)) receptor-mediated alpha-adrenergic activation. To examine this, we compared systemic pressor and UVR responses to intravenous phenylephrine and ANG II without and with systemic or uterine alpha-receptor blockade and in the absence or presence of AT(1) receptor blockade in pregnant and nonpregnant ewes. Systemic alpha-receptor blockade inhibited phenylephrine-mediated increases in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and UVR, whereas uterine alpha-receptor blockade alone did not alter pressor responses and resulted in proportionate increases in UVR and MAP. Although neither systemic nor uterine alpha-receptor blockade affected ANG II-mediated pressor responses, UVR responses decreased >65% and also were proportionate to increases in MAP. Systemic AT(1) receptor blockade inhibited all responses to intravenous ANG II. In contrast, uterine AT(1) receptor blockade + systemic alpha-receptor blockade resulted in persistent proportionate increases in MAP and UVR. Uterine AT(2) receptor blockade had no effects. We have shown that ANG II-mediated pressor responses reflect activation of systemic vascular AT(1) receptors, whereas increases in UVR reflect AT(1) receptor-mediated release of an alpha-agonist and uterine autoregulatory responses.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) elicits a variety of physiological effects through specific Ang II receptors in numerous tissues. In addition, Ang II is a modulator of cellular growth and exerts a positive or negative effect on cell growth depending on which receptor subtype is activated. Expression of the intrarenal AT2 receptors occurs at its highest levels in the fetal kidney, with a rapid decline after birth. In the present paper, we performed a study on the signaling mechanism of Ang II receptors in rat fetal (E20) kidney, a rich source of AT2 receptors, where both Ang II receptor subtypes are present. Ang II induces Tyr-dephosphorylation of proteins in rat fetal kidney membranes. The response is dose-dependent, with a reduction of 20% with respect to the control (100%), signal that is completely reversed by Ang II AT2 competitor PD123319. Orthovanadate, the inhibitor of phospho-Tyr-phosphatases (PTPase), reverts Ang II effect, suggesting the involvement of a protein tyrosine phosphatase. The peptide analog of Ang II, CGP42112, exhibits an agonist effect, which is dose-dependent. Thus, in rat fetal (E20) kidney, the Ang-induced protein Tyr-dephosphorylation of several proteins is mediated by AT2 receptors, mechanism that involves an orthovanadate sensitive PTPase.  相似文献   

Fifteen unselected patients who had essential hypertension and whose average supine blood pressure when they were not receiving any treatment and their usual sodium intake was 162/107 mm Hg were treated with captopril 50 mg twice daily. After one month''s treatment their supine blood pressure had decreased to 149/94 mm Hg. They were then instructed to reduce their sodium intake to about 80 mmol(mEq)/day. After two weeks of moderate sodium restriction they were entered into a double blind randomised crossover study comparing the effect of 10 Slow Sodium tablets (100 mmol sodium chloride) with matching placebo tablets while continuing to take captopril and restrict sodium in their diet. After one month of taking placebo their mean supine blood pressure was 137/88 mm Hg with a urinary sodium excretion of 83 mmol/24 h, while after one month of taking Slow Sodium tablets their mean supine blood pressure was 150/97 mm Hg (p less than 0.001) with a sodium excretion of 183 mmol/24 h. The mean supine blood pressure during moderate sodium restriction therefore decreased by 9% and correlated significantly with the reduction in urinary sodium excretion. These results suggest that the combination of treatment with a moderate but practical reduction in sodium intake and an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor is effective in decreasing the blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension. This combined approach overcomes some of the objections that have been made to salt restriction alone and to converting enzyme inhibitors alone.  相似文献   

As a target site for angiotensin II (A-II), renal proximal tubule is unique in that it may be equipped with a local A-II generating system and that both basolateral and apical membranes may be accessible for A-II's action. We have recently conducted studies to examine these possibilities. With in vitro cultured proximal tubular cells, we have demonstrated de novo synthesis of angiotensinogen and renin. With isolated renal brush border membrane (BBM), we have confirmed the presence of A-II receptors and found that A-II directly stimulated BBM Na(+)-H+ exchange. In search of the signal transduction mechanism, we have found that A-II also activated BBM phospholipase A2 (PLA) and that BBM contained a pertussis toxin-sensitive guanine nucleotide binding protein (G-protein) which mediates the effects of A-II. Further studies showed that prevention of PLA activation abolished A-II's effect on Na(+)-H+ exchange, and that activation of PLA by mellitin and addition of arachidonic acid similarly enhanced Na(+)-H+ exchange activity, suggesting that PLA activation may mediate the stimulatory effect of A-II on Na(+)-H+ exchange. These results thus indicate that a local signal transduction mechanism involving G-protein mediated PLA activation exists in renal BBM which mediates A-II's effect on Na(+)-H+ exchange. Taken together, we propose that, independent of A-II in the circulation, local luminal A-II may serve as an important regulatory system on sodium transport in renal proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Eighteen patients with stable mild hypertension (mean blood pressure 144/93 mm Hg) restricted their sodium intake for eight weeks while taking part in a double blind randomised crossover trial of slow sodium and placebo tablets. Mean 24 hour urinary sodium excretion was 143 mmol(mEq) during the period on slow sodium and 87 mmol during the period on placebo. Five patients were unable to reduce their sodium intake below 120 mmol, but the others had a mean 24 hour urinary sodium excretion of 59 mmol during the period on placebo. There was no significant difference in blood pressure between the slow sodium and placebo treatment periods, although the study had a power of 99% to detect a difference of 5 mm Hg in mean arterial pressure between the two periods. Moderate dietary sodium restriction does not lower blood pressure in patients with this degree of hypertension.  相似文献   

More than 50 studies have investigated the effect of altered sodium intake on blood pressure. A regression line drawn through the change in blood pressure and change in sodium intake indicates that blood pressure alters about 10 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa) for every 100 mmol/day alteration in sodium intake, a change similar to that observed in between-population "studies." The studies that have failed to show a change in blood pressure have usually been in people with a blood pressure less than 130/90 mmHg. Normotensive people appear to tolerate a higher intake of sodium before blood pressure rises, but if increased sufficiently, blood pressure rises in most people. Sodium restriction reduces blood pressure in people with severe hypertension, moderate hypertension and mild hypertension. It may be the cause of blood pressure increase associated with age and the reason for the higher prevalence of hypertension and vascular disease in Western communities. Sodium restriction should be used to treat people with elevated blood pressure.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of circulating ANG II in sodium appetite after adrenalectomy. Adrenalectomized rats deprived of their main access to sodium (0.3 M NaCl) for 9 h drank 14.1 +/- 1.5 ml of the concentrated saline solution in 2 h of access. Intravenous infusion of captopril (2.5 mg/h) during the last 5 h of sodium restriction reduced sodium intake by 77 +/- 12% (n = 5) without affecting the degree of sodium depletion and hypovolemia incurred during deprivation. Functional evidence indicates that this dose of captopril blocked production of ANG II in the peripheral circulation, but not in the brain; that is, injection of ANG I into the lateral brain ventricle stimulated intake of both water and 0.3 M NaCl. Intravenous infusion of ANG II (starting 10-15 min before 0.3 M NaCl became available) in adrenalectomized, captopril-treated rats restored both sodium intake and blood pressure to values seen in rats not treated with captopril. Longer (20 h) infusions of captopril in 22-h sodium-restricted rats also blocked sodium appetite, but reduced or prevented sodium depletion. Intravenous infusion of ANG II after these long captopril infusions stimulated sodium intake, but intake was less than in controls not treated with captopril. These results indicate that most or all of the sodium appetite of adrenalectomized rats is mediated by circulating ANG II.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of IL-6 correlate with high blood pressure under many circumstances, and ANG II has been shown to stimulate IL-6 production from various cell types. This study tested the role of IL-6 in mediating the hypertension caused by high-dose ANG II and a high-salt diet. Male C57BL6 and IL-6 knockout (IL-6 KO) mice were implanted with biotelemetry devices and placed in metabolic cages to measure mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), sodium balance, and urinary albumin excretion. Baseline MAP during the control period averaged 114 +/- 1 and 109 +/- 1 mmHg for wild-type (WT) and IL-6 KO mice, respectively, and did not change significantly when the mice were placed on a high-salt diet (HS; 4% NaCl). ANG II (90 ng/min sc) caused a rapid increase in MAP in both groups, to 141 +/- 9 and 141 +/- 4 in WT and KO mice, respectively, on day 2. MAP plateaued at this level in KO mice (134 +/- 2 mmHg on day 14 of ANG II) but began to increase further in WT mice by day 4, reaching an average of 160 +/- 4 mmHg from days 10 to 14 of ANG II. Urinary albumin excretion on day 4 of ANG II was not different between groups (9.18 +/- 4.34 and 8.53 +/- 2.85 microg/2 days for WT and KO mice). By day 14, albumin excretion was nearly fourfold greater in WT mice, but MAP dropped rapidly back to control levels in both groups when the ANG II was stopped after 14 days. Thus the approximately 30 mmHg greater ANG II hypertension in the WT mice suggests that IL-6 contributes significantly to ANG II-salt hypertension. In addition, the early separation in MAP, the albumin excretion data, and the rapid, post-ANG II recovery of MAP suggest an IL-6-dependent mechanism that is independent of renal injury.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with verapamil on cell sodium transport was studied in the leucocytes of patients with essential hypertension. Previously described abnormalities of sodium efflux rate constant and intracellular sodium content were confirmed, the component of the sodium efflux rate constant sensitive to ouabain being lower and the intracellular sodium content higher in the patients compared with controls. Verapamil reversed these abnormalities and reduced blood pressure.  相似文献   



The angiotensin II protein is a vasoconstrictor that exerts most of its influence through the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R). Inconsistent association between the A1166C polymorphism of the AT1R gene and hypertension has been reported among various populations but not among the peoples of Calabar and Uyo. This study was designed to determine the frequency of the A1166C polymorphism of the AT1R gene and its association with hypertension in a sample population of Calabar and Uyo.


A population-based case control design consisting of total of 1224 participants, 612 each of patients and controls were randomly recruited from hypertension clinics and the general population. Genotyping of the A1166C allele of the AT1R gene to identify variants was performed using polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme digestion. Multiple regressions were applied to test whether the A1166 genotypes were predictors of hypertension.


99% of the study population had the wild type AA genotype, and 1% was AC heterozygous carriers of the A1166C polymorphism.


The A1166C polymorphism was not a predictor of hypertension in the sample population of Calabar and Uyo.  相似文献   

D O Sobel 《Peptides》1984,5(1):47-51
The effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on pituitary beta endorphin like immunoactivity (beta END-LI) release was studied in monolayer culture of normal rat pituicites. Ang II stimulated beta END-LI release into the culture media. This release of beta END-LI increased with longer incubation time and with higher doses of Ang II. The beta END-LI response was similar to the pattern of Ang II mediated ACTH release. Ang II stimulated beta END-LI release was blocked by cycloheximide and decreased by corticosterone (5 nmol/l). Successively higher concentrations of [SAR GLY]Ang II, a known Ang II antagonist, induced greater inhibition of Ang II stimulated beta END-LI release. Gel chromatography of pooled media from control and Ang II stimulated cells revealed three peaks of beta END-LI which migrated with the void volume, beta lipotropin (beta LPH) and beta endorphin. The relative amount of beta END-LI in these peaks [(BEND-LI peak + total beta END-LI in column) x 100%] from media of control and stimulated cells were as follows: (1) Void 7% and 19% (2) beta LPH 50% and 52% (3) beta endorphin 43% and 29%.  相似文献   

Vascular inflammation and enhanced production of angiotensin II (ANG II) are involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension and diabetes, disease states that predispose the afflicted individuals to ischemic disorders. In light of these observations, we postulated that ANG II may play a role in promoting leukocyte rolling (LR) and adhesion (LA) in postcapillary venules after exposure of the small intestine to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R). Using an intravital microscopic approach in C57BL/6J mice, we showed that ANG II type I (AT(1)) or type II (AT(2)) receptor antagonism (with valsartan or PD-123319, respectively), inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) with captopril, or calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor blockade (CGRP8-37) prevented postischemic LR but did not influence I/R-induced LA. However, both postischemic LR and LA were largely abolished by concomitant AT(1) and AT(2) receptor blockade or chymase inhibition (with Y-40079). Additionally, exogenously administered ANG II increased LR and LA, effects that were attenuated by pretreatment with a CGRP receptor antagonist or an NADPH oxidase inhibitor (apocynin). Our work suggests that ANG II, formed by the enzymatic activity of ACE and chymase, plays an important role in inducing postischemic LR and LA, effects that involve the engagement of both AT(1) and AT(2) receptors and may be mediated by CGRP and NADPH oxidase.  相似文献   

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