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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease that is known to be associated with polyclonal B-cell hyperreactivity. The underlying causes of the diffuse B-cell over-reactivity are unclear, but potential candidates include (a) intrinsic hyper-reactivity leading to polyclonal B-cell activation with disturbed activation thresholds and ineffective negative selection; (b) lack of immunoregulatory functions; (c) secondary effects of an overactive inflammatory environment, such as overactive germinal center and ectopic follicular activity; and/or (d) disturbed cytokine production by non-B immune cells. These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and may operate to varying extents and at varying times in SLE. Phenotypic and molecular studies as well as the results of recent clinical trials have begun to provide new insights to address these possibilities. Of importance, new information has made it possible to distinguish between the contribution played by abnormalities in central checkpoints that could lead to a pre-immune repertoire enriched in autoreactive B cells, on the one hand, and the possibility that autoimmunity arises in the periphery from somatic hypermutation and abnormal selection during T cell-dependent B-cell responses on the other. There is an intriguing possibility that apoptotic material bound to the surface of follicular dendritic cells positively selects autoreactive B cells that arise from non-autoreactive B-cell precursors as a result of somatic hypermutation and thereby promotes the peripheral emergence of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

After exposure to subtoxic doses of heavy metals such as mercury, H-2(s) mice develop an autoimmune syndrome consisting of the rapid production of IgG autoantibodies that are highly specific for nucleolar autoantigens and a polyclonal increase in serum IgG1 and IgE. In this study, we explore the role of two inhibitory immunoreceptors, CTLA-4 and FcgammaRIIB, in the regulation of mercury-induced autoimmunity. In susceptible mice treated with mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)), administration of a blocking anti-CTLA-4 Ab resulted in a further increase in anti-nucleolar autoantibodies and in total serum IgG1 levels. Furthermore, in some DBA/2 mice, which are normally resistant to heavy metal-induced autoimmunity, anti-CTLA-4 treatment leads to the production of anti-nucleolar Abs, thereby overcoming the genetic restriction of the disease. In mice deficient for the FcgammaRIIB, HgCl(2) administration did not trigger autoantibody production, but resulted in an increase in IgE serum levels. Taken together, these results indicate that different inhibitory mechanisms regulate various manifestations of this autoimmune syndrome.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a heterogeneous autoimmune disease, defined by loss of B cell self-tolerance that results in production of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and chronic inflammation. While the initiating events in lupus development are not well defined, overexpression of the RNA-recognizing toll-like receptor (TLR)7 has been linked to SLE in humans and mice. We postulated that autophagy plays an essential role in TLR7 activation of B cells for the induction of SLE by delivering RNA ligands to the endosomes, where this innate immune receptor resides. To test this hypothesis, we compared SLE development in Tlr7 transgenic (Tg) mice with or without B cell-specific ablation of autophagy (Cd19-Cre Atg5f/f). We observed that in the absence of B cell autophagy the 2 hallmarks of SLE, ANA and inflammation, were eliminated, thus curing these mice of lupus. This was also evident in the significantly extended survival of the autophagy-deficient mice compared to Tlr7.1 Tg mice. Furthermore, glomerulonephritis was ameliorated, and the serum levels of inflammatory cytokines in the knockout (KO) mice were indistinguishable from those of control mice. These data provide direct evidence that B cells require TLR7-dependent priming through an autophagy-dependent mechanism before autoimmunity is induced, thereafter involving many cell types. Surprisingly, hyper-IgM production persisted in Tlr7.1 Tg mice in the absence of autophagy, likely involving a different activation pathway than the production of autoantibodies. Furthermore, these mice still presented with anemia, but responded with a striking increase in extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH), possibly due to the absence of pro-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Responsiveness of c-Myc oncogene to B cell receptor ligation has been implicated in the induction of apoptosis in transformed and normal immature B cells. These studies provided compelling evidence to link the c-Myc oncogene with the process of negative selection in B-lymphocytes. However, in addition to apoptosis, B cell-negative selection has been shown to occur by secondary Ig gene rearrangements, a mechanism called receptor editing. In this study, we assessed whether differential c-Myc responsiveness to B cell receptor (BCR) ligation is associated with the mechanism of negative selection in immature B cells. Using an in vitro bone marrow culture system and an Ig-transgenic mouse model (3-83) we show here that c-Myc is expressed at low levels throughout B cell development and that c-Myc responsiveness to BCR ligation is developmentally regulated and increased with maturation. Furthermore, we found that the competence to mount c-Myc responsiveness upon BCR ligation is important for the induction of apoptosis and had no effect on the process of receptor editing. Therefore, this study suggests an important role of c-Myc in promoting and/or maintaining B cell development and that compartmentalization of B cell tolerance may also be developmentally regulated by differential c-Myc responsiveness.  相似文献   

Infections often precede the development of autoimmunity. Correlation between infection with a specific pathogen and a particular autoimmune disease ranges from moderately strong to quite weak. This lack of correspondence suggests that autoimmunity may result from microbial activation of a generic, as opposed to pathogen-specific host-defense response. The Toll-like receptors, essential to host recognition of microbial invasion, signal through a common, highly conserved pathway, activate innate immunity, and control adaptive immune responses. To determine the influence of Toll/IL-1 signaling on the development of autoimmunity, the responses of wild-type (WT) mice and IL-1R-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1)-deficient mice to induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis were compared. C57BL/6 and B6.IRAK1-deficient mice were immunized with MOG 35-55/CFA or MOG 35-55/CpG DNA/IFA. WT animals developed severe disease, whereas IRAK1-deficient mice were resistant to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, exhibiting little or no CNS inflammation. IRAK1-deficient T cells also displayed impaired Th1 development, particularly during disease induction, despite normal TCR signaling. These results suggest that IRAK1 and the Toll/IL-1 pathway play an essential role in T cell priming, and demonstrate one means through which innate immunity can control subsequent development of autoimmunity. These findings may also help explain the association between antecedent infection and the development or exacerbations of some autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus and its preclinical lupus-prone mouse models are autoimmune disorders involving the production of pathogenic autoantibodies. Genetic predisposition to systemic lupus erythematosus results in B cell hyperactivity, survival of self-reactive B cells, and differentiation to autoantibody-secreting plasma cells (PCs). These corrupt B cell responses are, in part, controlled by excess levels of the cytokine BAFF that normally maintains B cell homeostasis and self-tolerance through limited production. B cell maturation Ag (BCMA) is a receptor for BAFF that, under nonautoimmune conditions, is important for sustaining enduring Ab protection by mediating survival of long-lived PCs but is not required for B cell maturation and homeostasis. Through analysis of two different lupus-prone mouse models deficient in BCMA, we identify BCMA as an important factor in regulating peripheral B cell expansion, differentiation, and survival. We demonstrate that a BCMA deficiency combined with the lpr mutation or the murine lupus susceptibility locus Nba2 causes dramatic B cell and PC lymphoproliferation, accelerated autoantibody production, and early lethality. This study unexpectedly reveals that BCMA works to control B cell homeostasis and self-tolerance in systemic autoimmunity.  相似文献   

TNF is well characterized as a mediator of inflammatory responses. TNF also facilitates organization of secondary lymphoid organs, particularly B cell follicles and germinal centers, a hallmark of T-dependent Ab responses. TNF also mediates defense against tumors. We examined the role of TNF in the development of inflammatory autoimmune disorders resembling systemic lupus erythematosus and Sj?gren's syndrome induced by excess B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF), by generating BAFF-transgenic (Tg) mice lacking TNF. TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice resembled TNF(-/-) mice, in that they lacked B cell follicles, follicular dendritic cells, and germinal centers, and have impaired responses to T-dependent Ags. Nevertheless, TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice developed autoimmune disorders similar to that of BAFF-Tg mice. Disease in TNF(-/-) BAFF-Tg mice correlates with the expansion of transitional type 2 and marginal zone B cell populations and enhanced T-independent immune responses. TNF deficiency in BAFF-Tg mice also led to a surprisingly high incidence of B cell lymphomas (>35%), which most likely resulted from the combined effects of BAFF promotion of neoplastic B cell survival, coupled with lack of protective antitumor defense by TNF. Thus, TNF appears to be dispensable for BAFF-mediated autoimmune disorders and may, in fact, counter any proneoplastic effects of high levels of BAFF in diseases such as Sj?gren's syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus is considered a prototype of systemic autoimmune diseases; however, despite considerable advances in recent years in the understanding of basic mechanisms in immunology, little progress has been made in elucidating the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. This even holds for inbred mice, such as the lupus-prone New Zealand Black/New Zealand White F(1) mice, which are all genetically programmed to develop lupus at a predetermined age. This frustrating state of affairs calls for a fundamental change in our scientific thinking and the opening of new directions in lupus research. In this study, we suggest that intrinsic B cell tolerance mechanisms are not grossly impaired in lupus-prone mice, but that an unusually strong positive selection event recruits a small number of autoreactive B cells to the germinal centers. This event could be facilitated by nucleic acid-protein complexes that are created by somatic changes in the susceptible animal.  相似文献   

B-cell development is tightly regulated, including the induction of B-cell memory and antibody-secreting plasmablasts and plasma cells. In the last decade, we have expanded our understanding of effector functions of B cells as well as their roles in human autoimmune diseases. The current review addresses the role of certain stages of B-cell development as well as plasmablasts/plasma cells in immune regulation under normal and autoimmune conditions with particular emphasis on systemic lupus erythematosus. Based on preclinical and clinical data, B cells have emerged increasingly as both effector cells as well as cells with immunoregulatory potential.  相似文献   

Both B cells and dendritic cells (DCs) have been implicated as autoantigen-presenting cells in the activation of self-reactive T cells. However, most self-proteins are ubiquitously and/or developmentally expressed, making it difficult to determine the source and the exposure of autoantigens to APCs in a controlled manner. In this study, we have used an Ig transgenic mouse model to examine the mechanisms by which B cells and other APCs acquire and present lupus autoantigens in vivo. Targeting a lupus autoantigen, the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle D protein, to the BCR activates autoreactive T cells in the periphery. Our in vivo studies demonstrate that autoantigen-specific B cells, when present in the repertoire, are the first subset of APCs to capture and present self-proteins for activating T cells. Thereafter, DCs acquire self-Ag and become effective APCs for stimulating the same subsets of autoreactive T cells. This mechanism provides one explanation of how early steps in autoimmunity can focus responses, via BCR, at a small group of self-proteins among the total milieu of intracellular self-proteins. Subsequently, DCs and other professional APCs may then amplify and perpetuate the autoimmune T cell response.  相似文献   

The genetic susceptibility to murine alpha TBM disease is a dominant trait that maps to H-2K. In previous studies we have shown that the critical difference between susceptible (SJL) and nonsusceptible (B10.S(8R] mice is the phenotype of the tubular Ag-specific effector T cells (TDTH). In SJL mice, these TDTH are Lyt-2+, whereas in B10.S(8R) mice the TDTH are L3T4+. These phenotypic differences have an important functional correlate: Lyt-2+ TDTH are nephritogenic, whereas L3T4+ TDTH are typically not nephritogenic. Both mouse strains have the potential to differentiate both L3T4+ and Lyt-2+ TDTH. The preferential selection of a single TDTH phenotype in each is the result of differential T cell regulation. In the present studies, we have examined the contribution of suppressor and contrasuppressor T cells in the regulation of TDTH phenotype selection. Our studies show that in both SJL and B10.(8R) mice, after exposure to Ag, a suppressor T cell subpopulation functions to inhibit the nephritogenic Lyt-2+ TDTH. In SJL, but not B10.S(8R) mice, this suppression is counterbalanced by Lyt-2+, Vicia Villosa lectin-adherent T cells. Such contrasuppressor function is mediated through a T cell-derived soluble protein (TcsF), which is Ag-binding and recognized by alpha I-JS antisera. This functional TcsF activity maps, as does susceptibility to disease, to H-2K. In the presence of genetically compatible TcsF, the TDTH phenotype in nonsusceptible mice switches to that of susceptible mice. These Lyt-2+ TDTH from nonsusceptible mice are fully capable of inducing tubulointerstitial nephritis following adoptive transfer. Our studies describe a new role for Tcs cells and augment our understanding of their etiopathogenetic role in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

It is well established that autoreactive B cells undergo negative selection. This stands in paradox with the high frequency of so-called natural autoreactive B cells producing low affinity polyreactive autoantibodies with recurrent specificities, suggesting that these B cells are selected on the basis of their autoreactivity. We previously described two transgenic mouse lines (with and without IgD) producing a human natural autoantibody (nAAb) that binds ssDNA and human Fcgamma. In the absence of human IgG, nAAb-transgenic B cells develop normally. By crossing these mice with animals expressing knockin chimeric IgG with the human Fcgamma, we now show that the constitutive expression of chimeric IgG promotes the increase of nAAb-expressing B cells. This positive selection is critically dependent on the presence of IgD, occurs in the spleen, and concerns all mature B cell subsets, with a relative preferential enrichment of marginal zone B cells. These data support the view that soluble self-Ags can result in positive clonal selection.  相似文献   

The genetic susceptibility was compared in six mouse strains to both postthymectomy (post-Tx) autoimmune orchitis, induced by thymectomy at Day 3, and postvasectomy (post-Vx) autoimmune testicular lesions, induced by bilateral vasectomy with ligation at 2 months of age. Results from mice examined at 4 months of age showed that the strain distribution of the post-Vx testicular lesion was similar to that of post-Tx orchitis. The SWR/J strain was susceptible, the DBA/1J, C57L/J, BALB/cJ and probably C57BL/10J strains were resistant, and the A/J strain was intermediate. Anti-sperm antibodies (IgG) were produced to varying degrees in all strains of vasectomized mice irrespective of the testicular lesion. Neither the development of the testicular lesion nor antibody formation was associated with the particular H-2 haplotypes of mice in either system. Neonatal thymectomy significantly enhanced anti-sperm antibody formation in the post-Vx system and resulted in a mild testicular atrophy in a resistant strain BALB/cBy. All these data suggest that a gene(s) outside the major histocompatibility complex may determine the genetic susceptibility to testicular autoimmunity, possibly at the testicular level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Several studies indicate that people of the Fulani ethnic group are less susceptible to malaria compared to those of other ethnic groups living sympatrically in Africa, including the Dogon ethnic group. Although the mechanisms of this protection remain unclear, the Fulani are known to have higher levels of Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibodies of all Ig classes as compared to the Dogon. However, the proportions of B cell subsets in the Fulani and Dogon that may account for differences in the levels of Ig have not been characterized. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, venous blood was collected from asymptomatic Fulani (n=25) and Dogon (n=25) adults in Mali during the malaria season, and from P. falciparum-naive adults in the U.S. (n=8). At the time of the blood collection, P. falciparum infection was detected by blood-smear in 16% of the Fulani and 40% of the Dogon volunteers. Thawed lymphocytes were analysed by flow cytometry to quantify B cell subsets, including immature and naive B cells; plasma cells; and classical, activated, and atypical memory B cells (MBCs). RESULTS: The overall distribution of B cell subsets was similar between Fulani and Dogon adults, although the percentage of activated MBCs was higher in the Fulani group (Fulani: 11.07% [95% CI: 9.317 - 12.82]; Dogon: 8.31% [95% CI: 6.378 - 10.23]; P=0.016). The percentage of atypical MBCs was similar between Fulani and Dogon adults (Fulani: 28.3% [95% CI: 22.73 - 34.88]; Dogon: 29.3% [95% CI: 25.06 - 33.55], but higher than U.S. adults (U.S.: 3.0% [95% CI: -0.21 - 6.164]; P<0.001). Plasmodium falciparum infection was associated with a higher percentage of plasma cells among Fulani (Fulani infected: 3.3% [95% CI: 1.788 - 4.744]; Fulani uninfected: 1.71% [95% CI: 1.33 - 2.08]; P=0.011), but not Dogon adults. CONCLUSION: These data show that the malaria-resistant Fulani have a higher percentage of activated MBCs compared to the Dogon, and that P. falciparum infection is associated with a higher percentage of plasma cells in the Fulani compared to the Dogon, findings that may account for the higher levels of P. falciparum antibodies in the Fulani.  相似文献   

The BAFF system plays a key role in the development of autoimmunity, especially in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This often leads to the assumption that BAFF is mostly a B cell factor with a specific role in autoimmunity. Focus on BAFF and autoimmunity, driven by pharmaceutical successes with the recent approval of a novel targeted therapy Belimumab, has relegated other potential roles of BAFF to the background. Far from being SLE-specific, the BAFF system has a much broader relevance in infection, cancer and allergy. In this review, we provide the latest views on additional roles of the BAFF system in health and diseases, as well as an update on BAFF and autoimmunity, with particular focus on current clinical trials.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of the T cell-dependent Ab response can lead to numerous immunological disorders, ranging from systemic lupus erythematosus to B cell lymphomas. Cellular processes governed by MHC class II proteins play a major role in this response and its dysregulation. The extent to which processes controlled by the diverse family of MHC class I proteins impact such autoimmune and neoplastic disorders, however, is less clear. In this study, we genetically dissect the contributions of individual MHC class I family members and the pathological processes under their control in the systemic lupus erythematosus-like disease of BXSB.Yaa mice and B cell lymphomagenesis of SJL mice. This study reveals a powerful repressive regulatory axis comprised of MHC class I-dependent CD8(+) T cells and NK cells. These results indicate that the predominant role of the MHC class I protein family in such immunological disorders is to protect from more aggressive diseases.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with mouse chimeras demonstrated that cellular competition for antigen-specific survival signals plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the naive B cell repertoire. Transgenic (Tg) B cell populations in these chimeras have a shortened lifespan and poor competitive abilities as compared to more diverse non-Tg populations in the same mice. We develop a mathematical model to investigate the mechanism of B cell competition. The model allows for various B cell clones, generated in the bone marrow, to go into the peripheral circulation, where they compete specifically for various ligands providing survival signals. In the model we also find the observed poor competitive abilities of the Tg repertoire. Investigating the nature of the competition in the model, we find that most of the competition is "intraspecific" occurring largely within the clone of truly Tg B cells, and within the repertoire of leaky Tg and non-Tg B cells. This is confirmed by analysing a simplified version of the model, which only allows for intraspecific competition, and resembles a simple ecological model with density-dependent death. The fact that our model accounts for the data, casts doubt on a previous interpretation of the same data arguing that more diverse repertoires outcompete repertoires of lower diversity. Here, we conclude that most of the data can be explained with intraspecific competition, and formulate an experimental prediction that allows one to distinguish between the previous interpretation of inter-specific competition between repertoires, and the current interpretation of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Under healthy conditions, there is a balance between tolerance to self-tissue constituents and immunity against foreign antigens. Autoimmunity diseases (AD) take place when that equilibrium is disrupted and the immune response is directed to self-antigens, leading to injury or destruction of host tissues. The mechanisms conducing to the loss of immune tolerance remain largely unknown. The recent appearance of biological therapies has contributed to significant reduction in morbidity. However, currently available therapies are associated with important side effects and work only as palliative treatments. Dendritic cells (DCs) have emerged as key players in developing and maintaining adaptive immunity due to their capacity to prime and modulate T cell function. Therefore, because DCs work as central modulators of immune tolerance, it is likely that alterations in their function can lead to the onset of autoimmune-inflammatory diseases. By modulating DC function, novel pathways in antigen-specific tolerance could be established. In this article, the possible contribution of altered DC-T cell interactions to the onset of autoimmunity are discussed. In addition, we expand on the notion that some of the functions of these cells could be relevant targets for intervening therapies aimed to restore the balance or even prevent the loss of tolerance.  相似文献   

Disruption of positive selection of thymocytes causes autoimmunity   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To differentiate into T cells, immature thymocytes must engage, through their antigen-specific T-cell receptor, peptides derived from self proteins presented by cortical epithelial cells in the thymus, a process called positive selection. Despite this requirement for self-recognition during development, mature T cells do not normally show autoreactivity. Mice injected in the thymus with procainamide-hydroxylamine, a metabolite of procainamide, develop autoimmune features resembling drug-induced lupus. Here, we show that when thymocytes undergo positive selection in the presence of procainamide-hydroxylamine, they fail to establish unresponsiveness to low affinity selecting self antigens, resulting in systemic autoimmunity.  相似文献   

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