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Synchronous beating between chick embryonic heart cell aggregates and heart cell layers was used to study the relationship between intercellular adhesion and ionic coupling. Adhesion was measured by counting the proportion of aggregates which were not to be removed from cell layers by gentle washing after a 30 min incubation. Synchrony between bound aggregates and contiguous layers was assessed by phase microscopy. The first evidence of synchrony was seen 1.5 h after addition of aggregates to layers, following which there was an increase in the percentage of aggregates beating synchronously, reaching over 50% at 7 h and slowly increasing to a maximum of 65% by 24 h. Scanning electron microscopy and autoradiography of thymidine-labeled cells suggest that synchrony does not depend on cell movement at the interface between aggregate and layer. Acquisition of synchrony can be prevented completely by inhibiting protein synthesis, although pulsation of aggregates and layers continues in proportions unchanged from controls. After reversal of protein synthesis inhibition, synchrony is acquired at a rate and to an extent closely resembling that of newly adherent controls. These data indicate that ionic coupling is neither an inevitable nor an immediate consequence of adhesion. Since ionic coupling has been shown to correlate with the presence of gap junctions, the findings suggest that gap junctions are not involved in the initial events responsible for intercellular adhesion in vitro and that their formation following adhesion in this system may depend upon protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Outward membrane currents in aggregates of atrial cells prepared from 7-12-d-old chick embryonic hearts were measured with the two microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. Two outward current components, Ix1 and Ix2, were found in the plateau potential range of the action potential. The Ix1 component is activated between -50 and -20 mV; the Ix2 component is activated between -15 and +20 mV. The Ix1 component inwardly rectifies, whereas Ix2 has an approximately linear current-voltage relation. These preparations lack a time-dependent pacemaker current component, even though they beat spontaneously with an interbeat interval of approximately 1 s. A mathematical model of electrical activity is described based on our measurements of time-dependent outward current, and measurements in the literature of inward current components.  相似文献   

The topological properties of the phase resetting of biological oscillators by an isolated stimulus delivered at various phases of the cycle depend on whether the stimulus is "weak" or "strong." When multiple stimuli are delivered to the oscillator, the response to stimulation also depends on the time between the stimuli, and the rate at which the oscillator returns to an underlying limit cycle attractor. If the time between two consecutive "weak" stimuli is sufficiently short, the effects produced by the pair of stimuli may be characteristic of a single "strong" stimulus. These results are demonstrated in a model experimental system, spontaneously beating aggregates of cells derived from embryonic chick heart, and are illustrated by consideration of a simple theoretical model of nonlinear oscillators, the Poincaré oscillator.  相似文献   

We have examined correlations between morphological and functional evidence of cell coupling between aggregates of beating embryonic heart cells and underlying layers. Synchronously beating aggregate-layer pairs were compared with asynchronous pairs. Intracellular microelectrode studies demonstrated that asynchronously beating aggregate-layers could not be induced to beat synchronously by electrical stimulation of the aggregate, whereas 86% of synchronous instances showed propagation of stimulating current pulses from aggregate to layer. By freeze fracture we have found significant differences both in the number and in the total area of gap junctions between the aggregate-layer interfaces of synchronous and asynchronous preparations. The data suggest that synchronous beating is a reliable functional indication of effective ionic coupling, and requires a certain area and number of gap junction/cell.  相似文献   

The plant lectin concanavalin A (Con A), at concentrations of 5–200 μg/ml, induced a twofold to fivefold increase in spontaneous beat rate of cultured aggregates of ventricular cells from seven-day chick embryos. This response was time, dose, and temperature dependent and was accompanied by a decrease in transmembrane potential. It could be blocked or reversed by α-methyl-D-mannoside but was not reversed by dilution alone. Binding of the lectin occurred in the cold, but a temperature-dependent process was also necessary to produce the response. Divalent (succinyl) Con A did not cause a beat rate increase. Whole heart aggregates responded similarly but less intensely than ventricular aggregates. Atrial aggregates, and whole heart aggregates treated with 5 μg/ml of Con A, produced a biphasic chronotropic response, first decreasing then increasing their beat rates. These results suggest that saccharide-bearing macromolecules on the heart cell surface play a role in regulating spontaneous beat rate.  相似文献   

Embryonic heart cell aggregates were irradiated with ultraviolet light at wavelengths between 260 and 310 nm. Spontaneous beat rate was monitored with the aid of a closed-circuit TV camera and, in separate experiments, electrophysiological changes were assayed by intracellular recording. The characteristic response of 7-day aggregates was an increase in spontaneous beat rate to a maximum plateau level, followed by a rather abrupt cessation of beating. Intracellular recordings during irradiation showed a marked decline in the maximum rate of rise, overshoot, and repolarization phase of the action potential, and a significant change in threshold toward zero. The action spectrum for the termination of beating peaked between 290 and 295 nm; it fell off sharply at longer wavelengths and more slowly at shorter wavelengths. The maximum increase in beat rate was increasingly greater for shorter wavelengths and exhibited no peak in the wavelength range investigated. The sensitivity of aggregates to 295-nm light, as measured by the inverse of irradiation time required to terminate beating, decreased with increasing aggregate size and external potassium concentration, was relatively independent of temperature, and increased with embryonic age. The ultraviolet-induced increase in beat rate and termination of beating are attributed to separate complementary processes, a depolarization of the membrane, and a decline in "fast" sodium conductance.  相似文献   

The influence of brief duration current pulses on the spontaneous electrical activity of embryonic chick atrial heart cell aggregates was investigated experimentally and theoretically. A pulse could either delay or advance the time of the action potential subsequent to the pulse depending upon the time in the control cycle at which it was applied. The perturbed cycle length throughout the transition from delay to advance was a continuous function of the time of the pulse for small pulse amplitudes, but was discontinuous for larger pulse amplitudes. Similar results were obtained using a model of the ionic currents which underlie spontaneous activity in these preparations. The primary ion current components which contribute to phase resetting are the fast inward sodium ion current, INa, and the primary, potassium ion repolarization current, IX1. The origin of the discontinuity in phase resetting of the model can be elucidated by a detailed examination of the current-voltage trajectories in the region of the phase response curve where the discontinuity occurs.  相似文献   

Desmosomes (macula adherens) have been associated with the function of adhesion. Their possible role in aggregation and sorting of chick and mouse epithelial cells has been investigated. Treatment of aggregates with 2-5 microgram/ml of actinomycin D which inhibited RNA synthesis also inhibited both desmosome formation and aggregation if administered at the beginning of the aggregation process. In contrast, if the drug was administered at six hours, when the cells had recovered from the process of dissociation, then aggregation over the following six hours appeared normal from observation of living samples. Such aggregates incorporated leucine-3H at roughly 85% of the control level. A quantitative comparison was made of desmosome formation in aggregates treated with actinomycin D for hours 6-12 and those cultured in normal medium. Desmosome formation was inhibited by the drug, although aggregation could proceed. Combinations of chick corneal and mouse skin cells sorted out in the presence of actinomycin D to the same extent as controls. Thus desmosome formation, which normally occurs during aggregation of the epithelial cells studied here, is not coupled with the aggregation or cell sorting process in these cells of stratified epithelia. When cells were treated with cycloheximide (100 muM) both desmosome formation and the progressive rounding up of aggregates was inhibited.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) evoked a transient, dose-dependent histamine release (ED50 170 ng ml-1) from the rat perfused heart. Histamine release by NT occurred within seconds and lasted less than 2 min. The histamine releasing effect of NT was followed by a dose-dependent increase of the perfusion pressure and a slight tachycardia. The histamine releasing effect of NT was completely abolished in hearts derived from rats pretreated for 3 days with high doses of compound 48/80. The coronary vasoconstrictor effect of NT was increased in hearts derived from compound 48/80-pretreated rats. The mast cell inhibitor cromoglycate markedly inhibited NT-induced histamine release without affecting the coronary vasoconstrictor effect of NT. The histamine releasing effect of NT was inhibited, while its coronary vasoconstrictor effect was markedly potentiated, in hearts derived from rats pretreated with the antiallergic and antiinflammatory steroid dexamethasone. The increase of perfusion pressure evoked by NT was not modified by antihistamine drugs. Infusions of exogenous histamine (10(-6)-10(-5) g ml-1) caused a dose-dependent coronary vasodilation in the rat perfused heart. The results suggest that NT stimulates histamine release from cardiac mast cells. These results together with those obtained in previous studies suggest that mast cell mediators (particularly histamine and serotonin) are unlikely to be responsible for the coronary vasoconstrictor effect of NT in the rat perfused heart.  相似文献   

Summary Chick retinal cells of different stages of development, and of different areas of the retina, were stained with two vital fluorescent stains, reaggregated, and analysed for sorting-out. Sorting-out of cells within aggregates occurred if one cell sample was derived from the retinae before and the other after day 7 of incubation. No such cell-sorting effects were found in experiments performed on cells of different areas at the same stage. It is suggested that the sorting-out reflects either a change in cell population around day 7 (such as an increase in postmitotic neuronal cells), or the effect of a stage specific signal which changes the surface properties of a substantial part of most or all cell types.  相似文献   

The double-microelectrode voltage clamp technique was applied to small spheroidal aggregates of heart cells from 7-d chick embryos. A third intracellular electrode was sometimes used to monitor spatial homogeneity. On average, aggregates were found to deviate from isopotentiality by 12% during the first 3--5 ms of large depolarizing voltage steps, when inward current was maximal, and by less than 3% thereafter. Two components of inward current were recorded: (a) a fast, transient current associated with the rapid upstroke of the action potential, which was abolished by tetrodotoxin (TTX); and (b) a slower inward current related to the plateau, which was not affected by TTX but was blocked by D600. The magnitudes, kinetics, and voltage dependence of these two inward currents and a delayed outward current were similar to those reported for adult cardiac preparations. From a holding potential of -60 mV, the peak fast component at the point of maximal activation (-20 mV) was -185 microA/cm2. This value was about seven times greater than the maximal slow component which peaked at 0 mV. The ratio of rate constants for the decay of the two currents was between 10:1 and 30:1.  相似文献   

The frequency of desmosome formation was examined in aggregates of old cells, which form many junctions, combined with young cells, which form few. Cells of chick corneal epithelium and mouse epidermis, which can be distinguished morphologically, were combined. Desmosomes between these cell types are stable. Further, young cells make more desmosomes than they otherwise would on those surfaces adjoining old cells. Desmosomes increase in number in aggregates while cell sorting is occurring. Cells consistently sort, with those which form most desmosomes lying internally. Gap junctions and intermediate junctions are also present, but are uncommon. A carbohydrate cell-surface coat has regenerated by the time desmosome formation starts. The possible relation of desmosome formation to cell sorting is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim: The functional significance of the autonomic nerves in the anterior mitral valve leaflet (AML) is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that remote stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS) reduces AML stiffness in the beating heart. Methods: Forty-eight radiopaque-markers were implanted into eleven ovine hearts to delineate left ventricular and mitral anatomy, including an AML array. The anesthetized animals were then taken to the catheterization laboratory and 4-D marker coordinates obtained from biplane videofluoroscopy before and after VNS. Circumferential (Ecirc) and radial (Erad) stiffness values for three separate AML regions, Annulus, Belly and Edge, were obtained from inverse finite element analysis of AML displacements in response to trans-leaflet pressure changes during isovolumic contraction (IVC) and isovolumic relaxation (IVR). Results: VNS reduced heart rate: 94±9 vs. 82±10 min?1, (mean±SD, p<0.001). Circumferential AML stiffness was significantly reduced in all three regions during IVC and IVR (all p<0.05). Radial AML stiffness was reduced from control in the annular and belly regions at both IVC and IVR (P<0.05), while the reduction did not reach significance at the AML edge. Conclusion: These observations suggest that one potential functional role for the parasympathetic nerves in the AML is to alter leaflet stiffness. Neural control of the contractile tissue in the AML could be part of a central control system capable of altering valve stiffness to adapt to changing hemodynamic demands.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Lewis et al., 1990), the response of the respiratory rhythm to a perturbing stimulus was investigated using two different stimulus protocols: phase resetting and fixed-delay stimulation. The first protocol consists of measuring the effects of perturbing an oscillator at different phases of the cycle on the duration of the perturbed cycle. The resulting phase response curves (PRCs) can be used to characterize the properties of the oscillator (Winfree, 1980). A second protocol, fixed-delay stimulation, involves perturbing an oscillator at a fixed latency from the onset of the cycle, repeated every n-th cycle. If a single stimulus produces an effect that lasts longer than a single cycle, complicated responses can be expected from fixed-delay stimulation (Lewis et al., 1987). A simple three-phase model for respiratory rhythm generation based on a hypothesis by Richter and coworkers (1982, 1983, 1986) was investigated in the context of these experimental studies. Phase resetting and fixed-delay stimulation protocols were simulated in the model. PRCs of the model resemble those obtained experimentally: a phase-dependent prolongation or shortening of the inspiratory phase depending on the stimulus magnitude, and a slight prolongation of the expiratory phase. Stimuli delivered to the model repetitively during successive inspiratory periods at a fixed-delay produced various combinations of shortened and prolonged cycles, similar to those observed in the experiments. However, the marked increases in cycle duration observed in the experiments during, as well as after, stimulation were not evident in the model. These comparisons suggest that (1) PRCs may not be an adequate way to evaluate certain models of rhythmogenesis, and (2) to improve the present simplified formulation of the three-phase model of the respiratory oscillator, time-varying stimulus dependent effects should be incorporated.  相似文献   

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